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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1907)
TIIE OREGOII DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND.' ' FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 15,' 1907.- GARRETZ IVILL DECOFalES PASTOR OF CITY CHURCH Rev, Paul Rader to Occupy the Pulpit of the Hassalo8treet . Congregational. ; THE WEST COAST SALVAGE AND WKECEaMG.CO.'S m mm State Will Have His Mental Con- : ditlon Investigated, Regard lets of the Defense. , of the Johnson-Halliman Stock of Council Bliiffs, Iowa' ANTON CROHS SEEMS PLACE HAS BEEN VACANT FOR SEVERAL MONTHS V . :. TO BE NEARINQ END IS;a?H& BIGGEST KIND OF A SUCCESS ' Hl-ley, .Second Victim, ! Km . Good ";' Chaaoe of '' Recovery If Soptio y " : - Poisoning Doe Not, Complicate Wbes Mr.' Rader Reolgned ' From Saperintendeaey, of Aatl-Salooo Leagno Ho InOmatod That Ho ; Would Eator EnUirlyewFleld. mMiA mm "Brain torna" evidently will b tb defense of. Peter Garret. " th'' young mill band who shot and wounded Aston Oroha, proprietor f th Spokane sa loon; James Hlgley " and Jobs Oavln Tueeday evening. Hta attorney filed notion for aa order allowing the de fendant to be examined by phyelolaoa .aa to tola mental condition. In the polio oourt Uila morning, but at the requeat f Deputy District Attorney Haney the matter wee set for argument tbt after noons - , . f. ' Thla aotlon doee not'oom aa a'aur prlee. for. aa published axeluelvely la The Journal laat evening, be made ap plication' to Cblef Gritsmaober for par mission to bar three attentate examine bla client yesterday. The-head of the polloa department rafuaed to grant the desired permlaalen and th lawyer then took tb matter up with Plstrlet . At torney Manning. The latter, of Aolai alao refused to acoed t the request. Ac cordingly the attorney for tb. defena uaa no viner aiiernauve inaa ;pw either to Judg Cameron .or tba. efroult oourj. v ' .' WUX Bsaaate Oa-sota. '' Xputy District Attorney Haney a discussing the - matter' atated that bla only. reason in asking for a oontlnuane of the motion until later In tb day was oUly for the purpose of looking into tb matter. "If th law prorldea that aueh action eaa be taken tb dis trict attorney efflce will tnternoaa no - objection, but 1 did not want to decide th point without consulting aomo au thorities. At any rate, District Attorney Manning has -made arrangement to hare Dr. ' A. C. Smith examine Oarreti ' Irrespective' 6f any action taken by the defena." . ...... . ', Considerable Interest baa been arouaed by th demand to bar th youthful . deaperado examined by several mental experts, aa thla phase of medical Juris prudence la being given much promt- nenoe In connection with th Thaw trial In New York..- J-"-' "It la no more than Jus"'r bla at torney, "that we should know at this time" If Garrets la mentally Incompe tent. , If . the reputahl pbyaloalna wbo . examine the defendant And that be la Insane I will Immediately . ooramenoe proceeding to have him adjudged ao afoorriinar ta law.- ' The examination at r.thta ' time will certainty d ho barm no wui - nave greater wiih wb 11 .on a month from now." , c! iH- cob area dMih, ' "' At"thood Samaritan hospital, where ,. Anton Oroha Ilea in an unconscloua con dition. It 1e th opinion that tb i "PAnnot poeslbly, .recover., - Hi oonduion . became alarming laat night but ' thla . morning there; waa a alight lmprove ' ment, although thla might Indicate, ao- ooraing to. th surgeons, that tb ana is - sear. : Jamea Hlgley, who la being attended by Dr. Bpenoer, former city physlelan. . la reported to be resting easily aad If no symptoms of eeptla poisoning eoour . by tomorrow, bla ohanoee of reoovery will be greatly Increased. " - Garrets still preserves a surly silence ' In bla cell at the city prison and refuses "to make any statement. He eata heartily iut does not sleep well and la extremely nervous. Home of. hla friend brought him clean linen and undergarments this morning, but before tb artlolea were given to th prisoner' they were thor oughly searched fqr poleon or weapons, aa th' desperate character of Garrets 1 too well known for th polio officials to take any chances. . , - ST. PATRICK'S . CONCERT I AS CHURCH BENEFIT Musical - and Literary Program Has Been Prepared for Ren dition This Evening.- V ,,. Tor the benefit of St. Mary's church, a St Patrick's concert will be bald in th Keller-Mueller ball, Alblna, thla venlng. . March It. ' Professor Frank lionegan of Columbia university will preside and th following program will ,b presented: Quartet. -Believe Me, If All Those Endearing. Toung Charms," Maa Brea llne, Mae Collins, Scott Kent, Joe Tauscherj reoltatlon, "Brln'a Flag." children of St. Mary' echool, ' Evelyn Keating, Josephine Hoben. May Walsh, Agnea Sullivan. Ambroaln Amero, Lilian Tbomaa; vocal aolo, "Ktllarney," Miss Mae Breslln; reading, selected. Mlsa Bertha Wagner; address, "Ire land," Hon. Frank Davey; violin aolo, "Com Back to Erin." Mlaa Julia Burke: Qg?al aolo, "Kathleen Mavourneen," Mlsa I May Collins; vocal aolo, aeleoted, Mr. Frank D. Henneasy; quartet, "Oh, th Days Are Gone." .aBBaKasBsssMsamssjsaeMBBBBBWBMSMaiBSBBBaMBaal . ' Work on Kelso-Catlln Bridge. ' (Special DUpeteh The Jeanitl.) Kelso. Wash.. March IS Work on the new Kelao-Catlln auspenalon and draw bridge . progressing nicely. Burobam dt Byrnes' big plledrlver is at work .pounding In th pile for the middle pier and a soon aa thla la com- f leted actual work on th bride; atruc ur will be begun. Th bridge com pany expects to have th bridge open iior iraiiio some nm m aiaj. . . - , , v Exposition jOommlMloner Named. ' , Oeorael tpeelU Service.) '. Olrmnla. Wash.. March 15. Represen tative I P. Hornberger f Spokane waa oppolnted aa the rourtn memoer.or me Alaaka-Tuknn-Paelflo expoeltlon . state commtaalon hr Oovernor Mead yesterday fternooiii CASTOR I A lor Xaflmts and CMldren. ThiKInJ Yen Hais Always Ecugfet Blgnatwt of : B.Y. Paul Radar, wha ranentlv tn dared hla resignation aa general euper Intendent. of th Oregon Anti-Saloon league, waa unanimously elected pastor f tb Hassalo-etreet Congregational ohttroh last night. There was great n thualaam dleplayed in the selection of Rot. Mr. Radar, who will take up hla new dutle next Sunday. Th . eburoh umm ww wimooi a pastor sine laat July, when Rev. H. K. Ham tart. . Key. Mr. ,Radera realgnaUoo aa the neaa or in Aau-Salooa league waa ao oepted only Uat week after ho filled th poeltton for a year. Be gave as bla rea son that a mora lucrative field bad been offeree him l t- - . uM,u WU and it waa not arenaMJIv kanwa ontamplated accepting th . pastorate A Ik. 1 M wvnargai(ona4 onurcn. UNITE CHURCHES . . FIGHT AGAINST RUf.1 National Interchurch Temper ance Council to Work lire , spective of Denominations. :'i .' '. . ..... Unification of . ahureb tamneemaaa 2orkero la an organisation to. be know i the National - Interchnroh Temper aaoa council la tb plan - propoeed through tb First United Brethren church, of which Bev. H. C Sbaftar U pastor. ; The movement was set en foot Yes terday after receipt of 'a eommuni ca non rrom Fittaburc where similar Una for a oounoU have been adopted y. a eonf ereno In . aeealon thera rce- ommendlng th oooneratlon of waatern eburchaa Th council oronoae to earr on the fight against Intemperance in much th same channels aa those followed bv the Anti-Saloon league, only through tb oomblned efforte of all eburcbea. Irre spective or denomination. It hODes to secure quicker and more favorable re sults to tba causa Th article of agreement which have been forwarded from Pittsburg will be submitted to all eoMsiaaneai bodlea for approval. y.vMmm -' ;; pteNTinEj370CK.SSJ,DTOT!IE VEST COAST . toW i CCSTS 1100 ID Wt HOBS FEOn SMUIO aaaaMBaaasasjsBBjBjBjaaBtB Discrimination Comes ' HIeh Jo San Jose Roller Skating j Rink Proprietor. v (Jeeraal Beertal Bervle.) ' Ban Jose, Cel., March II It costs 110 to keep negroes out f skating rinks In this city. Robert Henderson, a negro, has been granted damage in that amount by Justice of th Peace Brown for wounded feelings due to a refusal of tb management of th Prin cess skating rink to admit him. justice Brown round that the penal code make it a damagabl offense to refuse admission to any piece of amusement n account of race or col or. Two witnesses testified that they had been admitted to tb rink Imme diately after the refusal of th defend ant to admit Henderson. Th latter waa told that a private party waa In progress at the time be dealred to go In. Attorneys for th rink will take an appX . . .. . Long before 9 o'clock, the hour set for the opening, clamoring thousands packed the streets and front of the store waiting for the opening tflfxL t 1 1 1 - 1 1- S . I t IV ? V, V i - M. ' gong. With over one hundred salespeople the crowds are so great that we can hardly wait upon alL But tomorrow we will haye more extra salespeople, wrappers ana casiuers, ana we nope to oe aDie to nanaie tne crowds in a proper manner, so IF YOU COULDN'T GET WAITED ON TODAY COME TOMORROW All the'bargains advertised in our full page ad yesterday still on sale. Thousands of new bargains just being unpacked will make the event a still greater and bigger success. But come, and come early if you want the best of these Bankrupt bargains, for the afternoon and evening crowds will be so great that you will almost have to wait on yourself. , 1 lc Men's and Women's 25c . Handkerchiefs go at. . . . . . a 10c and 15c Glass Tumblers-I -go-at-2cand , . . . 1 W Men's 25c and 50c fancy Aft Hose at 9c and... C Xadies' $5, Silk i CI A A Waists, fancy styles. $ lUv Ladies' $2 and $3 Muslin CQ-r Underwear. ............ 3s 49c Men's Work Pants, : worth '$1.50 and $2, pair - Men V-and rWoraens$2and- $3 "Shoes go at,, 98G 5000 Towels," worth up to . A 25c, go at . . . ; . . , .' .tIC Men's $1 and $1.25 Work 2 Z Shirts now ............ . .O O w Ladies', Embroidered Col Jars, worth to 25c.,... lc Ladies' $1 and $2 fancy 'J 1 Corset Covers ......... f.Odt "Ladies' Silk1 and Leather Belts, worth to $2 , Men's Summer Hats, all 50c C and $1 sorts....... ....... OL up to 25c, pair. all kinds, pair. Children's1 Hose, worth . i nr.... TtW Men's 25c and 50c Gloves, iir Ulv Men's - Fancy Suspenders,- Qw worth to 75c, pair . , . . . . . . y C ;Mens5cof''$fWory2! wear, all in 1 lot...., ....JutS 1 lot of Hat Trimmings, : L worth up to $1 ...... . . i ... 1 C Men's- Odd Coats from 'Tl g n $15 and $20 Suits, choice. 5000 Rugs, all. wool, 3 Aw worth to $2.5Q, at. . ... . . t7 V BANKRUPT SALE OB MEN'S GLOTHINQ Regular $40 Suits . One Price $11.45 Regular, $35 Suits .. One -Price - $9.63 Regular $25 Suits Regular $20 Suits Reg. $17.50 Suits r One Price One Price One Price ' $8.33 1 $6.85 r$5.5a Regular $15 Suits One Price $4.95 Regular $10 Suits -One Price 13.49 SECRETARY BENSON TO CALIFORNIA FOR HEALTrj (Special Dlapetch te The )oeraal.) Salem. Or.. March - 15. Secretary of State Frank W. Benson wui leave to morrow for a visit, of several months In California to regain hla health. - He returned Wednesday from -Newport. where he gained considerable strength, but not , enough to permit him to . resume the duties . of hla office. Dr. Lee R. Stelner may accompany htm to California, li, I Benson of Klamath rails wlU attend to. the dutle of tha secretary of stats' office la th ab- eence of bis brother. . . GIVES MORE POWER TO . " RAILROAD COMMISSION --(ooraal gparlal Serrtee.r v Olympla, Wash.. March H. Many Im portant measures have been enacted Into laws by the legislature, which cam to final adjournment late laat night " Larg additions to tha power of th state rail road commission war made, and a re' etprocal demurrage bill passed. An ap propriation of U.OOO.OOO for th Alaeka-Yukon-Faclfle expoeltlon waa made. Ad ditional powers were conferred on the tax commission. Tha actual work of the session waa concluded at noon yosterday, but both houses remained nominally in aeaalon until late laat night ao that all the bids could be engrossed and signed. DIVORCE FROM BONI IS A COSTLY LUXURY "." (Joe rail Special lervtae.) New York, March II. That Madam Anna Oould. as she Is now called, had received a bill for tlTC.OOO from Edmund Kelly, a Parisian advocate in th suit in which aha waa granted a divorce from Count Bon! D Castellan, and had re fused to pay the excessive demands la reported today. It was said that aha waa aupported In the refuaal by George Oould, her brother. When Interviewer oalled George Oould refueed to talk on th subject. At th office of Couldert Brot.. wbo, repreeent th Oould Intereets In PrancerXiorenso Sample, who le said to be going to Paris on th matter, also declined to apeak. Kelly formerly prac ticed law In New York. :'. . . AND EVERYTHING ELSE JUST AS CHEAP Bargains for all. The entire Johnson & Halliman Bankrupt Stock at almost any price. Our big ad yesterday gives a full list of the terrific bargains. ' Come and buy your fill. Come to THE BIQ SALE. DOORS OPEN AT TO-MORROW MORNINING. SALVAGE. 153 THE. WEST COAST AND WRECKING cOo NO MAIL ORDERS FILLED We are too busy to attend to " them. Come yourself and 55 North Third CORNER DAVIS OPEN TILL 10 O'CLOCK Saturday-night to wait on those who can't come during the day. INFANT PUSH CLUB WORKS FOR PAVEMENT AND FIRE PROTECTION - Some kind of fir protection la de manded by tha Nolta Progressive olub for th district surrounding th Pied mont carbarns. Tb elub declares that th city should provide something In the way of security agatnst fire a taxea ara aa high there as In" any por tion of th city and Insurance ratea higher.- The community Is a growing one and In tha direct Una of tha city s progrees towards th peninsula. J Th Nolta elub, aa yet but a few weaka old. haa been doing aora good work for th community and expects aoon to accomplish th permanent hn provement - of - KlUlngeworth avenue which It consider th moat Import ant thoroughfare dn th . pentneula Three attempts hare been mad to pro cur thla Improvement, but It baa aa man Unui been blocked by remon etrancea. , I Bltullthl pavement I de sired by the smaller property owners, but the holdera of Piedmont and Wal not park ara adverse to ma expenelve an Improvement. Tha property owner along th atreet kavo had a petltloa I be for tha oouncll sine February II, lfOt, for crushed rock but they are still wading In th mud. Tb club baa secured a promla from th water board to remove th water tanks on Willamette boulevard that keep that thoroughfare deep with mud from on year' a and to tb ther, dry weather notwithstanding. DECLAMATORY CONTEST FOR CHEHALIS COUNTY .. a " (Beeetal Otaeeceh te Te Jaeraal.) ' Aberdeen. Waah March 1-Th an nual oonteet. of tb Chahalla County High School Declamatory leagu will be held at Monteeano, Friday avenlng. April 11. A local contest to seleot a representative will be held toward th last of this month. At Monteeano tha achoolb of Aberdeen, Hoqulam, Monte eano, ? Elms, Coomopolls and Oakvllle will be represented. At th first annual eouteet held at Hooulasa laat year Bo Good Seecis . Each year brlnft ua Increased ordera for our aeads. Why? Bocauao w supply only those thai produce satisfactory and profitable crops, W know, after many years of iperlonce. wht sorts are best to plant" en this coast. Buy P. S. Co.'a "Diamond Brand" Seeds, the best for the West. Our now 100 ptg Annual Catalog and Seed Planter's Culd. No. iso free on rquegi. PORTLAND SEED CO. frlnd, Qreeea ' Teektee, Wuh. qulam earrled ff medal. tb prise, a gold For mild, easy action of th bowel a single dose of Dosn'a Reeulets Is enough. Treatment cures habitual con stipation. 16 cent a bos. Ask your druggist for them. . Accountant suspected of breach of trust Aberdi-ori, tVaih.. Vnrch IS. The co incident ll-nnrt-'f ft Arriu-,!nnt Ooorg ?.f. : ,ii i r t r ra-i i ar.k- ' YOUR GLASSES BO THXT mi If tberle ft SC. ACTLI rlckt. let as Bias an. aa we st res, we at yos SXacTlI. Long eiDarlaaea, mi arla. tin apparatus an lie Manlrae kaaw. twice eaablla ea to eafwtlf sae th earn, ear ewe caeiparte workasoe wit faellliy .. ua is ike srlaSa ef aperlal Wain are all at soar a., pnaal feara, aaaurlng a arvl M ana. thla with tkf kae htf"T eqalppe. AtaUv ee yaw glaaaae HI, ar aaarly Ml Ing rompenjr m I mony h 1 ' Naue iv of t'