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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1907)
THE OKEGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENINO. MACII 15, 1S07. 19 fJO SIGN OF, ANY HALT lhM I7ALLA : . CONVICTED LiEfl DISPUTE OVER SEWER REPAIRS ' 'aM-aaaMsMBieBSjB ' Executive Board Committee and ' C. F. Swtgert Talk on Con- . ; tractors' Morals. 11017 ALL HAVE IN BIG DEVELOPMENTS GAUCLERS FLEE - r lVILL APPEAL CEIIJG PROBED HarrimanV Extensive 1 Project Will Apparently' Proceed Ma nipulators Flurry In Stocks Jn Wall Street Will Not V y jN; Affect Oregon's Prosperity and Progress." : Tip Get to Street Before A( ; rests Are Made and Scares -Some Away. Nelson and : Danlelson Declare Phrase Popularized by Thaw Trial Becomes All the Rage In the Police Court. . Contractors Say That Govern-, ment Reclamation Engineers ; Have Mistreated Them. Case Against Them Trumped - UP by Police.", ; CHARGES Ml MUM SIORLIS . P. O'Brien, general manager, M4 ' Georg W Boaehke, chief engineer of the Harrlmarf nUrotd lines In Oregon, .went toSpokan reitudijt M consider ;Hiosgin -relating to th .reconstruct tlni" of waahed-out tracks in eastern Washington, and other repair matters. Regarding . statements ' attributed . U : Mr. OHrter.- regarding -tha UHptuef ; Improvement and new construction In Oregon, Colonel William Crooks.-of th general majiarer's orflce, said: ) . "1 have heard nothing of it. and do i Wt know how matter stand. I have read1 In the newepaper th statement " attributed to Mr. O'Brien.. I do, not know whether-he made them or not" , . Asked If It -wer probable the com? nany would abandon conatructlon of -the i Oregon Kaatern, from Natron to Vale of which corporation be .to ( president Colonel Crooka said: ' "I co not think ao. Th urvy are Just being finished and map have not ' yet been sent on to this office to be com . pleted. The line has. 1 Understand, been located only for th 19 mil, from -Val to Malheur lake." '"; m '' narry Wot T reT"'", ! -Telegraphic advice from New Terk today to Portland banker ar to th . affect that th stock market disturbance la believed to be over, stocks ax again ' ." taking a Arm ton and it la the opinion - of New Tork banking men ' that after the flurry ha passed conditions will be ' as good or better than aver. ' There' la seen In Portland no Indlca- tlon that the Wall street flurry ha In 'any way disturbed business conditions. The toneof th Portland realty market :ts as strong as aver, and perfect confl ,deno prevails In all lines of business. On of th bsavleat realty' dealers' In peninsula property aald: , "We have had a splendid week. We sold a great many lota on the penlnaula - yesterday and today. Even R-. B. Mil MAYOR'S MANDATE SAVES . HOLLADAY SCHOOL MAPLES Any person who cuts down shads tree ether than a poplar or a ootton ' wood wUl b arrested under th pro 1 vlmon of an ordinance passed three Tears ago. . Upon conviction a An of ' from t 2 may be Imposed or th , offender nay be Imprisoned from 1 to 19 day. v'''.;' ' . ' m Inatruetlon to thla effect have been ' given by Mayor Lane to th chief of ' polio. Some of th fin maples sur rounding th Holladay school were cut down a year , ago and upon petition $ from people living la th neighborhood . the-mayor stopped the slaughter. A almUar petition cams. in a few day ago and the mayor give the emphatlo In dorsement that translated Into th ten 1 guag of ,th day. mean "direct no FAILS TO STEAL ' MEXICAN GETS OUT HIS KNIFE Balked in iU attempt to steal a watch r, and chain from John Edwardsoa In ; Blaster's . north end saloon last v J nlng. Anton Coetello, a recant arrival from Mexico, slipped an open clasp knife up bla sleeve with th evident ' Intention of earring anyone who sought to arrest him for th attempted crime. T Coetello was picked up by Patrolman . ' Humphreys " at Third and Jimaid streets upon a description furnished by : Edwardsoa and th vUlganc of the .' biuecoat prevented his prisoner from SLEUTHS OF GOVERNMENT ARE , ; READY TO TAKE UP TRAIL AGAIN " i A speedy renewal ef ' aeUvttlea la -' government land Investigation and other secret service work to be don In connection with the of nee of th United - States . district attorney 1 shown by th return te Portland today i of the special agents working under T. .' B. Nenhaussn, inspector of th Interior department Tare men. Horace Ste vens. Joseph B. Marvin and James D. Watt, are already In th city, whtls . M. A. Meyendorff will reach her by '.Monday.-'"""""""' , 1 The men. member ef the staff ef FILL POSITIOHS OH CITY TICKET M , . 2 sasneassasai A" p ',A , .." . J 4 r ' Democrats Expect to Learn Def ' initely Just What Mayor V Lane Will Do. BISHOP BARCLEY IS ff..'..,V LATEST, POSSIBILITY 5 " a.t , fa Man. Fonne. ' Woodbnrs) y Being - li Boomed for . Mayoralty ITace on i 1 tlie Tlckefr--All ;. Eyos. Are . rpon ". "the rreaent ExecutlTe.'. ' ' T Democrats ef Portland ar ex pec tad to eather in larse number at Drew's hall e -Morrison atrert at o'clock tonight when a three-headed meeting win v held, under th auspice of th Toung Men's Democratic club. Wmbefs rrora ' th Multnomah Democratic club and ths Democratic county central committee will also attend the meeting, the object of which is to dlscuae plans for' th om1nr miitilrlpal eempsln snd the po 'sll'le Indoreement of candidate for th different rlly nf fleer. " """-' ' " Three committers hav been p pnlnid. one from ach of th clubs and .ne from th county rentral commute, ' for th purpo of seleotlng a list ef lar, general freight agent Of th Har rloian llnea. today bought four prospec tive business lota for spaculatlv hold Ing. That don't look much Ilk th Harrlman folk expected m slump" . Work QolBg Ahead, : ' ConstrucUon of the Drain Cooa bay at tention Is tinder direction of William Hood, chief engineer ofh Southern Pact do let 'San Francisco, arid no. of ficial announcement hae been given out aa to the probable successor of th G. E. Lose company in carrying out th construction contract." Local nglner of the Harrlman line fully egpeot that th work wU go forward, although they- have no advloaa on th subject Th building of th Southern Pacific company's Klamath Falls lln. from Weed to a connection with the Oregon Kaatern ! half completed and will be finished as fast a possible. ', ' Th Pacific', Railway Navigation company's lln from Hlllsboro to Till amook now being built by E. E, Lytl" la fully financed and will be carried forward. .-..' - ' -'' pvlopma WQi Continue. ' AH fund necessary for completion of th Portland-Balem lectrio lln of th Oregon Electric Railway company ar on hand, and conatructlon will b pushed without any possibility 01 financial an Acuities interfering. ..Th United Rail way company' line ar also nnancea snd under ; construction, t tm - atonnt Hood railway projected by E. f. ciara Is fully financed, and cannot encounter financial embarrassment ' . 80 far aa the beet Inform ea autnonuee oan foresee. Portland and Oregon ar bound . t continue uninterrupted th Immense development plans that ar now being carried forward by various group of financiers. ' Moat of Ikes large enter, prise ar too far advanced to b with draws at th whim of Wall street finan cial manipulator. - - - ' tion," 'Th polio got busy and th maples wer saved. "--,.. Under th ordinance protesting- trees. all ar tinder tb control of th park board. . Cottonwood ana poplar tree may . be rem oved by th oroer of th city- enrlneer. No , ornamental or shad tree may be cut down - by' any on without th permission of th bord. ' " .. - ' Many people believe that because they planted th trees th tree belong to them. Under th moral law they may, but legally they do not. A coord lng to rulings by attorney a man's nrooerty rights and at bla gat or his dorway-and what , ha. plants-outside of his fence becomes a part, of ' th public street and th property of the WATCH SO , bringing his knife Into play. CosteUo wvlnced a disposition to re sist an Humphreys, realising that tb man was desperate, quickly slipped th "bracelets" on his wrists. When searched at the city prison a knife three inches in length, sharpened to a rasor llke edge, was found secreted in on of hi coat sleeves. In 'the police court, Judg Cameron after Mtatentng to th story told by Edwardson and th pa trolman, promptly sentenced Coetello to SO days on th rock pile, ' - : Inspector Neuhausen. will be used by Mr. Neuhausen and District , Attorney Bristol In accumulating th '. evidence and detail on th cases to be Investi gated by th district attorney's office and also la securing a portion ef the evidence te be used la th trials now pending In th federal court , . Th man will be under th direction of th district attorney whenever he de sire to us them In "the preparation ef his cases and with their help will greatly facilitate th conduct t of th eases now watting to be either tried or Investigated by th grand Jury. candidates te be Indorsed by the organisations for their support at the primary election and afterward. It la expected that tb report of th commit- tee will be mad at the smoker to be held this evening. According to th ' gossip of political circle th Joint commltte would very much like tor hear from Mayor Lane be fore .making any step toward Indorsing any man for the office ef mayor, . Thy would Ilk to see the mayor make the race for reelection. It Is said, and ar waiting te hear hi announcement as te whether he Intend te make a second at tempt or not. In the event that Mayor tan decides not to run It la said that the combined organiser ar considering th qualifica tions or Bisnop Henry u Baroler. George H. Thomae and Alex "week as fast running campaigners. ' " Th posslbl candidacy of Bishop Bar clay Is givsn a good deal of prominence by a number of his friends. He mad a record when h lived at Wood burn a a political campaigner and since then ha stumped th state on several occasion He is an eloquent spesker and a bard fighter and many are of th belief that he would be a good working candidate t place at th heed of th party ticket la th c that Mayor Lane should not run. " . ' ......,.... . , . It la expected that th joint commit tee will make Its report tonight on all positions on th ticket with th possible exception -of mayor, where either no recommendation will be mad or Mayor bane -will be -Indorsed pending hts de ctslon ss to whether or not he Intends to run. . '.., , .' , . ,.. 1 Kew City Officers at Bnrng. Bums, Or., March I J. -In tb elty election at Burns the following officers were elected for the ensuing yean Mayor. Ben Brown: councllmen. V. J. Hopkins and George Hngey: recorder, M. tm Lewis; treasurer. Emmett Read; marshal, Tom Anderson. r ' , . BUT MOST. REMAIN TO : . TAKE WHAT IS COMING Ministers and .Business Men f la Morement to Enforce State Law inJ,Bpiiyjt... rifyIVotectloia-; Bonds of fSOO Fnnisbed.'';'' (Specter Mepetee te The JesrasL) , Walla Walla. Wash., March 15. On charges of conducting or being em ployed In gambling bouses, warrants were Issued yesterday at th Instance of Prosecuting Attorney Otto B. Rupp against Charles McOulre, Percy Waldan. Ed Smalley, W. Flndley Jones, Mike Smith. Andy Evans,. Ras Kees. O. Caw lntsh, Fagln Scott and Jack Hayden, Tb story of th contemplated . ar rests was permitted to get Into the pa pers,' however, and was on th streets before the men wer taken Into cus tody, and Bcott, Smith and Cavlnlsh es caped, supposedly Into Oregon. Scott waa given a up ana jumpea on,nia 01- cycle and fled before th officers ap peared. 1 , Leading ettlsena. worth ItoO.tO. went on th bonds of th remainder for 150 It la rumored that ether prominent liquor dealers and others will be art rested ' and ' a systematic warfare be gun. -Judge Brents thinks It unneces sary to call a Jury, as requested by tb county attorney.- . Mats Behind the ICovameat. . . 'aiI the men named in th complaints ar well known her. It 1 claimed that McOuir. Kees, Smith, Jonea and Cav lnlsh conducted their wn games, while Hayden, Evans, Wslden and Smalley simply dealt for othera. An organisation composed of minis ters and business men of the city baa, with the assistance of a private detec tive, been quietly collecting evidence for week It Is claimed by those back of th movement that the games have been conducted for several weeks and In some cases violations hav - been open, with money on the table. Gambling has been permitted ' by Mayor Kellough's administration to run wide open since hi election last July. Oamblan Tnouga .They Wer Saf. ' Complaints war sworn to before Deputy Prosecuting Attorney John Mo Donald by A. L. Williams, - a - local blacksmith. Conducting a poker game is a epeclflo charge in each case. Second only to th sensational arrests will be th disclosure of th names of th persons who ar witnesses. Many of tnem hold high positions In soclsty. Th arrests ar a Bombshell in th gambling rank, whose members con. aldered themselves safe under th pro tection of th city administration. Under th laws of this state, any per son convicted of conducting a, gambling house or .being - employed,,- therein is llabl to be sentenced to a term la th penitentiary., f . , , s DOVn GAUHTLET Tell Union Men They Must Re- cede From Demands or Build-: K ",7;"". ,ni Will Stop. " r tBseelal DUoatek te The Jearaslt '' SeatUe, March It. Th gauge of bat tle was thrown ' dowa today by th Master Builders' association, compris ing practically all of th building con tractors of th city, when they gav th building trades assembly, comprising the allied trades Unions of th city, until Monday, March 1. to adjudicate their wag demand a, falling In which the builders will stop every piece of work la th city, throwing more than ,000 workmen out ef employment. Th union has been demanding ft per day for common labor and assistant, n advance of 88 cents per day.- Re cently a test case waa made by the builders when they placed - non-union common labor at work en a four-story apartment house which was being eon. Struct ed by Jenkins . eV Jones. They gav the men tt.10 per day and dis charged th anion laborer who war framing things up for aa increase In wsges on April L ,'., - Tb work had gone on but a few day when th building trades assembly took cognisance of th fact and yesterday ordered all carpenters and other skilled labor te quit unless th union men were reinstated.- Th reply cam today when th builders' association declared that th demand would hav to be recalled or they would stop . absolutely . every building operation tn the city. : NEW PASTOR HAS . : REACHED CITY . Dr. William R. Foulkea, the new pas tor of th First Presbyterian church, reached the city this afternoon from Clinton, Iowa, and will preach his first sermon to his new charge Sunday morn ing next. Dr. Foulke come to fill the pulpit made vacant by tb resignation of Dr. E. P. Hill, who went eaat after several years of service In th city. SMELT IN COLUMBIA : RIVER AT VANCOUVER ' ' ftpeetal Dlapatck fa The JearaaLV ' Vancouver, Waas., March 1. For the Arat time In six or seven years and tb second tlm In II ysars smelt are running tn the Columbia river at thla city. They wer first ' noticed yester day forenoon, and by night t down or more local resident wer out catching them in great quantltlea ' : A a general thing smelt get bo far ther up th river than Kalaraa.When they do come farther up they are gen erally of aa Inferior quality, but thoee caught 1 her yesterday and .today ere excellent " Seagulls by hundreds ar making prey of the smelt on th sooth shore of th river near th Jetty Just east of th Vancouver ferry landing. They get la behind th Jetty and flounder around In th shallow water, only to be thrown out en tb sand and devoured by tb seagull, r.. ,1, : ? ' - -'; . wVm ' " VERDICT MANSLAUGHTER FOR ONE, MURDER OTHER On This Ground It Is Probable) the Attorney for the Defense' Will BsoXleJr . AJJcfctlon TbatVyr. diet Returned la Illegal. .-' . ' . . ' Dd Nelson and O. H. Daniel eon. who war found guilty yesterday of killing Oscar Lindgren. ar anxious that Qus Peterson, their confederate named in th Indictment returned against them, return to Portland and tell what he knows of their movemente that night. Peterson disappeared a few days after Lindgren was shot and . has not been seen alnoe. - . Boti men wer angry this morning when seen at th eounty Jail, and Dan ielson. who it a slight, llght-halred Swede, could not control his vole as he protested his innocence. Tears walled Into his eyee a h repeated ever and over again that h was not guilty. ' He aid that neither he nor Nelson were at Llndgren's saloon when th ahoorlng occurred, and that they ar both Inno cent of th crtm. - .' - - - ' Dan lei eon seemed unabl to compre hend why he had been .convtoted. He has always been firm In th belief that h would be acquitted and th verdict returned by th Jury waa a great shock to him. . WUl Tight t or Freedom, 5 ' 'Both men .are determined- to fight for their freedom ao long as there I a chane to obtain It They will ask for a new . trial at one. Lawyer Seneca routs, who was appointed by th court tn defend Danlelaon, Is equally certain that his client Is Innocent, and said this morning that h would fight the case to th and.' W. W. Banks, who defend ed Nelson, will also ask for a new trial for bis client. . . . . Nelaon and Danlelaon alleged this morning that th whol case haa- been trumped up against them by th police, and that . they ar' almply being rail roaded to th penitentiary. ; They were angry this morning at th Jury's ver dlot. and declared it unjust. ' Th Jury found Nelaon guilty of mgr- ider In th second degree and Danlelson guilty of manslaughter. Th statute provide that Nelson's punishment shall be life Imprisonment, wbll Danlelson will be sentenced to serve from on to IB years tn th penitentiary. Terdlot May Be Illegal. " What chances the men hav for se curing a new trial ar problematical. A contention haa been raised that' th verdict waa Illegal In that, whll on of tb men could hav been found guilty and th other acquitted, the Jury had no light to find one guilty of one crtm and- his -oonf ederate. guilty of another, Th trial of Nelaon and Danlelson was held- before- Judge- Fraser-ia- -the -state circuit court and lasted alx days.- The men were charged with killing Oscar Lindgren at hie- saloon tn the Garfield hotel January I. Th defense set up aa alibi, which th Jury evidently refused to accept. Th as waa given te th Jury yesterday afternoon' at 1:61 and the verdict waa announced shortly after o'clock Inst night. Th state was rap resented In the trial by Deputy District Attorney Burt Haney and Ou C Moser. GREAT NORTHERN iiOAD -PROSECUTED IN MONTANA Charged ' With Keeping Horses in Cars Longer Than Twenty- -. ; Eight Straight Hours. (Bpeetal Dispatch Tse fesrssL) Helena, Mont, March' 15. The first suit brought In Montana under th act of congress of UOt providing that live stock sbould not be kept la cars while In tranalt for a period longer than M eon-, secutive hours waa brought by the gov ernment In the federal court against th Great Northern Railroad company today. Judgment for IS0O and costs Is asked. The complaint allege that Sptk aV Ben nett loaded at Hillyard, Washington, in horse upon five railroad ear belonging to th Great Northern, for th purpose of carrying th horse from Hillyard through Idaho .and Montana to Alberta, Canada.'" " It Is alleged In the complaint that th railroad was not prevented from unload ing th animal for th purpose ef rest, water and feeding by a storm or ether unavoidable causes, which could not hav been anticipated or avoided by exercis ing due dlllgenc and foresight Several of th animals died, having been kept on the cars for it hours. Other suits are to follow. . :. .' . - ' - -.. : v , v GOVERNMENT WINS FROM ' STANDARD OIL AGAIN (Jearnai Soeetsl BerTlea.) ' ' ' ' Chicago, March 1B.-A sweeping vic tory was won for the government this afternoon. Federal juag Lanais aeoia Ing that th contentions of .th Standard OU company ar not good, and th com Danv must stand trial on th merit of ths case. , It Is stated that all that re- malns ' for the government to do is te offer perfunctory proof that the Stand ard OU people aocepteo a re Date lor rat lower than , the legal rat, . and . a conviction must follow. ,; : Industrial Peace Board Named, (Jnarssl Bpertsl Bervtee.) '' Washington.- March . II. Prealdent Roosevelt today completed th board for th promotion of Industrial peace . by appointing a representatives of tha general public Seth Low of New Tork and Thomas t. uuen 01 AJaoama. THIRD FILTER FOR 1 r ' .1 CITY WATER WORKS ' (ftpeelet Dtspatek i Tbe Jeerael.) Oregon City, Or Maroh II Material for the third filtering apparatus tor th cltv works ha begun to arrive, and will soon be Installed. . When th filtering J riant was built five years ago room was eft for a third filtering apparatus when on should, become .necessary, Th Increase la th number of water consumers makes It Imperative that ad d'.tlonal filtering faclllUe be added to the plant to facilitate th work during th coming summer. .1 . .. - PACIFIC BRIDGE COMPANY'S BILL FINALLY ALLOWED i. Mavor Lane Suggest That Any Con tractor Who Does . Not Tell That Ground Is Kot Solid Should Be Prevented From Doing City Work "Here, Mr.- Mayor, ypu apok of good morals. That's not right ' Th . ques tion Is hypothetical and th people, be lieving your .word, will think we are a tot or awinaiera. nypoineuca ques tions will be accepted as facts. I wish to protest agalnat your etatement" Thus snoke Charles F. swtgert. presi dent of tbe Pacific Bridge company, at the meeting of th sewer committee of th executive-board this morning. T think you did not understand my statement," calmly replied the mayor. When I sook of good morals i aio. not mesa th phrase to apply to your company. I meant It to apply to any contractor who did a Job for me and didn't do It right That man need never apply to me again." ,. . . ' XnspeeUoa Hot Trecneat, ' . The conversation between, the mayor and the bridge president arose from a dispute ever a bill of I1.4M due tb company. . Th big Irvlngton wer naa caved tn at Williams avenue and naa Rafael street and th company had mad repairs t th. extent of tlSi. TbS claim was disputed by. th city. Th company had proved to the city, however, that tbe break was not due te any fault In conatructlon on Its part Its enaineers had aaked tne city in spector the amount of concrete- to be laid at a given point and he naa namea It That relieved the company : of an liability. -U.--...; ... : "He won't astaln." said City sngmeer Taylor, when h heard th story. "Whll I am city engineer not anotner ug ewer will be built unless I oan have an engineer there te Inspect It at least once a day. I have an engineer en the Brooklyn sewer now, "The IrvlnaTton Was sianea oeiore my tlm and even If it had been begun during my term I could not hay as signed aa engineer to It because X did not have the engineers to eend out We have - been short of mea because it la onlv lately that the elty haa be gun to pay anything like the salaries that engineers coum gee iroia pniM. corporations." ' Mr. Taylor said iioo,anouia o ue dueted from the bill on account of a charge for a timekeeper. m "That s a question or gooo monus. said .Commissioner Cogswell, wnue Prealdent Bwlgert's race was turning to a deep red.' "unaer tne sw euih- pany Is, hot required to give ua pc" - - ' I V"-- -mWUMmrr mstatas Swlgut. believe." Said Commissioner Mc Pherson. nhat- if - a contractor -did .not tll m that th ground was not. solid h. would never again get a joo ra "if ha did not ten ma tn grouno was solid bafor he started In work." said ths mayor, "b would ouua no mors Henri for me. ' ' "Wk. Tnsneetor ' Wllkl saia in ground was solid, that relieved th com- m il.Ktll- mtA rntv At. torney McNary. : "Ha had been sent there as tha reoresentatlv of tb olty. and whan he told th contractor that a certain amount of concrete ruling waa necessary h simply performed hi of ficial duty, and when th contractor oomplied with his orders he compiled with the spirit ana tne letter or toe law.' "The contractors might bo forced to do the right thing by their con sciences. There - Is- no fault In their claim, and It muat be allowed." 7 ay voasoeae. mmm,. "We put la a biU only for th actual cost of our labor and material.- saia Mr. Swlgert rthr hotly. "Our oon sclencqs are not troubling ua To show you we are aU right we'll glv th city all th material left over. I don't like this talk about good morale.- "Nona ef It was addressed to yon or your company. Mr. Swlgert". said Mr. Lane tn the tons which be uses when he call a belligerent councilman to order. Commissioner Cogswell Interrupted th conversation with a motion that the bill be paid. - Ad error of Judgment had been committed on th part of th city. he said, and ha believed th claim should b allowed. -.The motion was carried and the eemmlttee adjourned. ' - REDEMPTIONISTS TO . . : . CONDUCT MISSION The " congregation of Holy - Cross church. Portsmouth, has completed preparations for a week's mission, whloh has been announced by tbe pastor, Father Thlelman. to begin next Sunday. It will be eenducted . by Redemptlonlst missionaries, whoss excellent work tn this lln haa produced wonderful re sults In the church. The exercise will open with solemn high mass at 10:lt a. m. next Sunday. . ' Th sermon will be given by the mis sionaries, who will also announce th hour of th other exercises during tbe mission. Tomorrow morning there will be a .solemn requiem mas offered at th church for tb repose of the mother of Rev. Hugh Gallagher, C. 8." C ef Columbia university, word - ef ' whose death la Ireland wag recently received. CHARGE IS SLAUGHTERING k v V WITHIN CITY LIMITS . 'Joe Bodura was arrested lat night, and Jo Blampfer this morning, on war rants charging them with conducting a slaughter-house within th elty limits. It is alleged . that the defendant ar th owner of as abattoir In Center addition, and, contrary to th city ordi nance, slaughtered animals la th place. Both men are out on ball,' and tha case comes up for hearing tomor row. t " i .. : - '.'..; NO LUNACY EXPERTS STUDY GARRETZ' MIND Judge Cameron this afternoon denied th petition of th attorney ' for Peter Oarrets for th appointment ef aa ex amining commission of alienists to de termine the sanity of the prisoner ac cused of attsmptsd murder: - The Judge stated that he would not allow th ap pointment of a lunacy comjnlsslon, but that If th prisoner wss sic k and needed medical attention he could Tiav all th ministration necessary, v . It waa "brala storm" In the police court Tb Thaw defena has lately become much In vogu among all classes ef offenders baled Into the mu nicipal Juatlc foundry, with varying degree of success. Kveryone from tb habitual drunkard to th ubiquitous burglar pleaded "brain storm" In miti gation of punishment Th anoleat and hackneyed salutation, "Good morning; have yeu weed -Peach's. jKpT". has given way to "How's your brain storm T" Mrs. L. D Kinder, arrested on com plaint of L. G. Blmon. who accused her of . using several "unladylike" exple tlves, was adjudged guilty of the of fense charged, but the case was con tinued for sentence. Upon taking th atand in her own behalf th woman stated that her head had been bother-, Ing her lately, and ah thought that ah surely - muat- hav been suffering from a "brain storm" at tne time of the dif ficulty with Blmon..- ; ' rK " v Kade SOaa Sato JKease. ' John - Sptllman, -who .effected en en trance to th houae of A. Wilde at Twenty-fourth and Nicole! streets sev. eral nighu ago, and was charged with burglary, pleaded that he was also a sufferer from- "Tiraln storm," superin duced by overindulgence la liquor. BpUlman entered tb residence through a - kitchen window and was Uken Into cnetody by two roomers in th house after he had gone into hid ing In ths, woodshed. From th cir cumstances brought out this morning It appeared te Judge Cameron that Spill man's plea of "brain storm" waa well founded, and ne continued the case In definitely. ; -.' -v aroemhaadl Canoed XV .'-' Ernst P. Croner. who was arrested for trespass on complaint of Mrs. Ex ley of 10 East Twelfth street and who subsequently had her son. John Ex ley. apprehended on ' a charge of threat agalnsfllfe, was tried this morning. On the stand the other day Croner declared that Mrs. Exley had struck blm on the head with a broomhandle, and gave It aa his opinion that she was troubled with "brain storm." This feature of the esse was not gon Into today, but haa been reserved for th hearing tomorrow. - - - SELLWOODITES WANT FUEL' GAS Canvass Shows That Bion Hag v Over Eight Hundred Home and " Four Thonaaad People. A canvass of Beltwood mad by a eon mlttee from the Bellwood beard of trad has found that' there are in that suburb 83$ houses and approximately a popula tion of 4.00 people. The caavaa was mad originally to determine what might be expected as a fair return, for capital Invested tn a gas plant- that will manu facture gas from th wast ofthe mill established , on th waterfront at U WOOd. i.'. ; , ' ' ' - , Very noouragtng resulU were reported at the meeting of the board' of trad last night and th ordinance granting a franchise to th new company will be introduced In the city council this after noon. The committee that haa the can vas in - charge Is composed of L. J. Hicks, J. W. jCampbell and Major BelL Tb new gas company financed by J. M. Nlckum. James Steel and Mr. Adams will only endeavor to furlnah gas for fuel, heating and power purpose. Nearly all the people In th suburb hav signi fied their willingness to take the gas at the stipulated price M cents a thouaand cubic feet .'iV , ' '. The delegation that will attend' th confederated club from tb Bellwood Board of Trade Include Dave M. , - w r-.mK-ii f"'x mw- 7 rvT w-'k.,.. . " ' C SCANDINAVIAN UNION ' . REVIVALS WILL CONTINUE After a most . rousing Scandinavian union revival meeting in ' the Baptlat church last night. In which a goodly number professed conversion,- Rsv. C. J. Larsea preached and several ether ministers and laymen took part, th chairman,' Rev. John Oven, called' th committee from ' the church of th different denomination together, and it was unanimously decided that th meetings shall continue In th aaveral churches for at least four week longer. This revival Is said to be the greateet ever witneeeea aomng tn Scandinavian people In Portland. . HUMMEL AT LAST TELLS OF EVELYN'S AFFIDAVIT -- ' ." fJaornal BMdal Harries, t ' New Tork, March IS -Minute details ef Abe Hummel's preparation ef th famous affidavit In which Evelyn Thaw Is said to have eharged Harry with beating her, was brought out this afternoon- by IUstrlot Attorney - Jerome as th basis for major testimony. Delmas objected to every question asked Hum,' xneU but was usually Overruled, - Hummel contradicted Evelyn, who In her teetlmony said sh never had th affidavit Hummel testified he gav bar. th original copy and said she re turned it to him with two signatures. The latter teetlmony was ruled out . ARRESTED FOR FIGHT .IN NORTH PORTLAND BAR C C Donell and 3. I. Conboy, pro prietor of a saloon at Twenty-first and Sherlock avenue, wer arrested ', last night for engaging la a fight in the lat ter establishment conboya - action In endeavoring to forcibly eject Don- nell from the saloon . precipitated the row. During th melee Donell seised a billiard cu and struck the liquor dealer on th head. Both men wer released on bail and th case will be heard to morrow morning by Judge Cameron. Lobbyists Must Register. . , Uoernal gDeeUl S-rrk.l ' . Jefferson City, Mo., March II. Th aovernor .oday signed th anti-lobby bill providing that air lobbyists - muat register with tn secretary or state and glv th purposes or tneir visits. '. Baseball riayers Killed. iJoermit gpeetal gerrlee.) New Tork. March lS-It la rumored here this afternoon that five members of the New Tork Giant' baseball team war killed In a train wreck In south era California today. , . GRAND JURY AT BOISE : ' DOES INVESTIGATING Secretary of tbe Interior Garfield Attending to Charges Against Boas by Special Agent Greene. Engineer Meet at- Boll rWaaalsiea Boreas ef Ta Jeeraal.) Washington. IX C Maroh 16-The sutement la mad today that Beoretary Garfield I Investigating oharges mads by Bpeolal Agent A. R. Greene against Engineer D. W. Rose, chief engineer of th federal reclamation service In Idaho..- The charge. It Is said, were filed soms tlm ago with former Sec rotary Hitchcock, who handed th mat. ter over to Garfield, his successor as bead of the Interior department secretary Garfield absolutely refuses . to talk, but he is coniruotlng, the In- v qulry vigorously. . As la th case of his reports mad on the Oregon' land fraud oases. -Greene's report is kept strictly secret and la held to be -confidential. It is alleged that the federal grand r. Jury now In session at Boise. waa called largely to Investigate Greene's allegations. Tha board of reclamation -engineers will meet at Boise also to -look Into the oharges. Greene made his, investigation la Ids . ho - and , returned to Washington to re- -port la person, after which the In-' qulrx was started with vigor. -The reclamation servlcs has Issued a ' bulletin saying that the reclamation en gineers will meet at Boise March 10, , which may be a coincidence, but 1 re garded her as bearing on Greene's al- ' legations, although It may be only for v the purpose of Inspecting the works, V according te custom. .'. , . ' At this hour the only Intimation ob talnable a to th pee)flc-eharaotar cf th charges Is that contractors claim they hav been mistreated by reclame- ,. tlon .engineers. Greene went to Idaho to look Into land frauds, but enlarged-'" th scope of his Investigation end it I .alleged h found Irregularities tn . the records of reclamation engineers. Rosa was under charge sevsral years ago, . but It la claimed an Inquiry into them at that tlm disclosed that his only indiscretion was in owning an In terest in a Carey act project on which, a state engineer, it waa bla duty to.. report to the stat land board of Idaho. Frederick B. Newell, cblef of, th reclamation Jureau, said today that be would cause a thorough Investigation . to be made of the . 1 Green ' charges against . Engineer . Rosa. . ; - , . ; citizens: alliance is -HOOllGAT-BOISE- Labor Unions Claim It l Re- i - tort to Their-Entry Into--; v ; civic Pontics. : ; Special Dtspatrb te Tse Jueraal.) '1 Boise, Ida., March 14. It la reported that several business men her, ha e formed a local organisation of the Cltl sens" Alliance te fight union labor and bring about th .open shop.- The union people of Boise 'have organised for the coming city campaign, and they claim that It an alliance is e-ganlsM) It win be for the purpose of discrediting tha union ' labor movement . James Bog-art and John Haines are candidates for th Republican nomination for mayor, ""he Republican convention will . be held Monday, the Unionist Tuesday, and tbe Democratic convention Wednesday. . Mr Mary McQrew was today tp polnted county treasurer to succeed her husband, lately deceased.'" -- " Work was resumed on th stat tol today, 'with 1175.009 Immediately available for construction. Ben 'Hess, n employe of the Boise Valley electiio line, wss killed today by a car near tor. -. xv - WAGNER, CRAZED WITH ; GRIP. SENT TO ASYLUM ' 'RMetal nfisatcti te' The Joaraal. 1 Hlllsboro, Or- March IS. Otto Wag Bar, aged II year, residing three mile north ef this city, was yesterdsy ad- Judged insane by County Judge Goodtn and committed to the asylum. He re cently had an attack of grip from which I he never recovered - and seems men tally depressed, has hallucinations, see ghosts and says hi flesh Is rotten and he 1 "forever lost" Testerday morning h drew a butcher knife across his throat fortunately with only ' slight result. :-,y f;- - ' .- .. MILL WILL CUT MORE ' I .' LUMBER THAN BEFORE ' (Sseekl Dispatch te The Jeersal.t ' U Grande, Or., March II. Th big1 Parry sawmill started ip yesterday for th season's run. war loe menK. employed. Th - Grand Rond Lumber! company haa been on ef th largest! distributor of wages In Union county! for many years. . Tbe demand for lum-l her was never better than now, and thel company will this year exceed , any! former annual output MAY HELP PENDLETON TO GET NEW THEATRE . . . (Kneelal- Dsnateh ta Tbe JeeraeLt i rendleton. Or., March 18. It la poil Bible that Pendleton will be completely without theatre accommodations aftei April 1, as th present manager, J. kJ Taylor, has declined to renew hi leasej which expire en that date. Mr. Taylol ha been th lessee of the local theatrJ for several year. Pendleton la In nee4 of a new theatre and this may aid U securing it .. : -. . ' , ; I FORMER MERCHANT FILE BANKRUPTCY PETITIOr H. S- Fine, formerly a raerohant ea th eaat side, has filed a petition In bank ruptcy In th federal court Th claim made against him aggregate 111,461 s and his assets , consist of a.bulldlnc merchandise and fixture amounting t. much leas than his debts.. The oaae h been referred by Judge wolverton C. G. Murphy,-referee In bankruptcy.