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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1907)
Till. "OKCGOII DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH IsV'lCCT. - - -7- . ... 1 ACIVD Tcp!3: I tokioht iwnixim. IUU!. . feater. ,, .llre. Lrla... liar.... brand "The ItaifH Manaf" ........ "k Himck (nwp" ....."U't In Kaw ori" '"lit farlah Prlaat ... ..."Luder Two Hm" Vauaavtiie Bishop V. F. Hell, from Chlcaaro, and tns United Evangelical denomination. will preside ever the Oregon conference that mNti In Corvsllls, April 4. Tbs bishop will srrlvs la Portland. March 10, and tha following dates bava bean arranged - for him whlla In this city Ha will preach at tha Ockley Green ' United Evsngelloal ohurch, Baturday evening. March SO; at tha Firet United . Evangelical , church. Eaat Tenth and at Bherman. atreals, March 1, at 1 o'clock; at St. John, at 1 o'olock tha same day, and at 7:10 o'clock tha same . evening- ha will occupy tha pulpit of ,. tha Second " church on Kerb? . street. ; ..Albltu. , .; ... , . .-v.; ,, ( , Milwaukle grange will dedicate Its new hall Saturday March It A program of addreaaea has bean arranged which In cludes the following speakers: Mrs, Clara H. Waldo, state lecturer; Mrs. r-Sarah. Evans, Mrs. Mildred Elaoot, Colonel Robert Miller. Richard Scott. Judge Ryan, W. a U'Ren, A, O. BUrk- weauier and others. Tha Milwaukla . . band wlH furnish muslo for tha dance, which wilt b given In the evening. State Master Buxton will addraas tha granre Monday . evening at a special meeting wmco la to be bald. ' . Tha Central W. C. T. TJ.. at . Its yesterday afternoon meeting bad an interesting reading in which all tha ... ladles present participated. Several viaitors wero present and made Inter esting rssaarka, Mrs. Jamtaaon sang very swssuy; Mrs. Morgan. Mr. Blanch ard and others made remarks; Mrs. M. a. etono, who is very sick, sent a m eage, and a maaaaga of sympathy was '.- aent to bar. Meetings are held every Wednesday afternoon at (Of Ooodnough building, and air are cordially received. Mrau id Barkis? is the president A- W. Moon, formerly In tha adver tising department of the O. R. N. ana at present traveling passenger .agent ror tne mow Tor Central lines. baa tendered hla resignation. Ha will retire from the railroad business and go Into tha ' timber land business In - southern Oregon. H. C. Gardner, for merly with the Burlington, will succeed -Mr. Moon in the New Tork Central ... service. ; . - - Pocahontas Council meeta F-ridav. March II, t I o'clock. Great Sachem's . rooms, Academy or Mualo hall, Morrison treat, between first and Second streets, ' The last meeting for charter members after which time initiation foe will be raised. Ail Redaendesirlng to become a member on tbo charter list are Invited to soma and also ladies desiring to be- coma mam bars. renney Bros.' rrlday Special." Onr s..o graoe or rea or white port, tokay, madeira, sherry and sauterne wines at II par gallon. Our If. SO grade of L W. ' Harper ryt whiskey at tt SO per gallon. AU goods guaranteed tinder the pure- rood laws. I7S-II1 Eaat Morrison street VIIAn, TMBV SIT ' Ml. vr ou4 or, cieen, press ana aeiiver ems salt or your clothes .each weak and rive you an order on boot black stand for two shines a week, all for 11.00 per .month, rncmev Main unique Tall' wrtas; Co, SOI Stark. . ; The Mount Tabor Mothers and Teach ers- club will meet. Friday, at : p. m., . at the weat avenue school. Dr. Timmla . will speak on "What to Do In Emergency Cases." . . . . Blsbop Scadding will gtvo the fourth of bis series of illustrated lectures on the history of the - Cathollo church at Trinity church tomorrow evening. , . . ' Rabbi ?: B. Wise will address the People's Forum, eelling-Htrsch building, tonight o "Race Prejudice." General dissuasion at anbJeot will follow. I U. . ., , ,-. .. . , . A M ill. . a,vwww ..aa.aa, Avar v .liaiaa, Waahougat.aAdWway landlnga, daily ex cept Sunday. Leaves .Washington street dock S p. m, '..., .. e aaaaaaaa' " V ' Julias Sflvestone baa resumed the praotlos of law exclusively. 101 Cham bar of Commerce. J Ths tickets for tbs Olivia Dahl con cert ' will be good Saturday evening, March M. . ', '.r. : . ' - . " Woman's Xxehangs, lit Tenth street lunch 11U0 to I; buatness man's lunch. ' Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal all and fins gasoline, phono East Tit, B. W. Moore. ' expert photographer. Elks building. Seventh and Stark Sta. Tor aali North ru p. A nine room house." T01 Lot 10x100. Main 1711. , " Why pa eyes for IL morsT Met 1 gr fits your 111 Sixth street., Berger Signs 114 YamhIU Phono. GARBAGE CREMATORY -;" "l NOT FAR AWAY NOW Bids for the construction of garbage crematory ware ordered adver tised by tha health board at a special meeting yesterday Afternoon. The cre matory will have a capacity of at least 10 tons a day and will be built at a cost of not- to Exceed IllO.OOOa Its construction . was authorised by the ouncll at its last meeting. - OVOHT TO LICK THJ CXOWD. ' The story ta a autaUll Is that BarrlBiaa Is -raa. Now war "rad, Uui the people's daadar's ap na Dtun o'laraa. And a iianic la tha waapoa ae eraald arleld ts KDiM-k Via bark, lut'tha poopia wou't be frlahtaaad e'ea the v boaara wttlpa aiay crack The hinr we wirbt s oe te svt. aad aa tt Bjtirhty qal'fc. Is to pilM tha bead a saaateat and. then alaai biin witb a brick, Oivias bim a lt so soddaa that aa'4 fairly aaa the aiara. Tbea mtora hlia (or a SMoant till he'd vtaer ail biaediiag scaia. Vfa eesbt to sr to alav, "If yea don't aalekly wallop Hill. We'll aT,r real a avMaaot till ths both et yes wa kill; Or we'll yoe twe take bforf aa sad aavaral atap ma coopa. -Till the awaat la runnlns dews kls awaaiaaiital aropa.". This reaedy for panics ts the best that s eves known, Tboafh applying It aaay eftos stake Us sehtaf , aobjact aroaa. Bet it's tborwab. Like ear laaadry, tt eradl- eataa earn suia, Aad tbay'll navar be fbead wobbling Vsoad . your aa v woooa aaami UNION LAVNDRT. Tel. Mala tea. Sarond end O Mai Ma. TRYIliG TO TUi STRIKE TIDE AGAINST : COiMPAIIY President of San Francisco Car mWs Union Is Infusing: New ' Couragt Into Men. . A meeting of striking streetcar man at Drew hall last nlgbt was addressed by Rlohard Cornelius, president of ths Baa Francisco carman's union and mem ber of the general executive board of ZUclir4 Cornsllaa. ths Ajnalgamatsd Asaooiatton- of Street and Electrlo ' Railway Employes of America. Whilo Cornelius' Is hers It ts said that ths carmen will, tinder his leadership, make a vigorous effort to turn ths tide of tha strike tn their favor. Cornelius will probably remain 1 here antll Sunday, when he will travel east to attend a meeting of ths general ex ecutive board of the A. A. of S, andE. B.- of- A.- in Detroit v . , . REOPENING BIG SUCCESS Tbonsaads Xnspaot SlsgSJts STsw Qaavr- ers ef BUers aod Bajoy Muslo. Ths first day of ths formal reopening of Eilers Piano House was attended by thoussndg of visitors, Ths new estab lishment at ths corner of Park street, which has - been thoroughly remodeled, and Is now without doubt tha largest, most magnificent and thoroughly equipped piano emporium In the west was gorgeously bedecked with flowers and palms, Tha sssortmsnt of pianos, pianola pi anos, sta, drew forth much favorable comment snd Is without doubt ths most magnificent array of tha world's high est grade Instruments ever exhibited la ths west In Addition - to Parsons orchestra. many novel snd entertaining recitals were given In ths various departments. Including selections on thS big pipe or gan,, and ths wonderful Welte Artistic Self-Playing Piano la tha reoital halL solectlons on ths Wslts Orchestrion, Pl mola concerts., etc. -. Ths reopening win oontinus both this evening snd tomorrow, afternoon, ter minating ; tomorrow ' evening - with a grand concert in recital halL at which ail ths wall known local artists will appear. - v . . A cordial Invitation la extended . to every one, and beautiful souvenirs of ths occasion are distributed to ths la dies, and entertaining novsltlas to ths children. . .. . . - , Spring and Stylet, - Easter Is aow upon as and with ths omlng of spring In ths coming of now tries In gentlemen a clothing. Smart clothes fop. dressy men are made by Mr. Bchaefer. Exeprienoe and good material are blended together In such a way as to suit each and every gentlemen, no matter bow fastidious bo might be. "Clothes maka the man!" If thla ssying be true ws must bs human incubators. for we turn out ths swellest suits for both ths street and ths ball room. C. Schaefsr dk Co- Raleigh ' Bldg.. land 11. ' OBEGDII CLOTH AGIST SCOTCH Manager Ross of Sellwood Mill Puts His Fabric Up Against : Strongesf Competition. EXHIBITS SUITINGS v FROM NATIVE WOOL Nearly All Other Mills tn This SUte Confine) Tbemvlvew to the. lann fsra ,UBUiots, Whilo This , - Prodnes la of Finer Ora4o.' Samples of ths work turned out by ths new Sellwood woolen mills are be ing exhibited by Thomas Rosa, manager. Ths goods manufactured at Sellwood are strictly all-wool and for , wearing apparel only, and' Mr. Roes declares that they are equal In fineness to any put out In this country. These samples are not almUar to any others turned out la the west, as they are suitings made from Oregon wool, feat never before attempted. Oregon woolen, mills have dsvoted Vhelr efforts almost exclusively to the manufacture of blankets. Eastern Oregon material is used and Mr. Ross Is anxious to demonstrate what is possible with this material. Ha has been In ths woolen manufacturing bualneas for H years In different parts of tbs United States and does not hesi tate . to place his samples made from ths Oregon product aids by side with ths test Scotch fabrics. Be challenges all woolen exports to pass on his wool- ana aa they some from tha mills . and not depend entirely on bis word. In the enterprise at Sellwood. 3. vL Nlckum. ef Nlckum A Kelly, and A. C, Mowery, of the East Bids Lumber com pany, ars associated with Mr. - Roes. Before locating In Portland Mr. Ross considered many points from Naw Mex ico to Puget sound, but after a thor ough consideration of all available lo cations hs chose ths present sits in Sellwood. Hs hss great confidents In ths futurs of Portland. ., Y,V, C. A. GIRLS IN A COMEDY Will Present Playet In Y. M. C. A Auditorium Tonight for ' Benefit of Building Fund. kw- Tl HOOD RIVER GROCERS ARE K0V7 ORGANIZED : ssaasasaasaiskn-sansjm VI " Portland Members of State As sociation Return From Sue- cessful Trip. Members sf ths Portland Retail Gro cers Bssoclatlon who mads ths trip to Hood River for ths purpose ef organ ising an association at that place have returned to Portland. Ths party mads ths trip la a special oar and are en thualaStlo In their expressions, of ap preciation or am ireauneni tney re ceived. - J " Ths Hood River . . association was started with a memberablp of tt. Offi cers wars elected and a oonstuutloa aad by-laws adopted. - It Is expected . that ths membership will soon bs Increased. Ths following members of tbs Portland association visltsd Hood River: - F. X Carney, stats president, Astoria: C B. Merrick, stats secretary, Portland; Charles EL Gray, director, Pendleton; J. C Mann, director; C O. Anderson, W. Tiedeman, A. H. Wlllett, Dan Kella her, stats treasurer; J. A. Eastes, direc tor; J. C Casaou, Charles Bchoenfeldt, J. W. Breeding. F. L. Olson, O. I Cut ler, Grant Foster, A. A, Kadderly, all of Portland; W. M. Greer of Allen A tiswls, H. E. Carr of Lang A Co., Frank Kerr and T. B. Oatcs of' Wad bams A Ksrr Bros. .. ...; : EXCURSIONISTS FRO!. SEATTLE HERE SATURDAY Bound for SoirtherV California arid Will Be Entertained ::- In Portland. -, Friday night at ths T."M. C A. audi torium the T. W. C. A. girls will pre sent ths delightful comedy, "Mr. Bob." Ths entire proceeds will go to ths T. M, C. A. building fund. This Is their first effort in this 11ns of work and everything j ready. . Ths last rehearsal Is over, the sos tumes have been carefully selsoted and, most Important of all, ths rouse pots and sys psnolls have been taken from their "hiding places and carefully housed In the green room. There may bs fear and trembling In some hearts whsn ths curtain rises, but tha outward appear ances will -hs,, quits flawless . The-"Car follows: . - ,N .. . Miss Rebecca v Luke, a maiden aunt with a fondness for cats Marguerite Backus Philip Royson, her nephsw.Jamea Curras Katharine, ber niece Ruth Ballln Marlon Bryant, Katharine's dearest friend, better known as "Bob" ...Eva Fanning Mr. Robert Browne, with ths law firm - of Benson A Benson, and who earns ' down on bualnsss... Walter Backus Patty, Mies Luke's maid,' who hss a longing for ths stage. .Charlotte Ballln Jenkins, tha dlxnQed butler whs ob jects to si) frivolities Leo Ryan Act I Scene, ths breakfast room at Tree ham. Act U (Sams scene). A Uttls later In ths dsy. : . An sxcurslon of Seattle business men to southern .California will leave ths Pugst sound city asxt Saturday morn ing svsr ths Northern Pacific and ar rive tn Portland at I o'clock tbo same day. Ths party will consist of 100 peo ple, ' and will bs entertained by ths Portland Commercial club from ths time of arrival until about 11 p. mN whea ths train will , depart southward over the Southern Pacific. ' While la Portland ths visitors wilt bs taken for a ride to Council Crsst and entertained with a luncheon at - the! Commercial olub. Ths Portland Railway,-Light A Power company will fur nish cars for ths Heights trip. Ths Portland hotel will bs throws open by Manager Bowers for reception of tbs sxQurslonlsts. , - 1 ! 1.1 mil in ism, a ' Before a business man can borrow money he must establish a credit.' The people who make the loan must have confidence in the borrower to . start with arid then adequate security. It tfye. borrower, through continued deposits, has become known to the officers of the bank, he has established a basis of credit which makes it an. easy matter to secure any reasonable accommodation. All business men require the aid of outside capital at times. Some day you will need to borrow to close, some advan tageous purchase. Begin to" establish your credit now by opening a bank account and, keeping it growing. ... Open a savings account with us and your money will be earning more money for you night and day. . TESTS SOON FOR JOBS v UNDER CIVIL SERVICE Examinations will - bs bald by ' ths united States civil service commission on April a snd is to fill various poal tions. On April t an examination for meesenger boy In the weather bureau will bs given. Tbs sgs limit is 14 to 10 years, and ths salary IJ0 par ysar, On April 1 examinations will be given for teamster, sgs limit 10 years or over, salary t0t; lectrotyper'a helper, sgs limit 10 years or over. salary 11.10 per day; magaslno attend ant, ags limit SO to 40 years, salary It per ' day; engineer - In Quartermaster's department, ags limit SO years or ever, salary M00 per annum; lithographer's bslper, sgs limit SO years or over, sal ary f (00 per annum. Examinations will - bs held on tha above dates in Portland. ' Astona, Eu gene and Baker City. Appllcanta ahould apply to the secretary of .the board ef examiners at the postofflca for applica tion blanks. ' DR. ZIEGLER ELECTED CITY PHYSICIAN At tha meeting of ths health board yesterday afternoon. Dr. F. J. Ztegler waa sleeted city physician to fill tbs vacancy caused by ths resignation of Dr. W, V. Spenoar. There was only one other applicant for ths position. Dr. W. R. Coffmaa. - Ths board was divided be tween tha two candidates, two votes being csst for each. Ths tie bsd to bs decided by Mayor tans, who east his ballot la favor sf Dr. Eiegler, WON PRIZE FOR MOST PERFECT EAR OF CORN H. A. Miller, 1040 Cleveland avenue, this city, tells Ths Journal that a eousln of W. W. Cotton, ths wsll-knswn general attorney of tbs Harrlman lines, D. L. PssosL Grand Mound. Clin ton oounty, Iowa, won thsAllee trophy, a prlss of much value, at Amea, Iowa, recently, against eonteatanta from, many parts of ths country, for growing and exhibiting ths most perfect esr of corn la tns United Btstes. Afterward tha ear of oora was put up at auction, which la customary with such exhibits In these contests, snd sold to ths high Sst bidder, Mr. Pascal being tha suc cessful bidder at 1110, which hs could afford to bs. . ths Alios trophy having an, intnnaio value 01 mors than 11.000. YEOMEN ENTERTAIN KOCH OF GRAND CASTLE ' A general open reception' will bs held at the Woodmen halL East Alder and East Sixth -streets, toalghv by the Or- aer or American T somen, tn honor of William Koch of ths Grand castle, Des Moines. Iowa. - Mr. Koch will address ths assemblsd yeomen and. a banquet will be held after ths eerembnles. . Thirty-six candidates were Initiated last night at a meeting of ths local castle In Mulkey hall and over 100 bavs been initiated witnia tns - last re months. A banquet waa also held last night which waa attended by Mr. Koch, M'GARRrS PLATFORM "FORlCITYAnORNEY w. r. Meoarry today filed bis pe tition for nomination "as Republican candidate for city attorney. His plat form is very concise, it reads: ."If I anvalomlnated and sleeted I will during my terra of office regard nobody too big or too little for ths law's control." - Hardware) Firm Incorporate. ' ' (Special Dtsseteh te The jfesraat.) Astoria, Or March 14. Articles of Incorporation of the Columbia Hardware company were filed today In tho oounty olerk's office, with R. E. Carruthera, F. L. Parker and H. & Setters as incorpo rators. Tha capital stock Is f 10,000, divided Into 100 shares of $100. Ths object ts to sonduct a mere hand lae stors In this city. ' f . , Men's Trousers Season 1907 Just received a complete as sortment for? Spring and Sum mer in Regular"" and Outing Styles and Riding Breeches. SEE FOURTH STREET WINDOW $3.00 tb $12.00 Q Light DO IT- N O W! . . j. ,.. .... . . - Take adranUgw of tha ' ' , ' . . COLONIST RATES TO OREGON And tha Pacific Northwest over the Union Pacific. Ore if on Short Line, Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and Southern Pacific from all - part of tha Eaat DAILY during March and April i YOU CAIN PREPAY V . For tickets, if you desire to bring friends, relative, employes or otters from the East, by depositing the cost with any agent of the O. R. & N. or S. P. Co., with name and address, and ticket will be promptly furnished in th East A Rare Opportunity to Promote tho In- T-tlustrlaV GrOwtia or tne Northwest . Ossiga No, T1303 Price 01. OO The only good light b the Wela bach light Welibich burner, Welsbach mantle, Welibach glassware, ererythlng Welsbach. "Squally good on natural or arti ficial gas the natural gas is fed to burner In divided Jets, nuk fag a better mixture of air and gas. Burns leu gas and gives more light than any of the imitations. Each light in a sealed box, bear ing the Company's name, Wels bach and their trade mark, the Shieldof Quality, v: .X WCVSBACN . FOB SALE BY., "- The.Cai Company and All Dealers ChlCAeffO a;.. tSl. sVrOUlfl ... KAntu City OinshsaV St. Paul batxs nunc twxmcoax, ,,.-". :: A' Buftale ,..f40.00 New Tprk 4T.60 Boston 47,00 Philadelphia 47.25 Waahlnrton ........ 47.25. 30.50 27.0 V 22.50 22.50 22.60 B33.O0 SO.OO 25.00 2S.OO 25.00 f42.50 . ou.uu 49.0O 49.75 485 A Kates sppljr te all main and branch tins points, Runtlngton" ts Spokane, Inelnslva. B Ratas apply to Portland, Astoria and Puast Bound, points: also Southern Paolfle main and branch lias points north of and Ineludlna? Ashlsnd, Orsgon. ' - ' - for sotnplsts Information, Inqntr or - . i . ' v- . WK atoKtrnmAT, msrs4 VMSsnrsv iLgsmt, O W, BLITfOEIt. 4 OREGON RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION Ca JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY DEST Everylliing for tbe Home on Easy Payments AT- IN TUX LOW RENT DISTRICT 364,366,368 and 370 EAST MORRISON ST. Come, to us for Go-Carts READ THIS AND CONSIDER IT We are receiving new stock daily - Where our rent and advertising amounts to about $150 to $200 per month", the rent and advertising of onr competitor amounts to from $2,500 to $4,000 per month. : Do you know you have these exorbitant expenses to pay when you place your' orders at the high-rent stores? Consider this before you place your order. Special Meiisioii TaMcSale ; Only a Tew Left If you js-ant fine Pedestal Jabla at bargain, come early. t J .aa a , j a, . t - A beautiful S-foot Pedestal Ex tension Table, quartered and polished, massive carved claw feet, beaded rail, round veneer corner,. that sells regularly t 137, now at only 24.00. $34 Tsble reduced to f 23.CO. $57 Table, with 54-inch top and lOrfoct extension, reduced to r.!y C-5-00 SEAT - SALE - TOMORROW UUI XnAnW-letSrSadTWesUss4es sW- DCSTIH IN TEE IMiaaties Kirks la saalle Oomsaar. ' VOTaJLK cast OF riATE&S. . -in D-TS Moaaar, Taadv, Wilaaaaar. Mmiok IS, IS, SO. Vatlaaa Wtdsaaaay. THS raJOaaa-Cranlac: entire tomrr floor. Sl.SO, halooor, SI. T9e; eatlre sailer, tOc. liattaee: tlJM ts Be. lata eae5 WaahlDgtae Heillg Theatre Mala I IVUs, satarasf Nlghta, Taalfkt til e'Ototk. special rnre Haiiaee paiartujr. Tha r.rorlta artor, CEESTOW OJUKKE la ' "TatX aAaoEO MaglfaiKM RreDier rrtees Lcnrar riaor. 10 rears Sl.Sfts s raws 91. Bateeer,' i, Tse, sue. saueiv. SSe. ISe. .'( Matisse Prltea ISt to ft. Baau j.ew BaUlas at Tbeetre. Pboee Mala L Oratoa Tkaatre Oa.,tssan. la, Bakar, Ms. Vartlaad's faabloaable rimlar-Prlw4 Tbaa- tra AU This Wfh The Bakw ThMtra Stock Oostaaar la Hofe "A BLACK SHEf .- a eereaai e( fua. aieale and lauabtae ma eaainalaf te ea. Eaarr Hoft fairs saaaa, battar thaa tba taat. Tbe wlaa wn tmj bla saata far la sdTaare at tha Baker. Mattaae aaasMar. BXaslnta 4B. SAP. SOe. Mattaaa Baal is aaa ' eaaanaa aa ue eiara." Qth aad cfDftt THPaTPC rasas Msli MstrlaM X ' Mlltes U7 Baeaaaa. Maadw. - Plarlas Onlr Saaiara BoaS Altrartlnaa. Toalahtlll Thla WaakMatlaara WrSiwadar sal 8attir1ar The Tmat ant atartllaa saala rama. -XOSt IW VOEK." , ThnlUBS xt ih raauaiia mmarrr. i aa wnm ! alar arr eae IlkM, Rranlar Empire prkea, . Vest Weak "Tae Xiac W Trajapa. the star Tbe ABas toeh Daaitaay ymieta UNDER. TWO FLAGS Ma 'a MaaaTle. Mattnaae Teaatfare. Tharadare. Sa4 Saaars at a, aa. aaata. BTrr evaalna at anS SS eeeta. Baai a aaata by pbeee, Mala SararSar .: arloas 10 anS at s is: prtr to. tn all seta The Grand TeaaevQle as Isse Xanjr aaa 0'Veffl'a Xajaatle sTb atrala, Oaetss, rally XtXal Xaael, MMekell k, Lava, fiaah Zealae erertr, BaseU Seit, Oieaslsisfe. . Z.TSIO TmXaiBB. raatlaaS's Tvm Sk Waaaa. Swy Aftameae an4 Sraalas This Waak. laanaataa Lnle Steah Oasiaaay ta tae faateiM Vaatarai rlar. ra vabisx nni., saata aaa mow be, siawiS la s tram to e, si. te 10 a. as. Palir Btattasse at ssaal tltae. rratiinf aaaae at s:ia sanirsar IM turn nm aartnraiaiHie at T:1S. rem i : ! Oaks Skating Rink rannMroAY aiaa. Always a good nlftt ts skats. THT7C THCHPM THAT Dig20-PicccDand Announcement ataraajr BrisHt we will appro prlatalr selebrats SL-Pctric!;V Vv; Twfll te a r- t v , ur al Tr TT TOTT pc-l