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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1907)
T f.7lL ORDERS HAVE UIDIVIDUM. flTTEUTIOIl HERE Tooth Brushes Beat Imported Tooth Brush, worth 10o oh- Je Special at ......lit Vestal OmxA Albums Hold 10 - cards. f.'af Brushes With wblta bona han dle, regular I So quality. , ??r Special Clot Iru&M A good llo value. Spe cial, Friday ijr at each . Dressing Combs Larr iIm, ' extra quality hard rabbar; rularly tSa each. Special. Cft- Frlday . OUW Crepe ruN Hapktna Writing Paper Cloth finish, eomaa In whlta. .. cray or blua; regularly ISO tha bos. FrL , 7A day, special ...v rtlk Oil - For ' Coaf Hangers Made with , breast front t Vary special Friday U Brasses With aolld back and rood bristles; regular (Oo Jus. , .' "lQr special .....w.oyv Dress j Shields Whlta nainsook, eov and, alios ft. 1 and 4. pctal for If). Friday, aaeh . . Ivk Saap 9rt Tastes ara Black or whlta, amall or large alia; worth 10 , f.r card, for . WW rl l ; i t- - i worth tlo each. Spe 109 In a package; worth. Ho j '7C mending all aorta or cial for Frt- 25c Portland Agents Royal Worcester Corsets things; 7o Ap bottl for day. each Cor... .....Jw o w. H.V lilt" nnaminMi. Jt. -a , . iti. tj v Coach ThrPt I tnncria J Patois Maine Feather M MMM WW m M mm afMMI I UAI W a-f MIHWbf' Women's 20c 1ess I2k p. ; Mde of fine. white cotton, low neck, sleeveless style, neatly trimmed and ; in -all ; ways - a splendid ; 20c J value. . For a good special these 1 n sell Friday onlyV for . . . . . . 1 LlL Women's Union Suits Fine ribbed and made of very nice, white cotton, splendid garments for summer wear, just the right weight and they are in low neck, sleeveless style; ordi narily they sell for BOc each, but Friday the special price 3Cr is but . . .... , . . ; v ; .-.'.v.-: . OOL These come In sizes 4 and 5 only. Women's yWbite Lisle Vests Medium weight, made with long sTeeves, and regular 35c ;Q values.' Special! Friday ...V............ lyt Women's Hose Fast black cotton, seamless foot and - fashioned anklev double sole ; regular 25c hose. Special, Friday,' :1 the pair .......... . . . k. V. . ....... . 10L Misses Hose Fine black cotton, fine ribbed, seamless 'foot, double knee; regularly 15c,' 17c and 20c," according to size. , Special for : Friday, any size in the lot, pair .... . . . 1 Uv Boys' Percale Waists Blouse or shirtwaist style, values that run up to 60c each. , " - ' Q Special, Friday, choice ...... ........... 1t Covers Of Heavy Tapestry, fringed ' all ' rund, full 60 inches wide and 108 inches long; these are good val ues at $3.75 each, Friday',,. , ' -f $2.85 Each Fourth Floor. Colored Dress Goods Fancy spring suitings, about 2.400 yards in. alL Some of tbeie are sponged and shrunk ready for use. Corne in about 20 dif ferent styles, checks, stripes and invisible plaids; very new est, eolorings; the regular price is $1.25 the yard, but for two days they sell for Q7r only, a yard ............ O V Showerproof Silks New ar rivals of the famous Cheney Bros, silks,, Showerproof Foulards, that's what they are., Beautiful, . durable silks, for ' wear and : style. . The regular $1.25 grade - now goes for f 1.05, and the regular 85c qual- ' HA ity for, only ...... .. I Tl Black Dress - Goods Fine , 56 inch black chiffon Panamas, a splendid spring 1 and summer weave, full of style and wear. This is the best Panama ver offered ia this store for $175, and we're selling it special, Fri day, while the lot we have lasts (about 800 yards), ft -JQ for. the yard 4la&y Plan on coming early to take advantage of these specials, for the aisles are to be crowded early In the forenoon and kept that way all day. Promptness will pay you well this time. Pillows Filled with LIVE goose feathers, and covered with good quality stain ticking; the regular price is $6.00 the pair. Spe cial for Friday only $3.95 Pair Fourth' Floor. Silk Ribbons You're not liable ' to have an other chance at this price, so come promptly. These ribbons are very desirable patterns, in printed warp designs and all silkr Real values are all 35c or more. 'Widths are 3yi to 4 inches. All in all, this is the most noticeable ribbon value in Portland. ; .- . f ... - ' 23c Yard Linen Lunch Cloths, $1.19 . v ; . Art Department Second Floor These Lunch Cloths are made in the tasteful manner that suits the woman who is particular; made of fine linen, 30 inches square, with deep hemstitched border and finished with Japanese drawn. flj Q work; remarkably good values at $1.75 each. Special for ....vaaiy Infants' Soft Soled Shoes Odd lines in lace, button or mocca sins; colors are tan, black and white; these are regularly worth 50c and 75c the pair, but selling special Friday at, , Jpg Women's Petticoats Of black mercerized sateen, . .with deep flounce, finished accordion plait ing or , shirring; ruffles with 9 rows of fancy stitching; regular $2.00 values. - JQ Special at ......... ....,? lad" Dice Napkins Now what do you think of that? Fine German loom Nap kins, the popular dice pattern, for 40. , We have a round 800 dozen to sell; it's a cyclone special for one day. Come to the linen aisle and save Friday. Good size and really grand values at this small price. , 40c Dozen $12.50 Raincoats $9.98 About four dozen in this lot, fine Rain coats,' made of waterproof craven ctte, in the most pleasing style; come in light, tans and grays, collarless, plaited back model, with strapped front, trimmed with - but tons and braid ; belt ed at waist ; all sizes in the lot ; very good values at $12.50. Special, - for Fri day only $9.98 AM Save, on House Needs Lipped Granlteware Kettles or Sauce Pans No. 18 size, a regular 22c value. Special, ', m ' forFrifcyU;. Same ln No: 20 size, worth 25t for v,';;.V: .10 Covered Berlin Kettles Or ' Saucepans, No. 4 regular -40c value- for 29et ; the No. size, '-j -J: 4 worth 45c fof 35a;, and the large No. 6, i A- wbrtb;50ciforohiy:.r.iV;;;..;4UC Taney China jugs-tn unique, handsome decc rations and shapes ;2-quart size, ?4.001K-qt. $3.25 1-qt. 92.50 ; the size for 92.20; pint - size for; ?S.OO; yt -pint for; Step. Ladder 6-foot size; $1.20 value.' QCr i.,..............SJ Special; Friday Tin OU Cans J-gaL ,. size ; 15c value . 4. . '. . . . 1 Vw Silverware Polishing Cloths Worth 15c each. 1A Special . . ... ..... . v. . . lUC Apple Corers 5c values.. . 3f Folding Lunch ; Boxes Regu lar 15c values. . v ' f fn Special ...... . .'. lUW Table Spoons Worth ; A 20c the set. Special. .. Shell Pattern , Tea Spoons- Worth 10c set, ; dZf. forj ........... ..........0t' y0h Cut Glass' Salt and Peppers With sterling silver tops; worth 75c thi set Ailc Special tIi w .. - :. v . v ' y ' . Libby Cut Glass Vases 7-inch size; worth $3.60 . 70 each for .eDaWe I O Libby Cut Glass Water Bottles Regularly $5.60 3 QP each. Special . . . . . .07 D Metal Polish 25c value. .l9 Hardwood Toothpicks, pkg.3 Gas Mantles, 30c value.'. 18a Paring Knives 5c value,. .2f) men , FROM 8 TO fjL M. Infants' and Children's Shoes, Spe cial for One Hour Only Sizes one to six;regular 85c values. 40: izes3 to orreguiaTiOT alues. bpecial 't These Good Shoe Values The Regular Friday Hourly Sales Again Better This Week Than Usual FROM 1 TO 2 P. M. Men's Shoes and Oxfords Made bv the Pingree Shoe Co. and Flor sheim; worth to $6 the 3 Oft arrrSpecialpone" hoarTTepsJaO : l - ... . , 1 FROM 2 TO S P. M. V Women's Shoes Regular or ox fords.' made by the hest" shoefac; tories ; come ' m all leathers and styles, and sell regularly at up to 1 $6.00 the pair. Special, . d 3 OA 1 one hour )0Os FROM 3 TO 4 P. M.. Misses' and Children's Shoes- Broken sizes, odd styles, sizes 11,1 I, 154 and 2 only; regularly si.75 the pair. QQ . One hour..., , ,'. , 7 7 L .;.-v" ''from 4 to 5. p. m. . i' Misses' and Children's Shoes In many styles and sizes. Those for young ladies, sizes 2yi to 7, regularly $3.00; one hour, 81.08 11 to 2, worth $2.50; special........ S1.70 Sy to 11, worth $2.00; special........ 81.59 ChUds 5 to 8, worth $1.75, for. $1.39 ' V . FROM 5 TO 6 P. M. Boys and Youths' Shoes In calf or plain kid leather, suitable for school or fine wear, like this: ' ;. !.. Boys' Sizes Zy to 5, worth to $2.50 the pair ; special .81.70 -Youths' Sizes 1 to 2, worth $2; 1 hr..$1.59 Little Genu Sizes 9 to 13, wdrth $1.75 the pair; one hour . ........ 810 - -FROM 9 'TO 10 a! my " Women's ' House Juliets Several styles, made of fine kid, plain oi patent tip, and come with' or with out rubber heels ; worth fcfl 1 i $1.69 the pair. Special ,. . Plev4 FROM 10 TO. 11 X M. : : V Women's Shoes Many rstyles come in blucher or regular lace or -button, light or .heavy soles ; worth . $5.00 the pair., Special, r,., AO one hour . .... . 4 ..... . .$LsO . ' ' 1 , FROM 11 TO 12 A. M? V;- , ; Women's "Gloria" Shoes Choice' of a splen did lot of lasts and leathers; they come in pat ent leather or plain kid or calf; button and plain or blucher lace styles; regular, fljl 1Q $3.50 valued. Special, one hour only. 4)01 . , ... y ; yv from 12 T0.1 p. m.: Men's Shoes and Oxfords A large assortment of styles and all good ones; come in calf, plain kid or patent leather; button, regular lace or I blucher, style ; ordinarily they - sell (r'j f Q for $4.00 the pair. Special, one hour. .eytJsiy i - : : r v 1 a . - a a a as m am - w Men's Fancy Hose, 19c Pair The patterns are good, all this season's and the materials are selected cotton; they compare very favorably with most 85c values, and : mind,' they're new patterns. r A. Special, Friday V.....:....... lUC Brownie -Sweaters rForlittla boys, sizes 20 to 24 chest ; values up- CQ to S1J25 ea. Spec Friday only. . OyC L Men's Outing Flannel Night Shirts in pink and blue stripes; not many . left, so hurry in after one; OQn "65c values, for, ....... ...... ..OyC Men's Suspenders Lisle web ; fine ' goods that are worth 35c the A pair. Special for Friday-,..... lsL Men's Underwear Shirts and draw ers, in double thread worsted, light tan shades; a good one at $1.25 QtA ' garment. Special. Friday ....Of JW Jewelry and Leather Goods Gold Filled Cuff Links Fine assortment of patterns;. regu lar' 50c values. Choice, 4 3 7v Friday, pair ........... 0t Small Pocket Purses-Of leath er; come in all colors; regular price 50c each. A special sale Friday makes the ; . "Xixr price, each, only ...... O U w Metal Tops for Bags In oxi dized or gold finish, made with good clasp; regular values from 35c to 60c each. Special, for Friday only, choice .,V. . . XOC Leather Stamp Boxes Divided into three compartments or sections ; worth 65c Cl each.- Special ......... OaL Childs' Silver Chain Bracelet- Sterling silver; regular '75c value, bpecial price, each 49c BUTTE TIRES OF : OUTSIDE PAPERS City of Seventy-Five; Thousand ' . nranrlant UrtArl . lmnortd ' S Ah tnr Nwa. r.t- HELENA DAILIES SELL i J - .ON STREETS OF BUTTE . (.',,r ... ... -r.V Xewspaper Men Leaving Montana Exported When Publication Be- lomet r Two j Morning, and y, Two Evening Papers Will Consolidato. (Bpactal Btapatek a Th laaratl.) Halena. Mont, March 14. A cltv of TI.00O inhabitants and without a nail? rawspapar is tha situation at Butte, tha tnatrnnnlla af Montana. ' That a eonirau- Intty- of this Importanea and marnttude c-ntild sat alont without a newspaper -pm Incradlbla, but such Is tha caea. iiia to unusual clrcumatancaa. a por tion of the - mechanical . department Autos BOosavuTtj wassnra was aomcthlns to ba recorded In tha nnala of blatory. Harblna has baon Roknnwladrad tha trutrit of liver r- 'iilaiora A poaltWa cura for.Bllloua I Mvadachaa, ConMlpatlon, Chllla and Fa tvor, and all . Uycr compUlnta. J. C "mith. Llttla Rock, Ark., wrltea: P Horblne la tha sraataat llrar nadtctna known. Have ued It for raara. It doas ba work.", S Id br ail drvcsiats. . truck and tha remaining members were lockod out.' - -The strike ht Butte has proved a ver itable boon tor Helena and Mlaaoula publlcattona, ail et whloh have aatab- Uahed bureaua In the sreat mlnlnt cam pa and run Butta and Anaconda de- partmenta In thalr papers. For Instance, one Helena paper has a circulation of nearly (,000 In Butte, dua wholly to tha atrlka, whUa other papers eaterlns to that field bars built up a large patron, aa-e. . Tha train sarrloa between Helens and Butta is such thst the residents ,- of tha' latter city ara riven editions of papers within s few hours after thay learo the presses, snd thus they suffer not Tor want or tha news of tha world or ef thalr own city. But outside adl tlons cannot cover the field as thorough ly as local ones, and resumption Is earnestly awaited by patrons of the Butte papers. Not a few of the newspaper men have left Montana and found positions else where. Three Butta correspondents, who were "doing" tha- leglalature for their repeotlve papers found employment In Helena, while still others secured po sitions ss correspondents of. Helena and MUe.mla papers. Rumors are current thst when tha newspapers do i resume, .- a great change will be seen. In thst the two morning papers the Miner, and Stand ftrd will ba consolidated and aleo tha evening papera. This would mean the Sbandonmant of tha plant ef the Stand ard at Anaconda. . - t '; . This paper was published In that city because at tha . time of the famous Clark-Daly fight, tha latter could get so newspaper In Butta, Clark having an exclusive news franchise for the morn ing field in that city. 80 ha founded tha Standard at Anaconda. The edition la brought to Butts dally on a apectal train and tha news Is transmitted to Anaoonda from Butts over leased wires. Walla Walla Will Clean Up. , (Apert.l PWptfk The Jnoraal.) ' -. Walla Walla. Waah March 14. Ar- tor day wtu ba celebrated m this eltj by a general cleaning. of the striets, allays and back yards of tha elty. A half holiday will bo declared. A m and woman will ba appointed by tha Commercial club from each of the four city Wards to superintend - the work. City Health Officer Brad en will bava general supervision. The schools will close and the pupils will take part In tha work of sanitation. . ..... RAPID PROGRESS MADE ON ELECTRIC RAILROAD 1 vfRpettal Dtaeates to The Jeareat.l Garfield. Wash March 14. "Within two weeks," said O. L. Bankaoav of .the Inland Electrla railroad today,. "ws will be running trains Into Oaksdale. For several weeka our trains have been running into Rosalia, and ws are push tag the work as rapidly ss possible towards Garfield and Palouaa." J. D. Peterson, who has Charge of bonding sub-stations snd depots, was hers today with a gang of men to be gin work on the saw electrla depot here, which will be completed at an early data. - Peterson said It would bo one of the beat depots on the line out of Spo kane. Ha has tha contract to build all substations and depots along the Una of tha new road and la pushing the work on three new structures along the lino at tha present time. Tha naw depot at Palousa wUl cost 111,000. GOLD STOLEN FROM V WALLA WALLA OFFICE fftperttl PtM" t The Jmrrmal.) Walla Walla, Wash. .Meroh 14. An unknown person took 11(0 in gold coin from a drawer In tha vault of the office of the elty marshal between o'olock Friday afternoon and Saturday noon. Tha matter has been hushed up until this afternoon. It is said tha - police have a etrong clue to the guilty party. The vault haa been uaed by varlouaof flclale and their clerks for years and the combination never changed." The j Highest m Quality First in Sales Butter-Nut Bread 0 cental per loaf j -1 At all grocers Ask for "Butter-Nut", when ordering and see that: you get it the label guarantees the loaf. .Look :; ; : - . for it.- V money stolen was collected by Chief of Police Brown for city taxes. 11 10 nia custom to bank on Saturdays. . PENDLETON MAY HAVE DARKENED PLAYHOUSE Baker City, Or, March 11. t'nlesa a new theatre la erected at Pendleton Immediately it is probable that there will ba no mora theatrical productions In that elty this season, a K. J. Tayl lor, manager of the rrasar theatre 1 there, snd local representative of the Northwestern . Theatrical association, whloh controls tha Baker theatre, haa decided to drop all connection with tha Umatilla capital and devote his future energies to Baker City. Mr. Taylor stated this morning thst after April 1 he will sever sll connec tion with the Pendleton playhouse, bringing his men, soanary and equip ment to the Baker theatre. Charles C. Lows, his Pendleton manager, will be brought to Baker City aa atae director. When they are successfully established bars they will devote part ef thalr time , t ... ADVERTISING YOUR BUSINESS -.... . ' ,''.-., ' . ' ' 111 1 11 1 s 1 in aa ii 1 1 1 -1 as 1 p... , in- e ' '.-'- '''; '' ' ' ', ' ''1 '' ' ' J I t ' i ' fte to work UP and ex- ; VI ccue good advertising for. ; OURSELVES and OTHERS We can help your business as we kelp our own by ' good x ideas Well worked into excellent PRINTING Keep your. eye on us.. U ' WISDOM PRINTIliG CO. SKCOTfD ' CLO STRUT . photts c rpri to ths production, of local perform-1 Mayor Ooodwlllle of M1 t ancea. Both sra experienced theau I bachelor. Almost any aire I rlcal man. , ! I marry a. good Willie.