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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1907)
THE OREGON - DAILY- JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY .EVENING.- MARCH U i::7. a 'i i 1 5 Vj GARRETZ WAS READY . TO SHOOT OTHERS ALSO Compelled Sacond-Hand Dealer to Refund Price of Revolver, ;;, ; - and Put Gun to Walter's Head and Made Him. Buy ' ;x .;. ; , v a Drink- Nervously Refuses Jo Talk Now. ' ,vv 4 : ,V t -V. .- , !' . I That Peter Garrets, the young- mil) , . fcsnd who In a drunken frensy Tuesday nlerht shot! Anton Crohs, proprietor of the Bpokaae saloon,. James JUUsley of TIT Macadam etreet and .John Gavin, A' undoubtedly Intended to encage In , VeanHval of crime In tha meat approved f, desperado fashion, la evidenced by tha acta of tha youthful criminal following "tnwmotin(r. 1 - ' " ' - larmni Bat, who la mektna an In ligation or tha case, haa ascertained . t that within an hour af tar woundls tba three man Garrets repaired to eeeoond I hand store an North tUzth etroe and : purchased a it-calibre revolver. Jitter f leaving . tha . place and- attempting to ! load tha weapon ha found that tha 1S- calibre ahelle, ot which ha bad over SO. t would not fit the gun. ao be haataned baclt to tha pawnbroker's establishment, :'i 'jreaoed Betas of Koaey.; ,'" ' i' ; Garrets demanded tha return of tha purchaaa price but tha dealer refused rt to comply with tnr request." whsreupoa 'the anraged youth drew the revolver ' wlU which ha had ahot Grohs and tba - other two men and ordered tha pro v prietor to produce the coin at once. "Hand over that .money and be quick i about It I haven't any time to-waste," " waa tha command ' and tha pawnbroker ! haataned to comply. i. . , : ,..'.' ?' In addition, to. terrifying the bar 1 tender at Wagnera aaloon. Tenth, and oilaan atreeta. It haa been learned by i the police that Garrets forced a waiter In a reataurant on North BUth atreet. . at tha mussle of a' revolver, to pur- - ' chaea him a drink. :.--!'.. i; ' The relatlvea of the prleoner Incline i to tha theory that Garrets waa tneane ; when committing the crime and thla ? will evidently be the defense. Tha po t lice, ridicule tha theory , of temporary ....'. Insanity and point to-the acts of tha : youthful desperado following tba crime V to refute auch an argument, t; ; SAN JOSE SCALE ... BEFORE THE SPRAY-PUMPS The opposition to tha efforts of the atate board of horticulture that early manifested Itaelf when the board flrat demanded that reea- Infected with tha Ban Jose scale be destroyed baa almoat entirely aubalded," aald H..M. William son, secretary ; of .tha horticultural board, this morning. . Ten times the amount -of spraying haa been dona this ' winter In tha Wil lamette valley than1 ever has been ac complished before, according to Mr. Williamson. The "movement ta not local, hut la general throughout ' tha valley. Mr. Wllllamaon was In IJnn county thla week, and aays that while there ha saw thousands of trees that had been destroyed, ana inose remain- "we'enu nexi oecome ku n m lafected, frult question." conunueq xne FARLI LABORERS WANTED BUT ROSE TO BE HAD Situation Around Walla Walla C Worst" In History of ; y ; . That Section.- : ; ' ;' v "-" vf ' :'::! -' - -X . .: -i:.; ' niperisl' Tnspateb Ts oarasl Walla Walla. Wash.. March 14. Mora lsborers to tlU tha farms In tha Walla Walla valley Is th cry here now. The situation Is tha worst in tha history of thla section. Men cannot ba obtained at any price. ' The Commercial club at a meeting last night appointed a com mittee consisting of P. M- W Inane and M. H. Paxton to make arrangements for a masa meeting of - farmers In tha clubrooms st this city on March 1 at o'clock. Postals were sent out to 100 farmers by the committee today. It la probable that a man will ba sent east to attempt to obtain men, and a free employment agency .' may ba established.- ..,,..,.-,--, - . .. .- On account of rumors of a number of Tt c ! m , i ; II uui new opting otyica t are not the best you've seen i you may "sic" the dog on to the dummy. . We have a; weakness .for boys one of "our strongest J departments consequently is j Juvenile Clothing. ". : , It's fine t to buy and sell land show, Boys': Clothing, because there is such a love ; ; ly variety. '"')- r : . -? Do the boy justice and bring him here. Spring Suits j $2.35 to $8.00.. V ClottiinqCt) ; i . CalaUlxnPicpV v Men's and Boys Outfitters, -r 163 snd 168 Third Street. " Mohawk Building. ' At the Good Samaritan boaplUI where Groha waa taken after being wounded, tha aurgeona do not hold out any hope of hie recovery. It waa found that ha had been , ahot twice In tha abdomen, one of the bullets penetrating the stom ach and the other lacerating tha Intes tines. Htgley, who la at the same ln atltution suffering front bullet wound TathrTibdometi. which- penetraeed-eao-f aeiall Intestines elsht times, ahowa re markable vitality and It peritonitis doaa not ensue during the next 14 hours, he has an excellent - chance of recovery. Gavin's wound In . tha arm la not re garded as serious and ho will not suffer any permanent Injury. ' -" The enormity of his crtme is now re alised by tha prisoner and ha shows ex treme nervousness. " Although ' eating heartily ha did nofrest well last night As yet ha refuses to make any statement except, that be can not rememoer w thing of the shooting or subsequent vent i i -. ; Xxclted by Uquo. Tho motive for tha crime, which was lacking at flrat has been definitely es tablished by the statement of Flora Marks of 171 First street, with whom Garrets waa keeping company. Tha girl says that wbila la reataurant next to Groha' aaloon, with Garrets a short time prior to, tha shooting, tha saloon man and her companion engaged In wordy war over the -payment of a bill and becoming frightened she fled from the placer- It Is . thought that over-indulgence ' In liquor caused Garrets to brood over Grohs action In asking him for tha money and ho then wantonly laid his plana to slay tha liquor dealer, Garrets la held at present on ay charge of an assault with a deadly weapon pre ferred by John Gavin, but In tha event of Grohs" death, which la hourly ex pected, ha will bo Indicted for murder In tha flrat degree. FLEEING 1 . secretary. TTa horticultural board will next endeavor' to prevent the sals of fruit containing forms' of ths eod Un moth, which next to the- Baa-Jose-scale' Is - the most - destructive pest Fruitgrowers can - be compelled to spray for Ban Joaa ecaJe, but not for tha codlln moth, and until they learn that they cannot sell Infected fruit they will continue -to neglect thai feature." A, vast amount of educational work haa been accomplished by .tho board, which has authorised Its Inspectors to hold meetings In all parts of tha val ley to talk to the farmer about their fruit Such a meeting will be held .to morrow at ItfCbanon. c The next semi-annual meeting of the State 'board will tie held in the' rooms at-the Chamber of Commerce, an -April and . ;-. .-. Mis striking man In the vicinity, of Portland, an effort may be made to obtain, men . from that section, as the lumbermen are said to be well sequaint. ed with ram; work. . . " ., , TEXAS Y Ml C. A. IN Vi. CONVENTION AT, DALLAS S?VriMUI npaycams IMS fUBX.1 ; M . Dallas. Tex. March 14. Delegates and visitors to tha annual convention of the Texas Toung Men's Christian Asso ciations hava been arriving on every train today and the signs are bright for a fulfillment of the prediction that this Is to be ths largest convention ot Its kind aver held in tho state. Every city, college and railroad association through, out Texas) is sending its full quota of delegates. The local arrangements for the reception and entertainment of the visitors are of tha moat perfect and elaborate character. The delegatea were met at tha trains by members of tha re ception committee and escorted to head quarters, where they were registered and provided with badges. Many of the vis itors are being entertained la private nomea, . . . i . - Tha delegates assembled this after noon to affect a temporary organisation. This evening tha formal opening takes place and tomorrow morning tha - con ventlon will begin work in' earnest. Among . those, announced as special speakers for tha meeting are C R. Joy, international ' committeeman, Keokuk, Iowa; Dean A. C Peck. Temple church, Denver; F. 8. Goodman, international secretary, New. Tork. City J 2. U. Hamil ton, International secretary, St. Louis; ia at. wara, pnyeicai director, new Or leana; K. A. Shumaker,. state secretary ef Kansas; W. W. Crutchfleld, general secretary, University ot Texas; 8. t J. Brlont general secretary, Beaumont and Dr. B, P. Brooks, general secretary, uayier university, waoo. j BIG CREWS PUSHING . : . - CONSTRUCTION WORK (Special Dlmatck te The oanaL Culdesao, Idaho, March 14. Two thousand men are now employed In the different-campa along tha Una of the railroad being built from thla city to Orangeville. - Mora work la now being done than at any time since the con strucUon of tha road began. Big forces of men are pushing tha work on several tunnels.; Tha report that one of the tunnels had caved in was untrue. - The only cave-In that has caused any trouble was In the big cut at thla place known ' as tna "sliding monntaln. This was expected and will . continue until tba banks get their natural slope. The contractors hava at present two big steam ahovel bundling earth from this but , This will be the moet expen sive cut on tha whole line. . The con tractors are buying up all tha hay and feed on the prairies and tba farmers are receiving big prices for everything they hsvs te sell. , Sawmill men here are making money by thla road building. One mill, haa a contract to aaw nearly 1.900.000 feet of bridge timbers. All mills are running night and day snd tba output is eagerly bought up by the contractors. OFFICIAL OF OWLS V. ' SUED BY A TAILOR . f special Dispatch to The fbvtiL) V WaUa Walla. Wash., March 14,- Harry O. Stone, a Beat lie tailor, has brought ault agafnst Harry L. Leavltt grand executive of tha Brotherhood of Owie, for III for suit of clothes. Leayltt refuses ta pay the but on the ground that the ault Is not mad In aj A LcU Step. J - To oTerooma tha well-gronniJoi snd raasonabJe objections ot tba more tntoi ilgant to tha use of secret, medicinal com pound. Dr. JL V. Pierce, ot Buflalot N. soma time ago, decided to make a bold departure from tb usual course pursued by tha makers of put-up medicines for do meeUo use, anV &o has PubMsbsd broad east and orsjnTr to th whole world, a full and oomplvte list of all tha IngredlenU nterlng InWtheejjin position of his widely aelebrated sjxilKTea. Thus he has Uk bta Bumsrpus uitroni and paflenta into bU full U) Wfence. Thus too ba bai rev BOvedblylLedlclcct from among secret rtostrmgof doubtful merits, and maris t&smMttmdfcs of Known CompotuUm. that b j alr..f ,Q mHwt tti.-iq 13 TTot only does tbe srtpPer ot ef Dr. Flarce's Golden alvUlcal : bottle lacovery. the famous medicine for week stomach, torpid liver or billousneee and all catarrhal alseaae wherever located, havo printed upon It, Hi ftatn 1nalltK n-fo.ll wne compleie Uetf ail the lnrredlenta composing It but a ameJt book lias been compiled from numeroi't standard medical Works, of all the different school of practice, containing vary numer ous extracts from the writings of leadlnf practitioners of medicine, endorsing en Mm iti'imouC poaHl-U tnn. ea-h and every lnrre dleat contained In Dr. Flerce's medicines One of these little books will be mailed frer to any one sending address on postal card ot by letter, to Dr. It V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y.. and requesting the same. From this little book It will be learned that Dr. Pierce's me.i Iclnee contain no alcohol, narcotics, miners scents or other poisonous or Injurious agent and that they are made from native, medici nal roots of great vajnei also that some o the moat valuable lagredlenu contained ti tr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for weak nervous, over-worked, " run-cown. aervout and debilitated women, were employed. Ions years aso, by the Indians for similar ailmenu. affecting their strnawa ' In fact, one of th most valuable medlclaal plants entering In tt the composition ot Dr. Pierce's favorite Pr acrtptlon was known to the Indians ai 8qua-Weei. Our knowledfs of the use Of not a few of our most valuable native, me diclnal plants was gained from the Indians As made up by improved and exact pro cessee. the Favorite Prescription ' ia a mos efllclent renmdy for regulating all the worn . anly function, eorrectuig dlsplacemente, a prolapsus, anteveralon and letorveralon Overcoming plnful periods, toning up tli nervne and bringing about a perfect state beeilh, tiuld by all dealers in nrwUdoes. HOOD RIVER . GROCERS ' ORGANIZE ASSGCIATID,'! , ' , .... . . . f - - 'A-C . - Portland' Delegation Tour the Valley and Are Entertained : - by Commercial Club v fBDerlsl Mspetoh te The ?evrasL) ' Hood River. Or.. Maroh 14. Tha Portland Retail Grocers and Merchants' aseoclatlen, 2 strong, and In. a .prlvats Pullman ear,, came to Hood River yes terday sfter making; a tour of tho valley in the afternoon, and held a meeting In the evening and perfected a local or ganization. The delegation was beaded by T. J. Carney of Astoria, president of the state association. and C B. Merrick, atate secretary. The meeting to organise tbe association was held in -the rooms of ths Commercial club and -was largely attended and enthusiastic Mayor Blow ers delivered an addreaa of welcome 'to tha visitors .and president Carnsy. Sec retary Merrick, J. C. Mann. Council man Kellherof Portland and several members of the state organisation! from other places addreesed the meeting. Local- bualness . men responded, after which the work - of ' organisation was taken up and a constitution and by laws adopted. The local association starts wltn a membership of If, and tha officers are: ' J. F. Bmlth, president; R. B. Bragav elce-prealdent; E. H. Hart- wig, secretary; EL' O. Blanchar, treas urer, and J. H. Gill, D. McDonald and 1 H. Hugging, directors. ? , Tha visitors expressed themselves aa very much pleased with their reception here, 'and before the 'meeting adjourned passed a vote of thanks to ths eltlsens of Hood River tor the courtesies shown them. During tho meeting a box ot Hood River's finest apples - was - dis tributed among tha visiting grocery men,' who paid many, tributes to the excellence" and honest ' pack of Hood ..ver fruit .-..-' :.-.' ' tii- . . While hers the grocers took their meals at ths hotala and alept In their car. They returned to Portland thla morning, attached to the Spokane, dyer. KNEW JEFFERSON DAVIS' V. : SPEECHES BY. HEART ' rHnM-IsI Dlsoetek te Tk JooraaLl Walla Walla, Wash., March 14. "Ad miral" Nelson Owens, campaigner with Jeff Davis and one of the oldeat men In tha state of Washington, passed away at the county poor , farm at o'clock yesterday morning. , , Owsns waa born in Mlddletown, New Tork. His first vote waa for Andrew Jackson for president He served as a volunteer In the Mexican war, after ward traveling about with , Jeff Da vie on A speech-making tour In ths south. Ha uaed to entertain inmates of tha poor farm by repeating, word for word. tbe speeches mads by tns great con federate half a century since. He came to California with the flrat rush, of goldseekers and te Walla Walla county In the early nftlea, !,..- . 1 1 Si . 1 iwicvca , Antlsepticfllly Cemscs : ; 1 I - - - '' Bin V Urn ?mzz all LTICi ? "1 JT I ss ilea nil I il I B il 1 1 m ear- W 1 I i r fi. . . ..ur Jm ' te 'Z AntiscDtic til i- - it 1 L- fr -J .-3 i , , mm 111 I " V IM"-T1 MM , V ' 1 1 1 I AVeparation ttnilke any other, rirjoated by an Old Rstlroad Snrgeoo. Tt la easily applied by any one, and at the same time corablnei all of the medicinal qualities necessary to a careful and scientific trestment of Injured and dlaessed parts of tue skin or flesh. It Is soucht afier ana continnaii nu k .ii u . ... ..i.i . j' t... .... The Sweetest Voices in the Uorld Ctl You to-Out C1U Room 4 v - ;iiio ausvsre v'oioay. t . ' 3.000 " new records. . Tha 'famotii Victor ! Vlctrola, that wonderful invention which re- tr roducei the human role in clear and bird- -iiA-eJlote., 5endo.,SforcitaJor.n4. nces of Edison and Victor ecords. both disc and cylinder, extras. . W' (ell phonograph tallments. ; :. , Beware of the Manahan'a Tarine Bags. Sheeta are here: mothproof, dustproof, Save dollars by getting i Ttrlnt Tablets, package of 100 ........ Bag. :.....40. 50. Big sheeta for wrapping, dozen. English Play- mg Cards $?J . : Our own importation: National tfeslgn" In color, each pack beautiful work of art, 50f and T5a. . u:!-'1. , iV Your flame Stamped Free ' On Spectacle Cases or . Leather Oooda. When yoo ar In hurry, call Exchange 11-40 trunk lines, 20 extenaiona. Over 100 aaleaman ready to attend to your ord t with responsible folks. Our dettverw ayatern Is good, and w ar alway trying to teprowg, W take i Canadian account ENTIRE HALF BLOCK ON : TA&IEILL STREET r ; jf -; ."v H, v , ' ... ' S i 1 1, .-,. '-'-' - - f-, .... : , .v.- - -rrrr. ,4 "j ' ' .n,, . ' Every . . . t sr- si a u j ... ; "a. ..'v;onght to eostala 'ry.'v i t sv a. ft es - s a " JLhotiOUSenolUillTG 3 whkh Dr. Porters mm It. M ;A roias li ! - V, Heah. al. m ' " w aTV SOUS SPECIAL PRICr3 ON OUR Halt Extracts VJines find Liquors IMPORTED AND DC - MESTIC ' ' ' i ..... r ' Nothing Ibat abiolutely pur , good can . ha found on our hlve. Thla de partment offer som won derful reduction on Upla branda. '..."':;. monographs iphs, Homi and all on mau.ia Moth Walker Canadian Club, Cjuart...,.,..f t.OS Dewar Special Scotch, quart... ...... if 1.15 Fisher Pure Malt Whiskey, quart...... T6f Woodlark Scotch Heather, quart.... .fl.05 Extra Fin Old Scotch, quart,.. ......f 1.15 Fin Old Bourbon, quart TO Juniper Berry Gin, quart.. 1&4 kollin Brandy 99 and Tablet waterproof. Bag today. ; 25 60e, T5s) ........60 VJines Extra Fine Old Port, quart...,..;..... Officinal Sherry, quart 5 Woodlark Port, quart ................ 46 Woodlark Sherry, quart 4d Fin California Port and Sherry, fl...fl.OO CaUfbrnia W Zinfandel, Claret, "Sauterne, Cabernet, Bur' , gundy and Reuling, extra select .. Choice, quart .43 Special Wa are offering for tionery department OLD ENQLISH LINEN NOTE, 8 Regular 40c SO each, envelope and not. . ':,.. .-:v: -1 . fore not Family Medicine Shelf ?! eon is a bottle of Healing OH rr. A Household Surgical Dressing for cuts, Durus, bruises, sores, skin dis eases, catarrh k or all wounds and xtir. nal affections, whether slight or serious. Am wAa. wuggisis ecu li. . avv . t i , I fi 1 , can give you thla eveek In ear sta ssBSsiBaase Wffl 0WainT7 This Great I1AKGES AT WHOLESALE PRICES These ranee r msiiuftctared "' - k m . m tions at the great Eclipse stove tounary, at Mansncia, uoio; mere ; we pay no middlemen or jobbers' salers and jobbers ourselves, and can s a a , than are-asked by other houses handling inferior ranges. You do i than are asicea Dy otnei not pay $68 for an. "Ecli ing of $20, and pay only pay $68 for an. uxiipae' o-ooie gl.QO Dovfli and .l.ftfl a Week Other sires 835.00 with same .terms. -, ' -,:f- ':!:--::r'f.:- Every housewife in this day and age should nave a steel range -in her kitchen. She is entitled to this labor-saving invention. Her I housework gives her labor enough without the added worry of the kitchen and a poor baking stove. Send for our FREE illustrated Furniture Catalog. A postal will bring it. "Oh where, oh where, , "Oh where, oh where- ; , I Tq ilstcp to , . J His Master's Voice ! Oav ae TZOTOB TaXKUTOI stACTJrrjni ef eemraet . Aa4 aet ealr "the lmie do," tn the eilldrea. Tot aoara al a time sue YIOTOB seeps Inem asnnsed. Aaa ssjseissS off aU anasto r to the : aotbas ear are the fees sis-lit lellaky aad alB Uaplaa' sraMle of she little tots retoia threos-h the YIOTOB I tt'a a simple asatte te seeks . reeoed ef the beer's voioe everr saothe shomld prerlds herself thla perpetaal pleasure. . 4. ' j ' , - ' ' "The ote a CjasJlty has ths 1 arrest variety ef reooroe ea ' the faeUle eoast. Tha saaae Yietov Talkla- saaehlBe trfil provide a vaade- t vtUe shew, Irish lor seaas, beaja soloe. e yea may hear Carueo, Kelba, eradski. Calve, slaiasa eto the festest possible taace of eater. talnmsBt.. Ootae to eat beantu ol Victor parlors at ear'ttsne and enjoy a splendid prosraaa, varied trlth seas; aad stsry. Both saaehlaes aad raoorda are ptirchaeablo ea the small saeathly ef weekly paysseat plaa, v Sherman fl H ha Bease ef , Qaaltty," Ooraet Llouni Hood V pTac on (ale tody direct photograph' on Art Va per in black and epia of Oregon' famou mountain. . Every on a genuin work or art . m. Sic 9x11, unmounted, each ........... Tof Sit 9x11. mounted on heavy board ..1.00 100,000 Ucvj Postal Cards I colors, aacb on work of art LEATHER POSTALS Your own deilfn; t w put address on free. . Voodlaw" Dry Shampoo -, . SWEDISH TREATMENT ;' J Makaa oily hair dry and fluffy without w lik ing; a delightful dressing for tba hair; tof. Do Your Glasses Fall . Oil? ' Very annoying and rather expensive. W a mounting that wiU stay put . ' "So Easy" "Shur-0n' Xl'mgsvell" '..Ey Glas Guards, .i-i ' . ANCHOR," ' v V LASSQ, . ; , Oflsat Guards, a gnat Tarlaty. ' Egyptian Cokfrtexlon lotion . Harmless fac cream, produce land preaerra a delicate and soft complexion, f JUOO.' orders. Wa want monthly money at full tsIosv Z 4 for us according: to our specifics- J a i t . a . 1 profits. In fact, we are whole- accordingly quote lower prices " ) " t If J range. Dot only fJO-Wi a aav' .' t. 17M75 FIRST STREET PORTLAND, OREGON szxzss is my little dog gone- ' ( jay&.Co. Ststth aad Vorrlsom atreeta. . I llinTTr.?! r vi "iiiVr workmanlike manner. . , -J ' ' ' ' '' ' ''' ''";" J'l,'