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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1907)
THS O3EC0H DAILY JOURNAL. rOETLAHD. THUKSDAY EVENING, .MARCH 11. 1S07. fQii'L Cr CJiVic 13 n'immu Remains of Prophet Escorted to Tomb by Uniformed Guards , Band Plays Dirge. . Exceptional Embroidery Valua 604 Allorer . Embroidery, 21 to 25 inches wide, beautiful floral pat terns, in eyelet, blind and cut ef fects, exceptionally fine $125 and 1J0 valuea. Special for Bargain Friday only at, per yard 69f Women's New prinj I. lOet Dainty creations in Wom en's New Spring Collars of si'.k and linen, in all the latest colors and designs; regular prices xrange from 25c to 50c On sale Bargain Friday at, each 1 0 1 V-TTrrpTT ,..;.Tl?n,nr Striking Lumber Workers Dining at Lunch Counter at I. W. W. Head- ' . quarter. . . WORKMEN READY ; (Continued from Pag; On.) 'stated that thU was th mlllownera' fault, aa each bad been .Informed by - latter that th - demands were ready and would bi presented as Boon aa th employers would set a day and hour .for a meeting-. The mayor replied that, ' while he believed that his efforts would be productive of no result, he would . call up th mlllownera by telephone and urge them. In th .Interests of ' pea, to 00 into conference with, committee from 'th striker. Th mayor stated this afternoon that ne naa not as yt spoken to th mul- owners. - . - . ;. . . ' Lofltn Oampa to Close. . 1 Forty-nln logging firms met at th chamber of commerce yesterday after noon and agreed to close down their camps along th Columbia river next , Saturday. Th men represent at leaat ,71 per eeat of the loggers of this sec tion. Their action will throw ' out of 'employment 1,000 laborers ..and will top- a dally- output n( onr' 1.000,000 feet of lumbar logs. A permanent body to be known as. the Colusnbla. River Loggers' association waa formed and . resolutions expressing sympathy for th mill owners were adopted. - v ' The officer of the new organisation axe James Huckle, president, and R. Terrell, secretary. The resolutions read aa follows: ' "Whereas, Professional labor agita tors from Baa . Francisco, Idaho and . other over-unlonlied localities hare suc ceeded in. closing for the time being the mills of Portland and vicinity, the employes of which mills are receiving the high eat wages for this class of work In the history of this or any other county; therefore be It . t "Resolved, That we approve of the land taken by th mlllownera. add i oiler them eur heartr eooMratlon ryielr fight against the attempted domi nation or sata seir-siyiea leaders their attempt to create trouble : be tween employer and employee, result ing In. enormous lose of wages to. the latter and. the demoralisation of loggtn and lumber Industries. , ' Among the logging firms represented were tae following:,- .,.. 4 Oregon Rafting oompany, Oregon Tim ber at Lumber oompany. Chapman Tim oar company. Twin Fall Logging com' pany. COwlita County Logging company, I B. Frank Logging company, O. K. lagging company, Alger- Logging mn pany, Silver Lake ' Lumber company, Ostrander Railway V Tlmbee company, Brlx., Logging company,, Bremner. Log ging .company, Henaon " Logging ootn pany, 'Wisconsin Logging & Timber com pany. Clark Creek Logging company. th Ooodsell Logging company, Rosedale ,1'Ogglng : company,- Uomea McCoy. Tinning -. McRae. Bhevlln - Timber company, Erlckaon at Son, Muckle Bros. Deep River Logging company, Chinook Lumber company. M. T. O Cornell, A. O, Semes, C L. England, F. C, Little and B. MlUer. , ',. "; ' ' lresent Olat oat taega. 1 President Farrell stated this morning that th purpoee of closing down waa to prevent the market from becoming overetocked with logs. He said that the logging camps will remain closed until the mill get to running again; , Th largest Portland - mill were not repre sented at the meeting.- They have their own logging camps and It Is said that they will continue to operate them. It was - stated at strike headquarters to day that an effort would probably be made to eloee down thee camp. A mas meeting of the striker will be held at Arlon hall tomorrow night STRIKE'S WIDE EFFECTS Number of Industries Serioustr Af- f acted by Sawmill Tleup.. ' Practically every business . Interest In . the northwest will be disastrously affected it the strike of the mill-work ers contlnuee for a great length ef time. The prospect Is aald to be discouraging for there are no Indications that the trouble will be adjusted toon. Dependent , on the lumber Interests either wholly or In part, or so closely al lied in Interest as to be practically de pendent, are industries and businesses so varied and extensive as to Include Dearly every manufacturing plant in the northwest . Other Interests besides fac- stt'ea are also deeply affected. Vady the results of the strike are , being keenly felt by every buaineaa in terest ' that uses-the. produota of the i lumber mills. In that list Is a large number of the, Important - bualness jhouees In Portland. It Is said, that a few day a more of the strike would cause ithe suspension of - a number cf these -houses. ", -"" ' I Enormous prensur Is being brought !to bear upon the two factions which are nt strife. Efforts at bringing about a 'reconciliation or a compromise have felled, but so wide will be the disaster It hat would follow a prolonged strike ;'lit efforts will be continued even more strongly. . The number of men affected by a continued atrlke would be difficult fo eetlmate, ' '. ' The fish Industry, one of the greatest ndustrles In the northwest, le slready xaid to have been seriously affected aa n result of the strike. Canneries along "he Columbia are suffering for want of fxtxnn is which to ship their goods. -Shingle mill are of eourse greatly jfected and many. It is said, ar plan ding to shut down If th strike con hruee. Two days ago th price of '-blnnlee - wee- advanced -80 cents pet fhmiaand as a result of the atrlke. . - Construction work ' on Ih railways hat are being built In Oregon has been FTtouely retarded. Orders for beams, (le and other construction material are mi to have been delayed ana great In nvenlencee are being experienced. Preferred Stoek Canned Brood. Allen Lewis' Best Brand, UNITE AGAINST (Continued from page One.) of getting the boats into fresh water, while tied up In the harbor." Duryea urge all western Washington to Join with Puget sound and contri bute 11.000,000 to build the ship canal at Seattle to get - fresh water harbor lor me snips, lie declares this would be the shrewdest business move ever made ' In the . Paclflo northwest and that the result would be magical to com merce. - Oonoentrat om Portlaod. , . There Is no need to alve anv at tention to Ban Francisco,' be says, . "but to asvote every mtnut now to getting anead or Portland. - Uurlng the season when th oriental trad la at Its beat the state of California' la laboring un- aer tne ouraen or tier rrult crop, and cannot do other work- - San . Franclaoo Is nearly four hundred mllea further than Heatue from Chicago, besides hav Ing an elevation of five mile to climb while Paget sound Is only three miles nigner. Ban JTrancieco s distance from th orient and Alaska la greater, and we need not be Jealous of her. She must find her trade In South America." Mr. Duryea declares. The thing Seattle and Taooma muat do, and do It quick, he be lieves, is to get in line and tackle Port- land, before that city makes goal and wins th gam for good and all aa "the New Tork of the Paclf la" - Minstrels at Hood River. . ' (RneHil Dlmtck te The Ionul.1 s ""Hood River, Or March 14. About IS Of Hood , River's, professional and bual ness men put on burnt cork last night and played to a crowded Jjoruee In order to rslse funds for the Hood River band. They gave a minstrel performanoe and yesterday paraded the streets In regu lar . minstrel fashion, attired 1n llaen dustere and atraw hats. Fo an ama-1 teur performance the show waa consid ered a very good one and the audience waa - appreciative. - The local , gaga brought. down the house and the songs and specialties showed considerable tal- ente the ntrt-of Iha ef fftrmem (Jearnal SMctal terete.) ' Zlon City, 111.. March 14 Dewie was burled today with an - elaborate pa. geant Throngs passed the bier - in tears. A long cortege slowly followed the hears, which was .drawn to the grave by , four white horses. A band played the dirge. The funeral-car waa guarded by Zlon -City guards In full uniform. . - ' " . The number of deaths " in ' the com munity Is declared to be a warning to me members of the Vollva faction. Bcores are leaving the dtv. and it is tearea mat tne exodus may become general. ;'.-.' Officials at the cemetery Interrupted' me aigging of Dowle'e grave this morn ing and threatened to arrest Gladstone Dowie because th grounds wer being oamagea. Finally Oladstone guaranteed to pay for any damage done 'te the property and the digging was resumed. Chicago detectives located eight er ten pickpockets at the funeral. ;. BISHOP 0'GORMAN PAYS 1 HOMAGE TO POPE PIUS ' Jearaat Bneetal BerrW.t ' Rome, March 14. Bishop CQorman or jsioux Falls, south Dakota, Is In Rome on a visit of homage to Pope Piua O'Gorman say that several car dinals have highly praised Archbishop Ireland's sermon on the French con tact and his artlcl In th North Ameri can Review, which changed public opin ion In America In favor of the Vatican. The ptelatea have expressed gratitude for tha etand taken by the archbishop. According to1 Bishop O'Oormatt. Arch bishop Ireland's position at the Vatican le exceedingly strong. His friends and admirers there are numerous. For most among them is Secretary Merry I Del Val The archbishop's chanoee for a cardlnalate seem to Bishop Gorman to be better than they have ever been heretofore. . , Grain Grower Incorporate). " tBseelal Dllnati The hnl l - Pendleton, Or- March It. Articles of 1 Incorporation for the Inland Ormtngrow-1 era association-' have been - filed with the county clerki the signers being John r. Banr, Henry j. Taylor and J. T. Lieu alien. The capital stock of the com pany is ii.ovv. wnicn amount is . rep resented by 1,000 shares of the. value of I II. each.- ; .- . '.; Wilbur Held to Grand Jury. '." - - (SpeetsI- Mspsteli-te-Th JoerasL) ' Astoria. Or., March 14. The prelim inary examination of - Robert Wilbur. charged with larceny was finished this morning and the defendant waa held In the sum of 1450 to await action In the Police Kin Striken. :, (Jearael BmcUI Bsrriee.I " ' , lgrads. March 14. Sugar ' and leather factory employes who are strik ing fought with the police thla morning. Four strikers were killed and II wounded.' -. 1 4- . . ? - j. ' i- , . , t I A.S J. v;V" W ''Tut, tut cays the Han Who Knows Uneedo Biscuit 3 'NATIONAL ,v BISCUIT COMPANY fJti - x 1 mm ' 121-123 GRAND AVENUE A Very Elaborate Showing of SPIMG GOODS This popular East Side store Is showing' a much greater and better assortment of new spring goods than was ever . before shown on the East Side. . '. ' ' t r-v , Women'A HeadyTo-Wccr 5alt $ 1 4.73 to $33 , A very stylish assortment of the most popular weaves and . patterns. , .. . v; t ,;?..- y.:;. . IKomen' New Spring Wftht $1 to $4.90 A very elaborate new lot is just at hand. Beautiful waists at very little prices, ".''a'.''-;', ;.:.'.'.:. The New SrlnQ Dress Goods 33c to $1.33 Yd. Swell; stylish new weaves and patterns, and all at less prices than at the high rent West Side stores. ""Men's Spring Clolhlng $10 to $2 A very radical improvement in assortment and quality in our Clothing Department. , Splendid tailor-made Suits, all ready to wear, with shape-retaining qualities and all of the, char- , acter and style that can possibly be put into a garment. We , want to "show you." , - . , . . v n . - . . 8Zh BAR FES. BA1 Irlore and Better Valueo Tlian Ever Before To print in this limited space all the splendid bargains to be found In this store Friday would be wholly impossi Die. , OO We mUSt Content OUrselveS With namincr for each of the more nrrtminmt rlnarrmnta . Ti fur mntA e-S.9fficicntJtcushow the-rj uxvijp. luivmKKUW, tor opportunities like these do not come every day. v attend this sale. THE, GREATEST VALUES IN DRESS GOODS and SILKS ARE TO BE FOUND HERE Because we placed our import orders for these goods months ago we can save you just about one third, if you buy them now. Though these exceedinsrlv low orices are enough to attract attention nt nnni eh. rilinfnr eViAVaa m ereeka 1 m aL.. price or quahty we beheve and act on the idea that NOVELTY and EXCLUSIVENESS really count for most with the well wu"'.c w tomorrow we oner . maim x. t&.vJUUSlVl NVV&L.TlEs AT SPECIALLY REDUCED PRICES - Ulaok Sicilian 45o Instead of GOo . H Ifoveltv Qnllinr S5o InstAArl of Bfln Biff line of Novelty Suitings,, all new spring colors and designs, pretty i.uicih. vi uui fluu kisjs, wiiii cuiurcu ovcrpiaias, juc j j ."Jt values. Bargain Friday, per yard ......,..i.,.,uuL ChifTon Panama 50o Instead of 85o EXTRA SPECIAL 50-inch Chiffon Panama, fine weave, chiffon fin- isn; colors cream, ngnt blue, pink, gray, navy, cardinal and brown: CAA an 85c value Bargain Friday.; ....tJUC 44-lnch Black Sicilian, good, heavy, solid weave, silk-finished, pretty and durable, good 60c quality. Special Bargain Friday, per . Granite Sicilian 5 Do Instead of 75o 52-inch Black Granite Sicilian, fast black, spotless, highly lustervd, very popular this season, regular price 75 cents. Bargain Friday, ; CQa per yard iWC Zlohair Panama 35c Instead of 50o 36-Inch ' Black Mohair Panama, a new, and popular weave, very desir able and serviceable, good 50c quality. Bargain Friday, 1 QC per yard ...... ...;.l.;...........,i,,;.,..0wC Black Tafleta Silk 10a Instead of fll. OO 36-inch Black Taffeta, warranted all silk, chiffon finish, spotless black. gooa anraoie aiia, weu wortn ai.iw. Bargain rnday, per BI GiVA-L U E S in HE BT S "W EAR Z . v : DO YOU KNOW WHAT A SPLENDID MEN'S DEPARTMENT WE HAVE?" ' If not, don't you think it is about time to make its acquaintance and realize how well you can be suited here, and at very at tractive prices? ' We have the facilities and the will to beat competitors AND WE DO. Examine our goods do the same else svtlar RtlfK aaamVslfl-tslVeisl Imenaea-ivleillv mnmAm taleea eieaa aa .vleMa MM1ieeMAA J..r! " WMvaa vre.aawa BJVes UMSMUIUel aVAMSVAVp V4WiS lit UIU1 0 1'lftll TrlHllllst VA UVMUeUIlgs ' . j -"J.i . J 'f TRY ANY OP - THESE OFFERINGS WHILE INDULGING IN PERSONAL TESTS. Men's Fancy Soclio 19c Beat 25c -::') t i..'-"il" v f. Grade at' There never was a better time to provide for present ef future stocking less feet never a better time to bay than now, v The Oxford season is now at hand, and you'll-save by purchasing now. Tomorrow we place on sale an extensive line of Men's Fancy Half Hose in a great assort ment of pretty-striped patternsralso plain' black, "absolutely fast colors, made full-fashioned, with double sole, and high spliced, heel and toe, su perior wearing, quality, great values at 25c a pair. Bargain Fri- Q day .only v.............;.......,.........,....!............ 17L Hen's Underwear Beat 50c Quality . 39C Men's Cotton Underwear, correct spring weight, fine Jersey-ribbed, popu lar shade of blue, shirt finished1 with elastic-ribbed neck, drawers have double seats and faced with good quality silesia, our best -50c OQa graded On special sale' for-one-day-onlyf Bargain- Friday,- at r.v. v vv IJen's Negligee -1 Bestiuxi etrfci Shirts 59c Best $1.00 Values at Prompt Inspection is due this great sale of Men's Ready-to-Wear Negh-. gee Shirts. Fact is, this underpriced purchase is selling very rapidly and you must be prompt if you wish to share in the saving. Tomorrow you nave choice of an unlimited assortment of styles and patterns, in colors-tan, blue, gray and white; also a very large assortment in checks, stripes and small figures in black and white: other stores are asking ti.w wi iiicBc luna. vur opccieii price xiargain mazy only, nMP lien's Undertvear 63c , Beat 7Se Quality. A special introductory sale of our regular spring line of Men's Camels- umu uuuciwm, m an size snins ana drawers, line superior wearing iiucij iinisaca-ana penecx nixing garments, exceptional values ii I Jtz. .jii idn-ui u Tnr nn jiaw An v M.rnii w w i - ; . t - -J uj, St :63c 7ftrr, FRIDAY WILL" BE CHILDREN'S DAY IN THE" 'SHOE DEPARTMENT We know of no store that looks after the Children's Shoe wants so welL The range of styles, the variety of ahapea, the perfect-fitting forma, so characteristic of this shoe stock at all times, nave taken a longer step nearer perfection this season than ever before. little Ien!a Shoes. v,;:v 01.37 "-$1.75 Values. Little Men's Shoes, Just like papa wears, made of . strong box-calf leathers, with solid indoles and counters,' heavy oak-tanned soles, well stitched throughout, all sizes and widths, regular $175 values. Special Bargain Friday , J Infants' 50c Shoes lOo Infants'' Soft-Soled. Shoes in a lafge assortment of styles and col ors, lace and button, all sires, best 50c grade. Specially priced IQ I for Bargain Friday at........ I7l Children's Shoes 47o Values. Children's Hand-Made Shoes in a number of good styles, well made, perfect-fitting shoes, finest vidkid uppers, with flexible soles, sites 2 to 5, best 75c grades. . Specially priced Bargain Friday 47C Children's Shoes G7o '.'":. - 2S Values. Children's High-Grade Shoes, made of fine vici kid in both, lace and button styles, with hand-turned and heavy extension soles, all sires from 4 to & Specially priced for. Bargain Friday , , ; Jq Great Lots of "New Ribbons An extraordinary assortment to choose from. Not only the shades and weavea and newness to commend them prices have been made an Important feature of this ribbon offering. And the women with any ribbon wants to fill will benefit. ' : - A GREAT 8ALE OF" Notions and Art Goods ONE QUARTER TO A THIRD OFF. We are roing to let the prices do most of the talking, and they will umwiuijj wpm.u. iui iime seipa are ar urue prices always ft this store. The completenesa and comprehenaiveneas of the stock Is appreciated by our public Just aa much s the price features are. If mere is any nonon warn we cannot till, we ao not know it. - . FRIDAY'S PRICES ARE PARTICULARLY ENTICING. 30c Knittinsr Yarn 204 German Knittintr Varn in h1-k ,nJ ..'..). 30c grade. Bargain Friday . 15c Pin Cushions Te Tomato Pin Cushions, of good quality cardinal cashmere, with green silk cord, regular, price 15c. Bargain Friday. .Te) $U0 Linen Squares 98e Linen Squares at about half price. A variety vi new ucnigiii io scicci irom. ; rreuy emoroiaerea ana-eyelet eflects, usually sold at $1.50 and $1.75. Soecial Bare-ain Fridav. . . . . . ftftst 8c Finiahing Braid. 5 White and Colored Featherstitched Finishing ucatiu. uui ui ot ijueiiiij. opcuiai cargBin rnaay ..,...-.. w ommj run T "t" gnoe xMicKei-naiea saiety nns, warranted not to rust, all sizes, eood 8c oualitv. Soecial Barnin Fridiv. . 44 35c Back Combs 5e Fancy Gold-Mounted Back Combs, very neat'de- signs, rcKuiar ojc values, sargaur- r naay eacnr. ZOe 8c Taoe Measures 5 Best errade Linen Tan Meanr fn reirular 8c rrade. Special Btrcrain Fridav. each -iaj roonura rens jonn rtouana s .famous Uold Fountain fens, z.(Ai values, special Bargain rriday, each ...............f l.OO "A MOST WONDERFUL OFFERING 50c B,eh Ribbon t tht Latest nov elties in Ribbon Belting, heavy corded Roman Bar Ribbon, very popular, our regular - 50c quality. Special Bargain Friday ......S9a Lace Veila and Hat Drapes 19f) Great sale of Women s White Lace Veils or Hat Drapes, 100 dozen in the lot, many beautiful styles. Just to create a little stir we offer these 50c and 75c qualities Bargain Friday at, each ..,.19 25c Taffeta Ribbon 15 Extra food quality Silk Ribbon, 4 to 5 inches wide, all colors, both wide, and hair line striped effects,- regu lar 25c trade. , Special Bargain Friday iSe) Chiffon Neck Ruffs at Pretty . assortment - of Women's Chiffon Neck Ruffs in black only. These dainty neckpieces sell regu larly at $1.00 and $1.25. We offer them tomorrow at, each ...... 75e LONG; BUS GLOVES Enticing values. Read and profit. Perhaps you've been waiting for a c nance to repienian your glove auppij chance. You may do it tomorrow to tne lota to choose from , ly before Easter? Here's the benefit of your purse. Two Longr Silk Gloves 9 80 " . Regular. $1 JO Grade, v , Women's 12 and 16-Button Length Pure Silk Gloves, Mousquetaire and Jersey wrist, all sizes, in col ors black and white, excellent val ues at $1.50. Specially priced QQ for this. sale at .......;.....t0L Long: Lisle Gloves 40o Best 75c "Orade. ; Women's 12-Button Length Lisle Gloves, Jersey wrist, black only, come in all the best sizes, never oetore sold tor less than 75c Specially priced for this 43(J DECIDED BARGAINS DOMESTIC SECTIOKT : ; PRICES FOR BARGAIN FRIDAY THAT SPEAK OF REAL ECONOMIES Uelow we list five of the many bargains In the Domestic Section that will appeal to economical buyers. It's the Roberta Bros. way, you Know, to do progressive, ana we studied out a plan to better the values and at the same timeower the prices. - These 'i . t - . . a . unes aavernsea tor tomorrows selling snow tne Tesuit: ' CURTAIN RODS 1SV20 i Regular 25e KJnds. ' - EXTRA 150 dozen Brass Cur tain Rods, extending from 30 to 54 inches; good, strong rods, neatly finished with silver-coU .ored Jknobs! splendid values at 25c each. On, special- sale for one day only ' ' Bargain Friday at 121JC A MOST IMPORTANT SALE OF Wool - Finished Suitings 20c and 25c 1 A Cents Qualities at a Yard. 15,000 yards of new, clean, bright, stylish, desirable Dress Cottons at one third less than regular values i , , A purchase of considerable interest at this time, for the season for Cot ton Fabrics is now at hand,, and this special underpriced offering for Friday's selling will be appreciated by all careful buyers. - In this great assortment of pretty Wool-Finished Suitings you have unlimited choice of neat up-to-date styles in checks, plaids and stripes in light, medium and dark colorings, splendid values at 20c and 25c a yard. Spe- lf cially priced for one day only, Bargain Friday, at......... ',.141 Bleached Sheets 44o " 72x90 Inches. , . Tomorrow, on. sale a lim "ited number of Full-Bleached Sheets, torn and hemmed, all ready to use, made of fine firm muslin, . excellent wearing quality, our ben 50c grade. Specially priced for one day only, Bargain Fri- 41a day,av 441 India Linon llo 15c Quality.' '"''.;'; 150 pieces White India Linon, full 30 inches wide, fine sheer weave, nice. even, thread, just the desired fabric for dainty wsists and dresses, our best 15c grade. Specially priced for one day only, Bargain f f n Friday, at IlC WHITE ' HUCK . : TOWELS. 12120 Regular 18c Grade. EXTRA 150 dozen White Hock Towels, one -half linen, extra heavy quality, absorbent and durable, extra good values at 18c each. Specially priced for one day only' Bargain "J Of'. ' ;'. Frid-iy at