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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1907)
' Tins - OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY- EVENINO, -MARCH 14..1C07. WILL DETECT CHEAT FOODS Polariscope Is Able to Determine ; Amount of Glucose, In ; Sugar, and Jellies. if FOOD COMMISSIONER i V.J ., - BUYS IT PROM GERMANY 1 Delieato - iMtmment Doe Xot Re- qolro Attention, of uporaxor, ont 'i tion Upon Wal. N' ."'- ;'v'v; ' v-it ' - : M rood Commissioner J. W. Ball ay this morning received polariscope, an ia strument (or determining the proportion of the Ingredients that enter Into the A - nA mine, to IWIjlOTIUWH ' V .'. eld him In the detection of adulterated Tht Instramftiat u prdet-ftd by th rrwwi rnmniiiiiunnr ibbi biulv . a us. iumt-dellwered this morning. It la a very delicately adjusted piece of mech anism and will determine the proportion of glucose and sugar In their exactest pans by means of light refracted tkni. tii i f frirmtm la. The lnstru- HiAnfi it-'M anduslons on a dial and does not require any .figuring oa the part of the operator. . Tbe polariscope Is not made In Amer ica. This Instrument came direct from Gorman and cost IJS. It stands about two and one half feet .high and Is per haps two feet long. It will be of great errioe to the food commissioner and Is an addition that has long been needed in the laboratory. " : , - MEN ACCUSED OF :. BURGLARY. FREED If . I Hid Revolvers and District Attorney ' Could Not Find Enough' Erl- ...done to Convict. V.,- 4 'I ' (Saerlal, Mat te Tee Jeefaitl , brain. Or.. March 11. The three men arrested here on suspicion of baring t rwtmAm j the attetnnt to hloW ODSa the safe In Ira. Wlmberiy store at thla place. Saturday night had their prellml . ; nary examination yesterday afternoon -..' before City .Beoorder C A. Johnson. . J The examination was conducted by .'.- District Attorney -Brown of Roseburg. ' ' He found that there was not sufficient evidence upon which to . secure a eon Svletlon. and while' ha believes, along ,! with everyone else' here, that the men 'are the guilty parties, lis deemed -It 4 best to release two of them.. The third ' ) one. who gave his name aa Frank fihef ; i feny. Is stUl held bar pending further 1 Investigation on the charge of stealing . J a watch Saturday evening from man S at th4 deoot. thi depot. It hee HONOR THEIR FORMER LEADER xmp( Firemen Act as Pallbentvrs At Uo. Funeral t , Harry v jl. Morgraa. j -. '. The funeral of Ilarry K. Morgan, ex rile f of the Portland" firs department, waa held from Finlef a undertaking chapel at t o'clock thla afternoon. Fol are the burglars, they saved I themselves .a long tena la the panl : tentlary by hiding their revolvers be : t fore their street Sunday morning, in : i order to evade suspicion. . ,f . t AMERICAN BATTLESHIPS .'' I . MAX-BOMBARD NEWPORT I '" (iooraa) Special' Berrlee.) ' ' ." . ' 1 i Newport, K, t, March Word has ? been received from Washington that tne '. summer conference ' of the ' army and ; naval off leers will eoavene at the Naval ,. War college hero on Juno L ' and the sessions will be continued dally, until ; Ootopr 1. Indications ars that there i will be an exceptionally large class of offlcera In attendanoe at this summer's : conference and that their , ranks . will - range as high as rear-admiral. An'affort is being made in array and - , naval circles to have BeaisAdmlral , vana and his Atlantic fleet during- the - $ summer visit the New England coast t and bombard. In mock battle, the eoast ' $ defenses, aa was dons some years ago v. by Admiral Higgineon, when he was in command of the North Atlantis fleet. If this Is dona, an interesting summer's ' -- work is in store for the ships and of . flce'rs and men commanding the coast : defenses along the eoast from Nsw Tork to Maine. , PERSONALS Mark A. Mayer of New, Tork is at the Portland an -a short visit to tbe city. Mr. Mayer Is a member of the well- known ' Portland firm of Flelsohner. Mayer A Co., but makes his headquar ters in New Tork. Ms la here now oa business connected with the firm. James Johns of Pendleton, president of the Umatilla County Development league. Is at the Imperial for short buslnees visit in the city. H. O. Tan Dusen of Astoria, master flan warden, is at the Imperial. Mrs. E. C. Wilson of Salem is visit ing friends in the city for a short time, staying at the Imperial meantime. A. A. Jayne, W. T. Davidson and W. Van Horn, three prominent residents ft Hood River, are at the Imperial for a short business visit In the city. ' Zoeth Hduser, former United States' marshal, but now engaged In business at Echo, Umatilla county. Is at the Im perial, for a short business visit in ths City. . Otto OUstrap, a well-known eltlsen of Eugene, la at the Imperial for a abort time. ; 5' , A Beautiful Lawn. ' Will make your home look ttf per cent bettor. . Spring Is doss at hand and w4ta spring t.e outdoor season com nenoos. Have yon ever- notloed how , shabby a new house would look without i a pretty, law surrounding It. . It'a not the soli; but it is r ths seeds need. ! Our grass seed is the kind that gives .ttae lawn that velvety appearance. It la the pride of ovary - home owner to bare a pretty lawn, and It is our pride . to Install such a' lawn.' Do not be pro I voksd with the soil If yoo have scrubby grsss. but remember the seed has something to do with It See us before baying elsewhere. J. I. Botser, 111 Front street, between Tamhlll and Tay lor. ,.-.. .Vi ' 1 fio.Oooa to Jleform School.-" - rapeelel Dlassteb to Tee JeeraaLt , CoKax, - Waxh, Marsh 14. Alfred ' E. , Taisley, ihs 11-year-old youth who re antly stele money- from Myers Hull, a firm of butchers here, hes. been sent ' to the- reform school at Cheaalls, Wash. . Ington. Alfred la the son of Mr. and Mrs, A. Taisley. of this city. ... ." v Mllwaukls Country Club. yfn and California racea Take ' imH and Oregon' city' care at flrtt' 4 Aliler, , v , - v Harry K.'Morfta. lowing the ceremonies, the - body - waa taken to ths crematorium. -. The following' exempt firemen, some of whom were members of the depart ment under Morgan, acted aa pallbear ers: James Lotaa. George Langford, U. D. Griffin, ' Thomas A. Jordan, Blaise Labba and Robert Holman. Rara Gem on Display. One of th 'rarest of diamonds Is on dlslpsy in ths window of Leffert Bros, the. Jewelers and diamond merchants at 17 Washington street. It is of the quality of stone known as the blue dia mond., and. it is said to be one or tne rarest of specimen The stone has a history all Its own. In ths first placs It waa' taken from the celebrated De Beers tnlnss ot Boulh Africa, and out by Ascher of London, acknowledged to bo tbe most famous diamond cutter In tb world. ' There has been no end of favorable comment regarding it by the diamond, connoisseurs of Portland- Ths point that la unusual In Its coloring is Its intense violet blue. The stone Is valued at I1.S0. ' . " More Business for". Potlatch. ' -1 (SpeeUt tnnatch to The Jaeraal.) Potlatch. Idaho, March 14. The wholesale department of th Potlatch Lumber company, which has alwsys been at Palouse, Washington, has been moved to this city and now every branch of the mammoth business is managed under on roof, excepting the system of -yard. -Headquarters , of the yard department still remains atT Palouse where the company owns and operates a. big mill. slu:j:.ti;;b preacher 1 . ,SPE.rpS. KIGHT IS. JAIL '. V ii in I - !. -. . Rev, Meara Arraated In Tender ; loin and. Not Permitted to - .Give Bail. . , - fJoomal apeelal eervlee.) New York,, March 14. Rev. WUUem H. Meara, assistant rector of St Matth ew's Protestant Episcopal church, waa arrested late last night In the tenderloin district on the charce ot assaulting an officer while In the performance of his duty. Mears sent for Captain J. W. C Crawford of Ban Francisco, who was a guest at the Waldorf-Astoria, to ball blm out. The sergeant refused to ao- cept bail front Crawford, and Mears atayed.ln jjrlaon sll night. Two detectives had spotteo tns young rector going Into a disorderly house on Seventh avenue, oooupled by colored women, and attempted to arrest him inside. - The clergyman thought they were the women's confederates bent on robbings htm and knocked both down. He was eaught on the street He ex plained In the polio court this morning that he waa on a slumming expedition to get material for a sermon, and 'the magistrate discharged him Two mu latto woman who were arrested were sentenced. . . ,- TEDDY ORDERS JAP : ' TEST SUIT lVITHDRAWIl ,: i . , San, Francisco School Board , Retcinds Order of Segregation Court Proceedings Stop. STOLE ENOUGH CLOTHES": TO LAST HIM AWHILE .. . . (Special Dlepaleh Is The Jearaal.) l Oakesdale. Wssh.. March 14. Tues day night th general merchandise store of Mustard 4k Co., was broken into and about on dosen valuable suits of men's clothes stolen. "Shorty" Reed, ' the night operator at ths Northern Paelflo depot noticed a short, . thick set man ot dark complexion hanging around and spotted him aa th thief oa account of bis actions. Th man oame into Oakes dals depot early In the morning and as the 4 o'clock train left for Bpokan no took a large bundle from under the corner of the depot and boarded tbe train. Mustard at Co.. wired the Spok ane polio to be on the watch for the thief. . . . . ' .- Metxger fits yonr eyes for ILPt. Ill Sixth street, near Washington, tt QUESTION WHETHER CITY CAN ISSUE BONDS Walla-Walla. Wash.. March 14. At a meeting of the city council in commit tee of the whole this afternoon th ju diciary committee waa given power to employ legal talent to assist the city attorney In ascertaining whether the city could legally issue 1200.000 of City bonds. Half of these bonds are for building a new eity hall and fir station and half for refunding outstanding war rants, of which the city now baa la the neighborhood of tit. 00. (Jearaal special gertlee.) ' WasMngtQn. t March 14. The presi dent today Instructed Attorney-General Charles Bonaparte to order the district attorney of San Francisco to withdraw the suit pending there which wss to decide the right of Japanese children to attend the regular publlo schools. This waa done on Information received by the president that the San Fran cisco school board had rescinded Its for mer order of segregation. TICKETS FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAY ENTERTAINMENT AT . THB ARMORY ARE FOR SALB AT THE FOL LOWING PLACES: J. E. MALLET. 1 Washington. Phone, Main 111?. -P. J. SMITH. Fenton Building. Phone, Main 1211. D. KELLAHER CO. IT Grand avenue. Phone, East 411. McALLEN MeDONNELU Third and Morrison. ..-. X, E. H DEERT. Ill Jcffarsoa. Phone, Main 101. COMMON SENSE -POTS A roMzrtra wncxBtm. Having to lay upon my bed for 14 days from a severely bruised leg. I only zouna reuer wnen i usea a Dot tle of Ballard's Snow Liniment. Lean cheerfully recommend It aa the beet medicine for bruleee ever sent, to tbe afflicted. If has now- become a posi tive neceestty apoa my self . D. R. Byrnes. Mercnani, uoverevuie, Texas, 15c 0o and H O. Bold by all drug- (lata i - ft JULfl rn MORE fiO LESS $4.50 ? Made in PORTLAND OREGON (Sclfldency) swim . aF Leu Us Dress Yon in st'of Hew Ml? Our Clothing is of the finest hand-tailored kind; ' made after, the, latest New York models; manner." Spring Styles Now In Take advantage of our credit. - system, if you do not feel able just now, to pay all cash. We offer very liberal terms to the buyer xXwho wishes to take advantage of our easy payment plan. to Credit e & QMS VrMA?o"- 173-175 first Street 219-227 Yamhill Street; 1 ' Formal Grand Re-opening iieis : xiano : i Today and Tomorrow Afternoons arid Evenings , Special Art Souvenirs 6rtheL3rdies- - In addition to seVectiom ' ' by Paron' Orchestra, the following programme will be rendered at inter vals in the various de partments during both day of tha opening: ' . ' , ' ' RECITAL HALL Pipe Organ Recital, Re cital on th Welte Artis tic self-playing . Piano. v Selections by ; Paderewski J" ' ' Hofman , ' 7 Hambourg . -d Pichmann Leschctizky Busoni i ' . Dr: Richard Strauss OLD VIOLIN DEPARTMENT Story's Orchestra, also extensive exhibition of many rare and costly old violins. Violin , recitals ' will be given. . ELECTRIC PIANO . DEPARTMENT Imprompra.. Recital on the Peerless Self-Playing Piano, and also the Re- gins-Sublima, Piana .1. IOURSELP and friends are cordially-Invited to Y attend. the reopening of Eifer's Piano House on' the afternoons and evenings of Thursday and , Friday, March the fourteenth and fifteenth, in ' their new and elegant home at tha comer of Washington and Park street. This event not only marks the re-entrance of the house of Eilers into the active re tail field, but also signalizes tha opening of the largest, most modern, complete and finest music emporium in the West . The new quarters are handsomely and elaborately decorated, gorgeously equipped, and no doubt will be a source of pleasure, admiration and pride to their many friend and patrons, and every lover of the beautiful as ,welL Eilers Piano House desires that you felicitate with - them and grace this auspicious occasion with your preaaace Grand Concert RECITAL HALL Friday, Evening, March fifteenth Eight Fifteen o'Clock yht following well-known artists will appear: MISS KATHLEEN LAWLER, Soprana, MRS. WALTER REED. Contralto. MR. ARTHUR L. ALEXANDER, Tenor. MR. J. W. BELCHER. Tenor. . MR. DOM ZAN, Baritone. MR. W. A. MONTGOMERY, Basso. . , MR. F. W. GOODRICH. Organist. ions fc m PIANOLA PIANO (SWJ!fej . , : DEPARTMENT SlCsWk I I RecHala on tha Pianola ypTSAxl'X- Piano, Themodist Pianola y'.-r 'fjVvSvrXly f''-J Piano. $3,500 Solo , OrT TZA h fV" chestreUa. - HjP . , MAIN SHOWROOM , V ;M M V. Exhibition of superb and costly Upright Pianos, -where many instrumental elections will be rendered.- Also renditions by the marvelous Welt Or chestrion. -- MAIN FLOOR PARLORS r Talking Machine Depart ment Grand Opera Soloa and Select Concert on both Victor and Colum bia Talking Machine. Introducing tha . Vktrola. ART PARLORS Exhibition of special "Art Style" Concert and Baby Grand P!snoa SECOND FLOOR BALCONY . Organ Rocitals, including"? voeauons, Kimball. Crown and Bordttt Read Organs and dough & Warren's Two-Manual Reed Organs. Novelties for the - Children . . New Number 353 Washington St. "The House of , ' Highest Quality'