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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH M, 1807. 150 Stylish Silk Jumper Suits Reg. Values to $25 at $12.50 SPECIAL for Friday ---on1yrthr"' Ltpmin-Wolfe- School of Style offera the greatest bargain ever offered by - a Portland establishment ISO Silk Jumper Suit, the ' most stylish and dls tictive novelty in womtn'i - apparel of the entire iti- , eon. All are made of fine ' taffeta ailk. which U in greater demand today than ever since it was first ran . off the loom. One' hun dred and fifty Taffeta Silk Jumper Suite fa blacky fan cy checka and stripes. Ac cordion pleated skirt, fan cy jumper sleeves and slashed shoulder pieces caught with - self-colored ' traps, - -v- '-- . J III; . .1 1 'I I I ' . I, lilt I Xh . 1 111 ' We only regTet that there are only 150 of thege superb values. It will be necessary to come as early in he ;day ' as possible. r No telephone orders none C O. D.k fNr1 VV at this sensational - V 11 1) price . .- .fr Jm CSsf O i Reg. 25c Veiling, 5c Yard Mill ends of sewing silk Veiling, 14 inches wide, splendid for auto or driving veils; in navy,- r brown, black and white. Friday,' yard J w . 25c Silk Belting, 5c Yard 5i!k Beltings 2 and 2A inches wide; in navy, Cg red, black and white; 25c value, yard 5V3-inch Taffeta Ribbon 10,000 Yards at 27c a Yard 10.000 yards all Silk Taffeta fobbon, 5'A in. wide, all colors. This ribbon was bought before the recent ?rreat rise in prices; therefore the wonder- Jf ul Friday sale, yard .Cl 20c Handkerchiefs at 11c . Women's , alt pure Linen Handkerchiefs, 34-inch hemstitched border, full size; regular 20c 11 value for 1.25 dozen; each XXV 15c Cotton Challics at 10c 28-inch fine soft Cotton Challies, in new oriental and Persian effects, in color blends and combina tions that are very desirable for house dresses, etc. Great value at 15c a yard; very special 1 n for Friday, yard XUC 2,000 yards for Friday, all colors, la figures ..c ' 'and scroll styles; extraordinary value, yard ...yC 2700 Pairs of 16-Button Length Kid Gloves Rcgulan Values to $4.00, at $2.68 For Friday Bargain Day We offer 2,700 pairs of finest quality Ladies' IB-button length kid doves, in black and all colors; also the popular novelty Chamois : Gloves, full 18-button length. . Regular values to 4.00S..A. sensational sale that may not last all day at, only $2.68 Dent's Gloves for' children and infanta. 'We do not try to make you believe that we sell Ladies' Dent 'Gloves for $1.50 a pair, but state plainly - , ' Children's 1-claap Gloves, f 1.2V f .50 and f 1.75. Ladies' 2-claap Gloves, 2.00 pair. Ladies with small hands often wear the larger sizes for children.' .' . .... ;..;. ' . ;', '' ', : ' $2.30 Extension Tops for Kid Gloves, $1.37 Extension Tops for kid gloves, can be worn with short : gloves and are very convenient as well as eco-tft :. . notnicaL Regular $2.50 and $2.00 values for ..iJX. 2 3000 Yards High-Glass Fancy Silks Regi$1.25Values79cd For Friday only The greatest Silk Bargain of a great silk year; 8,000 yards of high-class fancy silks for" shirtwaist suits and jumper suits. Only ' . one, piece of a kind, and in many instances only one piece of a color; : therefore, come early to get these $1.25 values at, only ............. i "4r a SPRING SALE OF . Household Drugs Including requisites for house cleaning and .spring remedies, and. blood purifiers. Household Ammonia, bottle ............ 9e Chlorld. of Lima. 1-lb. oaa ..124 Sal Soda. Hb. packase 9e Solution ot Chlorides, ot bottle ........ 29 Borax. 1-lb. can .....14 P& Borax, pka. 8 Fonnaldebyd. Solution, pt. bottle ......31a MMHd Oil. pt. ........10 Wood Alcohol, pfc-t. 25t Spirtta Turpentine, pt 25e Moth' Balls, lb. package.': .. .4 ... .84 Whltlna. 1-lb. pka .......10 Inaeot Powd.r. Hlb, pka tumtuid' Soap Bark, larg pkg-. . . . ..,,,...,.......10.- - Powdered AlUm. 1-lb. pka. ...... t 9o r Sulphur Candlea; aaoh 4 Soda Bicarbonate, lb. pkg., . . . . .r.4 lie pka. Saasafras Bark 94 JOc pka. Cmm Tartar ....... ........ ..19 Sulphur, 1-lb. pka-- .'. ......lO ISo pka, Senna Leaves ................ 8 ISo pka. Powdered Mustard ............ 9 15c Powdered Jamaica Ginger.... 9e ISo pka. Lavender Flower 10 Onis Root. H-lb. pkj; .............. .M ' 9 Fuller'a Earth, H-lb. pkf. .............. 6 tl.00 Compound Red Clover 8yrp 79 SOe Compound Red Clover Syrup .......40 $1.00 Colwell'a BaraaparUlav..... 76 Laxative Fig Syrup ....... ;.i..24d lOe Stae Cutloura Resolvent .40 10s Sice Effervesetna Vichy Salts ......35 Granular Effervescent Citrate Llthta, ...18 Plnkham'a Blood Purifier : ...79 tl.ti Byrnp of Hypophoaphatea .......90 2500 Yds. Garroux Organdie Vals -4 K' H .to 30c Yd. 18 c 2.500 yards of Carroux Organdie in the novel new effects of self woven cross bias on white grounds, over which are printed in delicate tints dainty floral designs in large and medium sites. A very beautiful wash fabric, selling regularly to 30c 0 a yard, Friday ... X O C Engraved Cards i - $i.95 Val. $i.l9 100 cards and copper plate, en graved in the latest styles -of script; four styles to select from; regular prict - Q $1.95; sale price ....i)X. XV. - . . . $ , '; 100 cards printed from your . plate on the best vellum r r finish cards; sale price. VC Sale Sheet Music 15c Special for Friday only -Several hundred pieces of late and popular, sheet music, em bracing' a great variety of titles. -Your choice of the" entire lot at, 't i r only .......... ...15C - Inhibition of New Importations Kobinson Wells English Tailored Hats ' Lzclusive Millinery for Women ' ' of Fashion ' ; ' y ' :- A;.: . :.; ; . ; ".-. You are invited to view these , superb models, the height of amartneaa, verve and diattnettoa. . . Regular $6.50 Lace Curtains at $4.98 600 pairs of new Net Curtains, white and Arabian colors, in Manonette, Renaissance and Cluny patterns, all neat plain pat terns, mounted on best quality of imported bobinet; 8 yards long, 45 inches wide. , Regular $6.50 and $6.00 tff QQ values. Special .......... ipieO Regular $3.00 Lace Curtains, White or Arabian, $2.39 500 pairs of Scotch Lace Curtains, white or ecru color, 3 and 3 yards long, 50 inches wide, in very pretty new patterns in both plain tfjo n Q and figured centers; regular, $3.00 valuea. Special .......... ip)D 1200 Pairs Fine Black Gauze Stockings Regular 50c Value 35c 100 dozen Women's fine grade black gauze Stockings, ; crowfoot, warranted stainless Gordon dye: regular 50c quality. For this sale, box of 3 pairs, fl.OO; jp pair ............... O J Boi of Three Paira $1.00 : , . 50 dozen Ladies' extra fine black gauze lisle Stockings, - with- eotto aotej'- wai Tanted"suitdesr3 pairr7"Tr J1"QQ " ; : $1.65 Silk Hosiery $1.25 Women's imported pure silk thread 'Stock ings, made with spliced heel.' toe andjole; real value $165 pair; : -- a-. c sale price ................. M.i4X. : 33c Lisle Hosiery 25c i Misses' ribbed black lisle thread Stockings, made with double toe, heel and sole; full regular made; 35c value , 25C V 33c Cotton Vests 2ic : Women's ribbed cotton Vests, plain or trimmed yoke, low neck, no sleeves, ")r regular 35c quality; special sale . ...JV STRIKE HALTS- BIG PROJECTS Filling of - Low Ground k by tha Predge Stopped Because Saw dust Fuel Is Scarce. EAST SIDE THEATRE SERIOUSLY DELAYED Contractors Cannot Submit Blda Upon , It ' 'and " Other Propoaed BuOdlngs Until They Know Fu - tore Price f Lumber. . . j ' sjtoe BepartaMns.. ' That the strlk. situation la rapidly affeotlnr the progress of ail Improve ments on the east eld. la reallsml by those oonnacted with every bit acheme on that aid ot the river. ' Already aev erI bis; projmita have bti temporarily S0Z0D0NT TOOTH POWDER is a beautiful polishert.abso- lutely free from grit arid acid. Are you using it? - You kmght to be. Asc your.den- abandon pendlna; an arenieDt be tween the striker, and the mlllownera. The Port of Portland dredge haa Just moved Into position at the toot of Eaet Washington atreet to eomplete the fills left aom time ago on account of chan nel work to be done. It le Impossible now to proceed beeauae the big dredge burns sawdust and not enough la now obtainable to feed the furnacea any length of time. This la one ef the most serious Inconveniences brought on 'by th. strike, since the dredge la only available for contract work at certain periods, ..-. There'e no use talking." aaya Whit ney I. Boise, "If a apeedy settlement of the atrlk. la not reached soon many or our eaat aide project, will be greatly hampered. The west side will not be so seriously affected because their ma terial. re moatly concrete and brick.' The One, big warehouse of Mitchell. Lewi at Btaver, at Eaat Morrison and Eaat Second streets, where notable progress Is just commencing, will be delayed aa soon as the brick work to the second story Is completed. The timber, for the nret floor are the only onee on hand. Th. plans for the CordraV theatre will b. delayed on account of the un certainty of getting material.. . Con tractor, will not submit bids until some aa.uranc. of the future price on lum ber ean be aaeertalned. aa well aa the time when a eomplete settlement of the strike ean be counted on to enable them to obtain any lumber at all. - Smaller buildings, such aa reatdenoee, will be delayed at once. , Work' haa been suspended - on the - new Congregational church at University Park. The church would have been completed about April 1. " The construction of many cottages will be Indefinitely delayed. The completion of the Healy .build ing. East Morrison street and Grand avenue, of which only a mall amount of tn.ld. work remains to' be done, may not suffer from the strike, but both the Morgan building, on Eaat Stark atreet and Grand avenue, and ' the , Markell building, en East Morrison street and Union avenue,' will be : delayed.. The foundatlona for theee two bulldlnaa are Ju.t being laid. . Tha reading room at Monta villa la well patronised and appreciated by both the reeldenta ef the auburb and the fanners in the Immediate district - Ths women of the Montavllla Horn. Train. tag- asaoetatlon,' who ware aotlve In es tablishing the small library,' feel era ti ffed beeauae of, the eueceae ef their ef forts. " Union avenue, from Eaat Motrteon to East Oak street, will aoon be open to traffic again.' Tha nil la settling fast A steam roller has been engaged the last fsw ' dsys packing and preparing the aurfaee for the eroabed rock that la te follow. ACCEPTS OFFER OH WATER PLANT ' CeaBBmenaajeBBaeatmenLgaaMBm Water Board . Recommends to the Council Purchase of the Mount Tabor System. TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND . PRICE TO BE PAID Owner of . Woofflawn Pipeline and . Franchise Offers Hla System to . City at Same Price, and Piedmont Plant May Also Be Taken. dered replaced by larger mains, aa fol lows: . Twelve-Inch Thirteenth street from Jefferson to Hall: Hall atreet from Thirteenth to Twelfth: CoUege atreet from Seventh to Twelfth; Twelfth etreet from Jefferson to Hall; Eleventh street from Jeff arson to Hall; Tenth etreet from J.ff.rson to Hall; Thirteenth atreet from Jefferson to Hall. Eight-inch Clay, from Thirteenth to Seventeenth. .. - Twenty-inch Fourteenth atreet from Davta to Thurman: Lovejoy etreet from i-entn to rourteenLn. Twelve-Inch Hoyt atreet from Tenth to Fourteenth; Johnson - street from Tenth to Fourteenth; Twelfth street from Jefferson to Davla Kourteen-lnoh Fifth atreet from Mor- rlson to Alder. At Its meeting yesterday afternoon, the water hoard accepted the offer of J. M. Arthur for the sale of the Mount Tabor water plant, pumping station and one acre of ground. The ' price agreed upon, was 2S,000. If the -council adopta the action of the board, the city will take po.MM.lon of the plant en April 1. Offers for the sale or the plant, at Wood I awn and Piedmont ware received from H. B. Kubllck and E. B. Quack en- bush, respectively. Kubllck aska tx.000 for his system. He has tour miles , of Dine line, a pumping station and holda a franchise running until uis. Queck.n- bush did not name any figure. The board will consider any offer he may make. At the reqaeat ef Fire Chief Camp bell, .Is and eleht-lnrh mains were or- XJSTSV . snd remember the neat time you sufr.f from pain cauMd by damp weather when your h.. nearly hur.ta from neu ral.;!. try Ballard. Snow Liniment It will cure you. A prominent man of Hamp.Uad.- Teaaef-writeer t have u.ed your liniment PtstIous te using It I wss a great sufferer from Rheumstism snd Neuralgia, I am f leaMd to say that now I am free from hee eomplafnta I am sure I owe thl. to your liniment" , Sold by all drug. l.t.. r Schllllng-e Beat la the standard by wnicn other tea ana cone, are juagea. ST. PATRICK CELEBRATION Orsad Time at Oaka Statu mink Saturday aTlfht, St Patrick's day will be duly cele brated Saturday night at the Oaka rink. Three great are to be an nounced Friday. - The big consolidated rink band la getting more popular every night aa encore after encore le an awered. Remember, even If you do not akate, you will enjoy watching the othere and hearing the tnu.lo. But why not learn now? Sunday morning ses sions ar. alwaya a good time te learn. Thursday night la a fine night to akate, aa a nice crowd alwaya signifies. Comes Next Tuesday. .William H. Sherwood, an artist that ranks among the hlgheet wlaarda ef the piano, will furnish muale lover, of thla city the next treat at the new Murlark hall. Twenty-third and Wa.hlngton streets, next Tuesday evening, March la, Crlttca and lovers of ths art are anxious ly awaiting the arrival of thla great master of the keyboard. Tickets en sale at Graves' music .tore and Jaeger Bros." Jewelry etore. BOTH LINES NECESSARY TQ SAVE THE BOND Aoeordlng to an opinion given by City Attorney McNary. the bond ef the United Railway, company will be for feited If th. company falls to build both ths Front street line in Portland and the line te Salem within the two year, required by the fraaohlse. The building ef either line would not savs th. franchise or the bond. The previa- I : .. C fcessr .--"-n fism : I Aaaaw f ips.miniuHiminuiiuui3Bc:i . i f: I fl s- : -- -'-v y.'i'r - 'rf - . "fifx I J - ' To bring happiness to the heart of the hunter It I " ' I V I SS ettn la nnlw vn mmrX-m tViaf rvsn tVt A If V XV -J" .si i. , . . . 'T. . . H y s- w A si smoice irom us gun ma mat xnc cooi, sweei : i JJ smoke from --.. .-: - s .- jj nnninFG,fon a n r(? n V V as 4 a j.. HYJi- 4 -4ffn A 4. . "V ! I WB UUTUU laUUUaV-ULaLaCy i I f vX il - ' .' I 7 f ' - I !! oothing. No cigarettes better than Imperiales, , f I atanprice. Imperiales are still j - ..J ( I Take a package of Imperiales in your shootlnjr jacket. Every one of them will hit the mark of comfort and satisfaction. ' Their pure, clean, conscientiously blended to bacco is rolled in thin mais paper crimped, not pasted and bums smoothly and dcliciously right to the mouthpiece. ; The mouthpiece keeps the smoke cool and soothing. No cigarettes better than Imperiales, at any price. Imperiales are still 10 for 10 cents The men of &e West smoked lOO.tXXUXXX Impeiiatala X006V Bold Everywhere JOIINEOIXMA CO? HANY, E.n TrantUee) Manufacturer II II It tana of the ordinance. Mr. Mr tfary Bays, I completed wtthln two yre ti. r are mandatory, and If the line, are not inn y t f tf t-t (M n u: i i