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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1907)
vi::a:.o. malcii k. J5 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY BOOKS it .'n'Air WD ITTTMP mice, The Following Is a Partial List Read It Tbs Spy, Jsmes Fenirnors Coopr. Twice-Told Tales, Nathaniel Haw- . thorue. ;. ,' . v.. ,; : . y .; The Log of "the' Flying Fish, Harry Collin gwood. T-;;- ,.- Hm Vaeaeniia Won Hia EDSulettes. Cordon Stables. S , -v.vr ; . ; Gulliver's Travala, Jonathan Swift. . Kidnaped, Robert Louil Stevenson. : Boris --the 7 Bear-Hunter, Fred AVht- ,. shew, v -. . :. I y :' Iyanhoe,' Sir Walter Scott i,'i " ; , ; Henry Esmond, William ' Makepeace "... l naciceray. iV.-- ;i, ' ' ; 's Two Years Before the Mast. R. H. v Dans Jr. . v '-' . -V V Pilgrim's Progress. John Bunyan. . '.'.AndcrMS1! Fairy Tales, Hans C An- dersen. . : - .., '', ;- v ; Welch is giving; away genuine boys books with: boys' suits, . Scores of both Suits and 'u : Books to choose from. - lit WELCH'S JIU-JITSU SUITS For Boys Arc Wonders They have double seats, double knees, triple-taped seams, extra buttons, also hair-cloth fronts, besides , being made from "waterproofed doth."- They are the kind for which you have always paid $5.00. And a book or watch free besides. ; Also an EXCELLENT SHOWITiC la, BOYS SUITS $2.50 to 56.50 i i ' ' Don't forget the Book or the Watch. : IF NOT RIGHT WELCH MAKES IT RIGHT MORRISON CazftxsrSr KELLY-BUTTE ROCK BREAKERS WANT SHORTER HOURS OF LABOR Th. atrlk. . beelllua la aiuralr In tb. air. It it war not tb prlaooere at tb. rock pile . at Klly Butt, would not know tbat th. lataat In labor circle. U tb. aptrlt of unreal. Not knowing thi. (act tbr would tharofor. not bav. Ima led by ooramon practlo. to nak. d- manda upon tbalr .mployera, tb. county of Aiultnomab, for an lht-hour day. . A -Tat dMlre . (or elaanllneaa nas ovartaJcen tbt hobo ' now tmnring bla temporary county by bla aaalstanc. In th. aaanuraetur. of well-cniihd rock for th. construction of food roads. To b. clean It neceaaary to hava an lht-hour day: . On thM. (round, th. followtna; petition baa bean praaentad to tb. authorities at Kelly Butt. akln tbat tb. atrenuoslty of th. labor be curtailed a few momenta during th. day for which anticipated -klndneee the U algnera unanimously ar. most grateful: "Multnomah Branch County Jail, March 11. 107. Mr. Chapman and Coun ty Comralaalonera: We. (h. under signed. Inmate, of - this Jail, wish - to call your attention to the- fact tbat we ar. working nine and ten hour, a day, alx days la th. week. W. hare no chance to wash our clothing, or bathe, except on Sundays, when wa should be taking- a well-earned rest. . After talk ing th. matter over, w. have come to th. conclusion that elht hours per day la as much aa should be expected of ua, as we are right at th. work and do not lose any time going to or coming. "We know that we can do aa much work In elsht hour. a., ten. which will giro us an opportunity to waah our clothing and bath. In th. erenlng. so w. can have Sunday as a day of rest Trusting you will glr. this reasonable request your klndeat consideration and hoping to get a favorable reply at four earliest conTenlenoa, w. remain, yours most respectfully." i -r r rue Cured In Ms to Tearteea Says. r ABO Is nuaatred te cere say ef ttihlos, Blind. Btcedlna- or Protradlna hlM la to (4 Ur er bomt refowlM. Htm. Frank L. Smitli Meat Co. 226-228 Alder Street, Between First and . Second Streets FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST" SOUP MEAT, PER LB.....U. ...V.. :.....3cj Beef Prime Rib Roast. s .10c Beef Sirloin Steak. . . .12c Porterhouse Steak I2xc Beef Rib Steak:.. .; A2c Best Round Steak. ... . . 10c Beef Shoulder Steak.. 8c Beef Shoulder Roast.... .8c Hamburger Steak . . . .".8c Rolled Rib Roast Beef I2c Corned Beef . . .-... .6c Liver ;..,;..5c Brisket Beef . . ... ... ... . 5c Beef : Stew . . . . . . .. .V. .". 5c Lamb Stew ; . .. . . . 6c Frontquarters Lamb '. .v.10c Veal Stew ... .. ... . .....8c Veal Shoulder Roast.... 10c teg of Teai. ::;. .7;;i2c Breast - of Veal ... : 10c Pork Steak ...........15c Leaf Lard Y,...'..V.,12Hc Lamb Shoulders ' .V. ... . 10c Lamb Shoulder Chops 12j4c Lamb Loin Roast .....15c Our Own Lard, pure 'ij . il2Qj. vnoice naras, our 0W".'7aC Beef Rump Roast. ...i ,8c Bkf t. BaconV our own 17c Pickled Pork .. .:; i.AZYxC Pork Loin: Roast. "V. 15c Pork Chops ....... ...X5e Pips1 Heads v.;'. 5c Pigs' Feet .. . i . Vi . .:5c Sausage . . '. . ; 10c Pork Shoulder. Roast. 12c Pork Sides i.l2Hc Lamb Rib,RdastT..-;"..-15c Leg of "Lamb . . . .T '. ".V. I5c Ribs and LoinChops, . ,15c - Why should you trade, with Smith? Because Smith's meats are ALL-OREGON meats. : Much of the Beef Trust's meats are eastern meats. ' Smith's meats are the yery best and at thesame time the very cheapest you can buy. When we offer you the very best meats at the lowest prices' in .the lUnited States todajv should it" nbtlbelthe easiest thing in the world for you to give us your patronage? Tvswrrr Headv V 1907 . y. -I .; r ., ..- r - -V SI - '. . WORLD - REN OWNED HATS r Worn by the Best Dressed Men In the Unlvene ' - nj Hatters of cveiy Large C Sold only in Portland by THE GLNTILITY SHOP 1 . V- i.,.'- I e Steinway's Prestig Greater Today Vv ThanE,ver Before ' ; WORLD-FAMOUS MUSICIANS today testify to the pre-; 7" eminence, ol the Steinway. Mastets who. recognizee its i superior - ..' excellence when the great house was you today repeat their i earlier words of praise, adding even stronger eulogies. ' y- FANNIE BLOOMFIELD-ZEISLER, a name known to the entire music world, says, over her signature in the "ITJSIC TRADES," January issue, 1907: 'Artistically, there is'nopiano r equal to the Steiiiway; hence all really great pianists who have not ' sold their artistic judgment for material gain, and are moved solely ; by artistic considerations, demand the Stein way " : - 'J: ' v Previous to this she had recently written: ."I ami more than 'ever convinced that the-Steinway is the only piano that fully meets ' my artistic requirements. .';" v - In my opinion, the excellence i of your instruments is simply. unapproachable. ; ' OSvi the Steinway! iWhat a piano I , Write this down- it is divine; it ''-is the finest in the world." ' : "V-''v ' V ':' 'Vv 'l ' . v i ALEXANDER LAMBERT writes: "In selecting your pianos exclusively for the YORK COLLEGE OF MUSIC,' I have not onlv shown preference for them oyer all others, v but ait the same time have given them a testimonial of a more substantial nature than words ' . can express- It is useless for me to praise this truly .peerless j instrument. 1 . .'. . Your : pianos have ..the most astonishing durability. - The twenty . pianos in use at the 'College of ;' Music' (and used incessantly) are today in the same condition as when first received." :.vy. ';''. ; ,'' "l 'i.:-.?': ,1. ' ;.:'; 'A-, ."V; k'.' .v''..-' : - 1 - Sold Only By "fiouse olOgality S. B. MILLS is another of the Steinway earfy ."drrrirers. He flrtt wrotet THE STEINWAY PIANO IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD." A qtiuO; 4 icr oi a ccniuiy ciapscu nu nc agaui wiuic; -a rcjicai uic statement, una- . ly adding that the many wonderful Improvements in the artistic construction ; , of the pianos produced by you in the last twenty-eight years of my experi ence have placed your instruments so far beyond those of other manufae :r turers that COMPARISON IS SUPERFLUOUS." V ; x i -i . . : ; LILLIAN NORDICA, In the latter part of 1906, writes: There boa other instrument in all the world." 'i.i- . AINO ACKTE says: IT cannot express myself more to the point than to voice the sentiments' of Messrs. Jean and Edouard de Reszke: 'My pref erence,' conviction and artistic judgment have been and are for your superb masterpieces ONLY . . . Use all haste in shipping It. (the Steinway), as I , am anxious tb show my friends the treasure IhaVe brought with me from : America." ;,;.r-;vV. Z-X,-t-:ui,:-- i;-FRANZ LISZT," to r whom Rosenthal proudly points as his instructor, . says : "The Steinway grand is aglorious , masterpiece in power-"sonority, , singing quality. and perfect, harmonic effects,' affording delight ven to' my ' JCi-V :'v lf piano-weary fingers. ' Eyef-continiing.success remains a beautiful attri- RAFAEL JOSEFFY, another of the great masters with whom Rosenthal ; ? - studied, says : "This grand imbued ; with new delights in its mechanique,.! V 'V with a tone even more majestic and powerful than heretofore, and. with it all 1 1 ' ' : K - ' ' of ravishing beauty- was without any doubt the most perfect instrument which I ever had the good fortune I he 'NEW ' ! : Further comment from its, hi the face bf,such. whole-hearted and,recent commendation from the world's : , masters of music, would almost'amount t6 an impertinence. We leave you to think over their unbiased judg ement; and invite you most cordially to call at "THE HOUSE" OF , QUALITY" and see these superb instru ,. ments. It was, very natural that the' greatest piano manufacturers should select the oldest, best established and ; ' safest house on the Pacific Coast as their exclusive agents.". We are proud of the honorproud of the respon-' " sibflity. WE ARE AT HOME TO YOU ON ALL DAYS, AT ALL HOURS. A SPECIAL INVITATION -IS NOT. NECESSARY.;; .,.--.';v:' Vrf ;,V r0-: :.::-X;, y. --V. : .:i'- ' iy'-l-S' ' '.'' ',y PORTLAND SEATTLE, TACOMA nermai Sixth and Morrison Streets LVLRLTT : BLLLINGHAM ' Opposite Postoffice SPOKANE,