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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY : JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY ' EVENING. - MARCH H,'-'1S07. ': ' MRS, EDDY'S. EVIDENTLY CONCEALED i t"k CTAnIo4- I Aftfor Ount - Bonds but Pay Taxes Only Hundred Dollars Annually. -n Concord. N. It, March 11 To aseer - lain the truth about Mrs. Mary Baker O.' Eddy's wealth, a Hearst News Berv r loe reporter examined the books of the - v' city tax collector and found that the ':., total on April 1. 10. was represenUnl , to be only $St.tSO. On that day Mra - 1 ddy paid la tasee tl.ltl.01. . v I Under the lawf of New Hampshire a - . taxpayer Is compelled to file a sworn . caaid;AeSrjblPeleech, - - piece of property . he possesses. In Mrs. , " Eddy's schedule .tinder', the ..captions. ; .: ''Money on hand at Interest or on de ; posit." no entry is made, teavlnr it to - be Inferred by the tax collector that she , . has not a cent In any bank. President Pernald of the National State CaplUl ' bank la this city today said she had ' '. bad an account In that Institution for '. the last to years. Tbe amount of that .' account ml alleged by counsel for Mra - Eddy's son to be at least Sl.OOO.OQO In cash and quick assets., v .' Then again, tn the columns set apart for the value of .stocks In banks and " ether corporations In New' Hampshire - and other states, no entry Is made, la . dies tins that Mra. Eddy posseesea no , such securities, although Fred N. Ladd, v treasurer of the Loan A Trust Savings In this city, and auditor for Mrs. Eddy, saldi -1 r ... ;.r-, v .; ' - '"Mrs. Eddy held many bonds of gilt , edged - securities, . both national - and state, .and that she had selected them herself. . sad had purchased them through, fire f the leading bond houses In Boston." : In full, the wealth of Mrs. Eddy, as set forth on the books, ot the city tax collector, l as follows: ' ' ' "Pleasant View homestead. I11S09: the Tuttle lot. adjoining, lie; four horses, 600; two cows, 5; carrlagea, 1200; stocks Id publio funds. IJJ.000. Total, ' 154.160. 1. '. That statement was filed by John H. Quinby. assessor for the Seventh ward. , In Concord.-" in which Mrs. Eddy resides. Jt Is assumed he received It properly sworn to from Mrs. Eddy or her at torney,. "v.. i When Quinby was asked today to V When Quinby was asked todsy " tol 11 1 I . show the -original schedule he hunted through his house for about five min-i " utes and then said he. could not find 1 j .'.-I't Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, Her Concord' Home and Calvin SOURCE OF FRUIT PESTS " ; DENOUNCED BY GRANGE - (ftyertai Dispatdi Tee leareet) Kussellvllle. Or.. March 14. The fol lowlns; resolutions were passed unani mously at the laat meeting- of Russell vllle trance: .-. . "Whereea, Numerous eld. neglected trees are kept standing- on vacant lots, to.,- around , Ruesellvllle, MontaviUa and ..Mount Tabor, eonatantljr breeding cale and other pests, to the annoyance F Columbia Phonograph Company ,; 371 fife March Records F ' Nearing the End. N . ' . In a few days you will And us tn onr tisw end beautiful home at Seventh and . f " Washington streets. A combination of --, aklll and money , will make our new ;H. . store the finest in Portland. At the ' present time we are at our old location .. on Third street, near Morrleon. Ws ' are still holding THE BIO REMOVAL BALB and will continue this bargain , ' offering antll we move, which will be - ' some time la the near future. We wilt 1 . save yon money if yon buy your ahoea . - new. Remember, the and ef the sale la -. , ' soon. . , Rosenthal's Trm ft XTs ahsss . IVs WEALTH Mnv lift-FrltraH Corporation Twelve to the Extent of and detriment . of all fruitralaera who spray and ear, for their trees; be It "Resolved. That we, the members of RusseUville grange, hereby call . upon the fruit commissioners and Inspector of this district to destroy said trees without further delay, or also to re frain from coal-olllng apples that have been infected from aald treea. "Resolved, That wo can sea no Jus tice In allowing trees on the Ladd farm and other lots held for speculation to be and remain breedtng-placee for pests for honest horticulturists to fight" " 'v'..- WASHINGTON STRLLT: 371 EASY ' PAYMENTS The Machine That -Talks The Sian That Tells The Records That T: . Win . ' Now on Sale nxmo T. BWaeathaTa. WANT A CANAL FROM " EUGENE TO CORVALLIS -Engsns, Or, March. 14. Tba Eugene Commercial club hall It annual eleo tlon of officers last night.. Dr. U Whit- on was reelected president, Charlea 8. wllllaraa waa chosen vlce-preeldsnt. Vern D. Allison secretary. Darwin Brle tow treasurer, F. M Day. C. A. Wlnter- meler and r. I - Chamber, trustee. Tbe club discussed the feasibility of constructing a canal for navigation par poses rrom Eugene to corvanis ana ap pointed a committee to Inveetlgste tbe source or water supply for me eanai. CLEARS NIKE THOUSAND HUN YEAR'S TIME - Joseph Cloaeet purchased this morn ing tha quarterblock at fhe northwest corner of Third and Jefferson streets for 141.000.. The site was sold by Martin Rosenbaum of Oregon City, who bought it. less than one year ago for ISf.000. A two-story brick and some small frame buildings occupy the property. ' This property la diagonally across tha street from the quarterblock bought some months aga by B. M. Lombard for tI7.S0O, and for which ha has been of fered a substantial advance. COUNCIL MAY HAVE BEEN JOBBED ON CONTRACT ("pedal Dispatch to Tee laml.) Walla. Walla, Wash March 14. Be cause of agitation ag-alnst the purchase of a garbage Incinerator from tha De carls Manufacturing .company for tha sum .of $18,000 soma time since, the city council passed a resolution . au thorising the city clerk to find out where such incinerators bad been sold, the capacity of the asms and tha price various titles paid for them. When tha contract waa made with the n. earls company the blt was advertised ao that only one Company oould bid. which has oaused considerable com ment Tha question as to whether the city had ' been "Jobbed" on the price paid was discussed by tha city oouncll this ' afternoon tn a meeting of tha committee of the whole. ' v RICH MAN'S PANIC. ' (Continued from Page One.) : . la over. , A general Improvement In all American stocks Is expected. - . - Early this morning on Wall street there - wis . but little excitement, trad ers apparently 'not being- aware of tha Impending; destruction of values. The killing of yesterday punched tha big fellows, but howls- are not expected from hose quarters. ' The bleating lambs ware all shaken out before yesterday's squeese started. When tha market -opened it waa Irreg ular. - Active stocks started up for fractional gains, but at the end of 10 minutes a downward movement set In that spread financial terror and disaster broadcast. , , . , GOOD AUDIENCES AT DR. DRIVER'S LECTURES i Large audlenoes are nlghtlr orowdlng 0raeo- Methodtat-ehapel- to hear De l, D.'e lectures on the "Founda tions of Christianity Last night ha dlaoussed "The Incarnation, of- Jesus Christ, His Eternal Bonshlp 1 and the Miraculous Birth." Tonlsht at T:4( O'clock his subject wiU be The Inter pretstloa of Bortptura. or Why There Are 400 Denominations." , " There la a (rest lot of fold In Windy Hollow, says tha Laker leer laraloV JJso wind. ' . . . . SAVED I1USDAUD FROfJ SEflTENCE Mrs. Hennelly- Declares, How ever, That Storekeeper Con- Y tinued to Abuse Her. . TAKEN TO POLICE I STATION AFTER SPREES Kow Sb Seek Divorce- and Thinks Two Thousand . Dollars Alimony Would Be) an Excellent Balm Husbnd Owns Drrgoods Store. Dora Hennelly filed sslt for divorce In the state circuit today from Thomas A. Bennelly, alleging cruel and Inhu man treatment. ' Mrs Hennelly ask for alimony la the sunt of $1,000. , In her complaint Mrs, Hennelly al leges that she married Hennelly at Vancouver, Washington. February 18, ItOt, and removed with blm to this city. She alleges that commsnclng In June. 10, Henelly beat and abuaed her dally r that he also called - her rtl names and did everything to make Ufa miserable for her, finally oaualng her to leave him and live apart from him t 11V nrat atreet. . Mrs. Henelly alleges that Hennelly owns property In Washington and Ore gon worth That no aiso owns a dry gooas store on intra ibw valued at tS.000.. ' Mrs. Hennelly alleges that her hus band Is a habitual drunkard and that on several occasions ha waa picked up by the police and taken to the station to lleep off the affects of his drink ing. She aays It was only by her In tercession that Hennelly was not sen tenced to serve time In Jail for hlr drunken carousals. Despite these evi dences of love and loyalty Mra, Hen nelly alleges that Hennelly continnea to beat and abuse hsr. 1 v She asks the court In addition to the alimony amounting to 11,000,. to allow her IIS for fees with which. to conduct her dlvoreo suit. FATE SOOII III Casa of Nelson and . Danlelson Is to Ba Completed Late Today. v'.''.;,. Tha murder trial of Ed Nelson and C. H. Danlelson. charged with tne Kill ing of Oscar Llndgren. will go to we Jury this afternoon. -It waa ezoected thst the case would be disposed of earlier, but arguments of attorneys lasted nearly-aH--f-yesterday, and Attorney W. W. Bsnka did not finish his argument until 10:10 o'clock this morning. He was followed by Dep uty District Attorney O. C.Moser. who had not finished speaikng .when the court adjourned for tha noonr recess. Mr. Moser will probably require another hour this afternoon before finishing his argument and tha charge of Judge Fraser to the Jury will take up some time, so that the case will not likely go to the Jury until lata In tha after noon. - v.- ?-- . Tha attorneys In the ease covered tha facts thoroughly to tha Jury and ' ex plained much of tha conflicting testi mony Introduced tn tha five daya. Many are of the opinion that the men wilt be acquitted, while others are equally cer tain that the defense has failed to prove an alibi.' : . : v.; . . .. RAILROAD COMMISSION TO EXAMINE NEW ROAD '- tflpeelsl ! te-Tee'eerel. - Balem, Or.. March 14. The board of railroad commissioners will Investigate the status of the Mid-Oregon Railway company which according to the report filed by Presldsnt Wallace Nash was organised February tl, 1900, with a capital stock of 1(00,000 for the con struction of a railway Una from Port land southward into tha Cascades. - The preliminary report states that tha com pany for various reasons has not been able to carry out Ha plans. It 'seems tttat the com nan v IntsndeA ta buv tha Crrallls A Eastern railroad but tha ! plans wars frustrated by tha agents of Harrlman In Chicago who purchased the road. And for this reason tha Mid Oregon Una has not made much progress.- COFFEE COMPLEXION Zastly Cleared TTp by BUmple St ' Tha eoffea habit' often causes sallow ness long before tha causa la suspected. Then tha coffee user mar ba wllllne; to give np he harmful Indulgence. Tha experience of a Pennsylvania lady ahows how easily this may be dona. She says: - " have suffered from constipation and stomach trouble since a child, when headaches were so severe that I was prevented from studying at school. Since reaching adult age, I have been, onttl recently, frequently-In great pain front ulceration of the - stomach and had grown wretchedly thin, i- "Mr complexion had become very sallow and my stomach wsa an unallo cated punishment to me. For years wa have always had some kind of eathartlo In the house, which 1 took before retir ing, aa a matter -of regular routine, uelng one kind until it began to loss Its effect, and then another. ' "About six weeks ago my husband brought homo a, package of . Postum Food Coffee, Insisting that t give up the old kind and try the new. It seemed to be Impossible to quit drinking coffee, although I knew It was Injuring my health. v "However, after reading tha little book. Tha Road to Wellvllle,' which I found In the package. I concluded to give Postum a fair trial. "For the past alx weeka I have need It three times a day and I gratafally testify that my . atomaeh ' trouble and constipation have already entirely left T am growing' plumper and rounder In figure and my complexion Is clearing np beautifully. Tou oannot imagine how good It aeems not to have that dis tressing pain after each meal I I have thrown out all the medicine bottles for Nature's own medicine,- right food and Postum Pood Coffee have made me a well woman." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.. "There's a reason.' Read the famous tittle book. "Tha Boad to WellriUe," la pkgs. JURORS HANDS "Tho 25c Sleeveless Vests 15c CO dozen women's fine Swiss ribbed sleeve less Vests, very elastic, fancy lace yoke and a splendid 23c quality. On sale Friday and Saturday at this low price. i . New Today New arrivals in Dress Trimmings, fEmbroid eries and Laces, Novel ty Dress Goods and akirSTIkValslsTKiJ- Gloves and Neckwear. Inspection invited.. ; Children's Hose lOcPair v Tridayand -Saturday only. 4-thread, with double heel : and . toe ' and triple- knee, warranted fast black and stain less. Regular 20c value. Sizes 8 to 8. A great bargain. ' : 25c Organdies, Special 1,600 yards of new. Organdies and Batistes, very fine and sheer, 30 inches wide and the regular 25c kind, on sale Fri day and Saturday at about half the regular price. Beauti ful floral, dot and figured effects in the daintiest of color ings, Buy yoursummer dress now and pay less. 12 yards to a customer. . " j Shirts 47c Mt. Hood Shirts for men, in soft or stiff front, detachable cuffs, very best quality ma terials.'. All sizes, and' regu lar $1.25 and $1.50 grades. Ruffled Swigs Curtains; 95c Pr. Standard $1.50 quality. For a great Friday and Saturday special we offer, 600 pairs Ruffled Swiss Curtains, fancy lace atrip patterns, full 3- yards long and -extra wide, at this remarkably low price.. House-cleaning time-will oon be here. Take advantage of this great bargain. 4 , ; ; Women's $25 Tailored Suits at $19.85 Ea Modes . Paris Patterns,;, Union-made. All ioc i .... PIPES "YARNS" OF HIS FINANCES : Tooth Wlo Wonld Wed Tells of Be ing Bobbed to Explain Want i J - J., s s. m . :Of Funds. . V': A. D. Nloewonder, a Baa Francises chauffeur, who told a remarkable tale to tha authorities last month of hav ing been held np and, robbed of sev eral hundred . oilers at Fourth and Burnalde streets br three masked men, now appears in a new role at polios headquartera.' Tbe young man was arrested raster day br Detectives Jones and Tlobertor on a charge of passing a bogus check on J. Woolach, proprietor of a second hand store. Aa Investigation br tha detectlvea who took him Into custody showed that Nloewonder's story of the encounter with tha trio of highway men was evidently ,a fabrication. It la understood Nlcewonder la en gaged to wed a pretty teiepnone girl, and being - without funds. Is alleged to have conoooted tha story of the loss of all of hia coin. '--t The young woman in question re sides On the oast slds and la critical ly UL She has not been apprised of tha plight of her lover. la the police ourt today Nloewonder's case waa continued until tomorrow. STRIKE QUIETS REALTY MARKET Among Prominent Sale Is Purchase of Stephens' Addition Property , . by Sanderson Reed. f ; " ' The strike of tha sawmill operatives Is seriously affecting tha local real ae tata market While the sales reported for last week went well above half a million, tha transactions for tha first four daya of tha present week will fall below (100.000. - Sanderson Reed purchased this morn ing the quarter block at the southeast corner of Bast Ninth and East Grant streets for IMOO. The property be longed to Martin Winch and la ocoupled br alx small cottages. D. B. Mackla of tha Commercial Investment oompanr made tha sale. The six -acre tract adjoining the Doembeoher Turnlturo company's plant, at East Twenty-eighth street and Bandy road,' that waa purohsaed br that oon eern from the Ladd aetata some weeks ago, la to be used by tha company for Storo Noted for Best Goods at Lowest OUR GREAT SPECIALS Jat . this .price. Friday and Saturday i New Kid Gloves all shades, $ 1 .00 Pr. Don't wait until the last minute to buy your Easter gloves Here's a rare chance to supply your needs and save mojieyr Every pair fresh from the manufacturer no old stock; 2 clasp -styles and in all the popular new shades. - Regular $1.60 quality. All gloves fitted and warranted. Buy now! extensions ' and Improvements to 'Its present plana Preparations are under way for tha erection by the Doernbech ers of a chair factory, during the com ing summer, which will occupy a Jor tlon of the recently acquired tract.''- TO SAVE HER LIFE SHE LEFT HER HUSBAND (Special Dispatch te The Joeraal.) ': Balem, Orn March limAlleging cruel and Inhuman treatment and the feet that her husband Is now serving 4 life sentence In tha penitentiary for assault against his own daughter, Mra. Frances Stelborn has 'commenced dlvoros pro ceedings against Charlea Bteiborn. They were married December t, It II, and separated la Febrnarr ' of laat year, Mra. Stelborn asserting she was com pelled to abandon her husband In order to protect her life. Tha four children are now In tha custody of tha Boys' and Girls' Aid society la Portland and range from I to II years of age.- KigxirtxaiimianKaam STRONG TESTIMONY OF A STREET RAILWAY MAN IN PORTLAND PROP. WW. RICXARDS. T ' Wa have hundreds of testimonials as good as this. Ask for names and addreeeee of people cured in Portland. We give free trial trestmenta to prove to yon tha curative power of the Eleotro Radiator. Tou can uaa It In pour own homo,, Prof! Wm. Rickardo V Mi pxptx iTmnaT, oqwna xsmoovk. - non maxm' uoa. M Priors.' $2.50 Cambric Skirts $1.59 Made of fine " quality material . with '. deep flounce of lace or embroidery clustered tucks and dust ruffle. Every skirt good and full and a regular $2.50 value. New Today Sample line of women's fanlcy Spring Hosiery, plain lace, lace boot and rich embroidered ef iccts Z Entire, line.togo on sale at about half the regular selling price. r. ' 100 Dozen Shirt ; waists ?7c A delayed 6hipmfiDtjpf riew8prng.Walsts just arrived. . These were bought to sell at $1.75 and $2.00 apiece and they are 'easily worth it. All are . the very latest styles, elaborately trimmed with fine embroideries and laces, or long sleeves. ' Men's Sox 121c Pr. Regular 25c qualities! , Plain black, fancy stripes and-figures and black with white feet, all warranted fast color and stainless. Choice at just half of regular price,i: $2 Purses at 31.47 Women's Leather Handbags and Purses, best seal leather, silk lined, with coin . purse and mirror. These are our regular $2.00and $2.25jines and are extra good tvaluesJi Mail Orders Fined.' : Samples on Request.. ' WANTS TO CONDUCT ' SERVICES AT KELLY BUTTE Mrs. A. Wells asked permission frotrj Judge Wsbstar of tha county court tht morning to. hold religious services onH a week at Kelly Butte. Mrs. Wells, as slated by her husband, has held week) services at tha city Jail for two yearr No action was - taken on bar requee this morning, although It la expecte ina. k wiu no granted. . . - -'. Urge Municipal Paring Plant.' fDHl ptasatHr te TtiMwrmlt ' . WaUa Walla. March 14. Establish meat of a municipal paving plant la be mg agitatea in tnie etty. It is urgei that ever ftt.OOO Wblob goes as pro it on paving of atreets alreadv reeanJ mended would ba saved by tbe llty own lag Its own plant . Councilman WlUlatJ Klrkman openly urged munlolpal mac) aoara paving in mt residence district at ua oouneu meeting last night. KnnnHxrcannmKn Who bad Suffered froitn - .Stomach Trouble ; 1 for Yaari .;; ; , Portland; Or,' Jan. tt, '. N Prof, Wo. Rlckarda. .. Dar Btr: I must write this tes timony thanking you for tha great relief I have received by coming to you and taking your Electro Radiator treatmente. For many yeara I had been aufferlng from severe STOMACH TROU BLE. I had taken everything I heard Of, that I thought would do me good, but I only reeelved re lief for a SHORT time. Anything I would eat gave me much dis tress It seemed I must die. My oonditlon aeemed woree at night. I alwaya bad to aleep Bitting up In bed. Viy distress from gas was terrible. After taking if treatments with your FXRCTRO RADIATOR I AM ENTIRELY CURED. My wife was also cured ef a bad osee of catarrh. Anyw ttereon doabtlnr- this utimint i. weloome to eeil upon ue at 1401 Morton street, Woodlawn station. J EDWARD RUB TIN, JtZ I