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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. .'. THURSDAY -EVENINO. MARCH : 11, 1807. - HIGH SCHOOLS 10 HOLD FIELD LIT Whitman College Will Handle , 4 Big Interscholastiq Meet- - Ing In May. WILL HAVE ENTRIES ; FROM THREE STATES President Penrose Makes Toar of . Inland Empire tad Sets Ball Boil ing for Proportion by Extending ! InvlUUona to XVaXU VTmlU;'" rllneclal Mimtrk to The Jeers.) ' . .Walla Wall.. , Wuh, March li A , Urge Intersoholastlo. track meet, the irtttMt ver Men In Wane Walla. If not In tho northwest, la now iwurtd. , It wlU be bald In Wall Walla tha flrat ' wack of Mar. under th eusploea of Whitman oollegs, and representatives will ba present from all the larger high achoola and academies of ths Inland tra ptre. Including tha states of Oregon, . Washington and Idaho. Professor Hendiick and President Pen " rose have Just returned from tours of . northern Idaho, and Washington and eastern Oregon and southern Idaho, the :. object of -which was to visit the various achoola of Importance' and extsnd ye invitation to participate in the meet 10 'them. The proposition ' that Whitman : mates to them U that they may each end 10 representatives, all of whose ex penses, both entertainment end railroad. far, will be paid in full. This assures full representations from tha best schools . In the Inland empire. .Every school that has been invtted la very anthusiaatlo over the project and expects to send" a team to compete. t Among tha places visited which ' will be , representee) ware Tuewtaton, : Kits-vine, ' Spokane, Pa louse, Colfax, Garfield, Pen- dleton. La Grande. Baker City, Weteer . and Boise. The Dallas high school mar also be Invited. ' The biggest track ' meet ' ever pulled off in Walla- Walla Is now a sure go. and . Walla Walla wlU be Invaded In May by mare than a hundred of the .crack athletes of the high achoola of '. the Inland empire. . - . . ... ' Plana are already under way' for the . entertainment of th guests, and ' for Handling tha large crowd, that Is - ex pected. The meet will extend over two days, tha preliminaries taking place on ; Thursday. May 1. and the finals on Frl 1 day. There will also be a declamation contest this evening of all the schools .' represented In th meet. ( ,, .', Penrose Deniee Story. , President 8. B. I Penrose of Whit -man college strenuously denies a' story fiabllahed - In several Washington and daho papers to th effect that in a reoent address to the students of Lswls ' ton high school he took Issue with WPrestdetit Eliot of Harvard on the foot I wlkaa question. He - had the . following terse sentence to say en the matter: , "There Is no foundation for the story published In the I wtston Tribune and r Spokesman Review that 'I made an ad ; dress to the Lewiston high, school In -which I took Issue with-President Eliot 'Of Harvard on th football question. ' J . made no speech about football, college ' yells or anything else. The story was published In tha Lewiston papers be j for 1-reached th city. . 1 , .. . - . ,' "k . ' Wfll Train' a Pendleton.' ; ' Utpaelel IM.lwtck to The learaaLt ' ' . Pendleton, Or., March . 14. Arrange-,-ments have been mad., whereby the Aberdeen baseball team will train . In , Pendleton during April. Th oondltions upon which they -come are that the team will ba given the free use of the I ground andallowed to take th total eAeelpts from the first Sunday game to team and a local nine. Marion Boys Win. . - In the Multnomah club's pool tourna ment last evening Bdward Morris beat William Walters 41 to 16. and Arthur Morris ala beat Walters 4S to II. - Oregon is dickering with Multnomnh for th Thanksgiving data for th annual football gam. Oregon has submitted a "(proposition to Multnomah snd It is now me arsw Solentlnl Appliance, Always a Per- . feet Pit Adjustable to Any Slse ; Person assy. Comfortable, hTever Hps, 'Ho Obnoxious Springs or f Pads. Costs Xrtss Than aCany i Common Trasses Mads for Women " ' arm. r . Call- Sent on Trial t bits tsveated a raptors srpllseee that I eea ufalr Mr. by SO reefs' experlwe m the nprars osalsMS, IS skeolately bold the - 0. X. Brooks, the Iaveater. . , , and ret Is Usht, eool, eesitprUMe. eoefarM te vtay sMTMn-nt of the body without rhoflnf e somas and eoots lose Uiaa aony ordinary traaeao. Tbore ero so springs or koro, himpr paiia sad rat It bold tbe rupture softly and (Irmly without pole or IseeaTanleere. I have sot-Uo prle so lew that any sorsoe. rtoei of Soar, can boy, eed I shaohitoly imraptoo It. I SMke It te roar etdor oaod It to tu pi w it, sad tf It dooaa't eatlafr yoe 4 tt kaek te sao sad X will rofasd year atanay. That Is the falrat-B4"lIHiia ever saads by s rnptiira anorlallat. Tha hanks or any to- aponalblo rltlarn le kfarahall will toll m that 10 too way I i ilnaas always eboolouly ea ue square. ' It yoe ksve triad nmat evorytfclnf else, "one to a. Wbaro ethers fall Is wboro t har my groataat nnw. Write aae today ad I will aond yoe say hook ee Raptors snd Do Cere, sbowlns any sppllasre and (Wins yoe piieao and sanwe of eooplo who hare triad It nit boon cured. It la Inatant rallof ha all "'ho tall. Rastomhar I sao so aortas, do fcaraoas, no Mae. Jaat s atraichl teals 1 as seal I I roaaonahlo price. - X X. Bseaaa, Steaks Blag. Rupt tne eau eee wet wiu rsptare as sever ell ISRAELITE VJILL race no r.ioRE New Orleans Witnesses Sad ' Spectacle When Noted" Horse Was Killed.' WAS THE CAUSE OF THE DURNELL FEUD Lt Accident Baa Started Strong , ' Sentiment Against the Inhuman Practice ; of , "Nerving" . Race ""Horse. " " IT- ' . .. , ' . , T ' (Joornal Bperiel Sorrlro.) New Orleans, March It. Th "Shame of th Paddock" la what well known local turf erittd termed th practice of racing "nerved" racehorses early last week. His reference to the subject was lnsDlred by a sltlabl incident which arose during on of th closing days of th recent fortnightly meeting at the Fair Grounds. The well-known perfor mer Israelite snapped off his foot at a point near the fetlock Just opposite th final sixteenth pole during a three quar- tors race. Jockey Pickett was Buried into tha fence. Later on h camel around all right Not so the ' horse. There he stood right In front of the main section of the grandstand with thousands ef men and, women looking on. Hobbling about on the bar stump with tha hoof part dangling like a piece of sail tacked to a soar was Israelite. Several women became hysterical as the horse lurched next to the railing nearest the grandstand, and almost a panto prevailed, when a sergeant of police from the racetrack squad clambered over the ratlins and out on to the traek with a glinting pistol Is his bands. "Oh. good ness r moaned th typical woman moo? goer as th report of . the pistol re sounded. I ' , Bad Many Wve. Hither Israelite wag possessed of the proverbial "nine lives" of "Tommys" est or the sergeant was. woefully lack ing In pistol prentice. - Suffice to know that again, and stlU again, the kicking Israelite received a pellet of lead, on each occasion ths anguished groan of th grandstand occupants responding. Any number of racegoers vowed tney had don for racing right there and then, and It was easy to be seen th spectacle had proven a "knock" of th deadliest sort for thoroughbred racing. - No more brutal thing has been seen on a racetrack In years than the pass ing of Israelite. The accident and death of th horse may be charged to th bard chances a desperate owner and trainer will take with a horse to "fetch horn th money." Israelite had 'been nerved In three legs and was not fit to carry himself on s surface th least .bit slip pery, for th reason that not having any feeling I In his lower hacks because of th removal or tne nerve com. ne couiu not, control his feat. On th day of th accident. Pickett swung him into th stretch "ther sharply, and getting a hjbiiuu nft tu iau u wnsj vuuiv w pull out In tha finish. In so doing Is raelite snapped off th deadened lower part of kee oft forefoot, and down he .,- .- ' r went" According ttf the experts of th pad dock.. Israelite should, never have been raoea. "it s n stanaing aisgraca to American racing that so many "nerved horses are permitted to race," declared an English racing enthusiast, who hap pened to b discussing th Israelite in cident within earshot of ths writer somej time later; "for U Js cruel snd abso lutely dangerous to th boys who ride them. ' Then, again, ; ths public bettor must be oopaidered, for nerved horses are known to be th most erratic per formers of all offenders in that way. On th continent, particularly In Aus tria and Franca, the paddock veterinar ians are instructed by ths turf powers to refuse permission to start any horse bearing an aggravated nerve' treatment Th saro thing ought to be don In America. Undoubtedly reform in that direction will come In the near future. Israelite will b remembered always as th medium whereby th celebrated Dumell-McCafferty feud was nrectDl- ttdV In th autumn ef 1 MoCaffer- ty snd Durnell were at Jamaica, Long Island. Israelite was started by Dur nell. snd MoCaf forty ran Mm up to an unheard-of prlos. Ths horse showed himself to be touchy In ths feet and legs snd wss ' "nerved" for the first time then. That winter Durnell and MoCatferty developed their quarrel to such an extent that n publlo scandal resulted at Ascot Park, Los Angeles, California. Israelite Is the oolt which afforded Bookmaker "Sol" UoMensteln the butt of a famous joke. The colt was In ths futurity ef liot. Coming flown from Saratoga, ; New Tork. - the night before th race, eome on asked "80I" as te what chano he thought Is raelite possessed In th futurity. Said th ponderous purveyor of odds: "Oh, 1 oon-t know. He might win by s nose." Israelite was brad by James R. Keens, snd at on time that turfman refused 111.000 for. the horse. "Jerry" Weinberg, a Brooklyn, Kew Tork, law yer ana sportsman, offered that price. He was by Istdor. Israelite was . en tered In a selling race at an estimated value of 1500 when death stalked In. As soms ons one said: - "Tou can fall a thousand miles on tbe turf. Y. M.'C. A. JUNIORS WILL PERFORM IN THE TANK Th T. M. C A. championship Junior aquaUo meet will take place this even ing in in t. m. c a. swimming tank at t o'oleok. Thar will be gold, silver and bronse medals for ths winners. Th boys will form in three elaeses. Thar will b a 10-yard swim, t plungs for distance, a 100-yard swimming race, a high dive, a 60-yard race, and a dtve for plates. Ths Judges for th events are: Referee, ID. C Uerlow: Judges. W. L. Murray, 7, Klesner,' A.' P. Anderson, J. C Clark, A. Allen and ,J. J. Byrne: In spectors, Jamea Mackte snd V. Den: timekeepers H. W. Kerrigan. - X A. Horan, A. M. Orillay, W. Abegg and F. E. Watklns; clerk of the course, C. O ra il am ; acorer, F, EL Oulld: starter. L. M. MyerS. One-sided bowlir3 on multnomah alleys ' There was a very odd gams of bowl ing at ths Multnomah olub . last night On team was short two men. and the other aggregation had but on repre sentative.,. Ths scores: . ,v v t THS TWO-SHT TEAM." Moor M ilt Itt 11 W. Healy 144 II IIS 4i Barrett ... 14 ' 10 lit 117 Totals .........141 411 41t l.tit THH LOST tEAM. Orton uuuu.u.111 let 111 lit LATEST GOSSIP lil DASEOALL WORLD Portland Giants Are Working , Morning and Afternoon at Camp Salinas. LARRY M'LEAN TELLS ABOUT ALTOONA DEAL Says the Entire Affair Was Hat ter of Misplaced Confidence ' Donahue, . Henderson and Moore Will Not iota tbe Squad. The Portland Olants are making things lively down around that ratals town of Salinas, where they are doing their early training stunts. Th players are eompelledVto turn out morning and afternoon for workouts and, despite the few good days that they have had, the work has been satisfactory to Manager Mccredle. .... , It looks now as if Donahue and Henderson , will not report to Mo Cradle, th Stockton offer being; too tempting for th two Portland. stars. However. MoCrodl has great hopes in his new catcher, French from Modests, California. Charles . Moor has posl lively refused to Jots ths Olants at tha salary offered and wilt content him self this year by managing and playing with th St. Johns team in th city lea gue.. One man who will bo greatly missed by Portland this season and who was Instrumental in helping th Olants elneh th pennant last year, before bo shipped 'to Cincinnati - Is John "Larry" McLean. This big . fallow was always la trouble with th management, yet was competent and did splendid service last season for th Olants. Regarding th advance money that ba has been ordered to pay back to th Altoona club. "Larry" has th following to say In th porting news: "That that I am compelled to pay beck to ths Altoona olub Is to be charged to misplaced confidence. This is th way It happened: When Z out on th coast last winter I received an offer from Arthur Irwin, manager or me Altoona ciud, or moo a month for Civs months and 1200 advance money. About tha same time I was Informed by ths Portland club that a Urge sao tton of th salary that I had received th season bef or would not be forth coming In l0l, even though I had led th Paclflo coast leagu in hitting th year before and also was at th top of the heap in catching average. 80 in order to bring th Portland elub to time. I wired my acceptance of Irwin's terms and in due time ths SS00 arrived.' About th earn time a spell of sickness ar rived, with. Mrs. McLean as th vic tim: snd as I had no other money X used th 1100 to help defray expenses f bringing sbout her health again. In tending to pay back th amount as sooa as ths aeason opened. In- ths meanttm ra, tolnf to IeT, ,h. 0,b d thV it became noised about Portland that I began- to make threats, for my work had mad me a favorite there. Finally Manager MoCredls came to me and Informed me that If I wouldt sign with him at the f Iruree he had named to m. he would see that tbe Portland club paid oacar th lioo advanced m by Altoona: would give me ttOO as a bonus for sign ing snd would give Mrs. McLean a posi tion In the ticket office that would pay her i a day. That looked good to me; so, when Arthur Irwin wrote me to come on or send th ttOO In my place, I simply turned th letter over to Man ager MoCredle. Ha said he'd send the money as soon as tha team returned to Portland. But be didn't I hoard noth ing more of th matter until Informed in Philadelphia last September that constables were on my trail to get $200. As I didn't have It I left Philadelphia In a hurry. Z will arrange to have th money returned to Altoona this spring. so that there will be no Interference with my work. I am counting on hav ing a good season with the Reds and will start training In fins shape." i , e e . . . v ' ; Th fever has started already. A well known Cleveland banker who Is a red-hot fan, has made a bet of 13.100 with Col. Whitney, of Philadelphia, that Cleveland will beat out Connie Mack's team in this year's race. . . ..;... .''., '; . Lindsay, ths Detroit, slaver who was bought by Tebeau to cover first for ths Blues, has definitely decided not to re port and Tebeau Is sklrmlahlng for an other good man. rTents will play first until a regular la landed.' Charley Murphy baa made a nubile statement in anawer to a letter criticis ing htm for not playing Overall oftener laat fait ; Murphy says: "Manager Chance plans to make Overall ona of tne etsna-oys in ths box this season. The big Callfomlan is dus to be at his best and I confidently expect that Over all will make a record this year second to no etner pitcher on our staff." ' - " ' . ' ' e e ' .. , . "One of ths Chicago National leaaua players In speaking of Johnny Kllng holding out said: "If Kllng stands pat hs wlU get what he asks, because Chicago baa got to have him. Th Cubs without Kllng could not ooms within a mil of winning th pennant - Kllng la ths pivot around which all ths team la built up. Murpny knows ' Aat Kllng is an aoaoiuts necessity snd will give in to mm. : i ." i . e ; T ... Manager McOraw says: "I know now tnat we are taking no ohances on Msthewson, Hs will be as good thl year as h ever was In his life. I mean every word of this. I -feel that we have a grand chance to win out this season because of this fact" Referring to ths published story that Ryan and Oans are to fight for a pure or i.iu.ouo, oans himself saya: . "There is no truth In It Th proposi tion has never been even put to me. I do 1 not think any club would put up such a purs for such a fight I do not believe that Ryan would consent to meet me on any terms. He has seen hie day. As for me, I would take Ryan on If I bad the chance. I really expect to have but on mora big fight and that will be with Nelson. He has got to meet me again, and he knowa It'; . y LOWER CLASSES TO HOLD SECOND MEETING (SpaHa! Dl patch t The ieereaLt University of Oregon, Eugene. March 14. A second sophomore freshman meet will be held. two weeks from next Saturday, and a third a month later. The prise for which ths two classes are contending Is a sliver cup mounted on Sn ebony pedestal. . Trainer Hayward's Idea in caving the thre meets lnatead ef one as last Sat urday la to keep the many men out on the track .who believe thejr have but little show for the main team this year, and so develop them for th future. At th present Um about 10 men axe taking exercise on th track, snd most of them have ahown already conelder- able ability. Prom present sppearance or tbe men, Oregon will be atronger in th distances than ah has been In the past eves though Predeaux, th crack quarter man, doe not axpeot to return th second semester on account of ill ness. 1 v; ,j . ' . ..' UP IN THE AIR MEN TO MEET AT ST. REGIS Uosraat gnosis! sorvleal ' New Tork, March 14. At ths Hotel St Regis tonight some 100 guests, In cludlng,many notables, will sit about the board and listen to speakers who will tell them what has been don and what Is expected to be don In th near tutur to stimulate aeronautlo intereet In America, . Th occasion will be the annual dinner of the Aero club of America, for whloh preparations have been going. forward- for snany-ereehs A delegation beaded by ex-Governor Francis of Missouri will be on hand from St Louis to tell of the plans that ar being mad for th Gordon Bennett International eup race, which will be held In St Louis next October. Willie L, Moor, chief of the weather bureau In Waahlngton, will be on of th epeakera, and another prominent guest from Washington will be Admiral C L. Chester. .President Colgate Hoyt. will represent th Automobile elub of Amer ica and President Courtlandt Field Bishop of the Aero club wlU tell ef the progress that has been made in formu lating conditions for the aeroplane com petition, for which a prlee baa been of fered by ths club. THISt AND THAT. IN SPORT This sventng ths Woodburn High school basketball team will play th Alblna Boys' Brigade a match gam. On Friday night th Woodburn - lads will go up against ths strong . Zebras In the T. M. CL . gymnasium. - The teams are composed or clever young players and good matches ar assured. . e e ... At ths Nsw Tork A. a. last night C M. Daniels broke tha swimming rcdrd of ISO yards, making the dlatanc la 1:14 -f, lowering th record 1 t-f see- ends. He also broke the amateur rec ord for 110 , yards, bis time being 1:11 t-s. ' V..: ,' v. . ,.;,-.! The Harvard overseers yesterday de cided that football should be continued st Harvard, despite President Eliot's objections to the sport Thre ran-ran'g for Harvard. . . In th amateur billiard champion- shin tournament at Chicago laat night Calvin Demarest won the honors by de feating Charles F. Conklln, 109 to 1ST. Onrdner, th holder of th title of cham pion, will now meet Demarest . : . . 1 e e . j At Chicago last night James DT Light- body ran th mil in th record-break- Ing time of 4:14. This is four seconds faster than th former Indoor mark and a second faster than Ltghtbodys outdoor record. ' Orear of tha University of Illinois cleared 11 feet t inches In th SOI Vault . , ' ... '.' r '.: Frank Vance, th 115-pound wrestler Of th Seattle AthleUo club will repre sent th club at th national tourna ment of th American Athletlo union, to be held In Newark, New Jeraey. March tsV- Vano and Frank will be the two representatives from ths northwest Frank will leave tomorrow evening for the sest . . . .. . , .i rfhere le a letter st Ths Journal ef. flee for Manager Smith of tbe Bralnard Cubs. .v . mm . ... Friends of Edgar Frank will give the olever young wrestler a farewell 'din ner this evening snd wish him success In ths national tournament In Newark, New Jersey, on March St. M. A. A. C boys ar giving th dinner. e e Th first football match practically scheduled by Multnomah club for next season Is on with Willamette univer sity on November It In. this city. Ths contract has not been signed but ths stipulations have been agreed upon. e e .. Those bowling teams at ths Multno mah olub bad better make up and get a full team together ones in awhile. Ths best Interests of this great sport can never be conserved If ths players ha bitually absent themselves, r Team work counts even in bowling. SPORTING CHATTER. What President Roosevelt says: ' Athletics ar good, especially In their rougher forms, because they tend to de velop courage. Rowing, baseball, track snd field games, hockey, football, are all good. we snouia give to tns largest possi- bis number ef students ths chance ' to take part In vigorous outdoor games. No Justification lor stopping manly sport because, it Is sometimes abused. Ths preparatory schools ars able to keen football clean. , . . I do not object to a gams because It la rough. I emphatically disbelieve In seeing Harvard or any other college turn out molly-eoddles Instead of men. It Is nonsense to abolish a gams bs- Throw Out tbe Line Give Them Help tad Many Port land People Will Be Happier, Threw Out the Life Uo', The kidneys need help." They're overworked can't get' ths poison: Altered out of the blood. . They're getting worse every minute. Will yon hep themt 1 '. Dosn'a Kidney Pills have brought thousands of kidney sufferers back from ths verge of -despair. Will cure any form of kidney trouble. W. Jenkins of 421 East M11L street Pertlsnd, Oregon, says: "I havdSie oo oaeijn to -change anything that I said lures years ago In recommending Doan'a Kidney Pills, for since that time other members ot our family have found equally beneficial reeulta In treating kldne- complaint Before uelng Dosn's Kidney Pills 1 suffered with acuts at tacks of backache and a darangemsnt of th action of ths kidneys, and dull. dragging paThs mads It difficult for me to attend to my work. As tha result of using thin tins remedy I have been free from kidney complaint and backache for over three years, and therefore feel great confidence In recommending them to othere." Tar eale bvall dealera Price SO cent. Foater-Mllbnrn Co., Huffslo, New York, sols agenva for th United State. Remember th name DOAN'S and take ne oLbes. . , . There is no ailment 3 For sixteen years I have to the treatment of men s diseases. ;;; V ' --7 ' . My methods have been perfected, by actual -experience, with a thorough theoretical knowledge as a basis. 1 am the. only physician thoroughly and permanently curing those func tional derangements commonly classed as "Weakness and ' my success in overcoming Such cases has placed me foremost among specialists treating men's diseases, and has brought me ' the largest practice of its Every afflicted man la Invited to write me a description of his ease. Such la my knowledge of men s dlseaaea and so perfect ar my methods in treating them that I am able to effect ourea In all ordinary oases without seeing the patient In person. All correapondence atrtctly confidential. Thoe visiting Portland may feel free to call at my office for personal consultation. ,r . YOU PAY IVHEN CUIIED WHAKNOaS .' :;. ' So-called "Weekneoe" In men Is curable fully curable. It haa not been cured by those measures com monly employed, for they are meth ola based ane a upon supposition ana not fact Premeturenese snd loss upon of IX power in men is aue to a chronic state 'of inflammation to the proe . tate gland, and not to a disordered nervous condition, as has been sup- osed- I treat the Inflammation by oeal process that doea not fall to accomplish Its purpose, and with this condition r corrected - full and complete strength snd. Vigor ' re turns.' v -.. BTRICTtTRB My treatment la ab solutely painless, and perfect results can be depended upon In every In stance, t do no cutting or dilating -wbaUver. , - . . TUr fD TA III- l iH Hours 9 A. a. UMXXWEKXMSXXXXXXXSZZZXXZai Scoffs S23fal-Pejsi3 Capsules A POSITIVE CURE "for Inflamsistlos erOaterrt at tea Bloddaraod Itaaoaed Kid ore. BOOOHSOtAf. Caraa quickly sad aal aiaaoatiy the wont ei e sod Siaoe, so saettar of bow loss ataaduis. aeaolatalf barmleae. Sold by Sraasiata, rrioo 11.08. or by siail. aoaa. -TEESmAUrtrwlXCa BoUefestsssi Bold Vy All BteeslstB. Every Vcban niaaaNSUdaBdaboaiekoow ' Soa uto weDoarfal MAIVTL WharUaej Sprey SneesS arw.Vaa !. iotiaaasiaaataiavS. If ha nanno aavolyths MnVKl m OUwr. hot aaad aaaaip (of lUnatralad boot. M.lia. full oonlaolonaod 4triwnm in. valuWaioj.iiaa. Wsnvai, CSX ee ml. sad sr.. nnw om.xT WOOSAkO, OXASXS OO. AVD tAVsVlUTn . susuw w s sxosss. HOTEL EATON COB. MOkkJSOaT ASD wig TAMX tTt. : NEW - Raadaosioly varslabed, elagastly setpee. Iroproof. Sao anlaotao' walk frasa haari ot ahepplrs sad seatssas dlatrtet, sll lanre. airy, oetaldo rooisa, ataaai koatad. alaetrtf Uthts, talepboee la each epanaeat at Lars eftlroa, kmasinc, aowklns. writing, ladlas' rceaptlea parlors. Boosts raaitvad by aaatl or telopboae. Private eaasfsee saoets tniss sad staaaieie, Rooms $1.00 to $3.00 a Day , gpeaisl Katae te Oesisierelel aba, A, AAniTEOSO. riaprieeas, . ' cause practices grow up whloh prove that th gam ought te o reformed. President Eliot says: Footoal sets up ths wrong kind of hero ths man who uses his strength brutally . . To discontinue football, basketball and. hockey at Harvard would do ae harm. There are two clean and honorable sport rowing and lawn tennis. Basketball is rough and It gives toe many chance for cheating. Ths evils of football have descended Into ths secondary schools. Basketball la objectionable; It is too rough. I know football Is popular, but tha university would not suffer if there were no more football. , Violations of ths rules of football by coaches, trainer and players era being constantly perpetrated. e e . e New Baseball Rulea If any player other than ths pitcher soils a new ball, either by moistening It or rubbing It in the dirt he wiu pe nnea it. If a pitched ball strikes the ground before It croeee the plate it count as a ball In every case. The batsman will be declared 'out U be changea from one beg te the ether after the pitcher has taken the pitchers box. In game where two umpires officiate It shall b agreed on and announced be fore the game on whloh particular plays each shall rule. If a eatcher Interferes with a bets man while striking at a pitched belL the batsman beeomee a base runner. If there ar two bass runners and ons pas sea another In aa endeavor te make a run - while tha first base runner IsJ being "tagged, th has runner, who passe shall be declared out - (These laat two rules hold in th American league last year, but not In th National league.) - ' . ,. a e e t - Pred Clarke, the manager ef the Pittsburg, ha Just made statement to th effect that he has a atronger team than last year, and that hs fears no tesm In ths National league, not even ths Chicago clubs snd th New Tork Although Clark has many new players who will bs tried out during th spring .training trip, ne says tnat tne Plttsburgs will be mad up, when the pennant rao berrlns. In this war: Pitch srs, Leever, WlUls, Lei field, Pbtlllppe, Lrnch, Camntts. Brady and Miller; catchers, Glbeon, Phelps, Harry Smith and Huston; Inflelders, Nealon, Abbat- ttechlo, - Wagner. Leach. Storke and Kheehan: outfielders. Clarke. Hallman, Clymer and Anderson. Several baawball rritlca have already made the asaortlon that the team Is weak behind th bat and that Ahhattlochlo will not fill KUchey's ahoe at second, baee; aviso I'fVAil jg Jas,riffl!aMiil ri ttM v m I 1 peculiar to men that I 'cannot devoted my entire time and kind in the West. ; ' : Uj Fee la Any In eocpllcaled Case Contrcactttcl Dlsiorclersi - Every ease of contracted disease I treet Is thoroughly cured; my pa tients have no relapses. - When I pronounce a ease cured there la not a particle of infection Or Inflamma tion remaining, and there is not ths slljthteet danger that the dleease will return in Its original form or work ls way into the general sys tem. No contracted disorder I so trivial as . to warrant uncertain methods of treatment, and I ere clally solicit those cases that etAsr doctor have been unable to on re. - I neve the largee jpraotloe be. sense I Invariably fnlflJl say wfoxe Isee. r My . Colored Chart showing - the male anatomy ead affording an in- veresvug - vamuy an anaa'a free at efioa. I- VI fiQ Cftv Ucmi 404 Morrison Sts. Private I LI 11 KsXJm Enixme2MB!oiTlsoDStPortIana.Ort. U. to 9 P. If. ; Sundays. It A. M Rel table Specialists nur m rouownra sisxAsxst . . . ' atheUmatlsm, Aents and Chroalei Blood Poteen, Ooaurrheea, Tarlee eel. Sesraal Weakness. Verveas Seellne, !, yphllla, Pile, wjdasry. Bladder and an TJriaaxy aad Pitrats Diseases ef Ken. .. It will not cost yen anything t sell at ens of floe sad eoneslt n and by so doing, it may save yon meek, time and xaoney, and tf w eennot enre yon we will honestly say so, and pom will set be under anp financial obligation te OVB STSTBIC OP TBZATTjrO ts superior te any la this country, and ear cores are the gesnlt ef these methods. Ws aevec fall to effeot enre In any ess we take. If yen suffer from negleot, from went ef xaoney or from unskilled preotloe hers Is en opportunity te get the servlee ef n skilled specialist, a graduate phyelelan. with year ef stpe asroerienee fat treating complicated, aad ep serial alaorders of KBIT OBXT. Zt will eoet nothing te talk te as, and saay he the aaeana ef restortns; yen te health, ana napptaass. Why net sell today f On efTlee ere very private. Tom see only the toe tor. . Our fee being so low, tt enables seamy who are afflicted te proem- th algheat soientlrie ssedleal sssletsnee. Verms sands te smit if noose, eery, so that any en need not net ge wtthent treatment We Want Evory Man In the Country Who Is AN ; fllcted to Write Us About His Ailment : Somrsi s. xa, to I p. m. srsnlagn, T to StJOi Sundays, s, aa. to la. GT T HITTC MEDICAL AND pi. LUUla SURGICAL OOB3TBB nOOata AJTD TAlaTOA CGccVo Ike ereB-Tssss CHINESE Eeet sad Berk '! J DOCTOR Bas stada s Uto stedv sf Hala aa Taarta. aad la that study dlaeovwed and is stria! tee world bio woedorful romedlM. iro wiBcrtnT, yomoirs ps rirot trfrn-. XI CUBES W1THODT OrEBATTOW, OB . W1IH00T TBS AIS OJ A UXTB. Be naraatoaa so sale Catarre. AotSaao. leas, . Throat, - BhaaaaorUsa .Warvuaan.aa. Narvose D-blllty. . Itosiach, Unr, Kidney Troeblae; alee tnat Manhood, resaela Weak- Ma aa tu ravata viasaeae. . A SURE CANCER CURE Jaet Keoaivad yvaas Pakhif, Tela Safe, hs aad Boliahle. .V IP TOO All AJTtlCTKD, DOTtT DBLATS. . DX.LAIS ABB UAWOEKOVS. . I If roe eaaaot eatl. write for aynvtoas bunk aa etmwr. Inclose a eonts la scamps. CONSULTATIOIV FREES Txx o. tn wo cnnrri sr-RDicrsg oo.. yortlaad, Oiewa. Plesse Haauoe Tats paper. for women o:;ly Ir. Saodaraoe'e fmpoeti4 Savta J J ami only rUaMo reu-dy f. l S C. l.ATKi) PEUIuii.o,. Cora tha avt -otwiinate raa-s la S to ID Sara aariroa T. J. Pia.aca. I. 0, lal llrat airaat," raatlaoa. or-foo. tbat roaum"nfs abaonc will prove S hAndlcap. l:ut Clarke IS wearing his A In L'ui's li Diseases cure. energy -; - irm. unn. - '' The Trading gyeelallst, $10.00 VARICOCCt.B Without using knife, ligature er caustic, - without pain, and without detention from business, s I euro Varloeoole la one week. If you have sought n cure eleewhere and been disappointed, or If you fear the harsh meiuod that moat physi cians employ la treating this dls eae, eome to - tn and I will cure you soundly and permanently by a ' Jentle and painless method. Don't alay. Varlooeel haa lie danger and brine-e ' Its disastrous results. If you wlU sell I will be pleased to explain my method ef curing. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISOT No dangerous minerals to drive tbe vims to the Interior, but harmleee blood-cleansing remedlee that re move the but poisonous taint , u M 14 IJ 1 to I P. M, izsszxsxzxxm Conscllatlca ssd Czsn lassa Free Car-Fee la Host Cases Ws are specialists, for men snd seen only, tree special 1st. Ws do not treat aa also see, nor do ' we - treet both sexes,' but . we do eae sll suable siesssss ef xaeav Ws bavs devoted the beat years ef our lives to this purpose end have eccumu latod expert - knowledge and aklll in the diagnosis and cure of seen' dleease. that can only be obtained through eonateafl study, hoew tramlBg eae years ef Pay Us for Cures. A Cure ivllh Us r.IccnsaLilc-Lonrj Cure DISPENSARY STaMTBTS, POBTXABB, OUOOaT. WRITE YOUR EASTERN FRIENDS to COME WEST yln SPECIAL LOW COLONIST RATES BTBaro Btascx ajo Apaa- - Prom St Paul, Minneapolis, thilnth, . Omaha. St. Joaaoh. Kanaee City and other Missouri river points to ' Portland and Ashland, Or., and In termediate points .. ... SM.M rroro St XjouIs to Portland. Ash- , land. Or., and. InUrmediale " points . From Chlcearo to Portland, AsMend. - Or, sad Intermediate polnte sas,oO Similar low rates from other east ern points to th west Send me foil riflme and addreoe of your relative or frlonde In the east that are thinking of coming to the Perlflo Northwest, and I will have them furnished with lltoratnr and full information, or If you w'-n to pay the fere ef eny one, tie money ren .bo rlpoeltod with eny Sgent Of the Northern i'aclno Rail- wsy and ticket will be promptly furnished. Tor any additional Information wanted,' cell on . or eddraas A. D. CMARLTO:; Assistant Oenoral rassonsor A tint, SS9 Korrtaoe gt, for. T!.!it, porbieud. Cr. yrefarrod gtootl C"t Alios A Le'. 1 -n 1 mm. w i t , 1 i