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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1907)
- OREGON DAILV TOURNAE, - PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVOmJO, -CII.. R!. 1S07- ;L THE If Other Classified Ad vertisements will be found on pp. 18-19. NEW TODAY". DEATHS. - - -ThneA Who want to uuv Mops Are iryinz I LOVETT At 04 Beat ramhltl street. 11, Hera A. levels "e .... T .'. tan Mink 11. .1. .a a Mr . nn.ia. -asou - - OOUiSTHI At St.' Vtaee-re kalti'-'7 1 1. How Ooklsteln. J ,"'.. ' JT days; rigH, lateatlnal r,1u- . H. W. Lcmck Company "SPECIALS" ,'i . . ' "' ' S3 BOO Tillamook sU T-room house, .lot 40x100. aouth, facing; furnaca and 'V all conveniences. Ym .600 New mod.rn t-rooaa hfljwa. 7n corner 15x100 on Falun st. Both .. streets Improve . v '"'. 7T OOflH-North aid Thuman stilts cheapest bujr In th emtlra vicinity. $2.250 Thurmen at, facing- aouth, 40 SKO Tharman at, orner looxlOO, " et iT.ld at. Tou can t flnd.lta i equal on thta "llva" atrtat for such a '?'.' price. ... . ,' V';..'- .. "." 4 OOO .Id at; nearThurman. Two : i thla will not last lonf at this- low '-. t nrfca. '. .;-...' - 4.50O 8th st. north, a eornar SOr. hA... rental value $40. "llftOO. cah will handle Oil. '. OOO 14th' at.. vicinity Thurman. Io hwi on 0x100 lot. facta aat., ; 12.SBO Flh at., near Hall. facln aaat? Two fine houaa.. Monthly in 1 coma 180. ' ... S9.S00-O" Portland, Heights. on a chile. eornar. 80x100. on car Una , A elegant bungalow reoantly completed, v interior finlah and construction the : .V very beat. . ; ' " ' 5.50O Union ava.. near PalllnC 100 improved with income - of tit monthly. T.BOO Ruaeell at, new flats paying biluertnan 10 per cent If you know T value, sea thta place ana iray '4.60O Eat Madlaon at, near lth iu tnoder -room house, lot xl00. This la a bargain, V m a oka Vmmt tith at- Weat Irrlng. T ton A atrtotly modern 7-room houae, ' Knilt beautiful Interior. . lot SOx , loo. .. .... .'...' ' ;"' mn druii'i Addition. BouthPort. . hnuaea. large earner lot on ear line: baa rental value of , tii thla 1. away below what tney ' are worth. Call early. S4 250 BT walking dlatanca, cloae w il .tMi hridaa: modern I -room ' houae. lot 10x100: a genuine snap. 2 225 At (Id and Division eta I T?w ... iinr fine modern . k.. inMudlna furniture; lot SOxlOO. full basement, bath; without furnltara, price $J.U6- ; ; ' SB OOO Walklnr dlaUnce, cloae In to stSelbridge: .a. w.U-btfllt t-room ..vintlv modern, lot tOxlOO; -i . rottaae In rear : in irv m w v . , oriY-iiiiirti t-morn houee, Tlx . . Mra on E. Taylor and K. Ztd' ata.; a beautiful homa and the v nrlee Js right....... 12.000 Elegant residence of 10 ' V.n corner 100x100. on Broadway war liner heautlfui grounds. andevery-; 1. ihiri atrtctly to fineat ' SI fJOO S2xl. beautifully altuated .t SrTabor: fruit treea; half ca-h - buys It' . ." ' v-s , , mn w rvtrhett st. strictly mod .'n homcTof T rooms, lot 00x11: fine x ....ttn. ; In this house; furnace ' aiiA all ' convenlencea; terms can ba arranged; beautiful eaat view. ' H. W. Lemcke Company th and Washington aU. vBntlra seoond floor.' Main ooe. ... ! mm A Mt. m. fW. rosrTH a co., TVtmrJ rtowisJ or A IX kUNUS. ! 1XTH w. CUrkfl floral inlm rioTlt rtee tat Monieoa et rail 4rM eelte far net ell Tallortaa Cm., sua IMI at. Oalaa liOflf AND FOHNU. LOST A atcltta". sola bnaVd. raters to Brhnke-WiUMT Bjmum peon But 807. Bewird for Collage, er HELP WANTED MALE. od mte. Koom 407 Bteerae blk.. Slith Uorrkwa eta. WANTS D Bellboy. Bobert-OerOe. Mt ltk et, FOR BALE FARMS. A Barf aln ' 10 tent, nllae oot, nut rat tlao; gw aalldlM. errbord. all la reltlTitlea, (lno uU. alnaly located oa eouaty rood, H to good ocbool. t atllo froai otoro. lr wnltb .bop. teWpboae offleo. graoso bll park! sci-oa ran bo Uld oft la luta; M.. FARMKHS' LAND CO.. xaovfc ITilrd St., koom la. 13 HOO BI'TS M .me t(4 aitloe trom Oro"a Clijr. oa rood mod and It F. D. aoutot port hi raltlTotloe, port flatter: boom, bora ood rrvlt; cordoe d doum roncod wild woooa wife; lloe woU (ad reonnis w"r!..T,;l, Ini end tools aU g Addroo J. N. Maale. k. F. D. 1. bos VS. Orosoa City. Or. - Ball & Lee . Room t Bololrt Wdg.. tb ead WMhlngtoa. We bore forme of eU prlooo aed eU oiaoo: t0 tm m YoeihlU cooaty. S ro to eol tlrotKto; konos aad bare, other eotbalWlo. 1 bono, 1 bead cattle aad farai Imple- aioate. Price 4.aoo. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. riVH b.d of draft borers. -tetb'at.-: eearte" 1 - OaU T4S Seat FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BOT waatrd. apt sader 10 yaere ef ege. ad 20 rroat at. - 10 MAN wanted to dig reoapooland irfade tots. Inquire Hjlaod Pharmacy. 1008 UnKta aoe.. . riHg rot of seraed-haaa ana auniiy w a4Mi upbibm. an ana up. mv.ww.. uw. mmmmm. Whtto and Domoitlc ; . u atA' vuaraotood and .i.k.n xnnWtt. . I. B. Crsae, o0 Atorrleoa at. Lewis bldg. ADVKItTlBlNO eoUcltof Boa 6, Arlta. tot eeaatr, aapar. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 4 11.U 0-aTU rww "-w- e- - w. (ah awl ffbt un km riUHt IW v Bauitoa pv. PEKSOXAL. M.wvn . ....fcl lav tav do llffbt kooplna for lamuy o dtoj ' -ao n'mm Apply to Principal W. B. Crewe. Woodland. Waab. , a miasww pi. . LADY er girl helper wanted kt tellor-abOB. 11 H iorta roariB a. . . . Ma- OMtkiaoxiTcn ov - - snoltairaS rBV N AA ABVausfi FTJRNISHED ROOMS FOR BBNT, Mackintosh&Bidwel 420 Commercial Bldg. : PBONE PAQHC 2514 , A .011 at. at t.wA- - tBapdMr ntBlIT x Ww, Colloce at. Paelfle aouo... . - FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. GOOD llf t efflree end alooplng-rooms. Olive, IMWH W aaaansMma , FOR RENT FLATS. - FOB BENT Flat. 10 brioa. i4o iroai ., anforalakod. r Morri BCSINFSS CHANCES. and art ef SIM MONOPOLY .ef pW-tore fraaitng ai . .in. mm. nthao boall la city: leaTrtiir cltyto. lwao",r.:. easa; taken J00. w too. 1 .v OORNKB greeery. 0 room, epj'o. Villa era., eornar epoow. .- IT CORNBB greeery. eattbllaaea. enenans. , ALBXANDBB LAND CO., 63 SUtb. Near fine. I HAVB ll.oon and eorolree. wkat bae yae to offer Olre fuU pertKalars flrat latter, a jea, earn ' 1ARHK1 A anas, . abop: remiraro i- All no time. month. Third, noar Taylor. drov d all MMB. LEbUR oareau at pelmwt aed elalmyant. use. 1 TORY'S MARKETS wnniPRnRPFCTSn ARE QUITE GOOD Increase In Weight la Likely In the Northwest During the Present Season. Those Who Want to Buy Hops Are Trying to Make It Appear as If the Crop of Oregon Was Two Hundred Thousand Bales Year Ago, SHEEPMENL.LQ0K.INQ. FOR ADVANCED PRICE ItADIIiG . The fact that hop dealers are not doing much talking these days la almost a aura algn that they are taking In alt the hope they can find around the lower prlcea now ruling.-. Soma of them are Bending out bearish statistics trying to ahow that the croo of Oregon lest aeaaon e . waa nearly 200.030 bales when Dwdws, However, Say Conditions Are Just the Reverse And That the Lack of General Contracting Shows Demand Not aa Good. ti lmmatn In teres te agree k. hut ahnut 12S. 000 balea d were grown. There are a nunv e her of ordera In the market at e hin time at the low prlcea and t doaJare can keaD their pur ' e ehaea--f rom being made publla d mm thaw ther can find all the e w ' - - . - - A hopa tney nee a to iui iir -w Amrm . if. an the other hand, they e say, growera find that auppllea e era not nearhr aa great aa deal- wmiM have tnera believe e purchasing will not ba ao lively at these figures. ' -'.v.. w GREATEST SLUL1P IH.1I0E SHARES III STOCK MARKET , - v , , Local 'Business Is. Increasing Severe Slashes In. Values Are , vuiK i arrraet SaiA In Lees Made In New York Market III hi al afe wewvw - Creek Cold Today. During the Day. POTICIE MINING IS "SH0WINO"ANOTHER RISE READING OVER TWENTY .POINTS OFF-AT-CLOSE- Sclls at 18 H for 8,000 Share U'nlon Padfio Hit for About Same Alaoka Petroleum Still Going Up Better BnsineM In Denny Dulln at 10c. Amount at On Time Amalga mated Copper 174 Polnta Under Yesterday's Price. VJ OB ANT CBESTERPlsa.D WCBU piimiaj. elalxenyant. maaium. 1 ipi. . nd Colombia eta. war V VII mr n iak Ha,4 . e-tlf :C' f . I jam,' n ' 1 4 F " HARBORMASTER MUST v . BE AH AL1ER1GAH r - aa-i aawaaana. m"x;'. i " Civil Service Rule a Bar to Sev . era! Prospective Applicants. foot paylag. twe-ebab? Bliw; pornaoon mw gU oa time.- down, ba per FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. -OOOB-BUYS-tBoST idb. 4.7TV K.a.t iota au, w.iw. , ai.hw Broadway at.. oOi6. S r .n ui.hi.nli lrmioo. T rooi . n v.i. Wain at.. AOXlOO. 7 u'ttaWWoldler at.. 60100. f rooms. 1,(V0 Bale at., 100il4ft, II I 2 ano Hla-hland. bOxloTH. ' $g.'no-fborry at, 4uslt. rooma. tA nnnr.aat Oak St.. 6olO0, I rooi An examination for the position ef harbormaster has been ordered by the elrll aerrlce eommlaaion for Marcn i. Under - the- ml of ha- ommlBalon,ap- pllcanta must ba thoroughly ramiuar with the harbor, muat ba able te write intaiiie-ent letter, muat understand th elements ef arithmetic, and muat tiava hod exnerlene aa a master in wmihand of a deot-aea reaaeL The rush of appllcante to , the city fc.ll haa- not yet begun. Fourteen ..ana masters talked - the matter ava. h!a morning, but aa tney had not taken out their ciusenanip papers they decided that it would not ba ad vlanhla for them AO apply for the Job. a-taiaL retired. - masters live, iii..ruri land, and It la probable that aom of tkaav-aa. 14B4. Of - th- CUOtB WhO . SJO out of steady work will appiy ior ,id oh. . :- ' :'. ' - ; NEW-MADE CITIZENS. ' CANNOT VOTE IN JUNE V.., ... AOxlOO. - S4.2n0 Bat Bum at., ""'"w 3,100 Bodnoy a to.. eOilsO, fooajs. ; .-ioaln prtco naodora noanos. j Ask t da tailed dooeHptlooa. CO. BUAT, Flllwanklc on the Willamette ' THB FIX'S TO GET A nor ouauu aaa . 1 m.. rlaht In noom. ; ,$l.'0O bay. a-room eetuge, near the Her . 11 5)0 bays 1H aerea wltk 8-rooei bono., w. ban ebolce tote ea assy taraM. WOO and ap. with city water. large end amall treeta. Milwaukle, Orefoa. Also aerea la Barlow A DowUag, LOOK AT THIS AND BE CONVINCED 1M AOma In Lan ounty,- miles .n. oMen. rlaht on narlgabla atrearn, richest land In the atat; 100 acrea level. 50 of which la genuln beaver tend; the whole 100 ready for the plow, the balance la covered with good fir timber; J-room ' house, good barn. .t,irir...hmiu. -woodshed. ; etc. PYea ma U delivery.' achool right at the door on county road. Part of thla land la tinder crop now. ' 11.000. one third down. balance to ault purchaeer. -y BRAUnrUI weldeaee lot. 00x100, Best Ajb at., eloae m; oeai ony mm wmm oaayi fLWOS teraa. ...ratLSiu'oa.a WaablnStoe. boot .part' BMBt bouao alte la city, only 11000; ternat bsve plan, tor e bnlMlns it pet ea UU propony wQl not perebaM 10 per eaat ea laTaatBMH. w. J. Day & co. 1S.1H ronrth St. ' ' 627 Acres BANOBI In Wlllametu valley j ' ean't be eatj only 1)0 per acre.- ,.k WI BTATB several good farma In Polk, LmW and Cowllts countlea; also a i few 10-a ore tracts put out In fruit wa will sell en easy terma. $2.700 A a-room aiadara boeae. gea aae eieeyrte lisnta; Biro awa - - 100. one blork front ear; belf eaab. . 01 BwoUand bldg. , . il.eoe BOOMB, ena be flnlabod for ; tw naarot rote baoaaent: 6O1IOO; bait eaab, balance say terme. sol Bwetlaed bldg. . at. ' iriiTi. ' rAXBts. man tajtsb, nmmABToa ajtd maxm. 20 INVESTMENT! ATTENTION!! If you have $100 or more,' why leave it idle? .If you have heard about the Great Swift Packing Co, of the Oregon & Washington R. R. Cos operations between the rivers, about the New Car- Building Co buy a lot where something is ioing. You can go there on a car. you do not need an uto. , Lots 50x100, alley, fruit and berries.- pL Johns car line rrkS25Q-WLupwardLLetjm tell yotl about it. Room 4, 109 Second street. W1LUDUIUD A HOU8B to suit you ull ,aj a nlarhtlv lot In gOOd neigh hot hood on car line, overlooking Wlllam etto; Mull Hun water, electric llghte will fve terma Automobllea not need. mA i. .hna. thia nrnnortv. Look thta up i hone himXu lii&. v Aiaxauasi buUdinc 7r."At"a Sacrifice -m a.n at lot In Boas City rart at e loea of Vl: t be lot to t blocks from the ear line. 1 block from the benloTard; a $400 lot for $3M) It taken today; I am going eaat. Call 9U1 Bwetiane eras. , Prtaeipal aiarket faatarea today: Wool man expect aa advaaee. . Egg market nrm at inc. - .. Slight advance la chicken. Bull e acerdty of maata. No advance la batter Jnnt ow. ,. Local soap er cant higher. Mnhalr aitnatlon la firm. Quiet trading la bop market. Wbolaaaler. bare ao amelt sappiy. Bteadler tone la apod, la eooth. Celery due from eontb thle wee. Wheat morlag aloww te tidewater. Ob the local atoek market trading . ault. food. . Mining snare, ere eavenoan . Interaet la AUaka Daainaaa. - I TAri..'a mmXmm:. T.n Aaaoclated Oil Bt $44. II. c la. la at tM.bu. ft J. C La Co. at tng, fancy. $1 BO; ordinary, saying, 11.13 fWt! awacia, l in. mmm ONIOSS-Johhlns price Ne. 1 Orfo, SOfl Wc: No. S. Soessc; baying price. 40Hte L. I ri,w-.t"o ""j , KiTL.i vu.. enofln im Orach Gold at reltow N.wtowo ..! rZ,""':r..'.:V I ai 7ri ivrtwe atlalag at Locomotive I lev a no aoainein vnKe v I r ' - . ' v.. mu. at rWM i Wewat . r i ..!-. . ( . la i hnv.r Ml l at oa. I.....M. ll.u: Bananas. . oe iui i hiwum mmm - - -, I l.rooaa. $4t4.M boi: llmea. M'lican. si.a .ovr i oayar LOSSES. Anaeonda ... Amalsamsted Atrhlsoa .... Snsar- Bmeltar Car Foundry . 0 ill ::::::: I B0 100: pineapples, 4.00tf-0q par ooaen. I lrr;rfHrriiT.r.,oa now. ou.i aackl pin to. Official prlcea: BAKK BTOCKI. eartota. T5c1.00 per aacki beats. i-. -i . mmm Ammm caD vl Kan Xxeoot aa Mvaaoo. I n u..m. tka tone la the wool market u wfr I rtorM...- a.. narantna. 0cll rlng " awe-w . a a-e1at Mtani. I " . T-m w w a. a A mmmmm oBnaB - a aneaeiaV M Ilfj HUBUIIIOW - I a ITaaa Bkasaw - lea aaae al II r lit WSkP. SaUVU a-T osaw lmJrlZZ blab a. . ye pCf-vSt- " 'er . a. am a4Mfe f rant taUme I KanrrHafcal flfkHB IXtl rberf thATr!. While the axrreramen. ...u - . --. .5Sl- w -m .hAAB mm eonaiarraoiy -. . K. . , . --, vw" " " r ... mtmm vakon I fnwn anions. lOi that ef hut year, una rmn before ee many of the flocks the extremely eeM waauav ta la teat reports. ahaan killed te Montana baa ... a. A .waaua kmatVnB IB UTUB I -A . all . ..a a onaaa.! aa 1 nT an nwlWen IB . IDU VS mm-,.-m, a rsnni- Viarao a m lirnTTI ihl the toes ea acooant ef the ldct weather " r.nforoU -hit.. e0Ue par I: aMs. tam kae beoa more aav tbaa aatlel. M w aa, boa: farde. $1.40011. BO pat 10-fb boa. patd oaruar . - -,, accoraing to wooisrew-. ---- ..""TlrViiur k-,,. ...ftliH: dn la the oatpet m 7 '..r-rr " ..7." a7uT .oof. A. ncognitioc) IB tne pnenw Il"oV.7."r:r -T; a'eJii.. 7S' 4.S2Kl B a ear nm ar m m rn na wr, i - - m. . , . r i a 01 ivu. n-Deecnnte. rlvw, the V- t. .the aertB- Jki "iar-d '7(LlS ' Bid. .$ Soao . 102.7S Bank ef California ........... Bankere 4 Lnmbsrmena ....... Merchaata Natlooal j Oreeoa Treat Bavtnga;.....,. 110.00 Portland Troat Co .. Calted Btatee National 900.00 LISTED BECUBTTIKB (BONDB.)' aaranta. ! I AmorJcsa Blscntt Co. . ...... SS.00 rhnbara. rc I uity at auourua. mm. . . . . ..n. I I'.Jnnhl. OiinthM. I P.l .. tl. fln ..... son: l MMTtoe vm . i - ----- " Ini I Lw. ih I Home Taiopoooe ee il-ii .ZfHtJim, Aa. I llBJED rBnmt-Apple 0-. ...tfli 0 Lee 0-..,. SS 2 h. .--o. -f ' n,, eprjen Vkocpe, I- - - - g, J;:;;;;;;:;:: ,55 aver beoa ea- - j J,',.- ..Hi I 10 emellet Padfle Conet Blaeou aa hla.k. eaiHt ear km i rertisna nauwaj no i iii i . , . '..Trra whoa the aombea(l Weatem- ss.-i1 bT -3. i rrLc'hTV head et abeep and eey. tbst wlto be did c ,t lose many more aoi . wlBtOT be known of other .Beep owner, wm. are oonslderaMo. "ior : $4. 72 V efecttonen' A, Kai: ejtni JJ Vltrrlrw . . Xt n aaX9U. D. lajlow, I "ortn aairrwwi . lflSCELLAh'KOCa STOCKS. ' Aseod.ted Oil 4 BO Home Telephone .......... OO-OO J. 0. Leo to Padfle State. Telephone ..... Paget Boaad TolephoBe ........ ' MININO) STOCKS. Danny Delia .OOtt Lakertew . ..... Lee. Creak Gold . M.BS! beet granulated. 04.7IHI o"-. I DDia, zoc; noxea, duo naTanc vm i a dot. orates sre ev ana wa. IL .... .t .irvart that the artce of wool will I tjna. go aa blgb nut. 1 rArrViLjp..W kVanrta. llB.oeaM.6S. AU.ka Petrohom STLTr-JLTl Km tk.r -i- r"K-M- AvifSid'i&nKna ado at very alga nm $ia.To: bales. Il.5i hnported Liverpool, joa. Manhattan Crown Point.;...... .10 Poticle Mining .18 Waahougal Kitensloa 28 H ' UNLISTED STOCKS. . Taqnlna Bay Telephone ....... 0-00 Alaska Petroleum .10 Aak. 1W.001 180.00 iso. oo ino.ool O..00 h&.ool 0.00 I 100.00 I 10. 10$. 60 100.00 a.oo 44. U s6!66 108J - KUKI .10 .25 .0$ .00 .to Berk lalaad Canadiaa S Ielaware ......... JT DlatlUare TV Brie L. A N N. P ..Jl Great Northera .... Mexican Central ... S Katy 4 do preferred...,. Itt Mlaaourl Fadfie ... 0 National Lead 18 '4 N. X. Central...... Shi Hoatbara Paelfle -.. 0 Teiae A PaoUle... 4 n, p ,i U. S. Steel......... S AO pftlUlN a Bocae leek for a XeeliiM, I I aa rU. Binra. tlAAa elAa at 141 OO: IlTI IleTrS, While aheea owner, took for aa advaace to bbla. Sa.Be.ioa, $4.0t'O5.60; larpooJ rama M.mroot 1 AtatTdMlrrr In m.ny Inataac. are rock, $20.00 per too, 60-U, rock. $10.WS lOOe. Morning Brltlab Oohimbla Amelgaauted Caaradla uoiatieia xrower ...... uammota .... rooi Values, dealer. t.iklne about mncb lower prices. They say that the lack of contracting tkla eeaeoa etcar ly abowa that demand la not aewly ao great aa a year age. wo - end were written eerly. , According to ea eaatera ! anArtnr out ef 2S bend. Toopected en hi. Mount Pitt ' no On. ADove prlcea eppey o wm r-"Mwt nwuwra tm lota. Car Iota st pnosa " i HUadard coaoolioataa nnctnatloBe.l ... a 1 leeoma ateet BICB Imperial Japan, we, I, aoi ,T $4ct New Or Icons, beea. Tc; Ajaa. Set Creole, He.wa ia.ii A.M.A te an. tare white. recant trip ever thet part of the country tour I nMl pBb. $i0 bsyoa. $.T8 Laaea. 14e; of the band, b.d .cab and. 2a were ,jete. y.rlojn red 4c. ra. Thwtnte Thl. la denotee. a e-iw w-"- r , "ul-iT" tiS ? n,T B9 Soowahoe eoeaaatrts, - a0 1 auewaturm- ! per id. laoiiov a.aa. aawlll mKAaeiea SkWITnl BVITIII Ulea e a . - a- w---- - . . . . i mummy . " . a.," civ. to Per ds; . walnuta. uaumrow. K"i"S V,r, will te -Ut, r r--Ji, .00 JO .10 .o . .04 .08 .oik .'u'vi COBVB LVALBNB DISTRICT. Bullloa .OT Copper King .17 0. k. Coaaolldated ,03t( Happy Day OSVa . rare copper ............ . at.... .ao -, .15 10 .24 .80 .18 : eoo a .00 .IB .10 .0814 .IS .onii .) AS ...10 Baltimore A Ohio. 4U Colorado ruel .... St. Paul ....IS C. N. W....... a A O... i o. a w a Penaaylvaale ... .a Oaa Prima Steel Car. T Beadlna ...JO. BepubUa Steel ... SW KOTICEABLB LOW MIlfTS,' ' Reading today 08, wee TO ta 1000. Pennaylvania today 118. was 111H ta 1004, ' Northera Paelfle today 11$, waa 77 U ht loot. - New York Central today 111. waa 108 te 1808. Uleaoert Padfle today 06, waa $8 te 1000, Katy today U. waa la 18S. . - Greet Northern today 1S5, waa 190 te 1S0S. Erie today XI i, was 23U la 100. St. Paul today 128. waa I0SU la WOO. Brooklyn today 46, was $8 ta 1004, . . Atehteoa today Ki. was TTH te 100S. TJnloa Paelfle today ISO VI, waa US te 116. -Soolhera Paclflo today 74, was 0$H te 1000. - Hew Terk. March 1A TedaTe etoc aaanae waa evea more erratle tbaa yesterday aad the losse. were more eevere. Several fallares et broker, war .anouacd ta London. Ortlctai AnouUooe by Ovarbeek, . Starr U fAAAA MAMIII Amalgamated Copper. Co.... ......fKli Amarlcaa Oar Poundry. eoo..... S04 iamIm. r., A evmndrv. nfd..... ..... Amerlrsa Cotton Oil. oomsMa...... Si ABMricea Loeoraetlve, eoaaasea..... 64 IawIm. anarar. aonaaaai. . .....lie American Smelter, eooamuai . ,,. ,lo0 Amertcae Smelter, preferred. ...... Anaconda Mining uo American Woo las. Baltimore Ohio, aemmea.. 101 4 Ralttmara A Ohio. orvrarTOd..... mm .... si Brooklyn Bapld Trsnalt J4 Canadian Padfle, eomnoa....,..aTS Central Laat bar, eooinooo. B8H Central Leather, preferred Chlcaso A Great Waa tarn. seta..... 14 Chtcaco, Milwaukee A St. Paul. ...1R"H Cheaapeeke A Ohio... 41H m Ctoee. 01 a 4 118 loev. oT..... mL $4U rOtaMefewBaVe e S84 . eW 5S . 46 . abaa rwabdV-. rtwl $ Itml. otwsW..4 ai a I - Am. A.aieKa.a-ra,. eHhB fBb4ln1 Colorado Southern, Sd preferred.... T 4S Dolaware A Hndeoa J4 ST M 411 1TH' County Clerk F. 8. fields tatad today that from four to 4 fir residents of Portland had e been taking ut their eltlaen- ahtp papers with tba expectation 4 of voting at the coming June 4 election. If they ar. said Mr. e Ftelda. they will be disappointed e KAan.a af the new law covering 4 the admtaalon of oltlsens. Th new mad dtisens wUl not be 4 allowed to ot until th lc- 4 tlons of 190S. - . aa aI.4 nnanna thla aan aon. Mohair le eomtng aotnewnaa market, but arrlvala to ante have beea emaU ea eeeonnt ef the eool weather. Price bold, at 8e. alfbougb the believe, thla -will be around the tow poui.. iv Tdarhet lTna at Xtghteaa Oeata. The local egg market t firm today at ISe. i.i. AAA.ia ahnwlne e cDneiderahle decreeee. Cold storage operation, are not aa hoary, bat Bertbera ahlpateata ere better. - - . Chlckeae are la email an poly aed the price la fractionally better. A few eretea ef dreeaed . . - I trncrw varron m oaa - aiaavmv .in, r". .Alvl " - el raatern. 160 lb: ninena. Imonda. lfttTZlH' Mi. 1 FRFH MB ATS rroot atreet Hoaa. faecy. LoukiTllle A NaabvUla ...! ' lioaj ertOix. lb: veaL extra. oaHe per lb: ordinary, . 17 1 .. " t, .i i 1M ISO per H.i p-er ee pee lb. mattoav u-r. a "acMco. sure. "' e C":-RrTt-nw:u::: tl 10 liaac per lb .. . ."" . , w a T ainraon. . " a. a. ST S81I iK"MfTrBOT th; 18 to ZO ina. lie in; arra.i... Tl U4S a sor-rn pobtland bomb. . A 4)-roors modcra boeea, elegantly nralehedt magnificent view of the river: heat home for the money ea the market; $2.eoO; half cash, balance eaay t-ntia; lot 4JSI110. . $01 SWBTLAND BLDO. A GOOD BUT. 1 ' SI 000 S rooms, aaodera thiwagbout, eenvent baeament and walk, hardwood finish laalde. saa aad electric llrhte. ror a few daya only. $01 SWETLABD BLDO. Snaps: A medera 8-room nrage Bear WITMaM are.) $1,000 essb. Sl.OOO ea terma. take. It. rour tmntalowa at $1,300 te fl.SOO eec. r $6,000 caaa, ns.euv . . .. And three ottages ea aartellmeats at H.S90 toaWH TH1BD ST.. BOOMB IS SO. CIRCULARS ADVERTISE v , PENDLETOM COUNTRY -; V (SpaeiBl Dtopateb te The Jonrnal.1 . Pendleton. Or.. March 14. A ahlpmant of 1,000 circulars en Umatilla county have been sent to th Hani man Immi gration bureau headquarters at Omaha for distribution to west bound colonist. A number of advertising circular are bng laauad by various Irrigation and land com pan lea In the Echo and Harmls ton districts, which will also ba distrib uted in the east. Ahont loo oereonal letter will ' ba written by th students of the Pendleton publlo schools to Intending homeseekers In th east on Frldsy, March IS, which will ba called "Letter Writing Day" la Umatilla county. - f . i Asks HeaTy Damages. - aAHal rjlanateh te The- Journal.) vfarahfleld. Or.. March 14. ror al- tarafl lndlralUe. R. P. Smith, the flrat whit child horn on t-ooa nay, nan in- atltuted ault against tne city or ataran. field for 11,770,000.7$ ior Taise im- nrlaonment. - ' ' while trvlng to ae II a patent th city authorities arrested hlra for not having a license -and threw him in tne city jaii. Power Wants DItoi-co. winfilfrad L. "Power filed suit for dl vorce from John U Power In tha atats circuit court thla morning, alleging desertion. Mrs. Power alleges thatshe married Power in Seattle. Auguai j 190S. She aaks that her maiden name. bo reatored to her. rnrro states soTEkkTCErT bobds. Mew Ior. March 14. OormTiment a, ,,M iha lfe lb: breakfast Bacon, lawe; i ... .-k aa, ir.t la. I ' lb; regutar abort .5 Co.. $1.46; Kd.lL Bw, Booth. Tip: Ba Bn.U ., amoked! lie lb; butta. 10 te 1$ lba. ea. anraked Se Ih; emoked, be lb! eleej arookedl -line Ibi emoked. ISHe lb) ebooldere. "i.'". "?."Vu u.i ifc iaa Ihi queror. anci Blk. Kock, ec: XAL LABn-Kettle leaf. JOa, "le Ibi J Wnndrr Pot latch, SOe i81,S.Ibl..ln.?,S. lleieaat KeadaU Eit- fci Sandat. 1 d. 10s, 12He B; $e,Tae ul eempeuaa, JRe. AttaBtk. g,.. Qraat Bee .ftvnaALMOW-tamble river. Wb 2! 11 dTol J1.1 DUlktT IS. SV BWenu a " . w . - - .. m. m, m. - al S. 41. A 1 W.Z AFLal HI L . AD. A. fxAPaa.. OtPr;. re laereeelng and It would not be poller at mite. V?; a. in- r.r 1 lh a.. I Urnna, $1.80; Commonwealth, Uc; Comb. gt,, this Ume to .dvanee th. price. . . $180; H-lb faaey Hats, .'aU" 27. Tract, ' 04.18: "Or. BeBd.Eat.. t Or. Bond : Vaak fee Urea Soon. ' I 1 Ana., njc; Mlllatorm-, sac; a. iHmanaa.inA.oina. flret prv frJ'J. .-!CaA. da not I ",,7.'.L ?' .tL,,,.00W n-nedera. Be ker : H-40; Bem-ralda. 4ct Portland. K, 1rtm JTs - " "' . . . .ki. I.. ..A konnd a amoked. Wc lb; Union Bane, iw w i. ion, nraeya mmmmr aa m i - a. ik. good eaie. . I 4iu.t ihi . .. - - a ..a nt .hi. .ha daalara I 'V.?1' Bail as goow mm wwmw v. T. B. lUoaoana yiamniAjy in ir butter is not half aa $ooa as oemano, rvcvipta nevnaa axocas; , it.. ' mf OOLDPIELDB DI8TBIOT. - x Mil . ... . . . . a.a aa. I M.. R. OT A.. RWiaiA...... ,. z.-l'm mnostornt, ooe; mm o, V ,"!w;-' Dlatlllcrs Norrnere MtBBourt 40c: A da ma. 17c: Bllrar rick. Il .13: May r -va7 nAi JIT gueen. Zt eaked: Nov. Boy, lSe; B. B. 'Sit., 1 York, Ontario a Weitera.... SO lie; ioe oeii, znc; hih. aoo, v. x.-ovmmu, . KorfoIk A Weatera, CBmraoa. nm TV Ulharala I'Ja' Ht. Ivaa. 11.B.441 Ooa. I Crii ,Z 7 w- .... Ahmi . .... aoe; Blk. Rock. Se- uo Star. She; KortB Avmerlcaa .u'. , ." a: tru. kics i t-ajs. . snwrnssi i m airr-tB. Hw TO Bxv. Se: Bend. 08c: Sin Bit., 40c riorence. lire. 18c; Bed Top Bit.. 40c riorence, n.a Ma-tat A Coke U $3; mam r. B. 0. iwe., ooc: u. uaiay, ea.uo, praaaad Steal Car, Inycstmcnts aM one .a. aai aHck 'mlldlna ea Beseetl at- 'VoTi aanr. That 1. flrat-daM toeoms property. . ' , . . : ''s', ' ' eio nna WlU bar U block. 17th and Kearaey rts. Thla property will doable te 11 meeue. ' DIAM0XD BBALTT CCv , 253 Alder et. I AM la aeadiof eooie money and will eaertflee - 1$ loT.rortb S6.000 for 8,n0; BOrlOO, Im iroved. .ad la one ef the b-at iweea the river.: most be.eaab and tokea at eace. Boom 4. 100 Iteceei at. WB have a few eood barfalae te cWanvlneeet r,.,. i k.r will re eulrk. ' Terme. pn 4. lua rWcoad at.". Phone Padfle 111.4 lOOilon PBET ea ear line. ! "lBa' to rtrat and l'Mrt'n'J,lt:M,r; amrth $$no eerk: will aall both for, $i II Bold before Monday seat. - W. J. Day &. Co. IMVt ronrtn at TIMBER. TIMBER claim for Ml; l .cree, two mile. rhlnmhla Hm. Skamania eoerrty, Waab Ltoe. Owner, r. I. alciltory, Wa) II. la. Hilt. Aak. into ion '' loni Twee, rerletered Am AUM. . . . ...tAraa 1S 108V4 104 ' i (V-waA 4 j vj l t rvA a COapOn ...eeed sivrr- "v aa "W rorra.reS:brad lT 10J3 loi in., --t , no. , 'M. 1 imu yotira, rearietereo rT?7 JJ. ao eoupoa Dlatrlct of Columbia S-Oo. Koura. Phlllpptnee Twos, Panama ........... 114 10 104 104 . , 10i jrxw TOM COTTOB HAKXIT. Kew Tork, March 14.Hoa prlcee; - a. Doom. H)fh. Iw. j.-B..ry :.r......r. 125 2 M.rck .'. April ........ May Jane July Ana-net ......." October Decani bar 4H 4.1 071 070 07T total 1014 Cloae. 1021 eel 044 : 061 mw an .. or, 075 ona -era eat eeT IMM K0 074 . VT NO 071 . . 07$ lone PMI a$ 101 S 1001 1O0$ MKTtAirn I1H ST1TE1CEBT. Cleadnea today ...; Cle.rln$a year ego. Oala tedar ptlancae today B.laa.n law ....,,..,....... '. . 810.MiS.o2 S 640..4$ 174.4:a.8 6I.147.e4 P18H lb; halibut, la IffAyfaaiaaa look for any advance te the price Juat now because It I. only a metier of a abort time before auppllea-win become greater and tbea the price will to lower, ."i a- j-m turning eway . . .. I . 'L. M.e -nd. Snnsat WeemeryTne pnoo wm ov ' I r;, ' r.. kaT ear lbt tobetera, ar tbaa bow. oei a- n. mackerel. madlata- ad-raace. . supply m rw the demand. "1 Went A Owea Butter h Bearcer than ever, but price 1 anchanged. ' Bvardlng m rarreii nuvier la wi -wca w talk about. Ne chaage la price ev- rar aa we know. Brief Votes ef the Trade. BarHt-r ' of meats eontroooa along rroat aAA. p-rliw the eaaie. i Hooa are being purrbaMA. bat dealer ar kAAnin. antAt ahont transectlone. Wpaet IS moving iwwn toaa v-rar mm ww water, although , aome relief la promlaed next price oa weens ena imj-bt laruBuim m-m A.AA..I eava. Ne a malt enppiy w eoawn in ui wnoirsaio flab market today.. in. . nava tae TOlMfwrns Pront atreet. Prlcea paid snippers are lea regular commlaalona: . . Brain, near aad PbeeV OBAIK BAOB Celcatta. $H baytag price: . . aKaaaA... uriT rinh. TOifJTle; red Btnalaa. 7fl i, .. t7Sc: valler. TOe. eec- "'"""'.'"',. An, ..Waa toe m a.. COBaN wai r-" : . .-,. Paad. Ml noafM OOl tellaA $2.O0iaa4.0Oj brewlna. .Aa.uusjAa.uu. nvie $10 per ewt, gATAerodnc-ra- I white. . ns,to Ml- a-rav. $2a.0ftA2S.00. .. . . . . AiMW. nalmt. Ad la. ..i.hta. $.00; evpon, ea.ooi vsiiay. 'tz. a. ao- whol wneet, $a.T$i trm. TIMOI. f ' ' AAA. f MILLSTTjyrS-Braa. , 117.00 peetmi! mld- dltnee. f,'wi1Tnftieiio ' ' am nor chop. l.0OXl.OO. . - ' nrl.. iiMmn, Vin,AMi AiM, Mtrr V--Brr-J. a-iV.viF milrfl, lolo!oo; clover. $8.00 grala. $$.00010.00; eat, - . Bvttae, srgg aaa auiry. BTJTTEB PAT f. a. - a. Portla.d gwa.1 ram It844ei eoor, 11 He. BUTTKH City ciaamery, S8c eeraM. fancy. 6e: etoraaw, imwwi mxvrm. iiijijia aifJOFBXrra ranry. tiain, inc. CHKBSB N.w full cream, flata, 16916!4c Tonne m-tce. ITplTHc. POCI.TKI auiAO. an-c prr irl fancy bens, lA3164e lh; rooaten, old. 11(812 lb: old stag. 16(8151,. ; fryer. 181B- lb; broiler, lllle lb; old duck., llvic; .prlrg ouch ir" .. "r oo?b! aowhe, $110 aer don: plaeone. $1.00 Z ooe. Dremed poultry 1A1H per lb ktsber. Kosa. Waal end -Brides. , HOPS lOOS crop Choice, lie; prime te choice 104J10Het adlnm te prlrn,, $0c; !fL. il-- eonnmcta, IBOT crop, Ito. Wwir-lW .lip y.lley. SUW2, oaatera ?onAn-ww looT-tse n. SlKri'sKIN-hcarlng. lAOM eec, abort !?! mle- wo-. ao07e each; rwool 7r-00 eee. LWW-!plme. per Ue rHOtel Me. S aad IWV.lmi.; . . eaaABVielTe for nee ... 1.11 1 1 1 I. -a mm. - - late. Mes. , .... Al V. " W , " ' . ' . - - .i- ai i a A. H A. . -. IBI Cry 9,m i ' m m. ... aw, unoar . i".. .-o, wuwrm a IM aoe ever, loanc: c and bells, eoend. a1Te kip. , ' ""k (Viinmhla river eteelhcada. lie; I Gold, We aakad: Loa DlUoa. 1" " f-'??. g "SSS, ricilei her: 15c asked: Grandma. SSct B. Pick ffM ? oTSt .b"o520 Tib; Ucb. J. Boee, lie: CoL Mt. Ext -ft,; v. ior lb; tomeoa. Te eer id; o; uun i. iramn, Beoahlle Iron A Sti Reoublle I roe A Rock Island, eommoa ...... A- iiV 1I5 ::::Si 8 Car, preferred..... .... je i men SI 'V ..... .... fVmiMlera. Be per -: Kewanoe. $1.40; .Mmaraiaa. m iwuim. crate. $IJ1,60 P-r socj l" SOT-.'SA.:J.1i Jj. 1 TIT: "ock Iatand. praferrea Ext. 12ci I a. v a. a. a . . r,.. ad afd. Ooldf. Cone., I a, M a Baa Prea.. 1st pfd St. Loul. A Soutbweatera, eommea .... lOe per Kt; 1 mwfrror.l DIITTBICT. , I St. LouU A Southweatwu. preratrea . :I crawflab. oe per ' ftflll,. M. M.-1ran. T5e: Gould A Oerry. I Soothern Psclfle, rtoninwa i.l, w Soutbera Railway, eommea., SB , ftonthera Bellwny. preferred .... aw fU.I aL VawKaa- . .1 Ml innaMI- fJUC m W. w . Aalaal 1T Dnlir U 1 n MfVBT. KTIllI.a I . ". I - a fLAM"-H.rd.hVII. per .T lT Hari 47 AaTeTthvet Etoa Fednc, 500,0--. . PT . M .. 4: Gold Bar'. $1.08: Stelaway. 16e; Bamil 8". CSwRSSrS. nm, ymm. y. I 40c , Maya Coo... -4oe; Monry. onie ROPE rur Msslla. l-er msnourw. uvi u , )4e. 0. Soaptar. Met Monty. ML. 16c; " I"? i;rt rv.' eoeiroos.. ST nasi. par 10; toarar etttreoe. lOe per lot -ac. eaaa. v- 1 Coo. Virginia, 4c; 'Savage, 77c; Hale A lb; mltrmhla river am a It. 8c perlb. I Vormm, TOc; Xellow Jacket. TBcl Belcher, OYSTERS rThoarwater bay. per Srn0. condone. $1 aakad; glarra ev Tee; .14$ I TJnloa Pacific preferred Tnlted Statea Bnhber, eommoa;.. Jju Cnltad Statea Rabber. preferred... 101 tal. lie. ,aU. .IB. Delay. 85c Homeatake Cooa.. $L10; T.nkee r h - 8utA atari Oe.. preferred. 004 COAL OILeart e, Aee lOHe per 0 Kut..u Tn-,, pona., , 06c; Victor. SL"'" ....f 18? r.lloo: water wn m wow -r.T' lc; Banner, OOe eaked: Norm atar, lue bun, w.hh nrrrnTed B6 wooden, lie per ralloal beedlUht. aeg.. Mld ooe. nUBA.t. lOe. I S T-nloa T.1.rrarh aa.. Ilt4c ner galloa. 1 Tnsnpinil I TTr.- i...i ao. rases, eaine wmr mm'm, M A a s.r.1 .1 N Bwfl4ont on utile- lar per (auow. . ..ruat BEN SINE $ dog- "ee. SSe pet gaDMi Iron hhla. 18V.C per eeuoa. TURPENTINE la eeaae, SO per gall weeoee WWHIEVlTe. tote, T. W Ibl SOO-Ib aw; fLsw. ?l s flit rr a?U LINSEED OIL Para raw. hi S-bbl tota. SOe l.bbl tot. $$.: eee p- g.M awnei-a kjt tie boiled, eaeee. 00. per gal: e-bM took tee; teate'rar'SVw ' LIQUIDATION IN WHEAT Ohlcago Price Ar Sent a Half to , .- Five-Eighths Down. 'belativb WHEAT TALCEB. ' 100S. S .77 M May ... July . . 1 Bept .. . T He per ml VI try ralTble. t. 1 ttaora. eoaed. 00 aiAaiaoiAci etace ana eeiw. anwna. rt ii s 10, 18 to $0 Iha. c eelf. eoaed. aeder 16 Ira, Ill; trJZ eoaalred. le lees; celt.. ie per Ik tora: KJir 'blleT ealted. eech. $1 a TILTS; dry. ear., iiouoisot aolt hlnee, OS0e: seat .am-. rammM. eeco. Frnlts aad Vacate Mae. avraTnra.a.rae Bdee. eaatara Werrno, ah aa Vlackame Mlact. f; e. It- March 14. March .IS. , S .79 TT .... .T$ Los. S .TTVk $ .004 .T8HB .00 .Tl'A ' .0OV4 " a as ee 4Aa.a.Al Trt Msel A m Ha Chlraaw, Marcn ' r"" . aOi.. sent the emaat swm .w.. - Offlctsl onotatloB hy Overbeck, Starr . flpen. ' High. May .......... II ii Jnly 7-V i- CORN. 4H . 46H 46'4 4d 4d 46Vk OATS. Sept Msy July Sept Low. Si Ttt aeMi . 46T4 . 4014 Cine.. -.8 edB en 8H llllv " V.".'.'.'.'.' V"1 tapt H i ,BS May J; Bent mess rum. Ua, .........lWO . may , ........ . . .a 1011 " IABD. , ; 015 . M 01T . K . a 4o SHORT BIBS. . MT OOO . jnly "i, v'i Cft-f;-::-.-.;-;,- pis ois July .. . May wa Jnly Sept May IMS 1013 010 01T 023 (WT 80S 121k B 10OT 1020 01 T ' P21 0:11 008 nl 001 . , Seed Wheat Outlaok. iwaaaIaI nianatck ns The Joernal.l Cunningham. Waab., March 14.-Jhe weather la thla dlatrlct le ai.fanrtld aed active farm ng operatlooa are now le progr-ae Ihrangbont, itba llatrlct. The proapact for a bnmiier ero of wheat wa. never better man as pnwn. la an abundance of wtolatnre le the fronnd. But little winter wheat wee anwn laat fall on account of th. experience U.t year wleh tha March blUaard, but ell that waa planted I looking good aad promise, well, : ..... Nov., SIOJO; Moat.. S1S0; Toe. Bxt l.tTi; MacNamarn. ee; Midway,; Beunont, $.VI3H kd: No. Star. ISc; Ohio, West End. 1185; Beacue, 18e asked: Ton. A Callt., le ,ked Golden Anchor, We; Jim Butler, fte; Ceeh Boy. 0c Borne, te; Bto, lie;, Monarch Pitta. EX., ate; ami. an. r.i., ,v, Goldea Crown, 13c; Tt. T. Cone.. lOo aakea. M A rt rl A I X A n uiBn.ii.a. , . .vn,- Banh. M. Oa- 12c: O. Wedge, llci Hc'ylev Hump., To; Dexter. Sile; U loe. $; Crescent. Be; comnination. nc; rannj. - . n. - . , ,,.. .1..A aitA A. .Alt I 20c; Mustang, , -... -. Cowboy, To; Orlg. Maun.. SOe: Brondie. 13c; Jump7ack, 1-c .-hed: Ptoenut, ldc; Buffalo, 6c; B. Dog. See; X. Horee, Oei Indlaa Camp, r8c. viBinna DISTRICTS. Patrv. Silver King. 40e e.ked; Palrv. Bagbj. TBc: Nevada Bills, 38c: nttaourg eirrav reaa. $1.75; Exie. neat, eaci " , Nev. H. rtorence, 16; Alice of Wonder, 14c. GOOD LAMB PROSPECTS , .11 . Wool Growers Are Busily Engaged la Preparing for Annual Event. -..1.1 TMamatah ta The louniel.T ArUngton. Or., March 14 Wcolgrower. of - , .... Ann tha country arouao mm ha" beea bear the ae.t week la prepadng tor the annual "lamb harvest." ana eefaj aa I knows the majority era wn. .uup...M wllh help, and every Indlcatloa up to date polnta te a eueeee-ftil M Th. warm growing weather of the peal week baa Ineurcd th. graae crop, eklcn r.. i"i.....hl. at lambing time, and all other eondltlona considered l-ajf the ;J"-" to nredlct an Increaae In their florke moch rborTth. average The will l-AiaAj.h 19 and 15 among moat or Ti." .Xw. and there will be ll.floo ewe to be "lambed" In thla and th Condon i.ikukMJa Among the proail"0' eheepmea who own thf.. .wee errs. B. Barker. Condon. 1,100 kd- H.rdv Broe" Condon. 8 dOO: Reddy and Pattiraon. roaall, 1.200; M. McDonald. 1.100; J Clark. 1.100; Prank Aldrl.-k. l.loOj Ham Blnclalr 1 ioo; 1 Loganhuhl. l.K) Smith Sinclair. .-k.. ,., Waah. urn... e.ouu, .,,. . Ington! A. amytne .",. .n " kino both of Arlington. Should the eame coedlrlon. pravall en the ransT a. at prmnt the most eoneervstlv. ILpme. eetlmate the tocraese In th.J flock. itSo-per cant. All haw Miffered Was florins the past winter, which wa. the moat iir? wlnlirlB th. "hlstorf ol the aheap Kdmwy In epaters Oregon, but the majority admit that they will mak 'some money la spite ef. aU tkelr hard luck. Who la MtgerT H fits your oyas for tLOO. Ill m' atraat wref.rred Btooii Caaaed Oooda. aVUen trawls' Bast Brand. Wlaronaln ceetrai. preierraw Virginia Obeaueal .... se Call ksooey eloaed at S per cent. Total sale for day. 1.086.800 ah area. LACK OF ARRIVALS IS CAUSE OF STRENGTH Portland TJnloa Stoek yards, March 14. Llre- Bo$. . Oattle. Sheep. Today a.......... ... , a.. week ago Vaar aaa. .............. . ... ... prevlnua yeer t ..- - . afr. wi.w aa aeara la tna local market th tone In all line to very firm Unlayi aaivi nmj.m with prlcee practically the eame yesterdsy.l LtvMtock mea are of the' opinion that mm the preaeut quotation Being nominal and h Cattle oaa firmer. A veer ago today all market were firm, . -k.i.t.l llvaatna-e nrlrae: Iloga Reel ea.tern Oregon, IJ.JTl: stocksi m J 1 ST aft; r hma fats. S.78aT.0O. Cattle Beat eaatera Oregon ateera, $4.T heat cow. ana he! fare, $3.60; Mocker a . an tAt Knlla. 2.ftfi. - Hheep Mixed, "i6iA; wether, SHe; wea, mW"i lemon, x EASTERN MARKETS C00D Chicago, Kansas - Cltf ifl Omaha e Show Steady Prices. Chicago, II arch 14 Livestock receipt. ' , Hoes. Cattle. Sheer Chicago w.... ...( S.ono 18,0ft. Kansas City .6.500 .4.600 4.f Omaha 8.600 4.500 S.Ko Hog. are ttaedy with $.400 left ever. Rd celnt. year age were 14.000. I'rlcaet Ml led Id 70tn.6; gooo eno naary. vi.w,,i" m,( rvngt, and heavy. ne5a.S0 light, $4.8oa00. V. Cattle etrong. ' Sheep Strong. "Washtticna Gets Coal. - Washtuona, Waah., March 14. Tralnf are now running into this city and coa and wood ara mor plentiful.. A car load of .Wyoming coal wa received recently. This la tha flrat coal reaelve here since the rtrat of laat Auguat am there Is a promise of mora soon to b delivered. Tha Potlatch Lumber com pany expects to receive a aarload 0 coal In a few days. . . ; . '