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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1907)
THE 'OREGON DAILY-JOURNAL,;- PORTLAND, -THURSDAY - EVENINa r MARCir.:!!.; '1907 IS. GOES NORTH TO h CARRY LUMBER , ... . : ' - , ' ' - 'I ; " . . S . British Bark Muskoka Chartered " ,by American Trading', Com; p any of San Francisco'.! HAS BEEN IDLE IN HARBOR v LSINCE BEFORE CHRISTMAS Second Vessel to Lmt Portland fn ; Ballast for Paget Boud During the Past Fw. Days Steamer Woodford Remain Disengaged. After having laid Idle In tha harbor foe aaveral weeks, tha British bark Mus fcoka waa chartered this morning to f -. 4 To Owners of Bad Breath Foul Odor ef Indigestion, Smoking, ttaang or imnking stopped . at One With Stuart's ' . Charcoal Lowngea. load lumber on Pucet sound (or Val- lparalao. She was taken by the Araerl- l" can Tradlns: comnanv of Ban Francisco. The Muskoka will ba the second vessel to be -towed around from here -to--the sound to load lumber during the past (w days, the German ship Arthur Fit ter harlot; been chartered nnder similar aonditlona about a week ago. . TheMuikokaarrlYlir Peoember f u fttf yu q, II irum aunpuri wiiu ki u w meat after a rather exciting voyage, oae of the sailors haying leaped over board In the Atlantlo during a fit of Insanity.' She baa been up for .negotia tions many time since then, but the teals have repeatedly fallen through be cause of the peculiar conditions of the grain- trade, there being little European business transacted on account of the strong demand from the orient and the shortage of railroad cars. -The German ship Arthur Fttger. which waa chartered a few days ago to load lumber on Pucet sound, la at an' ehor In the harbor receiving ballast from barges preparatory to leaving for the sound. ,Xhe British steamer Woodford la stin disengaged at the dock of the Ind. Trial aekage to rreve X sent Tree. Bilious breathers, onion eaurs, Mndi gestlon ' vlotlms, eabbsge consumers, smokers, drinkers .'and those with gaa on the stomach are In a class -all by themselves, distinguished by A powerful baa oreetn. . ,..,k They all Tofeathe, and'aa they breathe, they whiff out odor which makes those standing near, turn tneir heads away in disgust. Tha pKlable part of It Is that thsse victims do not realise what a sickening thing a bad, offensive breath Is ta others. . .-, " Charcoal Is a wonderful absorber of rases and odors. It absorbs 100 times Its own voTams oTt - - Stuart's Charcoal Losenses will put a stop to your bad, offensive breath, and to your belchlngs, whatsver the eauss or source, because the charcoal quickly absorbs all noxious, unnatural odors and gases. i - If yon suffer from Indigestion and belch gss as a result, Stuart's Charcoal Losenges will absorb all the gas snd make you stop belching. If on getting up In the morning you have such a bad, bilious breath, that you can almost 'smell It - yourself, Stuart's Charcoal Losengea will get rid Kndent Coal company, and so far she s received no orders from tha owners la England. Captain Seddon say there is no truth to the report -that the steamer has been sold, so far as he knows. 7 The British ship Tola Is now the only ' disengaged sailing vessel in in naroor, not counting the French bark Mara chael de Vlllers, which Is preparing to sail for Australia in ballast. THYRA CLEARS FOR CHINA Balls With Lumber While Other "Steamer Beaches Port. The Norwegian steamer Thyra cleared today for Tslngtau, China, with i,0l. 014 feet of lumber, valued at lMv. She will probably leave down tomorrow morning. The Thyra arrived nere on Ifebruarv 21. c The British stsamer Aedmount Wretched Astoria at 1 o'clock this morn I Tag from San Pedro. She will probably arrive In the harbor this evening to load lumber for China. The German steamer Tiberius Is expected to leave San Francisco for Portland today, aleo to load :lunber her: : . '. . .v "HEADY" FORBUSINSS . . t Steamer Charles R. Spencer Starts ' for The' Dalles Monday. Next Monday the steamer Charles R. Spencer will commence operating be tween Portland and The Dalles on a dally schedule. Captain Spencer has made arrangements to land at the foot of Washington street and preparations are now going on for the grand open ing Monday morning when the steamer makes her first start of the season for If you have been smoking or shew ing, or have been eating onions or other odorous - things, - Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges will make your breath , pure and sweet.- Charcoal Is also the best laxative known. Tou ean take a whole boxful and so harm will result. It Is a won derfully easy regulator. And then, too. It niters your blood every particle of poison and Impurity In your blood Is destroyed, and you be gin to notice the difference In your face Hirst thing your clear complexion. Stuart a Charcoal ixtsenffes sre msde from pure willow charcoal, and Just a little honey Is put In to make- them palatable, but not too sweet. They will work Wonders ' In your stomach, and make you feel tine and fresh. Tour blood and breath will be pnrtfled. Ton will feet clean Inside. - we want to prove all this to you, so Just send for a free sample today.- Then lamer you get It and use It, you will like them eo well that yon will go to your druggist and get a 16o box of these Stuart's Charcoal. Losengea. Send us your name and address today and we will at once send you by mall a sample package free. Address F. A. Stuart Co.. Stuart Bldg.. - Marshall, Mich. IV upper river. V T The Spencer has been laid up all win ter at the Victoria dolphins, but was brought to tha Washington street dock this morning. Having been thoroughly overhsuled and newly pslnted she looks as spick snd spsn as were she to mske her maiden voyage. A crew la being signed and the furnaces are already Spouting fire. .- NEW OIL STEAMER ban tan la May Carry Liquid Fuel to Portland. .8UU another large olltank steamer will probably be put on between Ban Francisco and this port. The latest mentioned In this connection Is thsblg American steamer Catania, now in the south ready to sail for the Golden Oat. The Catania la owned by the Stand ard Oil company, having been bought from the Guffey Oil 'company, the big Pennsylvania concern. She Is of I. BOO tons register. Other new oil steamers running Into this port are the Santa Maria, W, . Porter and Lonntng, all of which nave lust been added to the. large fleet. vessel taken for foreign loading for some time and the announcement of her charter aroused considerable inter est among shippers this morning. Such flattering prloea are being paid lum ber droghers In the coastwise trade that their owners have declined to even think of dickering for foreign eargoes which can aa easily be carried in cheap foreign bottoms. The Marconi is a large carrier, her capacity being about 1,000,000 feet. ALONG THE WATERFRONT E. W. Wright will leave for London this afternoon . to confer with the Ship- u w 117 r bb uhik is 1 1 ii n r rar-ri l n sr rrpi srn r rates out of Portland.H will enAavoff to obtain the removal of tha differen tial wrongly placed agaisat this port. Ths steamer Alliance will sail ' for Coos bay tonight She wlU go out filled to the guards with freight and with every berth occupied. The schooner Bangor will come here from San Diego soon to load lumber for one of the California porta. . The steamer F. A. Kllborn sailed last night for Ban Franclseo via Coos bay ana jsuresa witn rrelght and passengers. The Harrlman liner Columbia. Contain Do ran, will be at Alnsworth wharf this evening from San Franoisco. The steam schooner South Bav will be here Saturday from Ban Francisco to load lumber for a return cargo. ' cm mWrk ii . ... 'ifc8SS?9g mm (0 ID) lW I MY mm Ride out with us today and see. Portland s most beautiful residence-location. -Jn alL the his tory of this city, there has never been an addition placed on the market that has been hailed with such popular acclaim as Rose City Park' has. If you Jhave never seen iiyouhava, at least, heard of it Now is the time to see it, when the trees are green, the grass is growing and the tone of Spring is so beautifully manifested. It makes no difference whether you buy or not, we want you to see Rose City Park. Oney reason is T that you cannot see JLwithout admiring itnd thewarmTwordsofpraise; t spreladih this' elegant suburb." Oiir automobiles are at your service all ddy" long and you will' enoy the ride. It 4 will only require an hourlof your time; longer; if you ' prefer to linger, as we know you will . :V MARINE NOTES WILL LOAD FOR PERU Coasting Schooner Accepts Cargo for Foreign Destination. ' The American schooner Marconi Is under charter to the Pacific Commer cial company to come to Portland t load lumber for Callao, Peru. She Is at preeent at San Francisco but Is ' ex- Ucted to start north soon. rs"he Msroonl is the first American Astoria, Or.. March 14. Arrived down at 7 a m. Steamer W. S. Porter. Ar rived down at 7:30 a. m. and sailed at 11 a. m. Steamer F. A, Ktlburn. Ar rived at : snd left up at 10:41 a. m British steamer Ardmount, from San Pedro. Arrived down at 110 a ra. Mara B. P. Cheney. Arrived at t:l a m. 8 1 earner Columbia, from Ban Fran Cisco. Sailed at 11 a. m Japanese steamer Mannu Maru. for Japan.' .San Francleco. March 14. Sailed last nigni b learner south Bay, for Portland, Astoria. March II Arrived down at U:t0 p. m. Japaness steamer Manshu juara. Astona, March 14 Condition of the oar at a a. m., moderate; wind south; warmer, ciouay. r AT THE THEATRES mf - s v V. iv- - OSCAR B. JOiES V The Blind Cigar Man tend, wore Bioek tobky, SS Third m rise X.lae Cla-ars, To- baeea, Flpea aad Oeadles. - Creston Clarke at HeUlg Tonight. local ttMatiwcoers win ba m-tihi . ..w two asassal Sxtnrw sbMt "Th. Resisd l swter." wbtet Osetoa Clarke wUl srawnt at tts H.lll, tbwtr toDlsHt. rrfcj., .T.rJr. r alrhts. with a apecUl-priee ni.tliM tw w in. wporraiKW or stot char srter la tba p)ay aad ths perfect aiaaaer with which eaeh la sarrrayed. Te Mr. Clarke bm all credit toe thla pleaalsc drcasiaUace to glvta. MTlrgtnlnH Seat Sale Tomorrow. ' The efl. ef seata and bsxee for "The Vtr fteiaa" will spas SDSjorfew aMralaf. The slay la te be sees here at the H.I 11 oa Mxt Ucm. day. starch U, T asd SO, for fear permrai. aaeh It la a draaiatlwitloa ef Owen Wta ter's wMely read story ef the seen same, and the sovahurlty ef Mr. Wktter'e sovsl haa tola e greet that thet Mm uttle onabt a t. the weleeeae which Ita stage veretoa will r. eele here. Miss Felton as Cigarette. 'Tader Two nags" la reeelvtng attsatlea from the psblle thla week at the Star tbeetre The AUra atoek eeaspany haa etwvd the alar asamsrlatelr aad bae (irea sartlcalar attrathts te the eaodetDrm effMt. Ulm Verss reltea has the etar rale ef Claaratte and la aeea e srestsr adVaatats h thla the a ta any prvrtaa. rota.- The perforaMnee la eaettin. and "Fader Two rue" le a fin entertalnaMat. There will he martneee Satnrday aad Saoday. " Lit grrnrBwnoe ououy niaai. seats are sow sell. Baker's "Black 6heep." Well. It seruhily has toea a great week at tha Baker. Hort'e "A Black BbM" toe test the seosl laachlaf all the time, sad there sre three erfnraiaaee yet. Nothing quit, takea the place c a Bart play, aad the atere SMnttn hie aeateelwer brim, seod-huueia.- Katl. Ssaaaea ef the Sixth" next Street Qara Orad It is important that the public at large, should know the facts with reference to street car service to Rose City Park, At this very moment, hundreds of men are at work on Sandy Road. ' They are tear- -ing up the old roadbed and yesterday over 300 yards had been made ready for the setting of ties. Follow . ing this will be the laying of rails. This work will be continued without cessation until - the line has been completed through Rose City Park. This line will not stop at Rose City Park, but will continue through, almost to the city limits. , The railway company has placed itself under contract to have the line completed and the cars running by Saturday, June 1, 1907. It is, therefore, AN ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that car service is a foregone conclusion. - . -The presence of an army of men, equipped with pick and shovel and a half hundred horses, aE4enf on the work of grading the streets of Rose City Park, is sufficient evidence of the company's inten tion in this regard. Every street will be graded and . the grade will be made to conform with that which has been established throughout the city by the city . engineer. . This work was commenced a long time ago and there' will be no let-up until it has been completed In such a manner as to satisfy the wish of the most exacting. If there is any one thing upon which the company prides itself, it is the carrying . out to the letter of the comprehensive plans that have been arranged for the magnificent street sys tem in Rose City Park. Not a point will be over-' looked to make them the best in the city limits. ' One of the most pleasant features of .the park, ; will be the continuity of cement sidewalksl ; There ' - will be no breaks, such as are found, when indiyid 7 uals use their own time and convenience to do such ; work.-; These walks will be laid, all at one time and, . under one contract, so that there will be a uniform ity throughout the entire park. These walks will be ; of a. high-grade and durable material, in keeping with the general high plane of all the Improvements that are now being installed.'. Many people have ; questioned salesmen of the company as to the cer tainty of this Improvement. It is important, there fore, that this statement should be borne In mind by ' all prospective purchasers. THE SIDEWALKS WILL BE BUILT BY THE COMPANY AND WILL BE LAID JUST AS SOON AS THE CON TRACTORS CAN GET TO WORK. " LOTS $400 0 $600 HARTMAN & ; THOMPS0JS1 t ' - - BANKER S;f.:,.;.v ? ; ' - ; .'' ;"; V t ' Ground Floor CHAM BER O F COM M E RC E Phone Priv. Ex 20 Break Chairs at Grand. K.ny aad Baas set an kinds ef fee est ef Owtr eeeBbrakls act at the Oraad aad the aadleaee laneae with them. A bmm reetleee of cbalra haa sot bees sea la nils city. This act traveled ever Barope far a rear, wblrh avaraate that It la after th. erdlnary serotetle srtall, O'aelll' ' akwuwls pare aa elaborate eettbif with aaarly 100 - electric Usbta. Thla epeelalty Is a eeapleta mlaetra! perfermaac bolted down a a few aUaatea aad It la eae ef the atraaseit apeta ea the pncraai. There ar alaxere. daaeera aad oaedlaaa aalor oa the bill aad the apeelaltlsa ar all lively. Drama Begins St. Patrick's Day. "aaaanoB nf th Sixth" Isa't ptansed I trhxt MBeaaiDtloa exclusively, for It Is a draais wita . itnu aoDeel . to ererroa. It ona Snaday at tha Baker, aad will raa all sext wMk with Bietla fatorday. Thla la the flral tlrae rt haa appeared Is Partlaad. It toe to prelaed blhly eleewtor. . .. "The King of Tramps.' , Viet -Faaat- na W tbe.skaa4r gwa day with "The Stag ef Traapa." Thla Bean v The Twaeh That BUals - ' y Is the touch of Bucklan's Arnica SalTa It's the happiest combination of Arnica flowers snd healing balsams ever com pounded. No matter bow old th sore or uloer Is, this salve will our It. For burns, scalds, cuts, wounds or piles, it hss ao equal. Oaeraftteed fey r4 Cross thermae, lis. . that the pledld record the Baplr ba Bad all thla eeaaoa as the reeosnlatd beadeaartera ar popalar esterWlaawat will be aulatalned aaottor we.k. , The people are ftadlng eat thet tbe Merrleoa street tbeatr te preeeilaeatly th place. , Be) Snre to Visit Empire. Be ye realise tbat If rea eilaa vbiltmg th Bmplr txtls weak ye win mtm aeelsc m of th (reateat anmle pmdactkme ever wttaeseed by Portland eodleaeer That'a th trath, aad haadrada are fladlng It eat. "Lest tn New York" a a thriller eo far aa pint to eeaceraed, aad tb Stan work of the em anaaad Mas- hatua sj weederral. alattaee -"Michael Slrbgoff." "Ulchael Utroroff. tb fatness play M Ka tea Hfe aad adveatar. which takea a edt are tr the palaoe ef the esar. te the wild wurtee a Iberia, win to eees st tbs Lrrle theatre sex week, toclaalag atoaday natlaee. Seata for tbe entire week an sew a eale. "The PaHsb rriest." , Tb. bill at tb l-vb thla week Is tbe famon peeler. I pier, Tbe Parte prteet." ate ro r Vuiei saiiy tint) aad tb sabil bav gives niHiM prato te the toaatlfnl etax rreet ssed th Lyric ta atactag thai play. There are mere sew faces ta th eaet, aa wall as all tbe eld favorites. Chlldres's sietlnee Saturday, sad two performance Barer day and Snnday evmfctga, the ftret toslaalng at raa ciocx. MOTHER AND DAUGHTERS MEET AFTER YEARS . (Jearaal SpedU ServUe.t - -. i Korth Varnen, Ind., March I. A mother and two daughters, who have been separated for -14 years, are- looking forward to -a happy reunion here to morrow. Oa March ST, 118 J, Mora aad Lnlu 1 White, aged respectively f and T yeara. were placed la an orphans home at Orenburg. Lulu was subsequently taken Into the home of a Mrs. Ay re a. living near St. , Paul, and Nora was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. James Oaoew. Th girls -grw. to wo mas hood and Lului irarrled M. R. Herron of Sharp" vUl whll Nora became the wife ot William Samson of , this place. After .They act like Exercise. V, ( A llAwA Win fl) lv 0. fbr ihe Bowels Tea T: T J. Ccnla, r.rvZ-.z-i leaving the) arphaas' home, tha ehlldreS were never able to communicate with their mother. Recently Mrv-Herro wrote to a frtene In Qrenoburg. 'In an ffort ts reunite mother and eh I Mr .n. and .hl.ltttrWM JuplUh4. In a lioal nwerepr. Thla reetilted In ln- tbe motbar and a reunion wa an. to ba held at tb garrison b'i . ti-' If yn don't IIK f" " ar. 1 tftey tt le t i