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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1907)
TIIS OSSGOIl DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND," THURSDAY - EVEMINO, MARCH 14, 1807. : - . . y . . u TM W(MCoM Salvage recliit crjL&x MJMmonpT salt Of the ICXiHSON-rlAXLEMAW. STOCK, Council Bluf incil Bluffs. Iowa i " Cd5'' : jffiliii " ...... YU-yfl-Ui. i ' 1 i II ; .ltt"',sZ?Z7trvn?mVi nTi.nLi .t II v II -II .. i. ITQrm we- " i i- - I -s A Sale That Means Untold Cash Savings to Thousands WANTED! y 1M Silessta crj ; Sxlesteii Apply at one to Mr. Morton. - . KO MAIL orients FILLED We win be too busy to attend, to them. , The EWorld's .iSnSsi and Startling Sacrifice A sale planned along broader, greater. morehbeal lines than any event ever launched in Portland before. All past bargain records to be broken in this eclipsing, awe inspiring sale in which profit "cast to tfce winds and the thunder of our batteries of low prices will shake all Portland from center to circumference. - -. -, . msgrst- salvage & wmmrg Worth Bought at MO U UUVUlf Spot "Gash asdeS 5ntlre JHaUinW ever lived fcouncU Bluff s will tell you this was one of the 'Stat litt" sh0CS! mcn 8 doth boys' clothing, gloves, hosiery, in fact everything to.weaVfor menomen and Doors Open Friday 'Morning! -u .-141 The Sale Takes Place at Our Lanre New Store 3 amid 55 N..TMMS dbeinrntodtourfut sale iin this dty, is a genuine sale--with everything exactly as advertised and every price as quoted and the guarantee of the fraf Saltrocr - AT,i. r ,u : i j r j-ii i!lt.iji if ' . ... . f'-- 4""" . iU c " t ' j", ""'6" ! vvuu.6 .niui u uiuuBiuius ui uvudis uciuiiu it, Bxanas DacK ot eacn ana every claim we make. So ; TVi rifiv L..7 t ' - u , ...jvt. auMHuwijr osautcu every Biatcmcnt maoe nere is a xact-ana a trutn." :i -vw-'i ' - mnaffr j" tt "LT; t yai. jrwu u,uuu. vj uic inousanas ox.unnvaieu values we Quote Dut a few to give you a faint idea of the im- fL wLfTTi3 ! P01 Jona ,?e"- 8 on that you or any one else cannot afford to miss-a chance to save as you have never saved before. No matter -what Shaoffer ; come nere nrsx, xor au former prices nave been eliminated and everything eoes at less than cost of raw material ..' I . ... ' Doors . Open at 9 " Friday Morning: GLASS r TUMULJfiKS,. worth up to 10c and V 15c, fo at 2 and . lc " MEN'S HOSE Plain and Fancy, worth .. 60c at Of and Pr. : MEN'S : SUSPENDERS Many silk embroidered, worth 75c, . - . 9c Pr. CHILDS'HOSE Worth up to 23c, go at 4c Pr. :. i ,,' )' '' '; N ' MEN'S UNDERWEAR ? 50c to $1 values; pick - 4 'em out at 10.000 Fancy Handkerchiefs For men and women, all linen, embroidered and other, kinds ; values to 25c Bankrupt - price 1 C Men's Summer Hats All kinds, youll need them soon; worth V ; P n up to $1 each. Qoat, choice.. . . . ;, ...OC Men's $3.00 Work Shoes Hundreds of pairs, all kinds, styles and plenty of all sizes: $3 and S4 values, at $1.40 ' t and. . .... ... 1 : - J. VftC BANKRUKtSAIlElQF Regular; $40 Suits . une Jfrice Regular $35 Suits. One Price $1.45; $9.63 $8.33 Wen's Pants Regular $25 Suits. Une Price Regular $20 Suits. One Price 16.85 Reg. $17.50 Suits. One Price Regular $15 Suits. One Price $2 and $2.50 ones. tair. .49c All $3 ones for. . ; ; . ; 75c AU$4 ones for........ $1.19 All $5 ones for. . . . . . . .$1.49 All $5 ones for. . : ; . .$1.75 Arid Thousands of Other Bargains Menfs and Ladies' Shoes and Rubbers Regular $10 Suits. One Price These are all up-to-date new goods, Johnson ft Halliman's best, and every pair guaranteed just as though you paid the regular shoe store prices. r , , - Ladles' 75c Rubbers, palr. . .3Sl Men's $1 Rubbers, pair V. . i40 Odd lots of Ladies' ' Shoes, all kinds, worth up to $4, and in cluding patent leathers; a HQ pair ..... .... .... , . .... yQC Men's best trade-mark . Shoes, $4.95 $3.49 Boys' Clothing 1. CtOOO Ladloo Fancy Waists In Lawns, Linens and other materials, made for the spring trade. ' OA 1 " Many trimmed with laces and embroideries, elbow sleeves, worth ' "IJr ' . up to $3.00 too many kind to assort them, all aro at 494 and. . . . .Ut Men's fine Velour , Calf .Shoes.' genuine welta that Johnson . ft Halliman sold at. $3 and HQ Ui go at ?1.40 and..u.yOC Men fine Vici, Kangaroo and Box Calf Shoes, worth CI HO up to $3; pair ...... ..JI.yO Men's Cordovan and Kangaroo welt Shoes,-worth $8; if bankrupt price ...... .$riy worth $6.00 and up to O AO $7.50 pair, all In one lot. VL.yO Ladies' finest Dress Shoes; all the best; worth up to f PA $3 pair; go at ......... luU Ladies' patent leather and finest Kid Blucher Lace Shoes and Ox fords, worth up to $8; One lot of Ladies' Ox- M 7f fords. worth to $3; pair4ly Boys'. $3 Suits, each. .. . .69c All $4.00 Suits... . . . . .$1.19 All $5.00 Suits........ $1.35 All $6.00 Suits..... i ' .$1.98 All $7.50 Suits. . $22 Bargains for All Everybody Come Uadlos 51 lk Waists '; I No use to tell you much about them, for they are the ' WMWH IVUCIWUWIII . t . . .,......,, , ..... $1.00 and 33.00 Muslin Underwear Gowns. Skirts. Chemise and Drawers! ever ma minv Mtvla anm soiled, but all (2 and $3 values choice. . ,. . , ...... . ... , . . . J 69c ". MEN'S ' GLOVES Worth up to 60c pair 5c Pr. LADIES ' GLOVES Silk and - other kinds, worth up to $1 ; 9c Pr. LADIES COLLARS Fancy embroidered 10c and 23c ones lcEa, : 4 WORK' shirts ; For men, all $1 ones, at 5000 r ; v TOWELS All kinds, worth up to ';.;. J3c ' .,v 'V. $I.OO and $2.00 Corset Covers One, two and three of a kind and as wo haven't time to as sort them pick out the best at, choice . . . 33c All the Belts Johnson ft HaHlmsn's best, silk and leather; they ought or 01. ring 3 and 4 times the price, for many are worth $2 ; choice . . l .mIV Uadles 33G.OO Spring Suits AU one of a kind, for they are the samples Johnson ft Halliman intended to order from, the most -exquisite nov elties and finest silk lining; worth $28 and $33, choice. .. in. $10.00 V Ladles' Best aSc and COc Hofle i AU kinds black, plain colors and fancy; some lace open work; many I. of them Johnson ft Halliman's finest that they bought to sell st 80c; C you get them now at, choice, a pair; ..... .... Hats u One lot of them; many beautiful novelties among them, and 1 1 II worth uo to $10. choice.'...: a :. ' .IUV ; C : Boys 3I.OO Knee Panto f About 500 pairs in all, plain colors snd fancy; many lined, and worth Ff to $1.00 a Dair: choice . ... .L 53-55 BJorili Hiird Si.,CoiyBav1s Zv 58-55 i!::":'::;