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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1907)
TIIE OREGON , DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. -MAROg .lt V 19 coffiuy iiotb; GUILTY PARTY President Wilson . of Columbia - Southern Say Governor Has ' V Been the Obstacle. ,", V PEOPLE HELPEDK Vv K DEFEAT SMITH BILL Agree That Lw .GoTeiwiii; Such ; Project a That, of Hto Irrlgat ; tag Company Are Not Perfect Denies Any Illegality. " ' ' ; Robert' W- Wilson, president of the! Columbia Southern Irrigating company. , whose protect In western Crook county lias been, th - source of . considerable trouble between the company -and the state land board, believe there are two sides to th difficulty. . In th following letter to Th Journsl be give his . views on the situation: '. "-' i "In your Issue of last Tuesday more or less prominence Is given my nam in connection with the trouble between . the company and the sttlers. These difficulties, .now being sired, In th news-, . paper, are none other than those which were In existence and bothering the board snd the company before' I bought 'Into the company In October. 10S. , vj "Since my connection with this prop- oeitlon ther have been no trsnaaotlons ' hst any on can complain of either le- gaily or morally. Our compsny refused ' (to comply with . certain .demands . of . members of the state land board In . '. making rules and the . report of ths i board to the lent legislature will show ' that I butted Into these troubles rather than had a hand In making; them. ... ITaaaed 1T Bsssifolr. '. "The contention of the board that the company should provide storage reser ' voire Is well taken, and In the fall of '1101 .our company made known to th board It plans for such a system at an estimated cnet of 140.000 to $50,000, but ' tt was then th governor's pleasure that ' w be put out of business, and that eeems to have been the policy sine. , "Pine my connection with ths com pany w have not trfed to dispose of .any lands, In ths unpatented part of th segregation, nor did we attempt to sell any water a Is Inferred in th land , board report. Any provisions our prod- '' eeessors rosy have attempted to Inject Into contracts if not authorised by law will certainly not hold as we always consult with competent -lawyer , and --'- will not be a party- to anything not legally proper. . - -; - ' ' - . -,' "The funds provided by th settlers ' for the purpose of survey snd examina tion of reservoir site has been paid by - tAis company In ths sum of 1(20 to the ' clerk of the state land board. The re- ". suit of this survey Is publle property nd shows conclusively that the com- panys protect Is. , entirely ' feasible. Is the conclusion of, ths ''compsny that if ths hold-over member .' of the land board would use his power '" for' the good of the 'settlers on this . segregation end-iiof for the purpose of "i putting "the 'company- ut of business, , great good to the state would result. i By antagonistic methods on man can certainly prevent a company from de- livering the goods, aa is. Instanced in thia particular case. , f - - r Takes less With Oo vera or. .: J "In your Issue 'of Wednesday, our honored chief executive baa found oc casion to state to your readers as fol lows: Th stats land board has lacked . certain powers with which it could more ' quickly bring such compsnles to terms, 'and la order to. rectify the evil the state ' board In. conjunction with th stats en gineer prepared a bill which was Intro ; duced at ths last session of ths legisla ture, giving . the board more power In just such a case as It now faces. That .bill wss defested through the efforts of President . Wilson of the Columbia Southern irrigating ' company and others.' Th 'others' In this case were - soma II representatives of th people, "This bill that th gentlemen refer to lajl believe. 8. B. 120, Introduced by .', Benator Smith of Umatilla. . A soon as .It became known In the house that this '.. bill was drawn up by and introduced at the request of the gentleman seeking ? "certain poors' It was disposed of with'; ' out discussion. . . ' i . ' "I agree with th stat land, board , 'that th laws governing companies such i as our company' ar poor ' and not ex-i aeUy as they should . Se, but thblU-jBflMlM Irwwa -'am- which I am credited with defeaUng w'SoUthrB aBClne Crcwg ATw not )uat wbst th people ought to be vs." j ;r Th report rfrrd to by Mr. Wilson ( la th abov. mad by th stats land board to th legislator, citss that th predecessors of the company sold a large ; portion of the segregated land, and that ; an attempt eras made to Inject Into th ' deeds to be subsequently Issued by th , stat provisions not authorised by law, but that the attorney-general had sd- vised that these provisions oould In n fwsy bind to stat. j t ' ' Notification was also sent ths com pany that storage' reservoirs -would , , have to be provided before patents , could be obtained to any more of th -lsnd, and surveys for these reservoirs . v..iri mtt it i. exjmte or "ui""sct ' tiers, the surveys being paid for later ' j by ths company. Ther are many other points touched upon In the report by , the board, but thene are the principal one to which Mr. Wilson refers. . BRAINSTORM MAY BE PLEA ', ". t " That Peter Garrets, th probable slayer of three men, has cerebral cy . clones la his cranium will be the con ' tentloa t o John F. Watts who has been retained by the prisoner to de Tend him. Watts -has asked that he be allowed to have his client examined as to bis sanity. Th request has not- as jret Keen granted ny en court. ' - During th morning the prisoner has been sitting In on place In his cell spparently oblivious of his surround ings and recognising no ne. The con census of opinion about the city jail, however, is' that the prisoner I at tempting to slmulats inssnlty In order to eecape th extreme penalty of hi . act-' . -'. n . MYSTERIOUS ROBBERY t ON WASHINGTON STREET A thief broke into a showoaa in front of th Toggery. V-Wahlngton street, laat night, and carried away furnishing goods rf consloerabl value. Persons . vHlng the. place . noticed . th broke ceee end turned . over '.several enw vi mil a number of rloves to the police for safekeeping. Ther Is sheolutely no clue except that a man was sw loitering la th vicinity short tlm before. ; , . . . BITTER ATTAGK 00 C, H. GlUlf Circular of I. W. W. Calls State Federation President a - U,? Lrar and Fak . : ' C H. Gram.' president of the Oregon 8 tat Federation of Labor: P. McDonald, secretary ; of ' th Portland Federated Trades council; Bamual Gompers. presi dent of the American federation of La bor, and John Mitchell, president of the United Mine Worker of America, come In for a vltrlollo attack In a circular which la being- distributed by the thou sands by striking- mill laborers this afternoon.' ' .- . - Th circular . Is signed , by Fred W. Haselwood, member' of th general ax ecuUv board of the t. W. W., and Is Indorsed by th strike committee of th local I. W. W. Oram Is railed a Uar and labor faker and th other labor leader are dealt with In langusg no lee strong, Th circular sets forth th difference between th I. W. W, and th A, F. .of L. and appalsfor ,th support of alt wrorklngmen In genraL Bom of th paragraphs read a follows: "Mr. "Oram says that th Industrial Workers of the World was started for th purpose of disrupting the Ameri can Federation of Labor. Nothing could be further from the facts, and this, statement Is a malicious lie ' and could only be hatched In th brain of a labor faker, ; v. ! . c. "Mr. Oram has made th statement in this city that h would se that th Industrial. Workers of the World would never get a foothold. If he could help It . - ... .'4 -. , .-. "It Is . not necessary to go lnioa lengthy article on the actions of lsbor fakeca. Mr. Gram has been challenged to debate on th question of which Is th most effective kind of unionism. and I can. assure blm that If be. can show as any weak points In our ' or ganisation or where it cannot be suc cessful, we will gladly com Into th A. F. of L. and take a little of th Identity of Interests and sacred con tract dope. . ... , ; "No, fellow-workers, we bar noth ing against any man who has' to work for wages, which Include th rank and 01 of th A. F. of L but we have something against liars and fakers of the Gram type, . .',-..-. . .,,- 'If the street ear men had been or- ,iuiru unuer mis mono togetnsr Wltn ait ouer . car strike F. of I men. the street would got bav lasted 10 minutes. -The member of ths Carmen' union ' ar still on strlk and bav appealed to the Industrial - Worker of the' World to assist .them. and we . have , promised to do anything In our power) to 00 SO.-". ' . ASKS GUARDIAN FQR BROTHER '.'.-' 1 i : i r. Michael Ryu Sayg HI Brother Wfll ( r, Boon Be Public Charge If . - iJTeglBcd.' - Ia th county court this ' morning Michael Ryan asked that a guardian bs appointed for his brother, A. O. Ryan. Ryan alleged that his - brother was spending his estate by exoesslve drinking- and (Idleness snd debauchery, and would soon, be exposed to- want - and suffering. Rysa further stated that unless ' a guardian t was appointed - hi brother would soon b a county charge, He said that his brother's mental fac ulties . snd. physical strength sr al ready so impaired that he could not take care of himself or his property. Ryan allegsd that hi brother own real and. personal property valued at $14,000, and that h derive an annual Income of about 1200 from th real property. He asked that B. P.'Durland, a friend of his brother, be appointed guardian. Judge . Webster set th daM of hearing April IS, when A. O. Ryan will bar to appear In court and show why ; a guardian should not be , r.? pointed. .. -( STEEL BRIDGES ON OREGON LINES at .'Work 4 Drain Large Ship ment of Material. :) tHseefcil Paiwteh te The learaaL) ' Drain, Or., March 14. Ths Southern Pacific company ,1s putting 4n a 'mag nificent steel bridge over Pass creek at this place to' take the place of the old wooden bridge which was badly dam aged by high water recently. Ths Boutbern Pacific Is also rebuilding th bridge over Elk creek, ' which wa washed away two months ago on the line of th new Drain-Coos bay road. . It Is understood here that within a few days . Subcontractors Owen, Cole and ' Sweeney will be awarded direct contracts for ths completion of th re maining four mil between ' here and Scottsburg. It Js expected that active construction work will begin on this new road next month with a larger army of men. The Sou then! Psclflo la putting 'la a lot of these bridges on th new road, cement for which has been stored here a(nM Immt tall fa rnA"mtnrikm tnr lh- concrete piers' are arriving here this I week and ths work' is to be rushed with I the utmost vigor. APPROPRIATE MONEY . FOR OPEN RIVER (gseeial iMapatch to The loarml.) ' Olympla, Wssh., March 14. Ths sen ate hss passed th bill which had al ready passed . th house, appropriating tl J5.000 for th Improvement ot the Co lumbia liver above Cclllo and of th Snake river below Rlparla. Th appro priation la mad out of th general fund and th bill distinctly provide th money Is placed at th disposal of, and th same shall be ussd and expended by and undsr the direction of th secretary of war of ths United States. The only restriction th stat place Is that $25. 000 of th amount is to be used for the Cqlumoia and th balance for th Bnak. ' . ' . ' . i 1 1 ' i ' Rues for Fsxro Implements. ' (SlHl fMesetek to TH Jersef. . ' Pendleton, Or., . March 14.W. " tt. Brlshnm ha commenced suit against N. D. Parks to secure a Judgment for 12,- j 40U. which amount is claimed Iff ths eomplslnt filed today to he due to the plaintiff for farming implements, stock Jand ether thing wsld the defendant. . , it 1 ' STRIVE TO AVERT PAfllC IIMPE English and German Financiers Rush to the Aid of Market . Rates Kept Down. (Jovaal gpeeial Servle.) - Nw Tork, March 14. An attempt to rally th domestic stock list with un certain results, two failures In Lon don, one of them Important, a hurried conference among English financiers to sustain the situation. meeting of the Bank of England governors, whsre It was decided not to advance the- 4' count rats, aa act of th German relschtag-authorising an Issu of $8. 00,000 to strengthen the ' Imperial treasury, these were the developments In th financial world early today, but before the exchange had begun : the business position in ' Europe had - ame liorated. . ' Governor of the Bank of England had met. and notwithstanding monetary crisis throughout th financial centers of th world, decided not to raise th discount rates. - fctmultanaoualy. th leading bankers of Great Britain Includ ing the Rothchllda. Bassoons, and Bls pofXhelms, had eoafsrred and resolved to give every possible help to the securities market. Tidings from Germany became less apprehensive, especially In view of thi aid given by ths national treasury, nevertheless Americsn . lists wer not assured. , ' . . . ' . , ADJOURNS AMID GREAT UPROAR Last Desperate Effort to Pass ' V Bill Before; Legislature -. ". - Adjourns Fails. ' ' , (special Dteaatca ts The 7varssl.) ' . Olympla, Wash March 14. On of th most spectacular scene ever- wit nessed In a Washington legislature7 oo- , e'ro this morning in th bouse, when. 1 amid pandemonium, with half th mem- ibers on th floor clamoring- for reeog- nltlon, th clock struck 12. bringing to ena in aesperais rignt to pass ins "tuck and Puyallup liver Improvement nut. By consenting to th passage of th open river bill in th senate yesterday, the friends of ths Stuck river bill hoped to get their measur through the hous this morning. 'They Induced the gov ernor to submit a special message urg ing It pases ge, senator went- Into th house chamber and lobbied Jar the measure, and . the speaker applied the gag Tul In air attempt to get th bill; to final passage before noon, after which time, under provision of Joint resolution adopted several day ago, av bills could be secured. - .. Parliamentary practice - was ' thrown aside, and, as the noon hour approached, th house was In aa uproar, but th opponents f th bill succeeded In delay ing final action ' until noon struck, thus defeating the bill. . '1 . ' .Other Important bill which were abut out by th expiration of the time limit were th on for th purchase of th brldg across th Columbia at We natche and the one providing for th payment of warrants Issued several year ago for ths.butlding of th normal school at Cheney, and which wer sub sequently held to not b a legal claim against th state, but only a, moral on. Th legislature will remain In cession until a late hour tonight in order that bills passed may be enrolled and signed. HEAVT SHIPMENTS OF POTATOES AT OREBOH CITY Willamette Valley People Supply California Market Local ' J a Market Flooded. . " tSpeeUI Dtopsteh to Ths JesraaL) , ' Oregon Clty. March - 14. Notwith standing" the prevailing low price of potatoes. ' three or four carload ' ar being shipped from Clackamaa county point every week. Formerly the heav iest shipment of th local crop wer mads to Texas and Colorado, but when price reached the top notch a few weeks ago th markets In the locali ties ' wer flooded with th eastern product. As a result about all th po tatoes shipped from ber now go to California point. W. 8. Hurst, ih Csnby-Aurora potato-buyer, sent out a carload from here yesterdsy. .while frank Jsgger, a local buyer, ships on sn average of a carload every week..- Considerable quantities of the Clackamas county product ar shipped from Aurora and Cenby.- 7 - 4 BEAT; CELLMATE FOR " v REFUSING TO ESCAPE V (Special Diasateh to Tie Jearsal.) ' Klamath Falls, Or., March 14. Frank Ratly, betur known as "Black Jim," who with William Orissett. known about town as "Curly was confined In ? county jail aa ;"rf ot Jroy awaiting trial on the from th parson. dng his way out of Jail, using a piece of pipe torn from th sink, aad mads hi eecape early this morning. Black Jim mercilessly beat his companion be fore leaving because ' hs preferred to taks his chanoes with a Jury rather thsn this method of escape. ' There ar evidences thst assistance was given from the outside, which Sheriff Qben chaln is carefully probing. -. ' , Graf W01 Ron kwnt , ; . ' Thomas Gray, councilman at largs, has announced himself to be a candidate for reelection on th Republican ticket by today filing his petition to have hi nam placed on th primary ballot. ' i . ..- r .. . IHch School Debat. . ' ' , - Vancouver, Wash., March 14- Th date -of th Col fas-Vancouver High school debate ha been set for April t. It will be held in this city. The ques tion to bs debated. 1 "Tne Bhlp Sub sidy." Should the Vancouver team win. the coming debate It will go to Seattle to debate. The drbates tiave been going ' on for several months between the high ! schools from Various psrt of the state. 80 far Vancouver has corns out vlcto- rlodi. The debate to, be held at the final one and will decide which team I time of year In ths building of rest la th Obamplea af this stat. , : j deuce last year reached about 199,000, ..' ' ''-. it'.' . i"..'. :'''; r-.- ".''. . MESSENGER BOY WITH WHISKEY MAY CAUSE MORE TROUBLE r x . ., . . A .drunken ' messsnger boy and a stolen bottle of whiskey ar th fea tures of a ease now under Investigation by the police and municipal court of ficials. ' Byron Barr, a 17-year-old youth employed by , the Western Union Tele graph company, was taken Into custody by Patrolman Bales, at First and Main streets, at 12:41 o'clock last night on a charge of drunkenness. . The lad was Intoxicated and to all In quiries as to wher he secured th liquor Barr steadfastly refused to reply. After being examined ' at length by Captain Bailey, he -finally stated that th whis WATER BOARD IN SESSION FOR SIX.H0URS LAST1NJ6HT If Mayor Lane does not change bis mind, meeting of the water board will be held twice a month hereafter. - The board has been holding regular meetings one a month, and had been adjourning from tlm to time a business required. Pressing business, however, often re quires a long session, and ths board sits and transacts business for five hour at tlm. It hit th limit yesterday, SEEKS LEGAL SEPARATION r&0& AFTER BEING MARRIED 45 YEARS . ) ,': ' -- .- ...... A1 ', ' , 1 ' . , After being married 41 years, Louise C. Msdsen seeks a separation from ber aged - apous. Niels' C Madsen, on th ground of desertion. -v 'They wer (married la Denmark. In April, 18(2. and lived together until I7ISTEB FREELY 6AVE 1 r CREDIT TO LA SHELLE When' Politician Pointed Best ; Line f Play - Virginia the ' Author Agreed.1 : la connection with th coming en gagement of th popular dramatisation of Owsn Wlatsr "Th Virginian." a story of th author modesty Is told by W. R McCuns, business manager of the aompany. s ' . . .;'. '. - V ' r . : " In the first act of th play when Molly Wood refuses to danc with th Virginian because they have not met formally, th cowboy goes to a friend of th little Vermont schoolmistress and says: "I want to be introduced."' Ther is a decisive ring in his vole, hi man ner I authoritative and manly and b I Introduced forthwith. This, of course. Is what Molly In hsr secret heart has been sighing for. . After the first performance of "Th Virginian" In Nw - Tork - City. -Owen Wlster. the author, was th center of a group In a restaurant near th Manhat tan theatre, where th play was being produced.-. He had 'received the con gratulation of a number of friends whenv ay prominent politician. wti had been overlooked, pressed forward 'with the words. '1 want to be introduced.1 A laugh arose, and a th man grasped th . outstretched hand of th novelist. h continued: "That' th best Una In th play. Mr. Wlster." - A-tinge of red showed on th writer's face and he replied: "I quit agree with you; that lln was written by Mr. Kirk La Shelle." This unselfish spirit Is something new to stegeland. , , ... .,. . ' SECOND VICTIM -- DIES IN HOSPITAL Chester Thompson, who was Injured In th brldg accident ln.Balch's gulch February 15, died at Good Samaritan hospital today a th result of his In juries. He 1 th second victim of th disaster. -v A brldg wa being built across th gulch by Lsfe Fenoe to conduct a num from th hills abov. Ther wer 11 men at work on the bridge when it fell and the workmen were hurled Into th canyon below. Hugh B. Purdln was In jured so severely that he died soon after being removed te Good Samaritan hospital on ths day of ths accident Thompson suffered a broken back and wss also removed to the hospital. Hope of his recovery, were entertained until a few days ago when h began to grow worse. The end cam today Just before ' noon.. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. , CAMERON FILES HIS REELECTION PETITION . 6-. , , ,4. . . V" Municipal Judge Georg J. Cameron Is out In-the open In his contest for reelection as municipal Judge. He filed his petition announcing hi candidacy for'th office this afternoon with the county clerk and will begin active ef fort to secure ths nomination at one. I r 1 1 m 11 BUILDING AFFECTED rMot of Itacent . Permit Are for i Brick or Concrete. , t. Unless th' strlks of th mlllmen should be ended soon th number and valuation of building permit Issued for March will fall far short of th num ber and valuation for th same month Inst year. The valuation for March, la, was I4II.S86. Bo far thia month the valuation bav . run up only to 1178,000, In round -. ftgure. Business started out briskly when th month opened, and It looked a If March would be the bsnner spring month la th his tory of th city. -. Twenty-three permit were taken out on March 4, thvday th strike was de clared. Their total valuation was 141.650, Big contract hava been made before th fourth, but sine than ther have been comparatively .few of' any significance whsre wood 1 required for exterior walls. - Permits for residences have been issued, but in only a few in stances has th , valuation exceeded $,oo. " . ' ' - " From the 7th until today 10 permit have been Issued, and the total valua tion plctl I 1129.000 In round figures. May of th permits ar for th erection of brick buildings or 'for. excavations for brick, stone or" reenforced concrete buildings. The others are for resi dences. Their valuation does not ex 1 1 key was secured from Albert Budwell. 10 years of age, employed by the Skld mdre Drug company. " After a night In Jail, Barr was al lowed to go 'on bis own recognlsancs and -Budwell was taken Into cue Cody ihis morning. Ths latter had confessed to having stolen th flawk of liquor from th store In which he Is smplOysd and gave th bottl to a number of messen ger boys, among whom was Barr. Th proprietor of .th Skldmor. Drug com pany bav been notified of the affair and a cherge of larceny may be filed against Budwell. ' though, when 'it beaan its session at I p. m. and did not adjourn nntil 0:40. -. JToo much business for on meeting." said Mayor Lan when he was asked about th session this morning. "Wi must arrange for more regular sessions during lh month. The elty has grown so large that the board cannot look after water matters In a single day. ' We ahall have to arrange for more meetings." . lfOI, when Madsen, according to' th complaint filed today by Mrs. Madsen In th stat circuit court, deserted her while they wer living together in Shel by county, Iowa. . Mrs. Madsen. alleges that there are no children or property Interests to Interfere with th divorce. - GREEK LABORER BLOVH 10 ATOMS BY DYNAMITE Portions of Body Are Found in w . the Tops of Tall Fir j :'' Trees. .: ieUI Dispatch to Tse JberML) : Hlllsboro. Or., March 14? Alex Af gelles, a Greek foreman of a powder gang at tunnel No. 1 on th P. R. 4k N. Ca'e lln, abov Buxton, ' was yester day blown to pieces by th explosion of -17 pound of dynamite. 1 H n tered the powder house alone, about 100 yards ; from th tunnel, where a large gang was working.. a soro mysterious way th explosion oocurred. Portion of th body were lodged In th tops of tall fir trees. No one else was injured. v.- ALBERT M'P0LifND IS - ' KILLEDAT SAGINAW 8peeUl Mepatefe to Tss Jesraal.) ' Eugene, Or.. March 14. --Albert ; Mo Poland, whlls at work In th logging camp. of. the, Booth-Kelly Lumber com pany, abov Saginaw, 10 miles south of Eugene, wss killed yesterday 4y a fall ing tree. He wa at work cutting down th tree in company with - two other men. ' When th tree fell, young McPo-land- misjudged th direction In which tt wa falling and ran directly to the spot where on of th big limb struck. He was killed Instantly, many bone being broken. Th unfortunate young man was about 14 years ot age. He formerly conducted th Oregon hotel at Springfield, but sold It three months ago. H baa relatives In thia part of th stat. . INSANE CHINESE IS ' TAKEN BACK TO ASYLUM Jung Pay Shak la an inaan China man, who formerly conducted a hop ranch up th valley. Last October he became Insane and was removed to the asylum at Salem. ' He was released March 10 aa cured, on the condition that he be sent back to China. With thl understanding Jung was brought to Portland and taken to tha water front to be placed on board on ot th China-bound vessels. .' . At this stag, however, Jung devel oped an Insanity that knew no bounds In It violence, and was - returned to the county JalL - He wa taken to fialam last night by Sharif f Stevens. ; GREAT NORTHERN VICTIM DIES FROM HER INJURIES : .' j . ("peeUl Ptapateh to The Jem-sal.) ' ' ' Rosalia, Washw March 14-Annle Trowbiidg I dead at her bom In thl city, aged 11 year. She Is survived by ' a young husband ant an Infant child. The funeral service will be held st th Christian church this afternoon. Mrs. Trowbrldg. hadi' been in poor health .for soma time, but her deatn wa hastened by Injuries she received last summer in ' th Orsat Northern wreck at Camden, when th train wa hurled Into Diamond lake while round ing a curve, and In which raven people wer killed. Mr. Trowbrldg' mother and sisters live In Portland. W. E. BURKE TO OPEN , BIG TRACT OF ARID LAND (Special Dispatch to The Jenrsal.) ' Salem. On, March 14. Armed with an Irrigation contract calculated to re claim some 0,000 acres of arid land In ths Harney valley for th nss of th settlers, W. E. Burks appeared before th stat land board yesterday. . Th board took th view that th tlm for th finishing of a part of th work ought to be fixed ill closer date than that of January 1; Itll, a per th con tract ' The contract was referred to th attorney gener-il with Instructions to Changs th dat of . finishing .the work, making It January 1 1000. , !' 1 .0.: ' Eberbard'o Sacceasor. (pct1 Dlipeteft to Ths JerMl. ' '' Joseph. Or., March. 14. Daniel Boyd of Enterprise; Oregon, has been ap pointed referee in bankruptcy for Wal lowa county to succeed Attorney Colon R. Eberhsrd ' of , Joseph, who resigned some tlm ago. ' , , Rockefeller Wa Not Bankoed. ,' .itimrnel gneclut terries.) , St' Louis, March 14. Tbe court to day decided sgainat Frank Rockefeller, declaring ther was no fraud . In th sale of the slno mln to blm by Henry dross for JM0. - .---'; ELKS HOW HOLD FLAWLESS TITLE Wlri Suit in United States Dis ' trict Court of Appeals. at . San Francisco.,- Clear 'title ' baa been given' to th Portland lodge of Elk to their property on Seventh and Stark street by a de cision of the United State district oourt of appeals, Judgs D' Haven. Boss and Hunt handing down th de cision. - . . . Th suit Involving title to th land was . brought : by Moses and Aaron Cohsn for a common Interest In the property. The case was. tried before Judge Wolverton and a decision given tn-favor'Of the-glka Th .ipps aourt sustain Judge Wolverton In his de cision. ; I,.! . j . ' The property upon which th Elks' temple now stands wa purchased by th Elks' lodge about four year go for 124,600. It Is now estimated to be worth 1200,000, not taking into con sideration th tlt.000 tempt. recently finished.' ' , - . . . .... ' : Th lot: formerly was owned by Nathan Cohen, but after hi death some tlm ago wa lost to th eetate through foreclosure of a mortgage. ' Th execu tors received 14.000 after th debt was paid, en th ground, tnat ths two minor sons, Moses and Aaron, then reside at In California, were entitled to aa ap portionment of th propirty, and that th foreclosure had never been made legally, th suit for apportionmsnt wa brought.1 ' '. " ' ' . ' . AH HOUR LOIIG Hypothetical 'Question Fills a , Book and Supposes Many ' . .; -t : Things. - - V (Jmil Bpsslsl Berries.) . New Tork, March 14. Assistant TMa trtot Attorney Oarvan completed th reading of th hypothetical question- at 4:li o'clock, having taken an hour. Than th oourt adjourned. . , Jsxobos's Ln( QaasUoa. ; Before putting hi own hypothetical question. Jerom read- to hi experts on and. Delraa read on to hi. Jer ome's required over aa hour to readw- It consisted1 of tl printed pages in a little book. . H gave oopUs to. th attorneys and Juror so tt wa easy to follow him. Th bpentng eentano askd th Jury to assums that H. J. meaning Thaw wa born February tl, 1171. That hi maternal anal wa of unsound mind, that Thaw wa highly nervous in yeata. and that he bad Bt. Vitus da no several weeks, later he had atrabisua, so that h looked crosseyed. Next he askad th Jury to assume that Mr Thaw wa IT and a chorus sirL. H reviewed the .preparation for and th trip to Europe, contrasting the position of th two famlliea. He read lmnreaslvsty th nart deallns- with Eve lyn's refusal, because of previous rela tion witn vvdji ana or isviyn tail ing her adventures with Whtt to Thaw. Tha previous testimony wa reviewed. Th whole trend of th question seemed to be to show that Thaw was perfectly an but Jealous up to th tlm of th murder.-."'''-' Dr. Austin Flint, replying to Delmaa hypothetical uuestion, . teotlfled that In hi opinion Thaw knew what h was doing whoa h shot Whlta -. -s . NEW LOCOMOTIVES ; FOR HILL ROADS ' V'-:- Born Sara Coast Division Will Get -.., Two Hundred New Enginea ' ! '' Before one. 't .' fflveelal Dtrpetea to The JesraaM Lewlston, - Ida., March 14. General Manager Charts H. J. Horn of - th Nortarrn Pacific, who . arrived her last venlifg, accompanied by' operating and traffic official of that road, on tour of general Inspection, gav Th Journal representative th first Statement for publication relative to th new locomo tive equipment of th Northern Pacific. Horn stated that between th first of this month and th first of - next June 100 new engines will be turned over to the operating department of th road. By th. first of next July th Idaho, Paetflo ft Eastern division will hav in operation 110 more engines than they had on July 1. 1100. Next July th Idaho division will hav (0 more engines running than .set July, and at that, tlm th entire road will hav 100.. more engine hauling freight and passenger than It bad last year. Within the past three years order hav - - been freight car.' Horn that by next July th carrying capacity or. tn jvortnern raeino will nave in creased to such an extent that the road will be sbls to give much better serv le to shipper. Th party will , roach Seattle today.-. ...,-.',-.,. ROOSEVELT ORDERS - ; 'H EXCLUSION OF JAPS (Jonraal I pedal Berries.) 4 '; Washington, March 14. Ths f president thl afternoon Issued an executive order putting into e effect the Japanese exclusion provision of th - Immigration bill. Th order was Issued as soon' aa ths president received word that th Ssn ' Francisco authorities bad made good their ; promise that Japanese school e children should have equal prlvl X lege with the white children. t e ! HUNT APPOINTED TO' ! , .; IDAHO LAND OFFICE (Joamtl Special aerrlee.V . ' Washington, March 14.-J. ' Frank Hunt ' of Swan Lake, Idaho, has re signed the speakership of the legisla ture to accept the receiver-whip-of the P lack foot land office to which he was recommended to the president by Sena-! tor Jieyburn Secretary Garfield today J stated that he tins ordered sll clerks in i the general, land office to, work every j day until I o'clock In order that patents long pending In -western states may bei brought up. to " . .r - j . ' f" ,...-,.. 4' ' ' 'V : .." IJ .J -V., !A DEiTII OF OABY i DEEP DYSTERY Coroner's Jury Declares Infant' Was Murdered Further Ini vestigatlons to Be Made. , young mother slept In adjoining room ; - f, '.:' ... i. , When the , Baby' ' Aunt Returned With Wood Baby Had Been Given Carbolic Add Bottle Remained on ITlgh Shelf. ' ' (Special Swpateh to Th JesraaL) Baker City, Or March 14. The deep est of mystery surrounds th death of th Infant child of Mrs. Mary Burn at . th Columbia mln Tuesday. : Th , murder last, night, but because of th tang) charges bav not been preferred against any on yet Further, Investi gations are In progress. ; . .. .' Th viotlm of th foul murder wa an Infant In arms, only II month og ' age. Bh could not -walk. The mothe la UtU more than. child, being buli IT year old. Sh wa married la Ten , nessee when 14 year old. Sh epa rated from ber huaband a yaaa ago and cam to th Columbia mln, where ah took up bar residence with her father. A. Promt t, an employ at th mine, and bar half latr, G1U Proffltt, a oh lid 01 11 rsara, . .- Blno th separation Mr. Burn has , not beard from ber husband directly, bug believes he is in California, On th morning of th tragedy ' Ella Proffltt wa playing with th , Burn baby on tha Boor , of .the Proffltt' cabin. Th fir burned low and sbs stepped eutatd tst brings la wood. -. -.'-.'.. When she returned sh - found th babe writhing - In - agony on the floor, It mouth padly burned, by - erbolie acid, and, realising that - th child wa dying, th little girl rushsd Into th bedroom, where ber slate n, Mrs, Bum, th mother of - th -Infant, was asleep. Ella awakened th Bleeping woman and told her that there wa something tit matter with th baby. ' Mrs. Burn arose, and. entering th room where th child was, s'is exclaimed: 1 mell earbollo acid, and th baby must bav poisoned Itself." , . Dr. Brown of Bourn wast tmmadla ately summoned. Medical attention wa given th child without avail, aad it died two bourn later. - Dr. Brow re fused to sign th death certificate and th Baker City authorities were noti fied. .4 - . In tha cabtn on a blgb ahelf, eat el reach of th baby, th botU of oarboUe add wa kept. Th Investigation hwsj that th bottl wa moved from It ac customed plsce, although It remained upon th shslf after tl. tragedy, with) the oork. unloosened. Th spoon which, had been used for th add was foua upon, th floor under th bed. . .? ;' i- re". HlbH. wAkK IHKtAltnb -PEKSSYIVAKIA AKD OHItt ; ... -.. ' ... v - . i j : 1 Houses " Are Submerged and People Are. , Rescued " From , Second arid Third Stories, f- i (Jearast Bpstlsl srvtes.V . Pittsburg. March 14. Alarming ' T port ar being; received from up-jiver point. Many, of th towns la the Monongahela . valley ar largely sub-, merged, and narrow escapes from death, ar reported from all pointa. Tha Mfi- I nongahsla, Allegheny and Ohio HverJN hav been rising rapidly, a- stag of II feet, or I feet abov th danger mark. Is anticipated. - Thl W.1U Submsrg thai lower part of the city. , , ,-, ''. ' , xx. Streetcars Stop Jlannlnx. . i. f Joamal goeetal Servtas.t -' - Johnstown. Pa., March 14. A rise off six Inch more will put th principal section of th elty under water. Street car traffle 1 suspended, and many ol th ' mill bav been obliged to shut down. heavy rain has been falling for th past. 14 hours, and th Con 0-1 maugh river and Stony creek ar euii of their bank. r , ,: ""' Beecwee From - Third Btorle. 1 " " ' tJosrsal Sseetat Serrtse.) -' Lancaster, Ohio, March 14. At RooIm ers atatlon ths tracks of ths Xanoaster railroad hav been wasnsa out ror ever' a mil. People ar being rescued from ! th second and third stories . of their I homes la th west and. aouth end of the cltv bv the nolle aad fir denart- ruents. Th pike 'Is under water for th first tlm la year. 1 Railroad Tracks Washed One. ':" V " (Jearnel gpeeial 8artoi. Columbus, Ohio, March 14. freight train wa wrecked near CoIUnsvtll and II loaded ear went Into th ditch. Th Pennsylvania track has been waahet placed Tor 11,000 is way at Seven Mil oreek near Ham Il ls of th opinion! ton. At Bridgeport all th creek are out of their bank. ' Hundred of bouses bav been submerged by Jonathan creek at Crpoksvllls, RosevhUe and Whit Cot- tags. ... . . . . . JANITOR BOUND OVER TO THE GRAND JURY It R, Harrison, th absoondlnr Janitor Of - th Skldmor Drug compsny, , who was arrssted at Astoria "yesterday, was bound over to the grand Jury this after noon by Municipal Judge Cameron and hia bond waa fixed at 11,000. In default of tha amount of th ball the .man was remsnded to th custody of th sheriff. ' Harrison, who whsn arrssted still had a portion of ths money taken by him when he left Portland, alleges that he didnot run away with intent to steal, but waa In a tranc when he wandered to- Astoria, whsrs he was robbed by Kid Wilbur of a. portion of hi fund. , Wll bur hss been bound over to the grand Jury' at Astoria. Th charge agalnat Harrison is larceny by bailee, . . Kelsajr Wanted for Theft, fttpeela! Lbpateh to The Joaraal.) . v Eugene, Or March 14. Bert Kelaaa young man -aged about 10 years. 7i Non of B. B. Keleay, a prominent prop-i erty owner of this city, is wanted bv! the local officers for the alleged theft of a 1240 cheek from JoJin Tunnel, th. wrier of a flour mill it Creswell. Irf Is ollered that the theft took place on Monday. Manh 1, and. thut the youn men cashed the check In Cottage Grov. the name day. Tunne.ll was In Eugeno 'yesterday and swore out a warrant fo th hoy's arrest, but Kelsay cannot b found. -.., 4 . ' '" ' "V ....'i , J., ' - ,', ;'"' 1 . 'i 't .. V( - I