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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1907)
THE "OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENINO.V MAECTI v13, 1 1007. DEEPEfl IIARDOR; FILL LOW LAUDS Port , of Portland Dredges Will i Work Along Improved Math- ods In Future. TIED UP AT PRESENT ON . ACCOUNT OF LACK OF FUEL Dredge Large) While Colombia , WOi; Vtg Out Baaln In Lower Harbor Dredge Portland W1U Deepea Upper Harbor. , - Aa soon aa fuel becomes' -available the dredges Columbia and Portland of the Port of Portland will b put to work aiffpng in me naroor. At present bom areaass ara tied uic owlna to tha ina- illtf to ret futl. aa a consequence of . dredge Portland will ao to work fcetween . tha Morrison and Madison brldcea for tha purpose of not only deepening tha harbor, but alao dinner tha aaat alda flats . whare a nunbtr of Warehouaee ara be ing located. Tha dredge Columbia will - be put to work In tha lower harbor. - Henoeforth tha material dredaed from .the harbor will not be dumped back Into tha water, but will be pumped through lona; length of pipe ' onto tha low ahorea. In tha paat tha material taken from ona place in tha harbor waa de posited In another where It waa thought the depth or water waa of no lmpor- tance, but thla method haa been found unsatisfactory, and ao It waa dealded to pump tha material clear up on shore. A large lot of shore pipe haa just been purchased so that tha shore can be . reached anywhere, no matter where 'tha -. dredge la at work, without haullDgthe . sand or gravel on bargea, - Thla method not only reaulta In Im provements of a more-permanent na- tore In tha harbor, but alao provides .for tha filling of low places along. the river banka A' number of sinkholes -V-wlll be filled every time the dredge -clears out ine harbor, and alnca the property-owners ara willing Ao pay for -tha Tills, the eapenss af operating tha , oreogea will Tall lesa heavily upon the taxpayer than under tha former plan ... of operation.. u . . The Columbia will dredga out a large ' basin below tha old Alblna ferry eoursa, where vessela of deep draft usually . anchor awaiting a berth or a tow down tha river. Tha basin at that partloular place will be a particularly valuable , Improvement because It will 'give In creased anchorage apaoe, .' " BEATEN BY A COOK Trench bailor A Attacked ,Wbflo Aaleep la Hla Hamble Bank. ' t Jean La Roy, a French sailor, look- t ll M I a . It t . I . . ini juhv aisvaraea iwioau, nooDiea I Tin to tha office of French Consul Henri C. Labbe yesterday afternoon and re . cited - how ha had been attacked by . I.oul Lou, another French . tar.- and I. , -x- , , a . K umrmr ..'v;..-;v.'. 'and remember the next time yon suffer -"from-patn caused by- damp- weather- when your heed nearly hursts from neu 'ralgla try Ballard's Snow Liniment It will cure you. A prominent business man of Hempstead, Texas, wiiteai "I have used your liniment Prevloue to using It I waa a great sufferer from - Rheumatism and Neuralgia. I am pleased to aay that now I am free from these eomplalnta I am aura Z owe this to your liniment" Bold by all- drug fists, " severely beaten. Tha evidence of the beating was clear, but Coneul Lab be did not consider tha matter of a diplo matic nature, and ao told him to. tell hla troubles to tha police. La Roy's face had been beaten Into one great blf bump and then be had turned about and received some at 111 larger bump on the back of the bead. The bumps Indicated Impress tons left by new wooaen shoes, ao the . consul 'conoluded, although La Roy said he waa under the Impression that they wsra drawn out with a big stick, which Le gou I auppoaed to have carried partly concealed when he paid his visit to the French bark Jacques. In which La Roy occupies a berth. , According to tha tale unfolded at the consulate, Lagou, who does the cooking on the, French bark Leon XIII, came across the river , yesterday afternoon, boarded tha Jacouea ami at Anna nro. Receded to tha forecastle, bent upon wip ing the floor with the first man upon whom bs could lay handa Le Roy waa enjoying a aleeta In bis humble bunk in the Innermost part of tha forepeak when suddenly ' he felt something hard beat a tattoo-upon-hla face. . Instead of. retreating La Roy sprang to hla feet ' and beheld Legou wielding the atlck with jrreat foroe. Tha sight was too much for him and h turned hla face toward tha wall, . but for this h received several blows over tha back Of. the head, with tha result that hla bump of Intelligence dwindled into Insignificance a compared with tha general makeup of tha upper atory. I - L Roy howled for help, but none of his sblpmatea aeemed to want to "butt In," and Legou continued hla labor un til ha considered La Roy's bump weH done. Then h walked-ashore and re turned to hla ahlp as If nothing had happened. . .,.-.;....? Le Roy haa not appeared at tha police station ao rar ana trie incident la, oon sldered closed for tha present . it la believed tha beating originated with boose fight during tha early part of tha oay. . ,; ., ,.::; ' , ..: . ... come here ts load lumber. She is due to arrive a Port Los Angelea with I cargo of building material from Eu rope under charter to ballour, Outhrle Co. ARMERIA TO CO NORTH Admiral Relter t Will - Accompany .,' Captain Werlich on Inspection. Admiral d. C Relter, chalrmaa of tha MRht house board, will be here from Washington, D. X In May to start for Alaska in company wun utptain r. t. Werlich, inspector of thla district oa the annual tour of inspection. Tha trip will ba made on tba tender Armaria, which haa just arrived at thla atation from tba Atlantlo coast Tha start for Alaska will be made on May 16.- Tha Armaria was turned over vaster day to the command of Captain Gregory, formerly master of the tender Heather. Captain Burns.' formerly of the tender Mansanlta,' waa given command of tha Heather. Captain O. M. Trott and Chief Engineer J. T. Yates, who brought tha Armaria out from Iba .Atlantlo station, will leave for Torapklnevllle, New Tork, this evening. - Captain Werlich took the Armaria eat for a little spin on the bay yesterday afternoon and he says aha . behaved splendidly. fine la tha flnaat vessel in tha lighthouse service. - ..,.. ,' j , ALONG THE WATERFRONT BOATS WERE RACINO i Suction . of the Roaecrana . Drew Smaller Boat to Her Side. -Messrs. Edwards and Fuller, govern ment Inspectors of hulls and boilers, decided thla morning not to hold a formal hearing in - tha matter of the collision Monday afternoon between tha olltank ateamer Roaecrana and tha pas senger steamer V. A. Kllburn. Tha Kll- burn waa only ellghtly damaged, and In uch a way that repalre can ba made by tha regularly .employed ship-carpen ter. ., ; .. , . , . y-appeara that eomlng -cp tha river the two boats indulged in a little rac ing, tha Kllburn first overtaking the Rosecrans and paaslng her,-and tha lat ter then overtaking the Kllburn. Tha Roaecrana waa drawing II feat at tba time, and eauaed auch a heavy euetlon that aha drew tha light-draft Kllburn alongside before her apaed could ba checked. Pilot - Patterson was on the Roaeorane, and Pilot Al Betta bad charge of tha Kllburn'a wheel, t DUE TO ARRIVE HERE ,; .,i SBsBseassBspeasa ' Steamer Ard mount Comea to Carry , Lumber to Orient. t Tha British steamer Ard mount lata to arrive today at Astoria from San Pedro under charter to J. 3. Moore A Co. to load lumber at thla port for tha orient She Is a large carrier and will ret away . with about t.OuO.OOO feet The Qerman steamer Tiberias -1 peoted to leave San Francisco for Port land today under eharter to E. T. Wil liams to load lumber for China. - It la not ItkelyWthat many veaeele will ba chartered for tha lumber trade while tba sawmill workers' strike 1 on. but a number of vessels will undoubtedly ba taken aa soon aa a settlement of the labor trouble haa been effected, alnca there la a good demand for lumbar In tha foreign markets Invaded by the local mtllmen. It le reported that the large new Nor wegian -tramp ateamer Hernelen may Tha ateamer Roanoke sailed for Port Los Angtles and way porta last night Tha snag-boat Mathloma la due to ar rive today from Lewi river. She will ba tied up at the government moorings at Linnton for about a month. - The steamer F. A. Kllburn sails to night from Omk street dock for' San Francisco via Eureka and Cooa bay. Tha Alliance, whtah la alao scheduled to Ball tonight for Cooa bay, - will probably not get away Until tomorrow. , . The barkentlne Amaranth haa aaeo ordered to proceed front Astoria to Puget sound to load lumbar for San Pedro. . '- . ' '- -' - The regular weekly oonoert will be bald at tha Beamen'e Institute thla even ing. A good program has been prepared. Tha steam schooner Noma City Is dua to arrive here Saturday from San Fraa olaco to load lumber for a return cargo. MARINE NOTES' Astoria, March U- Arrived down last night and sailed at 11:10 a. m, to day,' ateamer Casco. Arrived down at 11:S0 a. m. and aalled at 11:10 a. m, ateamer Johan Poulsan. -Arrived down at. ?:!0end .aalled... atfc0 a. m steamer Roanoke, for San Pedro and way porta Arrived down at 0:10 and sailed , at 11:0 a. m. ateamer Boaa- crans.' for' Monterey. Arrived at 0:18 . m., schooner Annie Laraen, -frora Saa Franolaoo. Arrived down at 0:10 m., French bark Maroohal da Vlllara. San Francisco, March II. Balled yesterday, steamer Nome City, for Co lumbia river. ,. Astoria.- March 11. -Left -an at II noon, steam schooner J. Msrhoffer. Ban Pedro, March 1 1. Balled, steamer Thomaa L. Wand, for Columbia river. San Francisco, March . 11. Sailed at 11 noon, ateamer Columbia, for Port land.' Sailed, schooner Virginia, ' for Portland. Arrived, bark Big Benanaa, from Astorla.' ' Qneenstowrv. March II. Arrived. Qerman ship Nerelde, from ' Portland. Astoria, March II. Condition of the bar at l a. nw amoothj wind northwest; weather clear. Best trade-mark west ' of the' East SchllHnJs Beet. .Clear the woke. Allay the irritation caused by cough ing. . Uie when required. A Calliornian Visits BELLE CREST and Finds More Natural Beauty There Tban in any of California's Fam ous Suburbs; Has Bull Run water Electric lights Graded streets Cement side: A speedi Streetxar service ,-4. . I way I If you do, that settles ite You can purchase a lot. in Rose City Park. The monthly payments are so small, only 3 per cent, that you can easily meet them.; There is no' doubt but what you ,can!s lot in two weeks at profit. Beside the investment feature, there are BECiUSE hundreds of people visited there again yesterday and -many Iots.wexe sold- ; ; ; BECAUSE of the enormous demand for lots in that tract. It even surprised us. BECAUSE Jtjs a natural ideation f or ah elegant and high 'class -'district. tl55 V & iMi BECAUSE over ONE imiOOOLM BECAUSE ; there is pure waterV pure airrand: there will bt excellent neighbors. ( ,; BECAUSE of the best car service in the Northwest telephone and electric lightse BECAUSE of the excellent, gravel soils which; insures natural and perfect drainage.' ",5 V BECAUSE it is dose in and situated Dn a straight road to the shopping sedion. ; , f BECAUSE every. street will be parked arid a fine boulevard system estabMedtoy;:; BECAUSE the prices are about half what they and the terms are veryasye v ' BECAUSE many new homes arc now being planned and many others are contemplated. BECAUSE there is -a; building restridion of $1500 ;to-$2000 and a buOdin Iine.:;:pi " BECAUSE cement sidewalks will be laid and the streets are now being graded. V BECAUSE-there is ayfa lenge- .- BECAUSE many of irour closest friends have alreadv deddd to buy. aiid build, v.. BECAUSE it prove the most popular J -home neighborhood to the FREE AUTOMOBILE SERVICE EVERY HALF HOUR AUTMAN S Telephone Private Ex. 20 BANKERS -Chamber- of T Commerce, Ground Floor - Mr. James Forsythe owns a beautiful .villa, near Menlo Parle '; (Menlo Park is one of the aristocratic suburbs of San Francisco). - Many 'beautiful homes are there. Sotpeof them costing way up in " the hundreds of thousands. Mr. FpVsythe says by comparison Belle ; f Crest beats anything he has everseen : - Smiley Heights Hollywood Piedmont.- Burlingame were all very ordinary spots until men got 'ahoidUol them and made them beautiful. Belle C?rest is beautiful at the' outset. V, : A year from today many expensive improvements will be there; the class, of people buying in. Belle Crest bears this out. seen ; It is unfortunate that Belle Crest is not larger. There are only ' three hundred lots altogether and of course " there are fewer of them 'every day. : . - r, -""V.- : 7J. - . vvvv''';v--V.:V':-;:v;-;.4 The lots we are offering In Belle Crest for $400 simila,riy situated irPasadena would be worth Three Thousand Dollars or more. This is no thoughtless statement.- The records' of Los Angeles county show it. ' ' u ','; :i" - V : . We invite you to see Belle. CrWt. ' We have a coniinudus automoV bile service between our offices and the tract s Phone us the hour you " ;. can go: . : : ; ..- ; . - Lots sold on easy payments. : The Spanton Co. Commonwealth Bldg. on Sb?th ' : St Main 2828. Jacpbs-Slinc Co. Swetland Bldg. on Fifth St. t tA - AUTOS. r Ready to take you to Any Time I MM I a 1; line Streets are being graded ' ' J .a. 1 -J -t la. uuu wuici pipcu IU CUU1 1UU : ' , .... .- .. . . ' .t. - ....... ( - :., ... ' V v, ' ' ' ' i ; " f . 1 . ... ' w . ' , . .. . "i, ...'.. ' .'- ii .-.rt Come now, do "not .wait, the lots are going fast, and . your selections better be made at once. There is only one ROSSMEREit is located on the car Cement sidewalks and curbs COME NOW THE TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY ;i40-244 iViilngtoi