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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOUENAL, PORTLAND. .TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 12. 1807. LUCIIIE T0- COVER C000TY . . . , Republican Club to Have Branch Organization In Every ... 'V ' Precinct.;''' GEAR1N IS TO ; DELIVER ADDRESS Will B peak to Agricultural College Student, and lUbbi Wise Will Preach Baccalaureate Sermon. , f WARD CLUBS TO PLAY "" . - , AN IMPORTANT PART Scheme I to Bind County Voter So Tightly Together That No Un . indorsed Candidate , Caa . Ue f : Elected to Any Office. - ' The meeting of the Union Republican club scheduled for Uat night was not ' bald, but waa postponed until Monday next, at whloh tlma tba details of anal organisation will ba computed and tha real work of tba club be run. Tha only remaining task of organisation la tba , adoption of a constitution wblob aball babroad enough to maat all tba plana :, e tha naw elub. ' Under tha plan of tha alub tha entire aount7 will be organised. Each ' pre cinct will have a amall branob organi sation. These brancbaa will aend dele gate to tba next higher organisation, tha ward oluba, of which one will exist la aach ward. Tba ward oluba will aand four aocradltsd man aa delegates to tha main olub who will ba aotivo mambara and serve oa tha advlaorjr board. Every .Republican voter In tba atata will .be eligible to membership In tba Union Republican elub. . Br this plan It to Intended by tha organisers of tha elub ao to bind; tba antlra county together Into organised form that tba Republican party will ba able to carry all electlona for the Re publican ticket aa a whole and thus ahut out any man from office , in the county who has not reeelred the In dorsement of the elub., Glrard of.Hoquiam, Coroner. . (Speclel DUpalck te Tbe Joereel) Aberdeen, March 11. A. X Olrard of Hoqulam baa beea appointed to fill out the unexpired term aa coroner of Dr. "Horace Campbell, deceased. Mr. Ol rard Is a newspaper man, who has paasnd moat of his life on the harbor. There remains It months of the term of two years. . j At the . Oregon Agricultural eollege there "la a larger number ef students than this oounty has. arer sent to any inatltuttoa of learning outslda the coun ty. The baccalaureate aermon this year will be preached by Rabbt Wise of this city, and tha annual address to the grad uates will be made by Senator ear!n. Following is a Ust of Multnomah oounty students attending the O. A. C: Myrtle Leah Aklns and William C Allen, Portland; Chanele J. Allison, Bri dal Vail; Harry I Andrews, Harold C. Barchus, Warren K. Barnell, Arthur R. Harnett. Jeaele B. Bodla and William C Bolton, all ef Portland; Claude I Boyle, St. Johns; Renton K. Brodle and Robert K. Brodle, Lents; Hasel L. Carlaon, St, Johna; Oeorga H. Chamberlain and Don ald W. Chapman, - Troutdala; Cecil C Clark and Roy R Clark, Mount Tabor; John J. Clark. Allan H. Collette. Laura Cottrell. Emll Dallenbuah, all of Port land; Harry Dlvtlbllss, Oreahara: Fred E. Dwart, Jackaon K. Falrchlld. Glen K. Gardiner, Benjamin H. Oreenhaw, Julius Gordon, Del R. Orovea. all of Portland; Sjrlveater B. Hall, Cleorie; Stanley Hra mell. Palmer; Llndon W. Hanson. Port land; William A. Henaley, . Troutdala; Earnest A. Holmberg and John EL Hlatt, Portland; Lee H. Hoffman, Unlverelty Park; Charles H. Howard, Claude EL Howard aad Oeorga C. Howard, Bridal Veil; Francis C Jackaon. Portland; James G. Kelly, Lents; El don W. Kern, Portlands Orrin R. West. Mount Tabor; Carl Wolff. Nellie Kurth. Earneat A. Lane, Jens Ltngaas, Percy Lockwood and Otto Laue, all. of Portland David MoMllIan. Sell wood; Harold D. Marsh. Portland; Nelson F. MoColl. Oresbam; WUllam W. MoKeiurte, Ralph W. McNeil and Cecil Metoalf, all of Portland; El mer Metsger and Lewis W. Metsger, Gresham; Earl A.Miebus. Lester H. Miles. Max B. Mltohell, Clifford -H. Moore, Don ald F. Morgan, Roy B.. Nichols, Adolph H. Nilsson, Jesse 3. Peddleord. Allyne F. Pratt, Nash W. Qulnlaa. Hasel A. Ripley, Robert H. Rodgera aad Alphtld Romtvedt, all of Portland; John O. Sebroeder, ' Paul H. SplllmSn and Carl M. Bteblnger, Mount Tabor; Cedrle H. Stone and Lewis H. Stone, Cleone; John C Strebln,. Troutdala; Herbert G. But tle, Mount Tabor: Samuel P. Button, William D. Sutton, Harrison EL Thomp son and Jesse A. Tiffany, all ef Port land; Cheater - A. Vincent, 6t -Johns; Ralph Wlthyoombe and Pater C Sim merman, Portland. - JUSTICE COURT JOT POSSIBLE Judge Webster Informs St. Johns Petitioners Such Is the Case at Present. MUNICIPAL TRIBUNAL TOO FULL" OF WORK Woodstock Scholars Get Oat of SchooIhouM to g Minute and ' . Bait ' When : Alarm From Small Fire m Basement Is Sounded. T EMBROIDERY ' For Shirtwaists has never been vnvC more oooular than it is this , Zr season. ;V,;: ; f, , , ev)e 1 I . OVA : M - i Gun Soecial io a avenue our sairtwnist qe-r -; waist design like cut, stamped o . on three-vard length, extra . KTaac inaia unon ina cox. ion, complete for embroidery, all for ' . 90c ; fFREE We will commence all patterns free, showing, just Z r1An Sa AS 1a VsMNrtr ' W The Needlecraft Shop - A. 383 .WASHINGTON ST, PORTLAND, OREGON. , e I Nothing Tool :;Q0od::-':- For tbe V American People There Is NOTHING TOO GOOD for the American people that s why we started l-to make Cascarets Candr Cathartic The first box made its appearance in 1896, and the enthusiastic endorsement of the people has been bestowed upon Cascarets twtr since. The sale today is at the ,, .. , ; -rate Of OVER A MILLION -BOXES A MONTH, prorlnflr that the American people recog nize, that what is BEST FOR THEM is none too good. V Why this enormous patronage ? ' , The answer is simple: Cascarets are puredean, sweet, mild, fragrant, harmless but effectiTe little tablets for the treat ment and cure of Constipation and all Bowel Troubles. They j are put up in neat little enamel boxes, easy to buy, easy to carry (inest-pocket or purse), easy to take and easy of action. always reliable, always tbe same, tney "work while you sleep" m wake you up feeling nne in tne morning. . , , They not onhy renlata the movement and stimulate tfca OJutcmlar waHs of tba bowels, but they keen tha ENTIRE CANAL CLEAN and entlseptic. (orciog out and destroying: all disease terms that breed in tha accumulated Sltn unless promptly and regularly discharged. Therefore, they are a great prereatire of disease, and may ba taken continaoaaly as a precautionary measare. , , . A ., Tha new Pur Drags Act, adopted by Congress on June 30, 1900, end hi effect January 1, 1907, is a GOOD LAW and means better and PURER drug for tha American People. We endorse it and will lire up to it in SPIRIT and LETTER. an-easy tssk, aa wt have always been actuated by tha same principles and no changes ara required In our formula or pack- "Wt adopted OUR OWN PURE DRUO LAW in 1898 'when ths first box of Cascarets came on tha market and hare lived and worked and pro duced under it ever since. To-aay,itfter a record of nearly 100,000,000 boxes sold, Cascarets STAND the greater in PURITY. QUALITY and MEDICINAL MERIT than any other preparation for Bowel trouble in all tha world. '' This should be a gnat argument for any one, to try Cascarets AT ONCE, and ba healthier and happier for it Soma people have CHRONIC CONSTIPATION with all tha horrors derived from it: others have HAB. I JTUAL CONSTIPATION from carelessness and neglect, but nearly riDDtinnv u. rtrrieirtMit mureTTDiTtriu ui-t it promptly taken cars of la liable to result in its degeneration into tha worse , forms and causa great suffering and perhaps death. . Cascarets,' if taken patiently and regularly, will remedy all of these awful troubles, but if taken promptly at the very first si ten of an irregular., ity of the Bowels, will act as the FINEST PREVENTIVE ever discovered and will keep all tba machinery running in good order. 73 .' We advise yon to get a little lOo box of Cascarets TO-DAT and carry it in yfV purse or vest pocket. Take one when you feel anything unusual about your bowels. 'Your own drugglstwill sell you the little box, under .CUARAJiTY cf a J: !.cti&a cr cioney refunded, ' All druggists, 10c, 25c, 50c ' aas4 Side BepartamaBt, . ' Th attempt to have a Juetloe of the peace appointed for the Jurladlctloa of St. Johna haa. failed. A petition had been prepared and was liberally alsned, but County Judas webatar Informed the petltionere that It Is Imposslblafeat this tune to appoint a justice for that dlatrtct- 81 Johns at present Is In- tha district eovered by the Mount Tabor eourt, presided orer by Judge T. C. Shrere. The court Is inconvenient for the use of the oltlsena on tba penlnaula and the municipal eourt of St. Johns la very much overworked at times. ' O. B. Downs waa recommended In the petition for the appointment. It le the desire in St Johns to have both a munlotpal and Juetloe eourt so that a prl vUese In the eholee ef courts will be possible. - , . ' ' B. Johns yopalettoa. -Kearly 1,000 names have new been secured by Mrs. W.-X Tborndyke, wbe Is preparlne; a directory of St. Johns snd Is Incidentally taking a census ef the, elty, very few years ago ths number Of Inhabltanta ef that elty could be Included wlthla the round numbers of 100. The St. Johna Athletic elnb haa beea admitted inte the elty semi-prof oaalonai baseball league, Pascal Hill. 8. C Nor ton and Frank Ooodell representing the elub In the application. Pascal Hill has promised to furnish the grounds complete with grandstand and bleach ers. ' Construction ef - the neW olght-ipont school building will soon be commenced. It will be thoroughly np to date twe stories, 01 by feet In slse and. will eoat nearly $,000. Pugh Legg f re pared the plans. Ths petition being prepared by the heavier taxpayers and large landholders aaktng admission to the city ef Port land will be circulated In St. Johns soon after the local election to be held Monday, April 1. , ' - , rntiQa TVh Use. , " The Woodstock 'school was emptied of lte 100 children yeaterday In 00 seo onds whan a fire alarm was given. On account of poor facilities for fighting firs In Woodstock the children have been thoroughly trained for such emer gencies. An effective fire department has been organised In tbe school among the larger pupils and tbe small blase that broke ot in tne Desemenc xrom tbe furnaoe yesterday waa soon exun ulshed with the small hose at hand. Tha elty of Mllwaukie baa purchased apparatus for the volunteer- fire com pany. The apparatus consists of a hose reel, 100 feet of hoes, axes, buckets aad ladders.' - Mllwaukie grange, Patrona of Hus bandry, will dedicate lte new hall next Saturday. March 10. There will be a pro cram with several speeches and the entire day wlU be a pent by the grang ers la the ceremonies. The building will eost whan finished about 11.000 and will be one of tha best la tbe state. A patron ef the Jamee Lyons' stables on Colon avenue and Bast Alder streets hired a horse and buggy Saturday and failed to return the outfit.- The police are Investigating - the ease but nave not been successful In locating the man. The equipage was veined at about t00. v. . , . - SHAPE CITY WITH EYE TO FUTURE W. M. Kffllngsworth Declares Intel " llgent Effort Should Be Made for ' Systematic Boulevards. . HEALTH; AND SPIRITS Ui mxsTonxn bt sm. wxxxxAicr Afses Worry aad Overwork Xad ro- duoed a Oondltlon ef Oenesal Pe. bulty and Bespoadancy. - General debility le eauaed by mental or pnysical overwork with Imperfect a slrallatlon of nourishment, or by some aouta disease from which the ". vital forces have bean prostrated and the en tire organism weakened so as not to easily rally. To restore health It Is necessary that the blood should be port- lied and made new. The case ef Mrs. B. M. Spears ef It Mt. Pleasant street. AthoL Maasacbu setts. Is a. common one and Is given hers In order that others may be bene fited by her experience. She saya: "I had been sick for a year from Indiges tion and general debility brought on by overwork and worry. . I had tried many remedies, but found mo relief. I suf fered from swelling of ths Uraba, loss ef appetite and dlaay spalls, which be came so severe towards night that I sotnstlmes fainted away. I waa bilious and my bands, and arms would go to sleep, for an hour or two at a time. I waa so slsepy all the tlma that I could hardly keep awake. I had. frequent cramps In my limbs and severe pains at ths base of my head and In my back. My blood was . Impoverished. I was afraid to give up and go to bed fear ing that I would never get well. "About this time Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were recommended to me by a friend In South Vernon, Vermont. I felt better soon after beginning the treat ment and continued until I was entirely cured.- I consider Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a grand medicine for weak wo man." Dr. Williams' Pink PI 11a cure general and nervous debility because thsy make new blood. They atrlke at the root of theee and other blood diseases, such aa rheumatlam, anaemia,, indlgeatlon and nervous troubles, suoh aa neuralgia, nervousness and spinal weakneae. They are guaranteed to be free from oplatea or any harmful drugs and cannot Injure the moat delicate system. - Dr.l Wllllsms' Fink Fills are sold by all druggtsta or sent, postpaid, on re ceipt of price, (0 cents per. box, six boxes 11.50. by the Dr. WlUtams Medi cine company, Schenectady,- New York. AT THE VAUDEVILLE" THEATRES " Speaking before the Portland Commer cial elub at Its monthly dinner, W. M. Kllllngsworth .- dlscuased Portland treata. having for his subjscL "One Million Dollars for Streets and Boule vards.- a certainly aa favorable to toed streets and wide boulevards," said Mr. Kllllngsworth. . . "However, much aa I would like both, I em not In favor ef bonding ths city of Portland for tl.000, 000,. or for any other sum ef money, without first determining the slse of the elty you are planning to build. The first question ths architect asks Is: 'What Is the slae ef your build lnr Tou must decide thle Important point before the architect eaa prepare plana and specifications. Ws must first determine what else city we are going to build. i "No man who Is posted doubts that Portland can become a city of any slse the people choose to make It - No elty on the Paolfla ahore haa .' greater or more varied resources; none so favora bly located to become the largest dis tributing center, and It Is up to you, gentlemen, to dsolde with what rapid ity It shall grow, for grow It must and Will ."Now, concerning streets, X have had some experience en this subject. - I hare given to the elty ef Portland some 10 mflea of streets. Property-owners have given to Portland all the streets It now owns. No sooner Is ths street given that the giver Is compelled, at no amall expense to Improve It. I never had any trouble In filing plate of lots and blocks, but after the trees were logged and ths brush removed, often I have found that my streets did not fit with streets fun ning through adjoining property. --"The point I desire to make Is. that no intelligent effort haa been directed toward shaping or designing the elty or preparing for ' a t large mart -of com merce. We are not alone, for such Is tha case an over ths United States, with fsw exceptions. Founders of cities have made streets for their own Immediate requirements. Can we still ths desire for self-gain and give our best thought snd work for ths publlo good I have faith that It can be done. - Men have done- so In the past, and havo built worthy monuments, which we can, with profit. Imitate." . - ' A Freak of Nature. At the htght ef ft feet from the ground en elder shrub was found grow ing on a birch tree which E. A. Qlbbe of Stowe.S Vermont, recently felled. Tbe shrub was about three feet hlsh end three-fourths of an Inch thick In dia meter. - I r At tha Orand. . - -; ":. At the Orand yeaterday another col lection of star acts was presented . to patrons of that popular house. The bill Is a exceptionally good one, though none la strikingly superior to the other. They are remarkably well balanced. The headllnars are Kelly and Reno, nofobatlo eomedlana, who ara exception ally pleasing. rot uiveiur mageauo minstrels attract much more than their share of the attention. In thla act a complete minstrel show Is presented with elaborate special scenery. There are three . O'Neills, but when the eurtaln rises the etage appears to be full of blsck-faced comedians. Polly .and-Fthsl Hasell are enotaer4 Interesting feature In a 1UU play en titled "A Pink Tea." The bill includes a number of other flrst-alaaa features. Harold Hoff has a new song with which bs scores heavily. The Orandiaeope also haa a set of nsw pictures that plsase the audlenoe. " AT THE STOCK THEATRES vPariah Priest" at Lyric , ' ' Managers Keating at Flood of the Lyrto theatre hsve displayed remarkably good Judgment In the selection of their offerings, but they seem to have ex celled even the previous achievements In offering "The Pariah Priest,- which began a week's run at the Lyric yester day. . Tha play ran for it consecutive weeks In' New York City, which Is conclusive proof of Its merit. ' It was presented to big audiences yesterday and waa Im mensely, pleasing. It Is a pastoral drama ef Intense beart - interest, but throughout the . piece there la Inter spersed enough of high-class comedy to provide merriment for every one. Frank Fanning, ef course, haa tha part of the priest end he does It admirably. Miaa Warda Howard does a delightful piece of acting as Nellie, the priest's ward.' The part la one that la strongly appealing and Miss Howard's interpreta tion is all that could be desired. Other roles have been particularly well as signed. . . "Ths Parish Priest" will be the bin at the Lrrta for the remainder of the week.. It gives promise of being one of the most ' popular offerings of the season at ths Lyric : "Under Two Flags" at Star. When Blanche Bates mads her first success aa a star It was ss "Cigarette," In the dramatised - version of Oulda's popular novel, "Under Two Flags." Ths piece was produced at the Star by the Allen stock company yeaterday and Mlae Verne Felton scored a decided tri umph In the part that made Miss Bates famous. Tha story of "Under Two Flags" is thrilling and eonnected with It is one of the most charming, love stones ever told. The action occurs - In - Afrloa among ths members of a French regi ment stationed there. . Miss Felton Is wonderfully well adaptsd to ths part ef Cigarette and her moat enthualaatie admirers were satis- fled with her Interpretation of the part Ths most Important male character In the story Is Bertie CeclL whtoh wss played satisfactorily by Ralph Belmont An Intenaely reallatio aoene, ana one that was enthusiastically appreciated by the audience. Is the sand stem and the ride of Cigarette. - North Bend claims to have a payroll cf SD0.OQ0 a month. Ba Careful Abort Your Food ' , Tbs PERFECT FOOD Grape-Nuts "TherV Reason' ' 1110 ' If Value ' , VjCUiEZij I I . 1 1 M snWslMesnMkB Beat In ' ' Quality (banning and Ilxolnsive fillr TVTYHiP AT PRICES LESS THAN THE SAME QUALITIES COST ELSEWHERE. C The spring of 1907 la going to be the greatest silk season in' the annals of history. Fashion has decreed it so both at home and abroad. Our showing of newness in everything up-to-date Is beyond description,' as shelving, counters and tables are loaded down with the most beautiful and charming spring novelties ever shown, and at prices far below what you are asked to pay at other stores for the same qualities. Buy your silks now and do not put it off it is well worth securing them tomorrow at these special prices. HERE ARE A PEW OP THE -MANY GREAT BARGAINS WE WILL OFFER. $1.00 rr."!;:.?.,.,.:::.:.:..;:.:::.:$1.00 856 WILL BUY 1 '. NEW SILKS That Are Fully Worth f 1.25 and fl.BO. Large line of heavy, pliable Dress Silks, aa end less variety of new checks; stripes, plaids, hair line and Pekin stripes, neat black and white com binations with pretty colored overplaids; . also now Punjab silk in all .popular shades, including me new jeatneroid, biscuit and champagne col ors, per WILL BUY NEW SILKS. ; ' " That Are PuHy Worth f 1.00. ; Exquisite' showing of new fsncy silks in assort ment of broken plaids and checks, beautiful ar ray of new shades of tan, brown, green, blue and eTrsy best collection in the city; fully 0CA . worth $1.00. . Special, per yard .Out WILL BUY NEW SILKS That Are Fully Worth 85 and tl.OO. Pretty Louissene and Swiss Taffetas in splendid assortment of Shepherd checks. This silk is 19 inches wide, colors are blue and white, black and white. They are popular this spring; 75 CCa , snd 85c value. Special, per yard.... UdL 65o 76o WILL BUY NEW SILKS . ' ' Tbst Are Fully Worth 5e and fl-OO. Cheney Bros. Wash Taffetas in black and white plsid and . checked combinations, warranted to wash, fast colors, all pure silk, will not crack or break: exceptionally fin value. Specially -C. priced, per yard...,.............,........', f Uy ; WILL BUY J UU NEW SILKS That Are Fully Worth fl.OO and fl.tS. Pompadour Crepe de Cbenes, very suitable 'lor' evening gowns, separate waists, neck scarfs sad drapes in exquisite floral designs; all colors, pure . silk, very beautiful; fully worth $1.00. Spe- Tf daily priced at........... ........IJL .... . sr. WILL BUY NEW SILKS That Are Fully Worth fl.OO. . New Novelty Pongees, 30 inches wide, all, ure silk in neat checks, dots, also plain; first show ing in th city; launders beautifully; warranted to outwear any silk made. Comes in natural color only. A good $1.00 value. Special QCa per ysrd..... ..,...,.....Odt 85b SPRINGS UIT Now , We are now showing a great many styles of the New Spring Sulta, and many of them are exclu sive styles that will not be duplicated. Another thing they are the maker's first productions,' fine examples of his best efforts, perfect In all details. Then, too, our opening prices are so little) as to prohibit any lowering, even if yon waited six or eight weeks. There Is nothing to gain by waiting. Spring Suits for SI 22 Showing the aew Eton and Pony Coats materials that yon would ex :. ; , P6 fjjjjfl ra th more expensive suits. , . v t, Spring Suits for $15 Great many styles in this lot tight-fitting hip-length coats, improved Etrjhs snd Pony Coats a fine collection in ail the fashionable materials. Spring Suits for $192 - A magnificent collection of suits at this price fine imported materials, both plaia and novelties; beautifully trimmed, exquisitely made skirts. Spring 'Suits for i352 A greet many high-grade suits worth $10 to $15 mce than the 'asking price. AH the latest models sad materials are represented in this lot. . MANY TEMFTINO VALUES IN Undermuolino Muslin Drawers lOo Special values for Monday and Tuesdsy. 25 doxva Women's Muslin Drawers, made from good muslin, trimmed with Valenciennes lace insertion and edging; also some made with fine tucks aad hemstitching. , v - . - v , White Skirts G8o i -. , a 10 dosen Skirts that are especially good values, made from good cambric, with 18-inch flounce, finished with four clusters of fine hemstitched tucks; also another lot finished with deep flounce trimmed with wide embroidery or lace and tucks. " 1 .. .... Sldrt Cheniise 08o r There sre two this lot and either one fully worth $1.25. One style is finished with yoke of Valenciennes lace Insertion and edging, and the other is trimmed with fancy cotton lace and Insertion! both hsve deep ruffle on skirt, trimmed with lace edging. ... . .. . Attractions Leather Belts Women's Pearl Gray Leather Belts for spring aad summer wear, best quality, aeat buckles. Special price.;.. ............ .60f Back Combe The . jaingtite Back Comb, some thing new this, i season, pretty silver snd gold mountings;' teeth are formed so that comb can not fall from the hair. Each... ............ 60e Rat Pins Sterling - Silver Hat Pins, newest styles, large assortment of pretty designs; values 35c, Special price. . ...... ..... ..... . . ...... 25e) Toilet Soape Good "grade Toilet Soaps, Nillis Violet, Savon Violette, pure Glycerine, Tar, Oat meal, Turkish Bath aad Witch Hasel; regular price 5c aad 10c a cake. Special, per dosen cakes ,...;.....50e Lustre Cotton Light shades in silk and lustre, slightly soiled; regular 5c per spook Special price t . . ...a Dress Buttons Fsncy Dress Buttons, all colors, a great assortment to choose from; values up to 25e and 35c Special price. ..lOf The Most' Favored Wash Goods .EXCEEDINGLY PRETTY STYLES REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. So magnificent a showing of the latest and newest things in Wash Dress Goods was. never before assembled for your choosing. We show a myriad of weaves, styles and col orings, representing strictly the latest fashion ideas aa applied to wash goods. 'This great department has increased to four times its size, snd every inch of space is taken up by a mighty stock. v Included among our unma tenable offerings specially arranged for this week's great selling are such phenomenal values as these: AT 2f Embroidered Mull A , great assort ment to choose from neat figures, flowers, dots and stripes; attractive patterns. Per ; 25 C AT 25 Imported Scotch Ginghams Large variety of checks, plaids snd stripes, good' 9Sf colors; best gingham made. Per yard.....vL AT 28 Cotton Voile An assortment of hand some printed, flowered and fignred effects, and all the wanted plain colors. Price, per 5C AT 12. l-2e Dress Ginghams Best standard Dress Ginghams grest sssortment 71)A light,' medium and dark styles. Yard... I . L AT 85 Silg Printed MuB Large showing of dainty flowered and figured Silk. Mulls, , '( exquisite effects. Per yard vwb AT 50 Shadow Silk Mull Beautiful assort ment of handsome flowered designs, pret CO ty delicate shades. Prices, per yard.. .... UwO AT 8 l-8eU.Wool Finished Challiee, 30 InrW wide, in pretty kimono wrapper sn i n dressing Sacque styles. Price, per y AT 18 Wool Finished Suitings Very deslr sirable for esrly spring suits: come ia fancy mixtures and checks, also plain ef facta. IP Price, per. yard , , IGU AT 18 Dotted Swiss Muslin ia plain colors, checks, plaids, flowers snd figures; very 1C psetty. 'Per yard 1JL AT 25V Drsp De Linda A very sttractive and durable silk finished material in cherked, plaids, dot figured and flowered effects; very stylish. Per yard ....,..t..., .......Csjv AT 18 Mercerised Taffeta, looks like res! silk taffeta, comes in an assortment of nest destim; medium and dark colore. Price, pvr . - n yard......... ) Iv.u AT 25-Swisa 'Arplie One of tht f ' - new summer wash materials ii 1 fectt; assortment of shades. 1 r AT 15 Wool HnN'i r--ment of medium sni I . '.t r snd r!ak!; very sty Mfl