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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 12. 1S37. '. jar?. REPORTS OF LAND FRAUDS WITHHELD BY HERMANN ' : ' ; .v... ; . SeVetary of the Interior Hitchcock on. the VVltness , Stand at ; ;; the Trial of Binger Hermann Tells Why Hermann Was r . :i " ;.:v; Forced to Resign.;:;'-: J' .'; . rWaeMBftaa BweaS T Jearasl.1, . ' ! Washington. IX G. March II. Today Binger Hrmann for the first time In many months met hla former m parlor. Ethan Allen Hitchcock, .who became Hermann' ralentleaa prosecutor. When he went on tbe wltneaa ittnd agalnet the former Oregon eongressmsn today, for the flrat time wae beard in court the famous ecretarya atatament of the manner In , which Hermann waa forced from tbe commlsslonsrship of the general land office on January 15, 10I. bow Senator Mitchell pleaded for Hermann's retention and falling-, pro- ' cured delay until be waa Informed that If . the resignation waa not Immediately forthcoming Hermann would be dis missed, and how Hermann withheld i from Secretary Hitchcock, th a J, Hoi singer report on the Benson-Hyde land fraud. In which there was given ' a graphic description of the methods employed by land looters In Oregon and California. , Secretary Hitchcock said ' that Hoi singer's report On the- Beneon-Hyde land frauds In Oregon and California finally came to hla attention. Hermann had sequestered It, Anally producing It when commanded to do ao by Hitchcock. - Holslngers report ahowed bow the dummies were used In hundreds of ln stances In procuring possession ' of WISE DOG FINDS Two determined men and sagacious dog captured a burglar at an early hour this morning In the person of Iw Spill man, colored, who effected an entrance te a house at Lake street. .Th al leged crook waa turned over to Patrolman- BurcheH -nd -booked ,at thaclty prison on a charge ef drunkenneaa, but a felony Information will ., be filed against him today, ' : ' It wss shortly after I o'clock that C H. Felske end John Helm, residing at tha bom of I Wilde at th JLak street address, were awakened by the noise of soma on moving about th kitchen. 'Both men hastened to make an Investigation, and th intruder, fear- ' Ing capture, hastened to climb out of LACK OF MONEY. AND A HORSE CAUSES BROTHERS TO FIGHT It waa a little red wagon that caused a rupture of th fraternal relations be tween Chsrles and Eugene Steven and ; now th latter wants hla brother pun- labed for i assault and battery. Upon OUllJSMaw Vt UVdiw we ww.eauw "Issued t orth arrest -of Charles this ! morning and Judge Cameron will be called upon to Usten to'ths story to morrow. ' iuugene elevens. in rompiainauia.- -w ' aldea at MonUvtlla, while Charles Ste AGED WOMAN WHO LEFT ; POOR FARM IN SAD PLIGHT "May Ood be her friend, for ah has . no outer. - l uon , w w JobeA as that very often," wrote Pa . trolman J. T. Jones. ttwmsklng hla r- port ' to Chief Oritsmacher relative to finding Mrs. Jennie Blake, decrepit , old woman who escaped from th Poor farm yesterday. - .. . , , OMNIBUS APPROPRIATION Bill' OUT OF DEADLOCK Olympia Legislators : Back to .r Unes of River Bills Primary and Districting Acts. : - (Bseelal Dweatrh te Tbe Jeersel.1 ; Olyropla, . Wash-: March U. After a numtpr of conferences between th nous m jlMtft rtHmarv law a... 4mm mA waa naaaed hv th senate test night and transmitted to th ' house for action today. It wilt probably ' be passed before night and ready for . tha aignature oi ens governor. n msnt has also been reached whereby tha Mil dlvtdltur th etate Into cou ' greealonal districts will be passed, along : tha lines oi nous diu no. a, wi uih bill, with the eieeptlon .that Kitsap county to put Into the first district and Kittitas into th second. It required , ' many conferences to com to an agree . ment and many feared that there would . be no districting by this legislature ow ing t th difficulty tn getting together ever th boundaries.' Tb senau baa agreed to pass- th . general appropriation bill aa passed by '. th house without amendment, and with that out of the way most of tb impor tant legislation will have been eared for with tb exception of tb appropriation for tb opening of tbe Columbia and Snake rivers, which may be defeated by . th attempt to make it carry with It avn appropriation ef f!2S,000 for tb Inv " provomont of llttl streams la th Pay- allup valley. , . : .. ; ; . v ,r. . SEASON'S BEST STRIKE ; :; S,X MILES FROM NOME 1 (SewUl DUpeUh le Tle Jeersal) ' ' Seattle, March 1J. Reports of th - blssest and richest gold strtks of ths winter tn tb Noma region reached her nday. - Th news cams to captain T. W. Johnson trim bis partner, A, L. Rudea. tolling of ft remarkably rich ftnd on tb third bench at Stevens creek, si miles from worn. Auca aoonmri wsssnra waa something to be recorded in the e"'e1s ef bletery. Herbln hss been . .nowledged the greatest of liver reg tn.inn. A poev cur toT Bilious hadarhea, Cont Ipetlon. Chills and Fe ver, end ell ller conifi.inm' - (. . T.lttle Itock. Ark.. , writes: . ... im la the sreateet liver medicine V n. T ave n"l It for years. It does i . vera." S )J by ail drugglata.. aohool lands, forgery also being resorted to. - ' I ' V .' ' ' When Hltchoeok called on Hermann for bla . resignation. Senator Mitchell Interceded, showing that Hermann's daughter was to be married and that a senatorial election was pending In Ore gon, and that Hermann desired time to close up hla affairs. Finally on January 6, Hitchcock having reported the facts to Roosevelt be Informed Mitchell that if Hermann did not reelgn ha would be dismissed. . That day the resignation waa brought to Secretary Hitchcock by Senator Mitchell. Before that time Hitchcock had heard of tha Holsinger report and. asking for tha real it nation, he started an Investigation, which resulted in A. R. Green, th special private Inspector et Hitchcock, going out and gathering ths evidence which began ths Oregon land fraud eases,, which have sine become celebrated. ,..' ' ' An enormous mass of evidence relat ing to the Blue mountain forest re eerve and the Benson-Hyde land fraud cases wss introduced today In court. Notwithstanding th world-famous land fraud cases reached culmination when Hitchcock appeared aa a wltneaa, after years devoted to prosecuting land looters, only a dosen were In th court room when he gave his testimony.' - - BURGLAR ..... f HIDING IN WOODSHED th window through which he had en tered. - - . - ' Aided by th household dog, a search of th yard waa made for th burglar. but without success until tne aog lo cated th fellow hiding la th wood en ed.- Bniiiman Hlit ant offer an resist ance and waa held until th arrival of th patrolman. - in th ponce court inia morning hla case waa continued until . n tmt tfnvA th. aiathAI-ttlaa an opportunity to look up hla record and file an - information against mm. n examination of - th kitchen window mU.m,m.A that tKa rv rm had Haan atnaahan1 by tha thief and. th catch thea unfas tened. ,'. .,- ' v . - . vens has his domicile at Mt Tabor. Borne time ago Eugene - purchased a wagon from Charles and mad a par tial payment on th vehicle. Owing to bis inability to pay th balanc of th purchase prlca he determined to re turn th wagon to bla- brother, but -was unable t nd ore-4- jHll h- hlcl to Mt Tabor. Angered at th failure of Eugene to produoe tha neces sary coin It Is said that Charlea hunt ed up hla brother and pave him a beat ing. Heno th court proceedings. v. ... ' The policeman found th woman at 871 Borthwlck street at o'clock last night and eecorted her to tha station. The officer waa so affected by th sad plight of hla prisoner that he gav her a dollar. Tha woman has lost the Kwer of speech from paralysis and Is rdlr able to walk.. Sha will be sent back to th county hospital today. FOKUDA' AKD FUBI IB A DUEL AT DAYBREAK Knife Is Used and Special Po liceman Comes Just in Time ' v to Prevent Injuries. Rival suitors for the band' of some almond-eyed geisha, Itcbl -- Fukuda, 1? years old, and Jim Fugt, aged U. de termined t arbitrate "their differences in approved prlsertng fashion. Accord ingly, they adjourned to Seoond - and Couch streets at an early hour this morning and had It not been for th prompt arrival ' of Special Patrolman Cannon both ef tba sons of tb mikado may have nought medical attention at soma hospital. ::. Fukuda, : not certain . that- ha eould worst his antagonist by fair means, brought a knife Into - play, but Fug! manag-ed to grasp th weapon. tn th melee both men were cut on tb bands. They T were separated -by ' Cannon and taken to the city prison. , In - ths polio court this morning th case went over until tomorrow. BOARDER ATTACKS HIS LANDLADY, MRS. HOSFEND Ben Burnt waa arrested Isst night by Patrolman Roberts and booked at th city prison on a charg of drunk and disorderly oonduot. While under th In- fluene of liquor Burns entered the De troit bous, 174 Thurman street, where 1: resided, and viciously struok Mrs. Hosfeod. tbe landlady. In ths face. When en of th gueots attempted to Interfere tb infuriated man secured rvolvr from bis room and drove every on Into tb etreet. .Patrolman Robert arrived at thla Junctor and promptly disarmed Burna. In th pollc court thla morning Judg Cameron Imposed fine of tit. .: t . -i - . ANNUAL ELECTION OF ' AUTO CLUB TONIGHT Members of th Portland Automobile club will hold their annual e lectio to night at tbe Commercial elub. i In addi tion there will be spirited dismission of ths good roada project and th plan will tn all probability be put tinder way for th coostruetlon ' of th proposed touring route around th city from Oregon City td SI Johns. TESTIFIES 1.1 OUn BEHALF ' : Ed Nelson Tells on . Witness 1 Stand of Movements Night ; 1 of Llndgren's Murder. Ed Nelson, on' trial with C H. Dan lelson In th stat , circuit court for th . murder of 'Oecar v Laidgren, . waa plaoed on the witness-stand this morn ing and told remarkably straightfor ward story of ul movements on tb day and night of January i. . All effort on th part of Dputr Dis trict Attorney O. C , Moaer to shake th testimony of -the accused man was unavailing, and Nelson left ths stand declaring that h bad always been a friend of Updgren and 'that th dead aaloonkeepea would be th last man In th world that he would kllL r Nelson refuted r -ich of tire testimony aiven by other witnesses, and hla words carried the Impression thst he was tell ing the truth. H denied tnai n inea to tear off the bandages from IJnd gren's head or that he refused to give th wounded man assistance. . ' ' Aided W ousted Man. , Nelson said that he took a glass of whiskey .and rubbed it on Llndgren'a wound and aided In placing him on the stretcher when he waa taken to th hos pital. In telling th story of his movements on th day tba shooting was committed. Nelson aald that be arrived at una gren's saloon In the morning and stayed there all day until about I or 1:10 O'clock In the afternoon, with the ex ception of a few moments when he went out for luncheon. Nelson said that he then went down town where he visited Blaster's saloon and Ertekaon'a saloon at Third and Burnstd street and returned to Llnd gren's place about S o'clock. He tes tified that after staying at the saloon for about St mlnutea he returned down town and . went 'into Blaster's saloon, where he met Daniels on and Petersen. They had a' few drinks and. than went to IJndgren'a. leaving Third nd Couch streets at about t:tl o'clock. Supports srelsoa'a Testimony. ""Nelson" wassupportsd In"" his. tsstP mony to ft certain extent by tbe testi mony of Conductor J- W. Coffey, the streetcar conductor, whom Nelson iden tified In 'court this morning among the crowd of spectators, aa the conductor on- the car he took at :!. Coffey brought out tbe fact that Nelson Iden tified him at the county Jail without hesitancy aa tbe conductor on the car which Danlelson and Poison and Peter son - took at Third and Couch streets. Coffey testified that his csr passed that point between :0 and t:40 o'clock, but could not remember Nelson aa on of bla passengers. . 5 - . Robert Wall,' th motorman on the car whlchJtelson alleges hs rode on with Danlelson and Peterson, testified that his ear was at Third and Couch about :2S, the tlm Nelson swore he boarded It with hla companion. Thla would bring the car to Undgren's saloon abont :l.t Both Wall and Coffey testified that ft crowd waa In front of the place at that time and that they ran the car slowly for fear of Injuring some one. i ."; Uadgrea waa Xot roattlve. ,' Otherrwitnesses whs teetlfled were Deputy Prosecuting Attorney O. C Moser, wbo testified that 1ft ft conversa tion hs had with Llnd gran t the hos pital, Lindrren said, "hs didn't 1W to believe, or couldn't believe that Nel son shot him," but said that Nelson waa there Just before the shooting. : R. M. Johnson, a bartender at 111 third street, testified that he saw Nel son, Peterson and Danlelson take the car at th corner of Third and Couch at 1:25. He clung to his statement d splt ft sever cross-examination by Mr. Moser. . Johnson remembered without hesitancy many remarks and datea when xamined by Attorney W. W. Banks, but when asked Questions by Mr. Moser waa unable to recollect, and Invariably re plied. .1 don't remember." Mr. Moser asked permission to call Johnson later, which was granted. Attorney Banks aald thla morning that Danlelson would be placed upon th atand this afternoon. It is thought that tha case will probably go to trie ijury Jatstoday or tomorrow morning. CITY LABORER WOULD - - BE A COUNCILMAN - "', ' The payment of $1.18 to City Auditor Devlin yesterday afternoon mads Gus tavo Hubert ft- candidate for the nomi nation for councilman of the city of Portland. - Mr. Hubert la at present employed by the city street department as a laborer. Is said to be very intelli gent and la also aald to be a - very steady roan. , Why he should want to break into tha council In Ineomprehen alble even to th city officials. William R. McOsrry filed his peti tion for- th Republican nomination for city attorney with th -city auditor. John M. Mann filed a petition for th Republican nomination for councilman st large. . ' : ALL GONE WHO WERE -: . , 0N BOARD THE DAKOTA : '.V,.- (Sneelal Diaeeteh te Tbe Joareal.) i Seattle, March 1. Cable adviees re ceived thla morning by tbe Great North, ern Steamship company tell of 1 offi cers of the wrecked steamer Dakota having. aallod for -Seattle on the Boa ton.; Steamship company's Tremont. while the Aalatlcs of the crew went to Hongkong on the steamer Siberia. . Tbe nassensers who were - on tne vessel when she struck ths rocks hav left for their various destinations. . Details concerning ths Dakota's pres ent condition are meeger. Bh haa been on the rocks more than a week In a' distressed condition, but salvsg operations . hav een Impossible ' be cause of unfavorable weather, rein surance remains at 71 per cent. TROUBLES IN STORE FOR IDAHO TIMBER THIEVES (Hoettef Ptaeetrti te The Jnejraal.V Boise. Idaho, March It Th federal grand Jury called to Investigate timber and stone entry rauas began tts won today. All matters are being vigorous ly probed. Judg Beatty'a Instructions to ths Jurors were clean cut and very significant 1 Tbs trial of W. C. Simmons for ths murder of August Stank- last Novem ber In Highland valley , will begin here April i. ' Tb Republican primaries ' her were tb quietest ever known In tb city. L,ltu interest was apparent. ' ,- - i (loeraal SnHl HenrW.1 Sftrt Francisco, March 12. leaving for Portland todsv ths schooner Dora Biohm collided with ths ship Dlrlgo In th bay. . The Jib boom of tbe Dora Bluhm was carried away. ..... ' , SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS LOWER Three Marion County - Cases Settled One of Interest to ' Hop Contracto rs. ., ' , . (Special Diaeateh te Tb JomtL) , Salem. Or.. March I. Th supreme court today passed on - three Marlon eounty ease and affirmed the Judgment of th lower-court In each Instance, In ths case of W. B. Morse, respon dent, and W. H. Odsll. appellant, an ap peal from Marlon county. Oeorge H. Burnett, Judge, the Judgment or the lower court was affirmed by Justice Moore. The action was ' by Morse sgalnst Odell to recover money. The de fendant represented to plaintiff that he eould furnish .Information as to certain school lands containing mineral, which tracts could be used by the state of Oregon as bases for the selection of other parcels tn lieu thereof; that the choice would be approved by the land commissioner, and that In ease -the base aupplled by the defendant was not good, he would pay the plaintiff any aura of money that might be given him on ac count thereof. It developed that the plaintiff never obtained title to any part and became entitled to the repay ment of f (40 paid for 40 acre a. Tb court holds no error was committed in denying a motion for noneult Other al leged errors are assigned, but, being deemed Immaterial. Judgment Is affirmed.-- . nit to Quiet Title. In the case of Mary Sapplngflsld, re spondent, agalnat Amada King et at, ap pellant a. Justice Eakla affirmed tbe Judgment of Judge Oe.Ho way. This Is a suit to quiet tiu to real estate. Mary Sapplngflsld and her husband were own-era- of a piece of property near Mae leay, both were old ftnd In poor health and came to Salem to make disposition of the property after their death. Mary Bapplngneld willed her part of the prop erty to her husband, who In turn be queathed to his wUs his part of the land. The defendants In the suit are the helrs-st-law of -i John Bapplngfleld and legatees - under the will and they claimed a residuary Interest In ths landa through the' deed, which Is held In a lo cal bank, and It Is such claim by" de fendants that plaintiff sought to have quieted. Mop Contract Bxeoutory. , L I. I Bower and T. A. Uveeley et at, appellants, against Wilson Bowser, re spondent, appealed from Marlon' eounty; WUltam Galloway, Judge. The suit was to reform a deed and to enforce specific nerformance of ft hop contract. . The court holda that hop oontracta of the kind are merely executory agreements for sals and. delivery of personal prop erty and no title to tbe commodity passes to tbe purchaser until delivery and acceptance. If no title or right to the Dossesslon ef the hop passed. by agreement prior to delivery It necessar ily follows that no Interest waa created In the land or growing crob which can be enforced against a subsequent pur chaser who doea not aaaume the con tract.. , .- . SEEKS DEBATE WITH C.H. GRAM Hesiewood of ' f. W. W. ' Issues Challenge to American Fed eration Official. ' ' VmS HulMnnl.- a munbtf of th ..n.H l .avavntitlva. baart of ths Indus trial . Workers of th World, who came her to assist in conducting me mm workers' strike, is anxious to debate the rival merits of bis organisation and hAM .f lha' Amarian federation of Labor with C. M. Oram, president of tne Oregon oiais rtnenuoa ox uumr. In sn Interview in sn evening paper last , week uram erpresseo: nimeeii in rf .iai hnatlla tn the Industrial Workers of the World. Since that time the A. F. of Lt. leaaer nas come in ior some severe criticism from members 'of bis own unions, aa wan aa xrom tne in dustrlal worksra. i . HAM SANDWICH AND BEER CAUSE MURDERS ... ' .Mosreal Bstelal Serrlaa.t ' - St. Louis. March It. A ham sandwich and ft glaaa of beer were the causes of two murders here This morning. Al bert Nichols, ft tesrastsr, was shot and killed by Edward Court, the proprietor of a restaurant. Th. tragedy was due to ft dispute ovsr ths pries of ham sandwich which Nichols had ordered at Court's restaurant. Patsy Hlnes was shot and killed .early thla morning by Lewis W. Richardson. a saloon bartender. The two quarreled over tha payment for a glass of beer. Both Court and - Richardson war ar rested. , .. BODIES OF DROWNED , GREEKS NOT FOUND " iJoamal anetlal atra.l Redding, Cel.. March 11. Non of the bodies of th Greeks drowned her yesterday have been recovered. At least . It wsrs drowned sn possibly more. Both rivers are being dragged. SALT LAKE POLICE : . - CHIEF BOUND OVER ' (Josnial "Dedal liama.l Halt Lake City, Utah, Msrch Chlsf of Pollcs Sheets wss this morning bound ovsr to the district court on the charge of conspiracy In connection with .the tlO.tOO robbery, when two score tourists were fleeced by a gang of bunko men her last September. - . SEWER WORKMEN ARE OUT ON A STRIKE A walkout of th sewer work- e a ers of tbe city occurred this p afternoon when 11 men, prao-. w i tloally all of ths workmen em- , - ployed In that branch of labor in the city, went on strive. Ths -men are now-Jniirtnr ttio lndus w . trial Workers of the World. Th men before going on strike made s demand on their employ ers of a minimum of II I dsy with a nine-hour day. Ths pres ent srsle, according to ths men, has been a minimum wage of tL with ft 10-hour day. - BETTER STREETS 'FOR District Improvement Plan ln domed by Commercial Club and Also "Boulevards. e. miKIlM Mnttmefit In favof of ft Portland park and boulevard sys tem for Oreater Portland and bring be- K - - .nt. the aUOStlon of financing such ft system, the Portland Commercial club haa appointed s, com mittee to "confer with other Improve, ment and commercial bodies and formu late ft bill, secure tbe necessary signa ture , and arrange for ft vote at th coming June election.' , it i - nmnnaawt tA amend the cltv char ter and allow the elty to vote tl.000,00 of bonds, or an amount necessary iv carry out the ldeaa of the Improvement li,ka That Portland Rommanlll Club committee appointed yesterday by Presi dent u. w . xioason ouij"im emtio. J. w Ainsworin. v;. n - tana. n1 T . M TL ThSV Will CO- o perate with eaat side push clubs, and it la hoped a proposition can vm that will meet tbe wishes of, the public as a whole. , "We will not get in behind any rnai vldual's proposition, nor undsrtaks to boost anybody" hobby." said President Hod son. "Tha I purpose of th com mercial club In taking up ue auojeci la to i develop public sentiment along the line of proper improvement and help th boulevard Idee, In ft general way. W will support th dlatrlct plan f street- improvements. " : n.j.. th., avaitam at r. resent pro vided by the city charter the street that Is Improved attracia au ui the region around, if it happen-to be tb beat Improved otreet. The result la . that It la quickly worn out ana other streets are neglected. - it im provements are to be made on the dls ..... it will ha flrat necessary to amend the city charter. At the asm time it is proposeo. m th queetlon of issuing fl.000.00t bonds nrmrmr the hOulSVard and park plan that haa been so generally discussed and wmon is meeung v much favor among buslnesa men and property-owner, .- . , -, : , DO NOT im ELECTRIC . CARS OS COUHTY ROADS Mount'Tabor Improvement As sociation r Members Protest A Against ML Hood Franchise a A-,utmA atanil waa taken bT the u.h m . Taitvyw Imnmvamaat association last night st Its regular meeting against granting ft franonise ior rauway pr posss on any county road. The action waa prompted by th recent application for franchise granting the corpora tion, the Mount Hoed Railway company. the right to build an eiectno rauway m w.-a..ti. . Uaataad. Since theee m- . which the PORTLAOD farmers can onng in pcvuun . -- - -- ' turb by swiray spproachtng Utrte f Caldwell Idaho, - March 11. Moyer ' . -k.i- iti.triirtlnannuvfi ana Pettlbone were braushl iMin .na nuuDia u, mum w.av.w affected are rising up In arms. . ; - ...1..H na arm na arian ud dt ui association ana presemeu w ww vw.i-, federated MUD ior inaoreemwnt, uaivn it. condemning any action that ahall give the Section Line road or any other COTnty road over to any corporation for " r a. traction i nsea, . Frank J. . Psrklns pressed this , sentiment, whloh wss I readily aaopteo. FivedVlegates will be sent to the eon- T . a a . . nu. n I aJ.Hajl MlllVl a maatlna?. . President Ck Evert Baker will appoint them at an early date. . A committee win au w appointed to wait upon tbe county court to see what can be done toward clearing tbe county roada on Mount Tabor now obstructed with fallen telephone and electrlo light poles Encouragement in the fJerklng project waa reported by Mr. Perklna and ft general cleaning up will be held all over th district st near date. ' . At the meeting of the Improvement association laat night the following committees wer appointed:- - Federated club G. Evert Baksr, J.-A. Eastman, Frank J. Perkins, Oeorg 1 Llndsley and William A. Laidlsw. Postal committee Frank J. Perkins, J. A. Eastman and L. & Normandtn. , Light J.- E. Lew ton, W. II. Orenfell and David B. Toung. - - Street committee Charles B. Nelson, J. E. Lowton and Hana Larssn. . ABE RUEPS ATTORNEY' QUITS HIS OBSTRUCTING : ' (Jnamal Special gertiae.) "J San Francisco,. March 11. Abo e w Busrs attorney thla afternoon e i announced thst hs would msk 4 4 no further attempt to blook th trial and said he would be ready 4 to go ahead when called tomor- - e row. At the sams tlm h filed ft petition for writ of habeaa 4 corpus demanding Ruef s release ' on sututory, grounds. : ' SALARY GRAB RAISES RIOT AT. SACRAMENTO -. - '-'.. : , . Uosraal "peelsl Berviee.) i ' ' Sacramento, Cel., March 12. There war riotous scenes in ths assembly this morning when an attempt waa mads to rush through a resolution to make final gift of tf.000 to legislative attaches. The committee reported against the res olution, whereupon members favoring the grab jumped on thHr chairs, bsat their desks and threw bill files about. Ths speaker added to the confusion by an unparliamentary ruling In favor of tbe raiders, but ths resolution was killed. . JOHNSON TO MANAGEV V BRYAN'S CAMPAIGN - (Journal Special aVrrtaa , -Clevelsnd. O., March U.-t-The Press today prints the statement that W. J. Bryan's secret visit to Cleveland Sunday was to confer with Mayor Tom Johnson to arrange to have him act as buslnsss msnsger for Bryan's next campaign. - Rowdlea Are Fined., Claude Tucker and Oeorge Hlcfden.' the tr0UB Jnv who-sreatea, -.aisturbanoe in VI1VJ Call! W KllSS VI V DUIIUaa H'I'I SUU engaged in ft fight with Special Police man Day were found guilty before Judge Cameron this morning. A fine of lit apiece was imposed. - '. Z. 3. RIM", ft prominent druggist of j Salem, and member of the State Board I ot Pharmacists, is st the Oregon for gorier stay ins viiy, . . . LiURDER STORY IS TOLD AG1 Stanford White's Brother-ln-Law Describes Thaw's Actions at Madison Square Garden. Na Tark. Mink 11 III the TbAW trial James C. Smith, brother-in-law of Rfan fnr-A White, naunal tha Stand thlS afternoon. Be Identified on map tbe poelUons of himself and Whit. U saiq ha walnhail tha Thaa, nartv nasi him. Thaw stood still for a moment looking ovsr ths needs or tne people. . inao walked toward the witness and jpok i kin . Tkaw mmiA I. w m fn... V - AIIIlM tfet only three seata and that be waa going for ft atroll, but dlaeoverlng a seat next tttA wltnaa, mm I Anmrrt mrkA Aff.ral hint a cigarette. They conversed about the merits or tne piay, wnion -rnaw ap proved. .A discussion about stocks fol lowed nd Thaw suddenly asked Smith! A mm. wm , mm n r w mm i r K m.Ml1f - -I ... mm- . . , The witness did not understand and Thaw answered: ' . "Are you above meeting nice glrtT" " Whe do you meanT la aba herer : - TMa. aha la nnt In tha' arardan. hut I expect to go away and would be gjad m i . L I mt 10 arrange jot you to nw oar. "Thaw described the girl as ft bru nette, not partloulafly good-looking, but nloe. I told him I waa much obliged. but didn't believe I would bother with thst kind." aald Smith. "Thaw then asked me If I knew the men In bis party." The witness aald that he had replied that he knew MoCsJeh, Soon after this the defendant -had left him. going toward the south of tb garden, then turned ftt tb end ftisls and walked toward tb elevator. White's table lay in that direction. . When he reached the an trance nearest the 1 .rn, Thaa. ' timaf anit walked back. SU11 looking .in tb asm direction, . He passed smith ana went to ine uuu vim Evelyn, Beale and McCaleb. MoCaleb gave htm hla seat. Thaw then got up and - walked down the Madison avenue aisle and back again to Evelyn. Then he walked over to tbe entrance, looking toward th place where - he, - subsequently LShot White. Then be disappeared for three min utes, going into - tba gallery. A h mymmmtmm Anmmm. ha .tftnlial and lOOkad ln- tently over the audience, smiled snd nodded ss hs passed tne witness, sna went back to his seat. .The- whole party got up to go , "Then I beard three shots. Jumped to my feet and as th smoke passed saw Thaw with ft revolver. said Smith. "I mMmmmtt a.M t. .hava tha AmmmA matt taw. Hla fae was black - from th smok and unrecognisable, it waa my oroiner-In-law. but I failed to Identify him, and left the building: without knowing who 'bad been killed.1 - Xelmas then oroes-examlned Smith. At t:ii o'clock Jerome asked for an adjournment, saying that he - did not know "Just where he was at in the evi dence." His request was granted. MOTION TO DISMISS IN THE MOYER CASE awuwan mt ... - mm- WXmtmtmmmttmjt mlm.M PattlKMI. ! a thMMIVht ber this morning from . the Jail ftt UOISS on account tn aw axpacwa aru tnent of tbe motion to dismiss because w - - " - -- - - following Indictment, serulnad by law. The prosecution will ahow .it waa aniloua for trial but was prevented h nanrflna- anneala of the defendants. A vigorous contest is to eome over the pending; motion ror a. cnange oi venu from thla (Cartyon) eounty vTMMtnii nf npiiluHleei --' - an . Vila munii nreludlee.- When court - opened this . ' morning Judge Bryan made an order calling Judge Fremont Wood of Boise to pre side. - . - ' -''' - At I o'clock the motions will come np. - Tbe prosecution will call the court's attention to the fact that tbe mandate- from the supreme court of the United States is not here, but will be tbe last of the week. It will aak that the bearing of motions be set for Monday next. - . - '; , .- ' , CONRAD SALOON AGAIN . v ; OPEN AFTER HOURS "It la certainly mystifying to me bow a man -of John Conrad's caliber la per mitted to conduct his saloon nndsr con ditions that would not be tolerated from a., othao limine daaler. is tha manner In which Deputy City Attorney Fitsger- ald commented tnis morning on inaa,r rest ef John Conrad, the notorious Al- Amm m . A t v ir mm, rM r wha t WSS taken Into custody yesterday on a 'charge of keeping nis -piece open axier noura. Patrolman Phllllpa In passing Con rad's place at 1:10 o'clock laat Sunday morning noticed ft number of persons coming out of the saloon, and upon mak ing an investigation found at least 10 men and women promiscuously drinking In the resort. - Phillips mads -report of the matter, and upon instructions of hie superior officer swore to ft eom plaint. - . - - ' Conrad thla morning appeared in court and entered a plea of not guilty. The matter was -continued until tomor row morning. - f ,v AGED MAN DECLARES . A NEGRESS ROBBED HIM Viola Rs. ft colored Inmate of 107 Couch street, wss arrested by Detective John , Price yesterday afternoon and booked at th elty (prison on charge of robbory. Tha complainant In ths case 1 David Peckham, l years of ags snd a resident of ChehsBs, Washington. He nllegee thst th n egress forcibly re lieved blm of 110.-. Peckham was pres ent abth tlm of th srreet, and It was with difficulty that Price kept blm from assaulting the woman. - Th disorderly house In whloh th wo man is said to rsslds was olosed last night on orders of Inspector Bruin. The case was continued tn ths police court this morning until Thursday, LANDSLIDE BLOCKS TRAINS MANY HOURS . . Near mils post It, on the O. ft.. N. main Una late yeater- I dsy sftsrnoon landslide cov- , red tb track to a . depth of e ! shout 10 feet and blockaded all e i -trafflo during th night. D. W. 41 Campbell. . division superlnten- dent, took a gang of men to the . scene last evening and by hard I p work all night and this forenoon e ths line wss opened. The first train tssed through at 10 , , o'clock a. m. The landslide waa the result ef recent beevy rains. , COAL YARD SITE SOLD TO KEYT Dallas , Man Pays Forty-Five , Thousand for Fourth and j 1 Everett Comer. "" , ' 11 ' TX C. Keyt of Dallas purchased fhlg ' morning tbs quarter block at tbs north west corner of FoUrth and Everett' streets for 4(,000. Th holding Is known aa the Hartnees . property and " haa been occupied for many years Ss a eoal yard. The ele was mads through the agency of Bollam, Qrussl aV Hlgley, This property was sold ft few daya ago '' through the aame agency for 140,000. Theodore . Bernhelm has sold te : Clarke, Clemsnson, Blumausr and other a tract containing 10 . acres on , tb Mount Scott car line, near Lenta, tot fll.600. . . . The Metropolitan Xnveatment eom , pany, headed by Brooks Klsrnan, hag . purchased from the Falling estate -V ' three-story brick building on - First J street, near ' Pine, for 140,000. Tb property is directly opposite the site ol the proposed psssenger depot . of the . Portland .Railway company.' Mlas Maud O. Hudson, who recently; sold ft valuable Qrahd avenue earnar, haa purchased from Mrs. A. Larry tb quarter bloCk at the southeast corner of East Third and Eaat Couch streets, fog 111.000. ' .-. - The St. James Evangelioal Ixrthersji church will soon begip tbs erection ef tlt.000 building at tbe corner of West ' Park and Jefferson ' streets, -on tb quarter block occupied by the church ol , that , denomination. The old building will he converted Into ft chapel ami Sunday school room. Ml C0L1-1ITTEE IIll LOOK AFTER YJ-1.CA.FUaD Greater Efforts to Be Put Forth. ' m. r-t r. I ' - xo rtruBS ouDscripxions for Building. A com rait tee council was held leaf night at the. T. W, C A. rooms, wher th building fund - bampalgn aatl gen eral enlargement plans for both the T, W. a A. and TM. C. A., wer dux cueaed. .-- - . - '.-.. ' A new committee haa been named by) -the T. M. C A. workers to take charge of the work of securing the necessary , subscriptions to complete- th building; -fund. Walter Goss has been . made . Chairman of the committee and haa . charge of th work. New and eaten slve plans are now under vway for the completion of tbe work, which - It is) hoped will be matured In very few day. - Mrs. Jama "TaU-ng, p-Mldant of th T. W. Q, A., and th varloua v1o-prU. dent of th association, delivered ad dresses at th moating hel l laat nlghtysi The work of the association waa disT I cussed thoroughly and nsw plana tor mutated for the building, fund cam-. paign. ' "' .' '- The T. W. a -A.-bootha will be !. tailed In all the prinolpal department stores of the" city on th Saturday -be--for Eaater. The T.'W. C A. girls are alao preparing a comedy in two acta, entitled "Mr. Bob." whloh will be pre. sen ted at tbe . M. C A, room on Fri day night, th proceeds to go to the building fund. ..;,.-- , NO INQUEST ON VICTIM OF CAR P. Jftckson. FftUIly ; Injnred oq Eaat Morrison, Die In HoftpitftfStt ' From Frncture of Stall. P. Jackson ef East Twentieth; street,- who waa -struck and fatally In jured laat Saturday night by a Sunny- side ear at Union avenue and Eaat More rlaon street, died at the Good Samaritan hospital "yesterday afternoon ftt l:la o'clock. . Deputy Coroner Flnlsy made aa In vestigation and announces that aa the accident appear to - hav bean un avoidable an fnoueat will not be bald. Jaokaon bsd Just stepped out of Baumer 4k Co. 'a store at the intersection of tbs two streets named when aat'easv bound .Mount Tabor car stopped It th crossing to allow ft passenger to alight, In ft hurry to cross the thoroughfare tb unfortunate man walked around the rear end of tb ear and bad Just stepped on the opposite track when th Suriny slde oar running at ft high, rate of peed crashed Into him. - Jackson was thrown several feet end rendered unconscious. He waa immedi ately placed aboard the oar and hurried to the 'hospital. It waa .found that the Injured man had sustained ft fracture of the skull and but little hope was held out for his recovery. . . KEPT SALOON OPEN . 1 . iiti-rii Turn "niir-iii ,. UI III. I VW U" I iiLIM ' Jame Douglas, ft Third street saloon proprietor, was arrested at 1:10 o'clock; mis morning ny rairoiman rniyips ortj a charge of keeping his plsoe open afj ter houra. The doora of the TstnMsffT , ment were wide open and A. J. DeCneyl James Cotter snd Tom Crowe, whj were found In the place were taken intrl custody for being out after hours. Douglas entered ft plea of guilty I the. police court today and waa fin m. - .v . : Martin Danny, who waa arrested up on complaint of patrolman Fhiuips to allowing his resort on Fourth street) "near Stark, to remain open aftet a. m.. asked for a oonttnuanoe and sn tared ft plea of not guilty. . - GERMAN CAPTAIN FALLS V IN DUEL WITH DRUGGIS Berlin, March ft. Captain Von Berok n of th Ninety-second infantry, wa killed today In ft duel with an ufiname drugslat. Tha causa of tb dual la nc Stated. ' ' Smooth, clean drive to moee City Park on . direct road la 80 mutate. V See page 13. 4 w