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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING.' MARCH 12, 1807. loun loplcs TOXIOHT AMVttUZWtt. UtUf.. i.. ....... H.a-r . Kwplre ....... rend ........ . ,. .Rosantfctl eoseert .."A black Bhrp" 'boat la New York' Tea Pariah Prlt' till ."Uader Tw ! " W. H. Greene, a member of chemical angina eompanr No. 1, who wu arraatad at the tlm of tba recant poatofflca rob beries for havlnf coma of the stolen stamps In hia possession and who avs bond In tha aunt of for bis ap- ' paaranca bafora tha federal court to anawar tna charaea tnada asalnat nun. waa jreeterdar granted a reduction' in bond of 1500 br Judas woiverton on raoomniendatlon of Deputy United ' States District Attorney Jamaa Cola. ' Greene wa alao ralnatatad to bis old poaltton tn tha Are department ae tha result of the inveatlcaUoa held bjr the board concerning hia connection .with tha robberies. ; . .. Jack Harrison, a - awamper employed until Uat .week by tha Skldmors .Drue dbmpany, who walked off with a Back eontalnlna MM tn money and check , belonging to tha firm, and for whom ma pouoe nave Dean a em renins, waa ar- ' reated tn Aatorla yeatarday. Police au- thorltlea there Identified tha fugitive from descriptive clroulara - which ware ' aent to an surrounding polnta together - with telegrams by Chief arltamachar. Harrlaon will be brought back - to Portland, where ba will stand trial on a charge of larceny by bailee. .. . ."' Tba Portland Churchman,' a monthly paper laauad by tha Oaaette club In the interest of St. David' pariah, preaente In Uta March number a flna and Inter- acting edition. Beeidea tha notloea of the work of all auxiliaries of tha church. 'here is an excellent picture of tha . blahops who aaalated at tha consecration . of Blahop Bcaddlng. editorials of more than passing Intereat and a reeurae of Blahop Bcaddlng's Lenten lecture on tha 1 hlatory of tba church, given recently at ( HI David's. ; . . Post card eranks will be abl to carry - their atampa with tham In convenient form from thla time on. Poatmaatar . Mlnto has announced that tba Portland office baa received a large shipment of 1-cent stamp books, each book contain ing 14. 1-cent atampa Tha 14 atampa sell for 11 cent a. tha extra cent going . to repay Uncla Bam for his trouble In ' putting tha binding on tha books. . Arrangements for tha lladlaon din aer. which la to ba given in tha Port land hotel next Saturday night,, have . been completed. ' The dinner la an an nual affair In memory of Prealdent . James Madison for tha purpoee of keeping; fresh in mind tha . patrlotlo deeda . and utterances of tha nation's earliest statesmen. . Judge C E. Wol- rerton 4 prealdent of the clunr"" " '. Tha Young Men's club of St, Patrick's parish, will give aa entertainment In honor of St. Patrick Thursday evening; March 14. at 1:11 o'clock, la St PaW rick's new hall. Nineteenth and Savter treats, for tha benefit of St Patrick's ' pariah. Tha musical and oratorical fea- s of thla entertainment will ba one L L I IB mi U 1U UI1B OJl,. Tba New Tork State society bold Its annual election last night with tha fol lowing result: . President-- Mia J "O'Brien: ' i secretary. M. II. Stevenson; treasurer, Mr. Sealson: registrar; Mra. E. B, Taggart; executive committee. James Palling. Mrs. H. E. fope, Mra M. A. Tiff t( and B. C Mears. ' The "Oentleanen'e Favorite" euapen sory bandage is tba Ideal up-to-date supporter for men. Batng perfect-fitting and easy-wearing. It -affords a de gree of comfort ana protection obtained from no other. Two styles, 7o and and sold only at Bernl'a Drag Stqre, 131 -Washington street. Br a. threat to strike the five elevator boys .employed In tha Chamber of Corn 's building secured a raise or wages sterday. The boys war increased from 140 to 4( a month. They work nine and a quarter hours a day. Steamer Jeasa Barklns.xfor Camas, Washougal and wajr' landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock p. m. f ' , Julius Sllvestone baa resumed tha pracUoe of law axclualvely. 401 Cham ber ot Commerce. Woman's Exchange, lis Tenth street, tunc a 11:14) to 1; business men's lunch. . A em OU Co. sells the best safety coal oil and fin gasoline. Phone East Til. K. W. Moors, expert ' photographer, inks' building. Seventh and Stark Sta. ' Why pay morsf Matsger fits your yea for II. ' 111 Sixth, street . .. Tba Woman's Label league will bold an open meeting Thursday night In Draw halL There will ba a pfBgram of . V. KOBCWUr 0 III xszzs. Ok. Tbeedore. sear Theodore, prey bates te BM. f 0Ja4 re save as rallread ehape a-ehlaala' a e tree) lad worse thas all, the people aeesi a-etaaoia' at yoar beck, A-w1xpln' aad e-botWrtn' every time we get e wsaeki ay, want roa. Mr. Fretldtnt. pteee barkes a ear crowd T ' Rear ear malaaeholr tale If- arlthar toag lah a h 1mm tm ilat mm M11 W eaaraa ap. alrdr we arc feell Ilka aa iajna'a iianiea sap. hlte win a fee car ea rBalffererce be r4. j VDfi ww 1 wiiiu m psiiuia bv uf thr war dead: alt Itaeaeae yea've sailed a salt ea ear ' little naie. saasie. .. . . ., . . 4n an It goae ferevar, en' fnrever it wfll en: i aa ! i low nnag sy sw wita steal iwtwiae nva la weal fv tba Colo Laaadrys tatt aa glad aa eve I It caa ba rtwt It'e aratleaaea and kiadaeas aevet bnede It Btlaerr. L'MIOM LaTTRDHT. ' rt. klila Ma. , . second aad Catasuba. "DEMON OF KEYBOARD" DISLIKES THE TITLE Rosenthal Does Not Appreciate the Work of His Clever Press ".," "Agents Talks of His Favorite Composers Not ' Giant In .Stature by Any Means. v '" '. ' ' By a: i. w. ' " Moris Rosenthal la In town and In him Is present whst many call tha - I don't know whether he agree with thoae people or not, but when you aak him whom he conaidara tha greatest, be mumbles a list of names Indiscriminate ly and says there are many (rest, but he could not call any of the greatest or It depends all on personal t&ata,. And among nis great are raaerewakl. Whom ba likes very much, but does not de- Clare the greatest ' When Rosenthal walks out on tha stage tonight do not be surprised or disappointed that ha Is not the athlete his pictures show him to be. Many things bve been done by tha "little bits" la this world and Rosenthal Is an example. Ha is about five feet three or four, and probably does not weigh over 110 pounds. But I think his photo graphs must have pictured htm accord ing to bis intellect and ability, for then be la aursly a six-footer and a loo-pounder. 7 r 1 I cannot Imagine any one making Rosenthal say anything ha did not wlah to say. Ths aaatern papers had Inter views with him whsn he first struck New Tork yea, literally struck New Tork like a cyclone and the evaalve neaa waa truly refraining. When asksd. merely to draw him out what he thought of the much-mooted Oodowsky arrangements In music, he replied that he underatood Oedowaky had arranged to tour northern Europe. When asksd today what he thought of "Salome" and Its reoeptlon In New Tork, ba answered that be would be glad to say something If It were not all over aow, but. what ho said could not now make the reoeptlon any different However, he did say that b waa ac quainted with ths Boors and admired It and thought New York' a attitude was foolish. , ., . Unjust, ' "Nothing should be allowed to Inter fere with art" h said, "and New Tork has been much censured. But I should aay nothing for I do not know America well enough and I am not here to criti cise Its attitude. I want to be friendly with them all for I Ilka America.' Mr. Rosenthal tried quit bravely to take ap cudgels In behalf of America and American music but creeping tn nnderneath his words his real opinion shows. "What do -you think or American tnu-slo-snd do yott thmk -Americans - do not get their proper recognition at home and abroad as la often heldf waa asked him. "No, J do not believe Americana are nnjuat Art la flrat- of all . and ths birthplace is a minor matter. Just let them produce a colossal composer and Americana and Europeans alike will be glad to hall him. - But he must first be able to stand with, ths great com posers. But as for recognition of Americans, .Isn't Emma, Karnes appre ciated T And Nordic r And Iota of others T America Is best now. In. pro ductive talent. I think, and will be for soma time. It Is turning out good slngsrs and players but the composers will probably follow In time. Her you have not tha agea of musical culture behind you that exlats In Europe." - MaeDowell ho appreciates but thinks him not flatlnctively American. He la more jiae urieg in compoaiuuo. -v Via Tarortt . Composers. ". While Rosenthal hesitates to tell Ms favorite pianist, he has. his favorite composers on his tongue's tip. Bee thoven. Chopin and Schumann ho says are hia favoritea, because they appeal most to bis feelings. Following them are Schubert Weber, whom he calls a man Of wonderful development though little appreciated. Wagner, Usst Mosart and Bach. Hia favorite operas are Moaart's "Die Entfubring, "The Melsterstnger," "Siegfried" and "Ring", .' of Wagner, whose operatic work especially delights him, "Alda" by Verdi, "Der rreiscnuts" by Weber, "Carman" by Blxet, and so forth. . . - . - ' Rosenthal, yon will notice. Is never spoken of aa a pianist, but always as the "wlsard of the piano," the "demon of th keyboard," the "magician." and the like. Of course that may be the natural f! curative way of speaking when one's fingers seem to work by maglo, but bo doe not like it - - -, . "I do not like It nor he said, sm phatlcally, "but," with a shrug of his shoulders, "what caa I de? - J am prond of my profession, and, I like to play. Of ooursa I Ilk to play better for a few frlenda than in public, but I Ilk to give It to everyone, too." There ta on phase of a great pianist's ltfs that Rosenthal does not admire, having to listen to good, bad and tndef ferent aspiring plaalata." "I have to listen to a great many Of them." he said, -"and when they- are really talented It Is a real pleasure, but so many of them are not And W must listen Just the same." Spooks Ttomfk wing-ssa. Rosenthal protests bis friendship for Amsrlca at every turn and 1 so afraid he la going to say something to hurt their tender feelings. This Is bis second. tour west ths other being 10 years ago, and h likes th west "where he can get away from dirty- streets and steam heated buildings." H does not seem very fond of mechanloal muslo mar chine though he won't say so, because be la sent .out by a company that sells thenr bjr carloads and so be pronounces tham a great mechanical art Ha does not lecture because he likes to speak through his Angers snd h thinks that th person who cannot bo reached through notes cannot be reached through words, . r. If you could be present and hear him 1 nick un the Don Juan fantasia at the exact place you left off right In th middle of a bar and eontlnu It In th asm tlm and without a lost beat you would not wonder that he preferred to speak through bla fingers, for on a!- ways wlahea to appear at. his best 4 NEW QUARTERS ARE SUPERB . - ' ajBa-ssseaBasBssBanen m , rf COMPLETION OP THE NEW EILERS . HOME TO - BE : CELEBRATED THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. Signalizes Eilers Entrance into Active Retail Field Again. Grand Opening This Week to Be .Important in Local Musi - cal Circles. Beautiful Souven irs for Ladies and Children. WORK IN RAIN TO BUILD A HOME FOR BROTHER WOODMAN On Thursday and Friday afternoons and evenlnge of this week will occur the formal grand opening of Etlere Pi ano House, the largeet dealers tn pianos and organa In the weat - Although the epacioue new quarters at ths corner of Park and Washington streets havs been virtually ready for several weeks, ths delay In receiving a specially seleoted stock of costly and elegant piano and tha completion of minor details has prevented the formal opening until th above dataa. . The announcement of thla formal opening of Eilers will be hailed with much delight by the thousands of pa trons of this reliable and progressive concern. - It not only signalises th re entrance of Eilers Piano House Into the active retail field, but signalises th re entrance of Eilers most modern aad magnltloently equipped piano salesrooms In ths west The appointments throughout are lavish snd reflect credit on the designer. Beemlngly there Is An artistic harmony axlstlng between th superb Instru ments exhibited aad th beautiful sur roundings, Y f Two-Day Opening. t ; In order that everybody may have th opportunity to Inspect the new bom of E liar a. th festivities will extend over two day and avanlnga, commencing next Thursday. Muslo will be the order of the day. In addition to classical, ope ratio and popular selections by Welte's Orchestrion, impromptu recit als will be given at different Intervale In ths various departments during both dava. Theae will Include Pine Or ran selections In th Recital Hall. Rend!-' tlona by such world-famous artists aa PaderewakL Hambourg, Do Paehmann, Busonl and othera on th marvelous Welt Self-Playing Piano, numbers with the wonderful . Metrostyla -Pianola and Themodiat Pianola Piano, Grand Opera selections on th Victor and Columbia Talking Machines, and many other en tertaining feature a Incidentally a spe cially selected stock of th most oostly and foremost makes of planoa and or gana wm o on exniDiuon. y , - The. Crowning Feature. ; ' As a fitting climax, a recital of ex traordinary proportions will be given In th-Recital Hall on Friday evening on th second dsy of th opening. Among th well-known artists who will sppear are Miss Kathleen Lawler, Mra Walter Reed, Messrs, Arthur I Alex ander, J. W. Belcher. Dom Zan. W. A. Montgomery and F. W. Goodrich. . Souvenirs for the Ladies. , ' Beautiful art aobventrs will be given to each lady attending and novelties for the children will alao be distributed gratis. From all Indications ths formal open ing of Eilers Piano House will be the most pretenuoua-evene -In th Trnistcal annals of this city, for- th -reputation of the House of Eilers In everything they attempt is too weU known to need comment her.. - - ... - A horn was built last Sunday for W. H. Foster, a member of th Woodman of th World. Pendleton camp. No. iU by bis neighbors of th Arleta camp. No. 801, on th Mount Boon line. Mr. Foster has been 111 for several months and .unable to support hie family. When th needs - of th neighbor - had been learned by th members of th Arleta camp they immediately went to ma as sistance. . muslo and ' recitations, followed by danotng and rsfreahnient. , . f . . - i i. Dr. E. C Brown. Eye-Ear. Marquam. Berger Signs Phoo Faolflo till. EXALTED RULER SINGS TO ELKS Jndge MelTiu, Well Know Call- fornia Vocalist, Afterwards Es ' . oorted to Hia Train. The MORRISON t FORMERLY , THE HES.PERIAH. ' Large comfortable rooms, single or en suite, newly fur nished; best table board. Prices moderate. , S33 Morrison St. CORNER 17TH. Elks from aH over th stats of Ore gon, in addition to hundreds belonging to tba local lodg. gathered at th tem ple last night to tender a reception and farewell party to Grand Exalted Ruler Judge Henry A. Melvln. who lft at 11:41 o'clock for his bom lit Oakland. Judge Melvln was Introduced to ths herd in ths lodge room by D. Soils Co hen, and b entertained th assembled members with vocal selections. Which gained!, bint round af tea, round of ap plause, and . then completed his part on th program with a short addrsss on Elk lodg work. At th conclusion of his rsmarks he shook handa with each of his fellow lodg members. De Caprlo s orchestra furnished muslo for th evening and Judge Melvln was followed tn his address by Judgs Thomas O. Hailey of Pendleton, who spoke briefly. When th program was ended an automobll party escorted the grand sxsited ruler to the depot and again bad him a farewell before h took1 bis departure. - . , . ' " ' ' 'Tons of Seed Disposed Of. Mr. J. S. Butser of 111 Front street has certainly made a long run In the Una or grass seed. It Is evident that th people of thla city are beginning to appreciate th opportunity of obtaining fin lawn ' aeed - at . most reaaonabls prices. Aa otherwise beautiful .house looks bar without a pretty lawn, and wit h a laws th house looks 100 per oent better. All kinds-of grass can be ob tained at Mr. Butser's establishment from velvety law to coarse pasture green. The ktad you want for your resi dence Is ths velvety kind. Remember th place. J. J. Butser, seed store. 111 Front - street. , between - Yamhill and Taylor, Big Band at Oaks Rink. . Th Oaks Rink ' managemsnt have more than doubled their regular rink band, and now 10 musicians will furnish musln, directed by Mra U Hoch. . If you don't skat, leant now. M stager Bts your ye for 11.00, 111 Sixth street, near Washington.. 1 Lumber was purchased, and th mem bers, securing tools and ether necessi ties, wsnt to th sit nsar Arleta and worked all day In th drenching rain building a small oottag. ' Those who took part In th erection were: Ira O. Purdln. William Sohwarts, Dr. S. D. Briggs, Charles' O. Jamas, William R. Harrington, O. TL Willey, H. Homen, Ora Olmatead, Christian Jenny, Carl Manake and . an unknown neighbor Woodman. FATHER A FAILURE AS HIS BABY'S NURSE After Losing Work for Days Brings Child to Home Baby ' Home Officers Elected. At th annual meeting of th Baby Home, held yesterday afternoon th fol lowing officers and directors, were re elected: President Mrs. L. W. Sltton: vice presldsnt Mrs. O. M. Scott; secretary, F. 8. Aklni treasurer. A. L. Keenan; corresponding secretary, Mra H. B. Rob ertson directors, Mra I M. Cox, Mra. David Daglelsh. Mra. D. C. Bums, Mrs. John Stewart, Mrs. Adolphs Wolfe, Hon. H. H. Northupi advisory board, Hon. George H. Williams, H. C Eckenberger, Dr. A. W. Moore. F. S. Dunning. Mrs. H W. Scott Hon, W. W. Cotton, A. H. Blr rell, Paul Wesslnger, Mrs W C Alverd, Miss Falling, Miss Nellie Williams. Mra H. W. Ooddard was added to th list of directors. Th renort of th treasurer, A. t Keenan, showed ths finances of th In stitutlon to be In good condition, a small balano remaining In th treasury. Th gicknsss which vial ted th noma In th early part of February has en tirely disappeared, and nil of th It ba bies are now ln good health. A baby deaerted by Its mother snd brought to th bom la th la t set arrival. Th father la a mill employe. For Beverel days ha remained away from work, trying tn bis Inexperienced way to minister to bis child s wants, but finally feeling his in competency, brought th baby, to th Baby Home, where th Ilttl an will receive th best of ear. Preferred Stock Cammed Ooods. AUsa It Lewis' Best Brand. . EASTERN CRITIC SAYS WE ARE FORTUNATE ' Happy people,'' began B. JB. Krehblel. having In mind th coast cltlee aa ba wrote one of . his flaming critolsms of Rosenthal's wonderful playing. "Hsrr Rosenthal said farewell tor th tlm be ing to th New Tork publlo yeatarday afternoon." he eontlnu, "before he re turns to as k will hav demonstrated th extreme possibilities of pianoforte playing to th people who faces are turned westward to th new American empire from th Paclflo coast Happy people 1 Imprimis, happy In th pros pect of hearing suoh an artist, Happy then In th opportunity to begin at ths beginning of th list of adjective which has been exhauated here in th effort to characterise the wonderful playing of this master technician, thla profoundly analytical mualclaa, and this charming poet la tonea. - Well, there will be a houseful of "happy people at th Helllg theatre tonight, and th charming poet to tone will enchant them ven aa b has bean doing throughout his brilliant tour. Th recital is under th direction of Lois Steers-Wynn Com an, and will begin at 1:11 p. m. Iho Meier 0Frcn!i Storo $1 Ribbons at 23c Yd. The greatest Ribbon bargain bl the year is attracting an enthusias tic throng of buyers to the Ribbon Section Beautiful all-silk fancy ribbons ranging from three to six inches wide at a price never before quoted on ribbons of equal style and quality Just the ribbons you want for trimming the new turn, mer dresses, just the ribbon you want for fancy work, etcv Inchid- . ed will be found , Persians, fancy floral ribbon stripe. plaids, checks all the newest ) coloring and combinations. jijbO at low price.11 yard oWa W The New Easter' Footwear Is Now Ready . The new Easter Footwear for Women, Mine end Children is now ready for your choosing the largest and best selected stock in the city. Shoes and Oxfords, all leathers. Best values for your money guaranteed. Do not miss this opportunity, " New; Patent Leather Oxfords, New Gunmeta! and Patent Leather Pumps, New Patent Leather Shoes, New White Canvas and Calfskin Oxfords, New Tan Oxfords, New White Canvas Shoes for Children, New Tan Shoes, New Patent and Vici Kid Shoes, New Tan Oxford for Children, New Footwear for Men and Boys. . Take advantage of this opportunity and low prices. EastcrSaicWhite Petticoats Great special sale of fine White Petticoats, Novelty, Un derskirts of the highest grade, lawns and cambrics made with wide fancy flounces, trimmed with clusters of Val enciennes Insertion, tucks, beading, ribbons; also a few petticoats trimmed with beautiful French and eyelet em broidery, separate dust ruffles, lace and embroidery trimmed Petticoats selling regularly at (T y CO prices up to $12.50 each Your choice itV JO . 500. Fins Nainsook Gowna, made slip-over and French yoke effect, J trimmed Jn dainty . embroidery, scroll effect of Val lace insertion, lace and embroidery edging, head ings, ribbon; long and short sleeves, beautiful style, values np to $10.50, for thia f(L special low price..,.. vwa Wbnjen's Cambric and Nainsook Drawers, very wide flounces, made of fine embroideries; also dainty lawn ruffles trimmed with dainty ..Valenciennes -laces,- beading - and - -:;rxbbin..515Q.jraluesl ,1 i&b<'- ' S aW aTf lit t, 1 TS "a. ( at, pair ............. .VV Women' - Faney1 Skirt ' Chemise, made with fitted French backs and trimmed with dainty Val. laces, em broidery beading, ribbons and me-, dallions: flounces are also trimmed - (Value up to $4 on f tkf sale at, each V9OC New Whit Dresses .for Infant and Chil dren AH new, pret ty style for chil dren of all age. Whit Dresses for Easter and Palm Sunday. ', j ' " " " r We are sole Port land agents for the Cslabratsd "La Grecque" Corset. Words are duU ebout coffee and tsa; Ichllllnas Beet Isn't dull. M a F mT . Smooth aad ' J weU paved way so avoaa y-J ctty rara. . See pag IS. Columbia Phonograph Company WASHINGTON. -jt STREXT 2 X LAST PAYMLlTS The Machine That Talks - . . The Sign That Tells t The Records That ' Win 1 : : March lccords Now on Sale Portland cats over 6000 loaves daily Popular wherever used. Every crumb of delicious flavor. : , ' ' 9 cents per loaf At all grocers Insist upon having "Butter-Nut" and look for the . - - - . . , . . label on every loaf. You I7oul0 Prefer a Linlil Blue Suil for Spring Light blues are going to be very stylish and you can : make no mistake in selecting one if you select from an up-to-date stock. rAll of our spring suitings have been re ceived and we are selling them rapidly. There are so many different patterns, however, that it will not be a difficult matter for ' you to make a selection that will be almost exclusive. : . Sec the Fine Assortment Are Showing snd you will be convinced that this tailor talk is gen uine. It is a fact that we ' are always a year ahead of the other fellow on New r Yorlc stylesand ' pattern. That's the reason why the . best dressed men of Port-. land tarry the tag of the Co - lumbia Woolen Mills Com- pany inside the clothes they wear. If you call now we can make your Easter suit at once. .-. ' . Office Bldg. Seventh and Stark , . . sts." ; - TONIGHT sag HEILIG THEATRE ROSIMBAI . World's Greatest Pianist. PRICKS II 80. tl.OO. SI.S0. Oallerv admission 11.00; opea T:J0. Carrla-ee at 1. FXAJTO TJSXDw - 'J Good -Seeds Each year brings us Increased orders for our seeds. Why ? Because we supply only ihoss that produce saliafactory and profitable crops. We know, after many years of experience, wrfet sorts srs bsst t pUuir en this coast. Buy P. & Co. 'a "Diamond Brand" Seeds, ths beat for ths West. ' Our new 100 page Annual Catalog and Seed Planter's Guide. No. ltr free on request. PORTLAND SEED CO. Peeiee. Oreaea ' Jeea, aVaK. Da&er Ttealte PWekralaa Orafo Tbaetre fjB.,1 vmo. u. aassr, mfw. rortlaad rashloaaMe Poenlar-Frleed Taee tra AU Thai Weak The Sakar Tboatr Bterk . Cetapanr la Bot's "A BLACK BHltr." I seraaai er tna. waste and laaafcue fma Wtrlaaiiis te end. Krarv Hurt taree eeaana batter tkaa the lest. The wise sua bars kla aaets far la adriiK-a at the Baker, afstieae SataDtaj. Bvanlncs SSe, Me. BOe. Mattaae Ue. Ste. Seat Wmb ' Saaaaaa ef the Siata." laitos W. sesiua. Haaafar. Wlariac Only Saatera Snail Attrartteaa. Tealabt AU Thla Weak Matlaaae WadaaaSay aa Satnrdav 1 ha do1 snd startUa BMle Siema. -LOST IS SSW TOBJL" ThrllUaa alot aad nallatle mwrr. The hied et Star everv eae IlkM. Rnralar Kieplre jalsss. Jfaat WaaS 'The Kias af Trajspe." THE STAR The AUea Steak Oaaaaaay Piisiati - . UNDER. TWO FLAGS Oetda'e atasterpiaee. Ifkrlaece Taaadara. Thandara, Satardere Bad Saadaye at 10 B. aa.) erlea 10 toe eonta. Srerr evrolnc St :1B; prlcmm 10. ' tn" and BS seats. Kaaarre eaats ba sacsa. Mala , far ail seragrBkaaesa. 14th aa UAmM nrVaiSawa. esahiBste acAUj a unw m , That., rrl.. 'Sat. Hlrhta. Marrh 14, 1. ML Special trice Mans eanresj. Tha l-averlte , CSET0S CIAKE ra "tw aAaarn Mi.aasatH', aWeetnf frteas Iwer TUtmt, 10 rears (1 ; raws k Hiaw. St. . asuarj, juw mm. lUtlaae Prlete e It. I seata now bsiub si lessire. The Grand Taederflle se lass Sail aad Ease. "The Me Vlth the Chairs. OHeffl's KaJssUs athv stiels. Oaarts, psllr tthal JEaael. KHahatl p tare, nesh teals Serarlr. Barald af f, Oiae Oases. . tTSIO TSSATSI. VertlaBS' PIm t'h Waaee. Svary Aftarsoae en4 amt 1 Wmmm. IwiUM LlTtS BUk OsSI IMUT i the raaeaa rsetstel tir "THE FASUS HUir Saserrad seats esa Sew a u ta vssre frea Wt.SH l" . I r tlases at asaal ttma. a-.! .. tacmm at SIS. Saiareaf a1 kwh ...... IsfSI rirat ewferajaa-a st T.i. c