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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1907)
Tim OKLGON- DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND," TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 12. 1S0T. BANKS-TOrCARRY Mrs. Cora D. Miller Mokes a Fortune House Furnishings Clothes Baskets r. Af 60c value k.......4UC Wooden Salt Boxes 25c val.1T Chair Seats Worth 10c, for,;.8f Wooden Towel Rollers 12c - onei ,.... Dish MopsWorth 5c. for 3 Shamrocks 5c Ezch Course you 11 want a "bit of green T for St. Patrick's day. Wt have three different styles of shamrocks, plain, with miniature rose, or with small clay pipv your choice r n of these, esch .. Ow Tally Cards In green, for St. Pat rick parties, also paper napkins in designs dear to the Emerald Isle. ndRfalAL SCHOOL 1'' nfia .w.i.i .m, t at Started a rear Teara Ago with STo OapW tal, and How Implore early- . Oaa Xuadrea Clarke a4 ' Stenographers. J. Jl va.i'. J WTl i w-AlL' -'JUi Until a few yeara ago Mra. Cora B. Monmsirth , Regents Decide .Employ , Plan That xHae .. Worked Well Before. Miller lived in a manner similar to that to of thoaeand inde of other very poor women I V". '. or me average email town and village. She now reeldee In her own palatial brown-atone residence, and la eoneldered Covered Bread Raisers Regular :2,16e PORTLMD AGEIITS ROYAL one ef the most successful buelneaa women Id the United States. a-i ; Vi. v,t. QlOn.ST. :?r'2f a- - CASE TO BE CARRIED -: - TO PEOPLE IN JUNE If School Then Sustained, Fight for ' It Life to Bo Taken to Next Leg T Matnr ' Board to Guarantee Banks Against Loss. ; " ? -S .' j (Special Pbptteh to TIM Joaroal.) ' Salem, Or., March , 11. At a meeting .. of the board of nrtnti of the Mon , mouth BUM, Normal echool held here ; yeaterday It. waa decided to adopt the .' same system of providing for tba main tenance - of the acbool aa waa tnade " available twe yeara ago and to assign claims to a number of banka that hare 'been ' willing to advance money ; until : , June for the keeping- of tba acbool, at which ' time the board wtfl take the . Queatlon of supporting the acbool to the , people. The board la to guarantee the oanae agaiaat lose. At the next session of the legislature. If the people vote to- retain the echool. another light irlU be mad for the maintenance of tba acbool. President Benjamin Schoineld aald yeaterday that. In hla , opinion. , tba i . acbool ought to be maintained. H rw ognlsed that tba frlenda of the private achoola la the territory tributary to ' the Monmouth echool were opposed to . its continuance, but la eplto of - that i. fact ha believed the people would vote , to support It. aa It waa doing a work for which the cltliena of the aute were , given value. .. . . . "he aim of the school la not a sel nsh one." aald ha "It turns out teach' era who go. throughout the atate to - educate Aha young. It la fulnlling blsssedk mission and it ia altuated oen ; . trally, where it oaa aocompllab much good. The frlenda of the school are going to make a fight for It and If the people wlah W maintain. It all well and ; : good; if not. ail right.-. . HISTORIC BUILDING OF : JSALEFJ IS TORN. O0rH Residence Built of Drift and ; Plastered With Tin Stood ;. -; Since 'Sixty-One.. . : . .. ... ; 1 I " . . (Special Mspetek e The Jeerael.l .Salem. Or.. March 11. One of the liiatorlo dwellings of the eity. built In 1111. waa torn .down yesterday. It atood at the corner of High and Ma- rlon street -and will , give place to u t mora stately edifice. The old land- . ; mark waa put- up . Immediately, after I ha big flood, -which swept alt the lum '-' bar In tba elty down the river and ao. "J; cumulated It Klaers- 'bottom. Tae pioneer. atosmen, who constructed the house, had to haul all the lumber from v( that iplle of drift and since lath and . i other - finlahlng lumber could Mot be , , obtained he got hold of the tin eover Ings of the large boxes In which were .1' shipped parts af the machinery for the nret woolen raws, ullt here In 1167, -ana wnica wae aesiroyea ny lire in ,.' April.- 117a. These tin covered boxea ware made noceasary to prevent the aea air from damaging the machinery while on the long voyage around the Horn. j The proprietor of tba house took these high sheets of tin and with tbem ooated the walls of tha house, papering them anerwaroa For mora than two score' years the house has atood storm and wind., but tha axe of tha carpenter has brought ' it to nought and an old landmark of pioneer days has gone Into oblivion. To On re m Cold la One Bay ' Take LAZATIVg BBOtfO Qatalne Tablata lrac (lata nfond Bma7 If H , fa I la te nm . L W. U HO VIC B etcaatare la ea each bra. IS. CHAPLAIN ST. PIERRE TO BE PAROLE OFFICER Mrs, XUlafa Vaw EmIAumm. Saraed Xa . aaa Oae Teas. Several years ago Mra. Miller learned of a mild and simple preparation that cured herself and several friends of fe male weakness and piles, She was be sieged by so many women needing treat ment that she decided to furnish It to those wbo might call for It. She sUrt ed with only a few dollars' capital, and the remedy, poeneealng true and wonder ful merit, produotng many cures when doctors and other remedies failed, the Remand are w so rapidly she was sev eral times compelled to seek larger quarters. She now occupies one of the city's largest Mice buildings, which she owns, snd almost one hundred clerks and stenographer are required to assist la this great buslnesa . - , ,...- KilUaa Wssms Vaa It. . More' than a million woman have need Mrs. Miller's remedy, and no matter where you live, eh can refer yoa to la dles In your own locality who can and will tell any sufferer that this marvel ous remedy really cures women. Da spit the fact that Mra Miller's bual neas. Is very extensive, she Is always willing to give aid and advice to every; suffering woman who writes to her. She is a aeneroua. e-ooil vrama mnA . - deoiued to give away to women who have never used her medicine 1 10.000.0 worth Every woman suffering with peine In the head, back snd haerele. hearlna-. down feelings, nervousness, ereeolna nsatlons ua the anlne. melancholv. da- el re to Tyv hot flashes, weariness or piles from any cause, ehould sit right down snd send her nam snd address to Mra Cora B. Miller, Bos 0461, Kokomo, Ind.. snd receive by mell (free of charge In plain wrapper) a 10-eent box of her marvelous medicine ales her . niiukia opoa, wnicn every woman should have. Remember this offer will not last long, for thousands and thousands of wom en who are suffering will teke advantag o uiis gsneroue means or getting cured. So If you are ailing, do not suffer an other day, but send your nsm and. ad dress to Mrs. Miller for the book and medicine before the 110.000.00 'worth is all gone. . - , . ..... ,.. WANT 40 AN ACRE FOR 0. U: LAND GRANTS Harrlm'arr"loldsf Timber v Land at Sixteen Timet thePricw , Rxed by Congress. . Henraal flseehii osrvlee.) . Ban Francisco, March 11. Frederick B. Weyerhaeuser, the lumbar king, baa offered tha Southern Paoifle comDanv 11,000.000 for 17.000 acres of timber land In the Klamath country. Part of this tract extend over tha border Into Cali fornia, but tha bulk of It ilea In Ore gon. Weyerhaeu sers . offer is. a lHtle less than 111 an acre. ' The railroad people tafueed the offer and are asking 140 an acre or a total of 11.410,000 for the tract The lumber king balks at this figure, and tried in vain to eioea en deal at the original of for. - The tract In question waa Included In tha grant of land made to the California Oregon railroad, which waa Dart of ine-mouni nnaeta route between this city and Portland. During the past five or six yeara Weyerhaeuaer haa bought gooa oeai nz ine timber land In this rauroao grant at prices below 110 an acre. - It Is understood that XL R. H rtman haa given orders that no more of tnia - timber land be sold to Weyer haeuser or anybody also for lea than Here's a Swagger UttlemM20M Just Opened.-fresh from the makers and ready . to place on sale. Full of distinctive and orig inal style, made of all wool materials, come in Eton or Pony jacket styles, jacket, silk lined and, trimmed t with - braid and buttons, three quarter length sleeves, collars faced with fancy,; silk. ' Skirt comes in the popular' plaited . style. , They c6me in black and. white checks, tan and white checks, the very stylish stripes or plaids and invisible plaids. We hunted the entire garment market' over to find these styles and values and we offer it as the best in these features to be had for the money. -It's really a little wonder of a suit value; jaunty, natty style, materials that . 'J you can thoroughly depend Y X If flfl on, and the price is or)y , .fCm J J v Every day brings more new arrivals in the Suit Room. Express shipments are keeping wagons busy. We're unpacking boxes every minute. Won't you look? Women's Vesfs;l2cEa. They re made of good quality cotton, low neck, sleeveless style, neatly trimmed, and as good a yalue as you'll find in t)lr all the west. Come and buy half a dozen, each.......l.b2C WOMEN'S VESTS, fine or Richelieu ribbed, sleeve -j Cg? less style, low neck, very special value, at, each.... 10L ' VOMENS VESTS, sleeveless or quarter leeve. OA neatly trimmed, each ...............LJC WOMEN'S VESTS, whit mercerized cotton, -low neck, sleeveless, esch . fcOC WOMEN'S VESTS, Richelieu ribbed, high neck, -jr. long sleeves, each, only i.'. ..LDC WOMEN'S HOSE, fast black cotton, with trn- 'lf'- broi dared boots, regular 35c values, pair.. ..4. LOG WOMEN'S HOSE, all lace or lace boot only: all' lace eome in black only; lac boot come in white, light OCa blue, navy and pink; good 35c values; the pair ,XOt WOMEN'S BLACK COTTON HOSE, seamless 0 foot, double sole and heel, 25c value; special, pair. . ., IOC CHILDREN'S HOSE, in black lisle or black mer- 75 cerized cotton, sizes 5 to 9yi splendid values, pair... 3 C V See the Silk Display "Nouveaute en Rajah" Silk, for which we have 'a special agency in Portland, the newest and smartest silk on the market. . We are showing a hundred distinctive patterns, the Dress . Goods Aisle is devoted to exploiting this new silk and our salesmen, will give special attention to itQhjs.eek-lWc-want-you to xowr1nndeenat a magnificent assortment of patterns we haye, to see how beautiful and decidedly different the designs are. - (Special Mspetea ea the Jeeraal) ' - Salem,-- Or March lz. Rev, B. W. . Pt Pierre, who la the chaplain of tha renltentlary and tha reform school, has C Ku. annnlnll . vusanlai AfflM, . th. , rrteon. on of tha most Important plaoes cr- and most dirriouit to nil la th penal I system. Ther are now IS men nerving . MA Kill A I TRAIWIWR IrJ Indeterminate aentencea at tha orison lllUMU I nMlllllvU (f ; and. tha paroling of eome of them la now under consideration. Mr. St, Pierre " haa given his entire time to work among , prisoners and Is consldsred well fitted for the position to which he ban been ''appointed. --.v FOUR CONVICTS ESCAPE ' THREE RECAPTURED . . . ' (aerial Dtopeteh te The JWnal.) . Medford, Or., March It. By digging through th outer wall of tha county , Jail, four prtsonera effected their es cape last night. Three of them hav been recantured and the BherllTa doss I Tea in clone purault of th fourth. Two I oil th fugitives were caught near Ash land, and tb third In th hill near Jacksonville.. , v MARRIED TWENTY-NINE . YEARS, SEEKS DIVORCE , A. D. Outhrt ha filed ult for di vorce - in th clreuK court from Lula Outherla, alleging desertion. , In his complaint Guthri alleges that he waa -married in Nebraska. In if! 7 1, and that aha deserted him September, 1801. Ther ar three children. A married aon and two daughters, on of whom Is married. , . AN EYE OPENER. POSTUM Mb Place of v ; ' : COFFEE r -There's a Reason" Bead "The Bwd te Welinil" km pkge. SCHOOLS OF SALEM (Special Disrate te Tae Joeraal.) SaJam, Or., March It. A movement Is on foot In this elty to Inaugurate manual training In the eity schoola Superintendent J". M. Power believes th present system of education of it self la inadequate to thoroughly edu cate. The Balera Woman's elub ia. to discuss the subject at Its next meet. Ing, at which time steps will be taken to mage provisions for th eyatera In th aohoola The result of manual training as carried on In other states will be carefully considered, especially in California and Wisconsin. Th branches coming .under that sys tem are wood carving, drawing, 'paint ing, machine work, needlework, oooklng, etc. If the plane carry the proposition will be placed before the voters to In troduce woodwork for th boy . and needlework for the glrla. ... TOO BUSY TO ATTEND ; 1G00D ROADS MEETING i . 1 , (Bixetal Mspatrfe te Tke Imraatl " Salem, .Or., March 11. Oregon will not b represented at tha fourth annual convention American Road mak ers' aaaoclatlon, which will meet at Carnegie ball, . Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, because nona of th delegates that were selected to attend tha gathering will be able, on account of pressing bual neaa. to attend. The delegatea were: John Scott, president of the state aaao clatlon: H. B. Tblelseiv secretary, and Albert Tosier. ' , Farrnera' Institute at Tnrner, . (pedal lllaeateh le Tke .JnoraaL) Salein, Or March lta A farmers' In stitute was held today at Turner, which waa largely attended by the farmera and hortlculturtete of that locality. Thle waa another ef the' institutes eon ducted under the auspices of the Oregon Agricultural - college at Co rvalue. Among the speakers were pr. Withy comb of the college; B. ST. Judd, the well-known authority on draft horties; A. C Armstrong, oounty fruit Inspector, and others. . . . .... ....,'.. " 'Shoes for Young Folks ........ ,p , Shoes for boys, rnisses and children, for school wear, for dress wear, or anything.lla each style, we have all -sues and widths, making a perfect fit a certainty. ' ' ' ;' . ' .;' ; Style 453, for Young Ladies, made of gun- metal calf, Blucher cut, light soles, 6izes 24 to 6 at ?3.50, sizes Ity fr flft to 2 at, the pair only...,.....3OeUU Style 559, for Misses, plain kid, j sizes 6yi, to 11, ?1.79, sizes with dull kid tops, regular lace o to 8 lor r-(t Istyle witfiT eiteniion-solesTj onlyrr-". ......... f -V lit .sizes;, to. 6, O Cfl fStyle. 434,xor Wisses and tnu pair.7. .... Z.iY. ePeVeU 1 Style' 560, for Misses, made of plain kid, with patent tip,' sizes Zyi to 6 92.10, sizes UV, to 2 91.75, sizes to 11 91.50 and sizes 5 to 8 (pt .... -Pl.e-O for........... Style 550, school shoes, plain kid, Blucher cut,. with extension soles, sizes Uf4 to 2 $2.19, dren, dull kid tops; Blucher cut, sizes 11 to 2 92,50, sizes 8 toll $2.00 and CI 7 sizes 5 to 8.V. ...... ..ePl O Style 775, for Boys, Norwe gian calf, Blucher cut, heavy quilted soles; with extension sole ' . - Sizes 2;4 to sy3, pair. .82.89 Sizes 1 to 2 , pair. .$2.39 Sizes 9 to 13J4, pair.. 81.98 Superb Stock of White Goods With so strong a "white season" as this promises to be,'it Teh6dvs"those whod have full selections to buy early. You can't go wrong; so large an assortment as we can show you can suit the most exacting taste. Heavy White Goods for' washable tailored suits, many new ideas in mercerized effects, or the thin gausy materials that are dear to the heart of all women. Come a-looking we'realwaya-glad-to-ahow good as nice as these. .RIBBON SALE 234 THE YARD for Rib bon that always sells for 35c or more that's what this sale is. The ribbon on sale comes in very , pretty pat terns, all silk, printed warp, and it is all 3 and 4 inches wide.. Surely this is sn offer worth ' while. We're selling ribbon by the mile today. Hurry in tomorrow for a few nrt.'.........:.........23c Buy Metal Beds Here Right Now! for we've a whole carload on the floor ready to sell, prices so low that you'll invest if you come to inspect," Air sorts of metal beds, very simple enameled iron beds that sell for about three fifty each to the finest, most elaborate produc tions of this sort, . in fine ' brass work. Come in full or three-quarter widths, white enamel, enamel and brass trimmed or all brass. From $75 each 5' CA down to as low as ..vOeOU' Children's Cribs, Too,. have adjustable sides. See us when you're thinking of buying a carpet. Economy will prompt you to buy here no matter what the quality, and any thing you get here must be of a dependable grade. 4 ' :.r ; Special Attention Jo Custom Shade and Drapery Work v a Men's Goods-Special Prices I v Kea's Vnderwear, in brown mixed. SCaa's at sad 'Kerchiefs, hsmstltched. elaatle ribbed and fleece-Uned. well printed In new, neat patterns, fancy made an trimmed; extra value at borders; too good to oeU at lOo TSc the garment special this week. special ..So to close ,, SSo "Tenderfoot ok," for feet that can't Mea'a Oolf Shirts, In plain blue stand the ordinary kind, absolutely chambray, plain Oxfords and striped seamless, made of two-thread Egyp madras; . splendid 7io values spe- tlan yarn, with guaseted heel; r nu clei 7e lar 20c value, at.... 12',o JAPS MALINGER TO GET THEIR MONEY'S WORTH FROM SICK FUND Btv "released" from 8t Vincent' haapltal yeaterday, after undergoing . a rigid physical examination. .- " Th Japa ar employed by th O. H. ft N.. company which maintalna a alck benefit fund for It employes. A cer tain amount ef the wages la taken from each man's salary every month and turned Into tb alck fund. Th Jap lav borers pay Ilka the reat. ' For fear they may meet the aame fata as tha coolie laborers In Kipling's story of the "Incarnation of Krishna Hulvsney," who had to purchase tickets on the greed palanquin ' which they turned back to their boas after they won It the. Japanese get alck at cer tain perloda known only to themselves and ran to th hospital. Their Hla ana naually Imaginary, but by clever grim aces ana much gesticulating, they eon vl nee th physicians, that they ar raany gleg. Once in th hospital they have an easy time resting snd "convalescing. The only thing they bare to worry about la to make th doctora believe they hav taken the "medicine ' pre- eeriDea ror tnem. i The Japa aa a nana! thing have no difficulty In making the doctora believe tbey are alck. If they eaa apeak Eng lish, they pretend they cannot, and it ia only with th aid of aa Interpreter that the physician can get any Informa tion out of th llttl brown men. Yeaterday waa a day of awakening, V In the Name pf Sense, ; ttat good common sense of which all of us have a . , . , share, how can you continue . to buy ordinary.soda. crackers, stale anil dusty as they must -': be, when for 5ft you can get ( Oneeda Biscuit , ' -" ' - : fresh fromthe : oven, protected : ; from dirt by a package the J "very beauty fwhiciTiiiikS7 7 you hungry. . . ; NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY n m I . 1 Cures Biliousness, Sick . Headache; Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. . Pleasant to4ake BRIKD Laxative Fruit Syrnp rom aaxji bt iu sbt; oaxan. '.Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears " sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. '. It is' guartvnteed ' however, and th company physicians refused to be hoodwinked. They nrst employed an Interpreter and then went after the Ilia of tha little brown men. Whan asked to described their pains th Japa would point to their heads. cheats and every other part of their bodlee where they thought a pain eouM hide ' Accompanying the locating of th palna th Japa grimaced, moaned and gibbered. It waa all af no uae, however, for moat of thern war aent away aa cured. NEW MAN AT HEAD OF : ALASKA COAST COMPANY ("pertal Dispatch te Tba JearaaL) Seattle. Maroh 11. Leroy m. Backus. former aaatatant eaahier of th Waah- Ington National bank, will succeed Cap tain Omar J. Humphrey as president of the Alaska oCast company, aSckus has been a director orth company since It took over the holdings of the Alaska Commercial company and th newly organised North JPaciflo Salvage earn pany. Humphrey gave the other o Ul cers and stockholder an opportunity to buy hla in terse t and a deal waa closed today whereby Backus. takes his stock and the preeldenoy. , GOVERNMENT EXPERTS AT GOOD ROADS CONVENTION (learsal specie Barrtee.) ' Ftttsburg. Pa, March II. Carnegie hall waa filled to overflowing today at the opening of the annual contention of th American Boaimakera sssoctatlon. Tb rollcell showed a attendance of nearly f.000 official delegate, and they rer resented nearly every atate rrom Main to Oregon. Prominent- amoag thoee pre aent were numerous eta e DO IT NOW! aaae aovaniagvi 01 tne .. . And the Pacific Northwest ever the Union Pacific Oregon Short Line. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and Southern Pacific from all parts of the East DAILY during March and April. . , . YOU CAN PREPAY r ' For tickets, if yon desire to bring friends, relatives, employes or others from the East, by depositing the cost with sny agent of the O. R. & N.or S. P. Co., with name and address, and ticket will be promptly, furnished in tire East. A Rare Ootiortunlty to Prdmote the In- duatriai Growth of the Northwest batxi rmox ranroxrAx xa' --V,a - a vonrrra noinnr. Having to lay upon my bed for. 14 daya from a severely bruised leg. I only found relief when I used a bot tl4 of Ballard's Snow Liniment. - I can cheerfully recommend It a th beat medicine for bruises ever sent to the afflicted. It haa now become a posi tive necessity upon myeeir. I. n Syrnee, . Merchant. Doversvllle, Tevae, I So, toe and 11.00. Sold by alt drug- tsta c Chicago 0W AjOUIS ,..m..... Kansas City Omaha ............. 8C Paut fSO.SO 2T.OU 22.KO 22.BO 22 .60 fSS.OO 30.OO 2S.OO 1 25.00 25.00 Buffalo . .......... .fO.OO f42.SO New Tork.r........ , 47. SO ' 60.00 Boston -4T.0O 40.9O Philadelphia 47.2S 49.75 Washington i. 47.25 48.2S A Rates apply to all mafn and branch line points, Huntington to Spokane, Inclusive. B Rate apply to Portland, Astoria and Puget Sound points; also Southern Paoifle main and branch Una points north of and Including Ashland, Oregon,. ' ' . Por complete Information,. Inquire of - - . , ' v - - -r. ..Wat KoaTUmmAT, BenwaA Paaseacag Ageat, - ' ' O. R. AN. CoT-nnd S. T, Co. (Llneo In Oregon). highway eomroJaaloneTa, who' have an aaaoclatlon their awn which la meet ing la conjunction with the roadmekere, Many automobile manufacturers exe preeent, and othere on hand include ea pert roadbailder ef national reputation who have studied the ectenea of road bullding along th moat Intelligent lines of Improvement The convention will remain In seealen sevaral daya ' Uni form good-rosds legislation will be dis cussed, ee will also the eost ef Improve ments and tha moat desirable method. Oovemment . experts from Washington will address the meeting, and ther will be a number ef practical demonstrations of good, roadmaklng. ' NORTHWESTERN PACIFIC COMPANY TO ISSUE BONDS (Journal greetal Sarrtr. I Han Francisco, March 13. The stock holders Of the N'nr'liwM'n I c no Railroad eovrirjr fc 1 - i l to meet at th headquarters In thle city today to vote on a proposition to Issue 138,000,000 gold bonds of which a portion la to be used In retiring th existing bonded Indebtedneee. The Northwestern Pacific company waa organised som month ago by Southern Pacific and Atchlsoa Interests to take up elx rail road Unea belonging) to both ayatams, combining them Into a oeparete line. agaaaaaaaMga gaa-aajaaa-. 11 n f n tS am'y - , e a.-, t I . .