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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL), PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENINO. MARCH 12, 1907. KILLED PARTNER BECAUSE HEXN0RED Constipation Easily Cured in the Privacy of Your Owa Home Without flediclne Sim Frmo Coupon Botoui Styles for Spring Every Brook Hat Fully Quarantecd r ' 4 Peer of . All $3.00 Hats t3PLUawXArt ror .'William' Blohs and Cabin Near Roaeburg, Where Crime Waa Committed Munition Inventor Says That Orientals Are Preparing to Attack America Within Five ' Years Counsels an Immense Navy ,t . ' (Jeareal Rpeelal Serrtoe.) 'Washing-ton, March 11." within Ave - years - wa wtll hare war with Japan.' "Thla la tha prediction of Hudson Maxim of New York, the-great. .war munition 'Inventor, who la on his way to Indian .Head to sratoh the, smokeless powder , tests. '- t - - ' 1 ' "I measure my words whan I , make thla prediction.' be continued. "Our ; Interests on the Pacific conflict, and our .wealth la alluring to tha Japanese, who hare gained their estimate of the white from tha Russians. , i. "We are totally nprepare4f0Teuclr a struggle." i Maxim says tha Japanese could land '. 100.000. men on "the Paciflo coast and get them to tha Rocky mountains before wa could check them. He asys also that wa ought to apend 1200.000,000 to equip . a Pacific fleet as large aa Japan's. .. Boot and wrealdsnt Confer. - There has been a prolonged confer-. ' ence lasting several hours between See- .' retary of State Root and the president Tha topic discussed waa tha negotia tion of a treaty with Japan. ' The sec- ' retary reported that he la encounter- , Ing difficulties tn tha task which the legislature of California might make ! Insuperable. ' - ' fNqwlth Viscount Aokl. ambassador from : Japan, have come to a pause Because , the board of education of San Fran . Cisco baa not made good promises -it, ' with Mayor Schmits" approval, had drew to tha. president when In .-this I eltv. The aareement between the pre' ldent, Msyor Schmlta and. the board otior tha contemplated, action. EXEMPT FIREMEN HONOR DEPARTED MEMBERS In the honor of and In the1 memory ' af three firemen who Joined the fort land fire department In the early years ' of ita usefulness, the Exempt Firemen's association last night paaaed tha follow ing resolutions: "Resolved" That in the death of John - Kelly, R. B. Knapp and R.. Hendrle .thla society haa lost three of ita moat val- reared members, the memory of whose Xklndlv comnanlonshlD through so many years will remain with ua to the end and comfort ua for the loaa we sustained." A preamble abounding in trlbutea to the dead waa adopted. John Kelly Joined the Are department February 4, 17, engine I; Richard B. Knapp joined In April. 181, engine 1. and Robert Hendrle joined November, IStJ, engine 4. BLOHS SHOWS (Continued from Page Ona) Mrs, Elisabeth Davis, who now lives in Polk county. Blohs S escribes the Taming. Bloha made a full confession of his erlme to the officials and even got down en hla kneea to describe the way he held Lemon while he hit him on the aide of the head with the ax. with which tha murder waa dona He then put the date on the-milt June 10, In chalk, and ha ahowed thla to the district attorney, saying he did that to remember the day. He took a board off the aide of his cabin to drag hie victim down the hill on and wrapped two blankets around hire aa a shroud. 'The " V ' jfa ' mwX"7 t, 3 Aelieycs pain antiscptically clednscs quicldy hcalsi t is sought after and continually used first trial. Nearly education waa an essentia preliminary to any negotiation for a new treaty. If that agreement la not fulfilled by the board of San Francisco tha treaty muat faiL . If tha legislature nulllfles tha agree ment of the San Francisco authorities with tha president, then tha treaty must fail after ' alL Root told the president that tha situation la one of extreme delicacy. Both thla govern ment and the government of japan want to-reach an agreement which nhU be of -advantage- to- both. But In each country agitation la Interfering ' with tha progress of diplomacy. , ., , t- Vreaidaaa Win Aa. v '? After canvassing the situation" thor oughly It waa agreed to indite a con fidential letter. to Governor Gillette, ex plaining with considerable detaTl the difficulties' the administration la labor ing under. Because of his experience In Washington It la thought that Gil lette will be able to appreciate the situ ation, and it la hoped' that he will de tide to sink state pride and local feel ing In order, to give tha government" a free hand. . ., President ' Roosevelt "has let It be known that be oontamplatee acting un der the authority granted him In tha passport clause of the Immigration bill. One shipload of immigrants waa danned in Nippon. It Is believed that tha ex ecutive proclamation may be issued in two or three daya Commissioner Bar gent la at hie desk again after hla Ill ness, and hla return- smoothes, the way . Tha disappearance of Lemon caused no suspicion because he had told sev era! people be waa going to eastern Ore gon, ahort time before ha waa mur dered. Some one asked Bloha after tha murder what had become of hla partner ana w saia ne baa gone away. Tha murder waa not dona for robberr. but Bloha did take what money Lemon nao. aoout in. When aaked what he did with the money be replied, "What dosa. anybody do with money T I spent it" ' .. .... . r . With Bloha' confession, which la the only evidence of thta horrible crime, he will probably be aent to the penitentiary for tha remainder of bla life., , . A NEW DEPARTURE " The Cost at Xntermenta Mas Bern Oreat- lyeduoed by the Solmaa trader- .', aaklag Compear, ' , - Heretofore it haa bee li the custom of funeral directors - to make charges for all Incidentals connected with a funeral. The Edward Holman Undertaking com pany, the leading funeral directors of Portland, beginning July 1. ltot. will depart from thla old custom. Whsa the casket la furnished by as 1U cost will include all charges, such aa conveying the remains to our chapel, outside box. embalming, hearse to cemetery and all aorvlcea which may be required of ua except clothing, cemetery and carrlagea thus affecting a saving of 126 to- $71 on esch funeral. THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKE , INO COMPANY. v 120 Third street corner Salmon. Astoria, March 11-Sailed at 12:21 p. in., tug Daring, for Grays Harbor. - Household Surgeon" Dr. all Druggists now The Aaove rUustretJoa lnly WIM Trot. Mldgl.y's DrarliM Oar .. for OonsttpettoB Will So. -. Without the use of pill, purgatives or drugs of any kind, I can and do euro tha worst eases of chronic constipation cur them to atay cured and restore tha patient to a state of health and hap piness, such aa they had never known before. I ean euro constipation, no mat ter how bad It Is. I ran show you how to cure yourself right In your own home without the use of drugs. Consti pation is cured for alt time when cured my way. Fill out free coupon below and mail today. Free' Coupon Fill In your. name and addreea on dotted lines below and mall to Prof. T. H.Mldgley, 1081 MIdgley Block. Kalaraasoo. Mich., and by return mail he will tell you how to cure constipation without medicine abso lutely free. No. 400. JAP INCIDENT AT BERKELEY Alien Student Seeks Pretext for Row and Blunders In ' Hl Choicer MAKES HIMSELF ODIOUS IN A STUDENTS' STORE Article Deaired JSot tn Stock, but He Yell Discrimination, Just . the Bame etndwtt Militia May Mut iny Because) of Japanese Officer."! (Special Dispatch te The Jearaal.) " University of California, .. Berkeley. March 12v Claiming that the Japaneaa students at tha University of California ware being discriminated againat by tha Students Cooperative store, situated on the Berkeley campus, K. Arams, a stu dent of. two years' steading, threatened to thrash one of ' the clerks, before a large number of the student patrons. Later Ayama left the store, stating that he would report the affair to President Wheeler. The entire atudent body of the university la stirred up over the affair. The Japaneaa have alwaya received fair treatment, they say. - . The trouble which haa aroused the students to such a high pitch waa ever such a trifle as a book that tha Japanese tried to buy. He waa told that copiea of tha work ha wanted were not In stock and that if ha wanted one be would have to place an order in tha east Telle OMaorinilnatloa. " Immediately the Japaneaa brought hla fist down upon the counter with a bang and yelled, "We are . discriminated againat." . . 1 Tha clerks expostulated with him, but to no effeot in cooling hla wrath. Ha left the store and in a few" minutea re turned and aaked for tha book from an other clerk. He was given the same answer. His temper rose higher, and following; tha Bow terrified -clerk into the office he assumed atr rrffenetve atti tude and threatened to strike the latter with his fists. At this stage-tha other members of theoftcw force took a hand and forcibly ejected Ayama from the store. Stud eat BCQitU Kay XCatlay, The affair la' now In tha hands of President Wheeler and the students af faire committee, and it la expected that more trouble will follow, especially In tha students' militia, for here the Japa nese hold commissioned offlcee, and the students, reused to high anger, will probably refuse to drill. .' , . FRENCH BATTLESHIP (Continued from Page Ona); Jena will probably be a total losa She Porter's 1C i Healing Oil A Household Surgi cal Dressing for all wounds, sores and skin diseases, whe ther slight orserious. by all who give it sell it 25c. Show s a Amisept Largest assortment ". v : '" - , -. . .-hi'.-. -'- Vy ''' rgi!.i: mrjl ,';. ; Is convincing of. our faith in this splendid range. We will accept your old stove ! liberally allow for same. ' - "'' ; , , .. Showing tty rJT- S.. tS '". - Proc ' jj r Line ralC0MPLETE-H0U5E-K URHI5HER5S Go-Carts. . n i'i mi i1 1 ' ' , i 1' $1 Week II bad a crew .of too men, but only .400 were aboard. Scarcely ona of these, however, escaped death or injury. Tha Jena waa built in 1898. Her full com plement waa (30 men. She waa a for-nUdable-loorflnr ship, eOa-feet longr tT feet wide and IT feet deep, built on the moat Improved Charlemagne type. No wood waa used In her construction. Among the Injured la Admiral Man' seron. . ... . , Exposition Rink News. So great haa grown tha popularity of tne racea which were featured aa spe cial events at tha Exposition rink laat week", and the management having re ceived numberless requests for more of these events, several matches have been arranged to take place at the evening aeaalona during the ensuing week. Ona of tha modest features of the rink la Gene Harrison, the new floor manager, who, although new in Port' land, haa already attracted considerable attention by hla expert akatlng. Mr. Harrison la at the rink during- all three of the dally aesslons and performa many startling and beautiful feats as simple exercise. - Watch the papers for an nouncement of tha St. Patrlck'a ava party to be held next Saturday nlsht. EUGENE COUNCIL VOTES TO PAVE SEVEN BLOCKS -' -ISaeefal Dwpatrs ts The Joernal.) Eugene. Or., March 11. At the regu lar meeting of the Eugene city council laat night the street paving ordinance. which haa been under discussion for several - weeks, was passed with only ona dissenting vote, thst of Councilman Henderson of the second ward. The ordinance provides for the ptvlng' of Willamette street from the Southern Pacific depot south to Eleventh street. a dlstanoe of seven blocks, with tha bltullthlo material. The city recorder waa authorised to at once advertlae for blda for the con struction of the pavement. The work wtll probably begin during tha month of May and- be completed before the rains set In next fall. , The ordinance requires that It be com pleted within 10 daya after tha con tract la let. -The atreet railway Una will be under construction on Willamette street st tha same time that the pavement Is being told. - TRIAL OF LACKAWANNA FOR REBATING BEGINS f Joorrl - ftneel.l VrrW.l New York. March 1 2. Of f Iclala af the Delaware, Lackawanna A Western-railroad appeared before Judge Hough In the federal court today to defend the company against the charge of granting rebates on freight shipments ta the augar trust - of John 6. Stetson Hats ,! j i,!? i'ttyi is :"VrfT't''-M'MrMw r $1.00 in Thirty Days tBajasBaaaBBwaMaBBmaaaaaaBBl SCRAMBLE FOR TIMBER FOLLOWS WITHDRAWAL . No Tract Too Small Now, and Little Trees Look Big to Millmeru-- - T (Bpeetat Manatee to The Jos rail. I Hood Klver, Or.. March IS. Since the announcement March 4 that vast add! tlonal areas of timber land had been placed In forest reserve timber cruisers have been diligently going over the Hood river and White Salmon valleys looking for any pieces of timber lsnd that may have escaped the eye of lum bermen: Small tracta that have not heretofore been considered of import ance enough to bother with are being secured and tha order haa gone forth among aawmill men to cut everything that caa possibly be used in tha way of lumber. Heretofore 11 Incbea waa con sidered the limit, but thla year it la aald that logs of smaller dimensions wtll bo out and timber land cleaned up aa ciosa aa possmia - There are aald to be several please of tltmber In Mosler valley that -have not yet been secured but whioh are being negotiated for by lumbermen, who will erect mills to work it up. " It Is also claimed that there la considerable tint bar back of White Salmon that, can be secured, but that holdings In Hood river valley practically include all that la available. ' LARGE APPROPRIATIONS MADE IN WASHINGTON Joeral "gpwtat Service.) Olympian Wash.. March 11. Carrying appropriations aggregating 14.801,000, the houaa omnlbua bill paaaed yester day afternoon, with only ona dissenting vote. This la by far tha largest appro priation bill that haa aver passed either branch of tha Washington legislature WIFE DENIES M'NAULTY HAS DESERTED HER Mra McNaulty. wife of tha former member of the tire department who was reported yesterday aa missing, declare, that her - husband la merely on a trip down the river in search of position. Mra. McNaulty Uvea at 701 Thurman atreet . "My' husband haa not deserted me," she said, 'lie went down the river in search of a position.. And it waa also untrua. when it waa said that hs was Intoxicated when he left. . Nor did he leave me destitute, aa waa reported. He alwaya provided for ma weU." , in the city all the new ivia Range Strength, economy, convenience, durability, efficiency . and beauty. combined ra range that with proper care " will last a lifetime a great saver of fuel and labor , made ot-malleablfr iron-and Bessemeri5teelrivetel to air-tightness, like a boiler. This great cooking ap paratus is conceded by the stove trade to be. the lead ing range of America the product of skilled work men a construction that is scientific The Mal leable" embraces the best, the most modern features, the highest quality materials, correctly constructed oven and firebox, ideal draft . v- j -- - . ' . pcrionty. we ao not ncsiiaie ior an instant to rec ommend and guarantee "The Malleable," and liberal payment terms of . $1.00 Per Week Thereafter - . . ..f..w...... - - - 1 - i .in i. ..i i .The Kind You Hare Sways in rose rcr orur ao jean, - and has been made under his per ; 7VJ sonal supervision since Its Infancy.' - All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-aa-good, are bat Experiment. ttt trifle with and endang-er the health of It tent: and Childr.n Experience againat Experiment. What is CASTORIA 'Castrria Is a harmless substltn e for Castor OH, Fare gorl Drops and Soothing- contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other KareotieV nbstanco. Its are is its guarantee. It destroys Worms) and auays lVrerishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind "olicIt .ellerer Tee&lnjr Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. . It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, jilnfjr healthy and natural sleep The Children - Panacea The Mother's Friend. : ccriuariE CASTORIA alvayo J Sears the IP - Tho Kind You Havo Always BonM In Uso For Over 30 Ycarc. ROOSEVELT TO HEAR PLEA OF RAILROADS Washington, n. C. Karch 11. At th. urgent reqtit of J. I'lenwnt Moron, who waa In conference wllh th. pr-1- dent for two bout. j-.Mer.jay efi"t"-' shapes and shades 99 ueaiMe and other points of su- r J " our v or range in exchange antj. r"'-'.- - :; ': Bought, and which has beea has borne the signature of Syrups. It Is Pleasant. Ik Signature 'of Roosevelt has rrmntd to ,! dlenre to four Ii1mg r ' dents, who wl'l Mi"ivr . ssreenniit with ti i the poltry of t f Ing rallrun.i, ! to t H k 4. . '