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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1907)
IS THE OREGON 7 DAILY ' - JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, . MARCH 12. 1S37. M M MS9 (C2 rnT JjJj. SUM Only 300,000 Shares Left. The Price Will ; Positively; Be A as the Water Is i Turned Through the Main Ditch. : Oir tendent Assures Us That We WiU'Have Tour Giants in OpcratioBefore thefirst of y ; - , ; :U;y-.:'-W-;?-l-y: " ESS v;f": . Ar e Yo u Trom Missouri?" ' ' ... . ?.:.V I ' . , ' V' . v . 5 . - Then let us show you. Come to 1 the office and buy 5000 shares or more of this stock at 2 cents per -; share and pay for same and we will ' buy you a round-trip ticket and pay ... all your 'expenses to and from the . property; you to go and see the ;; f ' property immediately." If you do ; not : find it as represented, and are .V .not satisfied, with your investment, come back to the office and tell us ; so, and we "will promptly refund your money. ? Isn't that fair? It' the way we have built up and main- ltainedourbrokgrage business.. Wej ' never offer any stock to our clients A that we have not put our money .. ; in first. We invest on our judg- ; j' mining. Lee's Creek stock is .an -" investment and not a speculation," 7" for we have the gold and the water . v: ; .to wash it out'' 'V'?',,.v'; .;, . ' i.w.-fiiiAw r 1 , ; US' . ; - 7. Our. Property r About 1000 acres proven placer s ground ; a ditch 35 miles long,' built : Y a cost of nearly $75,000, carry v , ing sufficient water to run 'from 'V three to five grants every day in the year; gravel averaging 30 cents to . s- ; the yard can be handled at a maxi , ; mum cost of 4 cents per cubic yard ; less than 5 acres of this ground has ; been worked jn a crude way during - the last 30 years, and has produced ' '-. triAr than ;l $t ffl 'PrnnnnnMi! -ii ;. by experts to be the' largest deposit;.;. vV'rrwtt-;! j V;':of placer gold' on. the Pacific;' coast.;'; J-J:: : Has . from 15,000,000 to 20,000,000 feet fine saw timber and a very ' T promising quartz' prospect "opened"' by 500 feet of tunnel. A good, ' honest buy at 5 cents per share.' A ' bonanza at 2y cents. . 1 v 'rV"'-yK 1i ' 6 jk-.' ;1 A. .1 f ':w'f;H& "OP missouriaiss ;-;;:.:;:::':;,v;':;,U?:''V:?':v-rf; That wanted to e bfor thr put their money In. Fifty of them !! ia Portland." They rUtted the property at oar oxpenae: atroeinK to take 1.009 aha tee if they found the property aa repreaented. They all found It bettor than represented, and many of them tnereaaed their aubacrlptiona from ,00 to aa hlfh ae 10,000 aharea. If you don't reooirnlie them In the picture come to tha offlea and tot their namoa and addreaeea and aak them ahout It. Many of them ;, will ahow you aourenlra of goU that they panned out whlla on tha ground. . s ' .: t , . , f. . .. .. . 2k f V v M ; ,;,..''. ,-, . ' , i" ' . .' 1 V ' . . You wouldn't take your watch tor a blacksmith . to have it fixed. Neither would you take your horse to a jeweler to have him shod. Yet . you would use as good judgment in either, case ' as you would to buy mining stock in a mine that was managed by a farmer or a preacher or any otner business or profes sional man who knew absolutely nothing about mining. It takes ' practical mining men with suffi cient capital, energy and time to de-'. ; velop and operate a mine. The - Lee's Creek Gold Mines are con- ' . . trolled, operated and managed by practical jnining men of years , of .... experience, . ' ' itfi .i.j,ijfi...'iiy..i.!Myi.JlllJ.i'' rr viC;; .r'evJy.V1 Vv V Si uei.'s s aw - .. - ... ;' -tv r -t , a 1 J- f till Investigate Intelligently You wouldn't go to a lawyer to have a tooth pulled. Neither would ; you go to a dentist for legat advice. . '; Yet" you "would use as good judg . ment in either. case as you would to ' buy mining stock from a promoter or broker, who. knows absolutely . nothing about practical - mining. , Your broker, may be, scrupulously honest in what he' tells you,' and ; yet not know, what he is talking about. Not one broker out of five . ever saw the inside of a mine, and , ' wouldn't ; know a crosscut from a winze, or a bedrock flume from a . ; sluicebox if he met them in the ; street. We attribute our success to bur practical knowledge of min- ing," and can give you reliable in- formation on any- stock we offer , for sale. We can talk intelligently to your mining engineer and back p it up by ; sending you to see . the : property. .Mining offers a safe and r legitimate field for investment J: when you investigate intelligently . like you would when you buy a ; house and lot, a horse and buggy or . ; a stock of goods. ' ; : ; V Thle picture- represent one of Our Hydrautlo Olanta at work, operated by a email ditch from Lee'a Creek under low preeeure "which win . Uet until, tha water la turned Into our main ditch. Thle Qlant la now plilnv up 1100.00 per day In gotd In our alulce boie. Flrure on from to of thea vlanta running . " night and day under hlfh preaeura rrery day in tha year, with sufficient around to laat 31 years and jrou will he ome conception of thla wonderful prop-, ;N 1 ft Remember. Only 300,000 Sharei Left. ..More Than 600,006 Shares Sold During the Last 20 Days." No Stock Sold on the Installment; Plan; After Alonday of Next Week. Office . Open Wednesday and Saturday Nights Until Nine O'clock and; Sunday 4 From ; 10 A. M. uatu ,2 P id, r, f a