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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1907)
Tin: OREGON1 DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENINO, MARCH 12. 1007. 81,000,000 FOR DEFENSE A Fortune Will Be Expended In the Effort to Free s ; . ' , Hlriru . " PROSECUTION WILL COST '. QUARTER OF A MILLION ffowapaper-, Accounts of tha . Trial " Ax ' Mora Extensive Than the .Report of McKlnlcy'g Assasslna- '('anal Spatial hnht.) ew Tork. March 11. -The trial of Harry . K. Thaw for hi Ufa for th MldHM Af fltnAMf Wrtlto tie. Mu.1f.trl MR l'th prediction mad 'at Ita beginning . tea it wouia neeom ma moat famous ,1a th history of criminal trlala la ' America. . Blnea tha beginning of tha trial,' a January 11, tha leading newspaper of New York City have devoted mora thaa 1,000 eolumna to tha ease. Tha tl , tnated number of word range batwaaa t.000,000 and 1,000.000. Placed and to .- and, tha eolumna would atrateh over 1 tatute , mile. Tha eolumna of spec devoted to account of tha trial by tha daily praaa of tha entire country. ' if tha eolumna ' ware placed and to and. would form a band of paper lone enough to etretcn from New xorK our beyond Philadelphia. - On .hundred and forty-two ploturea of Evelyn Neablt Thaw appeared la a ' dally papera of New York In a alngle week. - : Tha number' printed la New . York during the entire period of the ' trial rune into tha thouaanda, while for tha country at. large the total oaa be . figured only by tana of thouaanda. Tha Thaw trial at Ha moat aenoa- : tionai atage attracted aa much attention ' from the newspapers of Europe aa did tha war between the United State and "' Sitatn, The apaoa devoted to tha oaae by tha American preaa greatly exceed In amount tha apaoa given to tha aaaaa. felnatioa of President MeKinley and the '' aubaequent trial and electrocution of the a aaaaa In ' It la believed that the entire eoat of tha trial for both aldea will total nearly $1,110,000. A half million dol lars la placed aa tha minimum figure . for the eoat of counsel to tha defense. Added to this, tha coat of expert testi mony, tha hotel accommodation for witnesses and a hundred and one inci dentals that have to be paid for at ex- , trara rant rates, the result will be that tha Thaw fortune must be depleted to tha extent of at least f 1.000,000 before . tha ease Is ended, ru'.ure developments may run tha amount up to a much high er figure. ' '!., ' The coat to tha a'ati alaa will be very heavy. The aalaries of the presiding .alar unA of the district attornev. av. Nluelve of the tatter's aaeletance, mount to $4,000 aln. tha commence ment of the trial. When the trial la concluded there will be a bill of sev eral thousand dollara for stenographers -eervleeer- The cca cf taleemea at - II a day will exceed I1.100. Tha -costof m -i i. ' 'b Marks of Distinction What the Victoria Cross is to the Brit v ish soldiers, the "Triangle A" is to cigars: the mark of highest' merit. - vV.v - v Only soldiers of proven merit wear the cross. , : vK-. vQ- yy;: : ' Only the best cigars on earth bear the "A" (Triangle A). You record an emphatic protest y against low-quality high-profit cigars every; time you demand the "Triangle AM brands. y'r .. . When you buy cigars, , : get your money' 8 worth : ? 'and be ' surer of it I Choose your cigars from boxes bearing . v the -"Triangle A" mark of meritthen you know you're getting greater value ; than your money can buy any other way. aajaSWBPMSBBBsBBJBBBTSBBaMBS i Thfe "Triangle A" identifies the product of the Ahierican Cigar Company the only complete .'organization with the only "stemmeries" equip ment for scientifically developing the ripest fra- . grance of the best tobacco, for making a smooth, uniform blend, and for delivering the cigars to you in their best smoking condition. , , ;r The Triangle A" on a cigar box guarantees r full value, cleanliness, and unvarying quality. The New CRE3IO . represents' the best quality that can be produced and sold for fire cents it proves every claim "we make foe cigars sold under the .'Triangle A.", . Every box is extra-wrapped inglassine paper, sealed at each end with the 'Triangle A" in red, to maintain ' , perfect smoking condition until the box Is opened. - AMERICAN CIGAR COMPANY . Manufacturer CJSf II.L IS INCREASED u iiu::dreo :dihjo Pennsylvania ' Railroad Com pany Stockholder Vote Enor mou Increase In Stocks. Uoernal Special Berries.) . Philadelphia, March 11. The atock holdera of tha Pennaylvania Railroad company, at their annual meeting held la Horticultural hal today, took favor able action oa tha request of tha di rectors for authorisation to Issue HO0,- 100,000 In new stock and additional bonds to tha amount of I100.000.ooa Thla pro posed Increase la the Pennsylvanla'a se curities has attracted muoh attention in financial clrolea, chiefly for the reason that It Is tha largeat issue la the his tory, of the company. As a matter of tact, the amount haa never been ex ceeded by any railroad to America. How muoh of these new securities will be issued in tha near future haa not been announced. It la thought that be fore tha end of the year enough of the new aeourltlea will be offered to aupply funda to pay off 160,000,000 of notes which mature next November; to meet the ooet of this year's work oa tha New York City terminal, and to pay for . new equipment and 'other facilities the need of wuch had not been foreseen laat June .when President Casaatt issued hla statement of what he expected the finan cial requirements of the road would be for the next two years. - The Pennaylvania reoently haa had to order JT,00 mora steel freight oars and other, equipment In proportion. - These extra freight care alone will cost some thing ilka UB. 000,000 and If aa much mora money la needed for other general pur poses tha total requirements of the road for new capital this year will hardly fall abort of 1110,000,000 and may avea exoeed that amount. la addltloa to discussing tha nsw stock Increase tha atockholdsra listened to the annual reports, which had . previously been made public. Tha annual election will not take place till two weeks hence. MINERS OF KENTUCKY : TO ORGANIZE UNION Uearaal Special awrvtea.t ' ' Owenaborc, Ky, March 11. After years of effort and agitation on the part of tha United Mine Workers there now ap pears a good prospect that tha miners ot Kentucky will be brought Into tha fold of tha national organisation. Like the miner of West Virginia, those of Kentucky have remained unorganised and tha result haa been a demoralisation of prices and a detrimental influence) on the Interests of tha organised minora In Ohio, Indiana and neighboring states. At a general state conference) held here to day under the- auspices -of the United Mine Worker re porta ware received that the organisation movement la spreading throughout tha Kentucky coal fields. Delegates will be sent broadcast and It la believed that a strong state organisa tion will be perfected before the close of -the year. . i . Who la MetsgerT He flta your aye for fl.O. - Ill Sixth street hotel aooommodatlona will amount to act- lea- thaa-et.000. " Coat of - bailiff ertaV anejde. -t 1,000. ..: - ; and cleanliness S V . - i rjpTr?.'S f" ' .: Li I Will Show You now To Cure Yours v FREE!- I was practically helpless and bed-rlddea for aany years iron a aoutue rupture. 1 wore in numerable d 111 we nl kinds ot truaMS and appli ances, some ot them were tortures, aome poat Urely dangerous, and none would bold the rup ture in lu proper place. The doctors told me 1 could not expect to bare It entirely healed nnleae i wouia oooarni to a surgical operation. 1 tooled iun au, nowever. ana curea myaeii eonpietej and permanently by a simple method which discovered. Anronacaa uaalL and I will sledl tend the cure free by mail to anyone who write lor 1L Fill out the eourjon below and mail It tn me Kwy. , wui seiia im cure D return mail, Free Rapture-Cure Coupon oatt. w. a. ooujmaa, 1T tYatfi re waj. AY. T. Sear Sir I wish yon would send me voa Mew Discovery for the Cure of Kuptuie, AddVaiC FRENCH PREMIER FORCES 'STRIKERS BACK TO WORK Striking Electrician Lose Fight by Threat to Employ Army ! Engineer Corps. ; - (Jeatoal BpaeaU serriee.) Paris. March 11. Offlclala ot tha bo reau of charttle. which gat it par eept of all sums expended on amuse ments, estlmatea the loss to Parisian cafes, theatre and restaurants through the abortive tiike ot alectrldana at $100,000. The trouble la over and the strikers gained praotlcall nothing ex cept the condemnation of the commer cial Interest of the city and tha oppo sition of the newspapers. It was virtually admitted by the strikers' committee this morning that the men were forced to resume their work through premier Clemenceau'l declaration that he would detail a regi ment of - engineer to run the eleotrlo plants- unless a conciliation were ef fected. Thla brought tha strikers to a realisation of the helplessness of tha situation, which wa bad from the a tart. Albert Sarteaox, a representa tive of the new corporate eleotrlo inter ests aald: "These people held aa op by our throats for a concession which we can' not make until two month hence." .,- TWENTY4W0 L1ER DROWN VH1LE CR0SSIK6 A RIVER Boat Capsizes arid Men Who Cannot Swim Lose Their ; (foamal gpeelal gaiVMe.) Bedding, Cel., March It. Twenty-two Greek who were employed at the Pe la Mar pit by a railroad construction com pany were drowned In th- Baoramento river yea.erday afternoon. Twenty-four of the Oreeka atarted across th river in boat When about half way acroa th river tha boat eapslsed. Only two of the men were able to swim ashore. All the other were drowned. ' Four bodies were recovered. . DELEGATES TO SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION (Joaraat gpeelal gervtre.t Marietta. Oa. March II. Th Georgia Btat Sunday School association began Ita thirty-third annual convention her today. - About 100 delegate have ar rived, though many more are expected before the real business of th conven tion begin tomorrow morning. Th convention will continue three days. Among the noted Sunday school work ers taking part are Mrs. Mary Foster Brynsr, of Peoria. Illinois, field secre tary of the International Sunday School aasociation; Professor Lawrence Phelpa of the Atlanta Theological seminary, .and Major George P. Butler of Au gusta. . Tha officer In charge of the conven tion -are: President. George Harrison of .Augusta; secretary, J. p. .Lid of Fairfax; treasurer, T. 8. Btberldge of Jackson. The music, which Is te be one of the Interesting featurea of the convention, I under the direction of Professor B. O. Excell of Chicago. , . EVERYBODY WORKS AT : DALLAS AT BUILDING ' (pecl.l Dnnatrh to The Jnerael.l " Dallaa, Or., March 11. With th re cent change in the schedule of the Independence-Monmouth -totor bet went those town and Delia, thl town now haa SI train that . arrive and depart each day. , f New building are being erected In Dallaa, and carpenters, bricklayers and all classes ef labor at In great demand at all times. Tnere will be no lee than 100 new house erected in Dallas this summer a homes and for rent Immi grant are arriving, dally looking for home, business of all kinds la flourish ing, and nsver before in all her history hss Dallaa enjoyed, each prosperity at the present tlma CAROLINA W. 0. W. HOLD ; ' BIENNIAL CONVENTION '" ' (Jonraat lawlal g.rrlea.1 Columbia. 8. C March 11 Alt trail for the Woodmen ot the World led to Columbia today. Tha biennial conven tion, the first to be held si no South Carolina waa organised Into a separate jurisdiction, convened today with a large attendance of delegate from Charles ton, Greenville and numerous other points. Th business session of th convention, lasting three or four day, will be liberally Interspersed with en tertainment. A reception, banquet and trolley excuralona are among the. fea ture arranged for, th pleasure t the visitor The Greatest Opportunity Ever Offered to Get in on the Ground Floor With the Most Successful Inventor and Man ufacturer of This Timev Carnegie, Rockefeller, Frick, Corey, Belmont, Pullman and Hundreds of Others Made Their Great Wealth by Early Investments in Manufacturing Enterprises. This Is Your Opportunity to Do the Ramo Thinor hn Vah Mti.T In veneer of the aeffle aneetre-Btagaeti BaOway aad iraal ' System, Xaveatoa of mmohlae to make Bark Wire. Inventor of many Improvement to Xerveetiag Kaehlaes. . eXa.ral Xanager aad Ooasa.dag Baglase of XesTle Bleotrio tysteaa. This Stock Advances to $4.90 Per Share at niidnight, March 23d T. ereve teat yea win get a square deal I have had tb. followtnf eennaet srutea ea the back ef evaty certUleaU; . AU or aay shares f th eayttal steak ef tas ffler Zleetrte ysteai wttl V. re deemed ky it at par er fase valae te aad tnolrndts the 10th day ef Kay, A. ft lata, apoa writtea aetiee resarly gives to said OeBpaay-et tts eBeeaUve- efflae la Chios, niiaols, ia a meaner aad, form as provided by Ita by-law, aad adopted by a majortty ef th. stoekkelders ef this Oompasy, as that all stock ss offered for roaeaptioa, wltkm eay glvaa perled, Bay bare enlly aad BToporUeaately. Hirw ever, ' the stoak ef this OeBpaay i saly radeemaala from fuads teoalvad, er to ba nesivad, as soyaltias frees raflnad eeav paaies aala tha patoats ef this OeBpaay andor lioaasa,- aad after arepar astioa, ss afereaaid. ' whjah may, be . raeetved from staekMdar lreaterfrem aok ef . said mllraad eompaBto. as have renlvod eald took la - paymoat far timaapertaBoa, ; er otaorwUe, paOTIDXD, HOWTTIa, m took sbaU ke raieemad aatU after Kay 10th. ISO, sseapt at th eptlea ef this Oampaay. ' ', ' i ' TK3 OOSTBAOT KXAn that oat of the royalties paid by railroad earn- paniee ealnf By ayatei e selnf By ayeteB inia rDnpany wui pay fall face value lor srery share ot stock yoa joe bay. It Beane that If yoa bnagbt 100 shares st th. prerat price yoo woold be able to yet at leaat 11,000 by tn ruins yoer eertlfloatt of atock to to ew, to b. paid fraai royalty money la oar treawiry. I don't tblnk yoa will .Trr want to a.11. becauae ef the eaormooa divi dend, we pay. bat If yoa abonld be eom pelled to aril, roar certificate woold thaa be worth its fall face vain.. Thi. It absolutely I dido, ttl. tor any stockbolder to ba froaea oat of tb sompany. XO tUXXIaTO ICBZXX IV TEUI Wa have bo sideshow companies er braech ersaulaaUooe tor tbe parpoae of fooling peopl., and will have Bone. All bualnea la to b soa oa eootracta to b pertormed by, with and for tbe Loftier I leetrte Byatem. in la. eompany do et contract with any eoeaWne. thm company having officer eoniweted with thl. company. TnU mean, that we win ant allow tb. eompany off tears to let eentracm to aador tb. nte at e cona I ruc tion company, or e company ef aay ether kiad, te defrasd the stockbolder. , iTcmr shabs on m ktui lot s dollar's worth ef Stock will be Bold, which doea sot raprearat .xactiy in. aaBS fontla or standing that ovary ether abar ar "rn. XSci lU TfCLLT PAID sad HOM-AWKM-, wsat rxpraT nroiHZzxs sati , Tbree'ef tb. Sxot expert esalBear have car. rally eaamlned my .yatem. and rlddaa ee By cr. and tb.y have writtea report. a .bit tb.y aaw and foead. The. wiImwi ar. John Brlceoa, city .nslaew ef Cblcasot Karl U lehmann, conmttln .nflaMT of Chi ero. and P. W. Cappcltoo, former Jty ea alnrer ef llnB.poll.. Minn. Tb.y declare the ayaum aaecM.fal. dmpl and prartlr.l, and point oat m.ny other fee taree wkarcla , tha Let tier syaua la aa la OFFICE OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK MEN TREATED Best Service! lowest Clwrfles! Cores Guaranteed Who ar 'afflict ad with rtRRVOUS PEBILITT, ar galling Stmrth. en, monly nlM "LOST MANIlX)D."Eihaa.tBgJhlna, Pimple Im Back, Innammatloa of tbe Blsdder aad KMaeya, Blshlyv Colored XJrii. Impn. tanra. DMDonnency, gnlllng Mnory. Ia of Ambition, Mantel Worry, re- alt of eieea. and eTerwork: . . . . ... . i . i . w WB1CB PBOIUt.l Be say. Bla Dt aaaaa a. Bhmmatum, aoras. S r.. Bniartod ProaUte aad CoaseteBtloaa Service, Call er write DB. T. CIarke,Vo6dward Drug' Co. - ' - m m a a m aH.t B Bl m. Va -' ; Importing hholesaltrs Manaracturing. , tor. vw ana noyi 30. . 10,000 sauar feet ef floor peje. A complete analytical Moorawry. A privets switching track from tl terminal yards and. "moat ; pert ectfy The largeat Vrrsry .' Art NflW. V . I ran a machine ahop and brasa foundry In Mlnneapolla. I did the repair work for the Electrical .. Street Kail way e of Bu Paul and that city. X waa so successful aa a mechanic and electrician In , thla repairing that 1 waa requested to change every dynamo put In by the General Electrlo Co. 1 saw all the troubles of the street railway magnates. I found tha present system ot running street cars waa entirely wrong. I found I could get more power, greater speed, mora safety and comfort by running car with I have always been a successful manufacturer and Inventor. I have had charge of 200 expert mechanics at one time. All of my inventions have made great -successes - and enormous sums of money. ' The great successful barb wire buslnsss of today Is built on my patents. . ' .-..Tha bsst-money being made today la tfea-otanufacturlng of.harveatlug machine la vary Jargsly baaed on my Inventions. - I Invented the' first switch and turnout that prevented the trolley wheel oa trolley ear from eon stent y lumping the wire at croanings. For fourteen yesrs I have studied how to make', ear run faster, cheaper, safer thaa ever before. . I am done experimenting.'- ; , --'- (J1 - :"-,'-,,, , :' I Dave at last Ihc Greatest Can Double the Earning Capacity of Any Steam I will rmodI th oonar or la tar ba oompallad to adopt my ayatam. bacausa U 1 n" than any other absolutely control eauae eteam haa run r ley and preeent third-rail systeme cannot be depended upon for lone; distance a. Their motors are likely to burn out any minute. With my eyetem I can run a train any distance in arty kind of weather, without a hitch or breakdown, 10 to 100 miles an hour with perfect safety. By my-system If a wheel or a rail broke the care would stay exactly la position on the track. They could not do otherwlee. They could not Jump the track at any speed. - It would be Impossible to run my care off the end of a track Into a river where a bridge la open. My ear would stop Itself, even If the leverman were asleep. 1 knA fhla wlinl avatm a k a,,MMAMa ' I h,M trimA It fn. .,,A vmmrm Tturlna that tlm. millionaires have tried to get control of my system, but 1 would not let them, because I preferred to 'protect my own and sma 1 stockholders' Investments. Charles T. Terkes offered me 1100.000 If I would throw my Invention' oa the scrap pile and forget it. He did not want to be compelled to ohange his old cable system. , .Tom Johnson ot Cleveland offered to furnish 1200,000 tor my patent right for over eighty mile ' a hour. . - .. ... . . . , . . . 'Well, street capitalists have made Ave different attempta to gain control over the Xeffler Kleotrla System, . and .Wall etreet generally knows a good thing when It see it. I could not afford to let these big moneyedr Interests get control. I preferred to go to the small investors, to the people who want to make small but aafs and sure Investments. .1 have therefor bound myself to thla company, and te every stockholder, that I will personally see to it that every man and woman who make aa investment In thla company will get a square deal. , Thl la a square deal from a tart to finish. . Immeveaieat ever ear ether evafeai sow gnaws to b. m exuteace. otaer oa- prajnolcM as acieauft. experts hare pfe- sovdcmI U. intio wonderfully rlmpl. sad alaiplr woMtorful. Tb. raparta will be seat to any ess apoa rami eat. - . kt autosutio naviL rbtics ,' " 1 abaolataly prvvvmt eollMons. Bteieseie S ear maroa It eanda slfoala abeatl aad be blad. It Im not affeewd by atoraM or aay weatber eondltloa. Mr alraaf system does eot reenlr. eitber saad er mlad' or mas t. op erate It. No wire, sr pia are ipoo4 wkn atoraia can blow eowe or lat.rfM with tb.nt. If mroocb Mm accident en. alsaal la brokra, or otbarwiM pet eat of emnmiMlna, aotb.r alnal Immediately takM Ita place. Enry train dl.patcbor and oaerator oa tb. road eaa so to ateep, aad sr abjsala wlli . work perfectly and aafaly. Em the traln B.a bar. aotblug to do wtth tbem. Tbers is no forietilnc Krery atmal works aoto. natirally. Wbea train, com. tof.tbOT na eloMly, bMd on or from the rear, aa eUctrle bU rings Tlgorouely isv the iMerasaa's cab. ' cam vnm AMOLirrx comoi . It la all controlled by one levar. ' Tb. lTer Baa atarta, stupe aa with the aame Snow, lc. aleet, ruin, grraw, dirt Bad aucb autwuneea do sot affect the power at control of the car er trala. . . Tax Bvuxxsa wnx sx mriii Because be for. long we win be patting ssy 7. ten oa all tb. .taotlard. atreat aad lot.-' arban rallwaya. Jaat think wbat aa Imajenae ba4neea that will be. One eawpaay aloe, sow employe 1000 s to SMk. tb. .lee- trie railway equlpmaaU and eara. AaotbMr flrai .mploya aearlr aa Bear swr. are aim thousand ef Baa employl Bi.klnc standard locomotlras aad MalpmeBta. all of thMe will b. bark nnmners and will hay to Root of buetneaa, because tbe Loftier Klee . System will take tbalr place aad will mploy tbonaanoa Bore. nmiTioAn ri cabxtoxt . Ooae and aee thl Bloat fkahl lav ttnn of th twentieth eantnry. This I acb sa opportanlty as doss sot come to aay one once In a hundred y.ara. to. get la oa tb. ground floor ea a propoaltloa bound to make million. It la the next great forward atrp In tbe railroad world. It mean a tbe ultimata chancing of every present ateaa and etreet railroad over to the Leffler fir a-, tea. not only beeaiw. It ran run fatter, but It mvm about bait la operating exnaaaas aad tbouaaedB of Urea. It mns faater and eh taper travel and greater profits to tbe rslh-oad m atock holders. .. 1 -at fi ' al- " This Wflar Eeotrla Trala Witt Baa SO to SO Vila aa Bear aad WHheat the rWbOlty f jramplag the Trsih Salft. Bat aad See. ' Blgseat Eafamai, ' .. The Undersigned la Our Fiscal Agent for the Weil Address AU Inquiries and Orders to F. H. JOHNSTON, Fiscal Agent 425 Fliedner Building AND CURED Pllea, riatnla aad Hydrocele or etber weak- .M a,na Mn.ln.M. PImmm am UanfaM. m,whv w - . - - -1 Polio, eotitraeted r hwvdttaryt Bkta Swelling., Dischargee, gonorrhoea, Olaot, aad Hydrookl Mat Veauaga, saecoaarui Bramabi Cbar, t. flXBCS. 111 lint St.. gertlsad. Or. eouippecl wholesale drug house ea the eon at ' . Buyer and handler ef beeswax and Oragon drag produota, caaoera hark. ape root. eta. - - 8W 11 in . . whola railroad buirlnecat Thr 1 not a sva the next sreat stsa forward in the -railrot d world In my patenta Ita limit! Steam cannot run a train 100 rozxn to EXhtzmx . abovt na titzx ros STkxn -. ( aAUWAT - There are ae overhead wires, ae third rail, as elot to tba etreet, a aaeergreaad trollry, so obetractioa la tb. Caa ba ran teeter, eater, easier aad aura comfortably thaa aay, father ay. tea kaowa. . '' It -la ah.apar to eeerete. waaa a half lea fu.l at sower bonaa. Is daaser. eulcker la opefaUoe thaa aay other. Caaaet ba atoooed br aleet er torau, rala. Ice, greeae. dirt or aay ether nauiar eeacrecuoBa ea u. wars. It cannot prodaee .teetroty.) ' ea water pipes er eondalte to tbe streeta, which la sow each a heavy eapaoae to cities ander tb. troll.y. It ran oot Interfere with any ether elee trte wlraa. Nonlre. leaa evrrent tbaa ether ay.teBa, aad developa sreetor sower. . It la all eoBtrolled by en. I.Ter, and ia aiwaya aaoer u. swat aosonte eoatroi, aaywbere, and nader all eoaditloas. It la BolHlaea, .lnea thvr. mr. ao Insa, Botora er etber Bacblnery to grtad, guMk er rattle. - - There are ae .'hare-eeta' ef aotofev be- eaaaa mere ar. a bkmots te sura oat. It la ImmMlble fa 'B.s or .t a ehoek from aa alaetrte carmt. I esBnot describe tb ayat.m foil ly ber. I I will aaed have done tble Is a nookl.t wblch roa fra. for tb. aaktns. If roe c In. If yoa ni l tab. but J "VTT "Tl I -o. t trt od.raof the pwfoct aye- tea abarva, fit tb. booklet aad learn fully all ... "T"" " "TI 'X.-Z T. .r.Z '"'"' S? ". WrT,ww ,wva m Wb.a I Moo yea uis'boocmc i wui am Band ron tb. reDorte of aoaie of tb. abloat electrical sedBMra ia thla eoaatry. wbe be tadoritTlt ' iuu . Ji. . . V. t tpoaeible partiao for wtunatoa for pattag ay ayatom ee aew reads stoat to b o trveted. Call, write er toUgraph at sees, , " EOVBZ Totrmjuxr . a ' tin NOW UfOOhtX Per avwv 1 aharaa. SU Far .Try 100 baraa, a aaaa. - Aay etber aombor M shares, op te 1,00 Shane, at tbe name rata. After Saturday Bight, btateh Sard, the pries ef this stook will he, 10 skaras ft, 100 tAaras J V ' TENTH AND WASHINGTON Every Vcnisn mrNM mfwl tmHIKl tnOW svm -vbsjul thai vooftemrfU MAUVtL VbirUmj ftprcy HW IIITea ITIlata M ft- - JH nmt (nvaslanl. is VI If M runnti 1RIU ArtHn i Nr" Tt. thr. htll aatlhfl BtBITip tttf lhiiri: ix-.-e.l-4. J it4 v full (; ara and in. 4 ' Y ..ill. u " I I'll woODisn, 9 mm IslswadlUJ toMTV...7 ' , rail road In thl wuntry but that will cheaper, fater, aafer and mora mooay- Why? mile an hour and keen It up. The trol- ronm to ' itmrin abovt - IZTTUa ITBTElt TAXXXft TKB TLkcx or rmxsEn stxax - - V- " BAILWATS ; " :. It dos sway entirely with heavy sMtor ear, .leetrte easlBes aad otbar alia liar sMvy saa ezpesslve sts- eblnery. - A Dd ef SO to KM Biles sa hear eaa be- regularly, reached aad torn aay dwtano. Ron. winter ssd eonuM aflks. Hot f feetad by lc snow. irwM, dirt. alee, rata er aay ether weather onadlfioa. tees thaa ea half of the- teal la seeded. Trains . eaa - be atarted atoened aad wita- quicker tbaa by aay other eyetem out OJaeoBiort Power bonaa eaa . be placed SM apart. - I i . Ne hrakM are'reqalied. The stopping Is ooae by rTwatn the carraat. There la ae flattening ef the wbeeTe- and eon.aqq.Bt logcuic of . tb ear. WbMla do not (rind ea tb. rail, to atart tralaa, brae ao bo La. or dipraaalona ass auda,,, .. It la aaeta ea tb. roadnod and ears, aad practically a repairs will be saa dad. 0TB XA1T XOVTBXT PATMZVT TfXAaT. ' . far svery 10 abates, IT saah aad mental? paymeats ef IT aeoh. Total ft. Far every 10 shares, 97 aesh aad f saeath- l...t. d ITS k.. TJ S4S0. ly paysMets ef st eeas.i Xvtsl a.. Aay ether Bsmbar ef ahaiaa, a to B.M ha tea, at the same rata. Par valae ef an abarea. IM Bar Basra. Kot aore thaa ff.000 hart, to say eaa pen n KBlttaaee. atwt be nude to either post. office Boaer order, feawtend Utter. inmM If yoa let this epportaslty ret by wltheat takln all tb atork IN caa poaalbly boy yoa , will eooa be la the pnattlon ef tbe Ban who ntfnae to bay B.U Tetaoboee atock wbea It coakd be had for email mosey and later aaw It tell for thirty times wbat bs esold have bought It tot. . - i' . - Call and aee ne end let m explaia eay tbln yoa da not SBderstaBd. I am at my effice every dag tram I a. sv to a. a. . ' eaO,' write far booklet aad aa. If yea m gaeara' ear iiauaj. autai. Portland, Oregon Scoif s Santal-Pepsia tejsj A POSITIVE CUSS Par In liamaaatlo arfwlai i i nf tb. blart.l.r an. t . nay. BO COS taf. C.ras likly aad i m..etiy Ike I ot em .ad ejaree, as si.iter af bow long ataadlos. Ab.olal.lf h.rmleaa. Bold by drogl.a. Prlc II.S.H bt mJL, petd, tlJO,! Bases, -!, THE SASTaL-PITJ.'1 CI BW drtalae, Oh. by All Bragglat. ' ' FORWOJlEflOMV Dr. : Senderaoe's Orrniposad . aad (MM Hoot Pi I la. lao bt aad only relliM. Nn1y ( lrk LaTKO PBHlol-rU Cor. th. tnate caa. la ' lu da, a. Prlr $ per ba. a.lNd la plain Adilnw. T. J. riKSCU. U- O, lal rirat .i. I. PortUad. OrogoB. awd v-f Inn Him..', f aMIe g.n,... -"t it. ii. S 1 at j "ir c I 1 ( J ' Sold