The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 12, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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. 44U WlViVJVJll m m m j v
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fiirth and Morrison Sis,
Everett', ', Be Kin gharri , Spokane
,"'y V: ODDositc Postofficc
- : . ,.
Franz Liszt, to whom Rosenthal proudly
points as his instructor, says: v r ; v
. "The Stelnway grand is a glorious masterpiece In' power, so
nority, singing quality and perfect harmonic effects, affording
delight even to my old piano-weary fjngers. Ever continuing,
success remains a beautiful attribute of the world-renowned firm
of Steinway & Sons.! , .:."; . ;-.v ''
rsuurs uui.
Rafael Joscffy, another of the great masters
with whom Rosenthal studied, says: v ; ;
: This grand imbued with new delights in its mechahique,
with" a tone even more majestic; and powerful .than heretofore,
and with it all of ravishing beauty was without any doubt the
most perfect instrument which ever I had the good fortune to
play on." : ..' . ""-V''.' vr; v'-' -r- -
"THE HOUSE OF, QUALITY" also places .1 the renowned
STEINWAY at the head of a list a piano list of which we are
proud, representing as it does the very, acme of perfection in
piano making--our exclusive agencies. .Any one' of these mar
velously sweet-toned, - ' high-grade tnstruments-Uhe STEIN
TON. HUNTINGTON, MENDELSSOHN will be transferred
to your home before the close of another day on the payment of
a very small sum the remainder in monthly amounts so trivial
they'll never be missed. Or perhaps you prefer a. piano-player,
a pipe organ Victor Talking Machine; for alL the same easy,
terms. Come and see us about it the first thing in the morning.
A Standard. High Grade Piano Belongs in Your Home. ;
Soldonly by tte
;:;v-w y ;:;-vv;o Small Monthly Payments Accepted.
lower oourt as the other man. bis ap
plication tor e, writ u similar In ail
point to. other two, with the excep
tion that be raised the question of the
constitutional rtsht of a consreesmaa
to be immune from prosecution during
bis term of offloe. ..,'' .
All tbree men were accused of con
spiracy against the ajovernment to sub
orn perjury for the purpose of securing
control and ownership of large tracts
of government Und. After three trials
they were found guilty and Williamson
was sentenced to It months Imprison
ment and a fine of ISO. ' Biggs re
ceived a similar sentence, but In the case
of Vaa Oesner, on, account of advanced
as and Impaired health, his Imprison
ment was reduoed to five month and his
fine Increased to 1 1600. -.. r . .
STOCK C0..'.PA!iy ; IS TO
Present Establishment Win Be
Improved by , Company WhlcK
, ?;. Rld Articles Todayi;: ,4
Williamson, Biggs ' and Van Gesner Suff er Overruling of Writ of
Error by Federal Court of Appeals and Findings of
- ' , . District Court Vf-V4- LLlZ
' TCx-Congressraan . J. N-' Williamson,
Marlon R. Bins and Dr. Van Oesner. j
convicted ef land frauds In the federal
court of Portland, have lost one more
point la their fight ajralnst the verdict
of guilty ' and consequent sentences
. 3 anglng ever them. Br the decision of
" rnlted State court of appeals of
' n Francisco, handed down yesterday
, 'ternoon from Ban Francisco, the- writ
W error applied for by the three de-
' Tendanta was overruled and the f ladings
of the Portland court upheld.
In the -ease 'of Williamson the oourt
dismissed tbe writ filed by him on the
, (round that he bad already bad alml
. lar writ before the United States su
- iirant oourt filed on the around of his
. constitutional . rlchta as a member of
congress. In the case of the other two
men, however, the writs were overruled
and the trial oourt sustained, in l
days. If the attorneys for the defense
make no other delaying; move, the Port
land oourt will be empowered to Issue
mandates requiring; the men to appear
and begin- service of the sentence Im
posed upon them. ,
Defease atUl Buy. ' ' '
Judge A. 8. Bsnnstt, of Tbe Delias,
senior counsel for the defendants, states
that he cannot determine at this time
what the next step of. the defense will
be. He will have to see Just what the
holdings of tbe court of appeals were In
each case before planning any . further
course of notion. .
"I cannot tell what tbe defense win
do at this time," said Mr. Bennett this
mernlng. "The defense baa 16 days In
which to -move for rehearing, or take
other action, but until we can find what
the grounds taken by the upper court
re we will be unable to decide what
our next move-will be. - It le safe- te
presume, however, that the defense will
neglect no avenue left open to it tinder
the law. . - : -s ..
"In the ease ef Mr. Williamson, he
till has a writ of error pending In the
supreme oourt of the United States.
There is some doubt, however, whether
or not the other two defendants
take their ease to that tribunal. Until
we are advised on the rulings ef the
appellate court we cannot tell what will
be our next move."" ,
Sentences Over Heads.
Should Williamson lose his appeal to
the supreme court, whlcn was taken
there on constitutional points alone, he
will be In the same condition before the
The Old Oregon Creamery, 101 Fourth
street, has changed bands and articles
of Incorporation havo been Bled In the
oounty clerk's offloe. The Incorporator
are Charles J. Bchnabel, Frits Kneoht
and C Knecht. The capital stock of the
new company will be $)0,0M. divided
Into 100 shares of $10 each. It Is tbe
Intention of the sew owners to Improve
the present place of business and put la
new equipment....; ', ' ,
Lawyer Bchnabel . was a member or
another company that asked for articles
of InoorporaUon yesterday. This Is
the Charles J. Bchnabel . Investment
company,' and he la associated In the
new enterprise by E. A. Bohnabel'and
A. F. Smith. The -organisation was ef
fected by . Mr. Bchnabel so that he
could carry on his realty business
separately from his legal affairs. The
capitalisation of. the new company la
16,000. . , ; -, r .
Other companies which niea arucies
of Incorporation yesterday were: i
Interburban Realty company; capital
stock, 160,000; Incorporators, Fred A.
Jacobs, O. C Bttne and A. C Enmom -
F. U Botaford oo.; capital stocs.
110.000: Incorporators. K. M. Stemrae.
Clarence H. Gilbert and F. L, Botsford.
Swiss -Aid. society; Incorporators, A.
Blahcbopberger, P. Roth. Charles Urfer.
Bad tea and coffee ought not to exist:
the good are so good. Scollllng's Best
Funeral serrloee over the remains of
Bruoe Carr. a well known Portland man.
were held. yesteraay at i, ooioca
from' the residence of his brotherlnlaw
D. I Taylor. Mr. Carr was a well
known member of the Multnomah club
and was one of Its most active support
ers In the early days of the organisation.--
-' -:-.-.- :.
Ha was a charter member of the club
and was also a member of Its first board
of directors. He was a noted oarsman
several years ago, but contracted lung
trouble, slnoe which time he has been
an Invalid.'-'
The eervteee were attended by a large
number of friends, many of the Multno
mah members being present. The pall
bearers were selected from among the
membership of th dub. - - ' -
- - - -- SVest and Fou4 Jj.-
1 Lost, between : 80 a. m., yesterdai
and noon today, a bilious attack, wltl
nausea and sick hesdacha This loss
was occasioned by finding at tbe Red
Cross Pharmacy a box of Dr. King's
New Life Pills. Guaranteed for bilious
ness, malaria and Jaundice. 16c.
Vim U te Li:
Give Thca Help end Many Port
land People Will Be Happier
"Throw Out tbe Life Line" .
Tbe kidneys need help. '
They're overworked can't get the
poison Altered out of the blood.
They're getting worse every minute.'
WW you help thetnT
Doan's Kidney PUls have brought
thousands of kidney sufferers back from
the verge of despair. '
WQ1 sure any form of kidney trouble.
W. Jenkins of 411 East' Min street
Portland, Oregon, says: "I have so oc
casion to change anything that I said
uiree years ago In recommending Loan s
Kidney Pills, for since that time other
members oi ' our family have found
equally beneflolal results In treating
kldne- complaint Before using Doan's
Kidney PUls X suffered with acute at
tacks of backache and a derangemerit-of
the action of the kidneys, and - dull.
dragging pains made It difficult for me
to attend to my work. As the result of
using this fine remedy I have been free
from, kidney complaint and backache
for over three years, and therefore feel
great confidence in recommending them
to others."...-. . , . . . .,
For' sale bv all dealers. Price SI cents.
Foater-UUburn Co Buffalo, New. York,
sole agent for me unuea diuh .. .
Remember the name DOAN'S and
take no other.
Directors Place Constructl6n of
Vernon and Arleta Buildings
In' M. B. Freeman's Hands. '
- At the meeting of the board of educa
tion last night the contracts . for the
building of the new school at Arleta
and "the addition to the Portsmouth
school were awarded: to M. B. Free
man. , Mr. Freeman's two bids amounted
to I4J.S00. The Arleta school will cost
about $11,000, and the Portsmouth ad
option $10,000. A. P. Powers Bon
submitted a bid for the construction
of the Arleta school In the sum of $!,
Hi, but It was based upon the prevail
ing price of lumber and was therefore
rejected. -
. The contract for the building of the
school at Vernon, in northeast Albina,
was-awarded to W. B. Steele Son for
fJMtO, .
, Tbe contract for furnishing 1.000
eaalrs "for the East Bide High school
was awarded to the Northwest School
Furniture company.-. Tbe chairs will
cost t$.2$0. t. V ,
Oscar R. Meyer ef New York, son-ln-taw-of
Mr.-an4 .Mrs, Jacob Mayer of
this city, -has arrived to attend the
diamond wedding anniversary, of his
wife's parents. His wife preceded him
to Portland. -.:
, Mark A. Mayer of New York, senior
member of the firm of Flelschner,
Mayer at Co., and only son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Mayer,. will arrive In Port
land Thursday or Friday to vlnt his
parents and to attend their diamond
wedding anniversary.
tt- TtvfV
W X v U Ul U - HAT r
The GcntUity Shop
311 Morrison St., 6pp. Postoffice
' ' ',''vi -'. ' , :iV-'v
-Sole Agents Benjamin's Correct Clothes --
Bees. Beavers, 8ea Fowl and
Other Things of Nature Ara
: Governed by Instinct.
Rev. I. IX Driver began a series ef
sermons last night at the Oraee Method
ist church which win be held every
evening during the week. ' "Tbe Exist
ence ef God was the . subject of last
nirht'a discourse.
Msn alone needs the laws ef Ood for
his soTemment," said Dr. Driver. TA11
nature other than mas. 1a a law unto
Itself- .... .. S ,
Dr. Driver caned attention to the
faot that the sea fowl never loses Its
wav. but that man without a compass
would be wholly lost; that the beaver
builds without line or plummet or rule,
but man cannot: that the bee never
makes the mistake of gathering poison
ous honey and that all Its honey cells
are perfect hexagons, the only shape In
which It ooald make the oell without
losing space, . . - :
"The moral law," he said, "snows de
fects In character, but tt cannot remedy
them any more than.: the ' Una .which
shows the bumps on a log can make
the log straight.' .
Tonight Dr. Driver wilt attempt t h
prove from a legal standpoint that the
Bible Is the word Of Ood.
' Piefened Stock Oaamed woods.'., .
Allen Lewis Best Brand. -
The Baker' City mill new grinds com
' " 1
A. '
way e
City Vark. -See
page 1S.
"' '
and remember the next time yon suffer
from pain caused by damp weather
when your head nearly hursts from neu
ralgiatry i Ballard's Snow Liniment.
It will cure you. A prominent business
man of Hempstead, Texas, writes! "I
have used your liniment. Previous to
using It I was a great sufferer from
Rheumatiam and Neuralgia. I am
fileased to say that now I am free from
heee complaints. . I am sore I owe this
to your liniment.' Sold, by all drug
, Livestock is higher now than at any time of the present, generation and yet
dressed meats are the lowest in the history of the dry, This is,, .because ; Smith is
"Fighting the Beef Trust, r No matter how rich you may be or how little you have,
"do the right thing by Smith, and give him your patronage., Let Portland be that
good American community that will beat the Beef Trust. ; "- ?
226-228 Alder Street Between First and Second Streets.
Prime Rib Roast Beef; .'.10c Fancy Porterhouse;
Best Round pteak. . . . . 1 10c " Steak; f . ... ..15c
Brains . . . .V. . . ; . . . .10c Fancy "T"-Bone Steak. 15c
Breast veal .......... . iuc
Shoulder Roast Veal . . . . 10c
Pork Mixed Sausage. .' 10c
Frontquarters Lamb i . . 10c
Shoulders of Lamb .V. ,10c
Lamb Sh'lder Roast, 10c
Our Own Pure Lard. .12c
Beef Sirloin Steak. : ..12c
Small Porterhouse . . 12J4c
Rolled Rib Roast Beef 12aC
Beef - Rib ' Steak ;12c
Beef Loin Steak. . . i..l2c
Leg Roast of Veal.: 12c
Legs of Pork...;...:12c
Side Pork . 12c
Pork Shoulder Roast :1254c
Leaf Lard' .....12Hc
Pickled Pork 12f4c
Lamb Sh'lder Chops:.12Jc
A lasting disgrace to Government Inspection," and something that tends to put it
in disrepute are the"BeeffUsrnTaTketsthadaim ta beec
. . . a . e - mi ''' w.. a ew w-e a
.nsDection and at the same tune use oeet, mutton, poric ana veal tnat never biii, uov-
ernment Inspection markets jthat allow their meats to stew and bake in the dust and
dirt..-' .''.-'...' . - "''-,. r ''" ' '-- ; :- -u-
- No one needs the Beef Trust's charity any worse than the Beef Trust's own mar
kets. Four times or more since January 1 has the Beef Trust raised the price of meat
Soup Meat . . ... . . . . . . .3c
Lamb LiverA'V.W ':5c
Pigs' iH.eads; ' . (. .5c
Pigs' Feet . . .. ;5c
Beef Kidneys IV . T;V.s;l 5c
Beef .Stew- ..,...).. .... :-5c
Beef Necks to Boil. . 5c
Choice Brisket Beef. .... .5c
Beef Liver . V 5c
Oxtails, per pound. I ' 5c
Corned Beef Vo'.!; 6c
Lamb -stew;:;,: i : . v.;;:.? 6c
Veal iShanks for broth. .". .6c
Veal for Stewing.";'.';;:. 8c
Pork Hocks .v; . . .;.. . . . .8c
Beef Shoulder Steak . . .8c
Beef Shoulder: Roast . . .0c
Pot Roast Beef. V ; . ..V. 8c
Riimp Roast Beef.. ... .8c
Hamburg Steak . r. ;. . . .8c
Beef Tripe .8c
Veal Rump Roast i . : . . . 1 5c
Loin Roast Veal J . . . ... 15c
Rib Roast Veal ... .7.. .' .15c
Loin Veal Cutlets. . ... .15t
Calves' Liver . . ... . ; . '. . . 15c
Pork Chops V. . . ; . . . ;. . . 1 5c
Pork Loin Roast ; . .'. . ;. 15c
Pork Steak ; ; ; . ; . . . 15c
Legs of Veal . '. ; ;. . ; . 1 12c
Lamb Loin Roast ' ... 15c
Lamb Rib Roast ; . . . . . .15c
Lamb Loin Chops ..i.. 15c
Lamb-Rib Chops ,15c
Our, Own Hams.... J... 17c
Our. Own Breakfast
v Bacon . .". . . 175c
Lamb ' Tongues, dozen .. 30c
Beef Tongues, each. . : ; .45c
If You Want Jo -Spend a
Hour j
Visit Our
Gift Room
y: .. rr S 'y
f IS
And listen, to! the new Victor, Victrola,
the most wonderful Talking Machine of
'the affc. ' ;Vf -''
. 3,000 New Records and a complete
stock of Edison and Victor Phonographs,
Horns and requisites. , Our $10.00 Edi
son Machine is a wonder. :. ' ( - v
Our Gift Room
is full of beauti
ful' and useful ar
ticles, just the
place to select a
wedding ;- or ' ,- a
birthday token,
party favor or
nrize. Our dis
play of art objects includes : Sterling Sil
ver, Pottery, Bronze,' Art Brass, Oriental
Wares, Camphorwood Chests, Florentine
Ware. Fine .Leather. Cut Glass.1 Water
-Colors, JPhotogravnresErimed- Pictures 1 . art. 50fand75f :
Lowney's Famous
Chocolates and Bonbons
Fresh shipmenu every day, Don't go
home tonight without a box. . -y ', ... ,
100,000 New Postal Cards
In colors, each one a work of art. '
Leather Postals Your own design i we
put address on free. v ''I'v' '''''
We are offering for this week, In our
stationery department, Old English Linen
Note, 36t. Regular 50c; 50 each of en
velopes and note.,
fc "i ' f. t ' '' r
'. ' S y ' '' '. -' -.
''Woodland' Dry Shampoo
, ' Makes oily1 hair 4ry and fluffy without
washing; a delightful dressing' for th
hair, 50. . 'Ji V- '.liy-i " -., t,
, :6:;.'VN-"'r'V
Egyptian Complexion -J
t 7 Lotion :y:-
i A Harmless Faoe Cream, produces and
preserves a delicate and soft complex
ion, 91.00. . " ' ,
..When you are In a hurry, call Exchange" 11 10 trunk lines. 20 extensions. Over 100 salesmen ready to attend to your orders.':
: , '. We want monthly accounts with responsible folks. Our delivery system is good, and we are always trying to improve.
V;';v' ;:':''.''; . , .... We take Canadian money at. full value.- ..y.," , : -
Washington Si. -. ;, WOODR f?D. CLR RUE & GO t' Washington Sts.
Our own importation : National designs
in 'color, each pack' a beautiful work of
. Lineri
One full pound
of the . finest
Note Paper and
75 Envelopes,
for "
. . . , irrr.i..l
' '. , lUliituj
Come Here' for ' Dominoies, Checkers,
Counters, Favors, Score Cards, Bridge
Ses, Cribbage Boards, Poker Sets, etc
on the marketmen. , , -. ' ' . '.;;vr ..', .v.-