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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1907)
Tim o;eco:i daily joueijal. Portland. Tuesday .evening, march 12, iso7. C:l;:r -Clcisifi:d -Ad-j verlisemsnts vill Lsi found cn pp. 16-17; l;:: h ljtaib Truxsrcna. NEW TODAY. 1 : 1 in and Annie Helot to lell H.u.r, lot 14. bKk 14, Ulghlnnd I'.rH 10 B. U Mtevene, Ij.ilff, to J, W. Orar, S irrt. beat'mlng ac point la oortta Una of J"Mtiua vitu-e d"iiika laud delta, 172 si (eet weat of point In Hid 111 wbla le due Bor tb from aortbeaat cor. ner of amnion T. tawaahln 1 aouui. 1 taut , . S,t30 niii,i!oJn It. and Henry tchroeder to I.. II and M H- Anuria, :! bWk 110. Weal lrTloU.a 1,100 tb.r'ee and tJnh A. Hon to oil-et Wjatt t al., lot . T, block 13. Oak rara audition po. s to at. jooua. 111. B. sad Clara O. Tbompaoe at al. to Clifford adu- kiiVh'.Vi"M,'' J. raltoa. aid Orexos to block 12S. Woodetork I. W. and Lack Eclman to Jama J. Hon par, lot 4, blork 12ft. Wood.tork. . I Ball Zener to John II. btan.berr. lota 0. 10. 11. IX 1A 14. blork A Koala. Wood Park Henrr A. aad Ado Parke' ro A. P simonl, lota 4, a, A auction M, tona alila 1 Dortk. ranaa t aaat B. L. Stereo, sheriff, to Addla B. J. H. and Sank A. holta'te Joeeph and anma r. aiaoer, lot 10, Block at, Willamette ...j A. B. Hildebraed to Waaler Allan, mj . . . uMjea i .1- . ririi warm u j . . 1. A. Kilter at al. to Frank L. Parker. lot 1, block 18. Good Morning addltloa P,rbai aad Til Ha Hill to lnkermaa llelmer, 40x811 feat commencing at wo.t aoraar a( lot 11, block (. Olll addition .7 William E. aBd Maria , Bralaerd to Cbarlaa A .Mndberg, land b-lnnlng't Kliit oa eoutb aactloa Una of aactloa , 13d todt aaat of aouibwcat aoraar of aald aeeUoa (4. towuatalp 1 aorta, ranaa 1 oaat Htta B. 'and Joeepb B. Erane to K. Quarter block.- the cheapest on I and u a. sower to o. b. nck! D-,l,-.,l., ....-.. ioaw root atantadai at point la i vi uaiiu 9 maul Liusiu aitu for $36,000. . Easy terms. EAST WATER STREET. Corner at East Vshinetcm. Now has some revenue. Cheap- 4 1. at.. a ...a: - - I tbi winci ui. 4"tk. Bvvuuiii apJLO,-1 H.rm.n MeUerer. treat, to Philip J, OUV. ' ' ". """. a, a, oiack a. B. M. aad L. 11. Dart aa W. A aad Laulaa laataar. lot S. block T, Caa- Full lot near GllSan for 816- W. . and Loalaa''La'athara'"to' mI'Vc fWl Tr.!. U . K.rn,'n , ..A . CaatrU Alblaa. Til W af CM. lilnkla. lot K. Cll II tif I tioa'to Aibloa Hi If I Af1 Alf William I. Patdm at al ta U II ! J I f-l rff-" h'D- thst frt t Block lit if LtllltilC &P& : S. W. aod Lnck COMPANY v TnS ORTLAND IJy R0PERTY R0DUCES V R0SPERITY BUYNOW 000 1400 If .000 0,000 aM 1.100 00 1.000 v WASHINGTON STREET. aoalk boandar of lot fi. afoairaa fnd and Catbarlsa Blrkel ta Haarr wamna, lou 1. 4, aotith SO faat lot 6. block 0. Conch' a addltlM Poitland CnlTaralty land eompaar aa rrank V. Polk, lota M. IT, klock 1T4. Cnlamlty Park Baal Kauta luTaatmant aaaodatton to Albert Ella. Iota I. 4. block l Hall. wooa SEVENTH STREET. BS.000 too m lo ron kext STor.i:3-orFici:3. ton BENT Atnraromn fit tad ap for lienor DuaiiKw; rirat-claaa tocatluu; rant Cliaap. 44' dreaa ti 147, cara louiual. TWO- atoraronma and IT roooia atiova, araat aida, aioaa tu lorn at. tr lluo; will Icaaa for twin of yeara: prk flOO par uionlk for ctiflra - balldlnc Alaiaudar Land Co., aSS dlilk t., iuar fina. FOB SALE REAIi ESTATE. A Beautiful Heme tlacat corner aa Eaat Plrat at.i loralr Batirr t-rooto hoaa: lot la about 1 faa aboa atraat haal; ftna Tlaw; buuaa awdcra la avarr Mpacl, flna larva rooaaa; la fact, aa alra-ant burnt. Tbla placa eaa t ba baa for a llama, or aa aa Invaatmont la aood. 1 taaaa brrura Wadncada, caa auka food artca aaa leroia, .... XHB reTFRAM LAND CO.. lilftH Third St. Kooa A. TMs Is the One T4aou aindrrn 2-atonr bouaa. full baaaajent, furnaca, ate., oa Nortk Idtb at iu Ihla la a floa boma aad aacaai m boagbt Uara fur Ua prlca. aaar lrln. Inta caauui ao.wv, - TUB TrTflRAM LAND CO, ls Third Bt Lcok Here a hara a aw o-ronm fenna aad aararal lota adjolnlnf Boan Cliy Park. Wa anil aall all ar part. Thaaa anil aad will ba aold tbla arttk. For a baraala rail i , TUB VETERAN LAND CO.. -' 1V.4 Third St., Boom A. 1RV1NOTOM BOlfK. M.1"0 T room., aaodara tbroaalkoai, larfo rarcptloa aaiK ba ra aad toliat, ramant baaa wnt and walk-, aaa and -alrctrtc Ikrhea, lot AOzlOOi aaar taraa. Sul awatlaod bldg. BARB BAROAIN. Oaom, .aaa ba fnralabrd, tor tira awra, baaamant. toilat. batk, faa, lot BOalOO, f i.aTo, nair caao. aui awauaaa Dia-. . . I11.000 eOilOO'THRFB a-roara coturaa. raa raia im aornar imm aaa raw. 41 wraaa ara. fboaa Baat bUsT. TWO anarrar block a, aa aa 14tk. aaa am lTtk. pnea az.ono aacbj tbla at a baxrala; foabla roar noncr la aaa pear; term a cirra If da alrad. Alaxaadar Land Cas. Uv 8Utk at.. aaar ruaa. . - TDtBER. 000. section. FOURTEENTH STREET. AU13 19 uai lur uil H. a. W. aad Mabal Aahler to Bdwar4 saarn, aota (3, aa. block I, Falrflald.. I BfurT Eaaa to Edward and liarr wr. eaat la taat or lot 0 and waat UU faat or lot T. block B4. erlalaal ... ..... . I towaalta al Alblaa I WO Email IlOUSeS and tUll lOt I Johanna and Praacia Uara to Horaca hear Market,, for; 87,000.- . VirWS..?:.!., una ttuaraataa at ITaat oonpanj ta M. ; .. """P". . aiaca a. Tiltoa a addltloa . Blrhard T. Oa to A. B Balller,-lot- ' 80. block . Arl.U Park Vo. t jflnnla M. Lap and Loula lira ml aa to atra. w. bl Btraoa, lota t. a. block ' T. Hivthnrn. Iimdi iAiIIMm Ura. A, B. Powell to Julia U' Hmll- oa. lot B. block I. Mount Tikia Villa fatnaa P. and A Ura at. Hnrrloa to Bop . Poraatb, lot IS. block 41, Traawat .... Laoa Fir Geeterr . aaaipaar to If aria ana trnata atacna, aurtb lb feat at aaat al aoaibwaat t . 4 lot t, block 18, aald m.urt H. V. Lemckc Company Main 550. 6th and Washington. ' Entire Second Floor. fTOBO Atrtmal Ooat - (-room asodam bouaa. Bra aaat alda location, oornar lot: nouaa built two Taara aao ror a , : home; tarma ba4( caao, balanoa par cent. tB00 i. BTaw T-tooat modara houaa, fur naca, nrepiaca, cement aidewaika. tlio looo ooo Tioo ';to Tli 1.000 0 Par aintracta. rttu ' tnaanaaeoM hNtna. rail aa Pacific TlrW A rrmmt tua-a-t-T Pallkti1 balldlnp. ' . . - at , paar- taaaraaea aad abatracta to real aatata froaj tba Title Ooarantaa A Traat aaaf aw, mmt waaoia(iaai airaat. NOTICES.: V '. bathroom and kitchen, nearlp eom- C0.P'!rL ARBA "8 "oca la barebr (traa , plated. Buy now and hare houeo Unt-I- Maltno.b coontr warranty elaa D, ' . . . . - a. I - t Itdk aUtndb tka winav - jaSnaaa aiauia al. aa.t ed to Butt 11.600 caah. baianoo 121 a mooU) lnoiuaiiui lauraat. I imalaaata eoraar, ISxlIt, Hawthoma nut, rlftht where property la boom-1 In. . Chance lor bl profit quick. B3TB0 T roona hoaae, - nearly ' naw, - . fractional corner lot, on ear line, near , ateel brldca; graded atreeta, cement eldewalkav avarythlnr complete - and , msoarmi'-ieraM aauc oaan. - . . tot Vortlaa Xetrkta, lino location, I price rignt lor cuan.- . . , my ot Owbop. Sare OoaurilaWloBa. a a Wat. i.: MaU 1B4S. 304 Ablnroa aUdf. r .' . , t aXaa. lhoae Tabor ISA. ; V" ' lARRlAOB UCENSEa. r . i: Howard Millar, al Mohawk bid.; tt ( iarlea Bart rijraoa. Lrate, Oregea, SB; NaUle Halloa, za. . - Wllllaai Cbarlaa Back, 4; Aaaa Millar, 10, I it waddlne Oaroa. w. . Baiita m Oa,, Waa ylIioa bldit., cor roartb aad Waablactaa eta. TONSBTTf A CO.. PLOBISTB, POR PLOWBBB OP lib KINDS. I2S B1XTB ST. tba aame bartnc been drawn apon the road fund, that were preeeeted and Indoraad "Not raid Par want of faada,' tron October t. 0e. a February IS, 190T, both da tea to cloalva. will. It pmparly Indoraad, be paid aa praeaatattoa at tba afflca af rba rar. treaeorer. - latereat tbaraaa aaaaea ea and after tba data at tUa aotlra. Portlaad. Or., Marcb 11 1907. ' ioha M. Lewie. Count TIMBBR Tallow pott. 1.000 000 ta the tfattal f"in eat rnoay. aueaaawer. uit ia,i eoa) bli BUtk at, aaar Plae. FOB 8 ALE SnSCEIXAITEOrS. ALO0!f far aale. and Aider ate. , Can at Brcna A 0a. rirrt POCK freak eowa, geatla for -Madlaoa at. FERSOTTAla. TOCNO acta a tlfl e nuaaenee lraa alatUleal aloohallt aad awdlcatad traatnaaata, a too tab , hatha. 41 Raleigh bldg.,, BUtk aad Waeb iBcena era. - . COMMISSION MEK CHANTS, TBB ORROON CHBKRB CO. (INa) CBBBBB, BUTTBR, BOOS, etc, dairy pro acta boagbt ar Handled an aommiaaiom. ue ntxa ' (Swatlaad bldf.), Portland. Or. 1 Bald a atoaebaek taller to aaa aC toatera who waa antartng a pair ot apick and apaa paaUleaaa that ba had awde by at ta ear ewa abepe here la Pertlaaa, far which wa charge' . MEETTNO NOTICES. ernnnta stab cotrNrtL, order ot p will glee a-whlat aortal aad daaca In tba . AUaky bldg. Wedneadar arenlnr. March la. itrnT.ii.wm - yr i.i. .n in malar nr uia Wanda. . aatioa. . the faaiaaa paliaun). ; Bring aiaea 1 amarrojp 'paajea ea rrua nowea .aeaoaa !lqfioot aaoap pua tetnak . Im mm ' a a fn aTHTD KOXOMIR8TA BOSOM HELP WANTEIV MALE. WANTBD rtrrt-claaa part Braaa, Ftret aad Alder ata. ar. .Apply at eaea. WAIfTXD Pint -claea bottler for family Uqeor an a tnnaa aaring anowieara er boat- lawar. t loo, care Jaeraal. Clarke Bratv. rtorlata Pine floral eaBtgaa. BM MorrhM a. Fall dreaa aalta for real, all Tailoring Co., at Itark at. Oaloae PI RKT-OLA 8.. eeataiakar, by the week. Caarlea cooper aoau. uiMra. Tblrc aad Stark ata, epetalra.- i , - HELP WANTED FEMALE. BIRTHS. ii "The Orand rant cota paay cannot Bra and tors oar toat Clean or uuaoaia at Bnch . a Bttle prlca. Why, wa weald hare to charge tram 17.60 to f for their eqaaU" ; TIC root fEllOW -. I0ESITT UNBUSTaHI That we hay ear eaperlor etock from eaatera tallora ' the big fellowa wbo make aalta only et half tba price of the- cloth la full bolt piece. We take aU 'nslll and left plaeaa too a mall for aalta and wake tbea .lata ante, aad wa naraatre perfect flta, at ir.iA oricM. and oar moaatronalr bar haal help aa eat. Wa make only from OS .to Tt CATTO March 1A to the wife et A, 0. Oatte. 7 Eaat Alder at., a daagbtar. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. .T. and Oraee B. Heal to T. B. Me Denial lot T. black X. Midway aa . nex addltloa ' Joeapb B. Fowler to Kltae av ajmakMa, . let to, block f, Rirerdale . ' Mary N. Morrill to Kittle W. Etaroaaia, lot t. blork lit. Palatine Bill ho. .. Portland Realty A Traet company to A. B. Wilcox, lata 14. It. block A - ianrelwoud , Caroiiaa and W. B. Jeaobe to Amaada Brlprkerboff, lota 13, 14. IT, la, 10, 20. block 1A Taboralde Title Buareatee A Traat eompaar to Edgar A Ilea, lot 14, aootb H lot la, blork 9, Bunnyalda Joerpb H. and Alice J. NaU to W .B. Orer. lota 11. IS. block 1. MaabTllla.. Lena aad Chrlat Merer to A. L. Bar-: bnr and H. U tar. block 14. eimooa' addltloa to rortland I GIRL waa ted for t7 Delay at. boaa-wor tt per . weak. WANTED Immediately, aaat, capable girl er womaa to aooaearark; family at t; email town, wagaa eou, aavit aaaiaiu ax. t41A FOR RENT HOUSES. ; b too tot 1 so t-auOM eotura ea Bt. Jokna ear Una. cloaa ta ear uaa) caicaea-Boae emau rrnlt. He urn am, tia rearta at. rboae ractfle S301. IT-ROOM racaat flat for rent. tor term er yeere.. i Blrtb at.. Bear Pme. aHa: Lead Oa, 6 BUSINESS CHANCES. HOTEL FOB SALB. CIV Cemetery awoeletlon to Ia znlla, lot 11. block 42, . aactloa S.1B0 we u, mil nnrivrr Jo ha B. tad Mlanle A. Htrrlnftoa to kf atrAnolltao Ii fint amnul. lot A block 2. Cltr of Portland 40,000 Jame B. and Mary B). Haaaltln to. kletranolltaa fBTeatoMat eamnaar. kit X. 4, block SI, City , .10.000 Park Land company to Ellmbetk A. Ri vet ta. lota a. lO. block TA Lnlrarallr Park .000 P.rk. JmA Vl uhalk A Bl. ' .'Skl.'tt, lot T, black TA Ualreralty Park ... ft I J.BJ- Naab and Alice J. Naa to Mr.. w. (.ntareii. lot a, av a iocs a, Naab'a Pint addltloa Theodora and Roaa BerabaUa to Clarke, Clemeoaon, Blameuer Co., to aerea ta ' aeetlow Id. komaahln 1 aoatk. nan B . eaat 1AAO0 lennla It. Bnddemer to jaeale A. 'Bar gee, kit SO, block A Ballabary Bill Jamea Jaauarr to Robert Uaaer, lot t. . block 10, Center addltfoa Augnata Q. and Roger B. Blnnott to r.roJlne W. Watta. lot f. blork to. Alng'a Bcrood addlHoa i. lAOOt a. A. t. and Mrma Mtekeneie to Mary , i. Aaoereoa. lota 10, It, Black 81,. Kenllimrtk ' Cenre W. and Cell A. Prteat to S. O. Rohlnaaa. lot 12. black XI. Central AU blna a,800 Marj Pbclpa Mnatgomery to Barak M, . Walah. lota la jn. block 8A arlalaal towaalta of A thine AfOt 1. H. and Minnie I. Boa In to Panlln r M. Boeener. lot 21. block B, Tiltoa' ertdltlna Jam. a W. d Camlla C. Boger to Idward A. PeaHng, aaatb BOilOO feet bf lot M. Melroa Emm Wato to Doaald June, let t. block OA Hellweod ,.v...... rlor A. and Euvene P. Hmwa to Mary K. Amhroae. lota 13, -It. block A C- imhl H.lahta tlrbard II. nd Cora I. Radford ta E. Ir. and R. P. Aanre. to acree begla Blng to red aortk from eon tb want am-. aer of aactloa 22, townablp 1 anath, range 4 at IAnala nd W. M. Beer to Alfred J. Htont. t era eommendng at point B ria aoetta . af aortbweet corner of weat S af went U of aoutliweat H "f aactloa 14, townahlp 1 aoulfc, rang t eaat ,,,, . , , . M. Pael to (leorga W. Clatton, lot 2. blork A Palllor a atlolllon 'urlra (pd Emma il. IValloa t M. A. , M.rtla.' lota U. 1. block 14. hlaael lot roner. meat ' aaodera ta an detalla. - Barer a vacant room or aalta. beat location! thai hotel will stand a moat thorough biTeatl gatlnai dlntaf -raom eaparlty 100.'. Par paa- . Mvwua, emu vat ;. , . r, f AC8TIK A po,- ' . - Saitae 123 ta 120 Ablngtoa bldg. ' SALOON for aale. aad Alder at. Call at Braaa Oe, Pmt BO ROOM hotel ta heart at efty, well faretabedi aiwara crowned: clearing arcry moatb aader gntrantea tlTBt price Ablngtoa bldg, iwried: clearing arcry moatb aader t-WO to $400; long leeaai'renl only r tti.OOO. , P. L. AaaUa A Cv 121 Ltoa " aos - tea TOOl ml A BOOMINO-HOrst' BARGAIN. 14 room a, alecaatlr farnlehad. all ecraBled tad brlncliig tlt4 per month! wltbla t block af poatofrteei BTar offered for aal before; la or point oo t a oa aceoaat et iu bealtk: mat aeU onlck; tl,40f. BUI BWB1UANO BLUO..'-, . - OOOD BEKTAHBANT. tl.OBO 44 era to and eonater. rood flztarae and leeae. AMI nee Month i Waahlnefan atL 'Bear theatre. Inentre " . tea . ' r . w i , i n ah Muuram era iiua.i,n 'r - OROCERIEM. We hare th beet Hat af grncerlea la the city, (mall or Larval boom doing a buatneae w fiov per an 7. nil on ea ror a tpoa Bay. ID! (ITMUfl 4AIU CO., , , - - 16SH Tblrd at., room A. I " h: 1.000 too ano CIOAR AND CONFECTIONERY BTORB On Waahlnatoa at.: alentr ot mom and rea- eonabl rent; plac clearing now $100 per monlhl will doohle tbla eummeri 3 pear' lea; price 1 ' nop If taken quirk. - , 41 it a. 1 UK Ait k.aiu cv,. ' ' -' I45H TbUd at, room A. ' " " ' CIQAB. PRL'IT ABB CANDT rroRR Al bicetloB. Terr cheap reat:alaro clear ing from fO to l"0 per month: price $220, UU. ilUL, 1U1KU ITr-IOOH A. oar moaetrooily big tmetaea cents per pair,, bat look at the. aambe we tare eat I ' .. . . - j rJIPP "Wl-Rl ITIOK OMAHA." QIIIAQy-CE GAUEO OUT TO QUELL RIOTERS Streetcar Service In Louisville Is Completely Tied Up Mob . i - . Hurl Stones. y(Jaral Bpeelat Barrlce.) LoulavUle. Ky , Alarch II. State tronpa may be called at any moment to quell the rioting by the streetcar strikers. Alayor BartN admits that an aotual order la all that la neceaaary to threw 1.000 eoldiers upon the et recta Strike breakers ar arriving conatantly. This la th third day of the strike and service la entirely suspended with, the exception of ears carry in k mall. la a drenohing rain ' this morning sea-en ears started from the barns each carrying front three to eight police. man. The strikers caused blockades. COraDalllBa the eara tn return ta the barna. -.. t . .,. . . The mob harlot! stone throurh the window of that ears and several arrests followed. DEATH OF VETERAN OF CIVIL WAR, AT NEWBERG ' (Bpeelal TMapatcb to The Joarntl.l Newbarg. Or, March 11. .William C. MeaU, who died at hla home la New berg Friday, waa burled Sunday. Th post ot th O. A. R. had charge of th funeral, assisted by Rev. W. a Lowery ana nir. i i Hamilton. Ha waa born In Herefordshire. Englaod, in 1831, and waa married tn 1870 to Clara Harding, who, with three of their fir children. survive him, Mr. Meat entered tb xeaerai army in Februarv. 1212. aa e oorporai, and after three years of sarv- io waa noaoratbly dlsehtvrgwL Th hon orary pell bee rere at the funeral were K. C. Horton, J. Fisher, w. Woodruff. C r. c-arey, j. w. Uoagla and jQeorge Allen. Th acUv pallbearer were from th ona of Veterans camp. Nel son Sykea, a Cady, C. F. Butler, H. Clmmna, L. Bhlrley and H, Cramar. . . i . NEW RESERVES INCREASE ; ; : TIMBER LAND VALUES . (Josraal Special Serrlee.) . Chloago. llaroh 1A Edwin A. Pot. tar and Granger Farewell, directors, and O. C Barber, president of th Diamond Mateh company. : hava returned from California, where they aecured aa op tion oa, tO.OOt acre of timber land ad- Joining th oompenys praaant holding. Timber ex porta ar now making ax amlnationa and If their report la fav orable th property will be taken at once. It ean be had on vary favorable terms, and will strengthen th com pany's timber position materially. Of ficials of th corn pan y boiler that Ita timber holding In tb west have been enhanced In value very largely by .th government's reservation of about 17.- 000,000 aerea ef additional timber lands, A large part of It being In California. ; OREGON MAN SURPRISES OLD FOLKS AT HOME ' (Bpeelal Dlapatch to Th JoareeLi ' ' Boston. Mas- March 11. Harry Turner, a veteran of th Cuban and Fnmppin -war and now owner of a ranch near Roaeburg, Oregon, wbexa haT !-trtaj juauc ror hla district, sur prised Bin family here today by walk' Ing In unannounced after an absence of eight yeare. Turner had more than enough of military Ufa, enlisting at th outbreak ef th Spanish war, when only II years old and participating In th Porto Rico ana Cuban oampatgna Ha served three year in th Philippines and waa wounded and captured by th Tagolas but waa rescued after a two hours' chase, - He speaka. In glowing terma of the Oregon oouatry and pro phesies a big building boom there, i HOTEL BURNS GUESTS HAVE NARROW ESCAPE ' ' ' (Joornal Special Borvtca.l Cault St Marie, March It. Th Ira- quota hotel was burned this morning. Th loss 1 placed at 1100,000. Twenty Ave guests ot th hotel . narrowly es caped death. ... ' ;' : Shipbuilders Strike. ' I Joe rial Special terrlea.) '- ' Detroit. Mich., Maroh II. Flv hun dred employes of th wyandott ship yards struck thia morning. CORNER grarafy: eetabllahed. Mil fctrolc prtoa r axenaa (or aoua aaa loti poaltleeir lng to tell. Onma ant and aaa ma. til Ilia are, corn Bpeneari MoatarUla ear. ROOM! VI) AND BOAROINO PIOt'BR. 21 Blreli fiirnlebed room, sew halMtna. full ef ateaily rooater ad boardere fin lor tloo. cheap rani. TMe I a anap tad Boat bt Bold this week. Price ll Otrt. HOW DRUGS WEAKEN So many people ar doping their , stomachs with drug and never atop to think of the harm that Will com of - it. Constant drugging always weakens tb heart. You hear of a great many death due to heart failure, but yoil never hear of what make th heart falL The heart never fall without A rea. on. Find that reason and you will And the aotual cause of death. 1 nav that It i nearly always ex haustion ef vitality caused by drug- glng. Th heart atop becaua the ' power that runs It la shut off. ' To trao this . cans correctly I. would tav that the . , - consumption of .v. food In th -Stomach gnr rates carbonlo heat,' which Is electricity. Car-V ' rled - Into the . nerve. It be- . ' romaa ' n t v Sr foreA which is . the motive en ergy . of ' th " heart. Nature! ly, if th heart ' does not receive ' a sufflclent qtian- ' 4ity of this nerv fore. It , action will b- com weaker, and, like the en gin , whok steam I rtin down, will Stop . altogether. That I heart failure. Now, strong drug weaken th stomach so that It oannot generate enough of this force, and B weaken ing of the heart's action results. The reason any organ fat la to do Its' work It becaua It lacks strength. If there waa any nour ishment In drugs they might bring about a healthy change, but you know , there Is not. . Drugs : ar drug, atlmulantA narcotics, anti dotes, poteone. not food.- Food Is needed to build up new strength. Klectrlcity ' Is nerv. food nerve .lir..- U.aoaka Into your nerve end vitals lust like water soaks Into a sponge. It warms and strengthens the parts whlrh drugs cannot reach. Klectro-Vlgor Is a relief from the old system of drugging. - It does by natural mean what yen , expect drugs to do by unnatural mean. It is Nature's way of curing dis ease, for It gives back to th nerves snd organs th power they Jiav lost, which is their life, I believe In finding th cans of vary ailment and removing iu if It la In th stomach. I restore tb power there; 'If In th nervoua sys tem, I build up th nerve force; In th kidney, tb blood or tb organ of generation. I find th can and upply tb body th needed help, and after I have removed th oaua Nature will cur th disease. Electro-Vlgot I A body , battery : mad of tert dry cells. Tt Is easily, - eomforta ' bly worn next toth body during th night ' and gives out a contin uous stream of that strength, building. . nerve feeding . - force . which It th baal of aU health. Klactro - Vigor la not an electrio belt there la no charging to 4o no vinegar or acid solutions to both er with. - 1 There j noth-' Ing to eqnal Electro-Vigor as a cur It cured me of digestive trou ble snd restored r" my strength after I had tried many other method without benefit. THOS. KELSAT. Smith, Oregon. .'., nil to TOtr. Get my luo-page book deaotiblng Electro-Vigor and with illustrations of fully developed men and women, showing how It In applied. - This bonk tells in plain language many things you want to know, and give a lot of good, .wholesome ad vice for men. I'll send this book, prepaid, free. It you will mall me this coupon. - S A-HALL, M D. . 143 ruiraore Street, . BAH raAMCIBCO. 1 Please eend me, prepaid, yoor free 100-pege Illustrated book. ; ; l-ll-T Ml A4.drMi I tl i 111 mm: 11 HERE is reaspn In all things. : Behind an investment of any kind, however; there should be more sound, substantial reason than behind ,most anything; a man or woman can do. Therefore, it is Drooer to ask and to answer the ouestion. Whv should you invest in Rose City Park?" . The two all-important reasons axe to found a home and to make money in real estate. Included in these two general answers there are many minor reasons. IT WILL BE BENEFICIAL TO YOU AND A FAVOR TO US. IF YOU WILL KINDLY.READ THESE STATEMENTS. i l ; : FOR A I10ME aatoaoaO . front offlo half aU -Bad iA. . W all htv to live tinder a cover, of tome kind. Some of ct art a bit ttlAra Asrtlnil,. titan -a k.,,. lli. 4...V. In,. tunc, nowever, tt may D ttatea tntt we ui like to live wner tne sur rounding are most congenial to our natures and mott convenient to , ti ' a i i t i i . vu iieiiviai iciourcci. men, inn women suae-jrcIC nornca in nice. neighborhoodA t'hey like natural scenery, quick transportation, pure air and water, quietude and rettfnlnett, a taf plac in which to bring", up tbeir children, congenial neighbors, placet to which they may. invite their friends with a degre of pride in fact, a community where every natural desire is moat neariv ari'fief " -f t - Such a place, of necettity, "must grow in favor and develop rapidly. oucn a puce, fortunately, it Koto uty Jfaric we make the tutement " and you almost involuntarily ask, '"Well, it it?" lVW answer, "Yba"., ' We will endeavor to tell the reatont why we believe it ia '.- First Because it will be a nice neighborhood. We say this advit- - Jl til. I ..f. , . I . . . . . . . , A. ,M - cuiy. . we nave rcitnctea, tne cost, oi notnes to noi lets tnan ipuu or &2.n00. Tbla malrea' Cktc bcimea! a nartttilv ' TCIca nrtrnan am vianallw built by nice people. Therefore we believe Rote City Park will be an ; exceptionally nice neighborhood. , '; ."- ' '., "Second As to scenery, what more can we adviae than that Von tee -5 it your sell? .Many men of many mmda have many notions about fin ' scenery. We aak yon if there is more beauty in nature than in lofty mountain, deep rivers, green landecapes and verdant valleyt? All of thete are component parts of the tcenery that surrounds Rose City x v Park and makes it what it 3. Therefore we maintain thtt this plac , . antwert that detirt 1 ' V-' ) - r ': . TM ! 1 - " . . .! 1 i M . , . Auiru yuicx iraniporiiuon nil uccu Bssurca uy inc street railway ' company.- That Corporation is under contract to construct and have in , . . ' I . . , r j . .1 i r . t I- operation an eiccinc car line irorn uown town, inrouga n.ose vuy rirx, by June 1. This guarantees 15-mtnnte car service to the business district ' Fourth Pure air ia the direct result of high elevation.. Rose City ' Park might be called the Portland Heights. Its elevation ia at high . i i- n - i .i . . i . r . i tt ' y ' ' - at'tuiuanii t amrvuuuiu uiuvuiftuct man uiusa ui i ii c ui. ncuc iiu air. Bull Sun water from the htga-oresiure renervoir on Monnt Tabor guarantees pure water, "'. 'v-..", '"!;;v '' '-'5 ' "i Fifth Once free" from" the hurry and rush M tbelcityawiy. ftorats , niiiiiica, i iauiui6 tun lia jaixua vt ;zivnaca, i vattuiiicee ia m .uatiit. . Being strictly a home place, where there will be no saloons, and only . . enough stores to meet the fiecettitiet of the people, quietude is assured. Rett and quiet are important, and Rote City Park will have both. . . Sixth Amidst such surroundings, safe from the tracks, the rivers and the traffic of the city, with room to roam and a multitude of natural beautiea to arrest, their attention, where could childhood be matured to better advantage? Truly, if there is one argument that ia more oon- . vindng than any other, this one is conclusive. ''' ' -, V . .', .,, Seventh Even though a family of crabbed notions moved into Rot ti. i . i. i. . i i . . i i i i , . - a . v ' V'ty ara, taeir natures wouiu iwn d iujuiucu oj me Deauty oi tueir eurrpundings, Nature would remold their dispositions. But such peo- ' I I I . 1 . . . t ' ' t . - 1 . !,. I t : pi wouia npt select mis spot lur a iiuinc. vongcniauty it aiwayt re . , markably apparent where nature is most abundantly present Henc - we are safe in predicting that there will be congenial, neighbors. ' The ; character ot people wno purcnaseo yesteraay it lurtner evidence of thia fact' " :'y .'.' " ' . ' ..'''..;'..,.'."- . y I Eighth Who need suffer a lapse of pride to ask his friehds and rela- . . . a. . s a . . . . a aa . a. at Uvea to commune witn tne oest mat nature provide r veiny, a enter, in Rose City Park, surrounded by the glories of its natural beautiea,' would DC oetter man a paiace wnere naugnt or nature wat to oe teen. ' ; The home-owner in Rose City Park will ever have delight in pointing to Xriount IlwtAl. to Diuunt nuuut, iv uiuuua avaiiuci, tu atuuoi ipu xaci em, to the Columbia Valley or the beautiet of Rose City Park itself, It ' is peculiarly a place to live in contentment and pride. . ,. v C - - Therefore, after all it taid, we leave it to you if Rose City Park ia . art he nlace nf alt nlare to live It is onlv necraxarv to rail af one ' -it:-- -ii- '.l ... . - .t... .11. : . i i Otlice, nuc Wlilt tie iu ima ia.c. eaia vtsi lb aa uur'icituic, auu maa ' up your mind if we. have not spoken truthfully of this excellent location.' A good realty investment nat tnret important eiementt oeairabiiity . of location, every necessary improvement and unusual demand. Price . - art. t- t i- i . i. . . . .1 ; is a minus tuiiaiuriauuii. avoir, iv v.nj n. " iuc luvauuu auiu -the improvement! it shown above. , As to demand, 50,000 people were enthused by our advertisement on Sunday. Kot one read it without asking himself or herself if it was a good investment Scarcely one but what answered that any real estate proposition in Portland ia a good in- . . - r--- -. v t i. : tl . I . J . J !. . . ; 1 VCaLIIJCIIl, . ivna x-l. im .9 Hiinvimi it.'ufc. vwv, ,,, .a.iiivixi, . This createa demand. The desirable featuret of the tract makes demand. The tmmenae crowds that thronged onf office all rfav "veiterdav vita . : , evidence of an extraordinary demand. Therefore it is safe to attte that -c Rose City Park is a splendid investment' ' , Of course, we would a great deal rather sell to the prospective home- builder than to the investor. But w cannot distinguish between then. . Hence we have to sejl to all alike. We believe, further, that every day t yes, every.hour that passes makes Rote City Park a better investment . . .. We cite two instances only. ' ''A, A Yesterday a man walked into our office. He aatd that he was fa- . miliar with Rote City Park; thtt he did. not care to go out and tee it; V that be had made up his mind to buy; and he. bought. , Within 10 min- (v - utet, without leaving our. office, he retold the lots he had purchased for $50 in advance of what he had paid for them. If that is not evidence of 'a demand, what better could be deaired? A friend, of ourt reserved a lot ia Rote City Park and told it yetterday. ; She made a profit of $50. 1 There ia no ouettion but' what all three essentia! nninfa that a-n to make a good Investment are abundantly present in Rose City Park. To the roan of experience and discriminating judgment we cordially extend ' an invitation to visit ioc v,uj a ara touay or torrrorrow, it fit preiera - to verify our ttatementA .'.We venture the prediction that he will, be a ' property-owner there before the sua sets.' , ; - "". -.. V ' " Bankers Chamber of Commerce FOR AN INVESTMENT ,'; win nly .' take ' ' BA :- a - , : at Ba ' baok. Ground Floor TH W VKIKKAN IAMD OO ' " s loft). Third st, reom A, I "k pool