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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 12. , 1S37. TODAY'S MARKETS FIRST RECEIVED HERE Initial Shipment of Season Re 1 1 ported Today by Kahn Bros. H ' - With Price Operi. y ; TWENTY-EIGHT CENTS -P i IS LIKELY LOW POINT Shipment . Shows '. Good Quality : Wool Mew Show Wide Difference In Views v m Regard Putnrs of " QllOtatio. A-'. ..'; , :' ; Prlactp! market features tndrr- ," Beceral cat btiUHi doe ttr. .. , Plrst ae- ell wwl'Wl. j , Great etrenath la dressed Blasts. , - Rnnn (ttln( general tat 8I. .' " t Craitlsued f trainees hi ehicien. t Will a short ef butter. - - ; Potato Mrtrt weaker in the emits. : '.'Steady to wheat aad fleer.. -, . 1 ' Mrt w Clij Bohasr Betvd. "' J- The first sew rllp mohair received la thta city wa reported by Bans Bros, today. The , flrat blpnnt waa mr email, eaoslattn ef but 100 pound, arrrrtng yeaturday sfterBona froei Orchard. Wa.hlnetoo. A second stalpeiaat from the tame firm wa received this BMrnlB ' fn me un nUre. The latter consisted ef tmt 800 sound. Accsrdtn to Kahn Bra., ae price has ret beae eetahllalied ne thla aaaane a Mbafer. ant (be seseral opinion ef the trade la that 7e o 28 wIU b the rallns flur for ordinary kits with a fractional increaae for larrer supplies. At thta time there awry manhood th.t tha mohair ells of IvOT wlI he qnlta fair, bet the iruerailj BiUd weather .', the, paat winter baa slree some the Impreeeloa that tha win sot wehjh as aa It the wcatbar bad ben colder. - . Mnah Ifvaterv aa ta Wool. ' Ordinarily at thla time ef the year there hj ' great activity amonc wool borers to contract supplies for tha couilnc mrmm. While aotne amall eoetractiaa ha been reported earlier n . the aeaaoa, tha amount tied op 1 ery email eonaieerlaa what H Baoally I. , The wool trad la nrr amrb mled In Ita opinions. Bom lew the altsatlon with food eheer. eetbey . aay that the late beery demand for Oresoa weftle aa Boatoa abow qnlta clearly that manu facturer 4 net hare the enormoea -soppUei they talkieo much about. On the ether hand the eastern borers did not1- tend so sanyef , their men bora early la tha seaaoa to eimtrect. : .bat thla m explained, to the (rowara e.Mfae. ttoa at leeat. that the dealers knew that they ' wonU set cue te contract at the prices said . ta he effertof. wrest Strencta la Sreaaad Vasts. In the dreaaed meat maftet the tone V eery ' firm today Is aU line. Baeelpts are Tory alow and top nrleee and aometlmea oer ere obtained tot rrerythlas that T''1,JDO"1 AT" waa a Una of butrhere la fmet of erary eatah. llahmeat that eella meata, but a there were practically so srrtTal they ere sll doomed to rccTmU eery hhrh - '.. ;MMI with receipts Jut about equallna demand. Prwe toe hlsh for (teseral eonauoiptlon. ' ' A ahortace aentlneea Is the euppUea ef cream ery butter, but tha rccelpta era tocreaalns sud the trad eooa eipeet. to he able to supply eU demend. Thea a lower price la anticipate. ' Iter- Oettia flissr! m MS. - la naeumlns eeHe- 1 . amn( Frost street deaplte the J0? dealers whe sre rtenn """-- eoestry for Ul purpoo: Receipts ef egs sre not salts ae beary aa they were on thta ac coBBt. farmers aperalatuui the ssme ss dealers . .on the future of the market. ' - A eautmuanre ef the former scarcity ahoma la eupplles of ehlckena. bet the trad ta not s Wt worried, s s large per cent ef ths lialaim remains la eastern stork.'. " Trad rase . Talks ef Fetataes. ' rred Pae ef Page aos. wl has Joat i ratnmad from Baa rTaixfco, J ' net eae aayUtng la the potato sttuattos In th south te juatlfy any seed prlcea at thta . There ate eery liberal supplies of ordinary .tack there now and low ilcee ere! rulings m thee, ranry atock 1 scarce ead they are try. iTi. w three . ra MferUj. , .i... in ,hia war they wIU bring la lareer. eupplles ef 7eBtae. "TJJ sre nractlenllr aoo ef the fancy groe left bere. Wh?t they want la the Bay City toe ,0 that Is i ,omy e,n.l t. ta. Hood aiear aoDle one that Is suds by msehlasry ' weald describe It batter.' rWloaa Are b ; - - . ur. Pan there hi little ro. anion arowere. "Thar are eery beery eup. erenow eproatlng hadlf. end this does set bls the eitsatloB or price. ' ' - - no Pranetaco Is enrsteeses i k .ntiea and trad I alow. Orange r hurbrr there than here. There Is s treat scar - !,7 eegetable. with trices earreaposdlagly HL!!? . . M'rnohiS Drice te MH MceTpald shipper srs less regular cemmtasloas OH All BAOSCalestts. tte baytag rice; i Hiail.,. CORN Wool. ! ersekd. AM.0O per BABt-PT Be 221004122.00: raOeeL S2S 00624.00: brewing. eXt-WVZS.ou. T Bit 1AB per ewt. 1 OATS New Prrdooeiw' e1ee Wi Ke I white. S3 O02.5O; gray. zn rt m u (-..tarn Oresoe patent. (4.18 stralsbt. $3.00: export, $.8: rslley M.T5; VSim Z $i so; wbel. whest. $.tb, rys. So. no; hales. $2.78. MILUnTrrS Brma. $ ITS per tne; mid. dllnga, TJ,,,emXTT- W Ml alt,. iu lui. oImm. 2ia.0Ux2L00. HAT Prodarer price Timothy. WUIanwrt im. fancy. $18-00 fsney. $18.00014.00; ordlaary, t 00A 0 00: tars regoa. ie.wi mixea, $10 o6 10.60; ctorer. $.0; grain. $40010 SO; beat, ta.00. ' ' Butter. Egg sad Pealtry. BOTTFB PAT f . e. a. Portlind-eweel l tie I sou. 21 He. . BUTTKK City creamery, SOc; mtalds fancy. 8ct etorase. wi awe. 1Tfji7te. , rilOS Extra fancy, candled. 17lTUe CHEBRB Hew Poll cream, flats, lBUtl Ruler Yonns Amrlca. 181alHe, s pbt'LTBT Lire Mixed ehlckena. IdHeiBe Ih; fascy ben. 1515Ve K; master, aid, 11 . per lb; eld tr. lie lb: fryers, 14Qid. lb: broilers, lHloe lb; eM duck., He; ipring Cecke, ac p" a-TT" ;"' P 10; tor , bey. 17 per lb for eld: dreaaed. fancy, tzr pee Thl MHta. l.i r t: plseone, tl.U per doe. ureeaee neuiiry lumt per w Slcber. . Bops.. Wed aad Xlaa. HOPB isno crop t-aoicw. lie; prim re choice. jtiivc; nproiiio. o prime,. SQBc; WOOL teOa ellp tUey. aoa2hc; MOHAIR New 1807 B5C2Se lb. t aHKkM'HKINft ahcrtag. 16120 eacb wool, tr.gjeftct medlam reM. a0Q7a eecbl km wool, laretiw TAIXOW Prime, per th, $Hc Be. B sad TiHttim BABK 14T tar ear lets; smaB lata. . t n ipea Dr. Be. L II M snd na. Hua H for Ih; dry kip. Be, 1. 8 te I lb, 14c; dry calf, Hn. 1. andar 8 BM. lie. eeitad btdee, ateer. oaad. ea) lb aad east, tootle; eewe. 84it4e: etara aid belle, aound. 47ei k 18 r SO n. Sc; calf, kneed, ender 18 In. Ilr; gins, enealrad, 1 ls; eella. ie per fci Sera sioa. aaireo, vara, ii 111.11: ry, eack. $I.ObOl.a: elt hMea. 2r,n0 goat akhn, eammee, earn, loijioc; um, eecs. xw-cjli ' rrarla and Teremhlea. v roTATOPn Bnrmg price, eaetern ataltne, . k A - Sf KI ... II lag. fancy, 11.60: erdloary. haylag.' 4l.00O 81.12 CWt; sweet. 7 Ih. ONI'iNB Jnhhlnr price Xe. ' 1 Oregon, SO, Sir; No. A. 5utiV burfng price, ernittliie m fe .hlnnlne acuil: garlic, gffs per lb. Art.e.M Fanct Iter i tret enirrenties and Telle heartnwae. $2 211; faacy Vlllamette fat ter and nnbere OreiKB. gl.JOOl.lSi rdlsr ai,h gt on,i.2l. a IITH I id I IB Arrnge. new nel. $2 .18 (ii-, tangerine, $lii eaaeeas, 80 pet lh) MOHAIR WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS ;; By Templeton Bros.' Rice. --'EM- market la. steady at quoted prices. Receipts lor tbs past few ' daya bavo not bean Wn. but larser onea are ex- ' pected for the rest of this week.. No are being csrTiea o"r, as the out-of-town trade la very a-nad. . Arrival of chickens for the paat week - have been light and moat of the retallera hay had to fall back on eastern cold storage stock. Prices are Arm aa quoted. , Light real are in rood demand with very Ught receipts. ; Block hogs are very scarce and unless the arrivals are Increased thla week we expect to see the price go a little hi (her. ! . , There is a strong Inquiry for country butter and all receipts are picked up . at top prlcea. Apple market la healthyat pres ent and it Is expected there will be a good demand from now on. lemens. te04 M hast ilmea. hteztcaa. II. IB set 100; pineapple. 0O4-0O per apple. s per do; gram) fruit. S.oJ0. VltOETBI r Turaip. new. SOri ck: cerrots. TSctl.OO per eacki beets. IJe eer sack; radl.he. ) per ooeen: cab- ease. tl3-l tomatoes, Mexican. a.SOfflJM: Plorlda, ; paras I p. 0ctl atrlng been. Itc per lb: eaollflower. 2 66 per dea; pea, ISc; hoiweradlah. sftse per lb: srtlcboke. Oe per doaen; inh. 7ftrQ1.00 per eox relery. Callfereta. S.(S.o0 ser cratat eras. ben-Ira. gn.ooes.0a per barrel:. prota. ar per lb; paragu. 12HQ1SC: rhubard. 8M lb; green ealoaa, lie do; Fknids hell peppers, DRIED rBtrtTS Applea. era pom te. e per Ibl aprleote. liHOMe per lb: soacbea. !2flH per In; eacka tf per lb leea: frsaea. n to 40, kenc: He drop en each 1-10 amallet (He; figs, California black. aaHe par Bl Callforala while. He per lb: dates, rotjeo. W W per best tarda. I1.40OI I SO Bar I-! bos. ' , ejiooartas. Huts. Its. - SnOAB Callforaia d) : H await a Orhe. IJJ7m powdered. 6.1t; berry. PtsJiAl. drr gr.nnl.ted. M2Wl htar, pt 'SM,; eonf. A. M 2S( extra B, M.42H; snides C. M12H! V yellow. M.22H: beet granoUted. tiMH . Weatem Cube, $4.7H; powdered. .t4! dry gr. nolated. li.W,: P. C. 4.T2m Bt. Krancla, S4.72m confectioner- A. wtiait i ' f, UA2; golden C. 4.82Vt: D. . TSUow. M WS: beet grannlated, t4.2m bbta, 10ci 4 Mil, tic: soxes. sue aene oe ecu (Asoee price are days net eaah eela- HONPT 4T.60 par crate. I..-.' i rOPKEB brand. 1B.tVl. ; SALT Coaree Hair ground. 100. ! f 80. 1I0AO: table, darrr. Me. $14.00; 100. 113.75; balea, 11. en; Imported l-lTerpooU SOe, IIS.00: 100a, (17.00; S4. tld.OO: xtr flee, bl. ta. aa, 10. W.tiS.tO: Urerpool Imub rock. I JO. 00 per tea; SO-lb rock. SlO.Mi i0Um- iao. . Abov prices spply to. sales c w"J" lots. Car lot at eeclal price eabjeet flsctnatloaa.t , KICM Imperial Jaeaa. Me. 1. avt Ho. B. iHd Mew Orleeas. seed, tci AJss, t Cetete. uc. ' - i - BRARS Bmatl whits. - $ ; ' large white. 13.29: pink. 2.S0; bayws. Si.78: Umas. ic; MTiran reoa. c . . KUTS Peaaata. Jasthe, SS per Tbt Tlriula. 7vc per rh; roairted. 10 per lb: Japaseae. Sf He; raaattd7e7H per Iht eocossots, SAOJMe K jl.. r.lirarate. ts Bar Ih: Prench, 15c- per lb; Plseeets. 14lr per lb: b Mt ore aets, 10c per tbt enejtnsto. euters. lIMfiac per Tb Brest! sets, lac par Ih: fllbete. ISc pat lb; fancy pecase. uvue. sned. 1021He. i Meat. nh aad PirUlwaa ' rerxH uhaTb met Wlieet Wnea. Ceeey. 0",e lb; eeal. extra. tWe per lb: ordinary. Tu,etr per la; poor, e per mi macuB, 1(1. M IK im. 10 to it Iba. 16" lb; 14 t 1 Th. ler ; IS to 20 lbs. le lb; breakfast Bacon, lsc: taHe-l-piepicn, m w . enim ran. i lb; regular abort clears. BBaawked. 12e th; mehed. 13e Ib. clear becks, uaetaoaea. tsci moked. Me lb; TJntoo bntta. 10 te 1 Ihe aa- mmA So lh; moked. ve lb: clear neuiea. -se- araoked, 12H Iht emoked. 13 He lh; ibonlder 12c lb; picaien wwwr-m. v .... ivit. URD-kettle lent. 10a. 1ls Iht Bs. U Ih; BO-lb tin. lb: itna rae derad. 10a, us W aa. u)e . l I, v m air uni ToTanM .Over, alle.. $1.80; B-tb tall. $2.76: fasee. 1-Ib flat. II .001 H-IB rascy riara.; i.ncy 77 --n t2.7t: Ala.ks tall, pink, B0e: red. IA0 ub,.! a talL gt.OO. y 181 1 Hot coo. jo per mi wwmm-rw. wm Ih;-- halibut, ae per tm rx.o " mMA k.m iiu ser lb: estflah. tor ; sal nan. freeh Columbia rleer trheds. lies Chinook. 12 lh froera tolraos 11erher. ring, ec lb: eoie ee 101 .nneip... v-". a. lh. M.cfe end. Te ser Ih; lorn coo, ts per in; 1I mit. se par r" fraab mackerel, fc par Th: erwflh. Jo per Seees: turon. 10 per Iht sck bus. SO pet lb: Olnmbla rleer emett. per m. OTRTItRa nnoaiwatee o"7. p-im, nee lOO-lh sacs. ea.e". i7.p.. v . " f?2: per llWh ck. $5.0.26 Kagl caanea. oe caa. i CLAM" Hardahell. nor hot 12-TS; dams. t 26 per hex. f. t raiat. Oed Ofl. Xts. B0PB Pars Uaslls, UK1 standaru. Ut --. 1 11a COAL OIlc run er mrr . t r matee wblte. Iron bbls. 14a per glloa iodea, lie per gaUoai sisaiigsi. Kieeec., taoe. 21Heper grios. Iron bbl. lie per galloe .. - BENHINB eeg. caesa, 28a ser saOoa , u.1. leu. m Mllom. uvn 1 " - . TUBPaWTlNH IB caa. mm pa WHIT LBIIW . ;. e" t let. Se per ro; lea lots, n per . 11 111 I rui. baala at SlJe. MNHRBD OIL Psf raw.- la -bbl lot. SOel l-bbl kx, atet cneea. saa eer ; geuain - tie boiled. mm, aoa aer sal 8-bbl wts. 841 i.kki aa. mt eal: eronnd cak. arts. par tee; lent ths ear tots. (80 par ana. BETTER TONE SHOHN IN LOCAL LIVESTOCK Receipts Continue Nominal but Forty Hogs and Fifty cat tie Coming. Portland Union Stockyard. March . Ut. stock receipts: , w . CBOga. vain. uuaapi Week ago -,, 1 .,." j wmr - .............. AaA pvATlnn. sear ... ... we' 1x71,1. MkHnninM af the seminal strtrala the Iteeatock market ie dlepUying e etssdler ton In sll : usee, uouge , . a rear "go: Hog weak, cattl nd sheep steady. Prlcea earn. t . d- Oreerm. 8T.ROcT7.T5 tocker sad feeder. (6.767.0O; China fnts. rt'tl BMrt Mit-ri Orr 4Wtt 471.! bMt tmwm and t,Hfn. MW; tockm mmJt VenawlamPBl BUt "1 ;i- rnilil. at A- kmr. Hheea Mixed. 'aV,f. wetbsrs, 8HI ewes. Qi,c; Umba, 8V- . . ... ALL LIVESTOCK: 'HOLDS Chicago la Steady (or Hogs and Cat- ' " tie Sheep Are Strong. . ' Chlranvl March 12. I treetock receipt Hoea Cattle. Sheep, Chicago ...............21.0O0 4.IN10 18,000 Kihm City ...........15.000 '. 180O0 S.ono Otnihl ..7. 11,000 .f00 ll.VD mi are ateadr. with 8.000 left eecr. int. a - eear ana were 18. 000. Price 1US: rough snd Bry. $8.76 $.80) light. 86.WfT.0O. f .,-.' Cattle ateadr. ,.. ' - v , Bhwe rltrong. " : ' ' ' 't j POBTXAVD BABX (TATIsHBT. Clearing today ...A... Ctewlag s year ago .. at.8no.TTB.48 .....n l.COfl.Tia.71 (lain today ......... naiance rouiiy . Blses fear age I --.: lu7,o 08. te There Is a Disposition Among Short Sellers of Hops to Claim Larger Supplies Held by Growers Than There Really Are at Present 229,510 STOCK ARE SOLD Largest Volume of ; Business Today Since the Local Ex i ' change Started Calls. HUNDRED THOUSAND , OF GREAT NORTHERN J. C. Lee Taken on Big Block of Min ing Stock 0,000 Lee's Creek Gold at , 9 Mo Home Telephone Offered at .':: s . '. All record were smashed la ths trading- en the local escbang today. J. 0. Lee took 98.000 hsre of Ureal Northern St 1 snd 61.000 Lee's Creek Cold st 2e. Tody ws ths first day Home Telephone was offered ince the pool wu dlmoirod, hara being offered at (49. with $31 ss ths bio. I a. Ire. 1 . , - Mammoth sdraaeed te 36c, hayerr so osys. Wanougl Extension shows a slight gala. Today's sale:. On hundred tbouaaad Oreet Northern at Hi. ai.OiiO Lee' Creak Gold at Hc 8.000 Potlcle t ISc. 8.000 m t 18VLc, 7.500 Wdnangl Extenaloo st 2A4c l.W name at 2Hc, hurer' 80 day; S.OOO asms st sue. buyera' 00 day: 5.000 Mammoth ah 2ne, buyer' 80 dari 1.000 Morning st 8c. borer' 80 day: fi.000 um at tt. buyer1 80 day, and 100.000 Greet Kortbera at lWc , . Official prlcea: - , ...'.; nana iivuia ma. Aa. Bank ef California .-. Banker' A Lumhermea'. ,.$a.8A . 1IM.UU " moo ; ..' 200.06 Merchant' Rational 1S3.00 130.00 120.00 Oreaoa Trait A Karlcga. . Portland Trnat Co United States National... LISTED SECURITIES (BONDS), America Biscuit Co. 8s aa.00 100. 00 02.00 68.00 ' 90.00 100.00 100.M 103.80 J00O0 80.00 '"son 45 00 18.80 iW .00 80.08 .10 At ' .02 .on .20 .13H .26 Its ft Suburban a ,. Columbia Southern Irrigation 8s 88.00 Home Telephone Bs.. ..... J. O. Lee Co. ... a R. A N. Ry. WT5 O. W. P. Ky. 100.00 Pari fie Oeet BUcalt 8 8.W Portland Ry. 8a............. MISTELLANKOUS STOCKS. Associated Oil 42.00 Home Telephone 81.00 J. C. Lee Co ........- iu.w Pacific Bute Telephone 108.00 Paget Sound. Tstepbose ftrtwiiirci nrrrknu-B 1. Densy Delia .................. Lakerlew Creek Gold.......... A... .08 j02H North Falrrww Manhattan Clans Point.. .IS Pntlcl Mining .12 Wabouga Ei teuton .23 TJN LISTED STOCKS Taqutns Bay Telephen.,....,. 8.00 Alaaka Petroleum -. UK t.2 .20 .18 -. - .22 Blue Stone Brltl.h Colsmbls Amal. .... .0.1 .20 ; .IB .Op .0414 .08 Caacadla UuMtleld Ttotter , Mammoth Morning Mount Pitt Kreat Northern .1H ' .00 " .10 .04 Standard Oonanlldated ..... Taeoma Steel .07 0714 COECB 1VALENB DISTRICT. Rulllfia .07 Cepper King ....' .18 .OS .in , 08 .074 o. K. conouastsa.w.t on& Happy Iay ... . Park Copper .OS Siieweho .'.... .40 ', .00 (.10 8aowtorm (.00 - NEVADA MINING STOCKS Priccw Show So m . Redactloa Again bat Some Rise. flB Pranelsco, March 11. Although ware saostly la OoMflelS shar today. some gsms ws tea (Iter fetllag. wnKh . iDdtrated s Official MS euotatlons1 he Orsrheek, Starr ej vooae eonpanyr - . . v.Z.. - OOI.DPTBLDB DISTBICT. i BsnSstorm. B7c; BeS Ton. 84: Mohawk. 81T: Columbia Mt., 8ei Jumbo, 84: Jnaho, Fit., Vern.l, 18c; Pennirtr.nla. 8c OoldflelS M. Co (1.40; Kend.lL 80c; Booth, Tec: Bine Boll, seei Adam, 17c; Kllrsr Pick, 81.K1H; Mil Queen, Si asked; Jtcr. Boy, 18c; B. B. Ww, in., til., u .1 1 te., m.u .a., n na... Mvf vim .'.It. ' - . V.AIW, W, W Colnmbla. 83c asked: Hlhrrnla, lie; Bt. Irea, I1S7U: ConqBeror. SO; Blk. Bock. Tc; Lose Star, 24e: Q. Wonder, 4c: Potlateh, 80c; Ore. sre; tvenoaii mxi., ac; nanoai. bxt to. Mayne, 14e; Atlanta, Se; Ores! Bend. 84c; Bimerone, Die; Bmplre llei Bed Top Ext., 48c; Piorenee, 88 80; Dlam'f. B. B, Ca, (Ac; O. Daley, 82.08; Lagena. 81. BO asked; Commonwealth. $1.86: Comb. Prart., (4-18; Or. Bend Ext.. 2Scf Or. Bend Anx 18o; Mlllatorm, 82c; B. B. Bonanse, (c; Kewano, (1.42; Bwmeralda, (Or; Portland. 80c: Cracker Jack. 18c; Pranei Mo hawk. 81; Bed Hill, tie; Mob re k Ext., 33c; Urn Plllon. 17c; Y. Tiger, 17c ukea: OriBduia, 85c; B. Pick Ext, 18ci T. Bnae, 12c; Cot. Mt. Ext.. 17ei OoMf. - Cons.. 88.80: Dlasi'f.' Tri- angle. 48c . CnMSTOCK UIITIUCT. Ophlr. (2.50; Maxicaa, T7ci Ooeld A Carry. 80c; Con. Virginia. 8Se; Baeage, He: Bale A Noreross, TOc; Vcllow Jacket. (1.110 aked; Belcher, 5c; CeBfleeacs, (1; Slerrs her., 78c; Usios, tie. B0IXPB0O DISTBICT. Ortgtasl, 17c; Bnllf. U. C 28c: Mont. BnUf, Te; Nat. Bank, 37c ( L. Ftarrla, (c; Ametbyat, Sc; OoM Bar. (1.10: Statnway. IV; Denrer Bnf. Anx., 2V asked: Bnnnl Clare, 40c; M.rfl. Con., ROc: Monty. Ohio Ext.. 14c; O. Scepter, 28c; Monty. Mt., 2rlc; B. Daisy, 8flc s.ked; Cons., 81.18; Tank Olrl. 12c Hkedl N'Brset, 8c; Tramp ton... (1.20 ssked: Victor, 2c Banner, I.Vj Midas, W)e; Bsnsrt, (c, TON0PABS. . Tea. Wee- (18; Mont. To.. 89.4J1: Ton. Ext. (4: MacNimcr. one I Midway. (ISO; Ton. Belmont, (A; Ton. No. Star, 80e; Ohio Ton., 4c; Wet End Con., (l.SK; , Bescue, 17c; Ton. A Calif., 18c ssked; Golden Anchor, 80c; Jim Butler, (1; Ton. Cask Boy. eeilToa. Tlnme, Se; Boat. Ton., IM asked; Monarch Pitta. Ex., 21c; Mont. Mid. Ext., Se: ftoldea Crown, 12c; N, T. Ton. Cons., 10c esked. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Com., 68c; M.nb. M. Co.. lie; CI. Wedge, 12c; Seyler llnuip.. To: Iiexter, 27c kel; I Joe, 4c; Crescent, (c; Combination. 8c: firsnny. Blc: Mustang. 21c: Little Orev, 4IK s.ked; Cowboy, 7c i Orlg. M.nb., 2:1c; Bran. ctao. I2ci Jimp. jack. lRn Pm.not, 18c; Bn f.lo. 6c: B. Dog, 84e; V. Horse, Sc; India Cams, 19c. - TARIorS DISTRICTS. Palrv. Sllrer King. 4ft skd; Ph-r. Ragle, T2c; Nevada IIIUs. (t.m s.ked: Pittsburg Stl ee Peek. 81.8ft: No. Htsr Woader. IK ssked: Eagle' Nest, 23c: Ruby Wonder, (1c; Alice ef Wonder, 30c aakee. mflTID TATIS BOTERystEMT BOgDB. Kew Tork. Mach 12. OsTernracnt hoBd: ; -, t Date. ' Bid. Ask. Twos, registered lw do coupon ...... 1110 Three, registered I'" e coupnn r. .. inn. Poiira, registered 1""' do coupon ............... 1VOT Threes, m11 bonds rira. reelatered 1021 180 lHOii do coupon Jvx w Dlatrlct of Columbia 80S.. .... 114H Peurs, Phlllpular l0i Two, Panama , . ... 14 An eminon ..,..:..,.' 14 4i 1Kl Health U tha Canal de. ' Ths high wagea paid make It a mighty J temptation to our young artlsana to loin tna lorce oi imiim wormn neea e1 to . construct ths ' Panama - canned Many are restrained, nowever, ry ttie fear of fevers snd malaria. It Is the knowing onen-Mhos who have used Electric Bltte-a, who go there without this fesr. well knowing they srs ssfe from mslnrious Influences with Electric Bitters on hsnd. Cures blood polson. too. blllousnens. weakness snn nil atom sen. liver, snd kidney troubles. Oiisf wAtsedby ed Cross Pharmacy. 10a. SHARES l 1'R4 1(1.(14 )l4 KKt4 14 tno'i mi IkS 11 102 GREEH DUG IS TaKIOG G 11 Insect Known as 'Wheat Louse Is Spreading Its Field of Opera : tlons In the Southwest. ; WHAPS THE MATTER WITH KANSAS WHEAT? r porta From There Sat That the Bog Is In Possession of the Crop In Some Sections Sharp A fir an ce In tho Price. ,'. '' ;. RELATTTB WHEAT TALTJEB. March It. March 11. ..$ ."HA .T7HB .. .TKMiB ..TS .. .T81.B i .T8H ' Olio. .01 IPO. :S J .78 May Joly Bept Chicago. March . 12. Prom seerywhers throughout th wheat belt ef the southwest there ere coming additional report ef the ravage of the green bug. Thl Insect which 1 causing e much trouble to wheat smb. ays the Record-Herald today, I known ( th "wheat louse." - It la uniiy neia in check by parasites. Cold, damp weather la eprlng- and early summer faeor Its derelop. ment, especially 11 ey - Terai air raaon. aad pners tint la th latter part of April. Th weather Is th' southwest is dsmp snd rainy soar raeoreBie to ne nanai. Ing and working of the bugs, secordliig to millers snd elarator neoole In Oklahoma. ow bad reports .re being reeerred from there. Tn eug stones are now coming rrom new territory, showing quite clearly ita damag to tha crop. Prom sections of K.naaa ths Utt damag tutf la coming. Messages rrom ui oornweet my mx a maioritT of tha farmers do not Anow It. but tha bugs srs is their fields, neTBrtheleae. Is it luatancss the whest looks nothing less than Derfect. but arxm ,s rln examlnatioB or Inapection th bug ar g.ttlng their start. -jDie waa tne sort oz nw nrn oo wur nd caused whest sellers to crawl Into their holes. Covering of snorts sad new dot Ing or ders sent the price erer s cent higher. Th bearias government report ef yeatsxday had bsea discounted ead bad as effect spaa to dsy's trade, - Official ewotstloBa hr Orarbeck. Starr A Cooke eompany: .. - ,t . . wuut, ; Ones. Hl'rh. Vow. does. TftttA 7HB 7vB 4TA ViA 48I4B May 774 T8M July , TSli 19 sept 7s n a . C0BJ COBM. '- May SB'S : 4 . - a;- July Sept f8tet ', 41 0AT8. Vy .. 81. 81 80 .. 8714 . 87ia 88 41SA ' 1810 1829 July 8rpt .. K2 88 83 , MESS POKK. ' .' .1810 . 1818 . , 1500 ,.13I IrVtT ,: 1818 UABD. May .sly My ' ........... 8.10 8.13 : 81 July 47 ; .1T 816 Bept V4T BIO S.tO 840 : : son , V 80S 810 - , - BHOBT BIBB. 1 My 8B7 . 8B0 Julr 800 ., 8i . ' V6 Sept v.. 80S - 818 . .: 804 NEW YORK STOCK. MARKET IntflAl Trading Is at a Sharp Rise Money . Per Cent. opened sb.rply higher today ea abort eorer. Ing and maintained a steady tone to . th. closing. ' . ... r , , . , Offld.l eaoUtloBS by Orsrheek, Starr A Cook company: V- PESCBrPTIOB. t; Amal. Copper Ce.. ...... Am. Cotton OIL ears.... Am. Loeometlr, com... Am. Sugar, eooa........ Aa Smelter, com Atchison, com loTT 108 80 AftV 0U 128 18.11s 84 IOCS, "2 125 130 Baltimore Ohio. ears.. 108 Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific, com,. Chi., Mil. A St. Paul.,. Chesapeake Ohio Colo, foci 4 Iron. com.. Erie, ens eii 177 144 14BH 44 40-4 80V 80T Loohrrlll A Nsshvtll.. Missouri Pacific New Tork Central 121 H 72 I Ml 121 M N. T.i Ont. Western.. I 40U 80 Norfolk A Western, com 80! rennayirnni K. llway . . 1254 iw 81 U r. U., L. A u uo Beading, com Rock Island, com Southern Pacific com. I'nlnn Pacific, cam.... V. 8. Steel Co, com. , . do preferred Western Unto Tel..... Call money closed t Bl eoe; si 124H 12nM, 1V 8A Jit", 87 IVI'1, TO a, 1011, 1011 I per cent , 8b7.40 share. Total sale for the day, PLAYFUL 'YOUNGSTER - HAY LOSE HIS LEG Mother, Just Deserted by Hus band, Facet Additional ----1 . r Misfortune. r. Victor Hill; tha t-year-old son of Mrs. Donglss Hill, who conducts a restaurant at - Second and Ankeny streets, fell be neath the wheels of one of tha trucks of ths Albers Milling company yester day afternoon and sustained a com pound fracture of ths left leg, which may necessitate tha amputation of that member. Tha accident occurred at Second and Bumslde streets At 4 o'clock, while ths little fellow was amualng himself lump ing on and off tha vehicle, driven by O. W. Hlldebrand. According to Al Stout, an eye witness, tha child In alighting from the truck In soma man ner loot his balance and fell under tha ponderous wheels. - Unaware ef tha ac cident, the driver continued alowly on his way until notified by a bystander of the catastrophe. Hlldebrand rushed to the assistance of the youngster and oared for him until the arrival of De tent! ve John Price. .. , . 1 The patrol Wagon was summoned and Prloe held the little form In his arms during the drive to tha Oood Samaritan hospital. An examination by. the sur geons showed that the. boy's left leg had been terribly crushed, but It Is hoped to save the limb. . - A pathetic feature of tha case la tha fact thst .the child's father disappeared last' week wtth all the tangible assets of the family and It wss only through ths kindness of the creditors that Mrs. Hill wss ensbled .to continue in busi ness. ';'';" ' , ' A 1.1 nn county man whe set firs to a neighbor's house claims to be a som nambulist snd that ha did not know what ha did. If ar he -should be locked up of Bights at least, ., , I I N There isnb ailment peculiar to men that I cannot cure. For sixteen years I have devoted my entire time and energy to the treatment of men's diseases. r V ' My method have been perfected by; actual experience, with a thorough theoretical knowledge as a basis. I am. the ; . only physician thoroughly and permanently curing thosejunc-..; tional derangements commonly classed as "Weakness," and v my success in overcoming such cases has placed me foremost among specialists treating men's diseases, and has brought me . . . ..... r 1 t it.'- ttr..i '., M (s a M I tne largest practice 01 us Every afflicted man Is Invited to writs ma a description of his ease. Sueh.tswy , knowledge of mens dlaeaaea and ao perfect are my methods in treatlna: "ara that I am able to affect curea In all ordinary oaaea without aeelna; tha patient In person. All correspondence strictly oonSdentlel. Those vlaitlnr Portland .' may feel free to call at my offloe fop personal oonsultatlon. , . . a$ a WBAKNBfS So-ialled "Weakness" In mas' la curable fully curable. It has not been cured by those raeaaurea com monly employed, for thew are meth ods based upon suppoaltlon and not upon fact, Prematurenesa and losa 'of power In men Is due to a chronlo stste of Inflammation to tha pros tate (-land, and not to a disordered nervous condition, as has been aup tosed. I treat the inflammation by local process that doea not fail to accomplish Ita purpose, and with this condition corrected full and complete atrength and. wl(or re turns. 1 : , STRICTURE My treatment la ab solutely painless, snd perfect results can be depended upon in every In stance. I do no cutting; or dilating whatever. , .... THE DR. TAYLOR CO. Hoara 9 zszszszxz: z i nxsrrrrrYxsi Exposition Rinli lta aaa -waaning-twa art. . BiohTB Btomirnrt-i. - BTOOBT AMD aTXUrXBTt. Big moor Besv Rates Oood MaaleOoBif ores hie XlliiB Trss -xassTuotloa. . Watch papers for Ht Patrick's eve party announcement for Sat urday night. March 14. . ASaCXSglOBT 100. BXATW8 BBo. DAMAGED WALL FALLS Workman In Excavation Next to rV; Standard Oil Building Eat; ' cap Injury. ' ' t CONTRACTORS HAD PROTESTED IN VAIN Marshall Brothers Did Not ttant to Dig Near High Brick Wall Dam aged by the Big Fire Frve Team Ago: . v-; Eighty feat of tha 100-foot north wall of tha Standard Oil company's one-story building at Eaat First and Eaat Main streets collapsed this morn ing aa tha .result of excavations that are being made for an adjoining build ing. No one waa injured, though there waa a gang ef workmen In tha excava tion at tha time of tha accident, - Tha losa la estimated at (800. Excavation la being mhde tn tha ad Joining lot for tha ooncrete foundation of a new building to . be erected by Fisher, Thorsen and eompany. Marshall brothers srs ths contractors. Tho contractors had protested against djsglng near tha old wall, which la aald to have been seriously damaged by fire several years aga Tha mortar and other material are aald to hava been seriously, damaged at that time, so that It was resarded as dangeroua. Without warning thla morning tha stone foundation and brick superstruc ture toppled over Into tha excavation. It will require several daya to complete repairs to tha building and tha lose la estimated . at between ' (780 ana (8o. Tho building Is used by the Standard Oil company as a storehouse. a VIENNA WILL BE HER . OWN COAL MERCHANT . fjonrail Bosctal Berries.) Vienna, March 12. On the heels of ths munlclpallsatlon of tha undertak ing' bualness comes a proposal which will be laid before tha city council to morrow, for tha oatsbllshment by tha municipality of a whole coal bualness on a large ecale. ' Thla la a result of tha extortions of tha coal trust In Vienna. Tha annual consumption is 1,(00,000 tons, of which one third la used by tha city gas and electric works and for heating schools and public buildings. 1 It Is proposed to supply coal for these purposes. If tha project goea through, tha pubUe council expects to , Induce tha government to grant low freight ratea on coal to- Vlsnna. ':':.,'. ' Astoria may hava a wholesale grocery establishment. a aeealM. . ' CS. smooth drive ' J from down A tosm to toaa City Park. See page 13. , Roller Skating A-rrmav SUDDEL1LY King in ine vvesr.. Contractsd DIorclerai Every caa of contracted dlaaaae I treat la thoroughly toured; my pa tients have no relapaea. When I pronounce a case cured there ta not a particle of Infection or Inflamma tion remaining, and there Is not ths allshtsst danger that tha dlaeaee will return In Ita orttinsl form or work Its way Into tha general sys tem. No contracted disorder la so trivial as to warrant uncertain meiboda of treatment, aad I espe cially solicit those cases that etAar doctors have been unable to cure. X have tha largewt ' tmotJea Be cause X Invariably fuinu sow p: laee. lev Colored Chart showias stale anatomy and affording aa terestiag staay ta , free at oOoe. . A. It 'to 9 P. If. Sunday, 1 A. M m.tgZZXZZZZZZIIZLgZZZZTCZZZaBEZZZZZLZZ: Reliable mhensaatiBm. Aonta aad Chronlo eala. suaroal Weakaasa. BTsrrons T a r Bladder and all TTrlaary aad rrlvate Dlaeaaea of atea. . jisj It win aot eoert yew aaythlng to call at oar offloe and eonault ma, 1 1 aad by ao doing. It aaay save yon sauoa tlma aad aaoasy, aad tf wa aaaaot care yon we will honestly say so, aad yon will aot bo andar aay flaaaelal obUgatlom to aa. - OTJB iTim or TBBATTBTa Is ssperior to aay ta tus oonatry, aad our cares are tho reaolt of these methods. Wo neves- fail to affect a ears ta aay ease wo taka. If yoa snffa front aegleot, fro at waat of snoaey or front nnshillsd practlas her ts aa opportnaity to get tha ervBsea of a akflled specialist, a gradaats phyatolaa, wlta years of ripe exparUnoe la treatlag oomplloaasd aad special Aiaordsra of MU OBXT. It wttl oost nothlag to talk to ws, aad saay bo tha taaaaa of reertorlag yea to health aad happiness. 'Why aot sail todayf Out offloea are very private. Ton see only ths doe tor. , Our fas being ao low, K enables ataay who are afflicted to preoajs the algheat seieatlflo medical aaslstaaoa. Tarsaa aaada to sun tx aay aaa aeed aot We Want Every Man In the Country Who Is AN ' fllcted to Write Us About His Ailment Hours i B a. n. to S p. at. e-venlaga, T ts SiM aadays, a, aa. to la. ST. LOUIS EIEDICAL AND SURGICAL oobjtzb excoaro Ajn tamsttm. CGeeVo The WU-Kawa . teliahla CHINESE J a. DOCTOR Has msrts a II fs study ef net snd hern, nd Is that srody dlscrrrered and I glrlng tn th world hi wonderful re merles. - so btxhctbt, poibows om cbtos trsnv XE cubes without OPEBATIOW, OB . . WIIHODI TKX AID Of A XBIIX. H (uaraBtees . to cur Catarrh, asthma, Lan, Throat,, h-errnn Iehlitr, Stomach. Mrsr. Kidney Troable! lo Lmrt Msnhend, gtmnl Weak im and AU Print tlee. ' A SURE CANCER CURE sst Beeslved Prera P.klna. Chin i ssfs, Bar sad aUliebl. IF TOO ARB AfTMCTKIl, TXIlt'T DBLAT, - . ; DELAYS ABB DANOEBOCS, ff yoa cannot call, writ for srmntfloi blast snd clrrnlar. Inclose 4 cest In sump. - CONSULTATION FREE m 0. en wo cnnrrsi trzoirmrs CO., 1881 Tint St., Cor. MerriMB, . . .j Portland, Orsesn, .v ,. - Plessa Mention This Pseer. Pennsylvania Mall Carrirr's KcH-ord. Losing but one day's pay In SO yssrs. fl. H. Roaeberry of Arch Springs, who corrlss tha mail between his homo and Union Furnace, a distance of six miles, which he makes dally on foot, has one of the best rscords of any postman tn tha Vnltad Uteres. t; In covering his route 111 tlmea each year Carrier Roaeberry has Journeyed 17,189 mllos. Tha distance between his homo snd tha -Arch Springs postofflca Is half a mile. The walk to and from tha offlea adds another mile, or ,!( .i JaJ M am. TAixom. Tha XeseicUatT BpeelaUst. 1 1 r VARICOCBLB Without using knife, ligature or caustic, without pain and without . detention from business, ' I curat Varicocele in one week. If you have sought a ours' elsewhere and been disappointed, or if you fear tha harsh meuiods that moat- physl- . etana employ In treating thla- die ease, come to ma and I will cur ' you eoundly and permanently by a- J en tie and painless method. Don't elay. Varicocele haa ita dangers ' and brlnga Ita disastrous results. If you wlTl call I wUl be pleased to ' explain my method of curing. .: , . . SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON No dangerous mineral to drive tha vlrua to the Interior, but harmless blood-cleansing remedlea that re move tha last poisonous taint. , , ' IS 11 Diseases ' Cor. Second and Morrison Sts. Private Entrance 234 Morrison St Portland, Ore. to 1 P. lt, v ' ; : Consultation snd Exin- laatioa Free 510 Car Fee la Host Cases . ' Wa are amen insists for and saea aaly. tru sp atrial lsta. . - We do not treat aU alssasas, nor do we treat both sexes, but wa do sure all' eoxable aisass of xaacu Wo hava devoted tho ' beat years of our lives , to - this purpose and have accumu lated expert knowledge and skill In the diagnoala and eure of " ansa's dlaeaaea. that - can only bo obtained through aoBstaat stady, aoa pltal trsialaf aad year of Pay Us for Cures. A Cure vith;lls MeaiisaLIIe-Long Cure v i-ox.x.owxBTa straABZsi . t Blood rotaoav oaosrao4v Ti Seollae. aieet. By-p hills, Msev xadasy. aot go witaoat treatmess DISPENSARY stbxbts, OBTXgyro, obboow. WRITE YOUR EASTERN FRIENDS to COME WEST SPECIAL LOW COLONIST RATES , BTTBHrO BUBCJK ASTO AWUXX, From Bt Paul, Minneapolis, Daluth, Omaha, Bt. Joseph, Kansas City ' and other Missouri river points to . Portland and Ashland, Or, and In termediate polnta v..i. ....9354)0 From Bt Louts to Portland; Ash land. Or and Intermediate points . B30.00 From Chlesgo to Portland. Ashland, Oi, and Intermediate polnta S3 8.00 Similar low 'rates from other east ern polrrta to the weat ; - Bend ma full name and address of your relatives or frlenda- In tha east that are thinking of coming to the Pacific Northwest, and I will have them furnished with literature and full Information, or If you wish to pay the fare of any 'one, -the money can be deposited with sny .ni nt the Northern Pacific Rail. way snd tickets will be promptly I frnl.hed. . . . . For -fix a among, i iniuroiaV.i9n wanud, cull on or addr A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General Passenger Agent BBS Korrleoa Bt., Oar. Third, . .. Portland, Or. .. miles In the 19 yeare. Thua he h traveled, all told. In tha mall arvlo 41,110 tnllas. ;'. - - - . j ''': '' ;- i '. ' .' . !