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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1907)
TIIw Or.EGOIJ DAILY JOURNAL, rOHTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. MARCH 12, XCC7. 11 iUl.1 TO CARRY COAL British Steamer Woodford Looks ; Good to Uncle Sam and May Become Collier. REPORT OF HER SALE' IS NOT CONFIRMED Arrlvrd Hera Several Day Ago With fcargo of Coal Front lloji, Japan, and la Now ' Lying Idle Waiting for Order From Owners. It U Mid today that Uncle Sam's war ' department - la contemplating charter ing the Brltlah steamer Woodford (or a tarni of ona year to aet as a collier. Tha Woodford la at tha Independent coal-bunkers - watting for instructions, and rumora concerning herr . future movementa ara Hying thick and fast. The other day the-report was sent from Victoria. Brltlah Columbia, that aha had been purchased kjr tha Brltlah . Columbla-liaxlcaa Steamship company io , operate in conjunction with the ateamers Geore1 and Lonsdale between Mexico and Victoria, but thla report has not been confirm ed. Captain Bed don says ha has heard nothing from hie owners. Watt 4b Watts, concerning the Reported sale, aa ha thinks" ha would had tha deal been consummated. -' Officers of tha ateamer eay that In a communication from tha owners It la stated that she wlll.poaalbly be char tered to tha United fltatea government to carry coal. Bho Is well equipped for tha coal traffic, harlot capacity for 4. 00 tons, although . registering leas than 1,00 tona net. v Tha Woodford brought a cargo of coal from MoJL Japan, and finished discharging a few Oaya ago. If char tered to tha government, her first as signment will probably be to carry coal to tne rmuppmea. . , - . . STEAMERS CO CROWDED. Coos Bay .Business Increasing , Bate That Is Astonishing.--- - Portland merchants ara toalng much business because - of tha inadequate transportation facilities between this tort snd Coos bay. A week ago a Arm lost 11 (.00 worth of buslnesa because tha order could not be filled owing to tha lack of a -vessel anywheres near at hand to deliver tha goods. . And thla la said to be only one - Instance out af nany. Tha trade wtta Cooa la growing even mora rapidly than tha moat aaa- a-ulne would Imagine. . Tha ateamer F. A. Kilbura arrlyad laat night from San Francisco ria Eureka and Cooa bay with full cargo of freight and about tha average number of passengers. A feature of tha cargo was a large Quantity of peas from Euv Mlf .. Tli. m. lln th. M..I mtmm in Una time but tha voyage south waa low Decause or oaa weainer . ana. a light accident to tba ell pnmpe when off Point Reyes. Tha Kllbum wlU sail tomorrow night with every ' Inch of cargo space . oecupled. Agent -Baker oamplalns because ot having to leave several hundred tona of freight behind., Arrangementa have bees made, however, wo thit iii rrehrht now on tha dock will ve taken ears af. The agent ceased re ceiving freight a week ago yesterday. ' It Is aald that the trade with tba Cooa country could be doubled if only better trarflc arrangements could be se cured. Large amounta of gooda ara being bought In Baa Franelaoo because It can be shipped from there, but the merchants would rather deal here, which ,la tha logical market by reason of tha geographical position. . Tbe steamer ' Alliance will leave to morrow night for Cooa bay and since llrfie. will return without going further IT south, It la hoped that tha situation will be greatly relieved. Henceforth tha Al liance will ba devoted to tba Coos bay traffin only, .tha Intention, being, to 'operate btr on a weekly schedule! ASK FOR MORE MONEY rugct Sound Maria Engineer May ' Go on Strike.' ;: ,,.' ' ; (Jmtrsal Special Service.) ' Seattle, March 11 A' formal demand will ba made today by tha Marine Sn glneers' Beneficial aasoclatloa for In craesert wages en all boats plying on yuset Sound. The Inereaaea rang from S0 to S12S per mouth, in tha demands which were formulated to day the engineers- declare that- theirs Is tha only branch of tbe service that has not re ceived some raise during th past five years. April 1 Is specified aa effective tha data ef tha new wage scale, ; SAILORS ON PROGRAM Fine Kntertarament at Seamen's In- etlruto Tomorrow Evening. - The weekly concert at. tha Seaman's Institute, 100 North Front street, will t given tomorrow evening at S o'clock, Tinder th direction of Mrs. Ernest Laid, law. who has arranged th following program: 1 Piano solo. Miss. Webber; Levin quartet; song. R. K Bennett chief offloer British steamship Woodford; "S all me uoiveis are inclined, to bo con stipated do not attempt to force them. Just commence taking the Bitten before meals. 'It has a mild but sure effect on - the bowels and never fails to relieve. In this way . ' ' ' . EOSTETTER'S ST0:,IACD BITTERS has been' able- to make Y thousands of people healthy. It r.Iso cures Poor Appetite, Flatulency, Headache, Vom iting,' Dyspepsia,' Indiges tion, Liver or Kidney . Ills, Colds, Grippe or Malarial Fever. The genuine is ab- soiureiy pure. ", .. s A song, alias Vl.Ia Heed; aong, Trygoe Bohn, Norwegian steamship. Thyra; song. Miss Alice J us ton; song, J. H. Hunter, chief engineer steamship wooororo; song, Mrs. Ernest LalUlaw (violin oblliato. Miss Howlandl: aon. I fclrmln (mandolin obllgato, D. Fre da!), French atiip Kmllie Oalllne: aong, Osslaa Lonqulst, Finnish ablp Feanla; manaoim boio, jt. a. Bennett, steam ship Woodford; aong, J. V. Da vies, British ship Tola; flute solo, C. Dee- georges, French shin Emllle Galllne: song, J. R. Robinson, steamship Wood- rora; song, . xuret, Frenoh ship Asle; Levin quartet. Accompanied -Mlaa Webber, , . . TRAMP STEAMER DUE 'V Strike at Rawmllls Hay Delay For ' elgn Lambor Carriers. ' Tha large British tramp ateamer Ard mount Is due to arrive here tomorrow from San Pedro, to load lumber for China. Sh comes under charter to 4, J. Moore and company,. , With th Ardmount - there . will be four tramp steamers In th harbor loading -lumber, unless th Norwegian teamer Thyra manages to get enough lumber on board today to finish, and noma of them may be delayed her for aoma time because of tbe strike In the aawmlUs. Tbe Norwegian steamer Mathilda Is receiving some lumber at the mills of th Portland Lumber com pany, but she Is not receiving th dls patch that would' b given her under normal conditions; Th Norwegian steamer Bkoaatad la receiving lumber at Llnnton at present out wiu come ie on or tn local mills to finish. ... . . : , WILL SELL THE WRECK Owners of 'the Bark Galea Decide to Leave Her oa Beach. . Tba British bark Galena will never all th falgh seas again, so far as her owners In England are oOncemed.. Cao- taln Howell, the expert who was sen out her to take a look at tbe stranded vessel. Is here on hie way back to the old country satisfied that tba expenee f dragging the craft Into deep water would be more than hi people In Eng land would feel like expending. She will be offered tor aale to the highest bidder. . ... -. , - . Th Galena went ashore during the winter, shortly after the British mark Peter Iredal had piled up on th aanda a few mUes from the Galena'e position, and ah appeared at first aa If It would be comparatively easy to float her. Th winter aterms drove her a little further up on th sands and caused a allcht leak, bat otherwise the hull I aald to b In fairly good ahape.. - . ... ALONG i THE WATERFRONT The Steamer Roanoke aalla tonlabt for Port Los Angeles snd way porta. Tha schooner Mabel Gala cleared ta- day for San Francisco with 100,000 feet Of lumber, vr Th steam schooner Johan Poulaan. Captain Merriam, cleared for San Fran cisco last night wltb 411,000 feet of lumbar. Th Franco, bark Marechael da Vil- llers cleared yesterday for 8ydney Head. Auatralla. In ballast. Sh will probably leave down today. The Japanese ateamer . Manahu Mara aalls this afternoon for Kob and other Japanese porta with a cargo of bread atuffa valued at f 214.ll. The cargo I la detaU as follows: IJ.TI4 barrels of floor, valued at I1I4.000; tl.7fl bushels of wheat, valued at Ht.OSS, and 1M.1I4 feet of lumber, valued at $4,440. B. W. Olsen. formerly first officer on th Steamer Alliance, ha been a.ppolnt-t ed maater of a new at earn schooner now being built on Grays harbor. Hie place ' will b taken by J. H. Rand. Beeond Offloer W. H. Payne realgned reater- day to go to San Franelaoo. . Tn Uerman nark Artnur ntger wni be towed around to Puget sound, where shs will load lumber. At first It was Intended to have her sail np th coast. , MARINE NOTES ? Astoria. March It Left sp at !: m ateamer W. 8. 1 Porter. Arrived) down at 1:1S a. sa, schoower Alio Mc Donald. . ... .-,.., San Franolsoo, March 11. Arrived, ship Oriental, ' from Portland, and schooner Dora Bluhm. from Columbia river. . Malta. March 1L Arrived. Brltlah steamer Manchester .Port, - from Port land. -' ' Hongkong, March It Arrived, Ger man steamer Aragoola, from Portland. San Francisco. March IX. Schooner Dora Bluhm collided with ship plrlgo and had Jib boom eajrled away. Astoria, March IX. Condition ef th bar at a. mi, obscured; wtad east; weather, cloudy and foggy.. . : FATHER ALLOWED TO : HANG FOR SON'S CRIME - " :: . (Joaraal Speelal sVrrlee.l Albuauerou. N. M.; March 13. Wil liam Mitchell waa arrested at Est City; yesterday afternoon, charged with tha murder or a ranoner in A ex a t years ago. NIt Is charged that Mitchell al lowed hla father to be hanged for the crime ef which he Is guilty. His father convicted on the testimony of a stockman, who died recently. On his deathbed th stockman Is said to have confessed that Mitchell's father-was in nocent snd thst Mitchell had t perpe trated th crlra for which th father was hanged.- FINING COMPANY WINS . IN MICHIGAN SENATE ....... ,.' . - ' (Jenrsal Serial tarvtee.) Lansing. Mich. March 11. Th bill framed to prevent th Calumet A Hecla Mining company from acquiring con trol of th Oaoeola mln at th annual meeting of tha directors ef th Osceola company at Boston Thursday, waa . re called from th governor by th senate by a unanimous vote yesterday after noon and laid on the table. ' GRANGES ELECT STATE CONVENTION DELEGATES (loaraal Rpeetal serviee.) ' Gresham. Or., March IX. At th con vention of th , Multnomah county granges, held here yesterday, the fol lowing delegatea were elected to attend tha atate grange convention at Hood River In May: F. H. Crane and Mrs Crane, Lockwood grange; A. F. Miller and Mrs. Miller, Lenta grange; B, N. GUI. RuaselvUle grange. Alternates, 11 L. Thorp and wife, i. C MoOrew and wlf and Ml Anna Anderson. ROBBERS WREQK BANK - - ESCAPE ON HANDCAR (Jnarstl aoeelal Serviee.) - Hunnewell. Kas., March It. Th na tional bank here was wrecked by rob ber early thla morning. . Dynamite waa used tn blow open the safe. Th rob bers escaped on a handcar. If (Dp Greater, Deeper, More Sensational Culs-The Sacrifice Is at Its Height Agai :d 1 O J! O-h ro i I I XI 1 t I I M Vrcckag n - aw rs s v a aw -aew ' saw c of Prices and Values Throughout the Store Only a few days more till the tearing up begins and thousands of dollars worth of goods must go before the wrecking begins. Lot after, lot marked down again. Room must be made at any sacrifice, at any loss. Walls are coming down and dust and dirt will soon be flying, and tomorrow we begin the most desperate price cutting of the entire sale. . 1. , ; i ., MAKE WAY FOR TOE BUILDERS IS THE CRY And crowd stocks' still closer together are th orders. Only 5 day more till the wreck ' erg go to work, and they are to be 5 day of the most terrific celling the world has ever ,: - known, $1 buys $2, $3 and $4 worth, and thousands of lots at next to nothing prices. Come, come, come. The bargain rush begins again at 9 tomorrow morning. Be on hand Doors Open, at 9 a.m. ; flic 2Ic 2c 2c 3c 9c For large 5e For Se r For largo Se For Child's 35c Cake for WU. For Men's and bar Bast largs rolls pscksges of 25 Colored Lcath- lisms 5c Boys 25c and laundry Soap. Toilet Pspsr. Enyslopea. cr Handbags. Shaving Soap. 33c Wool Caps 3c" flc 8c 5c 12c 2.9c For largs 5c For 8c bos For Lsdlet' 20c For 10c bos For 25c can- For -Ladles BosPsrlor - Wood . Fancy Seam- Shinola Hennen's Tal Wrappers Match. Toothpicks. loss Hose. Shoo Polish. cam Powder, worth np to $1 JUL WHOLE CLOAIll KOOM TO BE EIV-PTIEO . The entire stock to go, closed out to save it from, the dust and dirt that will soon begin to fly. From end to end every single garment in the house has been reduced. All our swellest pattern suits, novelty coats, exquisite waists and skirts, as well as our entire line of chic UMisr cosrames, au nave oeen maraea aown a xourtn or uura, even a nau. u s your cnance now.. to ouy tne xnosc Biyusu aiurs wsa than other houses pay wholesale. Come and see, The whole stock goes and every price is a mere fraction of its real worth. ' Your Choice of Hundreds of Our Finest W0r?S; 25.00 aEfl ? P1 SUITS Garments of exquisite elegance the most up-to-date and swellest this season's styles Suits mad to sell at $25 and $30 All now $16.49 to clear them fa a rush,";, v5; :..T-,.-.7,-.:r.. Ponies, Etons, Box and KoveUy Effects Made ef solid-color and fancy checked and striped materials. Clever, handsome models that every store in town Is showing at -two and three times this price. Costs cut in the newest fashions. Latest-style pleated skirts; strap, button and Inner trimmed. Jackets all silk lined. In fact, inat such suits as are shown everywhere at $25. $30, and even $35, and a single glance will convince von it's tbe greatest salt bargain ever offered, snd right at the netgnc oi we season, coo. vjioicv ................. . .... .................. LADIES 5ILK-LXNZO I LADIES' FINE SILK n Covert Coats Ch;.$6.95 Petticoats " Worth np to $12, an colors, Jf pg. ; LADIES' FINEST SILK Raincoats A All colors, - our best $20 All Our Finest Paton Ranging In price from $39 to $75 All at 14(0)1 The fancy Not a waist in the lot worth less sell them now or have them ruined by the dust and dirt. Laflics' - $2 aM. daintiest and prettiest of this season's styles; made of sheerest, thinnest fabrics and many as fine as pure yokes; trimmed with lace insertion, embroidery, fine tucking, etc.; open front and back; over 50 than S3 and no to S3, and olentv of stvlea to Dick from. All in Ona lot ii all marker! r1nwnfnr it's silk ; long and short sleeves,' different styles to pick from. Take your pick and choose $3 waists, if you wantnow. i . . . . . . . eitherr'iO. Ladies' Wrappers, worth up 9Ql $5 snd $6 Silk Waists, f QO 500 LADIES' LATEST STYLE Ladtss $11 and $1150 f? AD Ladies' $5 and $6 New (7 no to$l each .....v Z7t odd lots ...iPl.yO JjQ, 0 axid $12 Raincoats, now Qd.yO Spring Skirts .3a.yO Ladies 50e and 75c Kimo- A- Ladies $2 Smbroidery-Trlm-jnn QtTIDTC Ladies $5 and $8 White f)Q Lsdies $5 White China -f- noa, cut to .V. ...IVC med Waists, now WC OlYliV 1 O Lawn Waists JL,yO Silk Wsists $.0? Lsdies 75c and SSc Waista, 7Q Ladlss' $25 8prlaf i Cft Black and an color g AC Ladies $12 and $15 Silk Q QQ Ladies' $1 and W Fancy iQ go at.. ..vyC Shirtwaist Suits lit0t Choice ....PU"tf Petticoata, now egyeVO Wrappers. 69f snd ........ 4yC V MILL ENDS APRON ; , 8c AND 9c FANCY. Be AND 7e FIGURED i MILL ENDS 50c AND 75c ONE LOT OF 69c AND 75e GinflhaiTaS QJa Figured laivns Qcv. ChalUcs 9i . Dress Goods 9Qp Odd Curtains 9Qp Worth up to 8c O1 5.000 ysrds to go. Yard..,, IB Fancy patterns ......... 2, Black and an colors..., MUXf Ruffled. Swiss centers... Uui 500 FULL-SIZE , LARGE 1M ORAY 1000 OOOD BRISTLE BEST 75c WIDE 27-INCH 500 MORE SAMPLE Ilonse Brooms iQn Blankets 90S" Tooth Brushes Wash Silks flfip Dresser Scarls flO n Made to sen a S5c...JLvl8r While they lsst V Worth up to 25c Choice... tit AH colors, go at, yard... lUw Worth up to $1.25 ...... b Women's 25 c Jersey iQUh Knit Vocfc PJ!fh IttL UUlt wwaJ wavas Spring weight, fancy trimmed neck, an sfses, belt 25c vests, st half price Silk Fans, each la black and white, fine silk gsnse. hand-psimV ed and spsngls decorations. uiotos.i...sf Ladies' Long Gloves $1;24 AU purs silk in black snd white, double tips, sll sixes, reg. $1.75 snd $2 vslues EXTRA SPECIAL 5,000 LARGE " 8c and 10c Skeins Embroidery Silks And Silk Embroidery Cords, light snd hesryl weight, u colors; urge, Dig sarins, worth 8c shd 10c. Out they go, choice. skein ..... ....t... .............. i lc . Another Day oi That Terriile Sacrilice of Hlen's and Women's $3 to $5 Shoes $1.98 Thousands and thousands of pairs to go. including many of our Tmsst Shoes bought to ssn at $3, $4 and IS, and many stamped thoas prices on the bottom. AU now S1.V8 to sell them with a rusn beiors tne rebuilding cotnmsnces. - Shoeo for Men and Women The Best and Finest Makes Shoes made for the most fastidious dreasers. Including Ladies' High Shoes and Oxfords, in patent kid, gunmetal, rid and other leathers. Lace and Blucner styles; also Men's Shoes of best satin calf and vid kid. sll the newest lasts, all tbe best styles, very sis and every width. Shoea bought for this spring s trade bought to sell at S3, f and $3. All lumped together, reduced to ball snd lees, to crowd them out before building commences. AU in one lot pick tinest S3 grades u yon want cnoice w this spring a trade bought to ether, reduced fJ tf before the re- V H IsTC 001J34dsindndslShoeSaIe (m(Pn tOi . Shoes Worth $1.50, $2 Up tp 53 ' Broken lines of hundreds of pairs of Women's Shoes, dosens of styles. i g fine kids, lacs snd button styles. Detent tips. Cuban or Military heels, all r U ' sises snd widths! sjso odd lots of Children s Shoes nons worth less than $1.30, plenty of $2 ones, and many worth up to $3. All go at, choics $1.50 Newf Squaw (0p H4 I vawm AU solid lesther in Suede snd natural color, large sise", sold all over st $140. Here..98 $1 Corset Cover Et 1 (To broidery, per yd AH warllan ys-iai 4i, tis-wi ssmI s1crkn mftmr-t-L ffnn to bo ribbon-drawn, $1 ones. Yard.. .. Best $1.00 Fancy Ruzs ACi r AU good sir snd elegant pstterns. . s S Genuine 9x9-Foot Rusts Qf uine Granites, worth $ 7.50 . . . sv SJ - Ladis' 39c "and 50c Vr Siik Embroider " All Dlacka. bautlfi.i"y .-' colors, rimle. sll s;?'" wortli lets than J) cr