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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1907)
OREGON PAILTriOUBNAU PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. MARCH 12, IS-. PRESIDENTEWIHG TALKS BASEBALL Now Head of Coast Leagu Gives Out a Few of His Ideas on the Came.. f f wit BE SEVERE WITH ; . THE ROWDY PLAYERS Bui Hopeful View yof the Oomlni ; StMcn, Ia', Opposed .to Orantla ' Advuc Money tid Wfll Sea Thai . Hla Umpire Enforce Boles..' 1 " That the bow president of the CoMt league will make thlnge Interesting for tee. rowdy players 1 rti! aa anything could be, according to the following from the Ban Francisco Chrosv . Never let the idea get Into your bead that J. Cl Swing will be a figurehead .. nmtdnit of the new four-teem iMfue. Ho -understanda the game aa a player and loader of playore on tha f told and knowa tha business and of tha sport, WhUa Secretary Danny Long will have rh at nuir of the detail. Ewlng win ha ,t tiu halm and direct the Ewlng Is too well knowa In California to bring about the neeeaalty of a hle a mm life. Ha nlayed bail aa aa amateur for 0 years, starting aa far back aa 17. Ha waa an . lnflelder, untU a bad .wing Bent him to tha out ana ha waa captain 'and an out fielder of. the Reliance. club team at tha iim, that nlna waa merged into the California State league. That waa the way ha became Identified with tha Oak land club and tha reaeon that arer alnoa i.. ,-- han associated with nrofeaalonal baseball, until now. ha la chief owner of the' Ban Franalseo team and president of tha league. . '' , . " . -t K.n nna well-defined view." aald Ewtng. 'when ha waa naked to tell of hie plana., 'That fa to atop all forma of rowdyism on the jfleld, Bpectatora are not to ba offended In that way. If aa umpire haa not aufflolent force to keep discipline, he muat retire. I have al ready requested the director to Instruct an.r. to the Hun affect and I will be aevera with every player who aasaulta an umpire; or .owierwiea w fatwla. ' "If a caaa ia brought to my attention, t win aitnar double the fine that haa been Impoaed by the umpire, or auapend the player. 1 aleo Intend to lnatruot the umpires to make tha minimum fine 110. 1 do not believe In these $5 fine If a player haa dona eomethlng wrong, the fine should be aufflolently large o that ha will realise ha la punished. "Aa v to Increasing tha else of tha league uiother year, thai la a matter for later consideration. I-do not be lieve In hawking franchises. If a city wishes to be represented, let that city make application. As tna cities en the four stow, our league will naturally develop. ' Believes la OrgaaUatloa. ', "v. v am a firm believer la organ t.-A haaahaiL It la best for the club - and." for the lerie. A player may do -better temporarily under ..Independent ball, but It tends to kill tha weaker leagues and there are fewer openings for men. From the league standpoint. It ia a buslneaa proposition. , We will have 155.000 Invested at FouHeentaand Valencia atreeta before we pltca a ball and we oould not afford to Invest that under outlaw play for wa would not. know from one day to Another whether wa would have a team. --, "PeraonaUy. 1. think wa will have a successful season. A baseball league la like a chain and la always as strong as Its weakest city. Wa now have, four Strong cltiee. i - v "Business ia everything In baseball. It la tha life of tha game. For that reaeon. I have refused to give advance money to any of my players. No busl neaa house would do It and there la no reason why baseball players should ex pect It. During the season. I wUl make i t-trtn and eosslbly two over . the circuit, aa I think It la the duty ot the president to oe m wires wiu, u situation." . ' ' ': - ' '.y BRIGHAM'S TEAM WAS V TWO BOWLERS SHORT " Brtgham'a" team of bowlers wss two ; .hM last .nls-ht and had to aue- the McCabe aggregation, that was aleo one man any. , im sreorya. ' BRIQHAM'S TEAM. : : . t ..... (11. t Total. .141 ltt H 3I EDGAR FRANK LEAVES - FOR EAST. OH FRIDAY A - ,, ,- , ..... ...... .. ... . Will Represent Muttnoman ax the National Amateur Wres tling Tourney at Newark.; Edgar Frank, who will represent the Multnomah Amateur Atnietio ciuo the national amateur wreetUn tourna ment at Newark. New Jersey, the Utter part of thla month, will etart for the east on Friday. The dates set 'or, the tournament are March It, .. , iii k hM nnder the patronage of the National Turn Verein aV Newark, New Jersey. . - Frank la la Bne condition ior . ie proposition , and will undoubtedly carry off nonors ror oia uuuumi . . far-off trust etateyrt New Jersey. Frank will wrestle at 111 pounds and, at this weight, be will not fear any man entered for thla meeting. ., Frank will go direct to new thence , to New Haven, wnere ne wu .ha auaat nt A. L. OlIDen I ai. h la a atudant at zaio.. wi sw.i. win nuitinna his training for 'the InnnuminL DUttlng OB the Bnlshlng in tha Mtnnanv or oia irmuua. Multnomah clubmen era looking for ward with more than usual Interest to Frank's visit east and feel certain that, v.-.m.a ttia Mnnumnt 4iaa been finished. Frank will carry away tna nonors a events In which Da participate. be. A. A. O. Xsa for gpoKama. ,aak from todav the Multnomah club boxera and wreaUera wlU leave for Spokane, where the nortnweat cnsm plonshlps will be held on March NLThe boxera who win mas m - Dranga at-lJ pounds ana wk... French at lt( pounda Bud Hughee'wlll represent M. A.-A. C. -in the Ill-pound wrestling class. . lB thle 4otrrnament the, crack man or the Bpokane and.BtatUe athletlo cluba will be In action, aa will also several good men from British Columbia.. Use Reason Cure Pile Privately at Home Wlth- ' oat rata or Operation. '.t YESTERDAYS SCORES ' AT BOWLING CONGRESS (Joerasl Bptelal tervlee.) n....r . March IX Bray shaw t .nnv tha lasit In the doubles in tha Bowling congress 7i'"- score being l.lto. but were-.latar-beaten by Harper and Kerr, who pinned l.ltl. Rarhnur ana sic jaenomr w . bowled tTl. The following acorea were m.d. in the Individual class: T. Perry, cat. Vmaa. Portland. S44: BalLi Fort land.' ; KeaUng. PortUnd. 0: Bar hour. Portland. 68: Moore, Portland, 6, and Hanson Portland, BIO. , .-. 0. A. C. BASKETBALL TEAM CHALLENGES DALLAS i. ;.. ... si- -c ---. To tha Sporting Editor:, la behalf of ha n a f! ' basketball team. I hereby challenge the Delia a college team to jt series of three frames, one to be played on the Dallas floor, one M O. A u, ana a third, if necessary to decide ouprem- n Ha nlaved An tbS M. A. A. C nAr all aamaa ta be conducted by neu .i orfiniaia. under Snauldlng rules. dates to be fixed by mutual agreement. , M.-D. M'CALi18TKKr -agerf ; CorvaUis, Or, March, 11. 107, , 'i eas-aB---aeeBa t." , . " POOL-TOURNAMENT-IS niAT. FAOXAOa The result of aa lirlUted membrane nan not be eared with a knife, but by nMrin tha causa of the irritation. What la a more natural cure the a strong and yet beaMa balm which will bring Ufa back to tha deaened asussT Thla la the notion of- the Pyramid Pile Cura The little suppositories, meii away' Into the feversh membrane, heal the-uloera,. remove the inflammatlou and swelling and bring back the rectum - . - .1 u-illikiii. - . . (V li. . , . Thla raeult la af footed Belnleaely and without tha loaa of a moment a Uma from your dally duties. Tha treatment la applied at borne, la .the prlvacror your owa room. The remedy la our own nranaration and oar. name la the guar- Thousands of oaaea similar to the fol lowing might be cited to ! prove ear I tried the sample of your eare you sent me. - i used It and then bought a eO-cant box. Tha results ware Imme ai... .r,A aurarlslna to at, I assure t hail been to a dosan of the beat doctora and paid much money to them with no results whatever. I nad thla .m-tlnn fa. 10 vaara. I WBS la B hOS- for a . lona time, and I left it - .. . . v Awa WIN ..mim I. nrnKiii uawu. -a w " - debt of gratitude. I believe that piles would be banished from humsnlty and . . nnknown thing, were every UajVVIU sei a , . a ana afflicted Wltn inem lO DUl epsnu from Mo to II. for Pyramid Pile Cura Tt. anaadv action also V on " ...i- favorable for impatient people. am vonra sincereir. uwii. i.i, Mattanen. alase " xtm m.itr now naaiv run suim h.w pllee. we want to cure you. ji yow.wut a rree nacaaae vu pnin iw yourseir, iwe wu giauir .euu " name and address at once. We wlU leave it to yon 'to aeciae waeioer aa. afford ta dlaoontlnuo the treatment Pyramid Drug CO, it ryramia oiag. Vl.-ah.l! Ulch. All druggiBta aeii ma rrnurno mi Cure lust the same as tna aampia, at 10 eanu par eoav- v inE RECORD OF THE DALLAS FIVE Successful Season Will Come to a Close , oa Satur- - ; V y Night.- ON AT MULTNOMAH , i r I i FINAL MATCH WITH THE MULTNOMAH TEAM Littto' Probability That CtoUegUna Will Meet the Oreffoa ArlcnJ- taral Lads la Championship I Seiiee, as Schedule Is brer, f , Mm Brtgbam. . Itoutledge Burmaa t . ....... o r 100 i in si ISO TotaU. u iii iToo7l McCABnTS TEAM. : ' , . (1) ) ) TotaL wv.w. . "... ' i lit 161 141 -l Cummlngs .." " " . . 117 ISO ISO ell 7Zi 7 in ut: it Totals .COS I5T Itl 1.7SI '; - f jf" nnilard Note. . - ,s , At Chicago last" mght Jacob Schaefer : won the billiard 11-inch balk Una cham pionship from George Sutton. Sutton a blah run waa SI. average II 10-I0, and Scbaefer's average II 11-10. " The" pool 'tournament- opened at tha Multnomah club last night and a falr alsed crowd ft the -cue artlatr were oa band both to wltnesa and to participate. Only three gamea were played, with the, following reaulf-K Nlehola beat- Brtgbam. 45 to SO;, JenKlns Deat moon, v w Hughes beat Jenkins 80 to 17. 1 "pbrtTjNor; gossip." Digging over Id soore books one of ten runs-' across Interesting nine sons and ends about baseball, almost. forgot-. ten, says a writer In the uetrou news. Old Jim McGulra reports lor pracuce with tha -Kew .Tors; team on, eunaay. In Washington ia isa Jim aoumr. aanant averv nm( clayed that year. fit. kls work Da waa leuaerea m vis benefit and given a bond of IS00 by the elub.- Hla, record atlll. atanaa. - Ta iaaa nobma ldwil now nswr uu- Ity man, made four home runs for Boe . TMthar Kit Chamberlain. lam LaJole was - the first major leaguer to go through tha entire season with, a batting average oi ,iw. in H7f Boston won every game the home grounda and lost but -eight oa the road. ..'''..-, In 18 national league wi m over .100. : : - -; And now Bill Bernhard has Joined tha Hat of Naplan rebela. with joss. Rhoadea and Haas, Bern- hard refuaea to alga a contract to play nnitar Larrv LaJole. nicg ana muwrm h... also kicked over tna tracea. T looks ' aa thouan tna wnoie v la laoreanised ' even perore ne axan a Ha vaf. . , . . V - Of tha . entire . pitching staff Bart Moora alanad and he ave la because ha Baa Hill all lBSt TeBT. ' rt I. n't over the salary question, as far as can be learned. Tha playera juat want to have ' something to kick about and -the salary question Is the easiest. Th.. raei kick la that tha playera are aoro at not Undlng thatflag with all their chancea Tha. don't like LaJole. so thoae on the Inside say. ' . ' - If those Cleveland, owners hired ordinary second baseman Instead Of tha greatest ball player tnai aver uvea, ua secured a fair aort of manager, they would moat likely win the pennant with that wonderful aggregation of baaeoau talent.- But Larry la the tdoL Hla wonder ful work around second and his mighty stick work always brings out. the M-owrfa. He 1s the magnet.- It -was he who made Cleveland a baseball town acaln after the Tebeau crowd bad ruined it. r.- ' ;'.:";" !, e. e . . ' The New England amateur boxing chatnplonshlpa i will be held nnder the auspices pf tha Riverside Boat , elub -of Cambridge, the Utter part of March. The classes will be at the regular walahta nreaorlbed bv tba A. A. TJ- follows: 105. lit. IIS. 115. 140 and 1SI pounds and for the heavyweights. The prises will be tha regulation gold and allvar aim a. m. -A.-. a., a. a- u dwusi gold for the winners and allver for tha men. beaten la the finale. , V- ":, S- , k.' , i. c - a-1 e ?. .. - -v .KfforUrarer4elng-mada-to arrange si alsronnd bout between "Jack" Palmer, an.' RnWUk hMrtmllllb rand- 8alloTJ Burkei to take place before the National Athletlo club of Phllaaeipnia one latter part of thla month. .' - f . Malvln Shepoard. of the Irish-Amerlr can Athletlo elub, who holds tha Amer ican half-mile championship, haa agreed to take tha place of uu parsons, too Tale runner, in tha - tnree-cornerea match race at 000 yarde against J. B. Taylor and Harry Hlllman, .wnica wui be one of tha main features of the New Tork Athletlo -club games la Madison Square Garden tomorrow evening. Trainer Macs or tna xaia irsca wra refuses to allow Parsons to start ta thla race, as he will neea ail tne apeeo mr sons has in him .winning the one-mile rnlav race for Tale from uorneu ana Pennsylvania, which will be another feature of these aama gamea Aa Taylor wlU run -the last quarter mile relay on the Penn team, and Parsons will oe aaved for the last relay by Tale, thla means a grand clash between Taylor Md Parsons In a quarter-mue race., , - HlnaH.l iHseetiQi t Ibt JesmaLt Dallas,. Or, March. II. With the game here next Saturday night with Multnomah Athletlo Club basketball team, ends the saost successful basket ball season ta tha History ' of Dallas eollese.' and leaves thai collegians easy champions of the State Basketball 1 lea sue. Dallas, college has - already played a aeries of It gamea ta- tha I league aerlea, winning 10 ox mem ny large acorea The only' defeat waa tha one received at, the handa of 'Multno mah ia Portland, some two months ago, br a close score. AH the other gamea. whether at - homo or ' on other floors. I have been won by acorea largely ruB-l Bins at a ratio -of two polnta to ona It la not thought hare at tne preaeni i time that Dallaa will accept the chal lenge of Oregon Agricultural college to I play a aerlea of gamea. for tne reason that tha haskathall aaaaon ia almost I ended, the Dallaa team la en the eve of disbanding, the players are nearly all Buffering from injurlaa, and It would be unfair- to play each a team agalnat the boys from Oregon Agricul tural - college, wno nave naa an eaax time of It all winter. Another reason for not" r, levin tha Tanners," Is that Oregon Agricultural college had ample I opportunity to Join the state league I when aama waa oraanlsed. hut preferred not -to do bo: It la a well known faotl that the only way to-determine and decide a championship la by percentage of gamea won and lost, and It would .be hlrhlv unrust to Dallaa college to place their hard-earned championship of the state at stake oa the result of a' single game .with, aa autslde Institution. For these reasons It la hardly. probable that the challenge of Oregon Agricultural college will be accepted, by the colhr glana. Dallaa haa played the entire season without a coach, which makes her many vlctorlee over atrong well-coached teams, , all tha more creditable. Next year a tour, embracing the 'whole of the middle west is contemplated by the vlntDTioua team from' Dallaa college. whan aoma of tha beat college and asso-1 elation teams la the twitea ntatea wui be met and played, and Judging from tha present record of the local playera. It la thought that on each a tour tjiey win make the name of Dallaa college famous In basketball -throughout thai United Statee. . If It la Inconvenient for lad'lea to call at our offloaa we will call for them in bur eutomobliee and return them to their homea again, . wwnww mWAOOII-ITrn OO- SaAXBT a, ' , MiiiiitW BELLE CRiEST Oilers a Korc Attrsctivc Investment than any Other Similar Enterprise In .PorllandT Qassot Property 0)nsiderede'-':;v:: :r-:-; This Shouldn't Be a Bard Hatter to Conlirm II yqn woulfl but I00& at other track, thensee Belie CrcsJ -if -WO When wc pay money we want to know what it is for' k..,;ni innw -11 ahmit a thin? before vou eo into it expected to do business with prudent people when we put BELLE f - CREST on the market, and we carefully went ? into and arrangeI r every detail for furnishing a strictly modern eub-dmsion with every; convenience' for people -who love to live well. : ; ; " First and foremost BELLE CREST is naturally beautifoV - ft lies higher than the surrounding country it .is the closest In" natural park in Portland.' And to add to these endowments ol .nature have added means for enjoyment-? . ; - A DuUding restriction of $2,000 rests over BELLB Insuring first class homes. t;. a Bull Run water Is in BELLECREST. -Every street Is to be graded 55lks at our.expense. - - . ;r, - :r . : t- .alJ 1 TITTT T Tf CPTCRT. ariA nn stores OK io liquors uiay uc buiu w" ... . r ; . , c MM 111811 L TIlirc THF AMIV lMY TH rilDF lllrtl eal ( I III. Vlllel V VVHf fCAMfAMKIMIHI - Be sensible -don't dose the stomach to fall tne tterrahal germs in the nose and throat You can't core catarrh unless 70a kill the germa. What a the use . of wasting time ? what's the use of living u yon ve got to snuffle and hawk and apit your way through Ufe? Do at tens of thousands of others have done, get the one certain and guaranteed remedy for ca tarrh and be promptly cured. ,. ' '" IIYOMEI WILL CURE YOU - Ilvomel to a medicated and antiseptic air; yea breathe It la sad it's soothing1 Influence foes direct to the afflicted parts, it kills tha terms stops the Inflammation and drives catarrh 001 Of the erst it cares coughs or colds ovsr night. A complete Hyomel outfit coats $1.00 at snjr dree; etote end costs oothinf unless it enret Mail orders BUedWrits lor In teresting booklet. ' ' ' '" ' ' BOOTH'S uTOMCl CO.. BtrrAiUi n. i. ... r. H Attlrtere. M.aa-Hrmellie relletsdime trim shokt e jHib M 1 saJfi ILU tf) reWrSBOBSiiwal as, BBaf S'SBjawss-e B- BASEBALL CHATTER Girls will eell tickets on the Prorl- denes -baaeball -TWaa?-!-ThelrrbeaxJ -will-probably have s -lnrti. - Portland 1 haa had women ticket eeuara aiao. aire. Larrf McLean handed out tickets last year at Keoreation para. , , - ' e e - In" the Utile town 6t- -Maeunsle, Penn-1 sylvanla. Uvea 'Carrie - Mover, airl Ditcher, who li Mm to Da -a wowwr, Judas McCredla should send came a contrast. .. ,' - .. r ... ' ( ' .. 'i .' The. Olants -.were .areeted with a I downpour of rain' when they arrived atl Salinas the other oay, out tney aion i mind a little thins- Ilka that. Water never affects a Portland ball player. - New Tork A. C. Games, i ' ' t nn.l' Bnarkl Berriee.1 ' " ' New Tork. March It. The annual in- 'oor meet of the New Tork AUiiaiio club. In Madison Square Oardea tonight haa all the features or a caampionamp mmnetltlon and as a consequence la at tracting; much attention, among ths sth- letes and lovers of etnietie aporta. ane entry Hat Includes some of the crack nerrormara. of-Tala Princeton,- Cornell and other leading eoilegea. together with the pick of the association athletea The event on .tne program insi ia aracuiiB mora attention than any other Is the three-cornered race at 00 yards with Melvln Bheppard. t. B. Taylor ana Marry Hlllman aa the contestant , - ' Seeking Ball Oamea. ' ' ' (Speelsl' Dlspeteh te The Jorl. ' Camas, 'Wash.. March IS Bportlng Editor Journal We have organised a hsaehali team here for thla season and we expect to put up good ball and to play aome ot the heat teams In this part tha state. I write to aee if you will publish aecounta of our gamea and If you will run a few lines announcing we Lara opea ror. games, mun imuj i Lackey Horse Sale. .' i -, ' . . I Inam.l SneHal aarrlee.l : Cambridge City, lnd.. March 12. Tha annual Iackey horse, eala opened here tviaV and as usual has attractea promi nent horsemen from all parts of tha Mi.nin. Thw -atle will laat Ave days. 'urine which time a large number of high-bred horses will go under the ham 1 ,v . , Scheduled for , Tonight. Packle McFarUnd vs. Joe Oalllgsn,';! ....a.s at Ttaa vannnrt f ATaw sa (VU II USB. S V tlir"' " rwr . w TREE PLANTING DAY ' -. . IN EUGENE SUBURB 'The White 8ox drew a total attend-1 ance of tts.000 at home last season, aa average of 7.889 per game. .- ' -..- - ,- e .- e .- ' The big-headed ball player never emounta to much. It la the modest. husUlng kind who wins out' ' " ' ... . e, . - Buck Keith of Portland aaya that Callff. the Oregon City lad who pitched elever ball tat .the Glanta laat year, la one of the 'moat promising twirlers In the country. "If be continues to take good care of himself, .he will be one of tha stars of the pitching world In a short time." aaya the famooa "Buck. Few men In Portland are better quail fled to pass on tha merits or a young Dlarer than "Buck" Keith. ,. , e e Chubby Charley-Murphy paid $18.900 for the-Chicage club. Including players, and elaaned so lltl.oov tne nrat year, He is now cutting government coupons. a e It was recently reported that now that the Trl-Btate league bad been admitted to tha fold or . erganisea oaeeoau i salaries would be cut The adopted limit of 82.600 per month falls to eon.; firm the report. ' . . a a t President Oarry Herrmann of Cincin nati wants 2T.60O for Pitcher Ewlng. r : e ,. e f- -. , ,. Manager McCredie is endeavoring to arrange a game with the New Tork Olanta on or about March 10. - A clash on the diamond between 18 Giants and such- mild-mannered managers aa "Muggey" McOraw and Mr. McCredie ought to be an exhibition worth going miles to see. . v. , .. , e -e - '.t . -- v : If Pitcher Chesbro" arid First Base man' Chaee fail to report tha Highland era will be In a bad way. j ' ' e e . , Boston baseball ' fans are pesslmistto over the outlook this season, aa regards their American league team. -, , - r- ' I . t e .a . ? , fc . Onca when BUI Clymer was asked If ha bad any playera to exchange, hla re ply waa: "Tee, but remember. I am not giving two tene for a nva" -e e - v Providence - haa signed '' a catcher named Knott. When ha fans the osons It will be a caaa of Knott out' - corner- groceries are permitted--- mercnanaising. -one central block Is set aside, for .:rr:- -Lights afid telephones are tKere, An atrreernent.has been'made witK tKe (Electric RaUwajl :' ' Co: which calls for street cars in BELIZE CREST by June 1, . 1 'at We can't afford to' misrepresent a single7 thing about BELIsBr- "CREST. --We-have too much money invested to do that, if for no other reason.-- In selling you it is not - altogether the little , to the extent of your becoming an enthusiast for BiLLi UKiibl, you thus become in smaller way a selling agent with .us . , yoa -yfy,-rfrirrlt,ariA thgY.tell-theirs and so it goes. - ' : - lot ' in BELLE CREST sells for $400 -Sorne corners a lit vtle more ; Yotf may pay as little as $40 down and the balance at :: $10 per month. ) ;If the building of a home of your own interests you take the time tomorrow and see BELLE, CREST. r:."',;";:.w;.;;':f'' Our automobiles are, at your service,' b'tit;pKone:ttt .Belwnanrl O ': you can.. -The S wetland BuHdlnf . on Flfu. St y Pbooa Main 853. V - illE SPANTON CO. Commonwealth Building on Sixth St. . . . Phone Main 2828 AT THE" THEATRES Crestoa B8ge4 (gpeelal Dtspstek te Tbe Jomnel.) ' i Eugant,-. Or.. March H-f esterday waa tree- planting day with the rttlsens of ralrmount, ' a suburb of Eugene Ths East -Eugene Improvement club, com posed pf the leading cltlsens of ralr mount, at Its last meeting set the day aside for the setting out of shade trees .ions East Fifteenth street, one of ths principal residence thoroughfares he suburb. ' yesterday' morning early or 49 men were on nana witn snovns and spades snd securing- -shout 189 small fir trees from Falrmount Heights, whirh skirt the suburb, set- them out on both aldea of tha atreet Ita entire length, over hair a mlle.. When the aiialM-a eood helsht this atreet will perhaps be the most beautiful InJ President-Swing of the Coast league, providing he Uvea up to hla statements, will make things Interesting thla year for the rowdy, ball, playera ... ... S0Z0D0NT CLEANSES AND BEAUTIFIES TEETH The Clarke ta "The One ef the asaaUlee that aa actor Bmet fj tot beeealag greet Is that he nest sansfy the aensad eC tae theelre-rolag sesiiewe s ww pUr seek seesoa. whs s : ,i... ... Orestea Clarke has foend la Tha Raned Messenasr" the best sioasra i j.m that ha TMea enxneea mars. It Is snaoaan4 tbe attrartka at Ike Being theatre Best TUorad.T, rrUar and a.. ... .i.i,la Man-B 14. 15 Ssd I, With B specUl-prlee matin-. Bstnrdsv efter-joa. 8t- ere sew semng si w a - "The- Virarlnlaa" Next Monday. w levere et rens-ee who heve resd ea enthralled b, Owea Wlstefs VrM The VlrginlsB," sad have ao sees tbistaae. It eooee te the H.lllg theatre for af etifasemeat ef three aUnte. eosisMBdnf ",t MeSS.. M.r la. DijstlB Fsrean, w U be sen la tbe title role, ea plared Ibf hlia WlU each marked sseesss J" "f L1" aselka. A avatlaee ea Wednesday will alee se glrea. seat sale open Beit rndsy. . . y . TJnas-aal 6ncce- at Baker.' . 'A Blsct Bhen, Vhlrk Is tMtag effered at the Baker theatre thle weak, le one et the "iT -miisii the ' Baker eewpanf - ha Tea ZTZZ. It U -a . -1! Bort . verf beat plays, sad It Is )it the Jtnd that eelts fhe Indlrldasl a.emb ef the Baker ewi.r. rila.ritv boosts ksTe attended eeh perforin- 2KwX aT.. the, wlU eontlsne te sect the noeee. . "lnder Two Flags' Successful. ' lllae Twaa rlto Is sppearlng ss Clrr ette'T. "U-d-r J- Bur thk, Dj tbe prodnetlon Is njonat in a Thl la the sreateat predneUoa a tte prt-s that s Bopolar-pHred tk eampaar ka 1t T the Te lsy aiade a saeeea hut "rM aJTwin be ess " the fs.dlag attrae ttons la Portland this week. . , , ' Record-Br-akor at Empire. " lest la l-w Terk" la thriller that p. trone of the Emplr. bate rerelTed with dew onstratlone ef approval rarelr la e pjr thla city. It we pr.-ntae for the frrat time here ea Bnoda, end et each aeceedlns trtarmmtif there hare been eapa. It, koane. The Slornoon mtwwn nnaented soa. exeapttonsllr etresg hse sn.lo. arhl.nd The Oregon Motiirnnfitl-iii- f net. til to iiaiuiupuuiiv- IIUUIUIV yX ' and School Alisky Bldg, Portland, Oregon Nq Medicines ulcerations t Dr. W. a. BTallory rsABVtxBBaia .a(..t a,,ra. KViha Latest Natural Healing Methods. . All ehronlo an acute dlaeaaea treated and cured In tha least time possible at tbe small est possible coat. We cure HABITS cf every kind and description In adults or children, to stayed oured forever. Beautiful rooms and best of -care for out of town patienta. - Best of results often still attained In eases that have been given up aa ' hopeless aiid Inourable. Hundreds of teatlmonUla en file at our offioe. Consultation free. Office hours from ! a. m. to p. m. , t.. M ....... treatar favae with the faMle tkaa thto stoty f Ufe ta the Siewnpolle. The O'Netlla at Grand. ' Htnlatare mlnatrals Is the war te tersi tbe art ef the O'N.illa at the Orand this wrrk. Thsr have a eewplete ealnatrel first part, wtt IMwtll eeeaarjr and aperlalttas and fire , a (nod show la a few minutes. - Tbe headline act Is Kelly end Reno, .the sm with . the ehslra. Tbr are eonwdy arrobaU and anethn aorobetle faarore la that ef Onetta. toe der vish whirlwind. . , . -preferred atoek Oamaed Oooaa.' . Allen Lewie' Beat, Brand, . .; BRITISH SHIP TO WATCH CENTRAL AMERICAN WAR -Bneelal tkpatrh te Ths Joom.L) Victoria, B. C, March 11. Tha Brit ish gloop-of-war Shearwater, stationed here has been ordered hy the imperial authorities to hold hereelf ready, to pro- eeed to the Oalapagoe Islands, aa a re sult ef tba trouble In Central America The Shearwater will remain ta Esqui mau awaiting, further orders. The Shearwater la a email craft, but Is the onlv war veaael on the atlon. She haa four 11-pounders snd four four-Inch guns. ' Reinforcements te the number of about 10 men are expected . for her shortly. . ' - i r-A. Drive Jj City ar la 0 mlnutee eare run la la. " See page Is. Ji. fia the entire city ef Eugene, , . V drasiee BtN sissue, w