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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1907)
G;i t!:o r,I::::c ;:pp!::::cnt . 7ith Tho Sunday Journd Tontcrrov--The Cost h Only Scjbr Tho Sunday Journal With j mihii iifm ssasaaass1 sbjsjws- '-'9 "il THE tepcr c! CIIEATEST Clr ' culalion Is THE Paper lor Advertisers. THE Journal LEADS in Circvhlion. Journal Circulation 29,204 Yesterday Was The Weather Increasing cloudi ness tonight; showers Bundar. - VOL. VI. NO. 1 PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, 'MARCH 9, 1907. TWO SECTIONS TWENTY PAGES. r; PRICE TWO CENTS. S7aSUJi4rci5 ft (rwwTnni mmmm Uv i j. ki I ri i 7 Mil x' n . r-'-T-V-v X. "W. IIK-V4I I N. I f I r All I L 1 r 1 ! V I c minmumir 66 PUTTMMMMO APOSTLE OF ZII DEAD; REFUSED PHYSICIANS AID; TRUE TO GREED TO LAST - Self-Style Elijahthe Restorers Diesat Shiloh ' . Houses-Imagined Holding Religious Ser yicesDenounced Imaginary Interrupter. Death Due to Blood PoisoningZion For- f gets Animosities Ni, (Jowmal Special 8srvle.t fljm mt Til 1L4 . w t. . Tnhn Atlt. 4tr Dowlt, eelf-atyled "Elijah IIL the , Restorer," the prophet of Zlon City and .founder of the, Christian t Cathollo : church, died at o'clock thle morning at the Bhlloh bouse la -ion city, unex peotedly, with only Froman llaenal. a white servant, Joha Marohfleld, a negro. ; servant, -and Judgs Barnea at hie bed Side. - : : The prophet was a wen yesterday as he bad eeea at any time during the paat six weeka. At midnight last night he , became delllioue and imagined, that he was holding reltgloua services. He de nounced a fanciful interrupter, ordering the guards: ';' '-',; :,'' "Put that man out" , . -The delirium , lasted until daylight, 'when Dowle grew weaker, and the at tendant called Judge Barnes. The prbphet had lapaed Into unconsciousness when Barnes arrived, and never revived. 'jf - " UveA Up to "Teachings. ' f it , w-ii........ ....... u,n.4 ' VOW IS . UVUVTBU . W ITOUllou from blood poisoning following compli cations of dropsy. Dowle lived up to -Irts-teachings,- andwaa never attended ' ' by a physician. Blnce he was beaten In the fight for the control of the proper. i tiea that he founded the prophet bad never recovered hie vigjr. Though he ' bed been In dissolution for months, the . end was not expected. - v Dowls'e wife, their son Qlsdstone, and Mrs. Pewle's father, John Murray, are t- at - the -eemtner-- hone - near Muekegon, ' " Michigan, which waa retained to Mrs. Dowle during the receivership proceed. - ings. None of them have ever hold " enmity against their leader, having thought him insane. ' Mrs. Dowle and Gladstone wlll .undoubtedly' come to :;- the funeral " - . Though only ! of the Dowieitee re. -A,'..;' .'.-I ''"!' .......... Portland Members 6t the Christian Catholic : Church Lost v Faith in Their Leader? Long Ago t X ' rnilnwara of the doctrines latxpounded at Zlon City express consld I Tftible doubt whether sny services- will be. held by the local branch or uowie a church in memorial of the former lead er's death. ' -rln feet. It Is openly-stated by some that Elijah II. whose etrange magnetio personality and domineering oharacter IhUcs drew about htm an International following, and In seven yeara raised the leader from a pauper to a man rated as worth several millions of dollars, had departed altogether too far from hjs own teachings to be worthy of memo rial exercises by the local branch of the ChrlsUan Cathollo church. Nearly a year ago Portland members Wf the congregation, becoming disgusted with the actlona of the founder and the manner. In which he was conducting his rule over Zlon City ; end Its numerous branches throughout the world with drew their affiliation with Shlloh bouse and founded an Independent or ganisation, which hae since been known as - the Independent Christian ' Zlon church. Thle organisation waa effected soon after Dowle bad been deposed as the head of Zlon City and Overseer Vollva elected m his stead. , '- - Several aow!elte Here. " Rov. Charles A. Hoy is elder of the ' Portland branch, but he la -In Oregon City and could not be seen thle morning. Other members of the -congregation, however, while, not In a position to state positively, said they believed that no exerolaes would be held or a special eirmon preached In memory of Dowle. Portland Is the home of a number of persons who have in yeara past bean Intimately In touch with the man whose 'phenmricnnl crrr nttrcti1 the atten tion tf every X ;--eklng country. Business Closes mained true' to the prophet after Vollva denounced him, all rancor la gone from Zlon City. All industries are closed. The workers are pouring out and form ing a great procession to Bhlloh house, where the dead body of- their prophet ilea. Through the streets the ery rings OUt: .... ,., "Ths prophet fa ". i TeUva Bntsrs Bedohamae. - -Tolhra waa the firat to enter the death chamber. . In reverential manner he went into the room where lay the oorpse of the" deposed leader and stood Destde the Mer.- : Judge Barnes,, though a member of vollva' s council, has remained a sup porter of Dowle's personality.- Barnes never believed the ehargea of frauds and Immorality that had been preferred agalnat the prophet, having regarded him as Insane during the laat few yeara. Ever since the receivership proceed ings in court. Dowle had held reltgloua earv!os at Shlloh bouse until elx weeke ago. Hie attendants carried him to the audience chamber, but six weeke ego ne waa nnaoie to address his 169 tol-lowerswho--remained -with hhn after Voltva's denunciation. ' The funeral will probably Jbe at Shlloh Park in Zlon City. ,( ' ' Dowle's Weaderfta Career, John Alexander Dowle was born In Edinburgh 61 yeara ago. He spent sev eral yeara attending a theological semi' nary In his native city and then went to Byaneyv tew south waiee. - He studying the doctrines of the Congrega- uonai ohurcn when, reading his Bible, he - began his contentions that - Christ meant to cure the body as well as the soul . He held that prayer, acoompanled by the laying on of hands, would effect (Continued on Page Two.) Ernest Williams, who lives at. Lents, was at ne time one of the overseers in tne christian Cathollo church in Chi cago. He Is an expert atenoeraohar and a part of his work there consisted of taking Dowle's sermons In shorthand. Williams was a firm believer In Dowle, and still clings to the tatter's teachings, ss do the majority of thoae who have separated ' themselves from' his rule, but later lost much of the faith he had in the man. Since coming to Portland WllMama has - had nothing to' do with the Zlon City church, .but has been act ive In ths local Independent branch. '.''.'-.'".Wag X) owl en Banker. ' Charles J. Barnard, man a are r f th National Trust Investment company. jiumwr or years ago waa assistant cashier of the Chicago National bank. He gave up hla position In that Insti tution to become Dowle's banker, an office he held for a couple of years. Finally a disagreement with the Chris tian Cathollo leader over financial methods caused him- to resign aad he came to Portland.- ' , v With Elder Charles A. Hoy, Who has complete charge over the Portland branch, it la left to aay whether mem orial exercises win be held, a matter extremely doubtful, ' according to Mrs. Hoy. She said this morning that both Mr. Hoy and herself a long time ago severed themselves from any connection with Dowle, owing to hla reprehensible oonduot, a f set which . had led to.-the organisation of the independent church. The same had been done,' aha aald, by practically all other branches outside of Chicago,, a condition which would main tain until Voltva's term expired In A un gual when another effort would be made to reconcile the feelings which bave sprung up against Zlon City. HEME SKETCH OF ELIJAH DOWIE III ACTION PROPHET IS DENOUNCING HIS ENEMIES NEW WHITE VMS HOT ; HEAR HIS STUDIO Jerome to Try to Prove - That Evelyn Did Not Tell the Truth When She Said f Stanford White Ruined tier. A (Josrsaf Special gervtcai ' New Torn, March . It is believed that District -Attorney Jerome will seek to prove that Stanford White waa not near bla studio on the day that Evelyn Thaw says he ruined her. The date can be fixed. It Is aald, by the photographer who took the pictures. , - - : t The state's experts era reported as being unable to decide to their own sat isfaction the state of Thaw's mind. Thaw's experts declared that he was insane at the time of his marriage. It la stated that the Countess of Tar- mouth, If her brother la acquitted, will demand that he loave- Evelyn, aa the countess's social position demanda the riddance of her unsavory alster-ln-law. . When Jerome reached his office this morning he ordered all attaches to re main all day and be prepared to work all night if necessary. County detec tives were set forth on some secret mis sion, if -' ' -"' Jerome, today retained als additional alienists. .These met .with Doctors McDonald.' Flint and Mabon and were supplied with copies of all testimony. STEAMERS FOUNDER . THIRTY-FOUR MEN LOST IJnarnal 8pHl Service.) . Berlin, March I. The Oerman steam ers .Wettern and. joergensen rounaerea last night in a Nt rtii soa gale. An hands, 14 men, wer drowned. ROOSEVELT'S SON HAS-r -A COMFORTABLE NIGHT Washington. March (.At l:9 this morning Dr. Lambert announced , that Archie Roosevelt had Improved. ' tie passed a comfortable night, ' , WPSWimSy'y:: SM DELIRIUM GRAND JURY CURLY BOSS IS HOST AT HOTEL Holds Reception for Friends at r St. Francis Faces Trial on Monday Found by Burns In ' Resort Near San Francisco. , (Journal Special Service.) . San Francisco, March . -A special aeeslon of the grand Jury waa hurriedly called this morning. If Is believed that the actlona of the Sheriff and coroner In their search for Ruet are to be In vestigated. - Many are . of the opinion that had proper diligence been exercised In the search by these two officials there would have been no difficulty In learning Ruefs whereabouts. :X waa expected that Ruef would be brought Into court this morning, and a great crowd gathered In the court room at an early hour. . The prisoner was not brought from the St. Francis, however, the court having decided not to talcs any action In Ruef s case until Monday morning. . Ruef. bv order of the district attorney. could not be eeen thla morning. ' Re-H porters and other persons, except Ruefs attorneya were barred. The boas con tlnues to maintain a cheerful, confident air, pretending to look on the entire matter as s huge Joke. ... ? Bold a aeeeptlom. ,,"-- Later In the day the restraint lifted and members of the city administration who are personal friends of Ruef were permitted to Visit him. The relations between Ruef and Elisor Blggy are of the friendliest character. Ruef took occasion several times to express appreciation of the courteous manner In whloh he is being treated. He aays he will be released Mondsy morning, although be la In no hurry, as hla prison is a nice place, he has plenty of-resdlng mettvrJan a good view of the city. He predicts that Judge Dunne will be declared guilty of contempt by the United States supreme court. . Captured by Bans. Abe Ruef wes captured at the Troca dero, . a suburban resort, by Special (Continued on Page Two.) FOR RUEF EOOY SOIT HAS TlEiV DEFEHDAflTS A Dozen Friends of Christian v Science Are Brought Into the Suit Papers Are Served on Four Parties in Original Suit (Joeraal Speelat gerviee.1 - ' Concord. N. H, March t. Papers In the Eddy Suit were served on ths fol lowing four defendants this morning: Oalvln Frye, secretary to Mrs. Eddy; Lewis Strang, assistant secretary; Pro fessor Bhering, head reader of the First Church here, and Rev, Irving Tomllnson, Eddys personal agent. The first three were served in person. Rev. Tomllnson was out of town and ths papers were ten at nia itouae. , A doxen friends of Christian Science nave been added to the list of defend ants to the suit to compel the truetees or the church to aoeount for the Eddy mllllona. Among the new defendants is Mrs. Mary Chamberlain of Spokane, Washington. . The others are mostly residents of Boston and Chicago. . . , KNAPP WON'T CONFIRM f ANTI-HARRI MAN SUIT ' - - (Journal ftpeeia oVrrlee.) . " Washington, March a. Interstate Commerce Commissioner Knapp yes terday refused to confirm the Walt street report of a Suit against Harri man. He aald, "the commission will take testimony April 4. It cannot take decisive action before then. I cannot tats what course will be pursued." KIDNAPERS OF MARVIN - SOON TO BE ARRESTED . , Uoornal gpwlal gwvUe.l . New CaFlle, March S The kid napers of Horace Marvin have ben lo cated, according to authentic reports, and will be arrested as soon se the de tectives find certain evldonce for l.i a they are now searching. 1,850 MEN OUT M MILLS CLOSE DECLINE TO GUARD fil t , . ' v, ' 1 Longshoremen Do Not Accept Deputy Sheriff Badges From Sheriff Stevens When Offered ' The longshoremen's union showed Its sympathy for the striking mlllworkers today by declining an invitation to act aa special deputy sheriffs to guard the property of the Peninsula Lumber company. - The reason given for their action la that they did not wish to be plaoed In a position that might give color to publlahed reports that they are unfriendly to' the atrlkera. ; " , , j - Last night the manager of the Penin sula Lumber company's mill, which waa tho scene of strike propaganda yester day, aaked Sheriff Stevens . te , furnish deputy sheriffs to guard his employes from violence. Sheriff ' Stevens sent word to Secretary Hal of ths Long shoreman's anion, asking him tf he could furnish IB men to aot aa specials should they be required. ' . . , , . . , v.- Strikers Are ravorable. Accompanied by a committee, ' Hall called upon the strikers, assured them of the sympathy of ths longshoremen. snd asked them how - the proposal pleased them. Ths matter waa put to a1 vote of the 100 atrlkera who happened to be In the hall and It waa decided to give consent, on the theory that friendly peaco - ornoera would oe setter than Others., v. (-. ' y f. The longshoremen s committee then returned to their hall, btit after think ing . the matter over, they decided that, If they accepted . Sheriff Stevens In vitation, the publlo might construe their aotlon as being antagonistic to the atrikers. : They then returned to the strikers' .headquarters -and on their rec ommendation, the latter rescinded their vote prevloualy taken. ' Sheriff Stevens sent soma of hla reg ular deputies to' Che mill In question, but they- reported that ' there were no signs of trouble and were consequently withdrawn,: . St. Joans Km Tied TJp. -The strikers took f men out of the St John's mlU laat night and that con cern failed to resume operations this morning. Thirty men were taken from the Peninsula milL ' The latest Portland concerns to doss are ths Oregon box factory and the (Continued on Page Fifteen.) Prophet Got Cold Shoulder Here Though He Commanded Ministers to Aid Him. : . Cured Many Afflicted Followers Today the new. of ths deposing of John Alexander Dowle la apread broad cast ever the world. Seventeen yeara ago, before Chicago knew Dowle and Zlon, Portland was buay ousting the late Elijah aa fraud and delusion. Many in thla city remember the at tempt made by Dowle to plant hla colony in the fertile fields of Oregon. But Portland would have none of hla Innovations. .- t .Dr. C. E. Cline wa then a pastor of a Methodist church and he pine hla faith in the goodness of Portland -n the manner In which they received thle apostle. On Dowle's arrival from Aus tralia be came to Portland from 8a a Francisco and enllntod the sympathies ef C W. Bears, then secretary of the Toung Men's Christian association. Mr. Beers cast over the prophet the msntle of charity and helped him send eut a call to all i the pastors of tho city to meat him at the T. M. C A. Ministers being proverbially known as poor busi ness heads and unable to tvcornlxe a good thing when they aee It, failed to reepond and only two or thre et.ri up. The next day a peremptory de mand was sent out eommen i t thern to come snd show why m not plant hli little kms !" -f at i r.,.: t.s MILLS HOW TURN A1Y APPLICANTS Owners Will' Repair Plants and the Public Must Wait for Its Lumber . e Strike situation today. e . Number of men out, I, ISO. ' Number of sawmills and box e , factories closed. - nine. Number . e . of aash and door factories closed, e '.tWO. ,-r--!,: ' . ; MUlowners are said to have , e 4 agreed upon an Indefinite shut- , down to force atrlkera to terms. e Longshoremen show sympathy for strikers by refusing to act aa e deputy sheriffs. X - e "Strikers charter steamer "Cn- ,e "dine and travel by water to Van- , couver, Washington,, to tie up ' mill at that point - e - Strikers mall notification of e wllllngnea -for conference with e' mllowners. . . v r. . x t:" '-! : .' V e e e e e e.e e e --All eigne point to an indefinite shut down by the millowners to fores the striking la bo re ra to terms. Whils the owners flatly refuse to make any state ment aa to their plana, they do not de- haa been agreed upon. For one thing, the mill owners bave who apply at the mill offices for Jobs are turned away. The payrolls are be ing prepared and Monday the workmen who until a week ago operated ths mills will get their -time."' - Overhaul masts. Ths owners are, furthermore, aald to be making elaborate plans for giving their pleats a general overhauling and making any repairs in their machinery that-may be needed. J The one thing that win militate strongly against a long fight on the part of the owners is the fact that San Francisco snd other western cities, aa well as Portland, are depending upon tb local mills to furnish a vast amount of lumber.- In the next - few mouths, anil there will be a loud protest on the pert of commercial ntereeta generally if th lumber Is not turned out. Portland s lumber output la the largest , in the .(Continued on Page Fifteen.) naxle oa Twelfth and Morrison streets. There he taught his principles of divine healing. The lame, the halt and the blind followed htm in vast numbers, and returned lama and halt and blind. For two or three weeka Dowle raved In eeesnntly. against the stubbornness of Portland, and a few stragglers pinned themselves to his eoat tails. Finally he organised the elect and went away In aheer disgust pronouncing this city not y.lon. hi,t atnm Th, In. .1 .I.. . Baptist preacher Of South Portlnmi, a Rev. Mr. Ratssky. continued to conduct ths meetings. The ministers of the city held held red-hot meetings ever hie defection. But the movement dl.l out, says Dr. Cltne, until within com paratively recent years, when e m. elderable congregation wse gathi-ir.l, which still exists. Dr. CHne, thnn president of the Min isterial aasorlstlnn, denounced Dwtn u the most dogmatic denunciatory, ravli 4 manlse he hnd ever heard. "He was arrfKint. self -assert, tne t I domlneorin. ami ,l!ier lmi,r'-" I 1- a-lth ettmnie ft"'''-" "i. r t 1 , . vt.-l 1 1 '' ' i frn, v