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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1907)
Till: CALCOli DAILY JOURNAL. rORTLAIJD, FHIDAY eve:;ikg, MARCH 8. 1S07. nlll "Madam Bettarflr" hrnkt ,.J aHap.ll' t.u)lis....... ...."Black Pettl'e Tron be Hours' 1 -i C.-... .......... . . "W.Ue V,rtralnl k'.r ............"My jrrtaud rrnia Jihim" Wraad VanaefUte In th Butt Bora Conaolldated Min ing company advertisement, appearing In The Journal tomorrow, will be told 11 tha circumstances attending the ee- outsitloa or the property by too syndi- rata of Portland bualnaaa man who pur- cheeejl tha lira claim. covering Jvo acres, from th or 11 goal discoverers of tha gold quarts. Apparently so abundant. This mining company, entirety - com poeed of -well-known citizens ef tha city, make no eecret of any of It trans actions and ther 1 navar aa atom of blow or bluater about It. It la eelllng hare at 19 cent' each, and every tockbolder, the management declare. Hint be equally interested with all - ether person.' having financial claim upon th corporation, and ar entitled to know all about lta bualnaaa method nd what u l being made ef the money they pay for stock. Development work 1 now being proecuted night and - day, and It 1 Jlkely that It will not be long before the ahare bolder will bear tout exceedingly pleasant reports rem Ooldfleld, th greateet mining camp on earth. Th Butt Boy company a oi flce are on the ground floor, Weatherly building, 10 Bt Jdorrlaan street. - ' -Some Aepect f the History of Charttle" was th ubject ox an a- . drea delivered laat night at fhe meeting ef the Christian anion Of th Unitarian church by Dr. T. D. Eliot, minister emeritus Of th Church or uu rainer. In his remark th peaker traoed phil anthrope work through th age and bowed the chanre in th attitude of man toward poverty and crime. . no showed that th attitude of mankind had gradually changed until at th pres- ent time trained expert In eharity work and In the car of dependent and defect ive classes were given th management of th work. He applauded the work of the Associated charities. A an expert authority on delivery, enunciation and eaae of manner. City Treasurer J. E. Werleln will . Journey up te McMlnnvlU tonight, to act aa on of th Judge In the debate between the member of th Intercolleglat as sociation. Th debate will b under th auaploea of McMln-rVill college. De bater will be present from Willamette university, th Oregon Agricultural col lege, Pacifl university, th Oregon State Normal school and .th University ot. Oregon. L-r.-.j.--.'. v , Fifty-four candidate will', be initiated Into the "fraternal Order of. Eagle to night, at their hall at Second and Tain- hill streets. Much rivalry nag oeen de veloped among th member of the aerl , In- seeing whe could obtain tna largest number of candidate, for Initiation. three handsome medals having been of fered a prise. Th Portland aerl now ha nearly tSO member, and 1 con templating, th erection ol a Duuawg. ' At a meeting of th Prisoner Aid so ciety, held at th room of the Assort . a ted Charities yeeterday afternoon, .It was agreed to ubctib l09 annually to Increase th salary of Chaplain P. St. Pierre of th penitentiary. - Report were mad to th society of a number of releaaed prisoners having boon fur nished employment or transportation to their horn. ' -.. ..-. .. Notice to th Public Rummage sal at Fifth and Washington will close thl craning at :te p. an. and will reopen at fl d. m. flataraaT eveslng. Ther is still lots of good left to pick from, -As V thl 1 th last chance- for th big bar- gains yoa should com early, a It ta your last chance to get,, th benefit of thl great sal. .... . ,. y-: Don't Take Chance .With th hand ' me-down; they may fit la moat' places, . but the misfit part oberbalano th ' rest. W make any suit In th boua - to your measure for $15. No more, no less, and can fit rem perfectly. Try us . on your Spring suit. Unique Tailoring Co.. se Btark street. Between wa ana 8txth street. ....'.;': : . A battalion of United State regular arrived In Portland last night on the fmra rdlnnkaa Ohio.- barrack, to Port Steven. Th soldUra war ao eompanied by their officers.- They lalt for Fort Steven thl morning on the ; Astoria m iojumoia mwr kbu r - ' The Multnomah Improvement associa tion meets this vnlng,' corner Mis sissippi avenue and Shaver street. It - will consider rree water, meter system and parking Of streets. U. it. Deris I president and 3. W. Booth, secretary. I car for your eyas better and for less money than any on else. No ',. charges for examination. - Small charge for proper lenses. George Rubensteln, reliable optician, III Fourth street, vear . -YamhllL - . -. ! - Ton can ear almost on half on th price by getting your suit, hat, pants, - shirts or shoe from John Dollar, 111 111 First street, eorner Tarn hill, and IS-ei Third tret, corner Davis. ' Astrology: 'it Relation to Religions. Fourth la th serlea of occult stereos- tlcoa lecture showing man s place in ' the universe. Allsky , hall, tomorrow night. Admission ltd. .,. ' , f v ' Astrology: It Relation to Religion. Fourth in th aerie of occult stareop- tleon lecture showing man' plao In th universe. Allsky ball, tonight. .Ad mission 3 to. ... ; , : . . . : . -. 'A buslnea man's meeting at First Christian oharcb, oornar Park and Co lumbia, tonight, addressed by Rev. K. W, DaraC .; -;; ' M. N. Rlebhoff brought action against , Jacob Krlmbl to th JuaUo oourt thl morning for th recorery of iiii.m, el Li 1 i i , i i,i qJBa F.17.BALTES d COMPANY MAIH 105 -' INVITE YOUn IIIQUlhlES FOR PnifJTirJG r:!!5T IHD C!t STREETS W. IL Lloore, President. E. E. Lytle, Vice-President. VV, Cocpcr-Morria, Cashier. DIRECTORS W. IL Moor, Lew Friede. E. E. Lytle, IL A. Moore, W. Pooper-Morrla. - INTEREST NOTICE If yon are a depositor in the vings department of this bank, we have credited interest on your account March 1. It will be your privilege to draw thia interest at any time. But if you prefer to let the interest remain, you may do so, and it will bear interevt the same; as your other deposits. ,' This is our sixth semi-annual paymtrnt of interest. " . y '' : . .- Oregon Trust CS, Savings Bank : ,'"')": Portland, Or. leged to be due htm on ooo tracts for plaatarlng let to him by the latter. Krlmbl 1 a house builder and con tractor, and has been subletting, his plastering to Rlebhoff. - In tha . Job cited in court amonatlng in all to nearly Il.OOS all had been paid except amount for which ' th action was brought. ,-. " ' ; .. Bteamer Jeaa Harkln. for - Camaa, Washougal and way landings, daily ax aept Sunday. . loavos Washington treat dock sum. ... ;.. v ,- Announcements Our annual spring millinery opening take place Saturday. Th Palais . Royal, . 171 Washington street. , y : :t Jullu Bnreatone ha resumed ' th practio of law exclusively, f OS Cham ber f Commoro. . : v . 'Woman's Exchanger lit Tenth street, lunch 11 4S to t; buaines man' lunch. - Asm Oil Co. sells th bast safety coal oil and fin gasoline. Pbon East 7 IS. ' .Why- pay moreT - Metsger fits your yea for 11. . Ill 81xth Street , . Publfe stsnographer, 114 bldg, . Phon Main 7SL r . wetland - Remember Co. B'a dance Friday even ing, Marti .'. .; . ' f Dr. B. C Brown. Eya-Ear. Marquam. Bergerfligus -Phone Pcdflo 1121. v WILL I3VADE EASTERN OREGON DURING HAY Itinerary' of Portland Business Men's Excursion Being :"tJ'l ..X; Arranged, -.U.' At a meeting of the Joint committee ef the Commercial club, the chamber of commerce and board ef trade, to be held et th luncheon hoar at the club next Thursday, a report will be made on the itinerary or the eastern Oregon x euraion that Is being planned by Port land, business men. The Itinerary com mittee Is composed ef Tom Richardson. C. a Mastick, Sol Blumauer and T. N. Stoppenbach. - It Is proposed to start the excursion from Portland, May ft, instead ef mak ing a data In April, as at first suggested, The people of eastern Oregon have asked that My be substituted. A spe cial train will be aaed for the trip over the O. R. at N. Unes, and the excursion will probably occupy a week. The com mercial bodies have appointed the fol lowing joist committee to have charge of arrangements: W. B. Glafke. Julius Darkhelmer, F. A. Nttchey, C U Mae- tick, O. M. McDowell, for the Commer cial club; . J. Thorburn Roe,' Edward Ncwbegln, Sol Blumauer, Fred A. Bal 11 a. C D. Bruno, for', th chamber of coenmerce; F. E. Beach, T. N. Stoppen bach. W. H. Beharrel. Ed M. Brown, M. Merteneen, for the board ef trade. TOO MANY CHICKENS - RUN LOOSE IN W000LAWN k t-uuens oa vtuooibwo pmnnmi Indignant because, aa they declare, ether ". .1 - . , .1 V. - - people are endeavoring to run a ranch In Woodlawn and use their yards to exercise poultry -and domestic animals. Ordlnance tltl Is cited by the irate cry sen a This ordinance,' passed Sep tember II and approved September tl. 1888k make It unlawful for horses. muieu, caule, sheep, swu. goats, chick ens, aeese or-ducke to be allowed to run at large or to be herded In any of the streets, suey. parks. Unenclosed private grounds or publle place In the city of Portland during any time of day or night, -except when being driven through for shipment. This -le-found on page SO of the revised ordinances of city, of Portland..-- - "Suffered day and night the torment of itching pllea. Nothing helped me un til I uaed Does' Ointment. It cured me Ermanently."-VHon John - H... Garrett, ayor, Girard, Ala. ROSENTHALnSEAT . SALE OPEfiS TOMORROW , . . . . i . , ., At the Heiltg box v office tomorrow (Saturday) morning the eeete for th Roaenthal recital will he put en sal, and th muslo lover who have been clamoring all eeaaon for th coming of true eminent Austrian artist. -wiu D out bright and early.' Rosenthal haa been the sensation of the season wher ever be has played, and as he IS appear ing here In en especially fine program, Tuesday evening will be one ot pure delight to the vast house whlcti will assemble to greet the "little giant of the keyboard.' ' - i Thia is, the laat concert in the series ef four presented by Lol 8tr-Wyna Coman, prevlou number having been Gororsa., Schumann-Helnk and Arthur Hartroaaa. - The number of out of town lnqulrlee received for Rosenthal denote an unusually large contingent which will be preaent at the Tuesday recital. The aale opens tomorrow at 10 o'clock. Metscer fits your eye for L0. ' 111 Sixth street, near Washington, GREAT BANQUET CLOSES THE : -v FESTIVITIES OF NEW YEAR'S What might justly be termed the piece da resistance of the -Chinese cele bration of the thirty-third year of the reign of Emperor Kwong Ehua was re served for last night, when th Bow Lung tone, an organisation of China town's allte, officially closed th Celes tial . New Tear with sn unparalleled pyrotechnlo display and monster ban quet. , m v .. , Tha festivities arranged by the dis ciples of Confucius to mark tha con clusion of their season of good cheer war held at Second and Oak etreets, and th eucceas of th affair was" due largely to painstaking efforts of Bold Back, tha Gladstone ef Chinatown. ' Through a special dispensation from Mayor Lane, and Chief of Police Orlts macher a platform 10 feet in height was erected yesterday directly across the street from police headquarters and from tha top of this platform l.tOO.OOS firecrackers were exploded prior to tha banquet. Owing to the scarcity of firework In this city It was necessary to secure the crackers from Baa Franniaco. At th ruling market price Sl.i: worth of the noise-producers - went up in smoke, or, as computed by Beld Back, tha pyrotechnic display which lasted for aa hour and a Quarter cost exactly III OFFERS. REWARD TO LEARN -WHERE MISSING WIFE IS NOW - H. I. Hoggitt ha decided that the ways of woman are variable end not to be easily fathomed. He is-also scouring Portland and Seattle for hi wife, Emma Hoggatt, who ha vanished, leav ing no reason for leaving, or trace be hind. - ' Bunday last Mr. Eoggatt reported to th polios that his wifs ' had suddenly left their home at East Eighteenth and Alberta street for no causa so far as be knaw. and that .she could not be found, i The man seamed very anxious about tha whareaboata of the woman and asked tha aid of th police In locat ing her, bat eat the same time aaked that the matter be kept quiet, as he wanted no newspapea notoriety. Th polio, however, war unable to HARD WORK FOR FOR THE SAKE OF ANY WOMAN - In a suit for divorce filed in the etate circuit court thl morning, Mrs. Ovlta Josephine Hawe atatee 'that ever sine bar marriage; in November. ISO, she has had to support herself and help support her husband, with the excep tion of three months. - During tnoee three months, she says, she was lck and unable to work. Edward Blake Hawe la th nam of the husband - complained of. Mrs. awe says that Hawe told be fre quently that he would not ao para worn for any woman, and pawned her per BREWERS DISCOUNT. THE REPORTED PABST DEAL Declare I Neither Brewery - Nor Pottfing Works Would Pay Under Present Conditions. 'iV , ' Representative of th Pabat Brewing company of Milwaukee spent a portion of last week In Portland, and it is cur rently reported were looking for a site on which to build a brewery. It Is . . 1. . , , V. . . . . MitlM IflHh IUI IUW IVVI k .uw w ... w Portland block was secured and that an effort is now being maae to get options on adjoining property. For this u . . n i, a imtinuihl ta aanetrtsJn the exact location of the reported purchase. Among tne ioou i-emiiy reported that the sale of the proposed brewery alts has sctually been closed and that the plant to be established will be one of the largest on the Pa cific coast. . A talk with scene ef the local brewer and wholesale liquor dealer develops the fact mat iuu creaeuc i Wahat lirawerv In Port ,U Vl.V fTBVfwn . - land. It Is well known, say these in terests, tnai tners are ampiv umwci j facllltie in ' the northweet for taking care of th beer business her. Re peated efforts have been made to build up an oriental trade In American been, but theee ef forte have amounted to llttl on account of th fierce competi tion by English, German and Austrian braweriea, and for this reason It 1 not believed that the Pabet people would a tirlnra In Portland for the purpose of building up an Asiatic trade. It was suggested uni ut an,u breweries - contemplated establishing a i HA.irB Mm ttia nMiwrhr thev are reported to have purchased here, but It was pom tea out ny e iww u--vr ua that would prove a money-losing propo sition, aa both the empty bottles and the barreled beer would have to be shipped from the east at a greater cost . k .i.. Ky,,n.' huf amild ha shinned IUM V " W w.wu ' . i a. , uiia,afilraa j Attention wa Ul HI II"'" a.."- . also called to the local option law In force in Oregon, which would not be calculated to tempt, eastern . brewers to establish plant in tnis stste. , CHANGE Of LOCATION mv. trHaa Wlrts. A T.lnuor MM- i A US SaVlaw soe svs ...... Xmnj 1 hmm tnored from WMblnrtoo trWet to th corner of First and Main a a. rhh MKa.naraa Af IMtltlnf. VII V.IVVSB. A aaw - - mad, to ooouro mora eomraodioua qtiar- and laa rant,9 aatd tha manaffer thia 1 Mnait rt al wa AllV IWt. mDrnmH, " -wirm.w a-' . rona th benefit of thl saving. W trust th large family trade we hav enjoyed in our former location will find it ,'.,nt, aaniia in call noon u In our new quarters, and w ean assure the publlo that our prices win as ever oe ttrantlve ny eompaneon. - -- i mmnx5 to rose amr park see srxDArs JOUBXAL L a minute. A crowd of over 1.000 peo ple blocked the streets In the vicinity of the police atatloa during th pyro technic u.splay and a special detail of polio war required ta handle the throng. With tha pop of tha last cracker th banquet in tha Tin Kin Lun restaurant. 11 Second atreet, oommenood. Th place was artistically decorated In the Inimi table style of th oriental and an aug mented orchestra under ths direction of the Chines virtuoso, Dal Go Ling, furnished the disturbance so essential to ths digestion of the viands. A private dining-room had bean ar ranged for the Caucasian gueeta, and among those present were Mr. and Mra Frank D. Henneasy, Mrs, George J. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Gold stein. Mra. T. Wst, Mr. and Mra J. X. Fltxgerald, Miss Armstrong, Miss Soott and H. H. Hawley. Beld Back presided at the gathering and th menu follow: Out Tun Ten Wah (Bird' Keat Soup), Dal Ho (Oyatere on th Uhell). Dun Gun Yl Chi 8hark' Fin Omelet). Chtt Y"? White Mushrooms and Beawed) Chaw Gay Pan (Chicken Chop Suey). 1 Bhu Gay (Fried Chicken). Ice. Cream. Cigar. Salted Almonda t . Tea, ' ; G. H. Mumm's Extra Dry. And the woman and yesterday Hoggatt inserted an advertisement ta Th Jour nal, running a picture of the woman, together with her description, and ask ing lodging-house keepers and employers to watch for anyone answering the de scription and notify him. Ha offered a liberal reward for any Information leading to the discovery of her where abouts. . . ' Hoggatt has gone to Seattle, Where It Is said be suspects hie wife want. - A brother of Hoggatt is in business at SOS Morrison street. : Ha refuses any In formation of tha case, saying it la a private affair. Th husband says h cannot account for the actions of hi wife, a there had been no trouble be tween them. . HIM? NO, NOT- sonal effects te -get money for his own uaa. Then, say Mrs. Ha was, ah would have to redeem them with money that aha earned by her own labor. In addition to being Supported, Hawe baa treated hi wife ereelly, according to bar' complaint. ' Bhe alleges that Hawee baa called her vile name and falaely accused her of Infidelity, They were married at San Francisco. In No vember, 1S01. Mrs. Hawee aak th court to 'grant her a decree ef divorce and to permit her to resume her maiden name, Loath, 400 TOSS OF COAL ARE HINED AKD SOLD Medford Promises to Become Scene of Mining Activity Before Long. : ;-v Coal development to th vicinity of Medford is assuming large proportions. The Blue Ledge Coal , company haa leased 1 1.000 acres and opened a coal mine, from-which 400 ton of good steam coal hav been sold at Medford, The Rosy Ana Coal company haa Jnat leased 4,000 acre. And is preparing te ink a abaft en th sum vain. . Th promontory known a Roxy Ann." about 1,100 feet high, a few miles east of Medford, Is the scene of the coal mining activity. It la be lieved, this mountain Is underlaid, with coal, aad that a eery large mining in dustry will be developed around Med ford la the near future. The Roxy Ann. Coal company, promoted . by Joseph Brown, naa leases 'on land nearly sur rounding the mountain. Theee lease Include th larg holdings -of John Broadbent of . Minnesota. Mr. Brown is a well-known Portland traveling man, representing the Oregon Furniture Man ufacturing company. - The future ot the coal mining Indus try In Oregon looks - very bright and promising. Within . the last to days three - -oaj developments have been started In western Oregon, In addition to the Coos bay field. There la a pros pect that wlukln the next year er twe this region, so long neglected by es tablished railroad Interests, will he bow by private enterprise to contain great eoal resources. , GET STRIKERS . IN AS FIREMEN Fire Commlttes Plant to Make Up" Deficiency In Member- ship of Department. '. : a'.-' . "Ther will be a good chance for you to get men for the department, now that the etrlk is on at th mill.'- aatd Fir Commissioner Peery to Fire Chief Camp bell. Mr. Peery had called at th city hall - te attend a meeting of th fir committee of th executive board, but aa Commlsaioner Wilson was not present the meeting wa not held. Chief Camp bell and City Electrician Bavarian were there and the commissioner and th de partment officer talked about the lack of applicant fr place a Bremen. Chief Campbell aatd It w altnoet tin poaalbl to get men for th poeitlona "We need substitute firemen at all th houses." he laid. - 'W cannot get them and we Tannot get regular Bremen. . "Tail tha papers about It and I be- lleve you'll, get a number ef applica tion from ' tb; mill-Ben," eald .Mr. peery. ........ - "I II try It It won't hurt to make th experiment, answered Chief Campbell. UNIQUE PHOTOGRAPHS . OF OREGON WATERFOWL WlllHm L. Flnlry, lerturer for th National Association of AuduboB eoci tie, will deliver a lecture on th water fowl of Oregon at the Taylor-atreet oburch thia evening. The lecture ' will . 1 Aayoao giving' tafsrsaaaloa tha will lead to the Jooating af this person will reoetv a Ub reward. She wear a dark BtaU loaoT eeee, hlaek hole tWaohheA, avace- else hlaok ' corduroy pleated skirt i has hlaok hair and oark Tfttown eyeei age SI yaaucs. Please aotlo tf yoa have aayesa la yeas' rnnanrng home vrerkln- tor yea hy that dauatytlea. Xf so, pboae lhMdfle S3S1. ' X. L SC.. wVTta. CEILIG TKEATBE TONIGHT 0:S WCIOCK. Sararday Afteraaaa. astorday MM. Baary W. . BaTaae'a New Ensllah Oiaad Opera fsis saay b Peecial'a Japaeeee Oeere, MADAM BUTTERFLY lHeea.....i....a.0O, SAO, M-vO, tlJO. 9M lm aad MCI! If? TBCSTnC waaalactes uuuh a uuii aa . atfua X. Smaday aad Uasday Kights, Itafeh 10 aad U, . GEO. H. - ' Primrose Big Minstrels FETCES (rer finer, Mret 10 raws, f I So, last ivwa. 1. Baleeay, tl. fBe, 00. Oat lery. Sac ead tee. ,. aaata Now Belliag at Theatre, . Sale Opens Tomorrow ROSENTHAL . wrarrr.T TMMATtM, aCAJtOat la. :i PRICES 11.60, t 0. 00. Gallery admission $1.00. Boxes 120.00-111.00. Out-of-town order filled promptly, -'.--.,' WKXZB riAJIO TJSBaK , naa Vala 1SOT. Oro Taeawe Oe-, la aaser, aisv. ForUaad' rsr loaabla Pepaiar-Prles Theatre. Hoete of -toe Baker BlorB -.nmeaaf. "Tool-rot AD Thia Wees Ta BeaaUtal BlMleal , Storr ef Qneea fiber, KTZPABL By KTU waeeler Wilcox. Matinee sennday Only. Bveatng prlras He. SKer SOe Matlsee ISe, e. Vest Weaa-a.'-Heyt' "A hlaek aeee.' SSe. giSi PE THEATRE ffc7w' Special Kafaxeamt ef the Oreatest Ooiavee Attraetioa. -BXAOS VATXTS ThO0AOOffmE Tha Orlainal and Oalv Black Pattl. a start (Vlehra tf OV-4 Blager la the Werbt, Sega- feu Xmelre mesa. Heat Waeh 'XOtT TJf XXW TOxi" v THE ORAIND '.Aa fctmertary. Svaat, Coin's Educated Dogs ' TT -aArtXVXO DT SOoTfaXB. . Svary Aftaraeaa Bad Steak, . ' Vetiee Bseeiel Cail area's Mstlaaa, atareay, ltatoh . Twe Skews That Aftsmna at S: aad !:, THE STAR Th AOea Stack On peer Presaat tb Btc- BoarlBg rarea, "My -Friend From India '' hTstteeea TeMoara, Tkemoaya, aaterdaye aad BendsTe et 1 AO. rrtcee I'M aaa sue. rerf eraalDC at S:l e'elork. Prleas ins. SO. SOc Betarre aaata by ptaaae: Mala Sae. UYRIC THEATRE rartlaad'a poeelar Stack .Hesse, (very After. see aad Xtsbuw Thl Week. Baerraalaed Lrrie Btee Oe. in the Orsat Dtaam ef Oewaey UI; "WXIXS Of WTO-OIK." hr special airaagaswst sradaeed eaear tb yaisnasl sapef. Tlitoa ef fiuk raania. .getaalai eeaate ef feote. Sew eaae. Reserved aaata aaa Bow ee errared Is advaa from 10 a. at. te 10 . at. DaUr aiatlneet at 1"1 rime. Kotng per. fnraiaBeas at 0:10. BatwAsy sod aeay avea taga: rtrst parforswace at..T:l. Ladies Wight Oaks Skaling Rink TONIGHT 2 Big Bands, Continuous Magic. . Like Society Night - . , The Finest Night ol the Wetk Special Matinee ' Saturday. Special Concert Saturdaw After noon. , , , " be Illustrated with tereoptlcon. vlw of photograpba taken by Mr. Flnley aad Mr. Bohlman. Th lecture will be un der the ausploee of the Oregon Audubon society and will show the method -"and effect of th market huntera The view of bird life are some of the most wonderful and unique photographs ever Shown to a Portland audience and tha lecture will be one of great Interact. Jerry Bronaugh will proed Mr. Flnley with a abort dlacuaaioa of the work of the aoclaty. Do "you knew how to cook tea and eof feel BohUUng1 Beet. I I k II : . ' i Li re ooarTaaTlsAST-caiw o tiinxi- ot Sf IT TOTJ WAaTT TO SaTfJ TmTB ITWllt IhT trtWet WSa fl.lOK hvaSIS Ct.iHM.imi,i TTI)TLb A TTDri7TT Th ii ii This season we sho wlines . of Men's Spring Cloth ', tag that' reflects ' credit ; on . the ; tailoring art. 4 The garments are made by hand, carefully, con scientiously i and ably . by the , best ' . tailoring talent' ' known 'to' the trade. The best fabrics ; and trimmings are em- 5 ployed in their construc tion.. Clever patterns and smart designs are their. special ; features. ; In short, they impart to the wearer that distinc tive air of elegance and refinement demanded by good' dressers., A few moments devoted to an inspection of this inter-. -esting clothes display. will be ' profitably and mMsmm us at the easy rate of - EtiSkCraiiSM Comer WasMngton and Tcnlh MilliM (s. .. j.1m. i. ' ' from , ' j ' t, IZfhz tively correct ideas in tht A JTvQ fT'el'SBBt g well at prsctksl 214 THIRD STREET : !? 4 i - . - tlmltr J Free SafBBl. A4dres Dept. s. W . laaynwrtftJK U Tho Ch'n Thnt Thfnea Ciuic'rr-t l - ' -m If'wt C""H r . A: 1 ' 1 -t i i. WUjUj W 'T"al.-- Exhibits a inagnificent array of beautiful , designs in Jewelry, Watches and Diamonds. We carry all the standard makes of cases and movements. -The Elgini ,Walthaitv Hampden movements. The Boss, Cres cent, Fahys, Crown and Dueber cases.' Each bears bur'guaran tee for absolute satisfaction. Never mind, the cash, you can pay for whatever you buy from INFORMAL BUT. COMPLETE SHOWINO of smart 'Hand-Tailored Street and Suit Hats, New York and .Paris patterns; also distinctive crea tions In exquisite Dress Hats from our Iread designer, ' who is direct N rw York marketa.with poi- the season's headgear. CORNER SALMON FORMERLY THE JICSPERIAM. Large comfnrtaM? r--single or rn suitr, newly : rished; brst t Trier !; It-'.