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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1907)
Tlltf Or.ZCOII DAILY JOUr.I.'AL, rORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH'S. 1907. SWEEENG:- EVERYTHING BEEGHE IT ALL BARGAIN RECORDS BUOKlii Doors Opein at 9 Tomorrow Morning: Open LHJ U L 'Till 10 p. m. Saturday Nitfht OfflOMIG FOR R0flMMICE CUT PEEPER TiSARI EVER more last ana lunous semng more ternnc pnee-saennces to Keep trie Duying ai icvcx neat, ror uierc a sun uwusmiua v u,ui 6wv B, must, even if we don't get half cost out of them. It's the greatest, biggest compulsory sacrifice ever Known on uie coast a saie mats lorecu on u he demands of the builders. Give us room is the cry condense stocks more, crowd them down into half the spaceand we must. : There s no help for it. Prices already too low are cut and slashed again reduced to merest nothings to almost any price. Cost or loss is not considered. Walls wwa- JI'VV '"MV" WaflraBBBBaT fcBMMBBMf Mast V: 'fvvv, TiSw WOW tor .Ladies' Long QIovm r AH port silk fa black and white, f 1 1 r double tip, sll sizes; regular im.: JllaL and $2.00 values ....... ....... m9m" , 15c Writing TablaU ' p Extra sises. finett papes Ladles', 20c and 25c Fancy Hand il'ILiii: kerchief s -..i (U Km Wderr and lac trimmed . Ladies' Fancy Silk 6c and 7c figured Ladie' well made 1,000 boxes wood . 10c Box Parlor . , Garters 9ffp Calicoes OC $1 WrappersOQc Toothpicks A C Matches flo s Worth 80c and 60c, mOX fancy' patterna . . .'. .2yd Pick 'em out, at V ta regular tc boxes, at . . . . J- Extra big boxes ....... Women's S8c and 50c ? 8c and 8c fancy Mill ends apron B0 dozen ladies' 50c and ; . Gold Plated Bar" - Collars 005 Fig. Lawns Qc Ginghams QJc 75c Waists 9QC Beauty Pinsl 9(? All fancy effects ...M0 5.000 yards to go ; yard Oyj worth up to 8c . ....Zyd Most aU sixes ..... MVti Reg. 25c sets for JLkdJ 500 Sterling SUver Large 104 Gray "500 full sixe j Ladies' best $1.75 and $2.00 5.000 Fancy Knob . Waist Sets QQo Blankets 9Qc House Brooms i Qc Long Gloves $1.24 Hat Pins j9(p A? 75c and $1X0 valwUt 1 While they last., . ti made to seUat85c .XUM pore silk; all sixes J. paif Made to sell at 25c , JLtmU Misses Jersey Knit ' 5c Bar Laundry One lot ladles' 15c and 20c Regular 10c Box Ladies' 20c and 25c Fancy , i Union Suits HQo Soap 9c Fancy Hose Qc Shlnola Cc Hand'rchiefs go AH sixes; 89c ones .. JLlHJ One o the best. ... . . r att colors and patterns VJpr Shoe PoUsh. ... . : . . bi Lace and embroidery tr. .v V Only a few days more till th Rebuilding begins , maK tne most oi mem V.'0;.im'S15cto3ScFMCY LACE COLLARS c Pr Th kind that brought thousand after them yesterday new tab and ctock cfects, all fancy style rrery on wortn lie to c wnu they last choice....... lOO Doz. Ladles Finest $1.25 Kid Gloves Fin soft akin, with Paris point embroidery, on pearl claap; all sizes; aU col- OQj Dp or, and all our best 12S (loves, OJCU. Worth ap Ruffled Curtains - ' ' 1Q p to 7$c pair, each 5000 Yds. Finest 50c:Fancy Ritbbns . . MnWii iiw sUkbaa. la tbm lift Wftmt Bhadlass, S. 4 S teata wtd. HbMu i t, WU M Oo a BOo.. AU U MM lot. OhoiM, So y. 'EtrrrsE clock en yakiullfrom 2nd to srd. now; for more desperate price slaihinq-the entire shoe stock togo Women's $3, S4 and $5 Siicss, $1.98 Tbooaanda and thousanda' ol pairs to r. bdndinf many of our flneat Shoes boaght to eU at 13.00. M. 00 and .. .V, Z u... .v.. iwtHmn. . A 11 mw C1.B8 ta aell them with a rush before the mma mwr uvwm y wu w - - . - rebailding commenc. ' ' ' .. ' ' '' ""'"" Shoes for Men and Women; the Best and Finest Makes ... . ' - . . Mi f Lt.L : i Mil ' j.wfAnl. Im mm ' Shoes mad for tb moat faatkuoo areaaera, mcniaini patent kid, ranraetaL rid and other leathera, lac and ci aia; au am newm w ' I ..! .til, w " " - Shoea bonaht for this eprtafa trade; Doofnt to seu cetner. re at in' on lot. till IW UU , laced to half and leaa, to crowd them out b rick out tne untax ojw sraoes u you w"- fcaat IS. Ws SHINOLA roil 5o .Women's Shoes and Slippers In patent Wd, white kid and eatto; w also mclud odd and end of children' shoea, llQrt worth up to $3.00. AU in on lot. cboic (..;,aW Children's $1J0 Shoes, all solid leather; QAr aiae 5 to S. . Cholc . . .......... . . . ..Otl 'Sites to 11 o at f 1.05, and aises C Q ttiZ. worth 12.00: Dalr Odds and Ends Ladles' rPlnesr $3 Shees Xa lac and bhicher, also oxforda; newest cpring etyles; all th beat leathers; all slses and (J 4 JA widtha. Ejrery pair the A I. SI H finett of $3X0 ahoea .ivwv Wmul SSUM ftf Mull raiiamt. tta. kla, pa Mill all SS4 vlaM l BOYS' SCHOOL- SHOES MM mS kMt if mar a, an aella. aem. atMl aked, tM t itad th. . kaat lctaa waari - C jn Jl Mt SS-0 ibtMl Mil- ......... 1X INFANT'S snvc3 : inraat' an wniiaren s SOO yam Ml - SHOE LACES rs:....iopp Great J)8c "Odds arid Ends of - Shoss WorOifio83 nrr Or ' 'f?lJl v;i mm EVERY PRICE REDUCED THE. ENTIRE STOCK TO GO CLEARING 9. inlrvAhSnn H?nmncilhinrrc 1 n u ui iiiaumua a Bverythinc thronfhout thl lln for lea thsn yon would pay th in to ta oleaal V AImot our entire $23 000 stock at th lowest prices you erer paid, and all th best ' SSdea. tcT RelUbl weU arinf qualitlea that aiT satisfaction. But room must T,?ei 25r . --Tv" Zj-n. ..JUthtnv nmat ro befor then. Now b naa. mn ana wn wui iwu trc" , . ' " for th freateat prtc cuttinf of th ntir al. Red ". - m t , OUT GOES :iHK MtilN vLU i nirsu And It's aU th. neweet and bert spring foooaoo ; oe ? ""rr lue- Son. of tte fomo.t m, Mt. that sr , built tf jrtwu.o, mac. , wool materials, cut in tne uteet sryie, oesx m muni "j---", aldenVandM hand-worked button holes, In fact suits that ar eouil to th turned anouioera nu w" k-v. WtWnM mixtures and olaln colors. Suits worth n tM-OO d ail siiea, too. All throw n xut la thre treat lot. choic. ' imi . OPl LOT J tf!lf QC LOT J Vv'-C'? knifs worth nil Snlts worfli ilk tin rhftW T" 10 Sl. COOlCe ' w 6,wv VW i. iiiW VO I lo $2S.tSoIctYy. MENfS ODD COATS FROM $10 TO '$18 SLITS, CHOlLt 3l.4y . WOTtt ISM JA SIMM wwrtk A A Clearing Out the Muslin. Underwear T. kMf Nntsf tkt way tk. afld ee. arory ataia lm mm! a4 aaaay pUooa a tea than st k trlauavta? alena, . e ntlrs seeft Wn"l Stasila QKnra. a Qwl wit Itful Imm, atkcoUUty aa tamer taokM teteatlaoj vrwy ptoo. mug iiplit BSo giaa. aa4 asast aWTC. aak SUM f a aa . A n . fooa, Okete. xOt All m rtaMt SWrta aa SynrM. Salr aa aa sawtlea. kMM, MknUwM aaa maaUaa, sA a. T M. aU a S1.T5, aa If ron'U tak. aay so. XtthTia yQC TtrnkM lina of hundreds of nalra of Women's Shoes, dosens of styles, fin kida, lac and button styles, patent tip, Cuban or military necis; au slses and widths: also odd lot of mf children's Shoes; none worth less f I ltVI Vs than $U0; plenty of $2.00 one, yy n and many worth up to $3.00. All. fAl I l ro at, choice ............. .... . Vi 75c FULL SIZE. BEST MIUTARY BRUSDES c Pr All (bod ones, full aiae andiTV made with extra good brbtleawi all aolid back only 300 of H them and just the same all draff J stores sell st 75c and $1. bereW CLOSINO OUT NEW SPR1NQ 50c NOVELTY WASH BELTS Th Terr Litest and newest styles, and th aam others ar showing in their windows at 50c. Her Just half price, cnotce f eacn 25c r 50c TO 69c DOUBLE FOLD DRESS GOODS JC Moatly blackT heary weight . . . ' 34-in TAMBOUR NET yin For lace Curtains, 2Sc kind ......... "T Best $1.00; Fancy Rugs rAQn AU good ala. and elegant patterns . i.ST 9x9 Foot Rugs g4 Og Genuine granites, worth $7J0 ... ,S 100 DOZ. WOMEN'S tTK 50c and 75c Spring M f UnderwearVCyviv srsw eprtBC SMda ea gtaaa au. ' an at so. a yae, ow a Mai. thoa T" mm VABta. hlaH aa low aook. kiM aa aakl. tearth pua, flaw aUk ftalah am an all rUk tm Mtt, f TS. TateM a, .hoio. SSa, h firm nalra Men's Canvas Gloves Best 15c kind; per 2 v 7r nair It AM Jam Mtmn'm Rocklord Socks The reg. 10c kind; Slt4' . --a., w OREAT AUCTION LOT , Uf ; $1.25 to $2 Shirts And aiTth famous International SWrt Co's. nnr "Tr-,. u- Avar at 115 and UD ST $loS; madof rpVrcalV soft negUgee . style. "?ZJ?IJ?2!LT cuffs. vfc.ery on. gr, . newest spring style, end best $1.25 12 do sntna. Linen Collars An sUes snd. style J - escb,... ami K' 5tQ An1 50c Silk Neckties In blue snd white fn 17V c...... .... polks dot Choice of Thousands of pur Men's $l.50 and $2 HATS In finest felts, blacks, grays, etc In Fe doras, Pinch Crowns, Oraceos, Western and other shapes, best silk f TK trimmings, .leather . .west , Lfl) P Dana, au sizes : res. , .w ana sz.uu nau ZA-aars) os woo Toot ViokS.sJl S. pkS. CPt Taos tv a. wlr. TM stnuaw 1 100 tta Wash Btaslaa Z4 IB. H-fi. tto oaou '' If as. fall ats. Bioaa. roeatf 18 1,000 Starkrt Baskets, T SB. aaW haary larf ato. tU Waok Baala ..." 1 .. . St a. tla DUrr mi 94 IB. HaatMT SHon Utt ....... aoo a- .oTra smokrt ....... a. Coal aa Stat Slooas lf SUM gsaTol lxvm hottoaa Wash oUM - .... .............T4f Si AO att fslTsatssa teoa Wash Boil. MT- -....4..B1..0V 10. ahla On p. aa BttMH . .... 74 10. ta DUaoa Blaa. T SiAO Ml acra. SHtta aa Xtoaa.fl.t4 M 4-t. oaa rUstt rail 244 S8. -. hoary tla Ooff. Bot 18 SB. alokal-plata Tw Bot 18 a. wtr. Brr whip. a 10. Oak. Taiaan, r ........ 6 S. faaey Btooalt OaMora ...... 2 IB. OorkMrowa, r at 6r S. Bar. Oatoh Koas. Tias . ... 3 SB. a KaaUoa, aow ....... ...16 Boo faaay sas, Bltohma, worth aso, at 23 fan elaaa aa all S. alb iQ. OhotM 40C Hosiery-:;: CJxAam 9t aa. atoartov lot af Xraalaa faaojr BTooa, lit oolor., ail faaay p teraa, aoao worth Imw fhaa IS. , n . SO. Att la, ra. le pate ........ OV. The faaioas Boy Sjaaaow Xoaa, aoa ta hww mm fo ww, aU alaaa S W 10 1 th. eaaa. aaray mcmr worm hi Boa SB. fori c",lft- pai . iyw Wm fla. atbhwl Ual. Xaaa, an aias kMt af SB. Talaosi , r , , IQ- 17W SATURDAYS TERRffiC PRICE CUTTKG ON LADES' Mew SDrina Suits, Waists aM SMrts n Hr. .nrinc etock aacriflced to aay it from th dust and dirt. All th latest and best Style. Garments of aquisit l.ganc. faahionable creation made for th Eaater trad, all reduced nd marked down to half and leaa in order to aell them out with a man. . . 1ADIES' SPRING SUITS MUST GO Not a stngi on held back In reserre Nobby Eton Suits, Short Boa Coat Suits, th new long coat effect, in chic hair line effects, checks, plaids, fancy mixtures and plain material In all colors snd black. Jackets silk and satin hnd; model lUm ia th new plaited effecta, all elegantly trimmed with braiding, fancy strapa, buttona, etc. Suits that reflect the beat ideas of th world' foremot arttat tailprs. auits mad to sell for double the money, and yon cant match them anywhere, for leas. - All go now st sbout coat of bsr material slon. Cholc m four lots st S12 and .49ISlf.59 andCOJS $20 and 115 Snlts UO 118 SnllS V7 $8 snd $10 Silk Pellicoats With aeMdle, plaJtod taxi, as aoa s-7 nv $13 Skills VaS25 Snils Ladles' $10 ft $13 Silk tM0.45IS:3 end MAJS Eton Jackets AA faaoy trtmaM aa ...$5.98 Ladies Wrappers, worth np to $1.00, each ............ 29c Ladles' 50c and 75c Klmo- 1Qi eos,. cut to .. 4. ........... a. Ladies 75c snd 98c OQr Waiats, go at Ladies' $5.00 and $6.00 d? QO new Spring Sldrta ...... iV.yO Ladies' $5.00 whit china dj? AQ silk Waists ., Q&jy la I aUaolon $5.00 snd $6.00 Silk " QO Waists, odd lots.... 1.70 Ladies' $2.00 Embroidery ' HQt trimmed Waists, now....... I 7 Lsdies $25 8prlng Shirt (f i " C ft waist 8uits.....,......,4'a?Jv Ladies $15 snd $1150 0C QO Raincoats, now.......M V.jrO Ladles' $5 and $6 WHt C Ofi Lawn Waists ...,.!.!0 Ladies' $12 snd $15 Silk Q Qft 77U EXTRA SPECIAL 500 NET WAISTS An fancy styles, beautiful whir lac net Waists, long snd short sleeve: waiats for dreaa and are nine i many trimmed with fancy mtdallona. Every one s J Talua and all sixes. VOOHf .......... The renuine pure silk Ramchunda Reversible Four-ln-Hands In nary blue and.white polka dots ; s tie that all the swellest dressers wear; a tie that exclusive haberdashery atores sell f Q - - at 50c Choice . . . . ..... .. '. ... ... . I s v :4 C0i,E ITiTfl TDE CR017DS Portland's shrewdest buyers will be here In full force why not you? The entire stock is to go; there's no reserve. Get In line and secure your share of the bargains. Doors open at 0 sharp Sa Zua4ry I SMs. S ', ; soap sa&dinzs ea. mt ta. On ro thl aale, O A mtmt, ha.., 0 oaa 4 A0 10 aaaae Bala STaptha Boas, a to . ....23 SOOt 00 KasOOkOSB. BOS a..4a..a3 SO. hoat BtU BMohae, IV .....15 M Zrfutr. Wht. Boaaa, la. a J1 th hoat 10. oaa Oraaas, a au tot ..............15 Boat SO. BaapowSoa Taa, Ih. ....34 Boat 10. S.Wa, IK 74 10. SClaoaaMat. pkra, 8 SO. ytot )a Bar Boa.y i . .J 1 IB. J. O. Bvaakfast Whoat .H4 SKM Xha. fO PRUNES . Boat BarWah POTATOES it ua. foe wUO BMt SSa X. ) 9. Ooffaa, fo S -r air. 1. ' 1 1 DsMst Ornnulnted guqar y r 1 1 Lb$. for 10. eaa Salxaoa fov BMt S6. Imwii, oa . . . . 1 : . : i v ; .