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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAr. . POUTLAI'D, " FRIDAY' EVENING, I.IAECII' C, li:T. GLEVER DDiVLIfJG OnOREGOfJALLEYS Cpring Tbumament Performers , Did pom Good Rollins ' , A(t:' Lat. Evening., -;. ; . CRESCENTS DEFAULTED . IN THEIR MATCH Xtelnf Man Short the .Team Ue fne4 to Go fp Agalast the Mon- arch -Gophers Are Shy FUyrr . bat TUj Ftae Game. f The local bowling team la the spring 2 tournament plajred last night OB the Oregon alley e. The Columbia were scheduled togalnst the Oophers, and the Monarch against the Cresoenta. The Oophere were ehort a man. but the team w. a ntn. nA hv herd rolllns- oaotorid the laat tame by three plna. The Co lumblaa took the first two. Case had 'the beet average to. the match. II. H1U ".rolled the highest elnirle game,-111. la' the Moaarch-Creeeent match the former team won br default The latter team bad a attack of eold feet Juat prerioue to e tart In r the game, and wanted to poetpqne It, whloh is against the rules of the association, 10S pine ' bain allowed each came when a mam- ' ber of a, team la absent. Tbe hlrh ever are of the evening, waa made by Pilot Raymond of tbe Monarch, lit. Bow had the highest alnale game. 114.- The -sooree are aa follow: ,', r, ' - , COLUMBIAN ' v ' O) () (I) Aye, Gillespie , ......,, lit . ill . 101171 . Poland IIS 1ST 17 110 HU1 . - ...... 177 Keee . -a. .... 110 til 121171 174 115 111 111 14111 Sumption lit - Total i . ......... 41 til 771 v. . OOPHER& (i ft) (I) Ave. lit in hihi 11117 ' Te ,..- .... til Bay land . ....... . 117 Lunney t. ., 14t mvldeot i m .....J.. 141 - Noonan . , a........ 100 ' 104. 117 171 111 ' 117141 100 100100 Total . Til !- M0NABCH8.' 5 ' ; . ; '. " mU . Raymond ... ,..., 161,104 Ixjlnhla . . ........ Ill 17t Talbot . ........... Ill 111 Bow . a .j. ... ... 110 141 Capea . . ..... Ill 170 Total . ... . .' Ill ' 14 CRXSCEJTTa Defaulted.) (t Ave. lit 117 lit 111 111111 114114 114111 tlT IEaP RlftTS TEAM BEATS GLASS AGGREGATION :. Oiarln' bowling team won from the Olass aggregation last night owing to the failure of one of the latter play er to show rap. The soore were: ; ' , r". ;V. . OEABUTB TSA1C A '.'t ' -V ,-', 1 t ' Total. Oearla ., Hwn.Jlf' 1ST . 114 411 Clemaoa. tH 14t 110 : 171 471 Clark . lit lit ' 407 Wlllett . kMMM.. .111. 110 141 'BenhanTa ..... .111 111 7 114 401 Totals .....I7T Til (tt 1.011 j , ' : OZJLB9 TEAM. . ' '4' ' I t I Total. Olas Jr. ..... ..lit 14 144 461 Blare .........111 110 1U.- II! Thome m. .W.M.....1 14 tl 144 .181 - Total' wm...... Ill 111 .. MS M74 OPEGON V'i'ILL' SEND TEAM TO COLUMBIA riDMbl DtMMte to The toaraal.t lmnnur ox yiviun, auin aanig t. --Oregon will send a team to the an nual track meet of Columbia university 'April It, and now eneets tex win the meet as she did. last' year. Columbia university offer a number of trophies and medals each year for the winner of a track meet whioh la held en the Oo .lumbta Indoor--traek. All Institution "in Oregon have a light to enter, and It la very sura that O. A. C, Willam ette. Paolfle, Portland T.H.CJL, poasl .bly Multnomah, beatdee Oregon and Co ' lumbla, will have repreaentative at the coeteet.' ' ''"'' VnliMt .'KlTvlM Cvnanta v. mmA 'about It men, among whoa will be of truumfc mxujt Hvvi mm, AukwuMi, tor print and. Jump. McKlnney, Hug; Zachariae, for weight.' Moullea, far the pole vault and Dodaon.,- treahman. Spring, ; i 166-168 Third St4 Mohawk 7lt " I The Predeux; Jamlaon,- another- flrel -year man. In the distance Huston, former ly Of PaclflO. of course, will also make the -team In. the Buraiee . ana sprinis. There are a great many other oandl date for distances and other event, but there la no certainty aa . t ,' wb. will win the trrquta. - ;'. . YESTERDAY'S RACING ON- ' THE RUNNING TRACKS '.' (jwul serial letrleej ; Ban Franclaco. March I. Berulta of raoea at Oakland: " - Four- furtonge Memoriae wen,' Band Piper econO. roUl I -thiro; .. time, :4Ss , . ; ' Five and -one half furlong F. N. Nugent won. Burning Buah eoond, Cal- mar third: time, 1:0? l-. Seven furtonge Mabel Bollander won. Tannan eeoend, Kogo third; time, 1:11 l-f. v. . Six and on half furlong Silver efte won, Fred Bent eoonl, Hutford third; time, 1:11. . title and one eliteenth I. Told Ton Bo won, alma Bcr aeoond, HoUlgan third; time, 1:41 t-4.-- - Bix furlong Iord of the roreet won. Ntgrette eoond, , Seald tbird- time, 1:14 4-45. '. . ,.; I- , , r, , "v ' ; At' Hot Sprtefa. treefctl Dtacetrk t Tae awaal.t Hot Spring, ark- March I. Oak lawa reaulta: , Three and on half furlong Albert Star won, Blllv Bowleg aeoond, Albert M. third; time, 0:41 l-l. Five and one half furlong Autumn Flower won, Ben Strong cond. Baw kama third; time, 1:07 -. - Sis furlong Sorrel Top won, Ina Gray second. Ml Affable third; time. 1:14 I-l. - . ' v .'- . . Big furlong Hannibal Ber won. Tra Joll aecond, Toung Pilgrim third; time, 1:11 -l. - One mile and on sixteenth High Bear won, Bcalplook eoond,' Big Bow third; time, 1:47 1-t. - One mile and Tt yard Beeeher won. Adeeeo second, AtlUa third; time. 1:41 l-C. . r. A ' , , t.s ', At Io' Anselea.' ' " -f- ' ' V : (Josraal gpetlal ervlce.t ' loe Angelea, March I. Ascot race results: . Bteeplechase, short eourse Indian II won, Deolmo ' aeoond. Vlnoedo third: tlme,:lt. ,. ' '.. give ruriong anpm wen, netting econd, Luckett third; time, 1:11. Five furlong Manera won. My Choice aeoond. Merry Sport third; time. One mile Oorgalett won, Jetsam aeoond, Ulle B. third; time, 1:41H. On mile Bragg won. King of ' the Miat aeoond. Elm dale third; time, li41H Seven furlong Tatenham won, Lydta Wroosmaa second. J. B. Klrby third; time, l:t. - t r..,: ? At New Orleans..- - ' New Orleana, March 1 Result of race: .. ,. .-. ..... Three and on half furlong Boa Bloom won, Patiaiaa eoond. Donna H. third; time, 0:41. w ' Steeplechase, short oouree Awe won, Subador aeoond. Are bo third; time, Five furlong little ' Oeorge won, Field, Wick aeoond, Maelatrom third; time. 1:07 i-t. , i . - i - One mil and on sixteenth St. Val entine won, Pasadena second. Pink Star third: time, l:4t 1-t. -r- Seven furlong Xamergeney won. Fox- mead aecond, Nutwood third: 'time. 1:1X t-i. . . , -- .:.. v On mUe t and on eighth Orenad won, Bell Indian aeoond, Bvi ' . dree third:-time. 1:14 l-l. ' Six furlong Retloent won, Planut eoond, Tom -Mankln third; ' time. 1UI t-i. r - :- POOL TOURNAMENT TO ; : BEGIN. 0N MONDAY The Multnomah eluh's pool - tourna ment will begin on Monday evening Judging from the number of entries at hand, the event promise to be on of keen Interest and close competition. A gold medal will be given to the -winner and the seoond man will receive a Ml llard sue. The following, with the num ber of point that they have , to play, hare entered for the tourney t First olas 10 point F. N. Bay 10, Oacar Kerrigan 41, Edward ' Morrl 41, Arthur Morri 41, M. B. Mulford 14, W. B. Walter II. .Second olas 80 point J. P. Ooray, B. Hughe. H. H. Jenkins. K. Moore, Qeorge W. McMUlan, M. Boss.- ' Third class 4 points L.- F. Buck 14, P. H. Brlgham 44, R. P. Knight 45, R. B. Mackenal 41, a X. Klchol 41, B, Wenneberg 40. . - , . , : . - ' Fight Bcbedaled for Tonight. Benny Tenger va' Andy Besenab, It rounda, at Hot Bprlngs, Arkansas. Jimmy Walsh va. Eddie Menney. It roonda, at Los Angeles, California, Trod die weeks va Muggay Btioem, II rounds, at Denver, Colorado. - 1907; - Nobbiest mt , .of the Season .'.... ::t;;.t ! Any STYLE yon V ..' ' may desire is here " , v, ; for your choosing. ' - ; S OFT HATS ' .00 STIFF HATS Lvery" Hat Cuar- anteed ' . - Nekr MortisoTg Bldg. , FAST OECOLHOG PROFESSIOHALS . . , ' ,' Regret Expressed . That ; Can- . ada Sports Are Losing Ama- teilr 'Spirit,''1: OLD COUNTRY SYSTEM .V', MAY BE ESTABLISHED Bwinr of Athletic . and Sporting New ta Every Department In British Columbia Wanderer Hav Captnred Hockey Medal. ' By A.' P. Oarvey.- : Tanoouver. B. X. March - Bvery- thlng 1 becoming- profeealonal In aport elrole In Canada, acoordlng to tbe of- flotala of the ' Canadian Amateur Ath- latle union, and the day for the amateur 1 about over. The lateet move la that of the Associated Football club of Manitoba to professionalise that aport. The annual meeting of the Manitoba aa- soclatlon will be held on April 11, and th 'delegate to thl gathering will be face to face with a big problem aa the question, of amateurs and professionals will be threshed out. Just as th other associations In the east have , been foreed to wrestle with it, In the elty of Winnipeg there w an agitation . on ' th part of th clubs to adopt th Old Country system.- In Eng land th professional idea 1 general; In fact, i many of the players In Canada, while poelng as amateurs now, ' have played ss profeealonal across ths water. The idea, therefore, appeal to th olty club, which draw a large num ber of their player from aoroaa th pond, and they no doubt realising that the time Is ripe to fight for a change, will make all sort of effort- to hav th same idea Instilled . in association football a has been worked into la erfMaa and horkev In tha asst.. Th Shamrock of thl city, ; oham-t. plon of th Mainland league, and th Ladyamlth eleven, - champions of Van couver Island, will meet In this city on March SI In th first match of th se ries for the championship of British Co lumbia." . - - r ' Th Corinthian team of London, Eng land. 'Which visited Amerloa thre years ago, will probably eros the pond again next fall. The of floor 1 of th - local club are In receipt of communication from the Old Country club to th affect that a trip to America la the fall tf 1107 1 punned and match ? will' be played In all of th big American cltle and the principal eltle of tne dominion.- It 1 probable that the Corinthian may be induoed to extend their tour through to tbe Faclflo coast. - It Is a long tlm ahead to start plan ning for a big regatta in 1101, but that la Juat what th member of th Royal Vanoouver Yacht club are doing, , The club la after th 1908 regatta of the Northwestern International . Yacht Rao lng association en event that -is fast .asumlng aa much Importance on the paclflo coast as the America eup races do on th Atlantic - Th big interna tional regatta thl year will be held at Seattle. In the , ordinary eourse of events it would be held In Victoria next year and In Tanoouver In 1101. '.But that I th year of- the A.-Y.-P. expoal- tion in Seattle, and tor member of the ound club want th big raoee there during that year. The Vancouver yachtsmen ar agroeabl and matter will probably be soH.rrangd to hold th raoe In Seattle thl year, Vanoouo ver next year, and at Seattle In not. Th Royal vanoouyer Yacht club will end ever 10 yacht to th regatta In Beattle in July next. A new ohallenger la being built by th local elub for th big international event. . V ' . : e ; (,..,. . -I- v Th Wanderer of Montreal, by de feating the Ottawa team, hav captured the hockey -championship .of th East- era Canadian Hockey league and wm challenge th Kenoraa to play a serie of matches for the Stanley cup, , em. blematlo of th world' ehamplonahlp. Th matches, if played, will tak place at Kenora. Ontario. The British Columbia Hookey league will endeavor to lntroduoe the - field hockey game In the cltle along the coast next year. 'There are two clubs on Vancouver Island, and the officials of th league feel that If Portland and Seattle can be Induced to take up the game a strong league can be organised. -Th Tanoouver and Garrison team will met next week In th final match for the British Columbia, championship. ' Local baseball fans are rather uneasy over th fast that Parke Wilson, man ager of th Vancouver elub, baa not yet signed any players. Wilson, In a letter to the official of th local elub, say that although h baa several men In view, n - baa not yet oiosea wiu then. . Wilson add that he win report her th latter part of March and that the player will eommeno praetlo early in April. At a Hfl!al meeting of th executive of th British Columbia ' Amateur La crosse aseoolatlon held thl week It waa decided to abandon the professional Idea, and no player who' ar profes sionals will be allowed to participate In th ohamptonahlp matches. . . . ' . . . e . e . . , , . . ' i The Tanoouver Athletle . club will end a track team to Beattle for the big Indoor meet to be held there -en March tt. W. R. Chandler, champion long dla taace runner of British Columbia and the winner of every Marathon event ever held In this provinoe, will repre sent th local club In th Marathon event at Seattle Billy . Marshall, brother' of Eddie Marshall, the star footballer, will be entered In the eprlnta, while W. P. Ogilvi win look after tne weight. - . , " - A big athletle meet will be held In May under the auspice of th Vancou ver Athletle club. At a recent meeting of the director of th club It waa de cided . to Invite - tbe various athletic eluba along th coast to send repre aentative. Thevcommlttee -will hold a meeting next week when tbe program will be arranged and entry iorme win then be the different elub,- . . - -.- , :- SUCCESSFUL SEASON. FOR HIGH SCHOOL FIVE am. . Va.Wt,11 autaaVMt iff 1m Pnrtlana TT I k. Mkanl Ma m at 1nJM nthfc. Heretofore basketball 1n the Thool had - AiaCS BOOSBVII.TB WZDPXsTw . wsa aomethlng to be recorded Jn the annale of history. Herblne has been eoknowledged the greatest of tlver res ulatore. A positive cure for Blllou headachea, Constipation, Chill and Fe ver, end all liver complaint.- ' J. C Smith. Little- Rock. Ark., writes: "Herbln le the greatest liver medicine known. Have used It for yeare. It doe th work.'', I Id by ail druggists. , . been rather objeotlonabl-r but thla year the gtrle under the coaching of Mr. Henderson did all In their power to make basketball a auccesa The first team, consisting of Miss Adelaide Mo Cuna, Mis Nellie Banfteld, Miss Anna Hoohull. Miss Haael Fields and Miss Hase) Altroan, ' under the eeptalner of Mia Hoohulirdeeervea mention for their ejplendld team work thronghout - the seiia of game played. . Mis McCune waa elected as the successor to Miss Hoohull, and under her leadership the team should certainly rise to a prominent- plao among other team. BOXING TO RESUME ' v FOR DETROIT SPORTS V (Jeeraal greeail Berrlee.) i Detroit. Mlnh. Mi,rril 1 A ft a a lapae of several year with nothing do ing In th pugillatlo line Detroit fight fan ar Jubilant over the proepeot that the "ltd" - Is about to be Uf ted. The authorities have granted a permit for a boxing show at the Light Ouard Armory- tonight, under the oondltloa that no money la to be given the contestants. It la believed that this concession will be an entering wedge for pulling oft regular limited-round bout la th near future, Jo Cherry v Harry Cobb and Kid" Brook va. Willi Bpraoklln ar the principal bout carded for tonight how, ' ' ' - i . ENGLISH AND SCOTCH TO PLAY FINAL GAME . MHM . . ,. Tomorrow afternoon at th old oriokst ground. - Belmont and Thirty-ninth treat the final ' game of association football will be played between th Eng lish and Scotch team. Th lineup will be: English team Ooat Warren; back, Fenwlck. Onagle; halfback. William, Mill. Steele; forward a, Ktlpaok, captain, Rylance, Douglas, Vesper. Cook. Bootcn Team OoaL Patnllo: back Mackle, Dyment; halfback, Honayman, Dlokson, captain, . Clark; forwards. Burns, Mackensie. Matthew, Young. Owen. Referee Mr. Gray. . 0. A. C. MANAGER ISSUES ' A SWEEPING CHALLENGE .' ; ".: ' r '' ' ' 4 The following ehalleng ha been re ceived from the' Oregon Agricultural ooileg baaketball team: . "To the Sporting Editor In behalf of th basketball team -of th Oregon Ag ricultural college, I hereby ehalleng th winner of. the state league ' basketball championship to play one or series Af game under term and condition that will be fair to both., said term and oondltlon with th date or date to be decided . bjr mutual negotiations. . "MARK MALI8TElt, ' "Oraduate Manater Athletics. " - " BOWUNQ LEAQUE . ' - ' i 7i ' - :- .- Won. Lot P.Ct. Oophera . ............. a JT44 Columbia ...,.... 4 -.447 NonpareUa . .'......-.. 1 6 .Ill Perk , T .C1I Webfoote . I : .100 Monarch, ,, ............. . ;: t ,4lt Chinook-. ............ I t " ' .160 Creeeent . .i..,.,.,.,.. ". -'..SeO STATE COaVEHTIOaS r . . ;0F.LADY OACCABEES Iri Washington, at Seattle,. April Second; In Oregon, at Port- . .' land, April Fifth. "'i-"' fteril Weoetr te Tee yearsatl ' - Eataeada, Or, March I. Mrs. Nellie H. Lambson. tat command or for Ore gon and "Washington, ' left Wednesday for Seattle, to make preparation for the Washington tat oonvention ef . the Lady Maeoabee. to open at Seattle on Tuesday. April . ' 1 . - Oh th following Friday,' April I, th Oregon state oonvention of th Lady Maooabeea win be held at Portland. Ex tensive preparation ar being mad to hav thl th moat nthulaatlo and suo eessful oonvention ever held by the or der. Mr. Lillian MV Holllster, supreme commander, of Detroit, Michigan, and Mia Bin M. West of Port Huron, Mich igan, supreme record keeper, - will b present. -. -' , . . Th reaponklhilltT of Mra. Lambeon. tat commander, may readily be seen when it Is stated that she has in her territory 1.41 members, with a monthly assessment of -14.111.14. - The lady Maecabee waa organised In October, lilt, and in December, lilt. It had til members. It now ranks eighth among all the fraternal organisations of the world, with a membership ef 1I1.IE1, carrying a protection of almost 1100, 004.400, with 11,111.114.11 in th etner renov fund, securely Inveeted In munic ipal bond for th future protection of J th oertifloate of its mem Bern. UNIVERSITY'S MAN. FOR : RHODES SCHOLARSHIP ' (gpe-ttil bwestok te The Joerealf1 University of Oregon, Eugene, March t. Th faculty of th university ohoee. laat night, from th three candidate from th school. . Wlatar Johnson to go before th state committee at Albany Saturday aa th candidate of th uni versity for th Rhode scholarship. An other candidate I E. J.- Wetnen of Willamette University. In making th final choice th indent' athletle abil ity, oratorical and general student body career count a muoh a hi record la class, wort- Johnson 4 the1 on of th first president Of th .University of Oregon and ha, always bees Vsrr popu- lar. FINED FOR BREAKING r THE LIVESTOCK LAWS ; j ',-..-. '.I-.' (Rperlal Dlspstnk te The JoeraaL) Vale, Or., March I The case of th state egalnst Euseblo Urtlvberg and four other Baakuea who were arrested February tl on complaint of William Murray, stock, inspector for Malheur county, charging them with violation it the law governing the care of sheep af flicted with scab, ws heard yesterday before Justice O. H. Byland. After hearing 'evidence the court Im posed a fin of til and'eosta, which were taxed -at 171. On motion of the district attorney, J.' W. 'MeCulloch, th other three defendant were discharged. DROWNS IN SUISLAW -BEFORE HELP ARRIVES ("peetal Dtipetek "to Tbe Josraal.) Eugene. Or- March I W: F. MUe. a resident of Acme, on the tower Bluslaw river, was drowned In that stream Wed nesday and hi body wa brought out last night and ahlpped to Chehalla, Washington, for burial. Little 1 known her of the drowning, a the telephone line to that part of th country ar out of commission and there have been no mall advices concerning It. The jnaa (r TT ' : 1 The progress- of the Company in-the year that has Just closed has been emi nently satisfactory, especially from the standpoint of the policyholder-. .; ' .. . . The new paid-f or business was vj. . V . . . f $ 7,347,284.00 The Company had in force at the end oithe year; . . 4,517,257,180.00 The amount received In premiums during the year was " ,T , V, 53,317,866.55 : The total funds held in trust, for policyholders aggregated , - 49$,864,649.58 .' j Net reserve' on outstanding policies and ' other legal liabilities . ";' ;' ' Reserve for dividends on existing policies ' ; - as dividend periods are completed, V ' , Reserve for dividends payable in 1907i . '5 Reserve for possible depreciation of se : curities and other contingencies ".','.' In Gains for, Policyholders the Company lias Broken All Records It earned in interest, rents and net miscellaneous investment profits $22,265,436.56 Its gains from mortality, loading, surrender charges and annuities were 10,413,909.32 . This Ujtycr fifty-six per cent of the. entire premium Income, a remarkable showing, rarely, if ever, approximated by'any other. companyi; ' V ''; ' - In Economy 4. - :y;'';;;;iv;'; .1:1. The expenses of the year were paid entirely from the loading pnh!;?i'':.-&' v yided for that purpose with a surplus over for policyholders of $2,927,767,00 ; : In Benefits to Policyholders the Company Is Unexcelled It paid to members and their beneficiaries during 1906 ' ' ; claims, endowments: dMdends'.:surrehder .values, In the added v ' noiaers ; -' : y '"V-i - . The total benefits to poUcyholders,durlng the year were; The Company received from policyholders in premiums The' benefits' to policyholders during the year exceeded the .". s ..amount rcceivca irom Since the date of its organization tie Company . has " . policyholders .and their beneficiaries . , It holds for policyholders etc ' V i v j Total benefits to poUcyholders have been":';"; FX1 'TW&SaiSWM , : In 64 years itlias received from policyholders, ?r.y;;M,$4i'..? v 1,134,005,635.00 Excess of benefits 7to policyholders . . : " : w.:,-. . v $ 101,209,938.00- ': That is to say, in the sixty-four years'of its existence, The Mutual Life has paid to policyholders and their, beneficiaries and still holds In trust for them more than one hundred rpillion dollars in excess of all that it has received from them. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New Tork, N. T. . ; . -J ' ' ' " ' - v ' v-.;- .. , ,- ; , , r; , ' - S ? " A - . 1 ' " . k " ee m s . '.-'- . v'- ' a ; Further information AUiIA D. IaATZ, 1 not kaowa her nl had heen at Aom only a ehort tlm. It U said h was emplored la a awmlU aa while work ing on the log boom feU In th river and wa drowned peror neip arnvva. . Z0LLER DIES ONE '"' . ; WEEK AFTER HIS WIFE -:-! seesBaawaaiaeaai Oranta Pass, Or, If arch 1 Th foneral of H. Collar, a prominent Grants Pass cltlsen and pioneer, occurred from th family resldeno Wednesday afternoon, tinder the ausploe of th local post. O. A. JU Th death o Mr. Zoller ooaurred Just on week following, that of hie wife. Deceased wee horn in New Tork It year are, Uf had been resident of thla place for U past M yeare, com ing; here when O rants Pas was a trad ing post. He followed the business of contracting till recent , years. When Mayor Bmith took his seat of office three months ao he appointed Mr. Eol lev - street - superintendent for the elty, which office he held tlH hi death. Mr. Zoller wa a member ofthe Grand Army, Modern Woodmen of the World and 'of the Royal Neighbor. HI only living; relative ar a brother and slater, who are living In New Tork.. . .-a is ramrrca to v nost cm park SEH BVXDATB JOUKNAL ilfOiijlCv'MOKr m . vT . of new YopIs The Total llaWlilics vcrc zs pt tlanasra - iStan& to the funds held in, trust for uicra ny The Record oi 64 Years win De suppuea on request. , U., Alnsworlh Block Saturday Special ' ".J -f . - v ? ' - - ' ''''' ''''''' This handsome Fruit or Berry Dish it of French semi-porcelain, decorated in color tad gold trimmed; well -worth B9C- - On Saturday we will aell 100 of theln'at", . ,H ' ' "7 ""7 -' ttn U taTOaQM WXDX sUTS.t XVOEM BUT, . -J Wm. Gadsby & Sons Co. Washinjton, Corner first Street JOURTiAL WANT V, lLS?Q- r ! - . . ak - - follows: $411,236,019.41 ; "64,529,529.70 4,030,000)0 - 3 16,069,100.47 X. in death ctc - : ' . $37,736,684.24 poUcy-j ,25,003,483.68 .."ei, : . i. . . : $62,740,167.92 58,317,866,551 f v , .. -1 ... - 'i$4,422,30L37 ,. . s paid "Jto $'739,350,923.00 495,864,650.00 i. .1 Portland, Orecon : J ILvening ADS PAY DEST