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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1907)
TIIZ OlilXON- DAILY JOUHIJAU PORTLAND, .FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 8; 1907. V FILLIWG GROUrJD FOR VALUABLE TERMINALS Lafs Psncs About to Reap Ben. efit of Great Scheme on v: Exposition Site. PROPERTY CLOSE TO" " .HILL-HARRIMAN TRACKS Tblrtr-Flve Miles of flame la Op- oration -- Bringing Down ,Mud ; , From the Bills Back of Wlllam. ' ette Heights Upon Low Land. ; '.' On tha day tb lwl and Clark ex position opened Lafayette Fane, eon-. tractor, civil engineer and ex-eoncreas-man, sat on the hill above the ground and viewed the ceremonies from afar. We had borrowed 1500 from a friend to par oft bis men and (Wo each one a ft sold place to spend at the enow, and it : . nad taken hla laat dollar to so around. , Today ha retuaed I600.00Q for property , owned by him at the fair grounds, and hla company's holdings there are ap- praised at ll.OOS.OOO. v It la said the decision of the Harrt . ' wan and . Hill railroad eompanlea , to ' , combine and Extend their terminals haa made Lafe Penes a millionaire.. Hla ' nerve and genius as an engineer have ; . apparently much to do with hla present good fortune. : Tha landa now purchased by the Hill , and Ilarrlman companies extend from 1 Hoyt street to Doana's lake, and 'from - tha Willamette river on tha aaat to Government island ta Outld's lake on tha wast. They would have Jneluded tha Pence company's holdings In the lake If Mr. Pence had not foreseen what was coming, and held on and peralat antly puahed forward his treat hydrau lloklng scheme ' there, regardless Of flnanolal strees under which ha many times labored. .. X Yalaable aTelaVprnsoaV ; ' Tha new railroad terminals will' bor der hla landa on the aaat, rendering them valuable for warahouaa and manu facturing purposes, or for terminals for tha next tra'nacontlnental railroad that antera Portland. Oir tha weat of them la .the Unnton road and a range of steep bill. These landa are tha only water-level railroad terminal gounds left unappropriated In Weat Portland. The lands In question were covered with eight feet of , water during tha exposition. Prior to that time tha area waa known aa a lake, and tha high water stage of tha Willamette river al ways raised tha lake to .within two feet of tha preaent level of the floor of the government building on tha teland, and within on foot of the contour of the Northern Paolflo main .Una, where It paaaea between the lake and tha river. Bitting on tha hill above tha expoaK tlon ground; on the fateful day 'of the opening, Knglneec Pence aaw. In "hla mind' eye, what waa to follow the ex poaltlon. He aald to hla son, 'who la a growing young engineer: "1 am not In It at tha opening, but I will ba there at the close." . ; Tslng Trail Bridge Timber. , Resident ' of ' Willamette f Height whose residences have been quaklag from the shocks of dynamite explosions until they have appealed to tha mayor to stop Pence, ar now certain that-fte Is there with a vengeance. He has pur- chaeed the Cottel . tract of 10 acres, oonalatlng of the weat part of tha lake, and Including the long bridge knowa aa the Trail, lie is ualng the tlmbera of tha bridge to-bulkhead the Cottel tract on the north and cast, to-a height of II feet As fast a tha pile driver ar moved the filling begin. Already mud through a flume from Balclt creek I pouring upon tb tract, and the surface In soma places Is four feet higher than It was sis months ago. In a few days tb site of the American Inn will be reached. The ruins of that structure will be burned, and the ashes will be oevered under II feet of mud 'from the hills. ','''',..-' Pence haa now under operation ap proximately It .miles of flumes, on three levels, respectively -400. TOO and 100 feet One of them extends through the hills to the westward and brings water from a stream In Washington county. . Dirt Is loosened by blaatlrfg" la the higher levels of Balob's gulch, and la ''then carried In solution In the flumes ta the plaos where It Is deposited for filling. ,v - a '. . v, . Mad ' TkroagV Pipe XJma. . The longest high pipeline ever con structed for mud filling haa been built oaf a trestle extending from Baloh's gulch to Government Island. It croaaes the lake on 'what Is left of the Trail bridge, and la a mile long. Through It mud Is pouring upon .the government Island, . around which a levee five feet high has been thrown up. .. - . . This Island laowned by the Reed estate, but they government building Is owned ' by Lafe Pence, who has a 10 year lease on the Island, with a contract to fill It to a level with the floor of the government building, or two feet above high water mark. It la the Intention of Mr.: Pence to leaae the building to a large manufacturing concern. - He ha declined a tempting offer to leaae It for warehouae purpose. The building 1 but a short distance from the Northern PaclAo main line, and a sidetrack which formerly extended to It will be replaced permanently 'Ba' saoaV as the filling Is done. ," ' -r MoWnaaVa Flaa Balked. . V (- - On o the. most Important factors In the present operations at the exposition M 11." avtrifta grounds is John B. McMillan, 'recently deposed railroad 'commissioner of tha suae of Washington. Mr. McMillan has Invested a fortune of about 5U0.0u n the exposition grouuda. lie owns all the principal building e and the grounda on which tbey are situated, excepting the Forestry building. . It la aald hla In tention waa to erect a residence on tb brow of the hill overlooking the aite of Guild's lake, and moke hi permanent home there. MoMlllan'a plan contemplated the platting of the ground for realdence purpose but retaining In a general way the landscaping and atreet laid out by tha exposition builder. 1 Owing to ob stacles that aroa through objections of some holders - of small pleoe of the streets, he was balked In hi purpose, and has been suable to oarry out hi plan. . . - aUeotrl Ua Proposed. '-' . Tha Cottel tract that la bow being filled will be devoted to warehouse and manufacturing sites. It Is the purpose of the Fonoe company to build rein forced concrete warehouse a, Tbey have ample supplies of gravel that will be sluiced from the hills snd crushed with a rook crusher that, will be Installed near the old experimental gardens of tha exposition. After their own needs are supplied they will . sell crashed rock, and continue the Industry at that point, because of the convenience of de livery. The a lac trio railroad which Pane pro poses to construct ander the franchise be has Just applied for, will croaa the Cottel tract from the Unnton road and pass Just north of the Homer Daven port farm and east along the road to the Idaho building and over Nloolal street to a connection with the United Rail ways company's line at Pettygrove and Twenty-sixth streets. It will connect with the Portland Railway, Light Power company's lines at Upshur rnd Twenty-sixth and at Thurman - and Twenty-sixth streets. The line after following the Llnnton road about five miles will loop upward along the hills and return at an elevation of about 400 feet to Willamette , Heights and drop back to the Cornell road, crossing that thoroughfare and connecting again with the other electric Unas. Power will be purchased from the Portland Rail way, Light at Power oompany, and transfer arrangements mads with theni In acoofdance with the city ordinances. PUHS TO IMPROVE THE PORTAGE ROAD Superintendent Makes Sugjes tiont in View of Legisla ' ture's Refusal. . Scene of a Part of . Pence Company's Operations. Trying Mootlhi. :. t . 'nllCI UK icuiuua auoui vi 1 nuiid niuwt uiuuw tjiwvnt oiiu awvvus uw viiauiy. .March, with its raw, rough. winds and weathwy is a most trying month, especially to those who have, allowed their blood to become thin and their systems run down: . ! ' invigorate ' thtx' body.' and" brain with', the world's . greatest tonic-stimulant, ; DUFFY'S ; PUREvMALT WHISKEY, which enriches ,theblood and makes it i. course more quickly thrbiigh the Veins. ; It builds new tissue, quickens the heart's ac tion, prevents decay and fortifies the system against disease germs, a ' -f r "'; ; .' ' Always Cures Grip. ' "rev 'talrty -'yean ' DCfTTi ' HALT 'WB18KCX kaa.bsea aiy eaa audtetae. I ,kave always sssd It as arsscrtbeS aad tt baa proved a maWe aid, aa It aaa sot ;abr eared several attaeks ef grip bat ka Bteveatee say bad after-effects. I caaoat -epeak ton kirsty of what DLTrrs PCBS ;MALT WHIMkgT baa Seae for aie. aad ' "' will ilwaya kee tt ta ttlaslat aad tnaa . ' a a syateai aad as a sore ear far eolds , aad grip. Altboagh T years aM. 1 asi hale 'end hearty, doe te tke dteleaa ase af . i NTfl'l MALT WHlSKET." W. A. ; aTAGO. lDS faHfle street. Braeklya, K. I. ' Spring Tonic and Appetizer . . ! wish te tefl ye that last whiter 1 had ' a Very asver tlass. I have hroarhtal aathaia of Inag ataadlag, aad ae a resaM a vary .weak heart. 1 -had also a vary severe at- x'tack of the grip Jaaasry; It left as la .'very yaar eoadltloa. My. ataaueh ' sad . - bewela war badly eat of erder. 1 eoald ' set ear aiy atoaiaeb weald set. retila the f ) feed. - Tb dortor tried te relieve ate, hat . Sid sot eeem te snereed. I enamaced.te 1 take DCrrT' PUBS MALT WIIISKgt la ' April aad aa saw very, aiurb better. I eaa . eat an that I seed aad it does aa hart at. -1 have beea galatoa ever sine I coat " ateaeid taking It. aad I shall eoataiD as .... take tt aa Inag ae 1 seeai ta rererre benefit frata Its asa.M Chvt. J. n. WARRRN. Wolfeboroatb rslta. M. H, Joly 0. ios. W.1 Night Sweats and Chilis.; , ; 't bav tskaa TUrTa P0BO MALT - WBIRKCT fa three sssnrhe for long ;, troaMea. Wke I flrst eaaiaieaeed 1 waa bedfast, aad aow t ass able te work. - Mew. - the deetea ef ear tnwa estd that nothing . weald help BW. bat DUFPT B MALT . WH1HKBT did whet tb doctors enald net , do. I bad sHrht sweets aad rkllle aad srelgbed M peoada. I welfh 100 soaads' . aw, tne ehllla have left ate. aad the sweets , . are sleo geae. 1 am tonklng for great re- . aalla." Mr. OHlf RRNTLX. Oraad Baptds, . MldK,, Kov. IS, l0e.V- , ; Weak aneJ Nervous. 1 I esa eertetnty say year tnnte-ettmvlsnt Dirrrt nu malt wbibkix ba beea a greet benefit t sae.' I was waakv aerveos. aad eneM Sot sleep sad was troabled with kwe ef appetite. - " "I wee reenmmenoed ta take DUrfT'I DM MALT WH18K1T. which I did. aad ' the reeatt M that I aa etranger aad settee ta awry way. eaa steep sights aaej Say appetite hi aiaeh bapeeved. 1 "I write yea this, aa I theagbt It was amy ' date to let yea know, what year greet an x , a-a-laal MaM Wbjshey baa dnae for e.'" Ynere very trnly, Mrs. P. B. BOUTUABD, ' Weedawrs, V. 1., Jea. a IsOT. . ! ... A Temperance Doctor. "i indorse utrm rtrnn malt WBIBKJCT aa aaedletn aad for Btedlcal ' ase and far aothng etoe. 1 eppess hsteae. ereace aad favor all la we that tend toward the snppreeeloa of dronkeaaeaa." T. P. ' PALM a, M. D.. Rlvee. Tema., A eg- B, 1SOS. i. i V ' , r '; ,', Strong at 94. T . "It la tree I have aaed year whiskey sad Uke ft tha beet ef all 1 save ever oeed. 1 waa M ea lane ITtb. Among aiy other praa . eats waa soma ef year Malt Whiskey from By nephew . ... 1 know that I weald ', set be alive today did I ao take It regalarly ta saooerete qasatlttea. aa I de not bav Bach- appetite." MARSHALL PIBBOB, Pntaer. Aag. t, 10. : Dest of Spring Appetizers. : t aa a veteraa af the Civil War, served ' . three rears, aad am 64 years of see. "I take Dim 8 PCBB MALT WHIS KEY before each aasal aad find It the best ef Rpriag appatbwra. I thlak that there la ' aothtng better tor a waa sett tag ea la years. I am a teeaperate aiea aad ealy aea. year srodaet ae a aaedlelne aad only at each One aa I need It." O. B. CADY, 1 Bl Park sr., Weresster, Mas., Sept. 1, mm --'-.':t-. Tonic for the Old. : "1 bav beea stag year TXTPPTB PTJKB ; MALT WHI8JCKX ae a tnahvetlanlant for -the past twe year aad feel that I have ea rrea asarked hsnent frees the easea. , "1 aear sow eve etehty rem re af aaa aad .sine I have takes DLrrrB MALT WHIB KST I have takes np aa ether asedletaM." IHAAg Pi bAOD, ABiaay, M. X., Aag. B. ' ISO.. . . , ,, .. . . .'.':' A Spring Mcdklnc. "Laat April I took a soddsa esM, aad I waa laid ap with asaralgia hi aiy ehoolder. which hrsaght ea fever aad took away aiy appetite, hat by as tag DUrrrs PCBB MALT WB1SKBT I eaaje eat ell right, aad ' ea Memorial Day I waa leading aiy band aad playing, aa wen. I think year MALT WHI8KBT M Jast the Btedtclne en teew ap aad keep op the strength of eld people. - "Bopmg yoor aesdietn will prove heae ftelal ta atbara. I eaa traly reeoaaaiettd It as a saleable help.' O. I. PABTBIDOa, rrsaklta, Maaa, Sept. 1. MO. ... Left Lung Almost Gone. As I srs aaaaibar at the Ban Boose . Wi ana's Olnb, I was called eat ssaay times whoa the weather tree vary bad. and aa resent a vary had eoogh, aad doc tie's claimed . that say bang were affected; aa fact, the left hang waa almost gene, hat smce I here taken year n feeble DUrPY'B PURB MALT WMI8KBT, I feel setter, aad iron Id sot de wltkoat It. t have ant beea taking tt vary loag. hot t . aia sore e good reealtst I have good eoler la my fare aad feel that 1 I aaa work with a great deal more amb. I cannot praise tt too aiach. I have it ta several ar my friend. aad they, too. are thankful for the benefit they hare alreedy derived front tt. Mm. VICTOB A. BBAOCA1BB, 1W Ogdea av, CWeago, 11L t -. . . Ttt recognized everywhere M the, unfailing specific for the enre of conatimp-j' i 'tion, nervotine8s, typhoid, malaria, every form of tomach trouble all dis-' eases of the throat and lungs, and all ran down and weakened conditions of , the brain and body. It .restores youthful rigor to the old by nourishing and Weeding the vital forces of life, and maintains the health and strength of tin, oung. It Is 'a form of food already digested." It Is prescribed by doctors tt all schools, is used in all the leading hospitals of the world, and is recog . sized as a family medicirm everywhere.l-It is absolutely pure. Medical ad- vice and a valuable illustrated booklet on diseases sent free.' Our guarantee : ' is on every, bottle. -j- y ' t .- j v; : ' v.. ' ' - Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is fold by all first-class druggists, grocers and. 'Sealers, or direct. In sealed bottles only. Price $1.00. See that the "Old Chemist" trade-mark ia on. the label and that the seal pvrr the cork la an- broken. Pefune substitutes and imitations, Duffy Malt VYhiskey Co, Rocb rBpeHsl tHspatcb e The JaeraaLI ; Balem, March S. In his report on Jh Portage road Superintendent Smith say a; . -I wish to augarsst, that aa the legis lature did not se at to appropriate money for the extension to The Dallea, j aad ss Improvements have been con- j temp la tad at Big Eddy In the event ot Its not doing so, now Is an opportune time for such Improvement, and I would further suggest . that a conference be arranged between the board and Colonel Roeasler of the United Btates engineer department looking - toward such Im- provemenU I am Of tha opinion that tht necessary ' Improvement eouia oe msds for the amount of money it will take to repair and maintain a wharf boat st Big Eddy, and that will enable aa to handle freight quicker and nor economically. ' . ' - ' "1 would propose building a bulkhead about lS.feet above mean low wt from the foot ot the' preaent ' Incline acroa to the point ot rock .next below. making it wide enough to hold a single track. . "For ths preaent are ar handling auoh business aa la ottered, over a piatrorm at the foot of the Incline. At present the only steamer operating above Celllo Is tha steamer Norma, carrying supplies to camps on the north bank. Ths Open River Transportation oompany expects to have its steamers raaay about April 1. , Blsms Shield report a consider able quantity of oemsnt and other ma terial to go up as soon aa they ean ar range to handle It above." The report shows that tha road Is attending much more than It la making. The road earned S100.SS and tha dis bursements were I400.TS, the eiTra ex pens being caused by the damage of the high water lea blockades and the raising of tha wbanDoats sun ounng ths storm. . " APPLICATIONS TO STOCK STREAMS WITH TROUT - raped at Darpatcb te The KaeraeL) - " Salem, Or March , S. Master Flab Warden O. H. Van Dusea Haa presented bla report for February. Two arrest ware made for violating the fishing laws. Among the trout applications were tha following: ' Frank C " Busch ot Oregon City, ' to plant trout in Buech's pond, Clackamas oounty, a tributary v to the Willamette river. ,'''.'""-''' C. Q. Hunttay of Oregon City, to plant eastern brook or blsck spotted trout In Trout creekt tributary of the Molalla river in Clackamas county. H.afS. Draper of Oregon City, to plant astern brook or cut-throat trout in the Molalla river, in Clackamas county. C Schaubel of Oregon City, to plant black spotted or eastern trout In Cedar creek, a tributary of Mill , creek. In Clackamas county. , Bllert Ellartaen of Halnea, to plant lake trout In Rock Creek lake, a tribu tary of Rock ereekv la Baker county. . Ellert Btlertaen of Halne. to plant lak trout for Rock Creek lake In south fork, a tributary of Rock ereek, in Baker county, and In Willow Creek lake, a tributary of Willow creek. In Baker county. ' ' ,.,.,'-: STILL HUNT MADE FOR :0LD SCHOOL DIRECTOR (Bpeelal tdapatcb to The Joarasl.) Garfield, Wash- March S. At the school election Dr. Dlx, a pioneer or Garfield, always identified with the schools ot the city and a director for mora than IS yea re la succession, was defeated by t votea, because every man and woman In Oarfleld except 41 thought no one would run against the doctor for tb office.. Therefore , only IS vote were east for him. The polls were about to close whea about 41 voters cams la aad 'voted against the doctor. Even the man whom tbey elected, J. H. Johnson, did not know hla nsm waa being need. Mrs. Moon's Funeral. (BpseUl Ptspetrh ta .The JeoraaL) ' Castle Rock. Wash., March S. Ths funeral waa held today of Mrs. Eva Mav. wlf of the Rev. R. R. Moon, who died at her home near Nes Perce, Idaho, March t. Interment in - Whittle ceme tery. ; . " . j Mrs. Moon (nee Huntington wag born at thla place Mar IS. 1SSS. Stie waa a granddaughter of William Huntington, who came here from Indiana In Both before and after her marriage In September, 1104. she was for several year a todnt In the Stat Univer c . as The Cpring cdicine , Pood rand ' -rrp-r-:'7 "fizs ' Drurja Act :(V ' 531 Not. , I Ik o o v ; mZL!Z voaanassB ' Q Ot BotbOO. W if I BCOOO-l aaaaywitej StsagSsBS i 'mmm'- ' III II H If 111 11 I TmSSXSSff: iN UnwiTjaJled ( lHU fp ;:,:-:!M- l : HI) I Te sseal an w vaU'pva tons, wa ar aow Bersskar wo Hood's 8asaaMsrfDa so ataoeosaand Prepaped from SttmpavrlTInV root, IShao Thkg, ' Yellow Dock, Juniper Berrien, Uv UrsJ, Flpeav sewa, Guakc, Wild Cherry, Bitter Otoge Feel, Gentian, Mandrake, PaodeUoo, Senna, and other valuable ingredient, by a tombinatkao, aroportioo, fid' to itself. This Is shown by its great cures of and process peculiar to Itself, unknown to any other medicine, and raving it curaave value peculiar Spring humors scrofula, eczema, ail ertrptiorheurnati8ni, catarrh, h-Mnsiw artrl Hvnv tmnKspei and all nthtW mmnlalnta caused by impure blood or low eondttion of thai tali hats called Oewennl. as we& as m the VIUIUUIUII0 walM OanU i HoeeVs Barasoarilla assslf by a Bro- aad dhsHHshli ii. and bav Meartaoany fa i navaaavthaa. Ot auiaraiaaa as? aassa IwmimOe KwanaJl avstem. it w an nopeet memotne of gevrarne merit. I am isusu af pvtoa. mawsesSL u 1. awu w Larweji. . inaepena for the ence American Cigar Snfer That's 'What e The American Cigar Company Stands For ( ; You c't be an independent , smbfe as you depend on somefody else to select your cigars for you. You must knm ymatyovi want and get i The "Triangle Ameans freedom. ; : It means betr cigars of f'ev:ex;pa. the best made under old conditions. It's the'Identification Mark of Cigar Quality : I a. Do 3tou realize that you have alwajbought cigars without any ; reliable guide as to quality, value" el rvn ; e - yr conaiuon i ine quesuon is ; How can you know you are getting the best cigar for your money ? You can be sure before you buy. ., Wherever . you v ' buy, whatever price you pay, whatever your no matter what the brand name? , This J"An (Triangle A) mark identifies the product n of recently perfected processes of fermenting and blending extensively applied on Wentific principles in tha American . Cigar; Company's , im-. mense specially-constructed stem- ". taste, you will find, the best citrar - c meries exclusive methods beyond for your money, in boxes bearing, the lmowledge or f acOitics of cr the "Triangle A" mark of merit nary manufacturers. :r' :C Every box is now extra-wrapped in glassino paper, sealed at each V end with the "Triangle A" in red. The ciara aro kept clean, frc-h , : and in perfect smoking condition until tho box h opened. sity of Oregon, ' ...