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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 8. 1C07. r- "BUTTERFLY" : ALL PROMISES MADE Osa Szamosy in Name Part Proves Herself as Near Perfection :-.... " as It Is Possible to Expect - Response Jo Curtain . . ; . , f Call the Only Jarring Note.x j J ' ) sjatlefaetorv."' " : That la tb. word that describes last tilgbt's production of "Madam Butter By" at the HelUg. There can be no nor complimentary word desired whoa you - remember -how- blgn expectations have flown since flrat w board Ut de lightful Italian-Japanese-American opera . waa coming to .Portland. . , . For three houra an Immanaa eudl- ' oc aat and listened spell-bound to an artlatlc presentation of an artlaU " opera, smiled at" tha pretty alra and graces of tha flitting human butterfly, ad with her paaaed quickly from one amotion to another until they had gone tha whole gamut. The sunshiny emllee ; of the Innocent UtUe girl of ! her quickly dried teara; the aoba and sighs f the traglo future; everything waa perfectly presented by ao aplendid a apeaklng orcheetra that had the curtain . been down the story would Still hare been completely told. "'': ' I can hardly Imagine a mora satls- factory little madame than Klaa Szam osy. -What though her first appearance did have a alight air of maturity for a little 18-year-old girl? When tha do- . velopment of the mualo abowed to what dramatic ' helghta aha , muat aoar and how well aha oared there waa not ques tion : about Elan Bsamosy's Btneaa to play Madam Butterfly. Florence Easton and Rana VI Vienna may. portray the slry-falryness ot tha Japanese maiden more In accorl.vwlta one's preconceived Ideas, but. they pan: never rise above fcsamoey in drama Mo force. Ssamosyia flrat of all a singer ot wonderful rich voice the kind that fills your being' and penetrates to every nerve center with a dellcloua soul-stirring thrill. And aha la secondly a great actress, with an ease of : manner and qualntnesa of conception that announces Itself at every turn foreign. And even , her slightly broken speech, . with . Its . softened consonants, suits tha Japanese girl, who. It seems, -should not speak perfect English even In an English text To others of tha cast be all due credit given, though so much, much mors does Butterfly boar the burden of the opera loan any two vum put Lue.iu.r, iu ona forgets there are other leading . parts, Joseph Saaehan, who cams to tie last year ta "L Boheme"and showed ' us his splendid tenor, was good In the role ot Plnkerton. the. American naval officer who makes the tragedy possible. One of the beet moments In the vocal score is his love duet with Butterfly at the close of. the flrat act where both show tha full compass of their voices, and where the mualo fairly vibrates with Intensity. - v . Harriet Behnee as Busukl sang with a rich contralto and Interpreted the part ef tha handmaid to suit her rather heavy voloe. Sharpleas, tha American consul, was well Interpreted by .Thomas D. Richards who has a pleasing; even, baas voloe and presents a good appearance as walL And Ooro, the marriage broker, la tha hands of Stephen Jungman, who mads the comedy part of tha story, cer tainly regal res some mention, . Bo much for the singing. And 'yet there Is the orchestra. And. though " "Waiter Roth well handled it with re markable ease and skill It 'Is bard for me to handle It- Their work was so satisfactory and the Puccini conception Is so great even Wagnerian at times, and at others so lightly exrSresslve that one could but alt still and listen. There is beautiful simplicity In the finals of the second act when the or chestra portray the undoobtlng pa- - i sT - m m , - m m , m m mmmmwmmmmm r i . ii 9'-m .v.'i ".. jr. 11 "lei ; Ce't v.a-a . vi ' - r.v.'.v.i lv;i mm Will take you to our Btore for clothing. , . .: This is the month when one needs, on ac count of the varying weather,' as many dif ferent' kinds of overcoats as the pocket can 1 afford. ;...-,-.;':' ''"V-: " ''JftV:y : Look at bur full line, t Long waterproof coats for heavy rain. Medium coats for windy ' weatherlLight coats for?mild . days. -Top coats for warm days.' " ' 'i',- '. Spring styles in men's and boys clothing ' , now here."-7; ; - '' '': :V "r - . ; ..- Our windows contain a splendid display of ' the proper things to- wear, , i: i" :.; ;" .:; , ; ST V , V CloitiiirigCo Complete Outfitters for Men ariU Boys v rr.i 1C3 THIRD ST. MOHAWK BUILDING. K3 FULFILLS Menca and ceaseless longing of Butter fly as she stands at the window, and waits, and waits,, and waits. And the music dlea slowly away , as every one falls asleep, but shs alone still waits. And there la grandeur In the opening prelude of the next act as the gun's rays come up-and lighten the heavens. and tha day grows brighter and blighter. and yet there 4s no hope. The tragedy must coma And the Irrevoeahleness of fata, the suffering and th relief when death comes are all told as plainly as words can make them. A splendid or chestra, a fins conductor and magnifi cent music. - Several little thlnga mlrht be men tioned in paaslng, but there Is so much that might bo said of this most artiatlo performance that has ever visited Port land. There Is the celeste, the new In strument with Its bell music, which Just ruiea the one wanting element ta the oriental mualo, And there . waa the beautiful acenery, and - tha effective Buddha and Mount Fujiyama and Naga saki bay acenea which prepared tha as- sem plage and put It In a Japanese frame of mind before the music began. Incidentally there waa the inartistic fault of responding to a curtain call when continued darkness and alienee Is expected to create a delusion. . It Is dis turbing when you have been swallowing your "chokes" as you realised the fruit leaaneaa of vigil that waa to continue all night; then see the object of your aoba and pity come amlllng and bowing Into view about tha middle of the night. It makes you want to cover your eyas so you-won't see. Tea, It Is oven worse than to see bar come out and bow after you hare seen her die a ghastly death, for then the play has been completed. American audiences have not yet learned the elo quence of, silent appreciation and per haps that la why, when a. curtain . call is given, they deserve no better than to get it . Florence Easton, tha American prima donna, and Francis Maclennan will play Butterfly snd her faithless lover . to night, withEthel Houston . and Bloharflji as the maid' and eonaul and Alfred Fetth conducting. Tbsy ; will have a splendid east to sing up to. SUPPER AFTER THE PLAY Many Society People Sit frown ta -." Decorated Dining Jtoom. ; - Society waa out la all of its glory and fins raiment last night Never in the history of Portland has such a turnout of the socially distinguished been seen st the theatre. They visited the Bel li g early and were enraptured with the mualo and song and were loath to. leave. After tha opera supper parties at-the Portland hotel crowded that Institution until tha closing houra Mr. Bowers was prepared tor nia gnosis ana gave them a treat In th war of decoration. that were In' keeping with Madam But terfly. '. The old dining-room was beautifully decorated In Japanese fashion, and each guest waa given a pretty card and but terfly souvenir". ". Two orcheatraa fur nished tha muela. Among those giving Mr. and Mrs. J. C ' Ainsworth, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd. Mr. and Mrs. N. a Aver, Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, fir and Mrs. Percy Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. F. O, Downing. Mr, and Mrs. Riohard Koehler,' Mr. and Mrs. Oua fflmon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook, Mr. and Mra i W. B. Arer. Mr. and Mra Edward Hon, . J. INewklrk, Ir. and Mra. Vacrum. Mr. and Mra Robert Lewta, Edward Grelle, Senator and M Us. Gear In. Mr. and Mra, Edward Ehrman, Mr. and Mra. Ambrose Cronln, 11. B. Beekman, Mr. and Mrs. Leon lliraoh, Colonel and Mra Iron, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rothschild. FAlf0.f THE DISTRICT. , CPBOKGjlfT; STSTffl '' ; T. -r.'':v' Mayor' Lan Addresses Meeting of the Brooklyn Republican , and improvement Club. -.Mayor Lane and Judge Cameron were gueata of th Brooklyn Republican and Improvement dub last night, which bald a special session and smoker In tha Baored Heart ball, MUwaukle and Boise streets, Councilman Rushlight pre sided. The occasion waa In tha spirit of a celebration and recounting of th ac complishments of the organisation. - The big Brooklyn sewer, the largest Project of th kind In the city, is di rectly a result of ths efTorte of th Brooklyn club. Mr. Rushlight. In a short address. In which' he named th olroumataneea of the meeting, cited th sewer, the new engine-house and ths numerous Improved streets la the sub urb as among the more Important ac complishments of ths club, n In behalf of the dub, Father Gregory was thanked by Mr. Rushlight, for the use of ths hall and commended for the aetivs Interest that he had shown In ths association. . Father Gregory has seoured petitions for ths opening of IT streets In ths southeastern portion of the city. Deputy City Attorney Kava- nauga was present and gave a short Mayor tan spoke In favor of the new amendments proposed' by the East Bids Business Men's Federation for th Improvement of streets by dlatrlcta He called attention to ether Initiative pro visions to be voted on In June, among which was th large bond Issue for Im provement of th water system. - A delegation from the Bast Bide Business Msn's club arrived at 10 'clock from their meeting on Grand avenue and were asked to speak. Thar were many interesting features On ths evening's program. .k Mayor Lane, Father Gregory, Judge G. J. Cameron, G. GL Sutherland and A. G. Rushlight war appointed a com mute to -eseperat with Richmond peo ple in securing th purchase of ths strip of land north of tha Clinton-Kelly school which, until a short tiro ago, was sup posed to have belonged to th school. The Hotel Portland paint room was a seen - of unusual beauty last night, being fitted up In keeping with "Madam Butterfly, th opera from which the elite of th city found Its way to this charming resort Of theatre-goers. "J Ja panese screens, fans and butterflies on ths wing with othsr quaintly oriental effects transformed ths place Into a fitting closing act of th opera, and aa every seat had been taken In advance, th scene was on of Unusual beauty and gaiety. Th ladle were furnished small gold butterflies as sauvanlra Th Commonwealth Trust company ta having a most striking and beautiful sign in deep gold letters put across tw sides of c it building a sign that is readily seen several blocks away. With their handsome new automobile con stantly . In service carrying tnveators over th city, things are humming about this corner. - ' : - Th Fellows Grocery company moved Into Its present large quarters extend ing through th block from Oak to An keny streets, west of Seventh street, some six months ago, snd . so rapidly has th business increased that ther la not a foot of extra space In the large salesroom or th basement, which Is also equipped for constant ssrvlce. Th etore, which Includes a meet market, is fresh and clean throughout and th best of everything is found In abund ance. A large out of town business Is dons besides a heavy hotel and restau rant business, la addition te th regular family trad.' Close ett A Devsrs. th tea, coffee and rplce firm,, have made great Improve ment In their manufacturing plant sine to sir fir, and Mr. Devsrs says they are now much better equipped to take care of their rapidly growing busi ness than ever before In th history of th bouse. Everyone about the place is busy, with no prospect of a let up. , . A NEW DEPARTURE ,;: : t f The Cost of Interments Xas Beea area. ly audaoad by th Xolasaa trade-1 taking Company. ' v ',, Heretofore It baa bean th custom of funeral directors to make charge for all Incidentals connected with a funeral. Th Edward Holman Undertaking com pany, tha leading funeral directors of Portland, beginning July 1. 1106, will depart from this old custom. Whan ths casket is furnished by us 1U cost will Include all charges, such as convoying ths remains to our chapel, outside box. embalming, hearse to cemetery and all servioes which may be required of ue, except clothing, cemetery and carriages, thus effecting a saving ef f 21 to $71 on each funeral. THE EDWARD TTOLMAX UNDERTAK ING COMPANT, i - no Third street, comer Salmon. ' EXCELSIOR IN ABL0WIT2T r STORE CATCHES FIRE A blaas started In th rear of the sec ond-hand store T)f B. -Ablowits, Front and Tamhlll streets, st this morn ing. Little damage waa done, 'beyond ths scorching of th enamel oa several gets of Iron bedsteads. gome one In pssslng evidently had thrown a lighted mstcb or cigar stub through tha rear door of th eatabllah menu which Ignited ths paper and ex celsior wrapping on th bedsteads that were standing upright ' near the door. The paper and- sxoelsior were biasing as high ss the celling when discovered. They were thrown oat of th door before th building caught. T ; , Ladies' Night ; Tonight "will be ladles nltfht at the big rink. It U t night r Of th week most looked for by ladles This will be th banner night of aU ladle' nights. V rrn t tt EY HELEN H&VTOCKNSj A Hospital Kindergarten. It la said that ons of th quaintest and most touching sight la a great city I th kindergarten of Bellevue hospital New York. , Suffering from many afflictions, it children gather around th kindergarten table te learn tha pleasant childish arts of weaving snd paper folding and to play with th blocks. . It Is a gunny ward overlooking the quadrangle. .Back of the Ubles is a line of little eota: la them lie little children swathed la bandages, strapped to boards, on with burns, another with a broken leg. These cannot loin la th game of th . convalescents, but they may hear th songs and storlea It takes some Ingenuity to adapt ths games so that th children who cannot run about may etlU gala th pleasure Of playing with others. - - Th advantages ot th kindergarten have bean so marked that Dr. Braanan, president ef the board at trustees of Bellevue, Is asking for aa extension of the work to Inolude tha older children of ths hospital, many of whom are obliged to remain ther for many weary weeae ana montna - .. A child from th tenements was brought In with a fractured skull; for soms day he was unconscious, but th only words that Issued from bis lips were profane. He began to recover, but still whsa things did not go to suit him. n swore roundly, a soon as he waa up and about he evinced an Interest la tha kindergarten. Th new activities had an effect upon him and he becanV devoted to his teacher and to the other children: ta abort, became a different ooy. ' r Tt Is aroaalng. said Miss Vande- venter, "what fortitude and heroism are exhibited in a hospital kindergarten, Ths children seem to realise that they are ta a community where If they pa rade their own sufferings It will react oa th other children. So they try to bear th pain and discomfort ta a truly herolo fashion. .' Truly th labors and th loving thought of th klndlv Froebal have born a wealth of bloaaom and fruitage. How many little ones have been cheered and bow many lives brightened by th kindergarten. Th material for such atudy was always present, for th gen tleman studied th relation' of mother and child for It years before he formu lated his theories Into a definlt system of Instruction, v, ' . .. v .. '..' Neck Fixing. Ths reason a woman's turnover col lars usually look go much lea trig and neat wan a man's collar, say a Boston writer, is because she does not tighten them at the upper part. . A man ties his four-ln-hand cravat ta a tight knot at th very top bis collar, - therefor holding th two edge snugly against th neck. . A woman ties a bow under the lower edge at th base and lets th upper part spread open and leave a space between th akin and th linen that Is always ungainly. ,. . Mow, If she Is careful she first pins this part of th collar together with an ornamental safety pin and thsa use any kind of cravat at th baa. ' Th really fashionable tie 1 a -small on ef fin lawn with a lac edge. It may or may not Mb narrow and.amalL It must not etand out too far or droop. Th latter Is fatal. It must be made short enough to go around th neck and tie in a bow knot over four inches from tip to tip. and It must stand entirely straight out, th two loop exactly un der th two ends, both quite even. Across this and holding It to ths edges of th collar la run a longer bar pin to match th small on at th top. ' t -.--1'"..'.. Miss Flower's Bridal Gown. . Miss Florence Flower, ' formerly a Portland girl, now Mra Pierre Lorlllard BUGK!S Embrace In their splendid snd scientific construction many distinctive and superior features. The above is one of them' the extra long draft, assuring: a quick, even fire. ..This is a ijdrop draft,' with extra long fingered grate, admits air thTeri-:-tire length of the fire-box and under the burning fuel, thus, giving a forced draft and making a quick fire, which will heat the entire stove top,' also insuring, complete fuel combustion. Many other points of excellence in the "Bucks." Our liberal ' payment terms of " :'t '"'.:"; ,'. " ' ;.,.t 'v '.';;. ' 1 $1.00 IN THIRTY DAYS $1.00 P1LR WEEK TH1LR1L AFTXR Will install in your home this guaranteed range and. we offer . to accept your old sfoye'or range in part payment for same.- AdjusUblc,I( V Pin IiCurtairiu KA?'ini rm?.l-IAIIC17 imTIICMirnCfSTrl. ina" Carpet . i Stretchers taMt Photograph ef MISS SVA LIWIS tar Hamilton Avemue. OhioagO Barbey.' :. bad her wedding gown, a princess robe, satin covered, with large, flat roses in whit chiffon.' Th rose had silver , centers and scattered here aad there over the flower wsre -crystal dewdrop. Tb top- of tb corsage waa of duchess point and - from - this . m roses shaped It down to the watat lin. Th sleeves war ot old roee point .over chlffoa lining.. f '- ' Th roses covered th satin ail over from top to bottom. Har veil, of whit ntaline extend sd - from' th crown of her head, where It was laid ta tins box plaits and held In place by a diamond tiara. . to th and of th long train. Bh wore a wide--diamond dog collar having la th center front - a t- large apphir. j Hnr bouquet was mad up of whit orchid. At on side ot th vU ther were fastened sprays of natural orange blossoms y ' 'V' at it it ' s A Seasonable Dally Jlenu. : ' ..;'J. - , " ' BREAKFAST, v '' v i-' ' ' ' ' '- Oranges. J--C ," . Ram and Eggs. ' , " . ) , Whol Wheat Toast.. : . ' . . - Coffe. - ', - -..- LtTNCIOCON. ;-V: ' '."TT " '. '. .Tongu Rolls, Tomato Sauce. '. . : , Gluten Gems. Bananaa, Cream and Sugar. -, -- Cake. Tea. - v, . h, DINNER. .,.-':'.' . Cream of Shrimps. ' , Fried Smelts, Sauce Tartar. Chops with Bean Pure. Potato Croquettes. Scalloped Celery. ; .,;'., ' . Tomato Salad.' . , " ' Cheeae Crackers.-'-. . : ,.!' --.--r-i-,-'". Oranges la Custard.-- '-- ' ' Coffee. - " '"' Cream of. Shrimps shells from shrimps, fry In butter, bread crumbs. RANGES in rirn s niiini III V I -a- k I' ! .-- li - . - I GREW MISS LEWIS' HAIR AND WD CAN - v ' '.v.' PROVE IT Tti Crtxl C:nirr!r.i lmr ftWt tSS Lewb' heir wes eery aa becea aslag Dsnaeris. toemlns with new Ufa and vigor. That' tb maia secret el thi free remedy's success es a kair (rawer. It ea liveaa, mvigorsteaanJ lairly eieelriaes he halt QlandS so tlSUS of the scalp, causing unueoel and anaeereVel activity es tbe pert el these twe mast bnpor- teitf ergse. resulting In a strenuous and continuous growth ef the hair. 'f '' ;.' ? :-!:- :,t .. ... The loHowtng la a repreaWioa ol Miae Lewie' last letter' ' V ' ' ' Dear Doctor Knowltoc 1 , Yea knew I told ye la sty Crat letter that my hair would ael reach much below my ehcwlriera, eed thet aU ei U legetker ealy msos one tiny breia, ' ... ; ; ,1 I era aendisg you sty photograph, which I he teksa st Stoves Bree. It tells lbs whole story better then I cea tell k. ; . Everybody I knew b using Daooerine, as yea eee I asa soiag samelkuig le show my spprectstieo. - ' Stsoerely yeura, (Mas) EVA LEWIS. ' FI1EE. To thw a large sands , U1TW or stampe le onion, salt, pepper. Add whit stock to cover. Cook slowly three hours. Prees through rpuree strainer. . Add . pint of cream, gill of sherry. Bring to boiling point and serve. Chops. Bean Pure.. Broil chops aa usual. -On pint lima- bean simmered tilt tender and pushed through alevw. Salt, pepper and, nutmeg added. : Heat again and add a. UtUe stock, three ouncea of butter, slowly, and mix thor oughly. Chopa on, round, platter with mixture soured over them. Oarnlsh with parsley. ..v ... - Tongue Roll,- Tomat Sauoe. Ixcel lent tor luncheon. Had from puff past, rolled Into strips six laches . long and two Inches wide. Arrange on each piece a tableepoonful minced . sold tongue moistened with melted butter; form Into rolls, brush with whit ot egg and bake ta moderate oven. Arrange on dish and pour over them a strained tomato sauoe. Potato Croquet tea Bake a potato for each person, 'whil hot scoop out of their Jacket. Add ta It salt, pepper, cream and beaten eggs, allowing on tor every three potatoes. Mould Into croquettes, roll In grated -cheese, then la crumb, la beaten ggs, again la crumbs and fry In boiling fat. , .-.,,;. v.. JOAQUIN MILLER FILES UPON SUISLAW WATER -y-.... V ' .I.'.- ' 'II 111 . . , I..,', ; 8pertsl Otsseteb to Tee foemLt Eugene, Orv March t. Joaquin Miller, th poet, and his brother, George Mel. vtn Miller, a real aetata broker of thta city, have filed on TI.080 oublc inehe of th waters f th Slutlaw river In th western end - of Lane county for th purpose of generating lctrlo powef for manufacturing, light and other pur. pnses. Th alt ot th proposed power Special for ARM ROCKERS A strongly built and exrrniort able arm Rocker in ; selected quarter-sawed goiaen osk, ricn-. ly polished, a new and pleasing design,' exactly like cut Sells . regularly for $7.75. Offered for tomorrow only at the above pedal price. : Your credit is good, One only to each custo- mer. No mail, C O. D. or telephone orders accepted for this1 special. - - . ' l?-r V y. - SPECIAL FOR TOMORROW ; English teapots 'i v;.For tomorrow only, three sites in highly glazed English teapots, pretiily decorated..'. No mail, jtelephone or C. CD."? orders accepted. :No delivery. - .' ' " r'''T? 50 size, specxalj :...;:.....:...sp " : 55 SIZE, SPECIAL ; '. . ...'.. ..... .'.V, .35 -V . 1 CO SIZE, SPECIAL ....... . . ., . . . .. .r.O "; " tr ri iiiiii ihimi o 1v vo I tt Product thi Cislrid Risulft so h wee less (baa two feet I length when She seys her Leir snd scalp sre aew tairly -etV ''- 3,1008. CO Danderlne mJkm th scalp heeithy aiui fertile ens beep a. It li th greatest scalp (ertdiEer snd oWelore the greatest half-producing remedy th world be ever known , h I a natoral food and a wkolaeaeM medicias tor both th hair sd aosip.- Even a 23o bottle of It will put more genuine life In your hair than a gallon of any other hair tonlo ever made. It showe results from the very start. , MOW at all dragglgto la ttirwa algaa. ' . S9 U, BOwsats sad $ bttl . f : bow quickly PaaderlBe ectt we will seed - sample lre by return mall to anj this sdTsrtlMmeDt to the Knewll i pi. ire oy return nan to any one woo d.rtae Cm Chieege.wlth their nagia gnd address sad l ajnua pay postage. oanal Is a few mile abov Mapteton,' which Is 10 miles above th mouth of to river. Nothing I known of . th plan of tn Miller a tWhat sort .of -enterprleer they Intend to-promote, ss Qsorg Miller Is now out of th city. . Everybody" frl.nd Dr. Thomas Ec- lectrle Oil, Curea toothache, earache, sore throat.. Heals cuts, .bruises, gculda. Stopa any pain. -..' '?,.-,. RESULT OF MANITOBA ;v ; ;;; PHUyiNUIALtLtU (SpeHal ewpetrh to A Joomil.) - ' -Vaneouver, B. C March The Rob- sustained In Manitoba by a majority ot IS. Last year It had It supporters In a house ot 49 members. - It now has tt out of 41. In two eonstltuenclea polling will k. h.l . Tt IT Mi.1Tllft.lAn. attorney general, were dereateo. mtD, AUTO HIDE, rosiv c5ty" PARK '. SEE SUNDAY'S JOURNAL Tomorrow - -tm . or f l BisscU'i ii r" r - l- ; Sweepcn Mi W VtMJr ' AX'.Xr ...... ft