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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1907)
THE OREGON ... DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND.- FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 8. IZ7. to TO RECOVER LOGS FROO RIVER BEDS Eastern Lumber Mills Driven to Strange Expedient to Get ' Material. .''-V, STREAM BOTTOMS .: . COVERED WITH TIMBER rtaa U to Lift Log. WHh Hoisting ' i Fngine ' "" , pinnate Original Owners by Their Mark. , , , 1 , ' (Jonraal Special service.) Minneapolis, Minn., March J scarcity of pin timber la tha. middle west haa Impelled lumbar mllla to an. rmm In a. novel undertaklne- oy wmcn i the hope to save million of dollars' worth of loss which now 11a at to bot tom of the Mississippi ana omor extending; from . the northern part of Minnesota, whara tha Mlaalaslppi haa Ha aource, to La Crosse, In all about 1.000 mllea of riverbed.-1 For yaare lotting- ban ben carried on by rafting ' pin loga down tha river to tha various mllla,. guided by small steamers or tugs. , ;,...; v '"'''' '" ' ' " Old logging men and mill owners be lieve that tha new undertaking will result In fortunes for those engaged In the work. It Is believed that tha rlrer bottom la literally payed with pine logs even ae far aouth aa Dubuque, Iowa, It haa been demonstrated that logs may 1 be rained with great profit. The plan Is to lift these, loga with a hoisting an- " gina erected on Satboata, place th logs en the river bank and have a govern ment sealer Inapect them and record the marks found thereon.' Whan tha origi nal owner can be found he will be cora nensated at the rate of it per 1.000 feat Tii i . r,MTit a iTinrh dear vein to tha owner and atill leavaa a margin of profit to tha holsters, who can Una a ready market for tha reclaimed logs at from SIS to (14 a thousand feet. The logs that become "deadheads" or ' 'Inkers" are chiefly of. tha amall va riety, known to lumbermen aa : "pig Iron" Norway. They seldom get to be more than S to 11 inches through at . the butt and are heavy and soggy. Rlvermen say a great many of these ink before leaving tha landing, a few of them "deadhead" It down stream for a wajr, one end bobbing in the- water until, thoroughly water-soaked. they sink to the bottom. .: OFFICERS SOUS APPOINTED CADETS TO WEST POINT Youths to Follow in Fathers' Footsteps, in- Entering t V. ' Army." rtnaraal flneelal gerrlce.l Washington, -March I. -r Appointments - ss . principals ' . amd , alternates to , the L'nlted States military academy tor 190S have been announced as follows: , f , Principals:.."-' v ,- r--, ; Burton Young Read, son of Captain George W. Read. :, - Terry de la Mesa Allen, son of Major 8. A. Alln. ; ; ' Eaton 8. Edwards,, son or i.iuienani- Colonel K. A. Edwards. - - , . Charles C Dodd, son , of . Lieu tenant Colonel O. A. odd. - D Alary Frehet, son of Captain E. O. Frehet ' ' . ';''.''"'..;"'-."'.'-; Otis A. Wallace, son of the late Cap tain Wallace. " .-" - . ' Manley Lawton, son of ths lata Gen eral Lawton." ''"". i1' .JiLiti Alfred Faxon Latimer, son Of the late Lieutenant-Colonel A. E. Latimer. ' John Putford. son of tha late John Pulford. - - ' v -' - Donald W. Frailer, ; son of Sergeant . John Frasier. i.-;- ;' -j' - .,',,.- : ' Alternates: ;' :. ' " i.."1: Claud da Buasey Hunt, 'sob of Lieutenant-Colonel L, P. Hunt. - - John 8. Hunter , son of Colonel Edward 'Hunter. ' - .'.'',, v Andrew H. Kauffmann. son of Lieutenant-Colonel B. A. Kauffman, retired. Baajamin C. Lockwood, son of Colonel B. C Lockwood. . . - " Fred W. 8tewart, son of Colonel W. F. Stewart. Arthur West. ' "son of , Lieutenant Colonet Frank West .'. , William Bhlpp Everts, son of tb lata Major Edward Everts. .' , l Oeorg MoClallsa Chase, son of Lieutenant-Colonel Oeorg F. Chas. ,' i . John B. Thompson, son of Captain J. K. Thompson. - ' . Henry Pratt Perrlne, son of Captain Perrine. k , v , . Marion P. Vestal, sow of Captain C. . P. VesUL . . a... Sterling L. Larrabea, son of Major Charles F. Iarrabe. William Mlddleton Grimes, ' son ot Coloner George, 8. Grimes. - Bethel Wood Simpson, son of Captain W. L. Simpson. John Loring Baker, son of tha lata Assistant. Engineer Baker, TJ. S. N. PROTEST SEATING OF S . - APOSTLE REED SM00T " ' (iooraal SnecUI servlee.) - Salt Lake City, March L An Immense mass meeting held at the Suit Lake theatre last night ander the auspices of the American party protested against tb action of the United States senate la seating Senator Reed 8 moot. ' ' The . meeting unanimously adapted a declaration "that the protest against ths sestlng of Apostle Smoot waa fully Bus ts ined , by the evidence and that the senste. In reaching the Judgment It did, deuarted from in record. te-norert -the proofs, claimed aa facts essential things which had no support In evidence, fact of law, and decided the ease on fictional proposition well known In Utah to be untru. 1 -We declare, therefore.' the declsr. tloit continues, "that the Judgment ren dered waa a falsa Judgment precisely as a pervers Judgment rendered In a enurt would be false If delivered tinder like rtrcumatancea and with Ilka depart ure from fact testimony and law.". " Ft CWUcgeg ill Debate), :r . .. ilMtrntX gpeetol si.i. .C ' New Tork, March I. Final prepara tions have been concluded for slmul tanrotis debate te be held 'tonight In Ms rity, Philadelphia and Ithaca amnfis- t'-nnia representing Columbia, Cornell and Pennsylvania universities. The question to be do he ted In eech con tent l: 'Fieolvd, Thst Immlgrstlon M.etiid He Kurihsr Restricted by aj Ed uvetlonat Test" .;(,, COOTCUT TOiiT HOSORS GISL HARTTR After a Lapse of Saventy-Five Years Wronged ; Woman Is Reimbursed. ; ; ; ! (IwhI seelst Service. :, . Waterburv. Conn.. March J. After a Ium of nearly 75 years th repentant own - of Canterbury -has srransea - to pay honor tomorrow to the memory ox Mlaa Prudence CrandaU, whom It im prisoned for teaching colored erins to write. Tomorrow will be tne seveniv. fourth anniversary f Mlaa CrandaU condemnation. ', v vera Born of Quaker parents. Prudanca Mine- anlrlt w V " t V...--: I In 18JJ. when sh conducted academy for young women at Canter bury, abs admitted to membership Sarah Harris, colored. - Connecticut, was at I that time strong for social equality, but It wanted that equality for Itself. Miss CrandaU was visited by a com mittee headed by Federal Judge Andrew) T. Judaon, who Insisted upon the ool ored girl's Immediate expulsion. . In re sponse Miss Crandall Inserted aa adver tisement In tha local newspaper to tha effect that hereafter ahe would instruct only colored girls. ' In a rage, Canter bury held a town meeting, as a result Of which Miss CrandaU and Elder Knee land, who was In tha assemblage , to pronounce her the only honest woman In aU the township, were thrown Into Jail Captain Daniel Packard effected their escape, after which Mlaa CrandaU went to Kansas, where aha rallied with John Brown, and died only 10 years ago. Now the town -which condemned and Impris oned her T4 years ago baa decided to erect a handsome memorial ; la her honor. , ' . . :"' , '. PERKINS RETURNS HIS CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION .:!.. - r- " (Journal special Berries.) 1 New York, March t. Oeorg W. Per kins, former first vice-president of the New Tork Life Insurance company and now a member of the firm of J. P. Morgan A Co.. has aent to' tha New Tork Life hla personal check for $54,019 to reimburse the company for the Republi can campaign contributions made from Its funds In 1104 In connection with which Mr. ' Perkins' recently was made defendant on a charge of larceny. - -. Mr. Perkins declares that. In dismiss ing the criminal proceedings against htm. the court Intimated that tha cam paign contribution waa not a proper cor porate purpose. Ha again declare ho was acting upon a request of the then president of the New Tork Life when he advanced the' money for campaign pur poses In 104. and says that when the president reimbursed him there was no thought on ths part of either of any personal advantare, but- a belief that they were , "acting for the best and broadest Interests of the policy-holders, both at home and abroad.'? .Repeats Bribery Story. ; .(Journal Special Sertlre.) N London, March S. The Madrid corre spondent ot the Telegraph aaya that aa the result ot much inquiry,- he can con firm all the accounts given by the Ha vana Dlarlo de la Marina ot the al leged bribery of tha United States sen ate to declare war on Spain. He as serts thst official proofs of the story are now In the , national archives at Havana, and he says further that ths amount paid to tha Intermediaries in ths plot was at least 16,000,000. c' Sydney Mayoralty Fight, .' (Jnaraal ftpeetal Servlee.) . ' Sydney., N. a, March .On of tha most .exciting . political campaigns In tha history of Sydney ends with today's municipal election. The contest for the mayoralty, with three candidates lnthe running, has attracted unusual Interect One of the Issues that haa complicated the - campaign and attracted much at tention la the question of clvlo assist ance to convent schools. ' Simply Swallow Many Eat aa Though They , Were . Blind and. Their Tongue Cat Oat ' Dyspepsia Is built on confidence too much confidence In the ability of your stomach to digest anything and every thing you put Into it ' In thla age w have developed speed In every line of action, and wa have also developed speed In mastication. ' Ws don't take time to sat right and sometimes we do not eat the right kind of food. Sometimes ws carry our busi ness to our meals and aa a result eat mechanically. Wa eat aa though ws were blind and our tongues, out out Ws simply swaUow. - The result Is that the food wa eat la half chewed, and Ilea like lump of lead on the stomscb. . - ' Tou may deny to yourself that you abuse your stomach, but when you get a bloaty feeling, you can't deny you've got It ". " -.1 -. " -. -When 'you get ' brash. ' eructations. burning sensations, bloating, aversion to food, loss of appetite, belching and other kindred ailments, there is not much uss asking yourself, for ths time being, why you suffer. The fact la you've got these aliments snd tha question of the hour Is how to get rid of them at once, ao that at your next meal you may be-able to alt down and look at your meal straight In the face with - a- keen appetite and a' amlla. and enjoy thoroughly everything you eat , ' - -.-' , Just on of Btuarra Dyspepsia Tablets will digest an ordinary msal. without ths halo of tha stomach. On a inrredlant of Stuart's yspepsla Tablets wiU dlgsst 1.000 grains of food. - Tha strongest stomach couldn't do tha work any bet ter than one of these wonderful little tablets can do It , Each tablet contains the strongest di gestive s gents It Is possible to obtain. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are not a patent medicine. Wa come 'out and aay Just what Is n them hydrastls, golden seal, lactose and aseptlo pepsin. . They are recommended by 40,000 licensed physicians, in.-, the-, Called . States snd Canada. r. , . :; !..( . .. . ( And they are recommended by every one who uses them they can't help It for they Immediately Invigorate the stomach by lotting U take a rest; they strengthen the rastrlo Juice and caue the sppetlte to become keen and regu lar. . Stuart's. Dyspepsia Tablets wilt surely destroy dyspepsia, brash, belching, that "lump of lead" feeling, burning sensa tions. Indigestion, loss of appetite, and aversion to food. - : r ? - , Hevs Stuart's ' Dyspepsia ' Tablets bandy where you aa take one or two after each tneaL Then you will know what a blessing It Is to hsvo good appetite and to get all tha good possl. bis out of everything you eat. Ton'11 feel rosy and sweet Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tsbtets at sny drug store on earth. fiOc. rVnd tie your name and addreaa today and w will at once- send you by mall sample package, free. Addreas F. A. stuart Co, II Stuart Bldg., VarshtlL BRIKG . GOOD HEALTH aitm oun ATTACK. Arrest ratal Decline, Bulla TTp th Srs- teas and Beetore lost Ties sad , . FalUAf atteasrtk, ( Any bodily weakness ' eaased Oy deficiency In the blood can be cured by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Fills be cause thaaa ptlle-actually make -new blood. , After attacks of tha grip the blood Is generally- tun down and the patient continues to decline. "About three years ago,' says Mrs. Jennie Cowan of t Til N. Henry Street West Bay City, Mien "I caught a cold,, which ran Into the grip. I conllned to myjedfar-lwft swki, "a and oflhut time I waa able to about, but was completely run down. wss so weak I could hardly stand, my cheeks hsd no color and I ' felt faint My heart would flatter snd it was dif ficult for ma to breath at times. Neuralgia settled in the back of my head and stomsch and I suffered from rheumatism In my shoulders. i "I had the care ot , the best doctor In town but became no better until a friend told ma one day. how aha had been cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills snd I dsclded .to try them. I Soon felt better and continued using them until I was entirely cured. .They, built me up again to perfect health and I use them now whenever I foel at' all alcS and they always help me." ' ' Tha attar effects of tha grip ara gen erally worse than the disease itself. Th health of the body Is badly shat tered and oftentimes there seams to be no way to restore it ' Tha blood la poor, ths breathing difficult and there la losa of weight The sufferer becomes nervous and tnitabls and th system Is powerless to resist tha attacks of such disease as bronchitis, pneumonia and consumption. Dr. Williams! Pink Pills r Invalu able In this condition, aa well aa in other blood diseases, because they not only drive off tha germs of the dlsesse but build up . the system. Tha pills have cured) anaemia, rheumatism, after effects of fevers, neuralgia and many other aever disorders. ' Dr. Williams Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or sent postpaid, on re ceipt ot - price, . 60 cents per box, slz boxes $1.60, by the Dr. Williams Medi cine Company, Schenectady, N. T. - t . . Ohio Oratorical Contest. 2, ' Tellow Springs, Ohio, Maroh I. Many visitors have gathered here for tha atate intercollegiate oratorical con teat - to night Five oolleges are to contest for honors,' namely. Otterbeln. Miami, Wil mington. Heidelberg and Antloch. ... rREE. AUTO RIDE ..... TO ' rose are BKK 8KB SUNDAY'S JOURNAL EVERYTHING i w m fj : u m m v u u a m mi IB 1 & FP--H ' iA i trauk : V FrS ;r' I IF GOODS' ARE NOT WORTH lyr&l XlXf 5cTT 1?Tf TWICE WHAT OTHER STORES N i I J i'SJ jt I W ' IF GOODS' ARE NOT WORTH TWICE WHAT OTHER STORES ASK FOR THEM, BRING THEM BACK , AND GET YOUR MONEY eauceQ of the C. R Bishop Stock . ' - . 1 ' - - , ' -' Tomorrow Saturday ---is positively : the last day of the , prevailing LOW PRICES fat this Sale. If you are tiiink. ing of buying a NEW SUIT, a HAT, you wiU save DOLLARS i by taking advantage of -'these prices -f-rusual prices 'will prevail MONDAY. , . WHEN YOU-SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO MM E TOPSY TUflVY J TniXD AKD Last D at the The crowds are actually their eagerness to share Of the Ltndenthal & Sons' stock from us iuii cicui iu iuc mm wiui spring, Closing Out R 1 6 2 Monster Cases of Men's Clotliing, x Shoes, Hats and Furnishings From the great Chicago fire, which destroyed the palatial store of H. M. Llndenthal & Sons tt Market and VanBuren streets, on the .night of December 9, 1906, when these new goods were in . process of making for their spring business..-...... ; , $60,000 Worth of Goods Bought at 29c On the dollar. Handed over to the people this tremendous massacre we find: Cases Shoes. finest custom Cases of finest tailor-made Suits, ,1 Topcoats, ; Overcoats, ' Priestly Cravenettes, Pants, Fancy Vests, etc Everything in 1-J to 1-4 UhdenthoTs Prices WORD A mad scramble is on and the crowds, have gone wild to secure a. share each in the sensational slaughter of this fine new merchandise. We would advise women not to attempt to join in the crush sure to attend tomorrow. We cannot "be responsible for accidents that may happen in the Jam. Men who get impatient may wait on them selves. , Size and price plainly marked on ever article.-' : .. ' ..'.'.' - '.' '-: ', BUKNSIDX 8TRSST3 ay .Prices Sale THIRD CS,OAK at "THE MUB" standing on their heads, fairly frantic in in the amazing bargains offered in the MONSTER. Chicago. No words of ours could convey tha importance apparel (O D117, . , . at less than the labor on them cost ' Embraced in l - made yl - Cisa of tha world's best Hatt, JH? Stetson's included. Cases new Spring Shirts. Sox. IU ''Suspenders, tyeckwear,-Collars, - Underwear, etc : :: : the Lot to Do Sold at OF-WARNING -or,; Wanted Salesmen - ; TO WAIT ON THE CROWDSTHE GOODS Will SELL THEMSELVES V -v t 'tit, - -