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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1907)
EIGHT DIKES 10 40 -LUTES Love Gets Chilled In Alaska Lamp and Other, Household - Furniture ) Used -as Missives Figure in Severing Tiefc - ft t . . . . n nv-. T'lrrnniri IfATT'TT H liiu UivX.wn uniui jwww.. - :non daily JOURNAL, foiuwuju, - SHOW CSRLG WHO BtCAE FAMOUS. . 1 w i . V Eight divorces wsre triad and granted .I 4 nilnutee by Judge Seara Id the , circuit court tola morning, None or cne . ' ealta waa contested -and onljr the wit- - nessee required by law were examined. . ' Of tha slant couple aeparated tbla mornlnc at wara without children. ' " la tha two remaining; families' there wara aln children. Five of tha di vorce wara granted, en the " ground f '.' desertion, two on tha around of cruelty and on (or grose sod habitual eniaic enneea. ..., . s " " ' ' - Eat M. Woyara aald that her husband. Frank T. Meyera. left her laet year ' and went to California. She remained ' '. m Portland and lived with her alater ' In the BurkUart buUdiug. A abort una ' , ace Meyera returned from -California, ' moved hla trnnk Into the room oocupled t by Mra Meyera and her later and took . possession, . . ' : . . , Afraid ' o Mom. "). ' ' '' aire. Meyera aald aha had alnoe beaa afraid to go- home and that aha waa 'afraid her husband would do her soms ; barnv They were married , at Tha Dalles In Way. m. and within a abort - tuna afterward Meyera began . to beat ' hla wife, according to bar teatlmony; aleo that in July, ll. bo had met her . on a etreet car in tbla olty and ed- ' dreneed her In 'rode ' manner ; and falsely aerased her at IhAdsllty." Mra. " Meyera aeciired an rder of ooart directing Mayer to refrain from .' ' . molesting her, but according to -tha . wife. Meyera la not Inclined to obey It, : having aald that he wm-eeer when ever ha want a to despite the law. Mra. Meyera asy aha does not want her husband to se her. as the last ' time they . were together he throw a lamp and otber articles at bar.. ' ' :' Michael Epstein used the household ' furniture as missiles to hurt at Mra. . Epstein, according to . her testimony thla morning. They were married In - October, ilSf. r Mra. Epstein waa ' granted a divorce and tha custody of their children,' Annie, aged 11; Llllle, aged II; Daisy, aged t: Ousste, aged 7; Phillip, aged S, and Eatbar, aged t. She waa also allowed $7.S a weeJc aU ' ' mony. . y Alaak Too OhtUy for aVowa, v ' - Hannah Johnson was allowed a dl- - rorre from - J.W. Johnson, who la now confined in the city jail for breaking In the door .of tha family domicile at . , a'dock la tha morning before Mra. John-: - . aon had time to open It for him. Groaa drankenneaa waa tha ground of tha di ' , voroe. Tha litigant were married at Topeka. Kansas. In November, lift, and ! hava throe children, Harry, aged If, . Arthur, aged 1, and Ellen, aged 14, , whose cos tody waa awarded to . tha 'mother. .: -..:-.'. Rell'a A. Bruna waa granted a divorce from F. A. Bran on the ground of da " aerUon. beginning at Dawson. Alaska, In May, .1104. They war married at , Dyea. Alaska, la November, Maude Foreman waa granted a , divorce from Harry Foreman because of daaortion, , beginning In August, 105. They wara married In February, 101. ' - ' , C. B. Dunlway waa divorced from H. R. Dunlway on tha ground of assertion ' beginning In 190J. The litigant wara . married In June, 1184. .'Nancy A. Mar . tin teattfied that aba had been deserted ' by Austin Martin In January, 1101, and waa allowed a decree of divorce. They were married at Brunsln, Michigan, In April. - 1173. Hannah Carlson . was ' granted a divorce from John Carl aon on tha ground of cruelty and non-support "They war married In August, 106. ZELAYA MAKES WAR V : BY PROCLAMATION 1 tj.; .'Ti . i...' nil m Y - ; ll f " '' -': v :r- ft " ' : ' i -. 1 . ': . " - . . cr.r. . t . "'.:v;;-. ' ' ..''''''' , ' ' ': ,- ;r ' --- - : ' ' ' ' r , "r -, ' J- i- v. " . i 4 : ' ' nine Hundred colonists (CenUnued from Fa One ) tlon waa reached by No. I with eight coachloada and four other car. On March thla train began running In two aeotlona over tha Bhort Line to Hunting ton, and from that date It haa wtaaduy Increased. Yesterday No, rolled Into Oregon with 17 coaches. Pullmana and 'baggage care. The capacity xf . a car averaais 60 to 7 pareona, and It la ee tlmattdthat No. 5 I carrying 7 to 1.000 peraona daUy. Tha nassenaera consist of homeaeeg- ara, Inveetora, tourlstaan.d travelera who hava been waiting for cheap ratea i,ka m. loiirnrv to tha coast 6n-,gny 1.1 rt hn ,tn, It la axneoted tha wilt continue about two weeke. when It wtU fall off to aome extent for . v.. but will eontinna strong during tha two montha" period of colo nist ratea. i. At the jaiiar enu period there will be anotner men w travel y persona who hava waited aa long as they can to leave tha east or who have been detained. 1 .'- TO COMPEL DISSOLUTION '; (Continued from Page Ona) Z -' ThU to one of the hitherto inp'ublUhed photograph of Eyelyn Neebir Thw . end .1i?onb: former chorut BlrL who to now the wire or n uniun peer.wmca wa trial by District Attorney Jerome. , Young Mr. Tnew u mown w xne ion ma piuro, - T - . 1 (loersel Baertal Bervlea.) - Ban . Salvador, March S. President Selaya of Nicaragua has leaned a vio lent proclamation against Honduras. Ouatamala and Salvador. Tha national assembly her has d screed Salvador la a state of siege, so as to b prepared to meet any emergency. : - - LOS ANGELES CLAIMS REMARKABLE GROWTH ; v -v. . . V : flfleresl af4al gei t, v " ' Ins Angeles. March . Tbst the pop- tlatloa of Ui An gel e 1 dose upon ; ion. 000, a the remarkable showing . wnich will b mad by. tha new city dl rectory, which I soon to be- Issued. Last year1 directory showed the city nonulatlon 138.141. ' To increase wttbln tha year, therefor, has been mora than 0.000, or a little better than it per cant. It U an incraaaa sine nvo. wn tha population waa 101,47. of nearly 100.000, and sine list), wnen tna popu latlon waa (0,60, of nearly 1(0.000. GATES DROPS MILLIONS v IN WALL STREET SLUMP - (Joint 1 apeelal Berrlca.) New Tork. March . It waa reported on Wall street that John W. Gate had dropped ll.000.000 In tha stock alurap. Many circumstanc eontirm Wall street In the belief that Gate, known pre eminently aa a bull, wa out 11,000,000, but the Inside story, vouched for by one who 1 close to the plunger, la that be has already reduced his . loss to about f 1.600,000. , , Thar fa evidence that . Gates turned bear for the longest period la hla ca reer, and by a shift of position recouped half his losses. , -v. . MORE DAMAGE IN COURT? TO THE STANDARD OIL VV.r . " . v",v: , ' (gpseial Dispatch to Tha Jsarssl.l Chicago, March I. Tha federal court today admitted evidence favorable to the government In the Standard Oil esse. Tha evidence tends to show the Standard knowingly accepted rebates.-.. , '- " . , ,- i Maine Railroad to B Sold. -. Rockland, Ma, March I. This Is the date fixed by tha court for tha aala at nubile auction Of tha Rockland. Bouth Thomaston Owl's Head railway. The road waa nromotad by Boston partiaa. and has been In the hands of receivers for som time. . :- BUILD STATE RAILWAY Wm AND THENtLEASE IT ...lT.v J6A .1 Brains Rule is Not muscle, but brains governingr muscle. 1 The quality of brain can be changed by ! certain. selection of ibod;l-iw';''i rS"-i"Va... ' A f ood expert perfected a brain-building food by preparing certain elements in wheat : and barley in a way that nature would make use of; That food is GrapeNutsS In it the Ph'ospHate of Potash"; obtained from nature's grains (not from ; the drug shop), ! is retained in minute particles. 4 This has an r affinity for Albmen, and these two with wa- Jer make the. soft grey matter m the brain '"and nerve centers. 'vTT .t; ; .A solid fact you can demonstrate by the use of Cirape-Nuts. . . In 10 J Days i you can see tHe 'difference in yourself, and Know - , .u., . , . "There's a Reason" People of All Oregon Would Be Benefited by Th!s 'Move.'s De- - Clares C. t.,o. fV00af dux resiaoni rteeu ui vnam- tiI'i "ber" of Commerce Differ From WtrL"''JfH, That the neonla of the atat should have tha power to provld for th con struction of a central Oregon railway by tha lasuanca of bonds according to ih. man nmnoaad bv Robert G. Smith of Grants Pane, la the belief of Colonel CHS. Wood, who nae given Ject aoma study and attention. "... The plan propoaed by Mr. omun is brief to amend tha constitution ny initiative petition so that th people or tha state will have power to vote upon a state bond Issue to be raised for the construction of a road mrougn in cen tral part of the state and thus open that vast ration to settlement and de velopment. Tha road after construction under the supervision of the state Is to be leased to some transcontinental line for a sum which will at leaat pay inter est on tha bonds and If poaalble for more than that amount. " ; tree ople's Money anyhow. . "I think It la a good plan." aald Mr. Wood, whlls discussing th proposition this morning. The people nave to pay for the railroads anyway. They hava to put up tha money In one way or another. Ilarrlman ban taken the money out or tha people of Oregon for tha construc tion and development of the Harrlmaa lines la Oregon. Now, I think any plan which can be used aa a club to fore railroad development or any plan which will relieve th -demand of the people for railroad transportation through tha central part of the state, or any por tion, la a good one, ' -I favor also." aald Colonel Wood, the plan propoaed of leasing tha road to som otber. transcontinental una after lta eonetructlon for such a sua aa will pay the lntareat oa tha bonds. "I am not In favor or political owner ship or management of railroads. think that such a plan 1 wrong and will not work out. but this plan la one I think would work. X think the proposi tion la a aood one." , . Aa opposite view of the question Is taken by ft. G. Reed, president of the Portland chamber of commerce, nr. ha looka at the question through the ayes of a corporation man. . . ' Takse Opposite Ylsw. : "1 do not think that the plan Is good, one.- aald Mr. ' Reed this morning.- "I think that It Is unfair to tag tha whole people for th benefit of very few. I ale think that aa eoon as the conditions In central Oregon are auch that a railroad through that Sec tion would make a return on the capital required to conatruct it the road will be built. There 1 plenty of capital not only In New Tork but In tha west as well that would be glad to embark la any such plan should it - b possible to ahow a profit In the Investment. When that time comee the road through central Oregon will be constructed. "Oregon baa been alow In securing railroad construction. eon tinned Mr. Reed, "but tha work has been begun now and will be. finished. What the state needa 1 mora population In the Willamette valley and la "all section. It need more farms and smaller ones, more people, more products. Whsn it get thee neoeeeltlee It wtU have all the railroad transportation needed and will be one of the greatest and wesJthl aat state In th Union, But In' my opinion th Issuancs of state bonds is not a wlaa move.-. Bom set of. man would get th control of th road In tha long run and tha people of the atate would put up the money only to lose It at last." . - . aa If tha Southern Paolflo had bean ob literated Xrom th map. - . i Divide Offloes U yortlaad. 4 Should the' government compel the di vorcement of tha Union pacino ana Southern Pacific systems, as now seema probable, a radical change or rauroaa method wouta o oraiim Portland, where the two companies are practically one, and are operated to gether In offlcee, terminals, shops, con struction of all kinda, and In the aala of tlcketa. Tha Southern Pacino com pany would have general manager, gen eral eupertntandent general paaaonger agent and chief engineer, and all the minor of f 'ala. separata from tha Union Pacific. . . ' : . ' "" - The freight and passenger easiness. and auditing department of the twe ayateme would have to be conducted m separate offloes, and by different forces of man. Ther would be a revolution of the present arrangements, and offi cials would be made and unmade with atartllna suddenness. Tba allied lines have now worked ao long together, and their affairs hava become ao oloselv in terwoven, that the divorce , proceeding would be carried out with great diffi culty, and many heart-burnings. On the other hand, there would be a good tnany promotions of naw men Into posi tions of lUxh resDOnstbilltr. and va cancies lower down would b illletTby more new man, ao that the proposition would be one of not au gnat by the participants. ' . That tha public would be immensely benefited ther 1 no room for doubt, a th olty of Portland and th atate of Oregon would again have some sem blance of railroad competition, provided the dlaeolotlon of the merger were made aomethtng more of reality than la the alleged dissolution of the Hill railroad merger of the northern unea and the purUngton. . --'v. ----' ; , .,. -, x . ,-v V NO SIGN OF RUEF , (Continued from Fag One) ; " " Aw1rww r Me- aVA: II' 5:30 P. M. to 9 P. .. a . t " " I , Regular f : ( J yaiuefeoc . t i;(t i ri " I in 9 ' Regular . Vaue, 60c 2-quart Coffee Pott , Uoyol Enamel Ware kkkkkkkkhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk the opinion of the appeal court no fed eral question waa Involved, that hence the writ of error on which appeal baa been takea to the supreme court at Washington ahouid not have been granted by Judge Hebbard (of th an parlor court), and that - therefor the appeals court could not restrain Judge Dunne from proceeding with th .trial JAILBREAKER DEF0RD -: BACK TO CANYON CITY (Special IHseetca ts The Joerael.) -Hoaulam. WaalL. Maroh i. Sheriff Ambrose of Orant county laft thla morn ing for Canyon City, Oregon, with rrd Deford, who waa arrested In thla city yesterday by Policemen Mod riff aad McKenney. Deford brok jail at Can yon City laat September and ha been at Oraya Harbor during th past four montha. - Th police had been on the lookout for htm and he bad aot been In thla etty halt an hour until he was ar rested. . - .' . ( . ' g ." swssspse jp ' y . ' r' jy . yoF WANT -"tv;vST :, MAT THE BEST $3 IN THE , WORLD ' Indiana En Ronte to Chemnwa, . Oranta Pass, Or., March f. A four horse stage loaded to the guarde with Llndlans from the Klamath reserve tlo a of Del Norte county, California, arrived her yesterday. Th Indiana war In charge of a supervisor and were placed aboard a train her and, taken t the Chemawa Indian school.-- . . SEE THAT; IT, IfAS THIS LABELS 7- -.T-S.-.--T r- - f-T' W.000 SOLD, NOT ONE RETURlTED' BEN SELLING LEADING HATTER i. . MARION COURT HOUSE TO STAY Commlssionert monstrances yield , to; Re-Alternative Plan Now Suggested. ' s r,secl! Dtensteh t The Jos rail.) " ' Salem, Or.. March . Th plans for th Improvement of the Marlon county court house will be abandoned because of the continued protests -of tax pa vera Th county court realise that although It has tha support and backing of an Influential and progressive element, yet th great responsibility connected with th contemplated improvements would be such aa to render th work, a thankless Job at bast. Th movement for remodeling was started through th demand for more room, caused by the Increase of public business, tha nacea Slty fof ' better protection of publlo records and th demand for more san itary conditions tn tha jail. A asw plan for Improvement has found reanonee among many taxpayer This Is to purchase ground . la th opera house block, directly opposite tba court house, for tha erection of a county Jail with modern quarters for a Jailer or -for tha sheriff snd.wltb sufficient room for the Installing of. a modern heating plant from which pipe eould be laid for th heating of the main building. Thus danger ef fire would be nearly eliminated and reduction In Insurance would be ob tained.. The expense would be mate rially leaa than for Improvements first contemplated, i- -' ' ; ' - " Unless ether steps ar taken In th meantime It is more than likely that th Improvement or remodeling of tha court houee will be made an Issue la the county campaign nest year, when the question can be put, to the direct trot of th people-" ' " ' (. WOMAN MANGLED IN v ELEVATOR ACCIDENT " HBeclal PtoMtea te The JearnaL) Cincinnati, March I. An unidentified woman at the Mercantile library build ing this Afternoon rang for the elevator. The boy opened the door too eoon and the woman fall through to tba baaamant, four floors below, her body striking tha machinery end eaualng the ear to rush no and lodge between the tenth and eleventh floors,, imprisoning tha boy. The woman'a body " waa , frightfully cruahed. '' ,."-. -. mED AUTO RIDE, TO rose cmr.BUOc BEE SUXDAT'S JOUItXAL Days Inspires brighter dress, and in deference to this sentiment we now exhibit the newest modes; for spring wear of the dressy, critical, thrifty man or woman at - j , . , . - THE NEW YORK OUTFITTING COMPANY . ," v' i 7 - ': - ioa I-a First Street 4 Dowen4 Little 1( ,6 a' Yow Crtdlt' 'la Cood v Q arrnerits for Bot h - Smart Apparel tor Ali I'Agmm at 1jOO pejr Wol y Tree It is tht this itore n!oyi a cosmopolittn pstrontge, for people In all stages of life appreciate the great savings and infinite variety of choos iiv4 have ii r h tn sn-iniis floors of th is establishment. Not only the frogajly inclined come here, but. those who seek an.d demand the latest novelties in ,; : ..'r- .r t C:,-f:.u '; -. ' ' '...- ' Men's Suits and Topcoats. Men's Fashionable Trousers. ; !" z Men's Correct. Styles Spring Hats. " ; ' Men's Smart Footwear. ' ' Men's Handsome New Toggery. Men's Spring. Underwear. Women's iSmart Spring AppareL Women's Pony Suits. , . ' f ' Women's Jaunty Eton Suits J Charming Millinery. ' ' Dainty New Shirt. Waists. : . , . Distinctive Opera Coats. Women's newest models in Spring JsclteU and Nobby Coats. In short, requisite in dress for every occasion. A notable gathering of bright new mer- .. chandis;. : ..' 12 L Anything: and Everything But S1.00 a Why pay more, and pay cash elsewhere, when here YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD? Week I :. -k i