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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', TORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 8. , 1007. FOR SALEFARMS. . "RAKI BARGAINS" 80 acme, excellent Bull. Bille from Href tuwn, iid acres uuiier tins stats f cultlva . tlon, 20 Scree elaehad and seeded, baisnce pasture, tine orchard of aeaorted fruits, ' s-moaa story and on half bouaa nearly new, barn 40xlaf, rbtrsea-houss, woodshed, ate. I Blsee wall wstored by springs and stress; , o( 1 mils to school and church. Tbls la a tia ban -In good neighborhood, and ts suap at 8.1. Uuo. Owunr baa good reason for selling. ' Cso glvs terms If desired. HO crs, 2S miles frotn rstlruad end rlrsr ' town, 24 arras under' (In aula of ealtlva tton. 15 terra appl orchard, food hoaaa. two ' flna barns, f In Isrgs woodshed and csrrlsge- bouse; on mala load 1 Bills (mm church and school, well watered br spring and stream, good neighborhood la beat farming ' section of tba count?, Fries 84,200; Casta, balance can ataud 8 yesrs. 114 seres, 10 ml tea esst of Vsncoaver, 4 Bill from Columbia rlvsr and railroad. 80 sere cleared Id fruit, mssdow and plow , . land, balanca la pssture and timber, 60 acres Italia prunes In full bee ring, 8 seres apples and cherries, small fruit for family - luw; a dwellings, on S-ruoro hoaaa and two . - of tour rooais sack; 1 flna rare barns, steam prone dryer oa ple that coat 8T.00O; . ana trultboose far dried fruit, 8 stories: plsca fully equipped tor handling- orchard , output, 4 horses, 7 cows. 85 cream separator, . 1 feed sutter, 1 root tut tor, mower, rska. Elowa and harrows ot different kinds, all Inds ' af farm tools necessary, two 8bovee wafoaa, twa X-aaated backs, 1 single bug- . ties, 1 phaeton. mUkhouae and other out buildings. Tbls plsca baa cost I3O.W0, but the owner must sell oa account of bssltli. l-rlee lld.OUUi U rash, balance oa tlms to suit, per cent Interest. If Jos fall to sea what yon want fa tba -..a bore.- call or writs. . Ws can salt Jo and . sara 70S punier. THOMPSON A SWAN, . ' Cltleens Bank Bids:., Vancouver, Wash. : r i Dafsrsucs; Any bank la city. . . LAND BARGAINS. 40 seres. 10 acres cleared and andar flna , state of cultivation, more easily claarsd. part of tba land la upland, balanca rlrer hot toss that doss Dot overflow; comfortable S-rooui , boasa, good barn and outbuilding; . tin spring water and elegant trout atream through land; young orchard of assorted traits; half - Bile frxHs school, ona tail from chorea, Us ' mile from country towa and 14 Jnllee from , Vancouver; Includes tb following stock, etc I Four milch eows. t heifers, S calves, bono, single wsgoa (new), new road cart. kw, harrow. 4 bogs, lftO ah lex sua, ate, ate. All , for only tl.400; tar ma. ,. - 18.600 burs 5S acrss, best af bad. 4 . miles from Vancouver; a' fin tordwood prop osition, ever J. 000 eord of wood oa place, . enough to mors thaa pay for tb land attar paying all expenses. .. el.bOO buys 40 acres beat ef ale Vrvet land. 83 acre andsr flas tut at cultivation. , S acre slashed and vary asally tlearsd, bal. a nee In greea timber; timber alone worth , at least tftOO; kslt mils frooi ossntry town and 10 miles from Taaeoasar OS .food coanty rasdt tslaphoaa lin by plaoa, Id good Bebjh borkood. A good bay. lt)0 acraa, 13 Billea from Vancouver aad t Bill from railroad towa; 18 acre andar good stste of cultivation, 85 sr SO sere mors very eaally cleared, all ot balance slashed, burned and seeded, affording flna paatur tba year a round : living water sa every 40. fin well at bona and aprlng fa chicken yards; S acres . la orchard ot assorted fruits; larga aVroom boas, cast II. XX) to build; larga barn frvil'l feet, woodsheds, ehlcken-koaaes, ate. - Thla tlaca la located hi a rich dairy country and t a aaap at the price, l.l.SOO; bait- cash. Write or call and get our prices before buying. W can sav yoa money., r THOMrnON SWAN. Clttsens' Bsnk bMg. , VascooveT, Wash. Rsfersue. any bank la the city. ; '-'- FOB SALE. -V ' v" Farm of 10S acre retitty rolling land sboot , 2S mile amtbwest from Portland; two good , honses. S and rooms, bom 40x41). all ander ''1 good fences: 00 acres ander cultlvatloa: IS -.- acraa In bops, t seres ot orchard, balance bay , . snd grain; 40 bead goats. S caws, I Jersey null. 4 b'. S horses. dnsea bees, 4 bsa houaea. 1 farm wagon, 1 aprlng wagon, plow, . grain drill, disc .barrow, spiiug tooth barrow, 1' drag barrow, aprsy pump, abundance of small ' trails; farm well fenced: price $8,000: will take or 10 acres near Portland la scbsag, s ' or raake asy term ot pay meat. v. . Farm of 190 acre 4H allies from Klatra. 4 I.aee enanty. Orecnn: SO acre creek bot- torn, teat land rolling bill; soil suitable for " grsla, bop or fruit; 12 acres cleared: no other Improve meuts; railroad survey through ' . the land; mala stag road throush tba place; will sell or trade for a ar S-ruosa bona ta Part land; rrlca W.S60. , V; : " ' ' r SO acre choir timber land, I mile south . . rf nrssham. Beer O. W. P. B. hv.; pries ... M.000.. .; , .i -. ' t have tba'flasst list of farms aroand Wsaslbnra,- Uartoa osaaty, af any deslsr la 1 - . : He? Ksat Morrlsoa at. rtBST-CLASS rARMH AT BABOAIN .., PRICES., ' . f J, TOO Nice 40-acre farm, IS seres flna orchard, mil to depot, dirt cheap; 1,000 cash. 4 .. 1 . ' M.2fo 60-acre well Improved farm, IS , mile from Portland, kaiuly to boat put and college; very easy terms, . IT.Ouo ("harmlna toe-sera - well Improved farm, right oa Wlllamstte. with boat land : Ing. bandy ts depot aad ' college, Place worth 110,000, will sacrificed to sattl aa estat. : ' . For small er la rye farms of' hay kind, and for a square desl. see .- . F. rCCHS, tzxyk Morrlawi Bt ' V . BIOOEST SNAP KVKR OFTERKD IN OBaV OON. ' 12t acres. 40 acres la cultivation, flea ties. . her oa balance, strssm of running water, y : mile from railroad, 14 miles from Portland; tne finest ranch la the stats; svrr foot tillable; mast sell before Sunday; eaa't bay . an sere of la ad adjoining this for lees tbsa - fM per sere and bp; will sell thla quick for io 000. Inquire of r. T. Barry. No. 4 Sixth at. Phone -Pacific SOB. . -BARGAINS to acreage, farms and city property. Farmer' Land C., ITS Madama at, FOR SALB tP-aere farm la Clark enanty; good baas, large barn, family orchard; 28 , scree sndf cultlvstton; good soil; so public - mad; csa be bought with amsll rash psy. . ments) ark 2.8io. Call ream 818 May - quam bkfg. t. U. Taylor. t BARTER AND EXCHAN . FOR SALE, or exchsaga, for cord wand, city property, oa or two goad., cheap teems, one , 4-aoree-power stationary, one learae-powe li psrtsbl eegme; also goad, ' heavy spring wagoa. . CaU 'phoas Bast 4S4, or at 40 AW . : hlna eve. - .... . MINING maa awntalf fllt-tdred. fall pe Id-op gold stocks will exchange some for . business - or reel ssfste cleqr et socusjbrancs. , t 137, ear Jonmsl. 1 TO EXCHANGB OoraJ dUvy s . t hers. 420 Belmoat at. tot ' BJCIIANOB If yoa kavs dry property of a valley farms to exehencd for wheat lsnd, ' see us. Jsuue, Trimble A Trlmbls, 411 Mac . : quam bldg.- t .- - -- . ' v v " TO TRADE Foe flrat-claas mining stock for -' -suburban or Inside property, lavsstora'. Ix " cbang. 84 Sixth at. ' aj 10 ACRES alfalfa Und In California to ex-..- change for a good rooming -boas. BT4 First . at., Portland. rOR RALE 'OR KXCHANOB 8100 equity ta '.. lot at Herralaton. taut 111a enanty, Oregaa. A 148, care Journal. . ' - FOR SALE OR EXCflANGB 8-roam hoass and 4 lots In Rldtll. Or, for vacant lota In Port '' hDd. inno. Address box ST, Dothsa, Or. TIMBER. -WANTED TIMBER-LANDS. We Want timber land la Klamath, fake sod - Crook, count!, large aad small tracts, and single claims; send year fair description and stlmst If yon bar It. We ere ready to de basin from tbls tlm on, aa the cruisers t sre la the field. State your lowest Bet cash, .price and w can eooa tell yoa what w eaa de tot yon, ' -' : . v - ORBflO RROS.; " ' M SlttS at, 811-818 Fentoa Bldf-s - - Psrtlaad. Oregoa. .1. IE 14,0 W pins, 8.000.000 to ths claim r aoca. V' tion fee V'l e bav tb clslm; corns la snd sign up; no meddlers wanted; plsca lo cation fee IS bsnk; wn sent crowd oat isst - nlgbtl another to go soon. . 4 . - V : AI.KXANDP.B LAND CO. . WV Sixth, Near Pins. TO OWNERS at timber claim sad timber ws Will buy for ossh say good timber tributary - to. Nebalem rteert will deal with ewners enlyi Be others need snswer. Writ, giving full psrtlrnlars, to Bos 8, 0. P.. Btarwa, Portland. Oregoa CERTiriRO arrlp, a r etas, hrwewt prlesa. W. - 0. Howell. MA Chamba at Commerce. AM still In timber lsnd bqalneas. W. W. Cbesdls, sgsnl. South Hend. Waahlngtaa. FttR BALK 5'T O"0,ooo feet of tio'her stump sc: s fin I a pr'M""itlon; close to (o- s 1 '. . 1 , In In rtidrkr; , - i---,r . .. A ! -a f t TIMBER. llOMKHTKArt snd timber lends, scrip, ta losa. Sod t)muiervlal blug. FOR 8 A LB A snap. 110 seres timber, fir snd cedur: cl(s to Por'land, 'close to railroad; tlmlier will mors tbsa twice pay for ths land. fartictilara at room BIS, afsrquaia " blug. I. S. Taylor. Wti WANT timber,' lr snd small tracts, owoera preferred. Relinquishments bousHt snd sold. Vounf Cook Invsstuisut Co., 44 Coaimerclal blk. I RAVS a frw small tracts of timber hear Portland; will sell cbrs0. 0, C. hVhmsnd, Sal Htotk St.. Portland. HI ft SALK About 60.01)0,000 feet af fond timber la Jscknoq cvuntj, Or. Inquire O 140, care Journal. . FOR 8AI.R 100 scree timber lsnd la Mksmsnls cotmty. i miles from Colnmhls rtvsr; will -'cut 8,000.000 feet. 2U8 Bast JM St. Phune Tabor 441. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. OR SALB 8 rear-old msre. bnggy aad bar neas; food driver. Gsll Portland Livestock - Kiehsngs, Fourth aad Aakeny sta.. l'ortlaud. FOB SALE - besd ( young korsaa, from - 1.300 to 1.OU0 pounds; price right. Phone Pacific 070. Between Frist aad Second oa I Jefferson St. - , nnD.r, mM a.a . a. e snd month; speclsl ratss to bnalnsas-boasssi 8UU sud swthora. Bast TS. BAT koxae weighs about 1,100; enquire at Bad nsra la back or store hanoay las. at 11th snd Dlvisloa. BOR8RS FOR SALS 80 besd. 1.109 to 1.800 hounds. Ovsrtoa. between IStk and 14th: V take 8 car, freed maa Broa. WS buy, sell rent, mchaaa harass, wsgoa. saddles, harases. Hubert h BslL SM 4th. at. FOB SALS CH SAP Panel -to dsllvsry wagon, food aa bsw. 420 Belmont. GOOD express wagon, carries f.000, cheep. 2MS lllsener et.. UontavtlU. FOR SALB Heavy draft horse. $. First aad Second, oa Jeffersoa at. . BORSB S years old, weight 1. COO. Apply Begllnger Zweldfel, Blllsdsla, Or. FOR SALB Seven head horse. Call T43 Bast - 10th at., aoath. - rOR SALB A good work horse and harness, , cbsap tot rasa! weight 1,200. Bxprase stand. . Reosad sad' Morrison, or Inquire 8 tares a' store. hlontsvUls, end ef car Una. - BORSB, T years eld, sorrel, eotmd aad- tret. Comer First snd Salmon (ta. Evening at 411 Bast Lincoln.- , BrX'SICAIi INSTRUMENTS. WB BOFOBT the plan store, BS0 Aide St., Bear Park: It Includes ma ay of finest make; , your choice. 80 centa aa the dollar; Install ments Ilk rent; latest plsno-playere tor 168; , oar eampaay ts wed by astsra ptsao fae tnrles; ws ssva yen the retailer's profit. -. Reed-Preach Plea hlf. Co., Sixth Bd.Bura. elde eta. . , "' VICTOR ts Iking machines aad records; Stela wsy (snd other! planes, Sherman. Clay Co.. Sixth snd fclorrtsoa, eppoalte postofflce. FOR SALE UVESTOCIC FIVB ' fresh cows, good milkers, gentl for - women. . S4S Kaat Kadlaoa St. " FOR S ILE raSCTXLANEOUS. TWO 42 60 da hill oa the Reed-Frencb Piano Mfg. Co. to etchang tor horsoa. cows, pay ment en lot,, or anything f qaal vslue; on . of thee do bill will be accepted as first payment an any new plana ta tb boas, bal ance easy monthly pax man ts. , Address W 123, car JoeraaL .',. - BETTER than Copper Stocks, , k. World's Ne - ceesltr. 8 01s 11 caolUllxatlonl Immsns profits. Only 20.000 shares si lot ted to the whole Pa- J : etfle eeaet. Write quickly. "A." r. o.. Dor 060V Boseburg. Or. DEITTBCHR EEITHNO, tba big German paper. , Subscription pries II per pesr; aampls eopie iree. a. m. riera m vw, wsraaa ero emiaeoat mim. .. - - - - - (0 SLI0RTLT damaged . sewing-machines at vary low prices; Singer, Wheeler A Wilson. Domestic. Whit. Household, Darla sad -others; ra make roam tor new stock Wheels -4Y WUsoa sad Singers. S. S. Slgel, SSS Mor rlsoa St.. Marqoam bldg. PON SALB Chatham recuse tors aad brooders. 84 dsys tree trial. Oes. W. Featt, 821 Bast Morrlsoa St., Portisad. - WB prist your nam set RA celling cares, proper slss aad style. SSet M business cards. IL A. W. schmsw Co.. 828 First, PortUad, Or. SECOND-HAND her tares, pooltablea. safes. . tablee. chairs. Westers Salvage CWn, 82T ;'. Washlagtoa sa. . ' nnwcilM and lilnrea aew and hand- Carlson 4 Ksllstrom. 8S8 Coach St, - FOR SALB. CTfHAP 4-tnch Keyetooe water meter, practically new, laqwlre H. Metxgar, ' 828 Frent si, .- ? . X, SEWING MACHINES, bought sold' snd sa chanred. 88 sad aw Westera Salvags Co., 827 Washlagtoa at. SHOWCASES, counters, flxtarse.. beacht, sold or irhnred. W cetera. Selvage , C, 82T Washington at. Pacific T88. . - . FBEB FOR ETERTR0DT Ring a Mala 488 or call 19t4 Front. Ws hny aad asU tarai. . tare, clothing w ssy old tbrng. BOLPRN'S RHEl'MATIC CURB Swe SWT ts rhsumattaas. Bold by all drucf '-its. - BILLIARD AND FOOf, tsble for rent ar tut am BRUNSWICK-BALfTaj rni.I.EriDEB CO. 48 TUtrd st. Port la ad. - WANTED Inn. men I wear oar celebrated 820 made-to-order : suits. Unloa Tailoring Ce, BOSH Stark at Ssthttaetlaa gnaraatssd. FOR SALE Bars-ate la Whites, fingers. Da . via. Wheeler Wllwms, nooaeholds ssd ether slightly damaged machiraav Tba White Sew ing Machine office, H. D. Jones, 880 TamhIU st, eoraar FMrth. . FOR SALR 10x14 side crank throttling engine, . with leather belting end attachments; alv - 40x18 borianntal standard tubular boiler. Ap- - ply to 408 Esat 88th aad DlvlaloB sts. . ' CHERRY' TREES af ths enly nrlglasl parent tree, tb new cherry, th fllsnt; flrst-clsss ' trse. ; Julius Kalllcb, Weodlswn, Oregoa. SHERTTRON stores at all kinds at res eons bit . prices at 88 First t. Phone Psclflo 818. NEW IH B. P. msrme engine, propeller, ehaft, . snsrklng outfit, 50; also 8-horsapower. $70. ' 808 East MorrlsoB. - FOR SALS T-horeepower gssolln entlne, , nearly new, , In flrst-clsss shsps; (ood tor boat or ehop. T34 William are. . : ROLL-TOP deck, fbepmnt safe and map ef city ef PortUad. Address A 13d. looms L 0 COf.t'MBIA grapbopbon for S, Room 48 BaUIgh blda. . BN0LI8H awtter papptea, 8 month old. In quire Wcnget grocery store, Moatavtlla. CART aad haraeee la good order. 48 Third, corner Ash. Pbon Paclfle Mi. OLD BOOK8TORE rsmovsd to ICS Fifth aad 811 Second ate. - . - BEAVER CARPET RUG CO. MeBofBetarers of enrpeta and floff rags ill sisse. . MS ; I'll km sve., north. Phoas Esst 4800. THOROUGH RR ED Minorca eggs, T8c psr dosen. - F. I. Phelps. Rerrlgso etatkm. O. -W, P. Postofflce. Mllwsakle. Or. FOR BALM 8 tlae fresh sows at 848 Front .st.; citf.-.t..... PRRHH - tnllch irr for consamptlv and . hshe' sick snd weak stomach. (04 Gold smith st.. Lower Albtoe. . . SEVERAL Visds 'old fertlllssr tor ssls. ' 648 Esst Msdlson at. FOR SALB Cash register, cheep; total adds (Chicago). Bruna Af Co., first and Aldsr. PERSONAL. MAMET FRANCIS, THB HEALER. Ladle when your husband shd friends ' Bay yoa er cranky, call em MsThey Ernp'-ls, .the heeler. Women are aot as a rule cranky, but sick. Whea yoa ar not feeling well tsk a tnb bslh sad msgnerln treatment. Ladles. 6o and II; gents, f I te tlUW. Ne time for visitors or curiosity seekers, OXKORI) HOTEL. ROOM IT, ,- : . Sixth sod Oak sts. I-hoae Msla ,. HKT magaviee clubs ever offered: seed foe r. !.; . i-nig wanted. Joaee' Book Btera, . I '- at., Portia ad. Or. . FEKSO.NAL. BEI.KCTIONS made, Inrroductloas given; honor able Istllrs snd gitulli'inen. Address, With Stamp, Mrs. 11. C. Wilbur, Sod Third lU a, oesr liarrteoa. ' hOTICHI O' HKMUVAU -A. Beltier, the furrier, will move from LewU bhlg. Vlarcb 1; kioklng for suitable ore log; fur prnat may-, h fouud. At Jeal. "dctice, 2f2 North luth at. prions .Psoitis iJl. Will call and give eatlmates aa nsusL AN elderly gentlemsawsnts to maks the ee qualutance of svjod .working woman, mstrl monlslly im llDed, Swedish or NorweslaB prs ferrs.1; r,n that will u of Boms waalstanc ' In merchandla bulnes; out of town. Ad dress X 145, car Journsl. DR. LOCIHB ENOLISH Scienilfle magnetic heeler, cures rheumstlsm snd nervnasness by - ths lstest druglcM treatments) Prof. Welt aier's snd llurphy'a systems ar need, sis the celebrated Barker vibrator. If yon have - failed to receive benefits from Other sources, ' rail today and be convinced. 146ft Sixth et, suite 24. SUPPOSITORIES for married women perfectly satisfactory. Call r address Mrs. H. C. Wllbar. end Third St.. Bear Harrison. Port lsnd. Onrgoo. . - GERMAN books, msgsxlaee, aneeka, tt..t Cor. man, Biurll'h. French. Spanish. Swedish aad J'allan dictionaries; forelga books at all klnda Schmals Co, i rirst at. MOLES, wrlikles. en per noons hair removed. . No charge to talk It ovss. Mr. M. D. HilL ' Boom 340 rUedner Bldg. Pboee Paclfle lad. DR. BlKul CHOONO. Importer Chine root msdiclnes; sells Chinees tes. eertela core tor ail dlssasss, 1I Sd. bet. Yamhill aad Taylor. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nsrvs Globules. Or.s month's treetment, 1: S mostbs, $5; sent securely- sealed by malL Agents. Woodard. Clarke i Co, PortUad. On. DR. O. T. KBTCUU11 ear pronptly prtvt dlaesas. kllney, servo. e. skk and special feraal trosble. CsS ot write. Office 1T0H Third et, enr. TataklL Phone Paelrls S2W. BOLD ON There ts en thing that will ear rbnmarlsm. Ash your druggist tor bark tonic or sddrsss er cell J. 1 0. Clenvsnsoa, . druggtat. Portland. Or. SBXINB P1LM rare U forma ef asriuss or , muscc. ktr wsshaasa For ; Price 1 a box. boxee JS, ante. Address ss- call J. O. 1 with fall guar. Clemsnsoa. drag- . gist. Seccad and Tamblll sts.. Portlaad. or. TCRKISH BATHS, A0O Ofwevmtaa bldg.l Bad Ms days, feotlemea nights. . Mala ISM. DISEASES OP WOMEN: aatorrunats girts and sables cared for; private hospital Dr. Atwood, room S. SS0H War. t Tel. Pad Be 1753. BALM OF FIGS for aO femsle dl 2 Bast Belmont. -Phone Rest 4084. SCHOOL BOOKS bought, sold, exchanged. Bookstore. Sl Alder St. SUITS pressed while yew watt SOa, LaoW aktrta pressed. ftOe. Gilbert, innu Ststk s, . Beit to Quell. Pneae Msle SOSS. . BADAM'S MICRORB KILIBB. the great. - germ destroyer, for ssl by B. D. Wlntsre, SOH Oraad are, aorta.- . SWRDI8B rraraed aarsi, nelrfngfors xrsdnabs, curs rheumatism, stomach troohle, nervosa disorders aad sprslns by hand mbhlng , steam, swest snd tab bathe. No., Esst 11th at. , Take East Aokeny ear. Phone Bast SS0. WIDOWER, 44. some , means, an children, would llks to meet a widow somewhat slnv llarly situated. A a arcs H 140. cars, journal. Dal.- SAWTER'SV Sqnsw Knot, guaranteed cur tor ladle 4B1 Goldsmith (. , Pbon East sol. x GRATIS 10 latest popular Boors, words aad S!e.. Head IM for postage, r us sonrnai. CHARLES ORIES will leara something greatly to his advaatage If be er hi friend send bis s addrssi ta postofflce box 630, Portland, Or. RUSSIAN BATH, SOT Third at., betweea Tsylor and. Salmon; swimming pool, steam aad hot , air bath; gents, from S a. ts. to U-p. m. -.Price S9 scute. , .. -v,-., - MANICURING parlors for ladiea and gsntlsmaa. 368H Morrison t-. room 14. MANICURINO, face and scalp .treatment, barb aaasaag. - llOVa Fourth at, cor. Wash. MARRIAGB PAPER Highest character, tn- eorporated, 11th year, S.000 member; paper 1 sea led; SCBQ lOe. ,. Ia ae IOVB,,, SOa IOUU, rl ueaveT, CIO.. - If YOU se-ot ceettaw well. -tskw a tuKbatk snd alrobol rub. 11. Oxford hotel comet Sixth and Oak sta, room IT. Phooahtals SS. BOLDEN'S RHBrMATTO CURE-ore cor for rbenmstum. Sold By an drqargista. FACE and arslp maasags vsn at 848 , salt 1-8. Mac rUoa st. WANDA, THB PALMIST, 898 Main St. BBCENTT.T opened msnlcurlng parlors; ladle . and gentlemen. 851 Vs Morrison st, room 18. (JSINESS PERSONALS. INDENTIONS bought and sold, tract Oo, 427 f Ucdner bldg. Oovaaant Oea Man XK81. ATTORNEYS. C B. PIOGOTT AND J. A. E1SCH Atternevs-st.Law. Practice la sll 4 Malkey bldg.. corner Second aad Morrteosv J. A. BTROWBIUIKIB Attorney-at-Law, Commercial blk. Phone Pacific 873. SOT AUTOMOBILES. PULLMAN AUTO CAB CO, r ' Bandera, designer aad repairers et all ' mskee ef automobiles. Bodies, tops, tender, dssbsa, lamp brackets, running hoard and glass fronts. Goats and all parts - molille mads to order. . aa-TO-78-T North Sixth at. corn Everett. . , B. U KEATS AUTO CO.. 2 , . ATJTOMOBJLKS AND SUPPLIES. Northwestern distributors for Pop Bart ford. Pup. Trlboss. Pop Waverlra. Pop Toledo, Thomas, Oldamobtles, rrsnkllns, - Baloka, 80-88 Seventh it. PortUad. Oregoa. HOWARD M. COVJT, - , Agent Plsrre. Orest Arrow, Ixwomobtl, CadV lilac aad Kaoa. . Tsmporsry , socatlea Olab Oarage, (5th and Aler eta. HATS YOU SEEN BAKER BLrXTRICSI , Capital Supply Co.. 48 Aider et. Phone Pa- elf Is BTI. Demonatratloa by s pool nt meat. - ASSATERS. GARVIN CVANIDB EXTRACTION CO, Moatana Assay Offlca. tm ART. PRRB LESSONS IN ' Embroidery Every Dey. TBB NRKDLRCRAFT SHOP, ' 888 Washlagtoa at. B. B. MOOREHOC8B 4V COArthrta sxatsrtala, plctare molding, picture framing. , etsrapa , coos, Untsrs sUdM. 818 Aldsr St. rSUrBABUS V. SS A A MSJsn, iraw, . Portrait sad Isadscape srtlat aad teacher. BUTCHERS SUPPUES.r BITCHES SUPPLIER . Rlrkeawsld Co., art. SOS Evsrelt at. I Urgsst batcher sapply bouse es the soest. Writ for sstsloga. BUTCHERS" SUPPLIES AdoiPh A. Dskssa, 131-133 First St., tarries fall lln and coea plt ssssrtmsat st lowest apstriie sycheaai ' BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. - ttnwB. riATlS A- KILHAM. 108-111 Second st. F BUak txsske manfactnrd; sgsnts tor Jeaea -v' Irs nro ved lao-Lf tedgers; see the - - CARPET CLEAN INQ. . STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. largest plant an the eoeat. Lorlng aod Herding sts, ' telephone East XbO. Csrpsts elessad. refitted, - sewed snd Uld; both steero and la teat erne Jreeeed-slr process; renovating lad ssthsrs a apeclslty. , - 1 JOYCE BROS., proprietors ef the Electric Clesn Ing works; carpets cleaned snd laid, both dry and compressed sir cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty : work gusranteed. , 1'boe Msla ' S;T sud A 2678. 270 Orsnt it. . SANITART carpet cleaning, swettoa aad com presaed air coo MaeH; carpets eleeaed fwer without lemovel. Mala 8AA4. Mala CARPENTERS AND BULDERS. J. A. Jtri.TO. th carpenter. f4 Fonrth et. Stars sod office worh. Msla 178T. E. MELTON Off ics, stsre fixtures: general Jobblug. 8T first St. Phone Msla eltW. COAL' AND WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDI'ST SLABWOOD CO, tvA Front, succeesurs to Pulton Wo.jd Co.) fir, ask, sUbwood, sosL TsL Mstn lusa. FOR prompt delivery ot slsbwood esll Msla 4N7S. Osk. sell, fir and Coal. Portland Wood 81 Uuel Co., luth aad Bvler t. OHKtiON Fl'SIt, CO. at now setting Welsh aa tbraclts. beet esal sa tb auuksu 84 Alder 4t. Msla an. ALBINA FUEL CO, Dealers ra ear d wood, coal ssd greea aad dry aUbwood. R. It. end Alblaa eve, 8 blocks esst st ferry. Bast 874. STEEL BH1DGB FUBi CO. Dealsra ks soel. sordarood aad dry aUbwood. - phone Bast 424. WESTERN FEED At PURL CO. Ho blacksmith coal. Pbon Msla I0IS. CHIROPRACTIC. ELMER 8. COX Chiropractic expert; free treetment a every Wednesday; will call at homes and give tree treetment. Office bears, 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. I' bone Mala hOO. Lebbe bldg.. 42T!4 Washington st. CLAIRVOTANTS AND PAIJOISTS. Always Consult the Best. ' ' PROF. E. KHIM0. : - ' Greatest living aatral dssd-trsoee elslr oy ant ef tb age; advlasr on business and all affair of life; tells pour foil name and ' what yoa called for, whom yoa will snarrv, how to control the one yoa love, even though miles away; reunites the separated; gives secret powers to control; no long delay la waiting. Boar 10 to 8, dally snd Sunday, Office No. 8 ead 4, Grand Theatre Bldg ' Washington, near Park st. Phone Mala OT8. MRS. 8. R. SEIP, most reliable psychic; pobl'c . circle Tnee, Wed., Thurs., Prl, 8 p. m, 23a Parlor 808 Alisky bldg. Readings dally. . CTTOtOPODISTS. WM. -DBVBNT ESTELLE DETENT. THB . only scientific chiropodists, parlors 208 Drew bldg, 162 3d at. Pbon Msla 1801. CHIROPODY snd Pedlcarreg. Mrs. M. D. BI1L Room 830 Flsldaer Bldg. Fhsas Psctfle 188. CLEANING AND DYEING. : CI.OTHES elesned end press, d 81 per ssonth. Unique Tsllorlog Co., 808 8tark at, 9. W. TTTRNEB, professions I dyer and eWansr. 808 Jsffsraaa et Pboae Mala 8018. PORTLAND Steam Clean Ing snd TrrlBR Worka, t 811 Fonrth st. Phone Peeifle SOT. CAFES. THN OfnCl ts1 Washing toa at, TT1. - Ssmssl Vlgnanx. Mala DANCING. DANCING Ilea on, 8Sc claasss er peteato watts Ing, twe-etep. three-step, tc. stag daaelng, back aad wing,, clog, real, ekh-t. Spealah, Highland fling, ate. Prof. Wal Wilson, old - Set recognised teacher, Alisky bldg.. Third aad Morrlsoa eta. 1 WOODWABD DANCING SCHOOL Clase Moa, Thors. and Set. era. socisr, faaey and a tea dancing tsoa-ht; 8 asst. taaeher; class sad ': arlvste lessons dally. Western Academy hall. Second and Morrison eta. Paclfle 1830.. - - PBOF. BINOLER. Miss Bncksnmeyer, leading school, dally. 808 Alder et. Msln 1081. J DRESSMAKING. MRS. FAUGHAN, experienced dreasmsksr. 8b8H East Burns Ids at.. Phone East 4362. ; TRT AngeU rh-eeemseinf Parlors, 848 Fifth sad Mala. Paclfle 808. ; EDUCATIONAL. - HOLMES BUSINESS COLLBGB. WashlBgtoa and 10th its, FUednsr bldg. Rookkseplng, ShorthsBd. Typewriting aad all Engtth branch tooght, both day aad eight. KEBN RE-WALKER RT'SINESS COLLCUB. t DAT AND NIGHT BE'HIONS. pedal CI a seas In German, french. Spanish, Elks" hiag, nevenin sna aisrs a is. - ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE. Pltmaa Sborthsad by Court Reporter. Bas Beeh Cours. Special BchoUrahlp: Posit loss Sa cured. CommoawMlth bldg, 8th and Aubosvy. WB ARE tormina a club of student In French, Ucrmsn and Spsalsh. Horn etady. Enqala ' T. R. Pbllllpn. 814 McKay bldg. . LADIES to take leseona ra el painting! vary reasons bl. 227 Sixth St.. Bids door. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. J. WALSH CO, 811 Stark St. Etoctrle and Osa FUtarea snd Supplies. MaateU. Tiling. Ore tes aad Doflrooa. - PACIFIC BLBCTBI0 CX. Engineers, cos tree tors, repairers, electric wiring, soppllss. 84 ' First, cor. Stark. Mala 808. R. B. Tata, mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 81 Sixth St. Contractors, electric supplies, motor snd dy asmasi we Install light aad power ptaate. - MORRISON ELECTRIC CV Ml East Morrteoa t. FUtarea. wtrlnf, repstrlng. Esat 8188. BARRETTS, 408 Morrlsoa et. Pbon Mai 181 Everything la elertrt wiring ana ngnnag. FENCE AND TfTRB WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB IRON WORK ead Everett sta. Pbon Mara 8000. GASOLINE ENGINES. GASOLINE nginee, eR etees std styles, at , loweet price. BelrM Machlnarf Co, 182-4-8 Morrlsoa et. - 8HEPPIELD marine ertrtnes Any propeller. Fsirbankl, Morse A Co, First snd Btsrk sts. HOTELS. HOTEL Portias d. Amsrtcaa plsa. 88. 88 per Ssy. BELTEDERBj- Boropssa plaai 4th and Aldsr eta. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and tor sail. All kinds. Including approved forest reserve scrip for aorvered, oo ' sorveyed, tloibee and prah-ls gossrnmsnt Und. B. M. Hamilton. "Tb Pert land." Pert land. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CHARLES L. MA8TICK 0O, Front aad Oak " at,, leather end ekme of srry descrlptloa . for sll purposes; , sots ssd tap cutters) xinaings. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. solicits op partus Ity to quota price. T4 Sixth t. PHflc 4B8. !'::,,:V; INSURANCB. ISA AO U WBITS. Sre lasarans. 84 She. IF. te PAGB, Insnrsncej emplows1 tlahtllty. nrety bonds, burglar and aecMeat Ineurascs. ' Phoos Msla 828. 804 Kslllng bldg. J A 8. Met. WOOD, employers' liability aad rav divtdnsl scetd.nt security bonds sd sll hinds. raon ST. wia airaay oeiaj. MACHINEItT. L TRSNRMAN 4V CO. Mtalec. Mwmllt, I ting maeklaeryi hydrsallc pipe, esat log I Inds repaired. 104 North Foorth. I. PAUL. 108 First st Engines, nwailll and ersss-arm maehlnery. THS R. 0. AI.BBR CO Second. baud cbtnery. sawmllla. sts. 84 Oread eve. MUSICAL. MANDOLIN, guitar and banjo, la class or prl vste. Jesse Parker virtuoso snd tescbsr, - lets of Illinois Collets of Music, Chlesax. sua-4 Stearns bldg. Sixth aad Morrlsnn sis. MANDOLIN, guitar, nlo Jess Park-v. 1r. Cullege ot klusic. 408 . tnnsn. late of IlllnoU Steats bldg., Slxtb snd Mtirrtson. THE WK.HKF.S STUDIO Mandolin, bsaye. get. , tar Instruct! )Jlbsua masdellaa. 4nvt ' W ssblngtoa. PIANO. k)11n. ' mandolin, tromhoos. clsrlnet. - rrofssM B. A, Smlih, tf-4 i:tu.. Mala 4io3. tlONUMKNTS, BEn (INOKLEY. JUS First St.. PsrtUad'l leading snsrbl snd grsolts Wurka. " PAINTING AND PAPERING. aal ai'U-e. wall paper, italhllnsT aud deooeat. lug. 1'bone as for estimates. Pacific f OR reliable work, rsssasble prices, Sheehf Bros, Yamhill. Dear 4th. Mala 8u78 PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH aj CO The Pteassr Paint Co. I window glass aod (tsalug. . J38 tlrst SC Pbone 1884. ' ' MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN Oa tmptwed city property ar tor bandhm purpose, tor from 8 to 10 yssrs, tJma. with privilege te repay all ar part t soaa after twa yssrs. Loan approved from plana aad money advanced aa building prog res ass; awart. gages taken up snd replaced. . FB8t U. STRUNG, rinsadal Agset, - . 848 Surk sC ..... CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa saUrtss. fasorsoce Dollclss. a Is Doe. forultara. warehouse reaelpta. etc.; any deserving person may eerare a lib eral advance, repiylng by easf weekly et Blunthlv I' NEW ERA LOAN 4V TRUST COMPART. 80S Ablngtaa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE ad oti-srs apoa tbslr awa aamea without eecue ity 1 cheapest rates, ssaleet psyawats; offices m 80 principal cities; ears foarsslf mossy by getting our terms first. TOLMAN. 828 Ablngtoa bldg, 108H Third St. MONEY loaned to salaried people Juet en foot own asms; don't borrow until yoa as bus) my system U the best tor railroad men, clerk, sons keepers, streetcar asse sod sll ether employ; baslnes strictly onridsatUI, '- F. A. Newton. d23 Ablngtoa bldg. WANTED Note, mortgagee e contracts a , any kind of real estats In Orsgoa and Wash. . Ington; second Bwrtgsges parchsssd If wsn eoured. H. B. Nobis. 818 CommweUl blk.- MONET to loee ta asms to salt. 8 sad 8 yssrs. as low aa 8 per cent, oa Improved city pee. erty. Monltoa 4V Soobcy, aot Columbia hUlg, 808 Washington st. . .. - . . DON'T a salary aatU Huttca Credit Ca 818 Dekam bldg. W. 8. WARD, sswysr, AJleky bid Probst and mortgsga business aoUcltsd; moderste fee; loans moosf sa mortgagss frwa 8200 api easy lerme. MONET loaaed sa fnrnltara, ptaaoa sod ether eecarltlea. W. A. Uatbiway, room 10, Wssn. log toa bldg. rnon Pectri laax. MONEY to loan I Urge loans epseUttyi sees Bunding sous; low eel raree; rire WUlUm O. Beck. 812 Failing bids. CRESCENT LOAN CO, 428 Mohawk bldg. Money to lend aa aasy-psymeat pua to w sis se roerst strictly asaf MeutUl. . MORTGAGE loans at entrant rates; 10 oota- mlsstoa. Columbia Lite a zrast utmpsoy, Luinbsr Exchange bldg. -. - MONRT to lean oa sll kind ef eeenrltf. WUIUsa'BdU. room 8 Waablagtoa bids. - TO LOAN Same to salt sa chattel aa. Sk. m renie, vie um amsasb - A LOAN far the ss king salary r ehattoL , Th Lena Co, 410 Dekam bldg. QUICK wen a U securities. 8. W. King; 48 WaahUgtoa bldg. - Mala 8100. WILL kaa 88.000 ar tees oa reel estat. 8 par cent. Fsrrmgton, 813 Psntoa bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. LILLEBBLLE PATTERSON, specialist ea nervous, ante and chronic dlssasss. Office ' SIT Fentoa bids. Phone Pacific 1180. DRS. ADIX m NORTH RUP, 415-ld-lT Dekam bldg.. Third and W ssblngtoa at. Pbeae Mala 848. Examination trse. ', PLUMBERS. FOX m CO. Sanitary plumbeea, 881 Second, he. Mala and Salmon. , Orsgoa phoas Mala 80UL DONNERBERG BADEMACBBB. re moved to . No." 808 Bornslde St. . PRINTING. THB MODERN PRINTERY Artistic Dsintt nc. .80 Rusael bldg, fourth and Morrison. Psoas Peclnc 1628. EVERYTHING IN PRINTING . From clrcnlsrs to cstslosraea and news Metro polltea Printing Co, 14T Frcat et. 0GILBBB BROS.; printer Cards, billhead, etc. Phone Main 1884. 148Mi lint St. REAL ESTATE. , 0. L. PARRISH CO, 811 Marquam Bldg. Fone Msla 8228. Reel eetste, city snd coon try. Deads and- mortgage preps red at living rate. Notary pahlle sine 1888. . - Expert accountants. At references. - PARRISB. W ATKINS 8) CO, ZOO ALDER ST. Real estats, rentals, loan and Insurance. ' - W make a specialty of handling rentals and property for residents snd non-reel-den ta. Established 18T8. Pbone Mai 1844. GEO.- J. SCHAEFER, real estats sad Or huoranee, SIT Chamber of Com marcs. . . "COOS BAY NEXT." I. W. OGII.BES. real estate and loans; stab- Bine is- 40)8 irt st, room ii. SPHINX AGENCY, deslsrs In real' estate natal. tOSVt Stark St. Mara 8184. a- FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. W. W. EH PET. 818 Commercial bldg. RESTAURANTS. THE MELROSE 148 First tract, rv qelck. clean hincbe at reasonani pric. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and general . mm,,, . 1 .w..r.w, . - WON PAINTERS. FOSTER 4) ELB18EB SIGNS. - -W bv built op tb largeet sign bostas tn ths dty hf Brst-elsss work ead keeping our uromiae. Oar prle4 are right. fUU aad Everett sta, Phons Exchsngs 88. "SIONS THAT ATTRACT.' Portland Sign Co, 8NT Stark at. rhoa racm inva. STREET PAVlNCL VARREN Contraction Co, street paving, etd walks and crossings. 814 Lamber Exchsngs. THB Barber Asphslt Psvlng Co. a PortUad. OfSc 808 Worcester bib. ' RUBBER STAMPS. ' F, C. STAMP WORKS. 848 Alder at.,' phsn Msla T10; rubber stamp, seels, stencils: bag. gage, trad check: brass sign ssd plates. SEWING MACHINES. THB WHITB SBWINO MACHINB AGBNCY. tM Yamhill Bt, oor, roorth. Phone Mstn nlOS. Bsrgslns la all tlnda ot new ana seceeo Bend sewing mschlnss e few slightly dsse. aged, good aa now, at greatly redaesd price. FIIONB Pacific 8788 snd I personslly will esU sad repslr your sewing-machine; work gear an teed. 8. Sams, edjneter. 8AI Third et. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef every description, beak, bat and V4T avture mens to erase, in assu,e MsaaaaTtarlnr Co, Portlaod. B. B. HI It PS ALL, designer; sgent M. Winter Lamber Co., T Ms ronton euig. sua soeuw SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO.; sols sgsnts tor Herring- Hall-MnrvlB aeres sna sisuganeee nieei cere Cn.'s bank safes: 20 sec.nd hand rirepmnt safes snd bsnk safea; vary cheap; see them or writ os. 82 71b st. D1EMOLD Msngsnee snd fire proof safee: Iocs:. iite opened; . metal ntniree: vsun sen ' 't aork; tacks. J. B. lis, Is. 84 Sd. Mala 1- - EIOHT second hand ftre-proef safes ao-1 t-sectnd-hsnd bank saf-a tr sals ciieau, at . hum St., I'orllssd. trgia. BANKS. I T ETTZS STATES BATIONAt BARE OF T0XTLAES. OSX00B. 8,J Northwest Career Third Nortbweet Corner Third snd Oek prreefe. , , ransscta a Oeu-rml Hanking Baatsass. DHATTS Irml KO AesllsMs tn A'' t 8 tales god RtiroTX. Honrkon sod Manila. Collection la"""' ' , ..... ....... ...J p. A1N8WORTH I Cashier W , , ! ', J lent....... R. LEA BARNES I Asa let ant Caehler W. A. i. -l- r Trsn tne mi ted Prestdeat . . . vlce-Prssldent. Asshrtsnt Csahler LADS m TIL TON, BANXERS (EstabtUbsd ra I8f.) - ,, Traaaaeta 'a fl.nsrsl Baeklnr Bosiasss. CoMrcrloes mads st sTI pstnts .!"T1 Sh e ma r - - I , . - . 1 l.kt- I- m . .-a - In the " " ' ' States, sight Evehsnge snd Te leers oh le Tree - et. Loe1. IUhh. i v. a. b-.aui . old oa London. Paris. Berlin, rrankfort. Hongkong. Yokehsms. Manila and H.morata. M ERCHANTS- EATT0NAL EAN7C. FOBTtAltT). OPrnflW. . FeAst WATSON Presldept I E. W. HOYT....4. I Cashier I .. h. u. LAii;uinu......BSDOBa aasisiam: 1 Skiiior Trsaaacta Ocasral Ranking Boeiaeas. Draft ail Parr or the Woria. BaVRxtERS' LUMBERMEN'S BANK PsrtUsd. Oregon VCnrnee Second snd Btsrk atroers. - Coroisjerel.l and serleee densrtmettt. Interest paid en ss rings sacoaata. Drafts nd leff - . ... . I, k n - . . ... . w'.r Z,rlJ?J Preside! 7 lnS S2T2TT,rt'D - First Ttea-Preeldent IOH14 a KRATTNil . . eiM.a I RE BARX OF CALTrORXT a Established 9nm Frssdsos- Osliferals. ' Csrttsl paid an..... ..St noo ravi Snrwtns sno andrrlde) prelH'. ...1 fert 4H1.JJ .-. Oenerel Ranking snd Frctssgs tmsdneas Trsnascted. Intereet en Tim Deposits. SAYINGS DEPARTMENT Aeeeonts msv be nnened of ! sad apwsrd. Wtf i f PortUad Brsacti Chsmher n. MACRAE. Manager iMT RATIONAL BARK, rsrtland. Orsgoa. v , t CAPITAL AND 8CRPLTJB 11.(1.000.08. - DEPOSITS tI4.0OO.HOf 0. . A. L MTT,T...i. ..I...... '...President I ' W. NEWRTRrT. . ..Ceahler f TRUST COMPANIES. PIRTXAtm TRTTST CO VP A NY OP ORwnoW Th Oldest Traet Ceeseasy ra Ovsco. REftoviRrRS 1VER 81 S00 one). Gewerol Rsnktne. Twe par rent interest en check ceate Isvn s.mImS.1 a e.. k-, . eu. , .. . .s,. mmA .,i4iasa on erf !2I17ia th wpl4. II. win m mmnt Tim tT8B, Bt.-f-ji OT . iu t 4 rwfit. rnifhaiai eVvadl A ah a. - Bxeaeaja - ' 'm vvsiisjn- 4UH8 "ra smai o "1!J?. COHEN.. iw.. Praeldent I T.FB FAGIPT. ..Secretary StCJJ BIT X SAYTN0B g, TBTT8T COMPART aTonlsoa Street. Portias. Oteroa. . - Trsnsscrs a General Ranking Bmdnasa. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed e , Time aad Savings Aemanrs. Acts as Trustee for Estates. Drafts aad Letters ef Credit , AsellakU esa All srts of the World. ' C. f. ADAMR...... .........irdewt I . mil... Second Tic-President I GEO. I. RCHCBLL N9RTHWZ8TEBST ATJARANTFE TRTST fN'MTANT PertUnd. Oisgsn. - i , Lamber Exch ence. B. If. Corner eVcemd end Steek Streets t second Ssor), , A FISCAL AGENT FOR CORPORATIONS. . Stata. Coanty, Mnnlrlpal Corpora rloa Roods Boagbt snd Sold. New Enterprtsss Organised ' end financed. Stacks snd Bonds Oasrsnteed. TITLE TARANTFE ft TRUST COMPANY 840 WASHINGTON" STREET. . : , , MORTOAOB LOANS on PortUad Real E-tst et Lowest Rates. 1 uses inewreau I. TflORRURN ROBS..,.,, President OEOROfr H. HTTX .TW-Preeldent I BONDS AND M ORRIS BBOTItlX Chambsc af MuirldpaL Rsftrosd nd Public Rsrvic Corpoekrloa Bonds. ' Dowirna-HOPanvs cokfary Estakusksd itss xroxxrs. . . . -STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Beaght and Sold for Cash sad ea Margie. Private Wtrea. -ROOM 4 CHAMBER of COMMERCE. ' ' Pbon Msln SR. 01TX8 I. WTLDM)ME TELEPHONE BONDS BANS STOCKS, -: - - Member PortUad Stock Exchargs. ' ' Corner Birth snd Wseblngtoa Btreehi. Portland,' Oregon. Oyertcck. Starr & Cooke Co. C' BATV. M0TT8I0WS. 00TT0W. STOCKS AND RONTJS. V, -tJ , WK R A mTSlO&X OOgaOSsUOBT B0SMESS, ; , ; Msrketa by Prtvat Wlr. Quick Service. REFERENCES tadd A Tlltoa. Bsnk. sia. snd United Stotee Ns ttoeal Bask of Portisad. Contis STENOGRAPHERS. EX PI it et boosts rher aad trpswrlrsc. Mln 1271. 814 ueaam eiag. TRANSFER AND HAULING. TBB BAGGAGE OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO, Cor. Sixth nd OSk Ce. nggsg cner-eee from hotel or resides dlrwt t destination; paassngsr therefore vold roah and an soy sscs at depots. Private Exchaage 88. SAFES, pis dos and faint tars snored, packed . X ..I 1 . .UMui. .11 BMSh reuy ra- sDivriisi , ... -- --- - guaranteed; Urge 8-story brick Sre-proot warehouse for storsgs. Office 208 Oak at, OUsa at Rc. . Pnoae Mala 84T.-'.-- ' a O. PICK, office SS First at., betweea Stark end Oak st,. phone 806; pianos and rnrnttur moved and packed foe shinning; com mod loos brick wsrebooe with separata h-oa raum. i Front and CUy eta. . - - NATIONAL TRANSFER STORAGE CO, 8rl Oak st. Telephone Mala 4480. TrsBsfsrrtng and atorlas. - -- OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Pbon Main 88, Heavy Wauling and stores. INDEPENDENT BAGGAOE TRANSFER CO. Btsrsga. 824 Stark St. Jisla SOT. POST SPECIAL DELIYBRY. Me. 800 H Wsjah tagtoa st Phons Msla 888. . ; WHOLESALE alOBBJRS. ' M. A. OUNST IV CO.. D1RTRIRUTORS OF FINS CtOAl PORTLAND. ORBGON. 8HERK a GRAHAM CO. (loe. Ommlsaloa aerchsBU, Jobbers ef xraits, preaac,, sic ; enlgnmsnta solicited. 128 Frent St. , . vaRfUMa-V -RARatRLL: mission' assrchsBts, 18 Front t, PortUad, Or. Phone Msla ITS. OREGON PCP.NITURB MANUFACTURING CO. Manafsctarsra et taraltare tot the trad. PortUad. Oregon. . WADHAMS CO., wholaaaU srorsvs. msse factarera and aad Oak ate. mlasloa Basrsbaata. Fsssrth FURNTTCRE masufsetartsg aad epeetal edsrs. . U Ravaaaky'a rural tur isetory. , SOT ALLEN LEWIS, sommtasioa aad peodaee i cbanta, frsat ssd Dsvla sta, PortUsd. C WHOLESALE Srorkery aad glasswara, Praat, , Bogota Co., PsrUsnd. Oregoa. . a. W. SIMPSON 801 Washington st, whole ewu Seelers la grata so nay. - TJfPEWKlIERS, HEADQUARTERS for aew snd rebuilt type, writer, of all make; ae cor window; If foe sre going to bur a aew typewriter see an be fore baring: we eaa save yoa) money; we have part tor repelling all machines; state sgsnts for ths YUlbU Fox: we boy all kind it typewriters. Tb Typewrit Rxebg. Inc.. E. J. Ellis, manager. Sd Third at. BLICKENSDERrER Typewriter Agency; sup plies; repairs. Raleigh bldg, Sth snd Wash. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. f B sell. Rsmtngtoas. Smith-Premier. Draa. mm ere . lower than anv other eemnaftri Inrsarlgste. UBpyrwood Tspewriter Os. . 8t 8th. TOWEL SUPPLT.' CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brass, so. 81 par month. Portias taaanry issa Sapply Co, Ninth aad Coach. Pbone si. OFFICE DIRECTORT RdvlclpTh Bnlldlnit. V. W. 60 R. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON. AUGUST BENSON Tailoring ftar particular people. .Room zd, suwigh, ruxia ana waan. DR. E. LEE CARTER Dentist, Salt 8, 828 Washing tea t, corner aixta. J, C. SCHAEFER ti 00, oceeeecrs to Arm- T. II IO mA 1 1 NEW YORK Surgical Msdlesl Inatltot. Rooms IS, IB, 80. 81, 82, S- waiting roose. No. 28. BAI L g, LEE Farm aad tit? property rsatals. Room gs. DR. B. AUSPLAND, DENTIST. Ooodnoneh Balldtnp;. - st. Z. COR. FTrTnt AND TAMwttt. THB OREGON ENGRAVING CO Office p Main 8212. wars promptly attestled to. TUB INTERNATIONAL POWTCAsn CO. Pub lishers, lot oorters snd Jobbers. Room SirX, FLORENCE TINOLEI Dreasmsklnc. Room t-l. GEO. LAUTENSCni.AFtlEB Tailor. Suits, I I k tw mm SA -J I nn II -. O Cnmmniiffl!h I n f T S. W. C". S'TTK , l DR. W. 1. "W A H u - .. 'r!, Si Cil'CllIC I -. t t i and Oak prreefe. A. M. W H IOTTT fere sold en New York, . ... tM.i.k v.inn,t,lB Eai-haus R. L.' DtTRHAM .WfecfSeedeet ORORGB W. HOTT. A sshttsut CssaleC nd Tetters of Credit tasaed AUsbV te t-ollecrione a Bpecieity. - E. C. MEAS .v... H. D STOREY. ...A-tarsnJ Cs.hlee rf ITT a Pf ITT Oeeeesl foemsel sr. Commerce pinfidlag. I. T. BURTCHAELL.. ' Wens re Oldest National Bank an th Partae Ceest W. BL AT. FORD.. ........ ..Asedetsnt ''' W. F. STEVENS Second AaatstsntCseMer .1flrt.te. J to 4 Pr rtt r rJ' Pr,al rll for Ilo r hlm nt -ai 21Tm' ' fkk Ivnhaua. - rwa.s. g" wveevs- w livnt assess s-sjs eeapw -- . . H. L PTTTOTK... le rTtw'dewt J. 0, 0OT.TSA. . Assistant Secrets r t. A. I.EWtS. ... .........First YlePreetdert R. 0. JCBIT8 eesevewix ....Aeaietsnt Secrets ry . - anaTrecrs reisnm JNO. B. ATTCHI80N Secret sr T. T. BCBRHART Tvssarec INVESTMENTS. amfldtng. , ZT'Mi. OFFICE DTOECTORIuV Mohawk Boildinp;. S. E. COB. THIRD AND MORRISON. B. WolvertoB. Investments. Pae. 841. Room 403. StCRrns Bullrtlnii. . . X. COR. SIXTH AND MORRISON. MRS. B. B. JACKSON Art millinery designing. Reom 408 Steams bldg., cor. 7th and Morrlsoa. LBfRjrfttej BaUdinp;. V. X. COR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON. ... LAFAYETTB REALTY CO, - Vacant property a specUlty. 1 ' TOUSLE T WEAVER Reel stte. Incurs sea. 11 and 18. TsL Mala 8981. , - WHEN AW AT FROM HOME, Copies ef The Jonrnal can be obtained tn the following eltlea and towns ovtsid af Oregon. Ths Jos m el would spprsciste th receipt of reports ef fsllare to obuka coptan et the paper st sny of these places: C0LEAX. WASHINGTON A. B. King. WALLA WALLA. WASHINGTON Walls WslU Stationery Compaay; Hoerere-Hoewell Compsny; Hotel Decree New Btsad; Gasna Clear Staad, II H South roorth afreet TACOMA, WASHINGTON Botet Tl earns New Stand: Central News Comnsny. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Rainier Oraad New 8 tend; Intsrnstlonsl New Assnry -- (' . U ... -I L.HI. SI Bta.l I rp.wi T. 'Ii , Il.i.l wrmm.nT ,-,,,.. OOLDflELD, NEVADA Loota Poha, Newspaps SAN DIEGO. CAUFOBNIA Amoa Nsww Com- pany, Newspspsr wsgoa. SPllKANR. WAhHIN UVU S John W. Graham A Co. ROISH. IDAHO leaeoh Cotlln. ' MINNEAPOUS. MINNESOTA ML . Cava- aacub. 80 Third afreet, south. ST. LOUIS. MISSOURI E. T. Jett, SOS 0Hv treet; Genrg L. Ackarmsn. KANSAS CITY; MISSOURI Xom8 NW Coaa-. nam. Newananee WasoaL CHICAGO, ILLINOIS P. 0. New Compaay, ITSj Dearbora street. DENVER, COLORADO Uafcxa Depot New Stand. LOS ANGEI.ES. CALIFORNIA Smog New Company. Ncwaratier Waaoa. OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA Amos New Com pany Newspaper Wagon; N. Vheatler Kewe Comnsnr. Newaoaner Warns. SAN fRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA N. Whestlef News Company. Newspsner Wsgoa; Foeter m ' Oresr, Ferry baHdiag; Johuaoa Nawa Cempsay. 14A1 Fillmore street. SALT LAKH CITY. UTAH Mrs. Levin. News. , paper Wagon; O. L. Davie. Hotel Ken roe; Rereow Pro, 48 West Second etreet. onth. 0GDEN, CTAH Gray New Company. Depot New Stand. OMAHA, N KB BASK A Millard Hotel New Stand. - . NEW YORK CITY Arthur Ho tall oat. New. I 11 m DRAIN NORMAL WILL - CONTINUE INSTRUCTION (SpecUl DU patch to Th Josraal.) ' Roeeburr. .Or, March I. Prnaldent BrtRRS of the Drain Normal school said ; NPlan are now, practically oomplet for the continuanoA of the work of the school. At a meeting of the bust- neaa men And citizens of Drain It w decided to continue th work by sub scription loAna. tuition Ant) local funds, with th expectation that th leglslatuns At It next saaaion wilt make Appropria tions try repay At its next regular Ben. ion. . Thn teachers will prevent their claims to th secretary of atate In the nmiAl form And recelv loan from the private subscription. A meet Ins; of th board will tea held early next week, Th peopl of Drain and thla section will subscribe liberally to th fund." Th people of Drain ay th-it the Rood faith of the slat 1 at stake en. I that the lefialntur at its next hcsaIoh otinnot do otherwise than psy these out stunillns bills. "V SQUEEZING WATER OUT OF CRATER LAKE RO; Medford. Or., Mreh S.In onier t i plae th affair Of the Modfard A Crater -Lake railroad upon btiinc bnsla. Itecdlver J. F. Rwldf will s -r , atockholdera with lcrl noilcen ti r -for or reHnQiilxh p"cl"ii "t l blcx-ka of stock held by them for the booka show they- have paid n 1 1 The rreeiver la onrlcwnrlns lo n-r-th water out of th "VrtnlrtiUli: I st" ai'H-h.