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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENINU, MARCH 8. VJV7. 18 Classified Advertise ments received too late . for insertion in these pages will be found on Page 15. .. ' NEW TODAY. FOR SALE BY OWNER . ! ' NEW T-ROOM HOUSE, WITH MxlOS :, FOOT LOT, COR. RORTHWICK AND J ESS UP STS. IJT WEST1 PIEDMONT, TAKB L OR 8T, JbHNS CAR.k " ;. V Modern NewHoius , With fruit trees, will make ele ' pant home, walking distance, near ' . . Central and new High School. Price $3850 Terms. Cannot be duplicated for the money." t See owner, 660 East "'J',-: -; Taylor St .. ;.V ;; Will Sell 750 Acre Tract ; Land Th Lw1 Lorn and Nancy M. Lor , Donation Land Claim Bid will b receired by the indersla;ned for aald land to March 15 107. Th tight to rject any and all bids reaarred. Tha ' graator part of tbta land la within tha . city llmlta of Portland and la aapccl . ally valuable for platting purpose. Call ' on or addreaa tha undersigned, 260 Main Itrwt, city. T. T. BTRUBLE and PHILO HOLBROOK, Trustee of tba Est. I of Lewis Lava, deceased. ' LINNTON PROPERTY If yon want to In rant In a aura thing why not com and look up aoma of thee bargains? Realdnnt and nualneaa lot of all kind for aala at a low prion. Call at Hardy's real, estata office, L Inn ton, Oregon. Ownara of Unnton realty t List your property with us, aVTEOR XAJLDT, XJjmton. Or. WEATHER REPORT. . Tba pi teams has fallen In tha Pacific rste and a small disturbs see ta central ever New Mexico. Tba western trough at tow pressure ' aow overlies tba Atlantic states and a high mmgi sees haa moved from Montana to tha upper Mississippi valley. Cloudy, u as it tied weather pre, a lie oa tba Pacific slope, and llrbt rain haa fallen In w cater a Oregon south. --"'Western Mtiho. Nevada and southern Califor nia. Lle-ht snow haa fallen In tha -lake re gion aud mldrtls Atlentlo etatea, and "light rain la tnorud tn tba aoatb Atlantic states. " Kleewbere throug-hoot tha United btates fair weather prevails. Tha htBmerataraa have risen in tba Atlantic sts tee and fallen ia tba mid dle west. Ia tba Pacific eta Me tba tompetv , stores are a hoot Dorm a L The Indication are far answers In this dlf- - trlct during tba next 44 Boars. , . , Temp. ' . . Max. alia. Precip. Raker City, Oregon) ......... 4S , , AO : A Boise. Idaho , 00 , - 8ft. - . . .04 Lewlsfon. Idabe M ' . ,' 4tl . .r . North Head. Washington. . . 4 ,. ' T I'ortland. Oregon M ' ' & T Koseburg,, Orcrou 4 - .04 Spokane, Waehuiltton 4Bv.,. M .0 Tacoma. Washington ...... M , " .O Walla Walla, Waahlngtae.. 4 at M KOTTCES. trinTEO rrATr or amcrica, itrict af , Oreaoa as. Tba prealdent of the Dalted fitatea to the United Btatee Baarabal for tlie dlatrjct of Orecnn Oreetlnir: Wbereaa. A libel and petition waa filed ta . ... the dlatrict coart tbe Cnlted Statee for . tbe dnittict ef Oreima ea the th a ef Pen. rr- mary. MtXrT, by tbe Oroe Roand I.nmbef i 1 connaay, aa tba owner at the berre Mnnaroh, prnrtng for a llraltattna ef the liability ef aald company concerning the Men, awetractwn. damaaa and injnry occaaloned by tbe alaaater f, ta tbe aald bare Monarch ea tbe ttrth day " of Iccembcr. 1004, far the reaaona and eaoaee , la said Ubel and petition neatloned, and braying a Btonltkm ot tbe aald coart la that behalf to be teened. and that all aeraona -" claiming damaree for any each lena, deatme twm. daanage er injury nay be cited ta appear ' before aald coart nad aaake doe proof ef their ' reenectlTe claime. end. all praceedlnge being bad. that If it shall appear that tha aald petl- ' t loner ta not liable for any sacb kaa. da stracttoa, da ma re er tnlary. It nisy he ea - - finally decreed by thle esart; and . Whereas. The Taloe ef the tatereat af tba aald petitioner in the aald barge Monarch baa beea duly appraleed at tha sua of two hnn dred and fifty dollars (260, hicla1lng tle freight pending sa tbe eoyase of tbe said ' barge Monarch aa tba said 2Mb dsy of I . comber. 104. aad a atlpnlatloa for the per snent Into eoart ot tbe value ef tba interest ; of the aald petition la the aald barge kaa beea gives ta tbe aM eoart aa ordered, that a monition Inane against all persona claiming dainarea tor suck toss, destrnctloa. daaeaee - or injury, citing tbea to appear aad auike 2 dne proof at their reanectfre claims: yes are therefore so remsuaded ts site all persoss . claiming dabnsges for any lnea, desfroctlos, damage or injary occasioned by said dlasatsr to tbe aald barge Monarch, to appe'r We foes . said coart and make due proof of their re- sportive claims before I. A. dibtdea. a eom- mlaatoaer of tba United States eircntt eoart, ' at bis office la tbe city of Portland oa or ' before tbe retara day at Jane. 1BOT. at eleven ,. o'clock ia the forennna And what yea shall hsv done hi tbe pre lees do on tbea oaks rot nrs laptops' to thle snort, together with ' .' this writ. V Witness the Ron. ' Charles I. Wolveetna. - tndse af the aald eoart st the city of Port Una Hi the district ei Oregon, thle Slot day of renraary. In tha year ef em tord one ' rhoassad aloe kimdrod and saves, and ef oar Independence the. see kindred and thirty-first. K. t. McKtR. Clerk. Tilted Stats Dt trlct Coart far tba Dktrlat of Oregon.) .',. . IN THS DiaTRICT COI7RT Of TUB 1'NITY.D 8TATK8 FOR THE Il8TRIirr 0Y OK ROOK. In the matter of the aetata af B. ltarkua, bankrupt. ' ' 1 he undecatmed wiTI , receive sealed bids tir the etcck of general mercbandlan, eonaiat lug of si 'Merles, tovs sad notions, ojasens ware, tinware, gvsiiltewsre, bard war a, dry goo;v. rloiblng. furnishing roods end rubber s-ooria of tbs Inventory value ef tor"tlier with store flatnres of the Inventory valuation of IL2US.M. located en Williams ' arc nne, corner of Knott St., Portland, Or., nottl 12 o'clock nooa, Wednesday, March 13, 11C ' ' A certified cheek tor 10 lew erst of ths i.iinl onered must aecomnsay each bid snd ssle Is subject ta eooflrmatlna by tbe COtM-t. Inventory may he seen at my 'office and the et's-k mar be Inspected est application., listed at Portland, N- JUarcb t JM. . R. ll BAB IN, Trustee; ho. T First at I't'WTI.tND. Or.. Marck 1. 1 ft rf Sealed bids will be received st tbs office of the school rlerk eltjr ball, np to 11 m. -Monday March II. for eonatrnetliig e srbo.d bonding ai Vernon. Plane sod Sfe-lfl,stlons for same c.n tie sees at tbe office of the errhltect, JU4 I s.t Ibtrd alre.1. Set.areto bide will be revived aa follows: first, eacavsflng. brlcg -.. filaetertng. cersnt wor. I roa wors. eic, S.-.uttl CMnM-mer work, fltiliillg. Iron work, sic. Third, pawling. Fo'irth. plumbing en d .loajo. r"lfth, glse snd glasltig. All pre. r- la niu.t be eccoinpai.lrd by a CertirieS ), a T"' It oer cut oi ine immiHt T ,. t- Tbe a- heol h..ard res-TVes t!a right ta r. j-t any srii a't -n.ii. ' 1 mom Ad J. JONES. Arebltset. ROTICES. noucsl ' Kotlot fat beroky given that at BMetuga of the storkhnluera and dlreclors ef the t'olnu.iiia auclnearhig 'nerks ta conwcatia liMorporaled end etkuiag ender the a of . the sisle ef Orega. rtHy aallsd and held f- that porness at the office of tbe compear la tbe cftr of Portland. Uregoa. on the It rf.v or u .rcti. lien, at whh-h eieetlua af the stork bo Idera itt " tha -stock BoMera - of -aant conipeny were present aud voting aad each and every ahanr at aba capital slock ef said , nvuorstlou waa prssaat sad voted, and at : wbk-k said meetlug of lbs directors sll ths directors of said curporstiua wars preoeat aud voted-,- the name vf said sorpursthm was cbsaged from t'olumUU BogtueMlag Works . ta Colnnibi dteei Cooipsuy," and articiea t and 111 of tbe artlciss of leeoruoraiton ef . aeU mmiianv wera aavoaded aa as as read sa bereliisitor mora partlcsrly set forth. aald actios aa tla part of the at. kholdera bavtug been Ukea by tie aasaliaoaa and , affirmative vote ef all tba atockboWera and of eack sod every share ef the capital etock " of aaltl muipsny, tbe same being nwre than seven sUktbs f aald capital esuck, and suck . actios oo tbe part af the directors having "' been taken by tue oaaulaioua sad sffimistlvs voh of nil tbs directors and that sluppie '. aaeatary Artie Ira of lncorporstlen have beea duly ececaied, tllo.1 sad recorded as ocnilrJ . by law, in conformity with such action of the stockbolders and directors, and that ths ' haws of said enrporsllon has been Jerallr and lawfully cbanad from Bngi- aeerlng Vl ocka to ' Uilumbl Steel Couinsny.' aad that article I of tbe articiea of kicor . neratloa af asld esaupsny has been rbsaged sad a wooded so sa to resd as foUowa, to-wit: ABTIO.IC I. - The aaaa assained by this eorporstlee aad by which it shall be knows abaU ba "Ookia bla Steel Company." - . ' l And that article lit af said articles ef Incorporation haa beea changed aad aawadsd so aa ts read sa follows, turltf-, :, , ABTR'LB III. The enterprise, boalneas, paraalt and occa ' nsthw la which this asroorstioa proposes ta eagage are aa falhrsrs: , tl To ceadact and carry ea a general steel and Iron foamlry snd auuiuractuting plant; to eondoct and carry on eteel works, iroh works, bra as works, boiler works, ma chine abope, foundries sad factor lee, sad ta enrage ia tbs baalneas at uiannfacUirlng, aeiii,,. deallne In. esnstractlng snd repairing sll kinds ef machinery, engines, boilers, cost ings, elevators. sBoovax saa any ana su ninae sud e lasses af steel, iron sad ether tuetal works. (2V purchase, Irssa, rent er otherwise acquire, to erect, construct, establish, awn, main tars aad operate foundries, aaeeblne euops, at eel wares. Iron works, brass wsrke, machinery, faraaose, ameltlng. Mdactisn snd refining ererke. toosi, sppllsnres and appara tus ef every patera and description whatso ever that aiar be deesMd aseeesery, con avenlent er deeb-able for eny of tbe corporate parposee. aad ts lease, rent, mortgage, pledge. sell, convey er eiaerwiae ojaposs e we same at pleasure. . . l3r-To porcbaas, own. hold, teaaa er etherwbnt acquire, aad ta sell, martgsga or otherwise dispose ef property, both reel and peraooal sad of whatsoever kind af descrip tion, whether manufactured by. tba corpora Hon er otherwise. Including the ecrjatsltloa of patents sad patent rights. (4) To art as tbs selling agent far others, and to ceadact la each manner sa may b deemed dee Ira bis com m lea toe easiness. I A i Ts borrow each money end Incur each Indebtedness aa amy be deemed convenient or desirable tn tbe conduct of tbe corporate boalneas. sad ta Issue the notes, bonds or other obligations af this corporation therefor, and to secure payment sf the asm or any nsrt thereof bv mortgsgs.' deed ef trust er pledge of sny er all of tha corporate prop- eny. both real and person (61 To da all things n see tra Me ny ef tbe convenient for the conduct of ' boalneas of thle corporation. Dated at Portland, Oregon, thhi Tth day af March, . lBUT. ' : . tSeel.) " S. If. MEARJI. ' Preeldeat af Oahunbla ajntneerlng Works. TAILOR GOODRICH, j . neerctary af Oolombla Engineering Works. 8. M. MKARS, "V ' R. R. RO0B. - WALTER MACK AT, -.A,:. V ' CBA8. M. GCNrt. TAYLOR OOOPRICH, . t Direct ore of Columbia Engineering Works. BOND ISSUE. Bide will he received tor $'.000 water bonds of Fa lb City. Oregon, te draw tatereat at S per oeot, 10 years. object Oravlty water system. , ' Town and district bae no indebtedness. Bids opened dor log March. IKOT. Ad drees , all cecnmsnlcatAons ts ... w-nn, F. A, LCCAS. Mayor. . munu If MAY CONCERN. .' If sen do not care te hey real rotate. I can place yonr money In short time, loans .'. FRAMB. ;'AY.-.; Rid Tba Marquam. ' ' . w ... SI ... W a k.n. L. ft eno. t Will not be' responsible for any debts contracted by her from now on. JAMKS MONTO. ' MEETCSmf KOTICES. awl MULTNOMAH CAMP wtTJ tnltlsta 1 - s w , a targe ciass Tonurni. , . rNOTTIr . freeh ments will be served. All . . ' F . members W. fh W. welcome e-.M.WOODWORTH, Clerk. M. W. A. EYERORBEN Damp. S.. assets Wednesday evening, auasay auav. iin a Morrieon eta. ... - M. W. A. Oregon Grass Camp, No. S.STS. Mew. : LOST AXD FOtKP.-- FOUND A place ta hose hair sssttiassas reno vated snd returned same day. tnl front St. Msla 474. Portland CwleeVHaeT raetory. H. - Metsgec, seworletor. . LOfrr Pointer dog. 0 months eld. eery m all black (Guard), aeturn te varnertar. corner Fifth and naimoa. , aewsra. DEED lost am streeta. Given by Hoaderooa ts Uonsldanu. Return as d. a. lions losoe. Lsraw, Or. Reward. FOUND OoM watch and lob. Apply hi cashier Tba Journal. LOST A black cashmere shawl, between Lents and rorusna. oa me roe a, nuitsoie re ward. . 1. A. Wilson, 3S Johnson st, city, LOIT At - Oaks rink, gold watch fob, latial "F. L. w." rieass retara ta tH Taylor st. Good reward. roi'NO A oeow, sa tbs rlvsr, K. lis, cars Journal. . ' LOOT March S. black ribbon halt, gold buckle. . Resrsrd. fbone raeiria live. HELP WANTED SIALE. OOVRRNMENT POSITIONS Men between tba . airee so new WVf w prvs-w sw swiwe osu 1 w ' "A yotxag aaa to prepare, for postalelerk. " Men er 20 to prepare for customs tre--soectora Portland and TlclsUy; tmrtrscttoa by Call of' write at ones, PACIFIC STATES scunnt m . v . IWilaul A. WANTED AT 0"C3 atave-bolt nttera, wares par cord; steady wera.' apply wsetera aoopwrsge te. wioeiim i swi Portland, .at BosJton. Or. WANTED AT ONCE Scared yeong men for fire men snd brskemee an reeding areetem rail. vna,ta and foe new roads now hem com- ' plated: espeiience nnnecesssry; firemen do per moatu. arssemeu so; weitres wow write at oace for psrfl colors. Nstinnsl Rati- i Omsba. Kebraaks, at Ml Ridge bldg. Eases ' city. Missouri. . - 1 , WANTED Saleemeai sneny msha (to to lire) per month; some even more: etoes cleans mwa en loa.i setton. for from eld orchardai easb advanced weekly; choice ef territory. Address Washington Nursery eosapsiy. see. peelsh, Wasblsgtsa. A MAN with small capital can secure half In tneest ba sa sstahllahad real setnta aad enl- , lection office doing a good baalneas; eise'i ; ansa anaeeessscyi sa exceptional opportunity to riant parly, noom s nsnsou eiug., . m Morrsson su aiaia jus. ... , . UNION HOTEL. i North. Hlath sL. Portland. Or. . Free empe-yment to all lu boarders; rets 4oU per week! rooms ne aas "Ol eoeciai moathly rates given. Aaoorsra. pnamsuv MEN and hoys wanted tn loom plumbing, pise, toting, bricklaying, electrics! trsdee; free catalogue; poaltlone seen red. Coyne Trade aVrheole, New York aad Saa Francisee, - V . WWrLW. ak 11 .1 fknva Co., ao First, St., for "A'dowe Coffee") t lbs. l ; no hke you you know when and wky te, kick. . rrl v war. I- rk for ear msmnsrst epncisl mom. t. M. 0. A. Fenrtfe aad XamhllL HELP VANTO-MALR. PAClr-IC! ariTIONCBl PRINTING CO. ' k 7 nerond st. Pboas mala Wtl Wo OVeign aud laetall tbe moat mod are aad Improved office aystsuei eempleU Una ssasa leaf filing devices. I1.O0 A MONTH MtOTBCTo TOO Agalnat accident, sir tores snd Seats. . Writs or coll ssd investlgste. -M.erhwooi.iu Health Accident Assnetsrlssi. io-if McKay bldg. Ageala Wanted. MF.N AND WOMBI4 to loam tea bother trade la eight weeks j graduates earn from lid te .'5 weeklyi oipert rnetracrere: eatskaras free, kiolee M.vstom af Coilegss, M Merth foartk at.. Portload. . BCDO'S em ploy men t offices are shipping, free fare, to Blugbam Springs, sealers Oregon) railroad work: good tub for every oaa. No. North Third and 110 first at, - Paotrtc 280 sad Psclfle 14. - WANTED Urn for mill and woods. Apply at niiUj enene vis nareaaoat tavern or Beaver ton. Cnlon Loggia Lssjoov Co. . WANTICDOns - conch maker, oaa - ntsttresa. weaver end one mat tree, a a tier sad stretch er. Oregon furniture slofg. Oct. Macadam road. , ..'...--.'.'' Man to take charge of established office la Waehlegton. salary 1100 . per mnatb and comnilsakia: must Invest toOD snd famish references. Address Q 14a JoornsA WANTED Men to Mara to operate motion KlnM. mrmAnmtmm OePO 125 WOSklT. FoT ternw aad particulars call roam leath Sixth at. , - NKW proposition for solicitors. Bl( ceu si anas, iw auruusn aiua. . TOUNO men desiring to better their ceadtttoa aau aa ampwymeai oeparttueut, g. m. v. BOTH. 11 te IS years, who want te learn th business, apply to uias. wortmsn ex timg. WANTED AT ONCE A good all-around-black- smrth; moat oa a gooa worgman. inquire of W. A. Powtll, iua roatar road, Laata, Oregon. ...... - HARNESS-CCTTER waatad lmmed lately. Job Clark Saddlery Oa. BELIABLB man with horse and harness te sell and collect; goad nay. eoa Washington si. WANTED Iipeclsncsd stenographers sad book- . . ... - .-III. .A. k l.k. socpeve on laao ow epme. wv. - salaries; piece S to 8 a week. Rleerrh) Rust. , asss Univarsity. 36-S Worcester hlk. TI'NNEL foreman, Budd's Employmeat Office, No. North Xbnw at. ORXTLEMEK wtahlng good pawing, pleasant occupation apply Xif Sixth st.. side door. LABORERS for work near Portland; married puea pre ion ea. sow anwncs vws- WART S ftrst-elsss hlacksmltbs; shw S firs. ClsSS DOipera; grao o-maf-uioiHi ariirwr vu Americas Tool Works, 204 Columbia at. MONEY! MONEY! Advanced every week ta ear agents; a full line. Including up-to-date . spsetslttrs. Write for tree caaveaaluf outfit. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem. I. - WANTED Young men ta Study telegraphy! no- sitiana when qnallliea. uregoa Miuega, sue Commonwealth bug. WANTED Twe erperlooced herd rack m rascal . Ions Job. P lab, care Journal. WANTED Off lea bog. Apply Journal office. W A NTED Man ts dearborns and assist with . mUklng an n email dairy farm: food boms for elderly mas. Address D. . R. BWddard, ' Jefforsos, Or. . . . WANTED Lire, active yoan man. . 1 ysara old, for the dry goods hoamesa, city. T 187, cars Journal. WANTED Man with small capital ta assist in office; goo salary ana miarsat. tvoess a, 14SVs Sixth st. , BOY WANTED mast ksvs wbseL , Nan' paarniacy rortlsaa notsu HELP WANTED FEMALE. SEVERAL tntelllgeat woeaeo, enreenmbered. who are desirous or pleasant, proritaota wots, tn inln m traveling club on n trio east, 1 sdvanee necessary traveling ex Den see sad guarantee success, bat only these willing to work and af good character need apply, lira. Emma U Brigga, room 24, 14514 Sixth sc. ' 1 or after p. m. WANTED Otrt for- light buuoowutk. Waadiawa 784. , WANTED Teacher for E 1 Chin oaa mis- Bson. 2SS Second at., T:f ta 80 p. sa. 0IRIJ1 WANTED Opel a lor a Ss work au aatrts ano overs lis. r Apply at Siaadard (aotory No. S, Oraad svs, e and Beat Taylor St. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard raetory Ms. S. Oraad a vs. ea aasi Tayur et, HANSEN'S LADIEr AGENCY. B4SH Wash. Msla 2081? remain help waatad. WANTED Teottf matoe t ataoy reisgrapny; posuiorMl wnea qnauissw. vrspsi yaisfv, vus Common weal ta Blag. - FOUR lady events wantsd: wages 1.60 to S a asy. jau las parucamxe sri asswaswj a vs., wiiy. j , . A LARGS bnvtneee firm desire a woman whs m iruarwortny sna oueiavwc, suniesn r ause. ; e sea. WANTED RelUbk) aaraegirL Inquire SSS West Park at. JL ELDERLY lady to car for two ehtldren, 4 and . 4 yeera. aad light hoaseworki good boose; small wages. 14 Orsnd svo. - Mrs. Stoaa. WANTED Healthy yoaat girl or ta take cars of. ctuid -ii T8S Flaadara evt. Apply TWO experienced lady solicitors, salary aad - com ml aa Ion; first -class proposition. Sll Coa merclal block. LADIES wlshlrur good paying pWsaant eec- . pauoa apiA wmm ww, www.. . . WANTED Otrt to da goaeral hsnsswotk. Call Tib weuusr u - LADY toe char ta teach English breaches snd mualc In prlvat family.. Address Q ISO, cere doaraai. WANTED A scan pe teat girl for genera! basea work; good wares, ibis aaai aaornson st. - or 61T Oommsrclal bldg. .- BARRRR waatad, Saturdays and autre, ITT Madison at. WANTED Mtddla-a gad womsa for hsussoork. at so ea. . b2a Raat BarTloon sc. , WANTED Y sbortbsnd s oang people te lots eerr slsaees ta iad Bookkeeping by ear Declm plan. which placee plscca yea in position in a very snort lutes low. R. R. C. Clerical Offices, time. 483-S Worcoeter hlk. CHRISTIAN teacbsra school. , Apply p. m. Chinee ajtssloa at, T o'clock WB want a ca nobis womsa cook for hoardlng- boaes. Apply am rianaera at. WANTED Immediately, eewlsg twig ssd ap- preoUces at bill jerrerson St. - IRL for general huueanark. Sit Sixth at Clay. ... , ... WANTED Maker and apprentices. SSS Morrison St. Fraka WANTED Girl for light housework, - small family; no wsabtng. Pbona Pacific SIS. . MALE AND FEMALE HELP. w.uivn a Si m mtimA mHMtwarm Saabs' tal fomabit beet eroposltion In Purtlandi snod money as the right parties. , Phone Ssllerood Tl. Corner Beet llth st, aad UsmtllU a vs. BRLP wssted snd snpplisd. msla er female. R. G. Drake, 2or Waablngtea et. Peel no 12T0. KITX'ATIOX WANTED JL4JLE. A VOITKtl men. fust honorably discharged from the government eervlce, weald like s Job ss ad oiler or fireman; can take care er station. ary machinery! bss hsd four ysara' expert. 4 once: hsady around machinery; ba beet of referencee. Aanrees niunn w. nsrry, sjotvi Wills motte, corner Bixta and ntarx ata city, PtWITION waatad by young man ' with light team suit a bis for delivery work, etc-1 will snower u mtusse sa ywimv j sh. ewa, cam ,iuw. .... MAN with small family waats work an ranch. Addreae S. lee. care ooaraaa.- EXPERIENi'KD fireman waats position. or coal; can msks repairs. - Addreaa M 1M, ear Jeomal. WANTED Position sa travellmj oeleemas, 12 yeera grocery experience, a iho, car doarnas SITUATIONS WANTEDFEMALE. 1 THOROUGH, practical . demonstrator from the eaat, oaa capable of selling the wholeesle end retail trade aad taking charge of crews of demons t rat i ire snd canvasses, desrrss a lrkioo wltb reliable firm. Address L 135, cars Journal. TOl NO lady w lab as sltaatloa la office, care Jouresl. , . u 0 Us, COMPETENT wnmee wanta bouaewsrk by day. Address XI College st. EMPLO TMEXT AGENCIES. - RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT Oft. ' Logging camp and farm help specialty. SO korth Second at. Pboa Mam fcoid. We say all talagrapk charges. , BARSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OfrlCI . 1 ros MBN. ' M North Socoad st. Phone Mam IBS. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OPriCR tnsu Morrisoe st Pboas Psclfle t 7 Korth aoooad et Pboa Psoitis MOO WANTED AGENTS. 100 HON RUT area aad women to give all er only aoare time to my medietas propoalttoaj - good money end best medicine. R. M. Plaar- suer, SOU Third St. . , , - WANTED Ooo ealesmsa to re peasant sa la choice territories! highest oommiaeloa paid; cash adv.aced for eipeasesi everything fur. , Risked. Addreaa Oregon Nurssrs anmsaay, be lam, Oregon. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RBNT Honsesi aottagea, flats, - stores, offices, rooming koasss, ata . Lead. lor.le will do well to cell on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON . Pboas Bs, TS. S. B. Cor. Id aad Oak. WANTED TO RENT Booses, cottages, Oats, stores, rooming. bouses, office. Rod Mohawk r- bldg. ... . , - - V WANTED To rent s well furnished modern , west side houie for tbe summer or longer: nice groasile snd best location; desirable tenants. 606 R wetland bldg. WANTED TO RENT Acres re, with bona and ham. nor lb east ef city preferred; good ten ant. Cell or addrasa 116S Montana a vs. . WANTED S tn rVroora furnished house, mod era Improvements, ta good location.. Address T Fan toe bldg. He not calL 1 WANTED REAL ESTATE. ' i IT roa want ta sell quick, ttst with T. Ieba, til Morrison et. WB have reivers for a tew modern son sea st tram 3.00 to 4,oou; also vacant iota an i9 bnalnesi nronertvi Ihit wltb us tor quick sale. LAMONT HAHKle, , . ,. SOS-T BwetUad Bldg. . - . WANTED Lot SOxlOO feet near to ISth and Belmont er Salmon ate.; give cash price and Bartlculare, F 140, cam JoemaL - WANTED at once, en west side, ra good netirh. borbood. 0 or a room hones, not over S3. ooo; will-pay fMO dowa. Hocsa Lead Ca, 140 H First at. i . SB YEN or S-rosm modern bouse, with one er twe Corner tote, eaat or west in give lo cation aad price, with ternaf. M 133. ears Journal. - ' WANTED On wsst aide, la food neighborhood. 0 or Swoom nnusa, not ever 3.h; win pay tSOO down. Boasa Land Co., lest First at. WANTED To buy on r twe sera I aa barbs. C 184. ram Journal. ' WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED T borrow, 2.O00 aa Improvsd aob- nroaa property, i isw. cam aoaraai. SMALL CAPITAL to Invest In poultry boslussa, 4. A. Beeper, wmv .errereon at. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ' i . main bar. . .'CASH AND LOTS OB. Vt . ' .' FOR FCRNITTJRB. ' - . ' ' . 7 . PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, ' . , Sll aval St. MAIX 6SSS. . - - - MAIN BSSS. CASH for hoaaehold roods. Savage PesnalL S4B-S4T Flrat at. Fboss Pacific SOU. WR WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADB ANY Of D THING. WEHTERM BAI.v AGn CU ' H 2 WASHINGTON. FACIPIO TSS. . WANTED Farattam aad hoaaehold goods ef . every description bought, sold end ear banged. Tb . saa rirsi st. main aaia. HIGHEST cash price paid for all kinds hand mala siii. SS N WB hsnl dssd korsoo asd cattle free. Orermn rortillsev Works, or soury unrri veterv nary, Fsnrtb ea tillaaa sts. . msm uva. WB BCT. sen snd exebsage all kinds of sec ond-band good., orsnd Art Oo., ii Haw. thoraa are. Pbona Bsst SOO. WANTED To rent a chicken ranch near Port- land; amvMd like one with darsllrag Addrasa S.. T4 Clark A YOCNO married aiaa want te lent V far atehad ranch or u arose asms; ears Ban good experience. J 14s. cam Journal. WANTED By sa expect, a Stationery or ma. rlne gaaollns soglns bs ran. Address N 187, ' cam journal. - HOIfSECI.BANINft of all kind don by Fisher. Phone Msla S51S. WANTED Ta exchange, Jrstch for incubator. O loo, cam Journal. - WANlXIWrnrf far turfing Is was. A 140, asm Jourosl. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, THB MORRISON, formerly tba Hesperian Large eomrortenie rooms, amgia ana ea anita. newly rurniahed: boa, table hoard: prions saodorsts. boo Morrison a earns ATtn. THB RICHELIEU, S3 North Bixtft st- Bb gsstly maesbedi atoam Boat an Datne. THB GRAND, fH North Third at geutlenaen, !. par wees ana op. THB YAMHILL. SHI West Park Rooms by day er week, steam heat, bath, phonal tran. FURNISHED room la art veto tsmllyt all ra convenieooea. . Phone Main S15S. NICELY fnmlsbsd rooms, A block from Hobal Portland, rnoa Main awns, is seventh. UNDER new management; alee clean furnished rooms; reasansai rates, iua Arcaoo, ih) First at. ..-,., THB KINO, SnS Jefferson, nicely ftrrnlabed room, aeaa aaa vaiua ummoww., e. pee wosa . - ' . THB GRAND, 287 Yamhill at. Large newly rurniahed rooms, first floor, out ta bis far two; a loo single roooxs, newly furnished. Pkon . .i im. taev..' - NICELY furnished room, efeigle er en euttet meals U ossiroa. oe s uuwuero os. . TWO deetrebl room cmosir HobsH-Cartls gaa, haU and phone. Sod 14th St. Mala TU1. NICB furnished rooms, rssaonsbls prim, tal Hood St., corner Orsnt. - Phone Pacific 1422. FOR RENT HOt'SEKEEllNa ill . ji n thflii, Grand avc Furalsnod bdusekeeplos eulteet modern brick) gaa raugss, electric and M4 MORRISON 8T 4 -anfurnUhed Snd 2 fop- s la bed housekeeping spsrtmants; rooms large ana airy; irssuiy psinisui gooa ocatiom. S1.M WEEK UP. larre. sleoa. faralabod keeping rooms, laasdry aad bath. IM hoe- mas oouxu, runaM. tlM WEEK UP, Clean, furs Mi ed boueekeep. bag . rooms, Psrlesv aalh, . laendry, f erases aeat, yarn, aust ntaoton, u ear. FOR RENT famished housekeeping-rooms, . private family I gas. abone aad 'bath. - 427 Second St. Mala 4707. THB MITCH KLLBowsekeoptag and transhmt events en r lenders. FOR RENT Two nice bright aouaekeeptns- kA .u MtU ... r. osa soineoa, oesur soia iu THB JBTFERHON. 614 Jrfferone St. Com pletsly fnrnlsbed snd f-ronm eultse, sll eoavonisDcee. raone stain inoj. Fl'RNIHIIED as- snfomlsked houeeseepinf- room at as I HI Bb ,' ROOMS AND BOARD. ANOULKd (ths Burrell antato). - 404 corner loth and Madison, Just opened! e very th lug first-claaa. .Nswly furnlabad UurougisjuU WP-LL furnlshrd rooms with board. 2! per month: also day board, S4 per week; etrlctly home cooking. Tbs Chrysler. SHU Taylor St. NITKLT rurnMkod rooms, with board; good borne cooking:-. rstes reasonssisr sie isiu st. Phone Msla atud. TWO largs light furnlabi-d rooms, snluhls for two, oeot home - ouosmg; privaie xsmuy. 1st North ltb st. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT 4 anfuraishsd boosekeeptnf rooms: llgpt, slry: ws Iking distance from poetoXflcs, Kiiqulm 884 Slith street. FOR RENT HOUSES. GUARANTEED aa advertised. We ess rent or evu your aaeueee, lesse, w.ikw. stores, fsrms, acreage. Iota; Hot now toy eastern advertising. 110 Mohawk hid. FOR B E NT Famished bouse, third house sooth va onus it., sswiisriiia. aa amanies Addrsas W - 13S, earn Journal. , WB rent aad sell pianos. Sbnrmaa, Clay Vs. '....,.. FOR RENT 8-room cettage. ISO North Slat at. FOR RENT -mm remodeled bouse, 442 Hall at., !.. Key next door.. . FOR RENT S-moni rotuga, furniture tor salei rent ss. asst .sua, - -0 FOR R E NT 4V room Cottage, gas, bath. 102 Ksst llth gt4 bstwaea Alder an Washington, FURNISHED rot tare, 4 rooms, B or for rent ror light bouaekssping; gas ana irooa a rove, poreelalB bstb, ststiansry tubs, haaamsnt; modsrni qulst place. 840 Lincoln at. FOR RENT FLATS. 10 BACH for S S-raom furnished flats, eloea in. nns new. rnoae axaia aaoo. uoa eev enth St. FURNISHED HOUSES. , A MODERN tnraiabsd. 223 take u or R-S Falling. car. SOS Mlssaiiita a vs.. FURNISHED HOCSES, FURNI8HRD enttage, S rooms, pantry, cellar, piano, iu. uooa, zbi Alder at. BEAUTIFUL new modem e-rooea fuanjabsd flaf private Data, sns rtrta at, HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR 8AI.E. t . FURNITCRB of a-reom cottage for aala, eoeep; nouee cor rent, call aa er addrasa J. r. Straad, 88S Benton st. WE aeed faraltsm at eay price. Portlssd Aae- tmn nasasa, ail warn as. man aooa. - FOR BENT 4-1 hoona and furniture ssie cheep; all Oiled with 2nd Hsrrlson st. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT Ranch In TflUmook county, with -ew eowa. ir ivu, cam sonrnak FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. K....i.i.i.. i .ii.i a. ..iei. n. .. OrriCB-ROOMS. eafsxnlLhed 5 lb-room for rant, Ooodmwgh bid. Apply levator. A FBW Brst-class sftl re. rooms left at aertbeeat corner fhm aaa Madison eta. Apply room No. S. STORES aw ground floor, office In McKay bldg. aiso ornce in uoinmnia aug.. ror rant. Apply Thomas Meiesbarg. 211 McKay. A NICB small a tore for. tailor. cheap. 874 Fast at. FOR BENT 480 New brick, modem, plate ; front Store, eteam beet, suitable for abosa. tailor, milliner, aressmsxiBg, any oai Apply aa pram leas. 60S Washington at. FOR KENT Slunroain mr office, SSS Ooluu . hi. Inquir same. BUSINESS CHANCES. -"We Want to Buy Merchandise, stocks of goods snd furniture. Will pay spot rash. . . SUN INVESTMENT CO- . . . .. ' 224 Madison, eorner First. - GET IN NOW DON'T WAIT. Tha Potlcle Gold Mlomg Co. of Coenr g'Alene, Idalte, has placed an tba market 100.0DO shares of It treaanry Stock: price followsi - - " . 857 B0 bay 800 shares; pay down $27.44 and per month tor months, tilt buys l.tioo'snarssr pay doer S aad 48 nor month for 10 months. ... 1172 SO bay 1.500 snsres; pay dowa 97SB4 and 810 per month for 10 Base the. . 82SO boys 2.0U0 shares; pay down 1S4 and iu par aeon in tor iu msnina. s r : P. L. AUSTIN, Pre, Id cat. r - 125 Ablngtoa bldg. . ' - INTBrTTOBS, Pot lets Gold Mine stock of Coour - d' Alone hi selling new at Yi Via ea stock ss cnangoi win go vo ea in . .new via wwmmm tbs company has ll elslmsl tba president ef tbe company is now nece. ror ssmpase ano srs call oa F. at. Csttorlla Co., 124 Ablng toa bldg. ITOCK companies Incorporated. It yon have stocks or booda for sale, lot me try to eell them for yon. (reerge M. aaiiogg, nroasr, 540 Ellloott Bquars, Buffalo. BAYB the best opening aa the coast ta We IV established enterprise: email j capital re quired: write for psrtieuisrs. r. u. acnoll. 40414 Bast Morrbwa St. FOR SALB A goad paying meat busloeos In small town. Keeldence market, alaugbter bouae, yards and bo pone; goo eras, nam, team, wagon snd harness; complete outfit for tha boatnassi deal direct with owner. For pertlcuJara call aa or addrsas Meal Brews. Gaston, Oregon. FOR est er trade, 4T fnrnlsbed loaaUoa. 23 North Third at. . vn n airs an vaars. ssubllsbed smeary and feed bosiasos, la center of Bast Portlsnd, 4M per day; trade, etack and fixtures Invoice s bout f2.0O0; earner lot, a tore buUdlaa and feed hers; 1 horses read wagons, au tor - a,sno, or wiu rent property to party saying . stock, . BEOTSTTR CO.; ' , lull Third St. ' SALOON for aalei doing good buaineset lo cated In Bourne, Oregon. Thle M a mining; , town that win opes, rnoa bww. Beij ing oa seooust of slcksees. Address F. W, Wooda, Bonrna, stager coaaty, vrsgon. SAYB MONEY Anything la prtntrng sea Med. den. Odd Fellows' Tempi, Flrat and Aider eta. 1 apetaira. asna wtt TB 1 nvuii. well furnished Is good la. eslltyt wast side; low rent. Hagemsns A - BiascBsra, ei sine ox RESTAURANT for sale or reut excellent bust. nesa; not monthly profit 4400. Pe. O. baa 14 ' vanouufei, vr asniattse. OlOAR store, bootblack stand wltb good trade, aad horse and wagon, for sale cheep; mast leave tbe slty. Call 151 North Blxtb et. no rnrt want a monct.U AKBRt Boarding aad fcidglng-booss, 12 rooms, t hsthrooms. larsa dining-room with IS tables. '78 steady boarder end . aloe good many tmsslrats, , ... PACIFIC INVEST STENT CO., , 41V. Fifth 4t. T- F0R BALE Restaurs at with fnrntahsd ma cheapt food location. 224 Third st. SMALL manafarrtmiBf biialnses. this city. If yen wsnt growing bnelnnsa In growing city Investlgste this, c ao, cam journal. BOATING BUSINBS" 4 Isunehos, rewbeats. ooo looses snd all eonlpment; best bv cation en Wiliemett river; cell at bergale. IDS Morrtaoa et. FOUR Y.ATTNCHBS 42 feet, 82 feet, an feet aad 2 feet, tor sals cheap. is Morrison at. HBRB Ton ARB Restaursnt snd candy store, .owner sick, mast soil; worth fouO; gosa , cheap; ou lino of Salem railroad. Addrasa H loll, ears Journal. BOWLING alley aad pool tab la and futures for sals cheap; only Bowling siiey m vanrenver, pearee Me bus, 404 Washington st- Van eouver. Wash. FOR RENT. Hawthorne am., dye works Apply at 211 Fourth St. ' . . El-SIXEr CHANCES. Hcllcc ta Tlnitr 0 wn:rs We ham cash borers for large aad small trans of tluitwr. If you have sny that le sccesalhls, writs OS Of OOUte Bad BBS SS. WS caa sell It fur yon. Lirl&Co. Lumbar Bxxbssgn. -r- List Yea Rccnalnj: Ileuses Aad pieces ef buslneea with as. W bar buy si a. SCN INYE8TMENT CO., ,, XA Madison, corner First. ON secouat ef sicknsss. flrat-class a roc ary. good aorae, waaon aud flauirea; wui luvoioe. snap If Ukea at once. V .148, cam Journal. SEVEN newly furnished rooms, B08M Pins St.; price imu; rent 9M; II yon am uieresiso, call la aad trade with owner. FOR SALB ia Portlsnd. a complete curia aad souvenir stuck, including fixtures ana eneii regleter, on account of alckasss; dotnf good business and best Iocs t Ion. Oscar harbor, bub John Adams st- Oregon City. Or. IF YOU am looking for barrels In bakery ana nouan eture, celt at iu siuiaan bio. FOR SALB AT INVOICE OleV-eotsbuebed cigar snd etmfectiuoery buslneoo st Invokes l this is a snap and worth invest lgstlngi nothing better in tbe city; low rent; uvmg-roouis In connection. , Address L ml. cam Jonmai. FOR SALB at bargain, 14 rooms, arell fur- niahed, close la; parties wsnting s rooming house will do well to taveellgat this. Call room 4, aooVt Morrison st. ... FOB BALB OR TRADB Hotel Hsleey. 100 ml lee rrem I'ortland on nuathom recirie; n modem op-to-date bouse, newly furnlabod: has goad eommercisl trade. . . Address, Hotel Halasy, Halasy. Or. - 4.VAP Confectionery and cigar (tore, beadle aoma groceries: good location; clearing iron u to id per nay; aeev u tasen un. 1 DIAMOND REALTY CO.. 204 Alder. FOR SALB OR RENT Liquor store with stock or without, cheep; goo reason por souiug, bargain. If you will write at one. Ad dress H 13S, cam Journal. ' KOOMING-HOCSB. t rooaia, mat S; price , ALEXANDER LAKD C0 ' FOR SALE REAIi ESTATE. .". ' r. . Scllwcod Hemes 4S 4 roam boons ea Improved street. ; ' .4L60 4-room cottage, close In. new. , . jl,0 8 room bense. ' - , 41,000 4-room bouse, 2 Sac lots. , 1.000 d-room furnished bouae. 4 lets. '. 42.TIIO 4-room house, 4 lets, near rarllna, il.oru) b-reom cottage, nice high lot. - , I. bAO 4-room beuoe, t lota, corner. SAO Lot oa Improved etreet. ' -1 .iuo Lot In City View Par, am improved etreet. -, ; , .vV-IOOiIOO, t block from ear. ' , i . 41.OOO lota, fin view of river. , v .- Sellwood TownsiteCo.. . ; ' ' ' H. P. Pilmrr, Maaagsr. - 222 Falling bldg. Mat S44i. SeUnood ofnre. Tenia ud ' 18th. , . , SeUnood 11. ' Our Best Offers Today Ait . A new T-room 'modem bones with fall cemeut basement. large hall, toilet aad hath. gas, electricity; lot 40x100, rosebushes, d fruit -trees; oa car line; price, cash 43.1A0. A 4-roses boose, modem, toilet, bath, has. moot; lot 40x100. roses, barrios and S fruit trees; price 1.660; only half esah, palsnoa to suit purchaser. e- . A new 4-raom bouse oa Mason, near Union eve- modem tbrongboot; lot 50x100, comer, . nice Urge lawn,, rosebusbss; price 42.700; only bslf cash. A flaa new T-room houoa, saodan In every respect: lot 50x100, fine lawn; gaa, toilet and bath; concrete basement; price 12.400; half cash. A new ' 4-room - cottage, modem. Cement : basement, cement sidewalk, . 4 blocks from ear line: price, esah 42,000. ' . Call 801 Swatlaad bidg.. Fifth and Wash ing ton sts. Hawthcrne Realty Co. Qnarter block, bails lap corner, mast h old; owner went money; cheap for cash. - roar lore on Hawthorne are,, tn buetaee center; under price ror other corners. ' Let BTxSS foot SOO feet front car fine; nap.. - a uvmpaeiw seme, w ruwie, mhuvi. n. v,w, way, furnace; lot 80x100, 4 feet above grade - of street: spMiraia ony; u,im . . S beeatlful lots. East ikth st- SVi feet above etreet, fjOilOo feet: can't mlae ft. WATCH HAWTHORNE AVE. GROW. HAWTHORNS REALTY CO.. 284 - Marguerite in., corner Hawthorn. - HAYB t house In Woedlawa; will esU one cheap, aa easy term. ' Sen 8. Them ton, 190 Fers St., wood lawn. ,.,. f - - .. FOR SALB BT OWNER 100x100, fine eorner. 4-room cottage, streets grsoeo, east rront, 11s '.' feet from St. Johns ear line, 4 block from rsr barn 1 Korth Albraa; tbla m a bergs la, 22.0001 $1,004 cash. Call or sddrsas 1163 Mentaad sve. t 4-ROOM, new, hard plastered enttage, eesnent foundation, lot 7Sx0 feet, one block from car, improved street 41.400) 4400 cash er exchange. 4400 at $20 month, no Interest, - 4 to salt. If yen wsnt e barge In en easy ' terms see this. Call 84 Case at., Monisvllls. SNAP 4-room boose and lot for aala, 400 caab. or 41,400, term. 42 Boaalawa am . Hlghlaad. - - -.- . , ... . STOP HURRY and as cheep lot, Page worth pw; must sell taw Harris, 400 Belmont at. SNAPS Small cot tare, S0XDO lot, rloeo ta. good - rented, fine corner lot, Hswtbome. elose m. ' 404 Chamber of Cora Bassos. Msla 163. . YOU FIND A LOT, WB WILL BUY IT AND BUILD Y0D A H0MR. PAY US A SMALL AMOUNT DOWN, BALANCB ; INSTALL MENTS TO BUT. WeOMHER DErFSN BAUGH, 414 STEARNS BLDG. - 12 1-w rutb a saw and aod all Improramaata, close fax, one block from oar line and aaehooL Phone Mala Tile. ' - CLOSB-IN choice lot ta restricted district, near Hawthorn line, for 86 SO; 4224 down. Home Lend Co., 15 H First st. f-ROOM hons. ham, three Vita, nlenry fruit, , Bee owner, Mr. W 0.11a aa Bebmdal. 1824 Bay. srd St., PenlBsalar. GOOD BUYS. ' tT28 Good 4-room house near 4 (ar 4200 cash, balance monthly Installments. 44,500 Fin quarter block on Eaat Barn side, with strictly BMdera 4-room hen; ea eusr tsrme. F. FUCHS, S31H Morrlaoa st," - - -. ' "SUBURBAN ACRFAGB. - , f . ' 4100 PIR ACRE. - ' ' 4 seres on Johnson creek. 4 mil out. ea cur line, graveled road; good anil, no rocks. Meet owner at Gate's station. O. W. F, 10 1 a. m Sunday. Take 4:80 Cat at First aad Alder. Pbona Fast 5378. . . O. 0. LOCCKS, 887 B. Burnald at. : -'-.Eastncrrtsoa 100x100, Just Boroo brldga, mast n (t ( EOOVf 204 COMMERCIAL BLK. ! FOR bast bargala tn email heme on peatn. aula. Metklajofca, Cedar Park. St. Jobas. srtcr Lodge Snaps - ' rholce homes and vacant lota ta that bean, tlful loeation near benlevar snd ear, moun ts Is vtsw, city water, electric: light; also lot . SOilOTV good teat bonaa. small 4-room cheap house; SBT rent; J tm . j r, 2S2 portUaA Bonievard, Arbor Lodge Btatloa. FOR SALB At Bnnnyslde, S moms; food terms. Inquire owner, 48th and Bast Bat ata. Boo FARMS, email tracts lad hrtst bargains on 0. W. P. electric line, 0. R. Addlton, Lsata, ' Oregon. Take Meant Boo ft car. 8. NEW bouse, upstairs unfinished, S lots, floe garden. 808 Marti a vs., get aff at Mar. FOR SALB. . ' 42.500 for one of the prettiest, Boet srtmtl nd architectural new modem ej-enom bousee ever offered on the esst side; must bs see , t he appreciated; this for short time only, v . - HTAIB A SAWTELL, 2U714 Washington at., or East aide office, earner AM and Belmont Sts, NBW 4-roova bsnae, tall basement; all th fur - nit are, etovee, elc. lot boilOO feet, fruit treee and-flowers: on Orand sve : leaving cltv reaaoa for eellln: l.4s1; 47SO down. Address P 144, care Journal. JI'ST THINK Lota f'JO earn at 41 per month, pear Palrm ear line. A poly to owner. W. heldt, room 15, Waehlngtoa bldg. I'OIt SALE IiE.lL ESTATE. A Fev Srrlr Eargabs $.1,100 loOi li)0. pew n-roors house, Pattoa ere., 8 blocks from rsr; fbuO caab, mootbly pajuieula. 42.000ioOxliir), roots . Kara Par; -4000 cash. -. modern house,, V0 Box 100, 4-room house. Archer place, t. . $1,200 AOxliio, Hancock St.) 100 feet from 15th ot. tarui. K 400 40x100. terms. . Corner lot. Cook' addltloa; 4125 Full lots. Excelsior addltloa. 4 block fro is car, near Ksnullwortb; 44 cash. ' 478 Half acre at Asabsll; aay terms, ' Hdcltliiss'&Tiia Duya i ' 404 Chamber ef Commerce. ' ' g;' SHED Root buy lu Portland; 40x100 eorner, new modern double store, two flats above, city water, bath, electric light, suitable for gro cery, meat market, bakery aad drugs; sll vs. Including grocery stork sad fixtures, MJ0; half cash, balance terms. . Best lo cal loo on SL Johns line. See W. B. Rust, . Arbor Lodge station, Bt. John car. ' Sellwccl 'V-.;v:7. ' , ; ' Mar ahc aaa 4j French. lBTfl B. Uth. V Pboa Sellwaod 74. ! City Ylew park ta. :r75 aad apt Ros Addltio lots. 4100 snd up; $8 down and 48 Bmutb. Uomss from 4M0 to .1.0Ott. Let IOO sad ep. la aU parts af Sellwood. Ust . yonr property wltb as; ws win ssll It. ' . . BEST BUY IN SUNNYHIDB. - v New 8-room cottage, cement basement, else ' trie llgkt. fuU kit. bath, closets, wood hoist. Owner; price only 41,400; terms. New T-room bouse, 4 blocks from ass line, modern except best; half bungalow, Prlc only f2.J0. Bettor see these. 103 East Great, near 84th at. Phone. Tabor 1-10. SS ACRES near ear line, hoses, bam, trait, (11 Improved. fzW per sere. . , . 20 acre, improved. 42S4 per arm. 41 scree. Unproved, near car line, running .water, 813. . , . RO.SB CITY RRAI.TT CO., . , -' SO Mohawk bldg. . . -u : A -ROOM bouse and lot on Wilson. Bear 22d 1 St. P. Hanson, owner. . w . VERY desirable lot; 40x110, blocks from new ' ' East Bide high school: can be bought for fsw day for 41.400. Jlageuna A Blanchard,. , 41 8th at. ... 42.200 BUYS modern, s-room hove ba fhm neighborhood, near sew hlgk ecbool. Bast Side. Hags ma nn A Blanehsrd. HI 6th street. FOR SALB Beautiful hopia In Holladay Park addition, tlioroachly modem and complete In' .'. every detail, corset lot. Far pattlcalar a 11 up East 4047. . . S1.T0S BUYS select corner. 50x40, near sew , -high school, .-Fine eurronodinre. Prompt ac tion will oount oa tbtt sropoettlon. Hags mans sV Blanc sard. 41 8tk etreet, 0OO8 BAY OPTION Why bay lots tn Seotb Harbor, when I csn sell yon adjoining aere sxs for prlc of lot I .Address B WO. JouraaL GOOD 4-room bonaa, bam, , lot 100x100. fine , gardea, one block from car; rent 112 peg mouth. Boom T, &23 Washington at. i y 4U00 CASH AND (24 PER MONTH. . Beet buy In Purtlandi now 4-room bouae, ., tot 41x100. northwest oorner. all latest Im. prorements; worth mom. - ... v - Ii- T. PAGs) HARRIS, , t 800 Belmont, corner Rest 25th at. - y '. Pbona Tabor 26a. . - - '. ACRBAGB f all slsea, easy terms, near Sslem Una. W. Beldt, Waahlogtuu bade. I-ROOM bone, full basement, 2. alee lota, bem.jr berries, rosss; belt block from car. Unci avidV way, 41.800; teems. 40T IlauitboraS avo. . FOR SALB 40x100 oa Hal at.. 150 feet west ef lath at., 4a.00. 480 HsU at. 18,000 BUYS new T-room boooa and lot I00( 100. concrete heseaeent, pood bam and chicken ' boose, 2 blocks from S ear lines. lad Wire st .' 4d4 Rodney av. -i u . . i .- . FOR SALB Rv owner,- 100x100 es soethwvet ruratr of Williams a vs. and Ha re nee St.; , , this la tbe choicest residence earner In aria, tocrati Wsinut Park.- Addrsas P. O. Bog. " 48, St. Johns. j. . . ANOTHER BARGAIN 11 scree, mostly dee red. good bouse and bam, flaa soil, mast gs 1, . cheap, The Till Abstract Co- room 4 : Muikry bldg, Becand and Morriaoa at. . - ex 1-11. n e 1 imss uuu.., vvi mm I -l. wi., - mum ,u, . 11.600; terms, 40OO down. 418- per month, 7 1. par cent: trad with owner la bonaa. I HAVB IS lots In Mllwaukla sad most aollt Ml ssll yon one new for tt cash, next month , s Bother, one every month; aa many a T'-ansaJ 'want and all adjoining. .Baa Irwin. Mil- ! waagm, ur. ., . , TEN acres tor aala, mile north of Mt. Scott ,. car. , Mm. Haa Id. Gray' Croaaing, at water., tower. Addreaa or eali. , . S ACRES, with 410.000 worth of Improvements, nlthls Sb mlautes' ride front the besrt of the city; prlc 412.400, Storer. th Jeweler, " ltut, First St. .,.-v ., .(..- : .FOR SALB ON GOOD TERMS BY OWNER. , S Iota. Bsst Yamhill and 27th au. - S lota. Hawthorne svo. and otb st t-B lots. Bast Msdiann and setb sts. ' 40 seres. mile from ststtoa, oa -O. W. P. Rooe 424 per sera. 144 acres, 4 mile from Oregon city; tlm- ' '-''lL. JAMES . DATIB,-''.'. '--'. f - - a&OVs Third at. ' 13 50 10 ACRES assr lasts, highly Improved. We nvak this low price la order te rloeo on estate. Investlgste this. D. ; Millar, 414 Chamber at Comsierce. ' ' . . . BESIDENCB property We make spodaltv. Tar ma gives on anything wa handle. . Soma good bargains oa hsnd, j ALEXANDER LAND CO., . . " . . : Silnj Sixth, hear Pine. ... QUARTER block st 27th and Bast Cllatna ' at., on a-room aad ana 4-room cettsge, -- full basement; these am asndera; nothing , . nicer In Bsst Portland. Pries 45,000; caa , give terms. Be G. W.' Rsvsr, owner. 240 . East Morriaoa St., City. FINB earner, 40(100, nleeet residence portion ot Bsst Taylor street. High and tightly; walking dlstsnce, by the owr, 404 Eaet Burnalde. 'phone Bast 044. . . ' -'30 BljLcts Stnansst 40x188, at acraaya price; fin ' nil, oa graded street, noes to acnooi ear; XIAO ssd an. Call on ap. ; , . IRA KILRORN, Laata, Oregon. Sri roa AI.R This week onlr. 40x100 vacant nor, 14th ana- Hall eta, f J.J5. 48 Hall FOB 8 ALE F ARMsi FITS-ACRE tract, 4 miles osth ot Port, land, fine soil, wstar piped te each Sacra -tract; this land la one mile wast ef Clacks. - . mas station snd railroad and. on tha Port land and Oregon City wagon road. Price ' front IIOO t f200 per sere; ea esay terms, rot further particulars so Q. W. Bever, 440 Bsst MovTiso St., City. ' ' . ... gg.nns go ACRES, 40 eve cleared, 10 acres . . timber, enltshl for enrdwaodt fine eell, all . fenced, 60 sppl tress; 4-ronm bouae, food barn, box house, ether outbuildings ; well st . kitchen door; all level, no gravel; 14 mile ' from school. IVs miles from rallrosd Itatton: -J- In beat farming (action fcs th sounty. Pee res . A Mebne, 0d Washington St., , Vancouver, -, Wash. 4S ACRES, SO aero rloared, balance es y , eleersdl manmg water, good well 1 4-roer - ,' booee, bara, dairy -bouae and weodabed; p1ss sll -fenced and cross-fenced: fsmily orchard; " right St email town, containing church, school. ,. bouae, atom snd hall: all good nll; price 8.1. 000; terms, 41,000 down. Pea res A Maoris, i ' 404 Washington at., Vancouver. Wssh. 8700 HANDLES 20 seres, under plow, fenced, VJ bouss, 2 barns; beat of land, caally cleared,' all fenced, ficn son; on ronnry roao. a raiio from Canny, R. F. P. ainll st door: terms, 4O0 esah, b lanes su time. Smith A Horn. .. bark, Cenby, Or. A LOYELY oonntry heme, driving distance; houee, new bam, Urge poultry bouse, fine ' hearing orchard, vine, srd and berries, run- -ping stress), stock, poultry. Implements end household furniture, sll fof i,V0, Home ' Lead Co., 1451 Flrat et. 5 Af R8 en Oregon City electric line; beantlful bnlldlng alte; .1.0). II. O. Mlarkweatlier, R. F. D; Mllwaukle, Of. . lis A( R vall.y farm, will trade for city prop, rty. K 140, est Journal,