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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1907)
TIIS OREGON DAILY JOUrsIIAL. rOPvTLAND. FRIDAY EVCNINO. MARCH ;8, 1607. STEILL FOR ONLY I ' - , . '.' . ' ' . r- - ' . ':..' i' s --. -:w : : v V 1 fr The Latest ; .... We will be glad to deliver it and install it in your kitchen for that first payment, then if it gives entire satisfaction you pay ONE DOLLAR A WEEK If it is not entirely satisfactory to you, your, money will be refunded. You test the Eclipse before you pay for it ; i ' The Sliding Damper. These Eclipse Ranges have all modern improve ments. ' The pouch feed, the broiler ratchet, the sliding damper, the ther mometer on the oven, the en door, and other new Why Is the "Eclipse" Best? The secret of the success of the Eclipse as a baker becomes no secret at all after a little investigation.' It all lies in .the fire-box and oven proportions. . Your Wife Is Entitled to theEclipse, Every housewife in this day and age should have a 1$ Steel Range in her kitchen. T She Is entitled to this IThe fire-box area is just about ONE-FIFTH that labor-saving invention. Her housework, gives her ' duplex grate, outside spring on oven door, and oth . features. , . . , . -V ' . ' '.".'.'. ; ; Plan of the Scientific Oven ; - ADupl gTte.-A almpla tnrit of the rod converts it Into a . wood or coal grate. .' i;' - ." B Adjustable damper. May be entirely or partially, closed, . allowing of perfect control of the oven.- ; '-, ": ' ' C Angle plate on bottom of oven, by means of which beat is - .thrown to the front and moat remote corners, ' . y ' ... D Bottom fine, through which heat escapes after encompass- ,;. : ' f the oven. v, ,,, ; ; ' -.-,;''',;- V: ARROWS indicate course of heat . - when damper B is dosed. ; i ,'- wnen aamper o w cioaeo. , -' ' ui J ' r'.;v" "-.,r i,. : ' . '--'to j---- . ' - .-' 1 . -;- rr -.-. '" r;.. V ' - - -'.';:,-V' .i , iW'.va4 " :'' -v '.U' . SSpa;SteeMr ft -':'- lW 1: m4 isOvenS -J :B t . of the.baking (or oven) area,-: Most other "ranges on ; : the 'market have fire-boxes a . great deal smaller in ' proportion to the oven,' about ONE-EIGIJTH. ; . , v olt requires no great knowledge of mechanics to, . . understand that the, larger the fire-box attached to an oven the quicker that oven will be hdated to the baldng'point. , '.y;" ti:-. 1 1 i "' '' ': '' And there you have the true reason of the great ; '.success of our range7..-irr"- i i -f:7T' -V-: J C The "ECLIPSE" oven is built on scientific . principles the principles underlying hot-air furnace ! and locomotive or steam engine construction. . .- In the hot-air heating furnace one cubic inch of fire-box capacity will' heat one hundred cubic inches v of hall space; ; That is, the ratio is 1 to 100. Radia -;!, tors' are, installed upon this basis. i''? V, ; jy" . In locomotive construction the ratio of the fire- ; box -or heating capacity is about l'to 8 of the sur- i ' face to be heated. ;" . . : '' yy r 4 NOTE THE DIFFERENCE Other ranges on 1 the market have a fire-box and oven'ratio of 1 to 8,- ' which,' especially after hot-water pipes are added, gives a fireplace too small to properly heat the pyen. Hence, the complaints of "slow baking" our "cbm petitors have to listen to. '';. . ,Now,-the heating capacity of the fire-box in the ( .ECLIPSE" Range is fully, l"to"5.' V- 7 ' 'Jw-- . ' 'v . '' " ' AND THAT IS THE SECRET labor enough without the added worry of the . kitchen and a poor baking stove. V . - The, "ECLIPSE" Is built for a lifetime and gives you dollar value for every dollar spent It is made , of blue planished steel, which requires no blacking; . riveted tight, with oone-head - rivets it cannot crack or warp or break. , . : The body of the "ECLIPSE" Range is built of ;xold:rolled steeL and has three- walls about the ? i oven the outer and inner walls being built of steel . and the middle wall of heavy asbestos, all securely hand riveted together. In fact, it is built like a locomotive in its thoroughness.. . : "' ' . --'j It has a large oven and a large fire-box; a high" ' warming closet, perfect dampers and draft regulator. The sliding damper is an exclusive feature of the "ECLIPSE." It gives you perfect control ofhe ' oven. ": - ..r The oven is very ouick in its action, baking bread quickly and evenly. This is its chief merit. . There is no range in existence that is its equal in bakincr Qualities. i -4 . , . ' ' The woman who once uses the , "ECLIPSE" Range will never be satisfied with another make, nor will she be content to go back to the use of the common cook stove. ' : y -y .y' .'-' Of its great success as a baker. The fire-box is built on the right proportion to the oven." ; . .. $1 Down $1 a Week , We take your old stove and allow' you all it Is worth in part payment for a range. ; ' ' ; : Tour-hole "Eclipse' $45" We do a large mail order business. - Send for free Illustrated Catalogue. VO sE&JUZ : A. X -:.-y ' w w vw jt -y , t .m .... i , x 1 1 ,, h 00$ y-:- "'' ' - ' rlnrkQ r b -1 t ...... . .. - I ... 173-175 FIRSTv STRLLT rz & sons 1 - i i i 219-227 YAMHILL STBXET These handsome 8-day Clocks, just like the "cut, will be given FREE with every; Range order received (tomorrow) Satur day. " You pay $4 or .$5 for these clocks' at the regular dealers, but may obtain one free 7 if you will place" your range ' order tomorrow. Will accept phone orders Saturday."; :7:';: '. ADAHS JURY HI V DISAGREEfslEHT After '. Mort Than Thirty-Two ; Hours Nothing Nearer Than ' ' Even Division. COURT IS THEN CALLED v AND JURY DISCHARGED And Cam Hnat B Tried OrerFor ' Houre, Majority of One for. Con ' ' Tlotloo Judge Compliments Ue Jurymen tor Diligence. ' WilltM Ida.. Marrh . Tha Jury in tha trial of Stava Aduma for murder of ad Tylan attar oalnc in aaltberation noon tha Vardlot alne 11 ' o'clock Wadnasday foranoon Uat oranlna at 1:t callad for tha Judca aad announced tbrouah Foreman Gaora Ellara that tt H impoaaible to aarea upon a verdict and war dleohargod by Judca Wood. '. Tha Jury for . many hours atood at T for conviction and t for acquittal, and j tt wta only on tha laat ballot, taken shortly before the body called for the court, that the juryman etood evenly r Slvidcd, for conviction and for eo- " aulttai. ' -...-: Judaa. Wood thanked the, jurymen for thai patience and diligence In aerv ' loo, after the foreman-declared 'poai- tlvely that H wae impoaaible to reach ' a Verdict, and declared them discharged In the courtroom were . all the at torneys for both aides, -with only a few spectators. All Interested vitally lath is ruHvrvs to ROSE CITY PARK ..i i fe'1- la SEE SUNDAY'S JOUKXAL ' I SMSsasMaaaaaaaMaaaaaeaB ' ' ' ' ' la?anapjsjBtsaBjBBs "'-yy I ' . ; i ' ' ' c si V " ; Mar v. vurrtwr va GlUlam Cyril Biownell ot Umatilla County, ' (Bpeelal Dlipateh te The JoaraaLI ' 'CorvaUls, Or, March a The O.- A- C. debating team that goes . to Pullman. Washington, In May Is composed of Royal Selleck. leader,' who la Wasco county boy: Mark. V. Weather ford of OlHlam county, and Cyril Brownell ' of UmatUla. . Belleck was leader of the debating team that last year won the Ootch cup at O. -A. C. He sUnda high In his classes. Is a senior and. Is especially. In terested In literary pursuits. '"-. Royal ; Selleck or Wasoo County, .--Leader,. . , .. Wsatherford Is a very popular student. Is president of this year's senior olass, studsnt manager of athletlca and- has always taken an active part la literary work. Us won first place In the local oratorical tryout recently and will rep resent O. A. C In tbs Interstate contest In Corvsllls. April . , Brownell is editor-in-chief Of the col lege "Barometer" and la also active In literary sodsty work. ' t These young men made a fine showing In the debet In-this city last Friday evening, and. although the decision-was In. favor of Willamette university,- It caused no diminution of the favor in which the audience that beard the de bate held the home contestants. . - Selleck. Weatherford and Browneln will debate at Pullman . some time in May. ;--'--. . c case were present except Mr. Hawley for-the state. - , . This dlssgreement means that'ths Steve Adams case mast bs tried again. Stave W Adams was arrested in Ba ker county, Oregon, more than a year ago on the ebargs of having murdered Jrey Tyler, a claim-Jumper, In the St oe river region of Idaho, In August, 1104. - Jack Slmpklnsv also wantsd in connection with tha ssme murder and suspected Jn connection with the Bteun- enberg murder, la still a fugitive from justloe. r - Adama was taken to the Idaho peni tentiary at Boise. There he was In formed that . Harry orchard, in eon- fesslng ' the ssrasstnstlon of e -Govern or Stetitienberg, had Implicated the Western Federation Of Miners and had asnerted thst Adama knew about the pint to kill flteunenherg, and could be brnurht hnrk to Idaho OB the charge of killing Trior. Adams made a confession to De tective Mc-Parland, admitting that be had shot Tyler with a rifle. "He also told of the murder of Boule, another claim-Jumper, and of an alleged plot by the Western Federation of . Miners to get Steunenberg. V Adams, on Ms trial, asserted that he had been forced to give the confession and that the detective had assured him ---- - .-t - . and remember the next time you suffer from pain caused by damp weather when your bead nearly hursts from neo. raia-le try Ballard's Snow Liniment It will cure you. A prominent business man of Hempstead, Texas, writes: "I have used your liniment Previous to lining It I was -a srreat sufferer from Rheumatism and Neursisla. I am pleased td say that now I am free from theee cnmplalnta. I am sure I owe thli to vour liniment" Sold by ail drug- alsta. ....' of freedom If he would make a state ment Involving the Western Federation of Miners ta the assassination of the ex-governor of Idaho. Detective Me Parland and the- witnesses to the con fession testified that no promises of immunity were made. This testimony was denied upon the witness stand by The prosecution declares Adama will be tried again for ths murder of Tyler, but not' soonsr than the next term ttf court, which begins In October. ' At torneys for- the- def enss openly state their belief thst Adsms will never be tried again on the Tyler charge. The expense to the county baa already been 136,000. , ....... , . Rarah physics react, Weaken the bow els, cnuss chronic constipation. Drum's Regulets opersts easily, tone the stom- soh. curs constipation. 2&o Ask' your druggist for tnanu . . GARFJELD MAH CHAMPID1 THRESHER OF COUNTRY Nearly Five -Thousand Bushels Oats In Ten Hours Wins Fifty-Dollar Prize. V (IpecUl DUpatdi ts Ths loaraat) - ' Garfield, Wash, , March I M. & Krehbtsl, a prosperous farmer and threshing macblns man, has just re ceived by express ISO In gold from an eastern threshing machine manufactur ing company, as the prise to the win ner in a contest invited by the company among the users of Its machines, for greatest amount of grain threshed In the United States in a day with a 3-incu separator. In 16 hours Isst fall Mr. Xrehblel'a machine threshed 4,U bushels of oata on the ranches of James Walters and Dulling and Bishop, about five miles sast of here. This Included several -moves" and "settings." Mr. Bishop of Dulling and Bishop, speaking of the crop on their 110 acre ranch last season, said: . . "Ws received from this tract of land laat season 110,000. Our crop consisted of hay and oats, and aftsr paying all axpenses we will clear from laat year's crop lo.eoo.- . ,r Warren Jones Dies tn Idaho. ' (Special Diepateh The Joarsal.t Canby. Or.. March I. Mrs. decree Zeek of this city has learned that ber brother. Warren Jones, died at Wardner, idano. weanesaay. tie was well known In the Willamette valley. Hla father. Thurston Jones, was a guard at the state penitentiary and was killed by outlaw Tracy when the notorious ban dlt made bla escape from that institu tion. Tha remains wilt be shipped to Rub- bard, the former borne of the deceased. roc burial. ; , .j.,; FINDS WIFE BRUTALLY MURDERED BY ROBBERS ' - i y (Joarsal Special Semes.),'"' St Louis. March (.When he re turned from his office last' night, Her man W. Quirnneim, presioent or the Quernhelm Hard wale company, stumbled over the lifeless form or Ma wlfo In ths front hall of bis residence, 1730 Veeta avenue, one of the fashionable residence districts. . Mrs. Quernhelm'e throat, had been out. she hsd been shot once, and her body hsd been brutally torn and bruised. Scsttsred near the body were a largs quantity -of Jewelry and several hundred dollars tn currency; The only thtng that waa saiaaing waa a pair -of feaad- The Outlet Clotty Co. Rugged Honesty of Materials and Construction Is the Rock Foundation of All the. Outlet's ' . 9 .... .. '. . -, They have no equal because they are the best that's . ,' y-; , made in Men's Apparel. , 7 . NEIV DEPARlT.3EiIT - STEAMER, RAIL AND DRESS TRUNKS ; ;i made and constructed of the very y' ?'.yr;; best gade of materials - PROM $5.00 to $25.00 ! From $1.50 to 51C.5D r some diamond earrtnst. whih 'd e'-! M!ie A'. torn from th. dead women'. er. Ii.'.e t Mr. Quernhelm wse um' t f "''-' 1 ' any slue, and, aJthou- t e -i t .-1 -