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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1907)
13 THE OREGON, DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENINO, MARCH 8. i::7. Y7nYiTT j i i I 1 1 I i 4 .::. . i '- Portland's1 most beautiful subdivision, is) ready for inspection : Saturday and Sunday --T- Automobiles may be had at. the office door of the Jacobs-Stine 1 ;5;;; LOIUpany, 'OWCUttUU JLJUliUlllg, l UlU CUJU V V iXOlllllg tUil . VJUbL lO, Ui .AaV VUlVtWiJ t: Sixth and BurnsidcljStreet& y-; Tt Jiccb-Sllnc Ftcnc'br.:dn359 'llicSprateaC v.-.".---'-' : " ."" - .. . -:' .' 1 ; ', , We thought t first it wouldn't be necessary to phone, but so many Inquiries have been received already .we. sreJ, afraid it will lead to confusion if you don't Phone us to night (our offices will be open all evening) for seat in an: automobile (Saturday), or phone us tomorrow for reserva tion for Sunday. . . Tell us the number of seats desired. ':J. A am JPpfiiwrliiiiliy Xt We haven't said anything about you missing an op portunity if you do not buy at Belle Crest. That's a mat-, ter that rests entirely with you. .. Above everybody's head there rests a natural law that none of us can pull down, but If past experience counts for anything, if altitude, closeness to center, accessibility, magnificent landscape and reason- ' ableness of price count, then Belle Crest is a winner. . ' Every lot will be sold in Belle Crest within thirty days and it would not surprise us a bit if they were all gone .withta tenjiays. V; Y..YY' 'Y'Y: ;Y-'YY:' 'Y Many reservations of lots, have already been made for Portland people and orders from San Franassrmnd -Los Angeles are now corning in. , , ;'. A Los Angeles man would pay $5,000 for a similarly : situated lot in his town. Y : :'; ''' r'YY.Y 1 You are the first in . the field you can't possibly lose the lot you may buy tomorrow for $500 will be worth :, $2,000 in a very short time, r :: ' Y; ' s : ; ",' ' We don't feel we have been extravagant when we say. - so, either. , u--,.: , . "L Phone us this evening, either office, and be ready for tomorrow. Remember, you can go Sunday if you can't ( tomorrow. .: ::, . , .,-, ;vS '.'' f The most beautifully-lying body of land anywhere near Portland is BELLE CREST, c' This magnificent prop- ? ' i '.. erty is a high land three miles northeast from the center of the city and is within the city limits.' .!, ; ;Y"' vVY- V A , Y f A splendid street car service is now building and will be in operation within ninety days. The franchise per-.:-r" ; , Y' . mits the use of Sandy Road Sandy Road is the only important avenue in Portland running in a diagonal direction , ; straight from the center of town. Pennsylvania avenue in Washington is an instance and Market street in San ; Y Y Francisco is another no corners to turn makes rapid transit possible. Y.--' V-'YH."'Y ; Y v . Y V' 'i ;Y Y ".,'' :' MMMWBHMHMiMMMHHMMWMSHSMMMHHMHSMMaMBHHSSaSMBMaMflSBBIIlSHAB V . , ;' V . BELLE CREST is higher than Willamette Heights and closer in than Mt Tabor, arid with no discourtesy to Y ; Y : ,' either. BELLE CREST is more beautiful, for it has a perfectly unobstructed view you see landscape everywhere.Y Y f v Tomorrow (Saturday) will be a gala day for BELLE CREST. Y We want; you to be our guests. WHAT WE YtYY;V SAY OF BELLE CREST TODAY YOU WILL SAY OF IT TOMORROW. V " The arrangements for taking you to and from BELLE. CREST are completerwe have plenty of automobiles for all." They may be taken at our office door in the Swetland building or from the offices of our agents, The Span- ton Companyl Commonwealth building. Sixth and Burnside. Y . Y- YY: Y Y V :v yf? -V'.; Y "i - t-l-l:Z,:'--X Y Tomorrow morning (Saturday) at eight o'clock we make our first drive to BELLE CREST and thereafter we r.:Y"rT V, :Y. 'Y'' . are at your disposal.. . y" .YY;vY-'- ';Y.v :' YY..:' ' J.''-- '-'Y' Y Y'';' ! V- ' "Z'''l:': 'zViZV' Yr-" me, jj FIFTH FLOOR r v- n iTirfo rt . ' - Y '"Y Y':.Y Y'.-, ,Y'"'-' Mil top QPAnrrnr,!. rn 11. V C ' ' AJUAJ ayj. aii Vl - Vv LEOIS WilOTS TO ENTER CITY Cow Question Brings Annexa Y ' tion Proposal Into Mind . V T of Residents. MOVE.POSTOFFICE LYV-:'Y TO THE EAST SIDE ! TbAt Is Scheme Sprang t ,MeetJiif of BusJimm Uen's dab by Lerl I, ;M7ra, Who Otrtm Reaaons for Y. Their Location.' ' .;- -i; A moremnt for incorporation haa ben launched at LbdU. A mui mat n ha bara cailad (or Wadnaadajr. March T, to teat tha Mntlment tn that portion ot tha Mount . Scott dlatrtct and to dlacnaa tha practicability and dvantacaa of Incorporation. BcTarai mat ter of minor Importance hare lonr been ubjeeta ot noma Irrita tion to tha reaidenta of tha eommunity, and while a remedy for theaa small erlle la adrecated in ' the form . of . an nexation to tha city In the nearer dla trlota, euoh ' aa Woodatock and Arleta, tbere haa alwaya been a atronger senti ment at Xenta for annexation. ' Aa an example, one of these - small erlle la tha cow question. 'By .means of n tnltlatlTe petition It was . roted ' In that election district to keep tha cows off the streets, but It haa been impos sible effectually to tnforce the provision Under existing rondltlona. - r- It la thought ' In Lents that Incorpo ration Is the better method at present, with tha and In view of ultimata ab sorption Into tha city when the city haa grown to that extent that It can supply Lenta with adequate fire and police pro-1 taction and a water system. They be lieve with many othera In tha south eastern portion of the city tnat a reser voir on Mount Bcott wui be aemanaeo within a few yeara. In tha meantime Incorporation la advocated. - r. Leader la the movement are David W. Ingles, I. F. Coff man.-already called mayor, and Ward B. Swope, who haa been especially Irritated by the abuse of tha cow exclusion law. ' . . Vostoffioo an aaat Side, . Levi Meyers, at the meeting of tha Eaat Side Buainess Men's - club last night,, at East Pine street and Grand avenue, brought up . the proposal that tha association endeavor to oecura the location of tha new Portland poatofflce on the eaat side. Ha argued that the east side waa tha residence portion of tha city and that tn the course ot a few years It would' be the more Important section of tha city, a, , . . Resolutions - were adopted declaring that the trustees use their efforts to Induce the government to purchase suit able grounda on tha aaat aide for the lo cation of tha poatofflce, Tha club will also endeavor to have the courthouse erected on tha. east aide when It la re built, -.v - ..,.,.. .v.. . Tha committee on amendments re ported that tha bill waa being prepared. Another federation meeting will be held soon to consider (ha assessment rates in tha elt - - ' . A canvass la being made among tha people of Bellwood -in order to get an estimate of tfaoae who will take the gas of the new company for fuel and cook tng purposes. Nearly everyone who has been approached la willing to giro thai gas a trial, it win be furnished for It cents, per 1,000 cubla feet. The -fill on Larrabea street: across the Montgomery slough Is proceeding a little faster. The contract had been sublet by tha Pacific bridge company and waa being filled by wagons, which wsa found to be very slow work. The original contractors are now doing tha work with dumpcars and much mora progress Is being made. - - The execution of this fill has been a 'great nuisance to tha patrons of the Mississippi avenue car Una and tha paaaengera from Lower Alblna,. but when -it has finally been completed will be a great Improvement. Preliminary preparations for the big fin on East, Stark street are being ear ned ioui, ana tn ammt uas street nil Is proceeding slowly on account; of the inconvenience occasioned by . tha slides Colombia Phonograph Company 371 WASHINGTON STRLLT ; EASY PAYMENTS The Machine That ' Talks ,-Y The Sijn That Tells - , , The Records That between Orand avenue and East nVxth street. CMas Baaaat at Work. . Tha funeral of Caaper Fields was held this afternoon from Ftnleys undertak ing chapel on East Alder street. Ha died at his home.. 150 Eaat Sixth etreet. Wednesday, March f . aged 7S years. He war r member ot pr'ent loote. no. it, L O. O. F. ... , . . . Funeral servloes for Joseph Hemmerl, who died at his home, til East Twenty, third street, Wednesday, March , were held from tha Zeller-Byrnes establish ment. Russell street, and the SU Mary's church today; Interment In the Calvary cemetery. A widow and eight children survive him. ' . " Chris-Peters, a former busineas nan of Cornelius. Washington county, died suddenly at his home, (8 Union svenue north, Wednesday. Ha had been til, but was supposed to have, been recovering. whan death came, - ' i TO MANAGE FREE . HEBREW SCHOOL Board of Education 'Will Be Se ' lected at Mass Meeting of ' Y Jewish Citizens, A mass meeting Is called te be held at tha First Street Jewish synagogue. First and Hall streets, Sunday afternoon at S o'clock for the purpose of selecting a board of education for the Free He brew school, recently organised by Rev. Mr. SetdeL who came from the eaat for thta purpose. . This enterprise which has the Indorse ment of the moat prominent Jewish cltl- sens of tha city promisee much for tha advancement of knowledge and culture among tha children of Jewish families who ars not reached by the regular in' structloo given In the synagogues. The subscription list Is growing rapidly and Dears aucn comments as tnese: "This Is an enterprlee worthy of the liberal assistance of all our people ' Ben Selling. -Heartily approve." D. Bolls Cohen. "Most worthy." Adolpha Wolfe. "Heartily Indorse Mr. Selling's sentiment." Big BicheL Two-lodges of ths I. O. B. B. have subscribed respectively t0 and $100 year for tha aupport of the school. At ths mass meeting Sunday afternoon re- marge will be made by Adolphe Wolfe. Ben Selling, IX Soils Cohen, Slgmund Blchel, rx N. Moaeeaohn, Isaao Swstt, Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, Rev. D. N. Moses- eohn and Rabbi Jacob Blooh. A full attendance is requested. . . March Records Now on Sale ANTI-SALOON WORK - MINUS- SUPERINTENDENT Rev. Paul Radar's resignation ss gen eral superintendent of the Oregon As U Saloon league was accepted yesterday afternoon, and until his successor la elected, tha affairs of ths association will be carried on by the headquarters committee, of which Rer. B. 'Nelson Al len Is chairman. Tha committee - will procure speakers to promote tha work throughout, tha state , until a, superin tendent can be found. ' The committee plans to recuperate the financial condi tion of the league by working In con junction with tha trustees and ' Indi viduals in different - stats, localities, where' it Is hoped to secure additional funds through the churches. ' to nmit m our. t.AXATITS HROMO Quinine- renews the nee. Te set Me sss1ne. call fnr rail nam, iae swt lor sisastate el B. W. Orere. , Se AGENTS REHINDIK6 01 0l7fl RESPONSIBILITY Local Insurance Men- Declare This It Only Just Way to Treat Clients.. ; No official notification has been re ceived aa yet from Ban Francisco f'rs Insurance managers relative to ,the 'Cir cular of February Is. Issued by the board of fire underwriters of the Pa cific, and It Is ths belief expressed among the agents today that local agen cies can do nothing else than continue to refund the If per cent additional premium money charged until all the policyholders affected are- eatlafled. Agenta stated this morning that tLls was ths only plan that could be pursued In Justice to their clients, and evidently they are proceeding' on their own rer sponslblllty to do this. Refunds con tinue te be msde, even la the face of the circular Instructions which ordered the discontinuance of the payments. SEE US ABOUT IT Something that you - are greatly In terested le at the preeent time a new prlng suit this Is- what we promise you. The handsomest patterns In ths olty to choose from. A volt that has character, individuality snd ' distinct iveness. A price that will meet with your approval and tailoring of ths high est possible order. J. C Schsefer A Co.. successors to Armstrong, the Tai lor, rooms 10 and 11 Raleigh building. sixth and Washington atreets. , HOT WATER TANK CASE DISMISSED BY CAMERON 'Ten thousand dollars damages for al leged malicious prosecution ere sought from Frank Flchels by Frank Buechel in a suit filed In the stats circuit court yesterday afternoon. ' Buechel la a real estate dealer. He alleges that he was wrongfully arrested two weeks ago on a warrant sworn to by Mlchels, In which Buechel was charged with tha theft of a hot water tank from an eaat aids res idence. The. case was dismissed bv Judge Cameron in the pouce court. From Ohtoage es Vew Terk Most satisfactory passenger servics Is furnished by ths Penneylvanla Bhorf Line in Its nine trains leaving Chleaso aaiiy at s:is n. m., iv.vo a, m., ji a. m.. - - w p. . . is- I', in,, . y ill., 10 D. m. and 11:46 d. m. Tims as eulrk as any. and enulpment of the beet. - Ad dress F. N. Kollock. Dlst Agent. Port- innn. oremn, Z4S Ktars street. HIED AUTO RIDE, TO , SEE 8UXDAV8 JOOIXAL TEETH rrOs Save" . Come at enoe and have free examina tion. WB EXTRACT TEETH FREE: SIIj. TER FILLINOS, So UP: GOLD FILL, ING8, 75o UP; SET OF TEETH. $4,00: SPLENDID SET, 00; GOLD CROWNS 11.00 TO 16.00; WHITE CROWNS, 11.10 To. IS. 00. ., . . All work gusranteed for tan yeara - Lady attendant always DreaenL All work done absolutely without pain by specialists of from 13 te 20 years' ex perience. Boston Dentists ' raos'e Hala S090.' ' Salja Morrison it. Op Fostoflloa. YOUR GLAS5ES ? TH1T Fftt If tberre set It SCTLT rliht. let aa siaae Wbea we flt roe. we St yae EXACTLY. Lang eilMrlence, every tuisirl sdt tlte spperatiis sad the reonlred ksow. Mse esabllas ee te eometly see the same, ear owe ensipWts warkibeii with ewy taHlltTvee to the (iiodtf f epeetsi n ere ell at yoar 41a Saal bare, eaaarleg s etrvke sol pas. alble with ethece laae fortunit-lr eejalppad. a tela, ee year glial .a FIT. er aasrly Itf ffonseI Optica &. AMERICANS USED CRUEL' - ; WHIPS ON BEDOUINS ". ' ' ' V".V :.-' In relating hta experiences while on a trip through Palestine, Rev. Alexander MoOreger of St Paul, who apoke at the prayer meeting st the First Congrega tional church last evening, told of the tribute exactod of tha party at every turn m me nature 01 tips, . The party was endeavoring to cross a certain section of country in order to secure photographa For two days they were held up because tney refused to pay over $600 for each member for the privilege or traveling at their own ex pense. This wss the toll which ths Be douins demsnded. Finally a bargain wss struck for 111, and the party was allowed to proceed. 1 At another time tnev camp was sur rounded by a gang of Bedouin rowdies in tha middle of tha night. But tha members of tha party, Inatead of buying them off, saved their money and drove off the ruff Una with blackanake whips, which were used te good - advantage. Rsv, Me. MoOregor said the Turkish government was tha worst on earth, taxation there applying even to fruit trees. 3 WJ AKJS UU1NU 5UMEjiCCtV T.TVWT.V toTTSTWTfCei TTTCT awa, ejaa W ea-aaav as aw W weaas J aetgbJ J ef es afa NOW IN THOSE - ' ... ' Y. ! ' , 1 ' . ' Y f" 3ladeWnonor UNIVERSAL Tea le a elvlliser: arocd tee. la Hrhll. ling's Bsst STEEL RANGES J YYl' For SO Years' Acbqwledged Supreme Among the) Rang ot thd World. 'MnUoas of Rousewfres Testify to Their ' ' "-Y ' '- , '.'V:-. . VY' Excellency.. ' :.' V OUR FIRST CARLOAD OP awaxyisjsgaggcny a - T" JL. IlerricK Refrigerators The kind that so thoroughly captured : the city last rear that we could not half fill ourrorders, has arrived and we ad vise readers of these lines to make speedy selections before the lot is en tirely disposed . of. T They are notVet unloaded from the cai; but will be ' within day or tiovx ftVe have saml pies, however, which may be seen at 'any time. . . ..Yr'V,'1' All Skes for: Homes. Restaurants or Hotels And built to fit in any place or corner in the building. ililiffllii Largest Retail Hardware' Dealer in Oregon Store 200 feet deep, from 180 First to 129 Front Street. First Street Entrance next to O. W. P. Waiting Room. iixzr: f "v- y '" v "" " " .J 1 J H H J I