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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1907)
Till: ORLCO:i .DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, . FRIDAY . EVENING, MARCH 8, 1S37. MiW TODAY. : TKfWSmaH houss, I full lot. 100 feet from car line, at Iranhoe. Terma. sjl400 -room new, modern house. near Anaum. t ari oan; du. away. M 1 sort 7 -room house, barn and all kiuii -of fruit and hrubberjr, on Bell wood car, close In. Terma. 1SOO to ft 2T0O Bran new bunga low, strictly modern, the finest in the etty ror the money, fart eaan, oa. : to suit Customer. We are bulldlntr modern' hoess -on East Fortlsnd Height, .beautiful, elty view. Come In and as the plana and chance thera to suit you. Buy these. Small paymertt dowa, bal. to suit. , , m voMtnUEss.' . i3 jaioj.avn.oaj nr. too choice Irrigated fruit and . vegetable land,.! acres fin bearing orchard. . - ; v - " M. E; Vont tO Beleia-h BUr. SB3V, Was I MOXET TO &OAJ(. . Wanted V Oood live man for big real aetata office. . No money required. Applicant must be ;., a hustler and acquainted with city. , He suits .are the thing that count. Ad- ,i dress C 40. Journal. . MARRIAGE LICENSES. Job air lk. TM Eaat Ktafa street, Berth, IB; Lenf as A. Horaatrora, 2a. B. K. Brown, 14 East J"brty-sUtli street, H; Graee V. Foes, Is. Trad seaa. 41; Xor Idell eflUer, sB.-? Wedding Cards. W.' O. Smith Co.. Weah ' iMtoa blilg., ear Fourth sad We ah lag tea ets, Wedding asd eallleg enrds sagraesd e frlateA E. T. Bsehtes, sot kUeeraa kids. TONSKTH A CO., rLORISTK. FOR 'LOW BBS Or AU KINDS. US SIXTH ST. . . .. Clarke Brae., Florists Fine Oewere floral deslgss. 188 Worrkna at. fall dress salts for mt, Calawe Talka-lag g Ce., sua Stark at. CEMETERIES. BIVBR Viroy Blagle (rane, lie; fawny lots, .... tlOO to 11.000; the oaly reaietary la Port. laad which perpetually Bat n taint and ears i . for lota. Tor full In tarsia Una, apply to W. B. stsckeaale. Worcester blees, all. W. U. La 44. itrealdeat. ... tOSB CITT Biugle eraee. 110; fasilly Ma, fa to $7s. - Huperluteadent at eesaetery, rorser of Fremont at. ana Cully loae. Psoas Tabor to, ror fall Inforaiatlea a pelf le rraak A-hlegel, 0S Cbuavsrclsl sis. rAsas Mala IA2A r tTNDERTAKERS. DaaalBg. striates Otrhaegh. asSortsssrs Sad eaabaUaerei BMxtera la erery detail, Bsaeatfe asd floe, stale 4sA Lady saalataot, - A. B. Bewotaek, eadertsssr asd ewjbslsMe, Put Thirteenth ead Uautlua ate. Psoas BsU- Tl..' . Brtskeaa rjadertakto Co- asd erabalmktg. SOS Alder st, Phone Mala SlsA Lady sselataat. r. smiey a Offlaa e eaaaty Bens, Tfctrd asd Madkna eta. Faees Mala B. k. B. HRMSTfX'K rnnoral dlrwtor. E. 18 tb aad UaaatUla. Psoas Ha 1J wood Tl. Lady oss'v Bdarard Bolnea. oadartaker. t Tklad a. REAL ESTATE TRAN8FERA. " Mollle and Harry Btanferd to MaW W. rttar. lot 4 and part af lot a, block ' East PortUad 113,800 W. f. and Clare C. Price to CbarUa . .-t , RfUtock. loa 14 ead It, black 11. - Arlala Park No. 1 , tX Lena A Wheal) to L. Mae B ami) ton, ' lot IS, block 13, Arleta Park Ne. t... ' WW EUivl thl and T. H. Gardner te Mary Bonfant, lot e. block 14a, Kaat Port , tend is.090 J. B. and Mauie V. Bibbard te r. J. Lycfaywak, lot It, black a, Bawtborae's , nrai aaanioB ,,,...,...,......... ,00 t,00 Charlee lahl te 4- X. Tewseos, lots 1 11 and 18. block 04. Maltnomak ' O. B. aad Kate A. Woodwoxtb to Mm. :H. ywvVX Vetoes aWUlam-::'' etta . MO O. W. and Calla A. Prloat te Hernaa :. and Sa Oraaimall. Borth H of lota - ' and T, block 1, El Terr law eedlttoa - to Alblna 1100 0. 8. tlUland aad Kllaabatb Ola land to ;.haN P. Bali, wta 10. 11, aad 14. t : r block M, Soatbera Port laad ; ' 10 Sdmnnd T. Amae to W. P. Rawley, lota ( and s. block 4, Beat PortUad.. 10 aiaoel li'la ta Jobs Deanorbarg, let e. ' , Mork atM, Kelladay's addltlua l.MO Dan and Mallaaa Aaa Cat low e Portland ,; Treat Company of Orasoa, land aom-. . k BMiirfn( rode woat of eaat line of Bdward Lonc'a dooattoa land claim ,. . . .-at eoothweat roravf at place dect4 by . . . Wlluasj aad M. B. rraaler te Walter ' HI lea - 10 9ohaa Kaaas to P.llae C. Maya. loU ( and i a, block tot, Tlbiiatt-s aoditio ami C. and Merle T. Ooewtack e B O. Hajaa. lots and 4, .otoca as. Tlhbatt a addition. BUncfae B. aad Ada P. Cottle to la re Pence, 100 acraa of Batch's doaatloa ',' ;, laad claim, to seotlea SO, towaablp 1 oortb, ranee 1 eaat ... 140,000 i Clnda Llnebauf k to ieaa McKanale. lot . and anrtb 1 foot of lot 10, block , " 10, Uawtborae Aacnae addition .- BOO Batltar M. and W. H. Cliettea to Ollle ; -. ' . Ocll. oaat-H ef lota asd 0, block 820. Hawtbnrne Park , . Bf ' Ed O. aad' Edtbe Mayer to Cffle O. Ooodwlo. lot 4, block 0, City View' ' Park addition ISO ' William and Kate Parte Jonae to Joba ' ' Antlemnn. lt , block tl. Kanllwortb. , 170 " JaTld aad Jnaapblae McKeaa to Mary B, ' . Calaf. 100o fact baflnnlns at a point ' on eaat llae of Beat rifieentk s tract , -': ' V ' SUA fret aoatk of lataraoptloa wltb ' aoatk Una of Eaat Btark etreet. ..... , 0,000 B. Lm and Margaret a Pant to t. B. Rlnebart, kt 0, block i. Blfblasd . Park .. 1 William 0. and Katbarlae L. Pantoa te ; . . baMay ft. ralef. lot , block t, Blory's ' . 'SddlHon ' i...... t.S00 f. a, Sod Mary B. Townaaad t ITamaa A. Calaf. lot 0, block 10, Peninsular - -' aadttkn Ne. t..... " 00 t John P. aad Fllo J. Bbarkay ta Mnllle . mt. lota a aod A. hUrlt 190. Eaat Portland El 100 M. I., and liar W. Ifothrook te w. O. , 4 'I -k 1.000 B00 ;, -f AM 1TS0 .htiwm, Inta IS sad 10, block 3t lota s, 0, 14 aad IS. kleek 4i lot Id. 8. Juiiua' Park addltloa to St. Jobns s. .,,., Bolt )'. rT-nn in Harab A. Wirt, lot IS, ' block 1, Kanllwortb .... William aad armaa A. Bnrt to Bobart T.) Mnnay, ronlhaaat U af aonthwaat H of arctloa aa, townablp 1 aoatk, raats 4 eaat ' Arthnr H. aad Mania B. Bcnnatt te B. , T. Llnnar. lole 1 and A block A ' , Orchard Hoajee addltloa..... Cbarlae aad Anna Dahl to H. J. Ballarta. , a trift M feat on kllwankle atraat 100 (oat daap and 41 H (rat ea want Una In tacilua JA -toarnabip 1 eostb, ranee I eaat B It. Holmca at tl. to TTarman 0. aramcdar. lot IB. btock M. Orltsal Townalte ef Alhlna ' Battle (. and Waltar A. Oradon te Mas M. Bblllock, t er mta s sso a. block 2HN, Hawtboma Tark.. 1,100 Title Onarantae A Trnal enmnany to B. Ij. Johnaon, eaat .13 I A fact of lot 4, Steinmetz&Co 1 block . "annraxta i nira aonition. . . . eon "Uw. Inraafmcnt enmoanr ra - Pred - - Htrn. M la, bkvk Mi, Vernon 4M Lndmla Boaa to H. J. I.a franca aad ; l.rmaa Smith, lota 7 and A block A ' ' - Tibbatt'S addition .. tsium 1,100 M. A. M. and Kabol W. Aahley to W. J. Ktont, Iota S4. SB and So, block A rah-fiaid srn 8. (i. and Lanra M. flammane to Joks Knlaa. lot S. block ). Lincoln I'nrk... S13 Or'fm Bal P'tatc coinranr o M I, rrt f M 4, Mock Sul. Holla, day s a!lt,oa 1.060 Til to flnarmt" A Trnat company to , , ; lltwrt Jof"iiiu. W-ta T, S and A black 14, S'jatk bt. Jobnt , 28 O- H. Tliompaon at al. te Prank Palmar, art of lute 1 and 14. btock i. Hal. iua Park ' ISO Anna Ttiurlow to Klliabatb Ward, lot 0, Juarlowa auodirUUA of biook 14. our in HI. J.J.ui ISO B. L.. Proaloruu(b at aL to rraak A. WIMard, Wia 11 sad 1A baack 1, Mos U?IUa - 100 Dora fcllllusawortb at al. te Rilla M. il.nulul. lua 14. hlook 14. Kalut Park 1.000 Erik aad Cbrlatma Wlk te Prow Soacala,. waat H ef lula I and S and euuib to tt e( waat H of lot S, block A l ,n-l.Ha iircond addltloa. . . i f.000 Jalia IdaawcU to William Callaa Moore. lot A block A BawUiome's riret addl Uon TOO B. L. Starana to Jnba A. Wat toon, north- . eroat V, of aarthwaat M of aactloa U, townaliip S north, ranre 1 waat IIS Ptillp WalamandTl to Helena t ojar, lota Xa and So, block A Kara Park . ' ISS Boaa li. Weber to Amelia Parry, lot A - Mock ta CarnLhoro1 aridltfeaft Aat fu, . athara addltloa 1,000 Boaa U. Webar te Amelia Ferry, let 1, - block , Carnthrra' addition 1.000 H. B. aad Aanaa B. - Howe to Mary . . Blake, eaat 110 feet of weat S40 feet ef block N. M.. Pattna's tract II May B. SwlKart to A N. Tom 1 1 neon, lot ' H. block 2. auNllTlaloo ef tract K.i In M. Patron's tract , 130 E. N. Tomllnaon to Mary A. Tomllnaoa, . . lot B. block A anbdlvlsloa of tract A, M. Pattim'a tract '. .... " t28 May E. Bwlaert te Mary A. Tonillnaon, -lot . block A aubdlTlaloa ef tract K. , M. Patton'a tract ttS Earl 0. and Grace L. Brrmenfb to Pre-,.v -- erlrk C. Merer, lota U to S4, InaiuelTe, ' block 1, Arbor Lodsa. 1.B00 ror ebitreeta, title hmarasce of . meat rare loana. call ea pacific Title A Traat euautfaa. XU4-AAT renins bolldtns. Oat year toanranee aad a hat ra eta ea real eetate from the Title Baaraatee A Traat eee. Deny, S40 Waablnctoa etreet. corner - ; LOST AND POUND. LOST Watch fob. Elk tooth aad awuograni charm. Tea douars.reward Sea? ratara te Sit Macleay bid. . v LOHT March A sold watch, black ribbon at tached wltb sold fob and lodge pia. Return to Jovrnal office. Reward. . HELP , W ANTED MAUD. BARBRB wanted, Ba tarda re and astrs. Madlaoa st ' .t in BOX wanted; abw math-tea mater. r - IS asd BO arrest Bt. . WANTED A boy to waea bottlee. Apply Crane Bottle Co., 14th and Coach ata. , HELP WANTED FEMALE. TOUNO girl te aaatat to light buueework; pood borne: wUl be treated aa one of tba family. . B 140, ears Journal. ..... . . ... WANTED A waitress ta ear lanctiroom. Call after 1p.m. Swetlaad Boat. 171 Morrlaoa. W a KTFT I tti mediate !. canable keeper, kitchen helpof snd eblld's anrss: to etltotlonnl work. 030 Itmklu. Mala MIS. OIRLB To wrap ebrwlng gam.- II forth front St. 1 : ; ' OIRTJI Experienced paper boa aaakera. SI Korth rront St. - . "i SITUATIONS WANTED WALK. riRST-CLABS carpenter waata Job s day work X lu, cai ' - BUSINFSS CHANCES. ' BOTE LB OCE 8PE01A1TT. - If year hotel Is for sale, la er eat ei tba adty, srlnt It to aa aad ws will aaeeafe a parcbaaer wttbrat oabllclty. , Bafm aaia, Ho tel Men's aaaoclatloa. P. U Al'STEH CO.. Oriirhut Hotel Brokers, , Suite 122 to 12A Ablnstoa bldg. ' . Pboae Mala B48A-- - ' -' l,75fj RE8TAURANT aader new betel, doing Suv say out mean; a jwmiw aiw, f id nok, ararythrng new) boelnees Incraaalng dally. 11,000 Batcher a bop. , We cannot atate more la thfct ad, vat If yea are looktot for somelhlna food ta thta Una. see as st aaee. , - t , , aTj. DtBBTSHIAB, ...... , 148 Pint st room 1. - OROCEBT store, seat, el eetabRsbed MontaTtna ear; price . Look at thai yea win bay. A Ala: izsaoer Laaa ue 63 BlztA st near roe. FOR RENT HOUSES. A BOOM eettaga, - Bellweod. 100 feet ta car, bath, pboae, te part lea wna will nnara owner, single icotleman. B I4A care Joarsal. , ' - , r FOR RENT TORES-OFFICEV DEK soma for rent. . . Iaqnlre AiTH Waablmrtoa at. Boomt 0S-SA TIMBER. ; riMRER CLAIM POB ALB 100 acres, with AOOO.OOlt feet yellow fir and cedar, H mile from Nekalem rrrer, 1H mUea from rail. road now under conatrncttrm. Prom berg A Oo. raotne B8-St, ttl Waaklngtoa at. I CAN locate at good seeead growth - timber cUlaa. Charles C Myers. B1H AUtb St, A PEW trmber chtlaw left. 27114. Morrlaoo at., room C. Opea arsaaigs. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. POR SALE or errhaage for food lot. rune boat steam aatoaaoblle. S3B Balmoa at, - .Phens Mais 602. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. kbwb roB homrseekera f-reaaa new modern fine boaae. fall tot, Tabeec addition, close to Hawthorne are., 12.200. B rooms, modern, aery attractree, Willam ette Hetgete; s bid Snap st Kl.000. A room good aeaaet wltb B lots, near Pled , atowt. 14,500. - . . A room modern aoaae. fnTl bate tnent, fan 'lot. Blandena are.; a big snap at IX40A. I rooma, saw, awl era. . wltb let 00x130, Baorameate at., S2.800. ' , g-room eottaee, clnee te eteel bridge. It alio. ' 11-roora good bonee, reata B40 par month, ear steel bridge, 8.X. . T rooms, new, modern. 1egaat. Colon 111 stybj. Eaat Btark St. IS.000. . V A fine suborbea botne ef T reomt, new ' boaae, with S seres, ' all ta fine ealttratlna and 200 beerlag fratt trees, e , ear tare, '-' f,60- r ; . und co., '. - :- ,- . : v ; ' , . ' h BiB Lumber Exchange, ' . -v -H. gaoond snd Stark. SUBURB AM BOMEA - We bare eereral alee bemes ef from 1 aa I acres ef and each and all wen Improved, with both frnlt and good butldlnga. cmee ta car line. Be If yoa are looking for snch prop erty better come ta and get partlenlare sad seeor ea of them before they are gone. -I.IND A CO.. Boors 138 Lumber It rootage, , '- (' Second aad Btark eta. V. U irstt lot only I1.2M; ehptre, rick, breel, caltl rated lead, beaiins arcbard, new wore a- . wb-e fence en two aides. Thle le poaltrraly a send bargain; about 20 te SO mlnutea' ride en the P. A 8. car Mae te Port lend! eaay terma. Investment Ce, B. QuacAeabuab, ' praaMenC S44 Burk St. TWO haanes. B lota, east Both near East Morrleen: room for S more boaa at i praaent .' InnMne 140 per- amrtb; ,000.' Bee O. W. Baara, 23 Batetgh bldg, B23H Wsahlagma at. LIST year property wltb Prombei g A Oe., real eetate aad; rentals. Booms SS-8, XXI Wseh tngtos st. PIRB slgbtly residence mt OOalOO, walking die- tanee. eaat aide, betweea B ear lineal tba the peat lot te be had aa eaat side, locstloa Considered: only l.BO0; farms. ' . :. W. JaDay &Co. - IWti Poarth St. - AcartEiciit Kcuse Site M iotj, 2nd near Washington at... ftneat meatloa aW- aptowa betel, flata or Spart menl konas la tba city; prlc H.0o0. This la 2S par cent below actual market ralne. Call at onr office and we will ebow plana for a bonding If put on this property will ' set parehaeer 10 par eaat er better ea lis ta Teetroent. - , W. PAT Sj CO., KUlVk Fourth at. BAStaoMKST cleared lots about tba ally are at Iraabue Heights, FOit 6ALI Ri:.VL LjTATH. IxjN T fall to aee tboae elrhtly bta at ' lea boa illahta. Vet pertiuuiaia cell at euets T, Maaoiustoa at. TAKE a W. W. car to Ivanboe. Sunday, and aee tboee elegejit bita at leaabve tielghia. Owner wlU be ea the ground. LOTS at Iranhoe Uatrbts are sailing rapidly at JiO aad np all cleared, fh.eet aulU ate .LB ImproTad, Water to erery Ml eaay terma. Owuer, room T, I3S4 VYaablugtoa at. THOME beautiful lota st Iranhoe Betgbta are tba beat loreatmaat about Portland. BRINO yoor wife eat to I ran boa, Buaday. blie will be dellKhted wltb tboee choice kits and the maguifioaat view) aolblog flaer. . Owsac win be tbere. IT WILL be a pleasure te a bow tboae eoenle lots at Iraoboa Helgbta; aa borne spotl euly oae block from ear high, bloat Una; a T, I'jiiO and np; easy terma. Owner, raei vaym nuDiDioa .1. - FOR SALE FARMS, t I PARMS POR SALB. 'A BABB CUANCAS -- 10 'acres choice wad oa tba Clackaaias river; 4 acres la peach treea, S arree la .'plum trees, Seres . Is farmland, with 28 apple trees, 10 cherry traae. S new hoaeee, 2 be ma; 24 mllea to Oresoav. C4ty, 13 miles ' to Portland. Price $5.wx). eaey pay meats; atust sell oa account of eivkneas. ,.-x ' '-'.AW ID BAL PLACE. 'J: r ', 0t4 scree ef land. 1 good T-room bobae, fta . tsbed brick celur, barn and wagon a J. cblckenbouaae fur SU) cblckaaa, 1 spring wacon. ItbO frnlt treea, all klnda ef berries, spring water piped to the novae; t miles ' to Portland, f miles te Oregon City. Price 12.000; 1,600 down, balance on time. A TBI8 IS A SNAP. V. 00-acre farm, beat laad In the statsf 14 seres under cultivation. 10 Scree slashed, . good tor pea tore; go aerae In timber aad ' brneh; enongh timber to pay. for the Place; - 1 howae, S rooms downstairs, -wpatah-e not , finished; 1 barn, loiau; 1 el honae Slid 1 woodabad, about SO fralt trees; II mUea to . Port laad, 4 aillee to Oraama City. Prtee ' ll.TbO; 11,000 down, balanoa ea time. -v. Inquire of TBOMBEHtl dt Ca, ' SJTH Wsablagtoa St., rooans U asd BA t PERSONAL. MANICUBIrtO, face ssd scslp trsstmsat, batb - ssd sesasage, lWi PourU St., sot. WsaA MMA TASH-Tf Masaagaa. ataalcwteg asd -cblrepody. B01H Third st ' HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. WB have a tot of baggy hsrnees which we , sell at wholassls prtoaa. Keller Haraeaa Co., 40 North Blalh St.. bat Caurb and Dsvts. OIL RANGE ' Eqaal t th Coal Rango and Will (.,'.;)' Wot Explode. 'rl-A. 'r XuaaaronB attempta hare been made to deylso a cooking range In which oil oould be. aubsttutad for gaa or coaj. , , OIL INSTBAD OF CO AI... - h Vary small oil atorss bare prorad suo- eassfuL, but to cons traat a largo atovo. equal la also and usefulness to tba coal ranee, baa been a hard problem. The demand for ouch a store la unlimited An oil range which aeema to approach tha ideal Is ahown hare, the Invention of Flordla man. Tha ranre la similar to tha usual household rangA but In place of tho coal grata an oil burner la employed. : Tha oil la placed la a tank and conveyed by gravity Into a vapor. Tha latter then' paaaea Into tha burner and 1b oonrsrted Into flame, whtoh la retrulated at wllL This oil burner can also ba uaed la eoneotloa with aa open trato or fireplace. - , - ; f EGG-BEATER - Efflcieat aa the Hand-Beator, With Rapldltr of tho Machine Beater.'' - Obvloualy tha object of all mechan ical egg-beatera la to Imitate the more, meat of the hand la beating up tha egg. So far, no mechanical power haa beea devised which equate ths hand beating. Is theaa ao called egg-beatera the pad dles, instead of beating Ufa egg, gen. orally revolve la a circular path, which atlra but does not beat the egg, . The nearest approach to hand Seating la ahown la an egg-beater Illustrated here with, the Invention of a Wisconsin man. In thla apparatua the beater does not revolve, but la operated back and forth. PADDLB MOVES BACK AMD FORTH obtaining both the efflcienor ef the hand beater and tho rapidity of the machine beater. ) It la held in one hand and operated by the other, accomplish ing the efficient beating of the egg In a very short apaea of time. : SCIEl.CE NOTES . -a- tV" :- - a in - Cleaning and Renewing Furs. A technlesl engineer tells of a method which la uaed la Russia to elean and re new fur A Bran bf rye Is heated in an Iron or earthenware vessel, being well atlrred all the time, until It has become aa hot ad the hand can stand. The bran la then poured upon the fur and thoroughly rubbed in. The fur la then brushed with a cleaa buah er j 1 1 - 1 11 'as ft w-dfHrlrWllllTnWlTinr X - af STOESSEL IS COWARD Hero of Port Arthur Accused of Surrendering Fortress Suddenly and Prematurely to Save His Own Skin and of Never 'i V.Yv.v'.. Appearing on the Firing Line.; A'i; V" n I'm : i wfc. - ill H. ' . i, ! " '1 '- I It ' . "... y ! a ,-; u mm fmSMM:, , ink W$kM Madame StoeBsel, Who Shared With Siege ot Port Arthur, Invested tj Jaauarf, 1906. v , . " i ' f Journal Boedal Barries.) ' St Petersburg. . March r-Stoeaael oommlttsd treason: by surrendering Port Arthur suddenly and prematurely. I regard our defeat at Mukden as a direct reault of this treason." This Is the aummary of tha Indict ment on which. UeuteDant-Oandral Btoeaael, Lieutenant-Oenaral Fock, . who commanded the Fourth East Siberian division atPort Arthur, and Msjor Oeneral Relss, ohief of ata ft of Gen eral BtoesaeL are atandlng trial for their IJIvsa before the aupreme court-martial. The report la sensational la the extreme and categorically accuses Btoeasel of co war dies and of the deliberate, treason able, haatenlng .ot the surrender to save his awn Ufa and in defiance ot tho de cisions ef two successive council ef war. ..ettrl Out ef Be' - --; ! The indictment eontlnues: - . "The garrison and inhabitants of Port Arthur were, demoralised by Btoessei a personal conduct Though he avoided the fighting line, he euraed the popula tion aa noltroona and rascally cave- dwellers, but he continually changed his residence la order to avoid the shells, finally locating In quarters entirely out of range. , Bo soon aa the enemy was able to ahell these quarttrs Btoeasel has tened to surrender. His pusillanimity waa a constant byword among the of Beere, rank and file and civilians." - The first indication of 8 toes sal's inten tion to precipitate a surrender of Port Arthur was an order In the middle of November, 1004, prohibiting further work on the aecond and third linee of defense. Btoeeael'e final mention to surrender ripened after tne japenoss captured Two Hundred aad Three Mater hill, which enabled the enemy to direct his Bre en the town ana rieet. ja ooua oil ef war waa summoned December A 1004, and Relss, In Btoeaeet's behalf, Introduced the question of. surrender. Smirnoff declared tha question could not be eonaldered so long as ammunition and food supplies were available, aad pounded till all . the partloles of bran nave neea removsa. ini iur tu man gotten back tte former luster; even w.U furs thus treated appear like new. aasmaaaamaaasBBi ' B e . " y .'. ;' : Kew Aaesthetle.' , According to a Birmingham news paper a new drug, oalled atovslne, haa come Into use la Sngland and abroad to prevent pain In aurgloal operations. A patient who has nerves strong enough can watch a aurgeon operate while un der ita Influence.' Stovalne la injected Into tha lumbar region of the aplnal canal and sots en the roots of the nerves entering tha spinal cord. The Injection produces a certain amount of shock, as well as occasional alcknesa and headache. How long the effect of thla anesthetic will last is not etatsd. nor whether further Injection may be made during an operation. Presumably, the duration of the effect la not great, and only ona Injection la deemed pru dent, for a recent Instance la noted of a surgeon speeding an operation to the safety limit In order to outstrip the recovering neryaA .' ' Artificial Chemical Viand. "When Professor Stlllmaa of Stevens Institute gav a dinner to two frlenda, at which moat of tho viands were made artificially by chemical means, he had small Idea of - the furor hla efforts would produce,- aays a writer In a tech nical magsilne! But he has reoelved hnndreda of letters asking bow differ ent dishes . were produced so many that he haa not bad time to answer manynof them. The Chemical processes which be employed were some or mern simple and soma quite complicated. To make vanilla Ice cream by artificial means, for Instance, the alchemist took some triple-refined cottonseed oil, placed It In a centrifugal machine which, re volved at a velocity of 1,000 revolutions a minute. A' beautiful emulsion was thereby produced, which was then frosen chemically, of course. Tha flavor waa obtained by an addtUon of vanilla, glucin and nitrobenaol. They aay that Ice cream composed as shove ta eoid in msny southern statea, where cottonseed oil Is more plentiful end. oonaequsntly, cheaper than milk or cream. ' It la far from harmful, taste good and doe not melt aa quickly aa tht genuine Ice." , ' M MW.MM.e,M.,M. MM . Milwaukee Country Club. Eastern and California races. Tale Bell food and Oregon City cars Bt First and Aldsr. , . i LABELED AND TRAITOR He? Husband the Horrors of the toe Japanese rrom juiy, is u, to waa supported by all the member ef the council. ; : : ' i Soared tato urreadsA . ' On December SI, ' 1104, Btoeasel , re convened the council of war. Smirnoff quoted the - regulations forbidding the surrender of a fortress before the oora plate exhaustion of Its resources and la a stirring speech outlined a plan for holding successively the Interior line of defence for six weeks, and than only when the' provisions were approaching exhaustion waa a surrender te be dis cussed. Btoeasel thanked the 'council for lta almost unanimous decision to prolong the dofanae and closed the meet ing. ' . -v Two days later a third fort was blown up and taken by the Japenoss and during the night . severs! successive Russian- positions were evacuated under order from Btoeaael and Feck on - the ground ef urgent necessity. ; But the strong, third line of defence was a till Intact and able to prolong the defence, srhen 8toeaaeL January 1, llOt, mad overtures to the Japan eae commander. Oeneral Nogt, for a capitulation. According to Smirnoff, the effectives of the garrison of Port Arthur at tha time of the surrender ef the fortress were 11,100 bayonets, MOO artillerymen, (00 engineers, 1,000 troops unattached and 1,000 militia, with about 100,000 shells, aad 7,000,000 rounds of rifle am munition. The general's report further give a Hat ef the food aupplles, enow Ing that they were ample te last the defenders ef Port Arthur for six week longer. In Uncomplicated Cases My Fee Is Only You Can Pay : When Cured- aciiicaMsiEigtaggxiaxsiszzacr:s2saxz3z-2xxssiagsx 1 the serious complex and stubborn ones that others neither cure nor compre hend. I have confined my efforts to diseases of men exclusively, and there is . 'i v" i iK!. ei.aa that I cannot fullv conauer. I make broad nO snlllTiCU UVlWIlgUlg. AW ay - - l ' and definite claims. I tell men that I can cure them, even Uionrt others have failed. Jealous doctors have charged trie with claiming too much But. I ask, wherein have I failed to fulfill a promise? My practice is nowully twice that of any other specialist upon the Pacific coast treating men s disss. It has errown to thesi dimensions because I have made Vomhtt and I full. W Am Each cure I have effected is a triumph and a manifestation of skill that has had its part in the making of my suceesA Each day new cures are com pleted, and my present growth of practice ia more rapid than ever before. - - Consultation Ij free. If yoa are afflicted, consult me. Von i can rely upon what I tell you, and if I accept your case you can reit a isured that a complete and permanent cure will follow my treatment,..: . l - v All necessary - X-Ray examinations . are abso lutely free to patienta. My equipment for X-Ray work is the finest and moot complete ever pro duced, and equally per.", feet results are not possi ble with an inferior appa. : ratus.- . " . All medicines are pre pared from standardised drugs in. my own private laboratory and - are sup . plied to patients at actual . cost. ' 23 ia iiyomei costs :o7i;i::al UIILESS - IT ' CUHiiS Core h now cure ft today cure h without pouring into your stomach a vile and unpalatable nostrum. Hvomei cures coughs and colds ta a few hours, and doe it by such a sim ple and pleasant method that thousand! who have beea cured are f lad to recommend it . - -.v, Just breathe Hyomel in and tte Boothlag.' medicated and antiseptic properueB will come ia direct contract with the tn flamed part, atop the discharge, drive out the aorenssa and bsal the membrane. - v 4 - -. .... . ' (O) A complete flyomel outfit including the Inhaler costs 11.00 at any druggists, and coats nothing unless it cures coughs, colds, catarrh and bronchitis druggists recom mend it Mail orders filled 8ead for interesting booklet, Booth's Uyomel For msnr years I hsve beea oa esu ueeriiwt VI enyimus lias m ouvw juatra Of my plasttnt sttrorteewhea I first used Brosielwblcb tmiualil sisn . piste reuef, nyonMi ass oeea a ventaoie goo tend. . ,. . . Rsv. Charles Hsrtiey. BarrllalA Ohte. 'RsvmansedRyomef. t can say that BT Brssstag, bss aauruy aissppesrsa. . e . Mary B. Franae. 107 'aw II AT rasa. ing our fee very low, payble on such easjr terms, we thereby increase our business and secure lasting gratitude from thou sands who would otherwise remain afflicted if it were not for this liberal offer.;--'. V .i.r'-: . r: ;'-!".''-'v WIL CURE ; Kidney and Bladder Diseases, Scrofula, Diseases of the 3owels, , Liver, Stomach, Sciatica, Tumors and Rupture, Bronchitis, Catarrh. Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases and all private diseases of men. . , Ooaamltatloa eTTee. OeA ema advlee before jrea plaoe yea eaee wUh ethers We 1Tst Every llaa la tie Conztrj Xlt Is UZktzi ta : Write lis About Bis ACscsL -r 7 "r: I S a. as. Se S p. bb.1 ovealnga, 31. LULIIj - SUSGICAL Corner Second and Yamhill f CSX 1DWAI WA NT gj sy s,a w jrbW ; e eg Caa w ea I have the largest prac tice because ; I Invaria bly fulfill my promises Saccesi isn't attained at a bound. It Is made tip of many little triumphA A large medics! prao. tice doesn't await the young physician at the col lege door. He must prove himself. He nest work toward success day after dsy, doing well each day's tailtA . " - , It has always been my role to promise aoOiing that I am not absolutely certain of accomplish ing. - Realizing that no one physician can sue cessfully nndertake to rare all disease I entered special courses f study in preparation for my preient work. For sixteen years,! Bare been proving my ability and building mv bucccsa I have mastered, first the simpler diseascA then Coi Ccrrtsca Street Ccrr:r ccc:l PorllarJ, Crccn ataaa IM M ef llw e" a-4 ae' te a4 foe tre.-n. t i.l Va f u - "i S I .. rri St ebarga. . y-" . t te . , - CrO Buffalo, N. Y. a saffsrmr (rem bmmMil eetaeek eoutrh. whlcb waa di. W. Carv 8t ' . . Bsltiaora, BT d. OUR FEE $10.00 IN SPECIAL CASES We gireyou a square deal. Our services are the best you can get in Portland or elsewhere. We cure the diseases we treat and we do not treat anything except Dlseeso! lien Consolt Ua Free ' . of Charge '... Csr Fee Need Net It , P&ld Unless Ccrcd We desire, to reach the poor as well as the rich man. and by mak T to SiSOi srajadaya, S a. as, Oe IS aa,. DISPENSARY Streets, Portland, Oregon A n'.Q PAY TT? j;T el ewae- w m m aa a astew as V PJ H eta. ATtvoa. 1 ra Teaadlng BysstaWsta f' WIAKKESS-, Vs Bewgoee eaasejerary at tbe fuiwtlesis ka eaaae ealhtd weaksees bt a ataaple awt. tae, but ta a atuisaaanly reatnre Straaglb sad rlgo a, a arohieai that sat few Bbralrlans bare Barred. I sweet treat fee tea, serary sffaeta. tJaer sy are tees ef trastaMBt. eeerT' bit ef hnpre, aaiaat Ml a par af a see. Biaaent ears. Theatb eher abrelelaa ha-, theaaah wy eeaa s . effeerlng aermtneat earas, beta) eaaehra4 ef the Net I that aeaaaatwtaaae, loee af sew. ' .sr. ata., are but syaaatnaas ra- eatttng fro l ebreete aariaetiRa. tine ef eaaasetiaa) hi tba seate I glauA ante hare aa yet aa I able aa SmlleeM Sir eurea. Mr I aretew ef fnral treerawei le ti e I ( only effeetree eteane yet laaea I foe reetorleg tAe nmatete h III I aersMl e'.'e. whl.a ai-are ea. wilta fa f'iU an4 enrtnlete remm , , ef etreayia aee vita. S", a a i eare a, etwabirelr r raaeee. e- .eaaea t'e ce 'fc fMi,m,th , fne tbe feellaJ i1laae.lee la en tirely eeaeeeeA M ta 1 e e- tlml af a ears y.'teef liH k) the eoly ef eme 1 Will treat fr. 'cc::v-LTATirv r- I a'.'e " g e - . . T" IX a at. mm . .' as