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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILf JOURNAL PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, 1WARCH 8 1CC7. II While JHops Are In Demand Growers Are Not Receiving Any Advance In Price Short Sellers! Have Everything Their. Own Way. I'JHAT THE FLOOD DID TO RIULROIXDS TODAY'S MARKETS fiORTH CHIIJA IS , BUYING FLOUR Demand - From the Orient Is I vVery Good -Volume of (l v-V Business Is Heavy. ' ' ' f ' ' ' '' ""V , -STEADIER -TONE-BUH SAME PRICE IN EC CO ,. VCwje iV Chickens ') RphmOh V Scare With ' rrica liigh Secret Buying of Hop ontlaa OuUook for Po tatoes Is. Good '.:.'; principal Market feature todsyt North ,chln flour trnau4 ton. ... ",bne la kc4dlnf weU ," Slightly eteadi? to la egg. : , BUU Kiirturf poultry. Cr WtMwII roi ocuth. . V beer baying In bees eontlnoed. -lTCa market la In cowl ahap. Kolalng doing la eotoa stark!. . :,'erta Chin. Flan Trade . Or lata heen marj Ubaral haying ef' floor to tbla' territory for- th f1""-J.jT .la the. hart .bnylnf aee .beea for North Chins seeoont and asle In that . dlreetloa an increasing Instead of wtng an easier ton. Some sansll lota hat ban rrwte4 aol " inc Ua part day ofeo t Oilaa hod aom . to Japan. , . Tba wheat ' market shows exeeedinf ly food tone with son fair buying report at late. Th SJarket hfrt la noMIng qolta ' despite Um fluctnattous abroad. Tha food tone la do entirely to tha Improve oriental floor trad. - . V " . Oats market la steadier with some borer offering a fractional savsncs for boat atuff. Holder art very firm In thel view and ne rardtaa? to ana prominent buyer hot amail anxawt will likely change soon proet flgitrae. ' - ' Way continue Mdy..' with' trad 'an a food scale, especially fur tb better grade. . Slightly Steaeier tana In Xggs. ' While prices ire fractionally unchanged, tha eg market la ahowiag a somewhat ataadlar tone. Tbla la dua to tha much better order 'now arriving fram tha outside, which sllowa tba Incal trad to clean np all "the auppllea thst cnua. st prevailing . 4juoUtinaa.. Becetpts, while liberal, ara not tjolte no heavy aa dur taf tha peered hit work, tbla being likely doa to tha praaa or farm work, which dona net allow tba producers to. maka .. refnlar . shlp meate. -" ,. - . - There contloaaa a aery firm' ton In the chicken market, Berelpta ara aoly fair and nut np to tha demand. Prices ara hodlnf waU. Dark are la demand with -practically . no arrirala of lata. t'nleaa turkeyo-srs of - fancy atmllty, there m bat llttla demand. Xothtnf dolnf In faaaa. ,. ';, ',, , i. Saerat Bnylnf to Bapa Oontlnnaa. : 'Aa baa been hold by Tha Joarnal dorlnf tha peat few days, tba aecret bnylnf to ,tha nop market oontlnaea. . rrlcea are practically na chanaed. althoonh tha Hnrat brother Via etui ' at war and one brother la said to bo. rnaklnc " offer a cant hlcbor than toe other. J oat what the extent at the bnylnf In none of ' the dealer oatalde of thoa In tha traaaae ttoaa are able to any. ' Tha folkrarlnf view of the altnatkm I riven by the New xerk Pro docere' I rice Cnrrent: , "For tha first time aloe the opening ef the . aeaeon transact Loas In Pacific const hops o the . local : market the pt week have amnnnted to arearal Hundred bales, the hoik , bavlaf been anld at 12e. with, some aalea at 124. Buyinf also eontlanaa In Orefon at frun lr It lOSje. and aa a natnral eonao qoence of Urajer bnylnf price have hardened a little, although qnotably there la no change The baring both here and- In Oregon baa been . done principally by a local dealer who ha been pnrchaalag ateadlly the pant few weeks. We bear also of some bnylnf In Oregon for e a port acconnt. Very few transaction ara . aeported In all be Waahingtnn ee California, and for the prexent tbeae markets seam aeg leered. Poor CaHfnrela bona can be purchased a rosed 10c New Vork and noma western Washington nope are offered at Ho, bat we hear of a tranaaetkHss St these flrarea. Tha tat market la very oslet, with- grow era ap nsrently eontant to hold the amail remalnluf stock to await n better demand! ' "Internal rerenna retnra for. lanaary re port Ui paid -e- 8.721 ,021 - bsrrebr nf tieer during that month as against e.471,eor bar. - re la for the sum month laat year, : an tn- ereaaa er Z47.S14 Mrrels.T 4 . - 8 fate. jao, choice, per lb.....,....,,...lllHc tat, lnod, medium to nrlma.......... .18IU rate, uot, per lb. I..... f10e , Taclfle eoaat. lnrid, choice, per rb......lle : Paclftc eoest, duna,-. prima. per lb nfl2c 'PaHfle aoaat. It, medlnm.. ...,.,.., 10c Psdrle aosat, liioi,- per lb.............. g10c Recelprs for Week ..................... 2.B4.1 Receipt from Septeanhar l.s,...b.-....B.43 Keesipta aama time last year ,..4,S74 Kxporta ts Eorope for week. 1,(44 K 1 ports from ftrotember ....-. 64. Mt fCxparts name time laat year.,,,.,.. 84,700 '. ymporta for week-1. ........ Imparta from September 1. ...... ........ T.570 , Imports same time last ... . Potsta Market to Seed anna. J There la again soma bnylng reported In the ' petas market, although tha volume ef boat. neaa la not largs. Dealers are after fancy - atock more than ever. - A number of Incal band lets reeetvad advtees from Colorado tbla morning offering them stock there at W cents - f- - h. - Tbla won Id place . potatoes high than tha aroseat market.' It la the f enerel opinion among tha dealer that If frown will .. let go noma of their-holdings regnlsrly the market will bold well to tba end of the sea son. Otherwise they ear tba market in the eonth will adranre aoddenly becsnae ef the Isrk of stock and tbla will force dealers there . to bring In more eastern ' atnff.' Tbla will tell against the market later In the season. A ear of vegetables arrind In from fha . snath this morning and foand a food demand. Cabbage rating at JV,e. - Trade .oar a the following prices to Profit street. Prices paid shippers ara less regular eommlsatoe: . : ' wrnte. flow and read. : ' , ; OSAIIt" HAOPoiratta. (He baylnf nrlea: sine nHi.. , ! WHEAT New etn TOttTlci red Basal as d7r.scj blneetem. T2f73c; valley, 70e. COBN Whom, 120.00; grncked, 128.00 per "rini gy New Feed, 7l OOerTIoo. wjj S3 0na24 : brvwrnr,. 122.00623)0. m- nvKSI M Dee est f)ATf New Pendneers" peWNo, 120OiJM: gray. f2"OnQ2S.M. nit'l Ttaatern Orerm patent. ' (4 atralghta,. M.00; eiport, J.M; valley, (3Tfl: gr.l... 14. .60: whole wheat. .Tr,;. hi. S bales. M TS. MIliPTTrrrS Bran, tIT.OO pre ton; mu. dllnrs. WOO- ejcta coon try, (30.50) ett, H j I'rodacei-a' prl TlaMttiy;- Wmmnt vellev. fancy. H.OOI4.00 ordlnery, (oo 10.00: . atrn Oregon. ,. (laOi ...eAtred giO OOffl'O .V);. cjsvar, (u.00; grala, .eOQio.oo: Vfcest. s.a - .'., Bvtter, Egg and Psnltrr, ftCTT- PAT-. . . Portlaad-Bweat ere.m. Kiti ennr, tlHe. HrrTTF.R city ' creameey, 88c; . entstds fanrr.- sne: or. re. 2uee: store. ITAntse r(;00:str8 fsncy. candied. 1t7c. HtKKR New -Foil cream. flats, Jfi'ifl In'-c: Y.mag Aawrlra. I1"ail4c. , . l on.TKY Ure Ml red ciilreen. le m, lh: fncy ben. IJAU'c lb; rooster, old. Me per lh; eM at, lie Il; fryers, )4u,ilf "H rrollera. UH16 lb; old dncke, lv,c; aprlng dn.-a. I per m: fewa, tine per lb; tor 17. 17 per lb for i deamid. - fancy, J3e pee lh: ennane. ft K per doe 1 pigenns, Il ia per ton. .ITesaed aaltry )! per lb sMghs. Hsps. Weal sad Rides. ITOPfc 11 ro, choice, lie; prim to rW. ioe. l"ti0Hc; meoinm -to prime, (Snci sir 1 i.i m, Br; eoairacu, l:7 amp, (, w hL I0U ellp Veltey. atZesi aaaters Oeee.Mi yOo. v.. mi it .ew isoT sritiic m. tk,4k.l i i lin Aheermg, I etiett short eoism wsoi,, Hil aaehi h. ll.uv each. . , . . . . WORSTED SPINNERS - .t BUY OREGON WOOL '', . -7 ' ' (Specl.1 plrnalch tsTh JJnnmal) 1 -- . HosU.n. Wnrch . Whlla tha e bulk of tha Oregon wool fold thia - week purcf)issa by 4 lnr Naw Kniflanil mUlf Pn tion waa boufht bf tl,,,1d e ; partleg, Inoludlns aoma Poil- 1 delpbla " worated f pinntra. In- eluded in thla waa Una of iOO d bale noltf by n firm - wHb v range of U to MM conta. whlla ' on much of th busineaa Jt eenta d waa tha figure Tha eeoured coat e la T canta, . '. - FURTHER DROP; If LIVESTOCK Prices Down Wjth Better Sup - piles In All Lines at the . Union Stockyards. . KILLERS HAVE-ALL- SHIPPERS AT MERCY TALLOW Prhoe. per lb. IMOt He. 1 and HITTIM BA1K laT for ear Ma; email lots. . HI! Dry, He. t, If'lba and no. If. 7Ue per lb; dry kip. Ho. 1, to 15 tba. 1st) iry eslt. No. I. asder lb. Uci sslMd aide, leers, sonad. oO lh and ever. lOQIIr; eosa, H0Hc: stars and bulk, aoond. eJ7a klB, W AO lb. c calf, eonad. snder III lbs, lis; ....- eeJrad. Is toaa: call, le ear lb karai hone hide, vailed, each, fl.SrI.TS dry, each, tl.Ooai.60: colt hMea, OWr; goat aalsi. esmmoa. each. I0IV Aneoa. aaeh. ftt ' FraJb) and vagesaaiek -POTATOrn.Rarteg prtcn. esatera Mnltno mh and CUckamaa eelect. '; sell im fancr. fl.AO: ordlnsrr. bojrlng. il.OuM (1.15 rwij sweet. 8le lb.' ONIONS Jonwng price as 1 uragnn, gisj 1.0ft: No. S. ooX30c. banng pnea, 4i70 f. e. b. shipping point; garlic, dtiae par lb. AI'cLKn raavy riona Hirer optinmoerg ens fellow Newtown. fiJOt fsncy WIUaeMtte val ley and eon there Oreaoa. tl.t04Ml.lH erdlaair stock., (i.ooei tx , r ftEaU FKI ITn oranges, new navel. B. 03.00: tancerlnes. 11. 75: bananaa. Be per lh: rmoan. (4Y4.M box: limes. Meiiran. (l. Dee 100; plneapplea, 4.00'tJ 5.00 per doseo; pins- apple. (5 per doa: grape fruit, . VKfiBTaHI.Rn Tnrsips. new. stiyl sack: carrot. TV1.00 per sack; beats. (1-tS ne asck; , redtahes, I per donsa; ch bage. tS.IKt; . anmatoea, Mexican, , fS.BO: FlorhM, parsnip, 0ct1i . atrlng brans, the per lb; eaalirinwrr. $2M per dua; pea a. 18c: horseradlah. Sic nee lb: artichoke. Poc per doaen; soinah. 7Jcy$1.0O per box; celery. California. (3.230330 per crate; erao- perries, ea.vuarw.ev per rurrei: snrosta, esr'w per lb; apararoa. uflOc: rhubarb, he lh; green oalooa. Se doa: Plorida. bell Mvpern.' 3oc lb. DRIED pnnrTB--AnDleaL ' avanorstad. U7 Jt per lb; apricote, )8H20e per lb: peaches. I .'Ml We ne lb; aarka Ua aor lh aeaat nmaes. SO to 40, taJV: He drop on each 1-10 amallet alee; fixe, California ' hlaCk. ' He per mi California white. fljIV,e per tb: dataa. miden. ev per ana; tarda. ( per ta-ia aos. reeerlaa. Hats, Zta. fimAB rsllfoemie S. ' Rawallao 4?ntl. 15.27 H: powdered. o.lH; berrr. (4.2ttl dry granulatad. 4.Kf4l rilar, U.TJAl con?. A. M.liH; extra B, (4.42m golden O. HVil P yel-.w. 4.SH: beet grsnpUted. $4 MH- Weatera Cuba. $4.l7'.; powdered. 18.1211 dry granulared, - IS .37; .F. a,. 4.72Vi: Ht. FrsorK (4.72S: eon feet loners' A. (HCV:tt V."U.42; -golden C. (4.82H;- - O, yellow. f4.SH; beet grsnaUted, $i.n; bbl. 10c; m ooia, zoc; Botes, 00c ad ranee oa aaca num. 4 Above or less are no say a net aanh eonta tmnsi. -, k ... ( , .. . per erst. COPrKE Packag brands. lB.Mc)l.S. 8AI.T Ceana Half around. 100a. (10 00 ne ton: 80s, (10.80; table, dairy, 60s, (14 00; too. t 1.1.75; atielea. (1 5; Imported Liverpool. 60a, 18.00; 100. (17.00: 224. f l.0O; sxtrn 'fins. ooia, za. oa. ins, B4.BOf T.OO; merpusi isinp rock. (20.00 pa toa; 60-lh reck. (10.60; 100a. 110.00, Aoovt prices apply to aalea or leaa thas cs.- lota. Car lot at special pries enhject to floetuatloha.) KiLE leiperiai japan. Its. I. act Ha, 1, 814 c; haw Orleans, bsaa, ?ei Ajsx. Bet Creole, BkANh fmn ' white, n an; heeo wbtte. t3Jm; pink. 12 SO; bsyoa. (8.7B; Lao as. c; naeairaa reos. sc. NUTS Pssnats, Jam bo. (H par lb) Vlrgmfcv THe per lb; roaeted. 10a per lbi Japan. 8 He; roaatadTQ7Se par lb; eoeoaonta. an Dee due: walaats. rsllforsia. lao ear lb: rYench, 1ft per ' lh; plnenata. 14418c per lb: hletorv not. 10s nor lb: ebeetnuta. eastern, ISvlde per lb; Braall nnta, lHc per io; KiiDia, 20c per in; xaacy parana. assjvs; almoaiU, IBv2114e.J . " Kaata, FUh and IVevtmona, v' rRRSTI MHAThU-rront ftrsel Hoes, fanrv. 9c per lb; veal, extra, vc. per lb; erdlnarr, THj8e per lb; poor, da par lbi mat tan. fancy. ssixc per. in. 11 All M. BAOO". ETC Portland one f local) ham. 10 to IX lh. lUa lb: 14 to Id lh. In lb; 18 to 20 lbs. 1IW lb: breakfast bacon. !: 0210 rtrr picnics, lx m; eotuge roll, is mi retniar anort Clear, onsmoked. 12a lbi 4mnked. 18c lb.: clear back, onsmoked. 12e: amoked, 1M lb;' tTnloa butta. 10 to IS lba, ao- tnoked. Be lb; amoked. He lb: clear belllee. an- raoked, 12 lb; amoked. ishc lb; abonlders. 12c in; picxiefi ton roe, sue eaca.- , LOCAL LARD Kettle tear.- 10a. lla Ihi Sa. 1S lb: 80-lb tin. ISUe lb; gteam ren dered, 10s. 12M lb; (, li5e lb; aompoand. 10. SVC lb. . CANNED PALMOIf Cslnmbt river, t-lh fall. (1.80; f-lb talas. (2.78: fac. 1-lh tlata, 81.90;. H-lb fancy flats, (LIB: faaey l ib ovals, 1175: Alaaka tail, pink. KfiUOc; red. M nominal. 2a. taa. tl.00. riHH-Rocb red,, Te. per lb! fmanders. fa per lb; halibut. Se per lb; craba. 8111.80 per doa; atrlped base. 12He per lb; estfleb. 10c lb; salmon, fresh Colombl river ateelheada. He; Chinook. 13H lb; trnern salmon, 011c; her ring, fc lb: aole 6e ; ahrtmps. 10a lb; perch. Be lb; black cod. Tc per lb; tomcod. Te pe lb; allver smelt. 8 per lb; ' lobsters, ton par lb; fresh mackerel, ne pa? lh: crawriah. to per inaen: arnrrenn. 10 per lb; bHtck baaa, SO par lb; OWrnnhl liver smelt, 8 per lb. OY8TKR8 Hooalwater hay. per gallon. (1 SO; per lOO-lb sack. (4 5": Ol.rmirla. per gallon. 2.; per 110-Di. asck. SS.aOO.; Cagla canned. 00c can. fT dosea. CLAM HardahelL par bog, ' 81 T8) naor elama. 12.28 per bos. . , . . Palst. Oosl Ot Ih , ItOPH Par sfaaila, l(4a ataadard. Il; naai, 11c. COAL OIL Pearl or 4Trl Caaes. 18H per (lion; water whits, troa bbia, le per gslloni wsndea, lie per gslloni beadllfht. 170-deg., eaaes, 21 He per gallon, OASOLINB 4Vdeg caws, 24 He per gallon. Iron bbls., 18 per a Don. . BENH1ME S dag. cases. 28 par gsDoa; Iron nhls. l8Ve per gallon, - TOBI'trMTINB la caaaa, M per gsl wood bbl. 08c per gallon. WHITE LE All Ton lot, TJ per Iht fOO-th lot. 8e per lb: lee lots. 8U per lb. VWRf NAILS Present baala at 828. LIN8RET1 OIL Pave raw, to 8-bbl lots, 80e; l-bhl let. Me; eaeee. S80 per gal: geaalue ket tle boiled, ceeee, 00 pa gal; Vbbl lota. Me) 1-nbl lots, CSc per gal; ground cat, car lota, 120 per teal leas tba a est lots. (W per tea. MORE DAMAGE IN WHEAT , Chicago Market Gain. Again With ' Frmlgn Markets Better. . ' , ..'V r RELATIVB W&BAT TALTJER. ' . Btinff In lrge Bnpplira of Eastern Bogs uid Neglect Local Stock nogs' and Cattlo sEaeh' Los TwentyFlTe .Cents. ' 1 'Portland rnlon ' Btoekysrda, March (. Live stock recelpta: ,, , i . nog, lano. , oorep. Today ..........7. , 4o . IS Week ago J4" ..... ; Year age 1. M ' , 178 Previous year - 17 - oo With tha large killers la absolute control f the 11 restock eltuatloa at thla Um. they are not giving mach eoaelderattoa do the- wel tar of producer Jual now. n.uirrs now saw ee llheesl annollea of boss la from the eaat and era ' forgetting tar the time being that any-are raised la tnta state, invy are neglecting tb local ' market altogether and for that reast the local tone I exceedingly quirt... Add to thla tha aulta liberal arrivals of local atuff and yon nave the reaaos why In some sales the market la shaded 25 sent. However, this ' weakness Is only a temporary offslr, aemrdlng to sellers, snd tf nipper do not feed the market too faet there to a very food chaee for a better market Ulec on. . - .. Cattle MArkat la Slek. An ton' of the decline of 28 eenta la the rattle market yeeterday, a alaah for a similar amount waa mad today wltn in vary uoerai arrivals. Hay la a high and scarce la name parte of the eattle country that raiser era compelled to send large supplies to market. They er being fed to tb trad too fsst for tb food of tb pries snd if shipments sre held beck the' trade expect the market to do better later oa in the aeaeon. Sheep trade to the only one la tb men yards to show- a healthy - ton and former prices are maintained. A year, ago today; AU ttnaa firm at an- changed value: 1 . Official livestock- pries: Hoars Best eastern Ore OS. . t7.50A7.TR: torhen and feeders, 24.7847.00; China fata, td.78. Cattle Beat aastem Oregon - steers, 24 Soft A 78; beet cows and heifer. (3.60; stacker ad feeder. (S.T3: hnlle, (2 M. , Sheen Mixed. anc; wethers. 4; awes. Stec Umbs, .aU4c ALL LIVESTOCK GOOD ANOTHER SLUL1P in J. C. LEE CO. Price Goes Down to Eight Dol lars on the Local Exchange : ' During Day."', : . BIG BLOCK OFFERED BY J. C. LEE AT SIX Remarkable ' Drop In, Value Sells at . f 150 MTien First .Pnt on Market Xnmber ' of . Portland People Are la. K ' "- Hogs and Cattle Are Strong Sheep . - - ; ..' Price Steady. ' ' ,." " "'- Chlcage, alareh t. I.trestock receipts: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago ...t............l.onO , l.ono , C.ono nansss vixj ........... o, s.oou , Omaha d.Ono 2.00 4.OH0 llga are errong. with 8.800 left ever, prtree: I . . J Uu. ? .k. Jl . A la. aww S Qfttfl T.06; rough. (.806.0; Ufbt, S.80it.BT. t'atti strong... ,..-. ; , s v Sheep Steady. ' ." " . :,' i NEVADA MINING STOCKS Mohawk ". Xeftses ' 60 . On t Jumbo Down 20c Montana 45c Ixiwer. Sad . Pranrlaco, March S.'-Nevsda ' share war generally tower today. Red Top dropped 20c. Jumbo 20c, f lore or 2V. St. Ire 8c, Comhlnatioa Fraction 8c and Mohawk 50s, In Taoonaba, Montana loat 4Ae, Belmont 8c and Jim Batlar Jtte. . Oomatocka were generally us. Official - bid prlcaa by Ovetbeck. - Start Cook -company: , . OOLDPIELBS J3ISTBICT. white. Mas . .... Jnly ..... September Mar. 8. Mar. Tl Oaln. ... .77HA ,784 , $ XH)' ipon. .78HA .7 .00 JOO ' .T7'i Chlcagn, March S-Wlth a eontinnanc of tb damage reports from the annthweat and a a Improved tone Jn tha foreign elloation, the local wheat market was very firm and closed fc to fc p. ' -..., . - ' Official n notation by Orerbeck, Starr ft Ceoka company; ; '- . ' WBEAT. .- . - ' 11 Urn. ' low. Saadetorm. SOc; Med Top. 24; Mohawk, tlf; Columbia ML, fl; Jnmbo, 24.80; Jumbo Ext., 82.28: Vernal. 22c: Pennsrlvsnls. 8c; Ooldfleld M. Co.. 21.80; Kendall, 86c; Booth. Tftc; Bio Bnll, 48c; Adams. Ittc; 8llver Pick (1.87S; May Queen. 2c; Nov. Boq, 18c; B. B. Ext., 12c; Blue BelL 25e: Dixie, 12c: O. Colnmbla. 85c; Hlbernla. 14c; St. Ivea; $1.88; Conqueror, 21c; Black Bock, He; Lons Star, 26c; 0. Wonder. 4c: Potlatch, tele; Oro. 40c; Kendall l-Kxt., 4ci - Sandstomr- Ext.p ; Mayne, lc; Atunta, sue; ureal . need. 81. on: , Blmerooe, 80c; Empire, 14c: Red Top Ext. 83c; Florence. 28; IHamt. B. B. Con., 40c; O. Daley, (2.80 asked;, Lsmna. f lXl; Commonwealth, 80e asked; Comb. PracL, IAT0; arret Bend Ext, 80c Oreat Bend Annex, 22c; Mlllatorm, 83c; H. B. Bonanas, loe; Kawaaoa, (1.87H; Ka mersMs. 80e; Portlsnd, 80c i Crscker Jack, loc; Francis Mohawh, 87c: Bed Hill, (2 26; Mohawk Ext.. 23c: Spsrhsd Gold. tn asked; Ion Dillon, lc; T. Tiger, 16c; Orandma. 20c; Silver Pick Ext.,- tOej T. Bose. 18c; CoL Mt. Ext., Be; Ooldf. Con.. 8878; Dlsaaf. Triangle, 82c.. -'. ' COMSTOCK PISTBICT. ' Ophlr. 2 8f: Mexican, ane; Oonld ft Cnrry, S8c: Con. Virginia, 80c; Hale ft Norcreae. 78c; Yellow Jacket, fl.Oft; Belcher, 8; Coafldcnce, fl Sierra ., 17;. Eidiequer, 80c; linloa, , BTJlXTBOfJ DISTBICT. ! 'Original, ); , Bnllf. M. C. 28e; Mont. Bnllf., 6c; Nat. Bank. 40c; L. Harria. 8c; Amethyst. 40c; Gold Bsr. fl.18; Htrlnwsy. 21c; Denver Buf. Annex, 2nc naked: Bonnie Clara, 87e; MayfL Con., 2Mc; Monty. Ohm Ext.. 17c; O. Scepter, 20c; Monty. ML, 80c; B. Delay. Me aaked; nnroeotake Cons.. 11.18; Yankee Girl, lie; Keyset, loc; Tramp Cons., 11.23; Banner, 76 aaked; North 8 tar, 10c aaked; Mid, TV aaked; Sanset, 10c , , - ' ' TONOPAHS. Tog. Iv. 218.80; Mont. Ton., 22.88; Ton. Ext., 14 1 MscSamara, 66c; Midway, 82; Toa. Belmont, 28: Ton, North Star. 81c: Ohio Ton., 4; West End Cone., 11.80; Rescue, 18c; Ton. ft Calif., 18c asked: Golden Anchor. 80c; Jim Both, $1.02 '4; Ton.. Cash Boy, 0e; Tm. Home, to; Boat. Tun.. 11c! Monarch Pitta. Ex.. 2V; Mont, Mid. Ext:. 10c; Ooidea Crown. 14c; M. X. Ton. Cona., 10c. - , MANHATTArT DISTRICT. Manb. Ooos., 0e; Mana, M. Co., 18c; 0. Wedge. 1.1c; Seyler Hump, 8c; Dexter,- 2V; L. joe, 4c; Crescent, 8c: Combination. Ac; Granny, 21 aaked; Mnetang, 28c; Little Grey, 42c aaked; Cowboy, Tc; Orlg. Maak.. 2.1c; Broncho, 18c; Jump. Jack, 10c; Plnenut, 18c Buffalo, 6c; S. Dog, 2c; T. II or, Te; Indian Camp, 180 aaked. . TAR IOCS PISTBICT8. Palrv. Silver King. 40c; Falrv. Kagla. SOc; Xevada Hill. 21.80; . plttaborg Silver Peak, 1 90; No. Ktar Wonder, 18c; Eagle' Nest, 24r; Bnby Winder, ane; Nev. H. riorence,. 184 naked; Alice of Woader. 17c , . M July T,-,,-. ,!ii.JorAjL May t ,.ef July 8fptmbr Mny ....f...., July aepttmher May July ... T7& 48' :m. 42 87 22 t. .. 77X ':, 7o U T7u ,. 7i frj ..77)4 . 784. CORN. 48 . dTU ; 46!? ' .47 j.. 4 OATS. 424 48 ins am .82.. "'88 . MKSg PORK. ....!) MM KR5 . ...1116a 108!e . 1AH2 LARD. May ...i SW Wi2 "2 July iin. lew ' pr-V ' I S.'.T Septomher 7T ' ' ' "B7T W70 i ', HHORT RIBS. , Mir .JU.,', P12 '. PTj ,yi6 Jnly . V.'T . . (M. 18 Heptambst t.. Dxi , MS 22 3 dns. T74L A - WV.A -78V-47X8 eoIkB 428! a : ; 87'i I6V1A 1WUB ' ) ' . B6.-.B 720 ; f-P22 - lurt , - ..ttM . PORTLAsTO BAVX STATEMXBT. Clearing today !M 22 Clearings year ago ............... l.i22.87H.lM -' Oals today 22 814 0l Balance belay ., ,114.217.07 (Matures year ago ................ - ine,l4.a4 PENDLETON FLOUR IS SOLD TO THE ORIENT (Special Dlapatcb to Tb JosraaL) - Pendleton, Or., March 9. Fifty-five thousand Back of fionr are now awaiting ahlpment to lh nrlenti by way of. the Washington A -Cn-lumhla River railroad and Seattle, and aa anoa aa traffic over the Washington ft Colnmbla Klvev road la revalued thla ahlpment will be loaded out. . Tbla la one of tha largest spring order ever sent out from Pendleton and baa been greatly delayed by tb Waabouta , which eanaed tba ruapenalon of train service Into Pendleton. Tbe floor la to he sent to Hong Kong, Yo kohama and ether oriental ports for interior trad of China and Japan. . " ., . TJTTITID STATXS OOTIRSaltlfT BOHDfl. ' New York, March S. Government Bond: . . I)te. Bid. Aa. Two, reglatered .......... li'W I'm ion4j do eosuos ,....,,..,.. li- i'UU Three, registered ......... 111 ln8V 14 do eonnoa 1WH Hull, 1m , Pour, registered .......... 1"7 no lot , do coupon J DOT . tof 102, Threes, small bond ...... 102 Fours, reglatered 12M ll'4 , IA0. do ouon 1025 LSI l.siii Dlatrlct of Columbia 266.. .... 1I4V4 ..... f eira, 1'hlllppinra ,. .... Ktj , Twos, Panama ..a.....,.,-..., I4 . lof. - d osnpoa ... lo4 10814 From 2180 a ahaen an 88 srtrhna rhs ansen of leas Ui a a a yeag la the way value have fallen In Uie J. 0. Lea company. Today 10 eharee were aold at the lowest mark en record. Thia la a drop of (14.60 from yeaterday, wheat tbe teen lost 12380 a aha re. Daring the aee bmu, J. C Lee, president of the aompsny, I said to bars offered a Urg buck class at ( During tb day 1M.0O0 aharsa of Lee's Creek Gold were aold at 2e, 10 J C. Le Co. at (8. 10 sharee at 211, a Aaaoclered OU at $4140 and 2.0U0 Poticl at lac. Xb tottet to aa adraaee. It developed today that tha Brlttoh Yukon mine was aold la this city yvaterdar' aftemooa to local and Seattle parties. In desl Included the mln and atbec properties. Tb prlc paid aa doi invvi. . . Offlctol prices: : t ., - '" BANK STOCKS. - " ' . Bid. Bank ef CaUfornta ;......236J,00 Bankers' ft Lumbermen.,.... ..... . Uerchanta' National .......... ..... Oregon Trnat ft KaTtngs 120.00 roritsna xrnsi TJnited States Hatlonsl. 200.00 U8TID 8ECURITIKS (B0KD8). American BlscaH Co. to P8.00 City ft Suburbsn 4s , Columbia Hoot hern Irrlgstloa Oa 88.00 i Home Telephone 5a. ...... . .... .. . . . J. 0. Lee Co. s O. R. ft N. Co. m. ............. W 00 . O. W. P. ft By. 6 100.00 Pacific Coast B lacs It to........ 21.00 Portlsnd Ky. oa .' ; MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Associated Oil -41.00 . Home Telephone , 80 00 . J. C. Le Co 12.80 Pacific State Telephone 106.00 Paget Sound Telepbon ..... MINING STOCKS. PlIIIIJr, IHlUes aOA4e 1 . Oat wood . .50 tanlT5W e ta-a ) Ls'a Creek Gold M A North Fslrvtsw ..' 7T.7. ' Manhattan Crewa Point.. M ; Potlrle Mining...., ..... WaahongU Kxtaasloa JZ i j TJ5LISTBD STOCKS, Oregon City Mill ft Lnmbsr On.... 4.00 ' Vaqulna Bay Telepaoaa.. 4.80 Alaska Petroleum J2n - Blue Stone ', Biitlah Colnmbla Amal.......,v.- .08 ' Caa-adia .28 r Ooldfleld Trotter ............. .IT . Mammoth .10 " Morning .04 14 Mount Pitt w .OM4 . Great Northern ,02 Standard Consolidated ..... Tscoma Steel ('" ' , COBCB D'AXENS DISTRICT. Bullion 07 S Copper King .17W O. K. Consolidated .03Vi Happy Day .0314 Park Copper ......... .......... '4M4 Snowsho .42U Ask. L 112.00 182.00 128.00 120.00 100.00 02.00 88.00 0.00 108.00 loo.eo 108.80 100.00 vs. 00 4100 iV.BO 100.00 8000 JO .88 M .02 .OS . .20 .18 M 8 28 2.2ft .18 .18 ,3f .OA .08 .11 .10 .88 . MORE LOSSES IN STOCKS New York Market Breaks Lower V Mlssoorl Pacific 4 Lower. . New York, March ' f. The stock market closed With another eevara loss today,. Union Pacific loalng t points and Mtaaonri Pacltl A points. ... '. . Official o notation by Ovsrbeck, Starr ft uooke eompany: DESCRIPTION. Amal. Copper Co. ....... 110414 Am. Car ft round., com. 404 do preferred 101 C Am. Cotton OIL com.... 80 Am. tacomotlv. aom... 60 Am. Sugar, com 12SH Am. Smelter, com 182V, do preferred 113 Anaconda Mining Co.,.. 68 Am. Woolen, com.r..... 20 -Atchison, com.... VI do preferred 84 U Baltlmora ft Ohio, aom.. 108 do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 87 H Canadian Pacific, com. . 172 Central Leather, com.,., 82 W Chi. ft O. W., com..... 14 Col, Mil, ft St PaoJU, 141 Chi. ft N. W., com..... ins Cheespeake ft Ohto 48 Colo. Fuel ft Iron, com. . 8NA '..In .M.tuM MM. O, . . d 2d preferred ...... I B2V do let' preferred.....,).... Ttelawars Hodon...'..llfv7 Denver ft B. O., com.,.1 3.1 V( 00 preierrea ,! 74 Erie, com 20 do 2d preferred...... I 4 ao let prvrerrea. ... 00 Illlnole Central a....... 147 Ixmunrllle ft Naahvlll.. 110 Manhatun Hallway .... 18S Mexican Central Ry 2114 M.. K. ft T com...,,.. 40 do preferred.,.., 88 Dlatlller 78U Great Northern ........ 182 Mlaaourl Pacific ....... "8V4 Narlonfil Im4 AA' New Vork Central...... 120 n. t .. tmt. 41 western. 40 Norfolk ft West., com... 81s, "do preferred. v.. North American Northern Pacific, com. . LIT Pacific Malt S. 8. Co... 27 Penneylvanla Ry 128 Peon)' O.. .1, ft C. Co. AO: Press. Steel (sr. com..) 42 no preierrea ...I Resdlnc, common ......1118 ao zd pro , ,. . . .v do 1st pfd Ben.' Iron ft Stesl, com . 27 do preferred ......... AS Rock lalantL com ...,.1 22, ao preierrea .1. , .. St. L. ft S. P , Id pfd. 28 da Ut pfd ......... 8f. fouls ft S. W., com. I 22 do preferred J 88 So. Pacific, com ,.....(88 do preferred ,....1117 Southern Ry., 00m ....j 21 00 prererrea 711 Term. Coal ft Iron.jl4() Texas ft Pacific , I 80 Tol.. St. L. ft W., com.! 27 do neeferred ...... I In Ion Pacific, com.... do preferred ...1.... C. B. Rubber, com . .. do preferred TJ. S. Steel f.( oom. do preferred .'..,.. Wabsah. commoa do preferred ,,,,,, Weatern rnlon-...,,. Wl. Central, com...,, de prsf erred ........ rrglnla Chemical .... Call money rkieed at 4 Total aalea for day, 1. 41 101' 801 70 120 118 '' a 3 106 J. 80 174 S2i I 148 188 48 40. 80'i 62 1BT 34 74'4 20 01 68 180 121 188 21 41 88 12 8O8. 101 : 80 I 8 120 0 04 104 'si") 12 1.0- 188 x S f"ia es ies 80 I1H z 49 88 11 1.18 04 eo 68 !1H r! 1M ft2 ovkl II 120 40 SI iii'-" 27 126 1 124 27 on 22 22 8.1 86lJ 117 22 Tfl 142 i 28 168 1160 40 101 14 Ml 18, 41 SO 88 '4 101 l4 28 mi 41 2W per cent. fcaMOO shared. 118 80 187 27 128 0 "is" '22' 61 S4 11T 21 TO 140 m 2T Vbo 48 'if" 14 27 80 is 40 . 10 was 100, 80 6NU 128 131 liz-n 86 28 4 06 1'" en 87 171 22 18 140 154 48 28 80 62 04 108 81 T4 20 sa 144 110 188 20 88 Tl . 12 08 1184 80 To 80 T8 188 27 42 03 I2nU 88 24 OS 8 jn 61 84 116 21 T2 141 80 26 46 ni 47 I07.' 88 17 40 20 LITtRPOOt ORAJsT XAtXXT. Liverpool.' March 8. Offlclaj' price! WHEAT. . Opeo. ,. Cloee. Hare ...... 6 4 OS 8d iy - n 8d Mm d July Oa 2d a 2d CORN. March 4 4d 4 4d May 4s t4 . 4a t4 Mar. 1. Loss. MM ... 4 . H1 d 0 8d to 4Xd What O10 recent ftooda from tho melting; snowa did to tho rallroada In eastern Oregon and Washing ton. Taken tvro and one half in Ilea abova rroowator oa tha Spokane branch of tho O. R. 4 N. Phota by W. K. Brew tor, - HO FEDERAL JUDGE l- IDAHO FOR: THE PRESENT Roosevelt Too f Busy to Make Appointment From the Ten' Applicants, Says Heyburn. ' fWaahlnftoa B arses of Tba Jonrnal.) -Waahlnrton. March I. Bona tor Hot burn of Idaho today gar out a state ment that President Roosevelt had boon too busy .to maka a aeleetlon from tho 10 candidates to succeed Federal Judga Beatty of Idaho, who baa resigned. Henca It will bo soma tlmo boforo aa appointment la aiado, ... -, - : ' . Heyburn aaaarts hat tho. prealdant and attorney-seneral, both regard tho chars ea agalnat Allahta aa frivolous and that tho result of filing; char sea against him has canned support to eomo to AUahta which otherwise) would have gone to other candidates. Allahle Is 'charged, with being; .too friendly to the - Guggenheim smelter trust However, naya s Heyburn, tho president will take tune to make tho se lection, because of its, importance as a position for UfO. : t'. ; vvy. MOYER TRIALS ABOUT MIDDLE NEXT MONTH fJoarnsl Snedsl Ssrviee.l . , "Boise, Idaho, March 8. Jnraoa Havr- ler, leading attorney for the prosecu tion of Moyer, Haywood and Pettlbone, arrived this morning from tho trial of Adams at Wallace, Idaho. He said be thoucht the' officers of tho Western Federation of Miners would bo tried at Caldwell about tha middle of AprlL Judge Wood Is to bold court for Judge Bryan at Caldwell Monday when' mo tions to dismiss ana for a mange 01 vena will be argued, providing tho mandate arrives In time from the fed eral supreme court ; STATE OFFICIALS ' NAMED IN IDAHO (SpecUl fHapatdi The Journal.) . BoUa, .Idaho, ..March-. Oovernor Ooodlng today made the following ap pointments, which the senate confirmed: Stat engineer, James Stephenson, re ..Mi.taa. immigration eommlaaioner. Allen Miller, reappointed; insurance com missioner, U. A. Wowniiuoi w rnvn, labor eommlsalonera, J. A. Davis of Boise and Henry Wood of Malad. . ASKS POLICE TO SEARCH , FOR MISSING SISTER Mrs. C. R. Johnson of 1144 X, street Fresno, California, has wrttten-t)-Chlef Orltsmachar asking him to locate her sister, Mrs. A. B. Albee, a resident of this city. The writer says that she Is 111 from worrying over her relative and lh. tolins la nut forth everv effort to ascertain the address of Mrs. Albee.'.' - '- ' ' CONSTITUTIONALISTS ; r IN DOUMA STAND PAT (2onvnsl Snedal Servlea.t ' ' St Petersburg, March , The voting for officers in the lower bouse today shows that the majority . of the Con stitutional Democrats , remains solid,- - HUGE ANTI-SUFFRAGE' ' 'i -X PETITION IN COMMONS London. March . A petition bearing the signature of 21,000 women was presented In the commons today, pro testing against woman suffrage,. . 0 BK1T tTJOAB. -. . The following comnrunleatloa is neat mt to the trsd by the Westsra Sugsr Refinlnf ""Ef1":.. ' .... we srs orry vo nf um, irwiiis w vrm eon re terl condition of the San rraaciaee yard . .... a .iku. K Mlfle Am n. n w ftolleo h.a I 1 . k . . - ..III K k( m. la reueven, w 111 u. iiuiwhii. w mov any beet anger from tb factory of the "nrechel Sugar company at Spreckela. Cali fornia, as nan rrin-iaoo. i iimi yu. su vised -to the - eontrsrvi w wW - therefor he (nhh to accept any mora order for thla Kade. It la imnoaaiiiie to say wnen wa win able to fill such orders for beet, as we now nave on our ooosa, not urj win na seated Immediately following the receipt ef tb sugar from the factory at Spreckela.1' " -few York-Louden Silver. New Tors, March 8 Silver. 08e; Lea don. rd.., . ..... . TW TORX OOTTOV MAIKXT. Rsw Tors, March 8 Of flH.l iinen. xiian. iw nnary ... ions Marc v.n April ' poo May loot June ......... .... July ......... loiB lot ton August loll ' 11T loll fteptrmber ... 1018 - 1"18 , I018 Oetoher 10.12 1I lr?s December .... 10JT luOu lua2 Igh 100 , 0K8 M8 loot 10o2 004 P8 0.8 cotton Msr.8. 10fl . 8 1 10i" . 1I0S 1T 1011 1012 l?x lo:i Price Mar.T. IOTiT Sl ' l Ia loot loll - lot4 1014 inrrj Liverpool Cot toa Market ' l.verpml, March A Cot toa fainrea closed 1 to S points up. . - soLons nriisH WORK AT HELENA Montarra . Legislature Ends Its Labors and Adjourns at Noon -Many. Bills Slain; . '(Special Dispatch to The Journal) Helena, Mont., ' March I. The tenth legislative assembly , of Montana ad' Journed thla morning - singing , "Auld Ing Syne." On tho last night a large number of billa were slaughtered, the senate adopt tng a resolution killing aU billa la the hands of tho steering committee. In eluded were an anti-poolroom measure, a number, of printing bills and aa anti- traat law. Tho mora Important measures adopted during the Session were a railroad and warehouse commission law; a law mak ing effective the Initiative and referen dum in the stat. and also la citlsa: an anti-gambling measure; a law extend ing the right of . eminent" domain to foreign corporations; a statute Increas ing the constitutional limit of indebted ness in the state la order to pay for bonds declared unconstitutional by tho United States supreme court; a law pro hibiting wine room a; a pure food law, preventing hotels. ' restaurants ' and boarding-house from serving adul terated foods unless patrons are" noti fied: a meat and mllk'npctlon law; a law fixing' a standard for oils, both lubricating, heating and illuminating; a measure repealing the occupation tax on merchants and professional men; law Increasing the salaries ef numerous state officials - and permitting fusion between political parties and to pre vent the endlesa onain system of voting; a law repeating the- primary law; a bill repealing special tax levies on ' livestock-; a law making it -ft - felony for state, eounty .and city treasurers to re tain Interest oa publlo funds, ana aaopt ing a resolution commending tha attorney- general . for- having instituted suits against treasurer to collect moneys so retained, as alleged. 1- GILFREY'S 600D LUCK Clerk of Senate Refused Eight Thousand a Year Ago---Now . : Offered Fifty Thousand. . (Washlngtoa Borsae of The Josrssl.) ' Washington, March 8. Henry H. Oll frey of Oregon, who has been ap pointed - to succeed U. B. McDonald, chief clerk of the senate, has received word from Portland of another piece of good fortune. He owns a traot of land on tho Peninsula on the east side with McDonald. A year . ago both were of fered for their Joint holdings by parties there, 22.000, but the deal fall through. Now Ollfrey has an offer of 160,000 for Ma halt of thairact, being 10 acres, an offer of $1,000 an acre. - Ollfrey- was advised a year Ago to sell at the offer then made, but believing that Portland waa destined to hare a remarkable crowth from this time on, he refused. He is now considering the last offer; His salary formerly aa cal endar clerk was 12,000, as Chief clerk it will b 12.260. . V : V ;- , SALEM COMPANY WINS -; PRAISE OF INSPECTOR , fSpetiai Dlapatcb to The Josmal.) Salem, Or., March t. "It was a good company that I inspeoted In Salem Jast year, but this one shows great Improve ment over one year ago and I con gratulate you. Captain Murphy, and the officers and men under you," said Col onel James Jackson yesterday after he had conducted the annual Inspection of company M, Third infantry.' -. Not only does Colonel Jackson act in the capacity -of inspector-general, but also as survey officer, and in that ft paelty "condemned an . outworn . property.- Ten Krag-Jorgensen rifles were also inspected and condemned because they had been shot out by constant use with ball cartridges on the rifle rah se, . , tt. The eompany went through various evolutions and the men were drilled in company, platoon and squad movements by the oaptaln and. lieutenants. There waa a round of applause from the spec tators when the- roll call showed that tho eompany had 100 per cent in at tendance. ' : New Athena Officers. (Hpecttl Diana fen to The Journal.) Athena, Or., March I. -At the annual city election tha following officers were elected for the ensuing yean Mayor, J. D. plemondon; councilman." fl. w. Oro.a, r. '8. LeGrow, William McBrldo, Wil liam Tompktna; recorder,, O. O. Cham berlain; treasurer, I. M. Kemp; water commiagloner, M. X Watts. . AS IHVESTniEnT New Owners of Theatre Build ' Ing May Use It for Other - ..".-'' v.'-, Purposes; DEPENDS ON ACTION OF CITY AUTHORITIES Hesujrs. J May,- Cohn- BsiTisteln, . Are WHIlnc to Make All Rcaswxs I able Alterations - to Stractww f of ' Protectiow of Aadienoe. ' ' - The Marquam theatre .waa. purchased by ISmanuel May . and ssaooiate for tnvestment purposes. If a sultabl offer Is made It wUl be used for theatrical purposes; If, en the ether hand, a suitable-offer la made , by commercial one terp rises, it will b used for buslnee purpose a - la . other words, the pur chasers propbse ' to derive the highest revenue from their investment. "- - Such Is the statement of Emanuel May. who with 8. Morton Conn, Bern-, stein A. COhn and 8. M. Blumaucr. pur chased the property yeaterday for tlOO.v 00. . Mr.. May denies that ha gapreaenta either tb trust or independent theatrical interests and says that the theatre waa purchased for purely business purpose. However, Mr. May adralta. It will moat likely b used aa a theatre, provided Unreasonable obstruction are not of fered by the city. All Improvements that he regard ad aeeeaaary will be mad and legal conditions will be oocn-. plied with. .. j Want to Aooxasaodat afabllo. "It w make the proper arrange menta ' with " theatrical lntaraata, tha theatre will be put in tha beat eon dltlon, and everything done not only t8sJ comply with th requirements, but to) aceommodat th public," said Mr. May. Tf there are unnecessary conditions Imposed, we WUl not permit Its us as a theatre, but will us tb house roa oommerelal porposea. - it waa bought purely for Investment purpose and wa hop to make th best posslbl arrange-. : monts." . . An important feature ia connection with 'the purchase ts th absence of re-, sttictlon with reference to Sunday per fbrmanoea. In case tha house Is used for theatrical purposes - there will be) Sunday performance as well as wee si ' day performances. "There are absolutely no restrictions , with reference to what days th hous may be uaed," said Mr. Bernatein.- If it 1 used for .theatrical - purpose 1 presume there will be - Sundsy perforw ' mancea. That will rest with those who) leas it.- 1 atrssog oa Both ttldeav . Included in th purchase waa a it foot entrance way from both Sixth and! Seventh streets and th mala enrraao from Morrison street. If th hous 1 ' used for ' theatrical purposes antranoea to th. theatre will b placed on both thoa street." ' V ' "It will be at least two weeks o more before it ia finally decided what ' will be done with the Marquam," said ' Mr. . Bernstein. "It . was purchased for Investment purpose and of course tha purchasers want to make the best pos sible arrangements! Just what dispo sition will be made of the hous 1 can not say at this time." , ' is a 1110 nAnV. Pilimrnrn ....t.. . IN RUNAWAY ACCIDENT? ! ' (Snselal Dlapatch to The lournal.) ' , Oulhrte, Okla., March 2. P. 3. CM earn fell between th wheel and bed : of his buggy today. , His horse ran away ' and O'Meara's body waa torn asunder. BABE ON THE FLOOR ' . KILLED UNDER LADDER ttaraf.iitrati Tl. f. .fArrh ft Whll mht was hanging a picture tbla morning - . , a M 1 W f J 1 1 1 WJ 7T- laaaer aiippvu unarr xnrti. rvniian. nm, ee, Insin anSs-a I Tat A Syninl ft n eV "anl I upon and instantly, killed her baby, sit ting on the floor. , ' TERROR THE PORTION OF THE POOR KINGSTONIANS (Josmal f pedal aiervlee.) -l..,.., ; Kingston, Jamaica, March 8. There- hav been . recurrent shock of earth, qunkes since Motxlay, accompanied by a terrific subterranean roaring. . i.-. ; l' HuiffJ Fruit Farm. . - . (Kpeclsl Dlapatcb to Tha Jonrnal.) , I,A Grand. Or.. March I. Four hun-r dred and twenty-flv acres of land near the root of Mount Imbler will soon be converted Into a huge fruit farm? th ' Grande Ronde Valley Fruit company, capitalised at 00,000, being behind th project .