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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1907)
o:co:j daily journal; Portland. Friday evening, march a, leer. WE fall L III L L A J)l IIS --For Bargains InIeats and Groceries! Note Our Prices! You are sure of quality when you buy here; there is no element of chance, but an unquestioned " certainty. Many food products cannot be judged until they reach the table; hence it is desirable that you be certain cf the quality of 'things making your ieasts. That certainty is yours when foods come from Portland's pure . : food store Our prices are just as low as goods of the same quality can be sold. '.': CHICKENS I7Kc . . RANCH F.OC1S. PER DOZEN. 20 CENTS FANCY CREAMERY BUTTERTO CENTSfROtL; libs Qrariiiilated Susrar Choice Corn Beef V 3clb Jdcy BoillngBeef . " ' - ' - ' ' ; ' -"' ' - - . - ' , ., ' Fine Pot . Roast ' We Arc Out for Business Not for Glory Choice Chuck Steak : 4 lbs to 25c Juicy Round Steak i i y 3 lbs for 25c Fine Loin Steak v lOc lb mM nn a TTh nn? 221 First Street t - : Corner Salmon .--.V;y;':i- ' Ione Main 1 MEATS Beef Stew- . v ; v . : Ac Corned Beef . . . 1 i Sc Pot Roasts, all kinds, t5c-7c Hamburg Steak . ; . v 6c Shoulder Steaks . . . 7c Shoulder Roasts . ; v 8c Prime Rolled Roasts '. 9c Muttpn Legs . . . V 12c Sirloin Steak . . . : lOc Prime Rib Roast . . 1 lc Porterhouse Steaks .. . 12V2C Picnic Hams . 12 Vac Cottage Hams . : . . 12V2C Government-Inspected Oregon and Washington Steer Beef GROCERIES Gallon can t . Tomatoes ........ 30 Gallon cans Apples... ...... ..S0 8 bars Monarch Soap. ...... . .25e Postum Cereal ...... . . . , . , . , .20f 5 lbs. Broken Rice. i.. ... ;.. .25 8 doien Clothes Fins. .'. ...... . .St 7-lb. box Macaroni or Spaghetti 40 2- Ib; bqck Codfish. ..t. ....... 15 60-lb. sack W. S, Flour, none -' better . . . 91.10 50-lb. sack L. B. Flour, bread . ' flour .. ................ .$1.00 3- lb. box Soda Crackers....... 20 10-lb. sack Rolled Oats . . ..... .35 10 lbs. Yellow Corn Meal. ... .. 25 10 lbs. White Corn Meal. 25 2 pkgs. Gold Dust. j.,.. ...... 35 7 lbs. Nary Beans. .. .. .... ...25 Fancy Creamery Batter... ....70 Good Ranch Butter.,.;.".... 50 8 cans Cream , . . . . . . 25 8 cans Salmon. ............. ..25 8 cans Sardines............... 25 2 cans Mustard Sardines...... 15 Shredded Wheat .............10 Arm and Hammer Soda.., .....5 8-lb. can Singapore Pineapple. 20 T: lbs J, Navy Beans. . . , ........25' T lbs. Pink Beans. .. . 25 1-Ib. Comb Pure Honey, ,V..15' 1- lb. can Trophy Baking Powder ... . . . . .... .". . . .25 1 gallon Cutting's Pure Tomato Catsup ... . .50 3 pkgs. V. B. Mince Meat... ..25 2- lb. roll Ti L. Creamery Butter, none better .75 Famous Town Talk Blended Coffee, per lb. ....20 Monarch Blended Mocha and Java, . per lb. ........ .............23 3 cans Tomatoes1 Corn, Peas and Beans , t ; . .25 3 pkgs. Humpty-Dumpty,; same as Force" .. ...........25 13 bars Soap ........ . 25 , 3 pkgs.zViolet. Wheat......... 25 Blueing, bottle ............... .5 Ammonia, bottle .5 2 cakes Sapolio... ............15 2 large bars Ivory Soap. ......15 Scotch Oats . . . .... . . , V. , .10 All orders for Albina and East Side must be in by 1 o'clock N Saturday r ' PHONE MAIN 1412 FIRST AND TAYLOR STREETS The Big First Street Market end Popular Trading House. ? The Market Basket - 4 ...... Within ft fw abort wka at th meat - vtra.barrlaa will mikt thalr appaaxnc . In thm Portlo4 maxkata. Alraadr tna . KTaam fruit Im ppciin on tbt planta In aoma prta of OaJUornU and It wUl not Uka long bafora ablpmanU to tbta market UI ba mada. Aooordlnf ta tba raport from California, thara la Tery , probability t tbla tlma of a vary liberal 'aTV pl&nUd buu7 additional aoraa to atraw , barnaa ana nniaaa waauer oooaraona ao aatray prloaa art not llkalr to climb . qulu ao U(n aa-uiay oia a year aso. Lt year atrawberrlea were ae.hUh. priced that few hoseewlvea ' put . them nway for the winter. " r Uuahrooma haya nrain made their ap - Dearanoa - ln the looaj retail mrkata, ' but the auppUaa are ao amall . at thle - time that prloaa are ranglnf over to centa a pound. A few daya of alternate ra4n and aunaaina will quickly bring .: ,dowa the price. j , ; ,: - , areata olimbed up aeverel notchaayin lha price during the past week. Tbia , waa at wholesale, but owing to the fact that the big packing bonaea are flfpt Ing the a mailer , eonoema the retail prloaa are practically unchanged, in orae of. theeo "tmet busting" market you can today buy meate eereral oenta , a, pound under the price that retailer . ' are expected to pay In fact you can buy fuUy a cent a pound under the prloa the killer pay on the hoof. -Juit ' . now it looka as If the meat war wlH be continued for some time. Each aide la ' - very stubborn In its vtewa and neither will allow the other a chance to make ' a profitable business if It can be helped. 1 - For this reason the war will go on until one side- or too other Is forced to . giro in. Then you msy expect to pay ' Interest on the money that the big pack err lOat during the fight. The fiddler . 1 paid on all occasions by the public Those that put In good supplies of sugar while the price remained low are new congratulating themaelvea, for during- the past few days there waa a very arp advance la the price at wholesale ana in eonsequenee that mucn was added ; to the retail figure. - Higher cost of raw sugar In the east-waa the cause. -- With the promised heavy production of fruits the coming aeason, there are not likely to be much lower prieea In . the sugsr market. .A year ago the fruit crop was light In every secUon of the country and this with the Increased acreage in sugar gave the refiners about vtwio as much sugar as thsy bad a de nuad for. 1 During the past few days aoma very fanny cars of bananas arrived here from . Central America. While the bananas . were rather green, they were otherwise In good shape and In a few days they - will be In a ripe condition, ready for innrknt.. ' tTnttl that time tirT.IIe f " I I .... -J .. 1 U i rasvrva to Pe'.,- jQfc KFE BUXDAY'S JOtTlXAL r There is not. a meat market in the city that has Government inspection of meats not- one; There are some" that ."scream' for it, but it is only a fraudulent Beef Trust mac y vjovernmenx inspecuon may oe a very ooa vung xor lorcign ana micrsuic trade, but it is hardly practicable in a city like Portland, where a large part of the meats come direct from the farm. And the fact that many of the Beef Trust markets make a screech owl" out of Government Inspection while at the same time they han dle any kind of meat that comes their way is a disgrace to the Government and Govern ment inspection. , r - :'-Xv. .," :C :i:;,y: . -:-, y- . ''. SMITH GO I 226-228 Alder Street, Between First and Second Streets. fFIGHTING THE BEEF-TRUST SOUP MEAT, PER LBirr;3c Beef Prime Rib Roast. . .10c Beef Sirloin Steak. ;v. 1254c Porterhouse. Steak ; . . 12Jc Fancy Porterhouse r .Steak ; ..:....;;. .15c Beef Rib Steak...... 1254c Beef Round Steak 10c Beef Shoulder Steak..... 8c Beef Shoulder Roast:... 8c Hamburg Steak . . i, . . . . . 8c Rolled Rib "Roast Beef 1254c Corned Beef . . .' . ". . . ; . . . . 6c Liver ..5c Brisket Beef . .. . . .V;. . .5c Beef, f or-Stewing.. .V. 5c Lamb Stew . . . ........ 6c FrontquartersLamb'Vt; 10c Veal : Stew,. ...... . . . . 8c Veal Shoulder Roast...4. 10c Legs of Veal.........l2Hc Breast Veal .....I.;.. 10c Pork Steak ............15c Leaf Lard ... ..12c Lamb Shoulders ....... 10c Lamb Sh'lder Chops.. 1254c Lamb Loin Roast . . . . . 15c Our Own Pure Lard.'.;. 12c PRESSED CHICKENS, PER LB r. 18c Choice Hams, our own 17j4c Beef Rump Roast.w. . . . 8c Bkft. Bacon, our own 1754c Pickled Pork ..v.v.t: 1254c Pork Loin Roast .... . . . 15c Pork Chops . . : . . . . . . . .15c Pigs' Heads ............5c PigsVFeet .............5c Sausage .. ............10c Pork Shcfulder Roast . 12 y2c Pork Sides ..........1254c Lamb Rib Roast .......15c Legs of Lamb . . . . . . . . . 15c Ribs and Loin Chops... 15c Smith's is the only market in the city that does not handle those famous Beef Trust bulls. Meat of that sort is dear at any price. Do not eat it if they give it to you. good stock are scarce. Orangea and applea are selling very fast these days. Good apples are rather scarce and this la causing some addi tion to the price. - . , 1 Most of the stores are selling fresh ranch eggs at SO cants a dosen today owing to the further decline of the prloa at wholesale. While It may be possible It is not llkeiy tnai eggs wm go much cheaper than the present price. this being about the low point during the past few years. 1 ; 1 - Bo scarce have beea the suppllea ' of chickens in this manket of lata that most of the - retailers have been foroed ' to draw again on "the east for supplies. One large retailer asserts that his month ly bills for eastern chickens amount-to fully UNO. or about $24,000 for one year. This Is the purchssa or out one dealer and shows to some extent - the greet amount of chlckene coneumed in1 a city like Portland. It la estimated that triple this amount is received by all the other dealers together, or 71.00t worth of east, ern chlokens each year. This does not oount the home supplies. . STREET COMMISSIONER jMEPTOR ROSgURG Roitburc, Or- March .The Rose. burg city council at Ita last regular ses Sinn sppolnted James M. Flotrher Sr. street commissioner. Mr. - Fletcher's m position also Includes the duties of special policeman. That Rosoburg will have new and greatly Improved roofed Mr. Paul Spathfonner partner of tht firm of Pennle ft Spatb, Palace Market, 260 Yamhill Street, will be pleased o not the following: On March IS Mr. Spatb. will open up a first-class Meat Market at 18S Fourth Street, between Yam hill and Taylor Streets. He will be pleased to have hia old acquaintances and customers r;ive him a calL Our quality of meat will be of the beet trades and the prices the lowest. This new market has been known tn the peat as the old Duke market. If yon cannot attend the opening call up Phone .Main 2830. . ' . V -v -. " . Many thanks for your past patronage, - R. SPATH streets is aaeured. and there la much talk of having paved streets here. The first Initiative and referendum election wilt be held on May . when the ettlsens of Roeeburg will have a ohaneo to say yes or no on municipal ownership of their water and light sys tems,- ., A healthy man la a king tn hie own IK mm link u UK. m m n I. . n iinViannv lave.' Rurdock Blnod Bitters builds up sound health keeps yen wslL ' Jnstlco Holmrs lias Birthday. , (Jnarul StM-Hl Sr1r. Wash In t on. D. C, March t. Justice Oliver .Wendell. Holme of the United fUates supreme court waa years Old today, and waa the recipient of many congratuletlona from' hla colleeirufts on the bench and hla friends in Washing ton, Boston and elsewhere. Though he will be .eligible to retirement on full pay four y.are hence. Justice Holmeo la one, of the yonngent appearing mena bere' of the supreme tribunal. GROCERIES 349-851 OAK ST. s i m ' Wfial W .1 I 1 AMI V VVI : V . . W . - ; Phone Main 2598 MEATS 343450 ANKENY ST. - SAVE KONEY BY ITaADLW AT A CIIEAP FOR CASH STCHE Portland' larjcit and cheapest cash grocery submits the following prices for your careful : '.Y--. ..-v v i.vV-v;: ..-; V'1 : V-"' consWcrstion: ' .. . j, ' Rose City FlourBest HardVheat Sack & 1. 15 Best Creamery Butter, 2-Pound Square . 70 Best Strictly Fresh Ranch Eggs, per doz. .20 Can Baker's or. GhirardelH's Coco.,. ...20. 1 lb. Fancy Mocha and Java Coffee ...... 25f 12 cans Star Cream. ...... ......,..,..60 7 lbs. Choice White Beans. .............25e Large pkg. Crackers. .20 8-lb. box Crackers. . ................... .50 10-lb. sack Yellow or White Corn Meal. . .25e 1 gallon good Maple Syrup....... 1.00 B cans Pork and Beans7t...T7tr.....235 3 cans Tomatoes, Corn or Peas. . . . , . . . . .23 1 lb. Shredded Cocoanut........t..,..:.15 1 3-lb. pkg. Pyramid Wash Powder,:. ...15 7.1bs. best Eastern Rolled Oats,.....'.,; .23 1 pkg. Scotch Oats.,;.;.,...........,U.10 2 lbs. best English Walnuts. .......... . .8S 1 can Eagle Milk...... ,sl5 ZZZZX SPECIAL PRICES TO HOTELS, RESTAURANTS AND BOARD INO-HOUSE3 Lake ILrie Wine & Liquor Co. Formerly of 404 Washington Ei, r Is Now Located it ': ' ' '," . " 234 HRST STREET COR.7 MAINv 7 We Invite all of our old customers as well as new ones to call at our new store. We can Terve you as before, the very best ol goods at the very lowest prices. Saturday, March S, our opening day, we shall offer 1000 Gallons of Sweet Wines, such as Port, Sherry, Anse'ca, , Muscatel and Tokay at C5f) a GALLON Lake Erie Wine 234 FIRST STREET, COIIULR- HAT.' Tc'; : 7 ") rt i it ii