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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALS . PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. i.TrtRCII 8. K;7. LAYIUG' UNITED RAILWAY TRACKS W-e1Ms- J, 'IT I r-r0 - '-je ,s .-..v.1,. ; -V'" 2 "' ' S i 1 , -lit k 0 - ' !; ?..- . - ', - 'Workmen Placing Ralls "on Front, Street. Near Steel Bridge. ' Osnge of workmea are' laying .ralla on Front street for the United Railway : company. Already two blorles of track have been practically completed erM tha work K to b pushed aa. rapidly aa pos elble. '; ': Tha work' waa begun at a point on Front atreet a abort diatanca aouth of tha ateal bridge. Short distances of the atreet will be torn up at-ay time, and oonstnfrtlon canes will follow Immedi ately behind In order to lay tha tracks 1n tha shortest possible time. Every effort will bo madeVo prevent- a block- IMS HEAVY DAMAGES : FOSIWyTOKE eneassisBsseBSBaaw . u, V t ' Telephone Company' Asked Kfor .' Large Sum by Plaintiff Who Fell Over Pole. , J. -J. Brown wants flS.OOA ' damages from the Pacino States Telephone aV ' -Telegraph company for Injuries to bis -knee, cauaed by falling' over a telephone Vile that had ' been left ' lying la ' the 'street. --Brown charges that 'In April,1 .106, the company left a pole. In which ' iron climbing spikes had been placed, ' on the pavement ,at Sixth and Flanders .streets. .-.-.-', V i ...'' ! While crossing the street after dark on April , Brown stumbled over one' of the spikes In the pole and fell to the ' pavement. He alleges that he sustained an Injury to his knee that will make him .a crlppie for life. - Brown la represented by Attorneys Graham and Cleeton. WILL BE ARRESTED EVERY : DAY RUNS SMOKEHOUSE - Upon a plea of guilty-entered several days ago Harry Wood, - president ' of : the Harry 'Wood liarkat oonipany, Flrat ' and ' Alder streets, who - was arrested upon complaint of Market Inspector -Barak A- Evans for maintaining, a smoke and rendering vats below ssjlodg- Ing house, was fined 12ft by Judge Cam " eron thla morning. . - Wood announoed his Intention of lm- mediately abating the aulaance In quee , tlon and la seeking a new location. Dep uty City Attorney- Fltsgerald declares ' that be will arrest Wood every day the pjant Is operated In violation of the . erdlnance., , .... , v, .,, ; . . ssawasawisa ssawsassa..lsi j , Win Lecture on Salvation. J - Rev. Paul 8. Xk Johnson, the Hebrew Bible scholar and lecturer on the ques ttona -of "Eternal 'Torment'' and -Future Probation.'' who vlalted Portland last v November will lecture on -The Two Balvationa" In the O. A. R. halU. corner ' Second ansl Morrison streets, next Sun , day afternoon at 1:10.. Before entering I the-lecture field Mr. Johnson waa a prominent Lntheran minister, being a convert to that faith from the Jewish religion. During the last two years he 4 has lectured to large audiences In nearly very city of Importance In the aouth and west. These lertures are free.. i- PREMIER OF. THE TRANSVAAL 1 , v . ft A" '. Geneal Louta Botha, tbe famous . mnrb. trouble in the recent war, Is Colony. The Tranavaal constitution ' r.enersl Botha will have practically Jt'-'t Wltfred Laurler has In the . . ' "4 .,' -. f !" ... - ?t hurt.,.. , - . - r-- :TVv ? ""1et' m 5 V ade of traffic as much as possible. . Tha road ia to be strictly modem and wilt be capable of handling tha baavleat traffic , Tha Front utreet road will be chiefly a freight road, for tha term a of the franchise provide that cars may be Operated only : at nisnt. Other crewa are being- organised to begin work In the southern part of tha city to work north. Promoters of the road are positive In their . assertions that tha' road will - be completed In ample time to comply with the require ments of the franchise, MISSING MAN ;: ' BAFFLES SEARCH ' ' . . , . , ; . j "" ' X' Wife of Dexter Roberta Unable to Farniah" CIne Brother - Coming From Texas to Aid ReUtlVeo. , ..'....,': .-, . . . - I -.. ' Absolutely no 'trace has been discov ered of Dexter Roberts, the Woodbura rancher,' who disappeared 'under myste rious circumstances about a "month ago. Mrs. Roberts called at police headquar ters with her son this morning and stated that nothing, that, would tend to unravel the -mystery surrounding the Disappearance of her husband bad been Vnearthed. - i .-: ; . - " Inquiry at the Stetlacoom Inaane asy lum In Washington .relative to the un known, man committed-to that lnstl,ta tlon from Roy shows that the patient Is not Roberta. The brother of the missing man la on his way to Port land from Texas to aid In the search.-' It has been definitely 'established that the last seen-of Roberts waa at the depot' at Woodburn on the day of. hie diaappearance, but It Is not' known whether he boarded a train. Hla grtef strlcken wife' made a trip to Pendleton, but no clue waa found there. . TELLER FITZGERALD. II cleared of assault IXonraal HMdal BerHea.) , - ' Chicago, March 1. George W. Flta- gerald. - the teller at .the eub-treaaury, from whoss caga 1171,000 disappeared, was . this morning acquitted of the charge of - assault upon a newspaper man, Harry Friend. Fltsgerald accused Friend of insulting bla . wife while la pursuit ef news. . New Pastor Arrives at Vale.' 1" (Speda! DUpatcb ts Tbe" Joaraal.l Vale, Or- March Rev. O. A. Btlll man. Congregational . minister, late of Buffalo, Wyoming, has arrived here to take up the work of that church In Vala Rev. Bmlth, state superintendent of Congregational Sunday schools. Is also In town,... . -. K' ' " T PlesMto" Not Guilty. -, Frank Benson appeared before Judge Bears in the circuit, eourt thle morning and pleaded not guilty to the charge of stealing a typewriter from the Imperial hotel. ,Thq date of the trial will be set later. Beneon will -be defended by At torney jamea uieason. - .: ' . - . jV - - - y "-','' I - .'.1 .0 XL Doer leader, who gave the British so now prime minister of the Transvaal Is similar to that of Canada and tha same power In his country that dominion north of as.- ; THE OTHER FELLOW'S WAV, :;;;v.'-ONE'.WAY, QP TRANSPORTING MEATS TO MARKET. Which Way Do W Now To The Story of Saturday's Prices on Delicious v ; Government Inspected Meats ; ; mm Mb , ESKIMO SUICIDES Where It Is No Crime to Be Self . '; , . " Destroy er. ,..' ..-;' In a lecture to tbe Royal Geo graph ical society entitled "To tbe Magnetic North Pole and Through the Northweet Pasaage.' Captain Amundsen aald that the object of hla expedition had been with a amall vaaael and a few oom- panlona to penetrate Into tbe regions around the earth's north magnetle polo. and by a series ef accurate observations extending over a period of two years to relocate ' tbe pole, observed by Sir James Rosa In 1131, and also to make Investigations in its immediate vicinity. It had been, furthermore, hla Inten tion the condition of the lee allowing of It to attempt to ail through the Northwest Passage in Its sntlre ex tent, that -being a problem which tor centuries had defied the most persistent efforts. He explained that hla ship, the Otoe, waa built In Hardanger In 1S7I, 8he - had originally been u,sd In . ths herring fisheries along the Norwegian coast. - . 1 '. ' :- . ' The expedition started at midnight, between June It and IT, down ths Chrtstlanla fiord, and algbted the first ice on July . in the vicinity of Cape Varewell. Malvllla hav waa entered on August 8, and three weeks later the OJoa passed the spot' where 'Sir Allen Young waa stooped in the pandora ey Impenetrable Ice, and later In the day, the weatern entrance-to. Ballot, strait, where Sir Leopold McCllntock In vain tried to get through. After grounding several times, and aueceesfully battling with aa outbreak of fire, on September the expedition anchored at the bead ef Petersen bay. in King William una Therei" said the lecturer, "approached bv a narrow Inlet, lay tne naroor wnicn waa to be our place of aojourn for two years ujoahavn, or ajoa naroor. . . . The day after Our arrival here I rowed ashore with my Instruments to ascer tain the state of the magnetism In this area, and. strange aa It may sound, we had found tha very spot whloh, accord ing to my scheme, was the most suit able for a magnetic station aooui mv nautical miles from the magnetle polar area. There waa no longer any doubt; this "would' be our home for the next twe year a. The time after thla. waa very busy. ' The vessel waa hauled close up to the shore, whlob fall rapidly away, a conveying rope rigged to the masthead, and all our provisions passed ashore by means of it Everything was put In order, and the bouse whloh we built covered over with a salL" - The - summer of 104 waa cold and cheerless. Of " birds of paaaage tbey saw swans, geese, loons,' ducks, elders, and many amall btrda. The ptarmigan came In March and went In November; the only stationary anlmala were the Arctic fox, the stoat and tbe lemming. The vegetation waa ' rich, and large tracts were te be seen quite covered with flowers. There were butterflies, flies, and soma other Insects, not to omit milliards of gnats. In regard to the customs of the NecbJUU Eskimo, many Interesting observations were re corded. - The luxury of a washing la ad ministered to a oh lid by He mother lick ing It, polyandry la occasionally prac ticed, but not polygamy, the ma lea out numbering the femnles, and suicide Is not considered Immoral, "but It only re sorted to," said the lecturer, , "when ths pain In an Illness la too great - to - - be borne. Tbe way in which they de It la I think, peculiar to them alone. A seal skin thong la stretched across the hut, twe feet above the' floor. The alck per son Is left alone In the' hut, and the others go outside; .they,, however, have peepholes In the wall, through which they follow events. The alck person now kneels down and endyavore to suf focate himself by pressing his throat against the strained thong. ' If the un fortunate person is unable te do the business for himself, or It seems te be taking too long, one of those outside comes in and sxpedltee matters tby pressing his hsad down on the thong. Fighting with closed fists occurs now and then, and murder la not unknown." BABY'S LIFE PAYS IF - : ' ; RANSOM NOT FOUND ;;.v .- ....... , , ,-'.- .v.,: ;j . - - (Joarsa! Special SwrtcO - Dover. Del., March fc It la reported here today that Dr. Marvin has received a latter from 'the kidnaper of - bis 4-year-old eon, ssylng that the child Is safe, but conveying veiled threats of what will happen If money la not forth coming. Much mystery surrounds -ths kidnaping. Marvin denies that tie re ceived the letter and the police refuse to discuss It. , ,, . 1 , ; Church Pars Off Its Debt. - (Special Dtapateb te Ths JearaaJ.) .' Athena. - Or.T- March- S The- revival meetings which hava been la progress at the Christian church for a few weeks have come te a close, the total number nf converts during the meetings being 11, many nf them being young people. ' A feature at the clone of the meeting was ths raising of the last of the church debt by the efforts of Rev. F. E. BUI Ingtnn. . whrt has been conducting the meetings. -In II. minutes 11,177.10 raised to cover this Indebtedness, pointg in a sweet, r V 11 Pot Roast 6i Dee! Tit tot -the table ef Boyalty. Va aoaa -toe good for the Xarry Wood Karket'a i- -. 't patroaa. .- ' ' , ': ALL WILL RIDE SAVE : ' LABOR COMMISSIONER (Special Dispatch to Tbe Jeernal.) ' ' ' Balera, March i. The atate labor eom mlaeloner baa Inadvertently been left out of the provisions, ef the Freeman compulsory pass Bill, which . was amended by' the committee on railroads, and he will be tbe only state official who will have to pay hla fare en the railroads. Mr. Hotf tskes . It philo sophically, as be baa alwaya been, ac customed to pay bie railroad fare, al though he jnaturally feele tbe dis crimination against his office,- ' PERSONAL Mr., and Mrs. Oscar Vanderbllt ef Hood River arrived - In . Portland 1 last night to attend the grand opera.' Mr. Vanderbllt furnished the newe that more seata- had been purchased by residents ef Hood River tor the opera than any other elty In tbe state outalde of Port land. He aald that Wasco waa second. H. Clay Levy, a well-known merchant of Cascade Locks, la at the Portland. F. Dement, a large mill man of Seat tle, la at the Perkins hotel. F. A. Seufert, 'ex-mayor ef The Dalles, la at the Imperial. -. , -, S. E. Notson. deputy district attorney of Heppner, Is at the Imperial. Mr. end' Mre. E. - O. -Branoharr well known residents of Hood River, are at the- Imperial, They.:came;.to Portland to attend the grand opera. B. Donia, a well-known attorney ef Eugene, le at the Imperial. . .Frank E. Alley, receiver ef the land office at Roeeburg, Is at the Imperial noiei. ; : M. V. Southerland, eon bt 7. D. Bonth erland of the state treasurer's office, as naiem, naa returned from Vernon. Nevada, where be made a fortune In the gold fields. - He le at the Imperial hotel. F. P. Bodlneon. a hardware man and capitalist of Baker City, la at the Impe rial hotel. - BODY OF DROWNED -MAN NOT-YET-FOUND (Special Dispatch te The JeoraaLt Pendleton. Or., March I. All effort te locate the body of Walter Wussow, the laborer on the railroad line to Pilot Rock who waa drowned In the Tmatllla river yesterday, have been of no avail. It ia believed the body Bank In a deep hole.- Wuasow waa about 11 years old. Nothing la known aa to where he was from or of his family. Hs with two others was making a trip down the river In a box raft. The boat rounded a curve and - capslsed. , Tbe ether twe reached shore. 1 TECHNICAL POINT IN : 'A DAVIS CASE ARGUED ' (eamal Sneetat Berries.) ' ' Danville, I1L, March Attorneys for the state today argued the Davie ease, seeking a favorable decision on the Chi cago city ordinances, answering a tech nical attack made by the defense In the Iroquois theatre fire case. 1 pice erfection - .Sold on Merit .1 A Fill nFR.r! o SPICES Always , the Same J.lfcl3CPfiCo. ,.V 5rn Frttnciteo 1 ' If drawn from life. The one on the left possesses more "life" than the naked eye can discern germ life microbes, those tiny, Infinitesimal messengers of consumption and typhoid. It shows the meats you are asked by some markets to buy and eat, exposed to the duet of the country road and city streets, covered perhaps with filthy burlap reeking with . atench that "smells to heaven," Impregnated with diaeaaea foul and ', loathsome, harbingers of tuberculosis Tho White Man'a Plague." and but thinly veiling lumpy jaw, glandefg and kindred ailments of cattle. r Enufft Let us turn to the pleasant picture on the right. ' Clean, pure, -healthy, fresh killed, tender and juicy meats, GOVERNMENT IN SPECTED, and carefully teed. " Bro't to town from nearby Oregon clean and wholesome REFRIGERATOR CAR! -Enuf. Our etory ia told m LOW ' Colonist Rates ) via. TBOU The East to (he West From Chicago to ' Portland.' Salem, Albany, Eugene, Ashland and Inter mediate points .... .93&.OO From St Payl. Mlnneapolla, Duluth, Omaha. St. Joseph, Kansas City, to Portland and common points .$25.00 From St Louis to Portland and com mon polnta ..................930.00 SjimUajr low rates from ail etheg eaatera polata to tbe weak. Send me the name and address of your relatives or friends eaat that are contemplating coming to Wash ington or Orsgon and literature and full Information . will be furnished them, t ' - - - v For anv Information wanted call .en or write -: " ; . A. D. CHARLTON As,st' Genl Passenger Agent, ass kosjusobt st com . . roBTiaont, OS. Ahravstay CollarsXi vmbv soarv eaaoa ee ua Hsve-tlHOCOKD" eyelet esd InMeaMIss ,.. OSMOND ''- Hay's (lair-noalih Restores .Gray Hair to Youthful Color. ! OOo. ALL DRUGGISTS. - THE "KANTSTOOP" Shoalder Brace and Suspender Strong A ElTctlVw . Slmpl The Oaly- Sraee That Braeea. Positively cures ths babtt of stoop-. Ing. Produces that military effect so much desired. Women s, Ulrls" and Boys', all slsea, $lMt Mens, all slses, flJIS. - - . Only tha following dealers sell our goods; Eysaell's Pharmaoy, X17 Morrison st.( Woodard, Clarke aV Co., Fourth and Washington streets; Plummer Drug Co, Third and Madison streets. ; HI XAsTTBTOO BBAO CO, Patentees end acaanfaetarers, OAXLABD, OA1 BIGIUMDAGI1E Positively eared" by CARTERS these Little mis. They also relieve We- toess from rjvspepsU. to- ITTLE - IVER digesuoa sad Too Hearty Kauag. A perfect ren edy for Olzxlness, Kausea, Drowsiness. Bad Taste ta'tba Mouth. Coated TentTieratetattsBtde. torpid LTVXB. Tbey PILLG. reroats tbe Bowehv TwirytM. smariLL tWlLtitSt, VZ&LKZl m CARTERS NVER Gtnuins Must Bear, ' Fao-Simils Signaiurt , BEFOSI.SUISTITUTES. , , . 3 KEDILY COulPARE THESE PRICES We're Sore Yoa'U Bay Your Sunday Dinner at tbe CASXY WOOD HASXET CooiDettlorw' Oar Bee, "Spec. Price" - Price. Flank Boll Beef. Brlaket of Baef.... Beef Necks to Boll. e ' '' "' ' 4e Be mew aeer . , . Shoulder Roast Se ve TO Shoulder Steak Rump Roast Pot Roast . . loo ae To ROUND STEAK .100 thus mAT aki xnxxa, omzasKO avd baiszo ta o&xoov. TOWNSEPD & VAN SCIIOONHOVEN Wholesale and Retail Grocers .' Brady etut prloee then yo wlQ see why em trade baa Impressed. Oar gee da . ara of the hlgheet aailty aad we eheUeage a eompadaosi with tbe flaeet that earn be found la aay store. Fresh SUaah Xfn desam ,...904 Ooou. Creamery Butter. .......... .65 Fresh Creamery Butterv.r.,.,-...TO Beet Creamery Butter... .....76 We get our eggs from the farmer, batter from the ereamsrlee o middle men. V, -.' -' - '. - Cross aV Black well Lueoa OIL at.. .65s) Cross Blackwell Cbow, H ptnt,.20e Poetum or Flgprane Cereal 20 1 can good Peachea or Aprioote.'.,lS Standard Tomatoea ............. ...lOe) t cans Corn, Peas or String Beans.. 2Ber Evaporated Cream. I eana for . . .r.f& 1-lb. pkg. Arm and Hammer Soda.. &4 Nap tha Soap ..'5f ARM CSV HAMMER SODA BULK, 3 POUNDS :. . . . . . . . tOo riemy ia ethln tha yon kneed when yon be sad. First, pa soak as makes the bred. Some- the doe. then tlmeg pa he dee and then asa eaat need long as she Dalles Diamond Flour jset beoaa ft la the beet, r Tare tmly STRICTLY, Fresh Poultry 1 Fish and Oysters - .'.'-,' .- Call an . ;:, .A - -.. G. Covach & Co. ..; . m rrsurf wv. , - Tbey handle nothing entalde ef this line and yen ean depend that fluallty Is flrat elass. - THE : HIGHEST GRADES OF COFFEE ROASTED IN THE k NORTH-:;' WEST ; ' ' ' ' ' ' SBlBaBBwBBBvaV AT YOUR GROCERS. MORPHEME and otter crag, batlts are sesitlvely land fry BASITUrA Tr krpl.rB.U7 er latoraal aae. Sample Mat te say in . sakltae fry EVoa mall. -IwUr wto. 11.04 aer kettle TCC at yeat ararslet ee fry ul ia slala wraysee, DELTA OUaUOAX, 00., ST. LOOTS. M0. L.lS.lVi.ISLOVi'S e:3Ti::::a srnu? frUeen mS try ITIIIInas of VoMer. for h phlMr-n while Ttbln f. O fifty TmM. It euotrias tne abii.l. tft-n. the gum, ail.r all paia. enrs wind aoUo, aad la tae beat tecp-ir rorditfrtiea. Twp,Tw.riva wra A yeTTu - , WOOD'S WAY. THE ONLY WAY MEATS SHOULD COME TO MARKET. Osotsetftors' -"Bp-. Price" . , . loo ....ISO '-';-, Oar Itee.v Prtc. '' UUl lavie ' Porterhouse Steak T-Bone Steak . . . , Loin Stank lttte . ...ISO lse . ' lOS . 19He lawe ia4e- , loo Pork Chops Veal Cutleta Veal Rump Roast ISO Rolled Roaat Beef IS He . Pork Shoulder Roaat.. loo Side Pork lee 1 He me 147 FIRST STREET; S bare Baby Elephant Soep....,'..2Sv 1 lb. EngUsh Breakfast Tea..... ,S5 1 Jh. .Gunpowder Tea ....Sft 1 aack Best Valley Flour....... fl.OO 1 aack good Hard Wheat Flonr. , . ,K)e -1 aack Beet Hard Wheat Flour (patent) , i ..................... ,fl,15 1 bottle Woreeetereblre Sauce, - lie also 10 lib. Whole Nutmega ............. 8B New Crop Prunea. f Iba. .........25 Netr White Honey, comb ....... '.16e 1-Ib. can Corn Beef '. ....lOw - la -lb. oaa Deviled Ham, S for .... . .26 -" PHONB MAIN Ills. ' Xaat aide delivery Tuesday and Friday. Fresh Ranch Eggs Ranch Eggs, Doz. ...... 20c - uasteiii Swbi, . iu, Best CreAmery Butter 70 f, 75dr Creamery . ; ; , ; VTtivTifr.BS A Dsirjr Butter .VV...4.l.l:.56T7 ..; Best Sugv Cured Ham..'.;. 17f Breakfast Bacon ' .... ; . ... .18e ; Cream Brick Cheese, tb. . .V.20? Limburger Cheese,1 each... 35 Pull Cream Cheese 2 lbs...35d i Chickens 17c and 18c LaGrande Creamery " v 284 YAMHILL ST. FRESH RANCH EGOS 2Ddz.,35c BEST, CREAMERY BUTTER -:-:iii.;75cft::- 'K FINNANHADDIES ' : 15c Pound FRESH KILLED CHICKEN ; Largest Stock of . ' 'rt . In the City '- California Fish Co. Third and Ankeny Main 5 CC7-E,TEAy DAinr;jpovm:rn CLC32in,ODIYEn3t u ' POItTtANDeCrSCCM. Saturday Specials (G-roli I ?rV . V t