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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1907)
B0il'f.'Fdr.S2T -To CALL EAILY vLh yciT .' ASi tor SUNDAY'S JGITJIAL Journal Circulation Ycstcrdly n r).'"' The . Weather Showers tonight and Saturday;, easterly wind., , VOL. VI. NO. 3. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 8, 180? TWENTY PAGES. PRICE TWO. CEIITS. mm -m - e--ee o I i .. ' gaBM eBSr S) ws " a- a mmmr- e ". ViiLjvlJfc): L ttt- p m rr Tj p H 17. VJ. TO iiiinLE ' a:.'- : ' 1' - '.' ' V Arrierican. Federation r Unions Decline - to Help Workers in the . Sawmills ; 0 Red Ribbon, T . Emblem of the ' Industrial Workers K of the v .World, . Is Seen . Everywhere Around the Headquarters of 1 the New Organization.. . e Btrlka aitnatlom Today, ' Number ( roilla closed, six. v ., Number of man out. l.0.- ' e y Strikers draw up demand and will present them lata tola after noon or tomorrow. ; National Organiser Kleeso ar- w rlvea and branch headquartar are established at BU Johns. Longshoremen's anion rote to keep bands oft and Federated Trades CounoU will not take , d favorable action.. '..''L 5 - ; ;.A aosfereaoe between the mSU sanaa gers and a committee from th strikers ku keen arsanxed fox this afternoon si e-olocK, take plane in th office Of ...k iwnm Wertora x amber aeaa peny all office tav Worth Portland, . The eomfereaoe was arranged awe the .. - talsphoas by Orvaaiae" Tartow ' aad , , Kaaavar Ajar of ha Xaaten western. The atrtkara will pieeeat tke daaaaada - drawm ap at thai maaa ateetla laat tgt. rb nil tnTiejrr lteye aeem , oeaferriaf toyetkar ere siaoe tka mid dle af the foreasoa.. ''. -.J. f Today; at the end of the first week -of the aawmlll U borers" strike, the lum- CT bar Industry of Portland Is completely ' paralysed. Not a pulley U revolving; at any of the four big mllla, and two of - ;the smaller concerns are temporarily , out ef buslnesa... Fifteen handred mea ' , are Idl -; v ' ' ',' - Following the aaampla f the North " Pacific, set three daya ago, the mllla of the Portland Lumber company, the In- - man. ' Poulaen Lumber company, the 'Eaatern A Western Lumber company, ' the Union Box Lumber company and the Standard - Boa A Lumber company. - closed down last 'eight. The largeat . mill la operation today la that of the East Bide Lumber oompany, which am . ploys about 10 man. -.. - : . SKaaagexa Setlaaaa, . Just what action the mill owners in tend taking looking toward the reaump . tlon of business they decline to aay. A . conference of the owners waa held yea "' terdsy afternoon, but no Information a to their plana could be obtained. They have apparently decided to await the t presentation of the ' demaida ot the atrikera. Tha strlkera drew ap a wage agreement yesterday evening and will -. present It to tha varioua employers u'. either lata thla afternoon or tomorrow. Tha agreement prepared by tba strik ers - would increase , tha : wages , and (Continued on Page Three.) PETTICOAT COPS . cnh irrn hcinu HN' l Ull LUiiU uLnUll - Women . Police ; to,- Patrol the I j Beach ! Aftef Dark Believed 7: the-Cause of Morality Will Be I Greatly Advanced.. 'V v' s '- (yeeraal eit a.rrlte. - v ' V Ix) a Angelea, March Long Beach ' will have women ' patrols during the I coming, aummer. ' The auggeatlon waa - made by the Woman's Chrlstftn Tm I perance union and met with Instant favor among city offlctala. PoUca la petticoats will eoowbe appointed. .. v - The Idea la to have them patrol tha ' beech, pier and auditorium after drk. ""perhaps half a dosen of them, and It; la . believed the case of morality will be " greaUy aided and many evils of tha ' pH.t aeason remedied " " " Mayor Downs of Long eaoh stated that hs thought womn clothed with full police powers would accomplish much ' more than men and he wss anxious to ' try tha sxperlment Members of ths Woman's Christian Tempsranca union will aoubtless be selocted apd they will ' wear ordinary police sure. Tha ques tion of arming them has not been de termined. ' '"' ' - Conditions st Long Besch were such let season that the rlty'a name suf fered greatly and no mare adopted ' aeemed of sny avail to better things. LEADERS OF VOLUNTEERS r.Tba Voliiutaera of Atnarica aare recently celebrated tho Eleventh an nlveraaxr of their onndaUon. Tba organization la txm work of Maud Ralllnrtnn Riwitll' and (MeTtl Hal- llngton Booths whoae picture here appears'. Los ( Angeles, Executive Con ducting Matrimonial 'Bureau ,for Widows Provides a Prixe for First Happy Coupled j' ' laaraal Mpeeial aarrke.). ' Loa Angeles, March (.Mayor Har per has arranged - three matrimonial matches, subject, ot course, to the ep proval of . tha six persona concerned, lie found prospective husbands for ode of the six beautiful daughters of Cap tain Nonington of London and tor two local young widows.' One of these pro tested against tha mayor's recent offer to find husbands for. foreign girls,-and ha aaya that ha took particular palna to pleaaa her.. . . .- .. - , He will send notloea of tho tentative matches to the people he wants to make brides and grooms. Tba first pair ac cepting will have tha privilege ot mar rylngln Harper's private office In tha city hail. -with preaener, license, deco rations and -wedding -feaat provided, v Nearly a pouch of letters on the sub ject have been received and It la ex pected that when belated train a come In hla force of clerka will be swamped. He hoa carefully eyatematlsed hla "bu reau" and each, letter la Indexed. and filed and answered In its turn. ,; . The mayor promised to And a bus bead for Captain- Norrlngton'a widowed daughter. ' He- casually dropped a re mark about It! to a few friends at din ner one evening and tha story got out. It spread Ilka wlldflre and became 'the talk of tba town. Tha press took .It up. Mora widows "applied," and: his bortor now has a waiting list of It,-with mora to be heard from. Letters which he gets from bachelors are rich reading. -"I didn't atart out to conduct a mat rtmohlal . bureau." .said - Mayor Harper, "but I should like to see some of. these people mated happily. Thla may be a little out of the ordinary for a mayor, but I believe In marriage and want to help ail I can." .''-, ' : STANFORD REJOICES IN - -; THE TUITION PRIVILEGE ... - ; j - . Uoarnal aperlal Bervlei Stanford University. Cel., March t When President Jordan was Informed that ths- bill permitting - Stanford to Aiargs tuition hsd been signed by Gov ernor Gtllett he said a medical school would aoon be founded, aa there were no further obataclea in the way of Its es tablishment, f President Jordnn - said further that the law school would be enlarged at once. Two full professors will be added to tha teaching staff snd the library will be greatly enlarged. For the preeeat no additional fees will be rharad In the engineering courses. Students at present registered In tbs university are exempt from' ths provis ions of the act . - , . , , MAYOR ARRANGES1 THREE T.TATCHES ;:o si of 1I0S Boss's Lawyer Sent to Jail tor Contempt by Judge Ounne He : Wouldn't be Quiet ; Coroner ' Walsh Declared ; Inef ficleTTt,VNegligentrand ttn- competent Another -' Elisor Appointed to Seek for; Fugi r v tive Heney Not Worrying. t (learsal Speefeil servke.! v s Francisco, March " I. Abraham Rust la atlU missing, but a well defined rumor Is current to tha affect that tha prosecution has . a good:, clus to, his whereabouts, and that Detective Burba la close on hla trail. . , 3 Bums haa been missing since Wednes day. . All f RueCa employes are being shadowed, and a watch la being kept on a - aummer residence of an intimate friend of tha boss. This residence la located near one of tha bay cities, and It existence waa not learned ot by tha prosecution until Thursday. - , When Judge Dunne's court opened this morning, Ruef again failed to an swer when his hams waa called." Coro ner Walsh waa ordered to take tha stand and -waa severely . eroea-examlned bv Froaeouto; ..HMea. r wh aHtewiptsd-rto show - negligence , and . prejudice -on Walsh's part. Walsh aald that ha had looked-for Ruef but couldn't find him. s- During the exsmlr.atldn Bamuel Bhort- ridge, one of Ruef r attorneys, refused to obey tha court's order to oeaso Inter ruptlng and was declared guilty of contempt and: aentenced to J boars' Imprisonment; ' 'At the conclusion ' of the examination the court declared that Walsh waa In efficient and Incompetent and an nounced that another elisor will be ap pointed thla afternoon. . .A Coald Wot. nisi 'jJMoaV l'f.f Walsh testified that ha had visited many- saloons, . restaurants, hotels - and Turkish battj establishments . between T o'clock and midnight, but - had found Bo trace of Ruef. Shortly after) mid night ha went to Reefs home, going aii tnrougn tne nouse, put Rust waa not ' there. ' - - He admitted that he waa a close friend of Ruef a - Whan court adjourned no effort was made to arrest Bbortrldgo, who walked out of the court room unmolested. Tba sheriff said ha would permit him to remain at liberty on his own reoog nlsanoe. Thla afternoon Shortrldge ap plied for a writ of habeas corpus to prevent Imprisonment, . .' . Xeaey Wlaa la Ooaxt, ' Teaterday la tha district court of ap. peals Justices Cooper, Han and Kerri gan denied Ruef s application for a writ of prohibition to restrain Judge Dunne from any further proceedings againat Ruef in the superior court,, pending tha determination of tha acoueed man's ap peal to tho United States supreme court for a permanent writ of error, tha ef fect ot which, if granted,' would be to summarily postpone tha entire prose cution, t ; ,.. "This pveans." aald' Heney, -that la CContlnuM on Pr Two.) PRESIDENT'S son; IS PAST DANGER Archie Roosevelt Rapidly. Recov ering From Relapse--lll for Week With Diphtheria Suf . fered Relapse Yesterday. -r- (Joerael Speelal aarrlee.) ' Waahlngton. March t. Arc his Roose velt, tha president's third son, la better thla morning. Dr. Lambert thla after noon aald "Archie la all right. Ha la stronger and la making good progress indeed. - - r--- '- ' The president sat at hla bedside at Intervals all night, taking tha aama pre caution as the doctors against Infection. - Archie haa been Buffering from- diph theria sines iaat Friday,- He had- a -turn for the worse yesterday but 4a now con sidered out of danger. . 1 -- Dr. Alexander Lambert of New York haa taken charge of the case. Doctors Rlxey, Kennedy and B related are- as sisting. Antitoxin was sgaln Injected Into toe patient last Bight Tha first 1 change for the worse wsa noted Wednesday night snd three phy sicians, spent the night' at the White House. . After a consultation the preal dent summoned Dr. Lambert from New Tork.' - . The prWdent telegraphed . his other sons to soma to Waahlnaioav . 1 r3 " " - """" , i 1 .-..i 'M ,-'V; -4 -J'- '. I i.;V ..V.' -JxJCJLV ilaasBBBaasaaai-' - . V- : 'i- 'At the top la shown, the arrest of women aaffraglsU In front of the House of Parliament during the . latest outbreak. Below la a scene of one of the typical meetings of the suffragists, : showing, banners, and mogtoes carried by the enthusiasts. ; At the, left Is Madame Despard, one of the leaders of the suf- : fragettes. -'-...' v 1' - - . . .' :. . ' ; . v.. . .'. ' ' ' ( STROLLS STREET WITH THROAT CUT Man . Walks - Into Pawnshop, i Asks to i See Razor -- Then , Draws i It .Across j; Neck . Staggers Along Until Drops. ; Ban - Franciaeo, -March -The hun dreds of persona hurrying te tha fer ries wars startled, last night to sea a man.' hla head swathed In baadagee and blood profusely flowing from a deep gaah In his threat, - staargertng from loss of blood toward tha ferry building. A ha n eared tha corner of Bast and Market streets be fell unconscious to tha sidewalk. Ha waa - taken to the Harbor Emergency hospital, where It la said, that although hla wound la serious It may not prove fatal. - - ' ' - ' ' Shortly, before 1 o'clock lsst night, a poorly dressed man entered Hlll'e loan office at Market street and requested ths proprietor H. H. Gold water, to show him a good raaor.. After trying its sdga on his hand and faoe he atepped over to .a large mirror In tha rear of the a tore and drew the b'ade .serosa hla throat, saying. "Well. I guess thla Will Ox things for me." .- .',-. Ooldwator' ahoated to him to drop the rasor. Mrs. Ooldwater. from. tha family apartments la. tha rear of .the a to re, bearing her husband's command rushed Into tha store,- -saw tha blood-stained man and, fainted. : 1.;' , i - . Tha wounded man was led out o tha sidewalk by, ths .surprised pawnbroker and In view of hundreds ot passersby, walked - along , Market , street, . until he collapsed. ..- EVELYN THAW TO BE CJeanal Speelal lervke.) ' "T ' New Tork. March . D. M. Delmaa, Ohlsf counsel for Harry K. Thaw, when court opened thla morning, officially an nounced thaf th defense rested Ita cass and would offer no more evidence. Dis trict Attorney Jferomeat onca requested an .adjournment until Monday In "order to prepare evidence In rebuttal. tel maa agreed to the request and tha trial adjourned until Monday. v , It la reported that Jerome haa deter mined to recall Evelyn Nesblt Thaw to the stand In order , te Introduce eer tain letters In evidence. Bbe cannot be recalled la rebuttal of her own testi mony. It is 'also announced that May McKenxle. Evelyn's friend, will be Celled aa the first witness for ths state - Tbe Countess ot Yarmouth will also bs called b the state. The eounteea FIGHT OF SUFFRAGISTS IN ENGLAND; COmislONSvIiEARS ...... . ... 1 v. ' . SUFFRAGE DEBATE Only Women Sworn to Behave Themselves '.. Admitted L Campbell - Bannerman Talks Against Measure. . f , ' (Jearsat Beeeal Bervtea.) . London. March v Tha climax of tha sensational efforts of the woman suf fragists to secure tha 'ballot came today when' a woman suffrage bill waa Intro duoed Into tha house ot eommona. - On account of the many recent disturb ances which' have scandalised tha delib erations of tha eommona,- only women sworn to keep still and ' behave were admitted to the galleries. Premier Campbell-Bannerman spoke against tha bill. ' ' ' Suffragists ' have repeatedly ' stormed parliament in tha paat few months, and, anxious to pose aa martyrs. Imprison ment and tinea had little effect. Their demonstrations were moat of them dis orderly riots, snd in many cases attacks were made upon the -police. 'who were handled extremely rough, by their en raged female antagonists. . SARATOGA. FOR G. A. R.. 1 : ENCAMPMENT THIS YEAR ; '..- !- tjosraal .' gpeeail Serviee.) " ' Zanesvllle, O., March . The execu tive committee haa selected Saratoga, New . York, as .the place of holding the national encampment: ot .the Q. -A.. R. thla year.. . , , .-..'';.ili Defense Rests' Its Case and "Jerome"' Asks ?1 Time v Until 7 ' . t " Monday May McKehzie - ' jtnd Cpuntessjo JTestify .JJ. : : y , . !. , r.. .- . . f ' i'' , : knew much of tha eouple'a sojourn in Europe. j , i ' -", ' . '. Thaw la 'vexed .by ' the delay. Upon returning ' to his cell he ' fumed and abused Jerome for' eausfng what he termed an unnecessary delay. '-. ; s, ' ' Learning from-Mrs.. Thaw's own tes timony that, She and young Jick Barry more had once been sweethearts, Jerome dispatched 4 truatr henchman to ths lit tle resort Bear Boston, where Barrynvwe la la retirement with Instructions, te $10 1'EEK CLERK; STEALS 850,000 Harriman Employe J- Practices , Frenzied Finance', at Expense ' of Southern' PacFfic Fortune . ' . . f , Squandered. In Month. ,:. (Jeersal Special Satrw.) ...... New Orleans, March a. On a salary of f 10 a week, Rudolph Fink- Garner, a clerk In - the ' Southern Pacific railroad office here, haa managed to secure IS0 to of his smployer'a funda through an Intricate system of false vouchers -for supplies. ' Garner,, who In' society posed aa Harry-. L. 8 tew an. equaadered thla fortune In a month, one tenderloin din ner oostlng blm $(,000. . " ' . Ha haa deserted hla young wife and la believed .to. have gone, to -Honduras. A race horse purchased with the stolen money la hla' only asset The Southern Pacific railroad haa seised- all ths money that remained on depoalt In' local banks lit the name ot Garner, amounting to only IMS, ' - , . - . Stewart" e - dinners In' tha 'tenderloin were regular "Seeley and "girl In the pie; affairs.- Be waa Host at a festl-e event that placed New 'Orleans on a par with tha eastern metropolis kr the-matter of expensive stage effects. It cost Gemer something like 13.000, but the mere matter of thousands waa nothing to Garner. The Southern Pacific waa tooting tha bills.. ? . 1 At' this same dinner Stewart pre sented a magnificent diamond sunburst to the guest of honor. - This Jewel cost Stewart f 1.000. - r 'a ',:..,. R EGA 12 LED draw from that young man anything of a derogatory soaracter of which ho poa sessed the knowledge.: The henchman obeyed.- He proceeded to the resort,' and there, It la said, put to BarjymoTe a question which caused th set or to slap the deputy's face and then grasp him-by ther shoulders and propel him by aid of hla boot down the stair Also, it la stated, Barry mora requested the deputy between kicks to Inform William Trsvers Jerome that h wouTd receive similar treatment If ha asked th sums question. . ." ' - ' Barrymonria. extremely reticent In re gard to th affair, but . to a friend he Is reported to have'SMld: "I n their impudence! Whnt do they think I em? t know nothing anilnst the poor girl's reputation. ' If I lll. I linpn I m a u tlemun and rui perjure mynolf like one, 'N'i, I dl.lnt ktc him verjr bard, for X ba.l ir.f ;r on.1 , 10 COr.iPEL DISSOLUTIQ ft Government Reported to Be About to Bring Suit Against Harri- !-'"-- ''' ..''''.''' 'r man naiiroaas - Will Force Union Pacific to Sell Its Southern Pacific Holdings and Divorce the Two Corpor--atlon4- Entirely-- Harriman I Preparing to Make Fight. (Jeersal Speetal Bwvtea.) New Tork. March I. As the direct result of tha interstate commerce com mission's Investigation .1 It is . reported In Wall street this afternoon that action will be started at once to compel the TJnion Pacldo to dispose of its Southern Paciflo stock and to divorce tha two corporations entirely. It is aald that tha Harriman Interests have been tipped oft and are preparing to make .ana of the moat desperate fights since the Great Northern's Northern Securities fight to prevent tha execution, ot tha commission's recommendations. ' Ualavfal Combination. ' '' On ttr-recent tour of InvestTgatioti tha eommlsslon'a bearings at Chicago, Portland and San Francisco had direct bearing on the alleged unlawful relation ship between tha Colon Paciflo anJ Southern Pacific, systems. It waa shown beyond question' that tha same ownership- and management controlled both railroads;- that tha lines were naturally parallel and competing lines within the meaning of tha law, as they tap the same territory at both ends and the Pacific coast terminals are even Joined by a water transportation Una owned by the Joint owners of ths railroads: that rendered impossible by suoh ownership, and no variation of the rates on throush business can exist, nor oaa competitive construction be - undertaken without meeting almost ' Insurmountable -opposition. ,",.,';:.''-.,.. , , . -.-.'Y' Oontaaott sVajawaaasnV ' That tha Southern Paciflo and TJnion Paciflo systems are controlled by tha' aama ownership haa been an open se cret., aa tha aama -offlctala do duty for both lines. and - tha two - ayatetne are practically advertised aa oaa In all their literature ana advertising matfw T-V. only -question that remained for tha In terstate .commerce commission to de termine waa whether-the consolidated companies, by reason of tapping tho aama terminal territory, constituted a violation of tha law againat parallel and competing lines. . -, Tha proof waa overwhelming that these- roads ar stifling competition, re stricting . equipment aad . retarding .de velopment of the Paciflo coast region by reason of their absolute control of transportation. Ia the Portland hearing It waa shown that the fnlon Pacific, by mesne of Its, control of Southern Pa ciflo, had been able te close tha Ogden gateway and dictate to Shippers aa ts how their . shlpcoe. ts should be tented between -the Paciflo eoaat and Chicago, as -well ss absolutely, dictating, all rates, terms and conditions of service. (Continued on Page Two,) OraiGLETRAlO O. R. A N. No. Five, Heaviest Passenger Train on Record, Reaches Portland Today With . Homeseekers. , The "heavleet passenger . train eve polled across tha sontlnest haa Just ar rived In Oregon, loaded with homeseek ers. . Tho train rolled Into Huntington yesterday evening. In twa sect Ion a. se gregating 1 cars, and reached portlnml this morning. It waa train No. . over tba O. R. N. Una. The estimate! number ef passenger carried wss ". The- greatest colonist rush to the 1 i- Cltlo coast svsr known is now on. It i believed- the two principal trains of t . O. R. A N. company alone, Nos. 1 en I s, are bringing 1.60 'people into. O' , Jaily. There have bern prevl.v . easeful homeseeker mirvetneni. i ; i- rated by the ratlroada. but n n i ,r started off with the cf the present ruh. The r from t'hlraso an.t ire wnt Into i('"ft M ir.-'i 1 of the r,nh hsa- r. I- rr.v ! d t . 90 MOISTS ,4