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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1907)
the or.zcc:! daily jouhiial. Portland, Wednesday evening, march 6, icc7. i rs .J -J TOXIOBTI AJTClXXXifTO, Mll!.., , . Minatae rioa Broaitwar" ........ .A." . .l.!.h alliaourt t.lrt" "My Frln4 From India" "Walla ef Wyoioliiif" Vauila.iile fcmplre..,. Star. ... I jrrlo... braad . Dr. N. Uoaeaaohn delivered th. tenth of a series of lecture under th dlres tlon of tb South Portland library as sociation it ths Fourth Street Preeby tsrlsn church last night "Tha ITee- ent Bituetlon la Russia" was ths ..iemej cnoeen ny tn speaker tor. dlacuaaloa. "It 1 Impossible Set 7.4 American to on derstand the- real conditions in Jtus ' sia exoept br coming in actual contact with tha people there, as I hav dona." aid h 11a ibowM bow tha 80.0U0.0J Ruaalaa peasants had been tyrannised by tha arlatocraoy. . robbed " by tha - priesthood and reduced to abject pov .arty by axcaaslva taxa"on. Tha war .with. Japan wag precipitated, said tha spanker. ' not be is of a grievance against that country, tu beoeuaa of fear that tha soldiers would Join tha revolutionary forces then sweeping .over Kueola. 'A short musical program waa rendered by Mlas.Susa Janes, so . pranoy and Mm. d'Ausla, pianist.' . In blasting stumps at Maldram sta tion yesterday on of the stumps fell aoroes the - transmission wire of tha Portland Railway, IJght Power com pany, short circuiting the current in such way that on of ths generators In the Oregon City power statlos was burned out, besides cutting off the light and power of fnany customers for soma time, s Tha aocldant oost tha oompany about $600..- v , ..... Nettoev-Only fir days left to get tha- grand bargains at too rummage sals at With and Washington street. Lots of new goods Just arrived. - Come " early. Lots of fancy goods, all kinds of ' china, glassware, " furniture and cloth . .. ' ing. Also many other useful articles which yon can buy at your own prices. Remember, the , sal close Saturday -night. y ; - . v J. O.' Oarrow, N. H. Blrl end JVIX ; Nlcklln filed artlolee of Incorporation of tha Washington Navigation oompany in the office of the county clerk this morning. Their purpose la to transfer U freight and passengers by means of a! saeollne launch aorosa tha Columbia . rtver-feetween Hood River and White .' Sainton and other points, Capital stock : v. 11.000. ,f ,',, iHVv!---Vvr ' ' An offer of J. 'atV Arthur president . of the Mount Tabor Water oompany, to sell his plant to ths Hty for UJ.OoO . was received by Mayor Lena yesterday afternoon.. Mr. Arthur had demanded - MO.000 for the plant, but he finally no. ocpted the dty offer of 1)5.000. Thoisresslvs association, MonUviUa , Im offer wiu be eonaldered a meeting of the board, r ;. ths. nsxt gave ire, foi asrty of-Pomahtt7frTyn"flr'L. Bola waa made tempo died Sunday, February IV at Olendora, California, and waa burled . Tuesday, Pebruary Is. Mr. Bavage was for many years esshlsr and assistant manager of Kusseu ana company of this city, and later had charge of ths company busi ness at Bpokane. -' . . Ths Home . Training association will meet, at t o'clock: tomorrow afternoon In . the committee room of tha city halL William 2 Fittley, naturalist, will speak on "How to Interest Children In Birds." ' All arc invlUd-to-atteneV-ChUdten wilt - oe earea tor m uie ;mprovieei nursery ; .ln!n,--Vf 'ib t';' ' ' J. H. Re!d, fruit commissioner, and Secretary Williamson of tho Oregon J Horticultural society, ' will speak at a meeting of tho Oswego grange. Patrons a of Husbandry, next Saturday afternoon, Karch-lUjChero will be other musical and literary features to-lhadaya pro- Articles of IneorporaUon of the Hous ton Hotel Bar oompany war filed in the "office of-the county clerk this .rooming by TV W. Doty, Joseph H. Peg and U B. Reld. They wlU do a whole - sale and retail business In Uquors and cigars. Capital stock tllOO. t . Articles of incorporation of the Kas par Investment company were filed In the office of the county clerk this - morning by ' V W. Baltea, Josephine - Baits and 3. Xi. Mid die ton. They will deal In real estate. .Capital stock $10,- " ooo., , i -:,. '.'af ' ' f 't . ' aSaasaaaaBSBa ' ' v. The fnltarlan Alliance met this aft. ernoon. holding a business meeting, fol- V lowed by a talk by Miss MaoConnell of the high school, who spoke on some vof tb New Things In Chemistry.. f County Judge Webster this morning . appointed Joseph B - MoraK adminis trator of ths estate of Vlticanso CaraJ., The vsTus or The property of the asuts ' Im estimated at ISO. -.. . ' Steamer Jesse Harklna, for Camas. :Washougal and way landing, dally x ' .eept Sunday. Leave Washington street ' dooa I p. m. . - -i. : - . ' Jallua Sllveetone baa resumed the practice of law exclusively. 001 Chant . ' her of Commsrc. .... ' , - ( V;; r. "Woman's Exchange, 111 Tenth street : lunch . 11:10 to 0; business mam's lunch. '"."' Acme Oil Co, sells ths best safety .coal oll and fin gasoline. Phone East Til. 7 Why . pay ;syen for Jit mors? Mstsgsr fit year 111 Blxth strt X ' Public : stenoerrapher, ' 110 , BweOand ldg.- Phone Main 711. ; i, X ..." Berger Sign phone Paclfle till . ana Ptttssarg rrala BaUy ' Over, (ha Pennsylvania UnM from Chl-I -pa go. aeven over tne rort wayn "Standard'' rout, first-class far no 10 Two over the Pan-Handle "Differential" route, flrat-class fars 10.00. Address V. VS. Kolleck, Disc Agent, Portlapd Oregon. is atara street. - - 0 . i Li-ja F.U. DALIES &C0r.1PAY. r.iAin los inviTE Youn c'QUiniES foh pnirjTirjG f;:st ixd cu streets Eaniii! by mall is a rery elm f !a matter. To open aa account, send your name and address with your frst deposit. The money may be sent by registered, letter, postofHce money order, express money order, draft or by check on your local bank. - We will then send you pass-book. You cart withdraw money by mail just as easily as if you cams to the bank. ! Interest Writ for Our Ftss Booklot, "BAWKIXQ B MAIL" , . - x - - - ... .-. Oregon Trust & Savings Bank Sixth and . Washington Streets, ";" " y PortIand.'Or;, "t'-"'r: Resource 51,900,000 i W. II. HOORB, President. v 5 , K. E. LYTLK, Vic-PrMtdent. W. COOPKR KIORRIS, Cashtor. CONCERTED IM IS ' FLOD BY PUSH CLUSS Federation Formed to Labor for 51 Benefitof Whole East V - " Side. Delegates from a number of east stds progreeslvs - organisations ' met 'at ". ths bureau" - of "Inf ormatton on ' Kelt Second and Esst Morrison streets last night and offscted ' preliminary organisation of r what-wlU baknown seethe East Bide Club Federation. - The" following clubs were represented: Ths North eastern Improvement sssoolatton, Nolt Imprevemant . oiub, "Woodstock - Push club, ' Brooklyn Republican t and Im provement . club,', Center Addition . Pro- provemsnt board. East Twenty-eighth Street Improvement - association ,, and Wood lawn Improvement club. - - rary onairmaa ana announced ins oo Jeet of the meeting. Hs said that It had been considered .desirable that tho east side ' organisations should have soma means of . getting ; together on subjects where the whole east aide is affected. The representation and a few other detail were discussed. . It was decided to rive each club flvs vote on all measures, to b cast by any n representing that dub. A commit, tee on permanent organisation was ap pointed, and Included the following: H. CL. -Parsonsa- No taf-J.-T. Ore rg. "Wood lawn; C Ben Riesland. Woodstock : Oeorg B. Prank. Northeastern, and Prank B. Bennett, -Bast Twenty-eighth street. . The bor y will tieet again day, March It, to complete organisation. i t ' 1 1 1 t r , , . ADELIGHTPUL CAR RIDE.r th Oaks Blafci OentUnoua Mast AS ma wsk. Again last flight thenammoth-Oaks rink was packed, and ; thousand of skaters glided over Its polished floor to the tuneful rhythm of the two great bands. . - ' - - -!--.-; -- . DeCsprio with his music simply car ries you away by tb sweetness of th trains, and when th great band ceases 'tis Ilk hiding ths-sun n a summer day. I Hoch and th regular rink band ar worthily aqulttrng themselves and their popular place seem to just get behind you and fore yq over th floor with a genu case you cannot r aiat. - Th program starts at o and closes at '10:10. If yon do not skats. th music Itself is a rare treat. CHECKjNAMES ON PETITIONS First "Step In Learning Regular Hy of, th Initiative Measures Which May Co on Ballot. 7V x City Attorney McNary will allow th laltlatrv petitions - for high llens, free wster and . a new gas franchise, now on ale with th city auditor, t rest la peace nntil after Mr. Devlin has had an opportunity to check up th names signed to them and determine whether or not ths signers ar qualified voters. When that Is dons the question of their Irregularity , will be taken up and some decision reached as to whether or not they will b allowed to go on th ballot. . ... . ...... " 1 ' -'v Until after thla necessary task Is fin Ished no action will be taken by th sponsor of th petitions to force th auditor to place th petitions In regular, standing in th offlca Should It be de cided that the petitions are Irregular and not according to law, and for that reason not to be allowed on th' ballot at ths next election, than It Is very probable that maadamu proceedings will be Instituted against ths auditor to compel him to allow the measures to go before tb people. ' ' . , Thlasctlon would test tho legality f ths petition In ths courts and thus set tle the question of Irregularity beYorO the vote was taken, avoiding any com plication. In th future. H. IX Wagnon. author of th free water petition, has anounced that he will make a test ess of his petition In case it 1s declared Ir regular, end, It la probable that . the other petitions will - b Joined 'in . tha earns Issue. " " "; ' r,, TO NOMINATE. OFFICERS L LADIES RELIEF SOCIETY The Ladles' Relief Society mat yes terday afternoon la th chapel of the First Presbyterian ohoroh and report of th work , of th Children's home war beard, - It was shown that tba besJUl f tha ohlldreai 1 oxoellcat and th horn ha pvmpasvoa condition. Mr. Ilalett Ladd Corbett van aakad to on tJnn aa visitor for tha month ef Marc!a . i , A emniltt" w navsaed by th preel vit. Vr. P. 1. Mann, t nominal if nrwn for tb ejectkta t b bald at th 1 1ng th O0 , TwesOay la RADER RESIGNS TO DO VJRITIHG Anti-Saloon League Superin tendent Surprises Its Mem ; " bers by His Action. ACCEPTS THE OFFER . OF A PUBLISHER Chavlrman of . IIoadqunrteTg - Com mlttee ntHslarea . There to Vo One Jn Bight to Take HU Place, ' Difficult One to Fill. 1. S.l .w i. . Rev. Paul Eader,'. who has been gen eral superintendent of tho Oregon AdU saloon lesgue during ths past year re signed his position yesterday.- ' At ' a ateeUng to be held by ths headquarters committee this afternoon It Is prob able that his successor will be discuss- Rot.- Psu! Rader. ' , ed although there Is no on whom ths committee ha la view for the office at present. Members of ths commute stats that In all probability it wUl be a matter f twe oe three wees before a decision is reached as to Who will succeed sfr.' Rader. :';."..' i'; ' v Rev. ' Mr. ' Rader ' handed - in his resignation yesterday after serving for over a year at tha bead or the league. HI resignation was unexpected and came aa a surprlss to the member He gave as his reasons for stepping down and out of offios that the financial re turn were not sufficient for hi sup port and that he had been offered an other field of labor. Mr. Rader resignation 1 to take affect Immediately and ha will devote hi time to .writing. an offer having been mad nim by. a publisher. ' ' Rev. E. Nelson Allen, chairman of ths headquarters committee, said thla morn ing that they had no knowledge of Mr. I Radar's action until his resignation was received. HI opinion is that th awwf saw awsaavSf eksv m savenewaaT be a ' matter of several weeks before a decision la made. HI sueossser will probably be - chosen - from smong tb friends ef themembrr some one we know who 1 competent to carry en th work which has been-so successful. up to th present tlm ." v.--:.-'Ths league wrk 1 la good hands and I am certain that the headquarter committee, now composed of business men, wi.i accept' my resignation; and get a good man to All tho vacancy. Th leegu has a splendid office fores and a competent office manager who will b able to handle th affair of th league temporarily 'tn general satisfaction. WUI ..Watt. arlstlOaV. . ' -v V. i- "My intention 1 to engage In literary work. I shall devote my tlm to Action, having " alreaay secured three or1 four magasine on th atrlng. Even during th past year, although my tlm had been vry busily occupied. I have writ ten . a' grant, number of short stories. 'They hava appeared In print but under aa assumed name. Tha publishers know as new and I csmiot afford tq devote my tlm to th league work and do Justice- to It. so -J decided upon filing my resignation. - i '' , V- ; "I will probably appear in th' pulpit ecoastonally, if any one should dealra a substltut. or a church be temporarily without a preacher, but my intention la to follow literature for tb future, Th league was supposed to pay ana a salary of 11,000 a year, but last year I an) sure I did not get more than IIOO, and consequently I ran behind. I could not afford to take another year's chance. - "I will rentals in Portland, although Denver 1 really my homaV. . - . FINGERS OF STEEL" ARE SHOD IN VELVET Soma of the moat Interest In r artlolee In ths eastern psper ansnt .Roeentbal. who will delight a tare audience on next Tuesday evealns at '.the Helllg theatre, are th parallel paragraphs, only this -time they oannet fc ealled "th deadlr parallel." ' Far instance, ths Muslosl Courier opened one of their most Important criticisms with th fed lowing reprint of thslr UK - review: "Rosenthal! Carnegie hall was ths soen of on oi those uncontrolled, spontaneous, balf-lnsana outbursts that give color t Lombroso's theoiie aboat mob mania,' and th psychical impulses of th crowd. .Rosenthal, the unique c Rosenthal, with engwrs ef steel shod In velvet; Rosenthal, whos playing may be cem pared to a rose, or to a cyclone Moris Rosenthal, th. world's greatest piano virtuoso, made his reappearance after 10 years ef absence and mad us forget Rubenefeln." Th critique writ ten after thla last appearano of his Is even more prafoond la It praise and sweeping In its declaration ef Rosea thal's saprsmaay. - Rosenthal plays here on nest Tuesdsy, under th direction of Lois Steere-Wyna Coraan. and th seat. sale open Saturday at 10 o'clock at th Helllg. . - SherwoocPa Recital. -N- Th Mueieal tissdar and Conoart-Ooer bay of William 1L Sherwood, who Is t appear In plan concert at the Mur lark hall, Twentyrthlrd and Washlnstoa etreets. Tuesdsy svsnlng, March It: "Colossal la about the only word applicable to W. 1L Sherwood's reoltsj la Maaio hall, so amaslng was his ua deretsiHUng, his refinement and dell Mr. O. W. Kennedy, who ha lately goo over " to th Reed-French Piano Manufacturing oompany. whoa head quarter ar in the Commonwealth build ing, ha been connected with the piano business in Portland for many years, having beoom well . known a retail manager of tha old Allea-Ollbort-Ranl-sker oompany. Many of ths smaller outlying towns hava responded most en couragingly to recent call from Reed French salesmen, and ths spring busi ness will be very heavy. Mr. Reed and Mr. Davis of this Arm are outslds more sine Mr. Kennedy became retail masv ager. . ,. : ..- . - The Jacob Shirt oompany. Ill Third Street, th well-known headquarter for custom-mads shirts, la to move this week Into new quarters at ItlH Stark street. ' The new placa Is being com pletely overhauled and refitted. . pre senting a fresh. Inviting interior.' . The rapid growth of this business ha de manded snore room, and -when estab lished In the new place, the many beau tiful stylss and fabric will make a handsoras display. Mr. Jacobs Im ports all his materials, which Inoluda thla season the niost beautiful designs In madras. Oxfords, cheviots and French and English percales. It will Interest women to know that such preesur bs been brought to bear upon . Mr. Jacobs aa to Indue him to Includ ladles' tai lored shirt waists la his spring wortf. No made-up wear Is carried In - the house everything made t' order, thue aasarlng style and fit Impossible In th ready-made waist, v : Mr. 8.' Solomon of the Wonder Mil linery company, found It necessary,, to return to New Tork on a matter of bualnasa, leaving yesterday afternoon. Mrs. M. U Hunt of Heller'o Millinery company, 180 Washington street, ."has brought such an array ef exquisite pa rlslsn creations to Portland aa fairly to transplant a corner of th gay European capital. There ar Madam. Bernhardt hats. so spiritual arxt sugg-aatlva of th siren's 11th grsoe snd golden-brown tones as to .readily deserve th name; an Olga Netbarsols hat, quaintly old fashioned and drooping In langorous Nethsrsol style; a Joseph strawberry hat, piquant and debonair; a hand-em-brldered empire hat from the eatabllatt ment of Madam Verot; Llchtenstela hats, drooping with th long, fluffy wil low plumes; opera.outflt-stals and muff of chiffon In a wholly new design with large mollne hat to match; a mag nificent Caroline Reboux creation ' In oorn-oolored braid with long eweeptng black plumea; garden hats that ar per fect ' masse along - artlstle - lines of roses, panales and every - Imaginable flower In th ' greatest pert eotlotw-ln fact, tha display Is auoh aa w seldom have an opportunity to see. Including only on hat of a kind, and ranging up to ISO in ptioe. Mrs. Hunt la on of Portland's newoomera, and her advent will be appreciated by: ladles who. want something really exoluslv. - Only On BBOMO QUUIJIR." Tkat is tAZATITS BROMO OotnlM. Stmt larlx Bama4 reaiedlM BDesetlmae deceive. The rirat and eriaiaaj OoM Tablet Is e WHIT rainAua wits oiees as re lettering, ane paars ue iKwon at w. esuta see. SUES SISTER FORSi . ..HOSPITAL BILL Telegraph-' Oiwratar-' Tng: Begtu Salt AitbMt(h Sister lo 6tai V r abl to Do Any Work. When Laura Prag waa til shs was ssnt to St. Viaoent' hospital where her expenses were $47.80. She bad been ill for some time and waa financially un able to meet th obligation. - Her bro ther, Ous Prag, an operator employed by th Western Union Telegraph oom pany. lent her tha money with th un derstanding that shs would repay It March 1. t Miss Prag was able to ' leav th. hospital, two weeks ago, but ha been nbl to work. - Consequently shs waa nnabl to pay bsr brother at th. speci fied tUne and- he-hae brought suit to recover the amount. ; - ' - In JusUce Reld' court yesterday th ult was filed.' He allege that he paid tils slater's expenses whtl ah waa at tb hospital and that she failed to pay him March 1, aa she promised to da He asks Judgment In that sum and also that she be msds to pay tha costs of th action. - . v THE PORTUWOOTELi- x ncadam tteiy. " . Kngagemsats for table la palm-room aftsr performance Thursday night may be made until Thursday morning only. On account of th table being taken In th. seventh-etreet dining-room, U has been decided to open th main dining room also for ths accommodation ef guest. This room will b handsomely decorated and aa orchestra will furnish music.. . , . . H. C BOWERS. Milwaukla Country Club. ' ' Eastrra snd California race. Take Sell wood and Oregon City car af First and Aldsr. . ., . :L PERSONAL James 8. Tyler, a well known news paper man who resigned from th Ssn Francisco Call ' to com to- Portland whsr hs will ngag In tha publication of a weekly newspaper with . Hugh Hume, arrived In this city yesterday. Mr. Tyler la on of th most popular newspaper men on th coast and ha a host of friends In Portland. He was managing editor ef th Journal and afterward was general manager of the Telegram. Father ' P. Beutgen ef ; th Oswego Cstholl church ta abl t be out gaia after, two weaks nines - Hs hs been at th bom of hi sister, Mrs. B EX, Hennessey. .',' ; . WILL PAY TO KNOW . WHO POISONED DOQ . , ... A vnluahl water spaniel belongiag te D. D. Pattervon. 101 Fourth street,' was poisoned last nisht at Second and Clay streets. Mr. Patterson says thathe would net have parted with tha dog for 1100, and offers a reward ef 111 for any information thai will lead to th. arrest of the persona aonnoted wtta ar re sponsible for th poisoning. "front maker t sUyev." . , . Why Reed-French Piano Co. (ccn a fjeed Piano for less mcn2y th:n a retell store Reed - French Company cre la the wholesale district, Sixth and Curnsld: ; G. 17. Kennedy; the veII-Knov;n piano Dsn. is with theow;! ; The Reed-French Piano Company will sell a first class piano fot about .three- hundred dollars 4a other words, the Reed-French Company will save you a hun- , ,, dred dollars on the purchase price of a piano. Some ; people don't believe this, and so they buy at retail '. stores; but it wouldn't hurt them to look in at a Reed-' ; French store, even if they have bought elsewhere ' . they might sometime save a friend something. Why Is' this i-'M 'vvVi'-','Av-7 -Sf'-:- -V"-"'': t'r,C4 ' ''.''."v '' ''.''! '' : . v Reed-French Company h owned by. eastern piano . t factories, and they only sell the pianos they make them-lv?Trrrrr$.ey-PY profit that usually "goes to the retailer. ?; .: .; ' .; , . A lady, noticing a Schubert Piano in . our window, and a price of $315 marked on it, expressed herself as greatly surprised that a Schubert piano could be sold for t, ; any such money and she was right. It couldn't, hav . been sold for any such" money in a retaij store ; but on " a salesroom floor owned by the factory itself, it can sell . to the customer the same as if the customer were buy ing wholesale; it cuts out the middleman; it's the maker doing business with the player. , ' ' ' ' . ; .j ' ''''"V ''K:'' t: 1 .' We sell beautiful instruments at factory prices and Reed-French 6. W. Kennedy, Wareroom Manager V : ; .'f -:'J- Sixth and Burnside r. c ;. " "v. ' , IP YOU WANT THE BEST $3 HAT: ; ; - -1 ; V: .; 1 IN -THE WORLD -'f Z-: v : : SEE THAT ITHAS THIS LABEL: J; i - 50,000 SOLD.NOT v LEADING GOOD .,! Some of the Articles on Sale : SOLID MAHOpANY" ....... TABLES4--- CHAIRS, : : . ANTIQUE CLOCKS." : . , BOOKCASES, ' DAVENPORTS, BUFFETS, . , MISSION CHAIRS. . ROCKERS. - TABLES, - - SETTEES, v WALNUT BEDROOM SET PARLOR SET, " OAK CHAIRS. CHINA CLOSET. BOOKCASE. ETC At BEN SELLING gGOINGfFAST furr Piano Mfg.- Co. ONE! RETURNED . HATTER PIECES FROM THE STOCK : OF . THE 473 Washin-ton St. Near fourteenth Furnitisre ; Co. Vet I 'Tr1'; to tzvr r iinfe Li.ii.lJ ..kl.. . , tAIT TIMS TOSIOHT. 0.11. naw 4 Zrlaac rreaant V 11. I. tit i Knaia tltj. - aUXTTTZa r0Jt BKOASWAT." Cortnae anA aa BieM- ru I'ricm 1.M. 11. !.. Cue I Tkeraear. rrtrtay. Satwav Nlrbla, T, s IM S, Matinae Salardr, M-nrr W. ase'a koltk urauil Opa Cvaapaar la recrtul a Jeaaaeae ras4 iltwta, ... . MADAM BUTTERFLY" rrlaae t. 0 0. Ilfln, 01IW. 01. , Sallla. at Baa Ufflea ThMtre. . Biff Me raaa Mala MtrT. Oroa) IkMtra Ce Oae. U Rtkw, Ms. PwtlaaO's raaeiaDable ratar rrk Tkeetre, Bame f tb Bakar Kux-k Cwnaanj. Taataal All Tata The aaeartfel BtV mi Stacy el quaes Sataar, . . .' , ,i f KUa Woeeter WUces ' aa teaeewha Oaaralle. Krar DataU Coatplate. ' Rmr MasBtrlemt. laaMnaa Cut. Baaeial Maal. liailnae Batardaj oaJ. . . Eranlns prlraa l.V. see, KV: liitlna INt. OBe. Max Waa . Hart a "A BUaS " iSrCi Enplre Thealre MILTON W. SKAMAX. Maaaser, fMartne Only the Sis Baiters Kaad fthmra. Toalsat, Teexlar an WadnsaSar Nlchta. W0ndar Mattiw, rre4 BaraMeKTe raawee Vaarectar , CaaailT , -' - - Drea,' .... ..--i "The Missouri Girl" 0 tans ta Kaery Ltaa. 1 Badle karava4 aa Dalay.'T trrilu Bmslre Prtcaa, Otfc U pifnine THFATrC raoot Hilt Morrissa a. ii iki, luuiiai. 117 speatal Kagagmane ef ta Greatest Oolerad Attraetloa. 1U0X VATTI TsOVSAOOVaa ' Tksnday, rrlilay aad Ratoraay, March T. 0 and (Thla Weak). Uatlnae flatarday. The Orlrtnal and Only Black ratti. the Moat Oala- kratad Oolorad Hlnrar In the Warld. Bacare Beets at Oere. Kasalar Eailre Pricae, . , THE GRAND ; -' aVs aiteaordlaary ..Srest.' - -- Coin Educated Dogs ; XAFFXirzo xa DoeTUXX." ' Svaty Artarsees aad Sraalsg. ' at 1:0. ead :. ' THE STAR-TO Ts Ana Stork Ceeany PreesstS the B!p . " Beertng Farce, . "ITir Prlanr! FrAm lnr!ii -ujr lama i iviu tuuia airoaea zuaaaya. zawanaja. Baioraayv ana Oaaaara at :0. rrtcas lOe aad tue. tmy eaaaln at (11 e'.lork. PrtCM 10c, JOe, IOC. Baianre eaets by phaae; Mala S404. I VRIC THRATRR Partlaad't Posvlar Stock Eraae. Irary After, saea and XTaaln Tkia Weak. Bauiaaaiaad Lyrie Itck Oe. 1a tba Oraat Draaaa ef bawaoy Life, "Wllil Of WTOaUM." By araoial aaraafeaaaat pradaoad anaat the yanoeal auaac aiataa ef Trank raanlas. .Bpactaaalar aoaaia ef facta. Bew Faaae. Rcaarra Mil eae saw be ' rat ad la adTaace from 1. a. aa. t 10 p. Dally siatlaaaa ! mm! . - Btenlug apr -loraiaacre at S IS. 'Sararday and Sasday a.n team mat aerteranace at 7:18. . AGAIN TONIGHT , CONTINTOUS MUSIC TWO BIO BANDS. DcCaprio'siL Hoch's Lewis i GarKj. Cir.k , EanJ If yon cannot skat. learn now. Rink open at 0 a. m. every day. ' Com out and hear th music, : DEXiamrtTL car ricb. ' r . , i ALL THIS WKK. . SPECIAL CONCERT 8TJNDAT. - Admission 10a. Skats II. Colonist Itcles ' via : The Ecst to lfcc West From Chicago to Portland. Salem. Albany, Eugene. Ashland and Inter mediate points .....$33.00 From St. Psul. MlnnespoHs, fuluth, Omaha, St. Joseph. Kansas .City, t Portland and common points 92S.OO From St. Ixiuls to Portland snd eora moa points , .$30.00 Similar lew rate fro all taa aaatera poise 0 th we. Send me th name and address of your relatives or friends east that ar sontemplating coming to Wash ington or Oregon and literature end full Information wUl be furnished them. - For any Information wanted call an Of writ , A. D. CHARLTON . A sat. Oenl Passenger Agent, sss koxbtsow st com tins, POXTXJOID, OA ft 'lizpalf LOW . . ' -y