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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1907)
THE OHIICOII DAILY JOURHAL. rOISTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVEIilUO, MARCH , 6, UZ7. . 00 free mm . FOR UERHOniTES Favor Tax on Property Adjoin Ing Water Mains and aV : . ; K '. JLIght Meter Rate. si ASSOCIATION REJECTS , ; ' GENERAL TAX SCHEME , northeastern " Improvement Mem .." bcra .Believe ,Tby Have Found the Correct Solution of Troubla- lipoma Water Rate Problem. , 'V' " ' Beet tld Btjutswi . A U( on all property tributary to water main tor the extension of those , mains Into now territory U tbe solution of the water question a If will be put , forward bjr th Northeastern Improve ment aaaoclatlon. Tbla association la ...compoeed mostly of peopU In Vernon, where tba water , eupply la very defl clent, ana haa spent tba antlre winter on tbla one problem.-- Now George B. .. Frank, Ita president, announce that , tbla conclusion baa been reached. It waa especially for a solution of the water question that the Northeast - era club was organised tbla winter. At ' first a frontate tax on all property abutting on water mains waa advocated, but that haa been found Impracticable. ' , There are many other qualifications to to with tba former theory which air. Frank thinks will solve the water prob lem satisfactorily, y , ; . Tnia tax will, be low and will be aa- CEAUTIFUL HAIR AT SMALL COST Kate Trouble Slave Bean Wrongly Buvg . aosee and KiBaadaratood, Within' the last decade great and rapid atrldea bare been made, la alaterla Jaedlca. Many diseases that-war corv aldered Incurable 1 yeara ago are now oured In a few day a, and In many ease prevented altogether. ' The aclentlsta of lata yeara bar been delving for the cause, tbe foundation, the reason and the starting point of disease, fully realising that tbe actual and true eauee must be ascertained before the remedy can b located. Hair troubles, like many other diseases, have been wrongly diag nosed and altogether misunderstood. Tbe hair Itaelf la not tbe thing to be treated, for tba reason that It la simply a product of tba scalp, and wholly de pendent upon lta action. The scalp -la the very soil In which the balr la pro duced, nurtured and grown, and It aloo should recelva tba attention If results ara to be expected. It would do no earthly good to treat the stem, of a plant with a view of making it grow and become mora beautiful the soil la which- the plant grow must be attended to. Therefor, the scalp in which hate grows must receive the attention If you are to expect It to grow and bctome more beautiful; - . ., , - - - loss of bar Is caused by the aoalp drying up,' or losing lta supply of mois ture or nutriment, and when baldness occurs tha scalp baa almply lost all of lta nourishment, leaving nothing for tbe hair to feed upon (a plant or even a tree would die under similar conditions). Tba natural and logical thlag to do In either ease la, feed and replenish tha sou or acalp aa the case may be, and your crop will grow and multiply aa nature Intended It should. Xr. XaowUoa'a .SAJrszmzn la tha only remedy- for tba hair ever dis covered that la identical with- tba natural hair food or liquids of tba acalp. It feeda and nourishes the balr and doea all tha work originally carried on by tbe natural nutrients or ure-nv . , . i ins juice isatniwi wy uiw Kaiji iiawi. aeaaed on all property bow benefited or it ninetratea the noree of th seals quickly and tha balr soon ahowa tha ef- r mains, whether vacant or occupied, and. wbera It la proposed to lay th new main. Borne advocate that the tax sbould be .higher where tha mafn la larger. The association Is not In favor of free water and after a thorough con sideration last i week turned It down, , '. Ufa Kate Bate. ' In order that tha cottage will net be - unjustly taxed aa much aa the large , residence, a light consumer's rata, de termined by a meter, should also be imposed. " Mr. Frank thinks this Is the only solution and la ready to advocate every point before every aaaoclatlon on . tha east aide. He nays In the consider - atloa of two rates, or a tax and a rata. It must not be thought that either of these will be high, for they will not. V Mr. Frank aays, that holders of va veant property will then pay for privi leges that ara making their property - ,- salable, Tha city now derives no benefit ' . from this water privilege poaseaaed by .vacant : property-holders, which when :', paid. wUl lower the rates to all. Fur thermore, he advocate that the city be , made to pay for tha water now being , used by tbe fir, and other departments. as 11 snouia but nan not for a number i 'of years. r City ' Attorney. Oreene aaaumed tbe A role of peacemaker at the meeting of tha city council of St, Johns last night f when Councilman Norton intended to 'j answar the chargea made against blm i last week In a sensational session. . Mr. oreen offered th body-some good ad- feota of - its wonderfully exhilarating maa uiv-prvaucuo quaitue. One It-cent bottle Is enough to con vince yon of ita great 'worth as a hair growing and balr beautifying remedy try It and aea fog yourself. Now en sale at every drug ator and toilet store in the' land. Thro slsea, BSe, aoa and 9 LOO. MIVILEY; BEGINS .: OFFICIAL DUTIES Congressman Fully as Busy as Though 'Already. Inducted' v V; ; Into Office. . ; " SEEKS RESTORATION OF PENSION FOR WIDOW : & vice and said that th scenes in; the t, - oouncu cmunDer ; naa mane Be jonne . unenviably famous r that ' tbe, council t 4 should be legislating for St. John and '-r-k-lBOt settling personal matters. - r " ' A communication waa read In which - Contractors Toungferdorf Son stated 1 that the actlona of the council were ' delaying tba work on th city hall and ' , that the council would be held reapon slbla. No action was taken, as Attorney ' Oreene advised that th courts waa tbe plaoe In which to adjust such dlfflcul- tie between uontiactlnx parties. r ,;.--Th' plumbing ordinance-waa-again . . bald ever for further perfection.'". The .charter will ' be discussed at a mass 1 - meeting to be held tonight la th aa- . sembly room of tha publlo achooL l. '. ' - rsger to if eel. ''m- V; . Pomeo grange. Patrons of Husband--' ry, will meet at MontavUla aa tha guest ' of th ftuisellvllle granaa Wednesday. . March JO. Officer will be in tailed . and other, business attended to, A .' meeting to elect delegates to the afata jrranga which meets In Hood River in May will b held at Qreaham next Mon- day. March 11. ' Charles W. Havtll. superintendent of the Faclflo Roller Mills f North Port land, died at his horn In Mllwaukie, Monday, March 4, of - tonsil I tta The remains will be shipped to Chicago for Interment. Mr. Havlll had been a rea ident ot Portland . but two yeara, and was a nativaof f)hlo Ha -waal - yeara of age,' and leaves a mother, a Vast Accumulatloei ' of Boaineaa Dne to CnTtaiflmfcit of Oregon'g Rpr Congrraa Seexg aemUtton,. lm . ParauuM of Oncok CUT Locka. -.- wife and two sons. - ' T. W.' Vreeland. formerly Justice ot tha. peace In tha East Portland district haa gone to California for a several weeks' stay. Dr. Curtis Holcomb will accompany hhn. Mr, Vreeland expects - that the ehaage In climate will Improve Ala falling health. .... The Brooklyn Republican club will hold a social aeaslon Thursday evening. March f, In the Sacred Heart hall. Mll waukie and Boise streets. A program and smoker will be the feature of the ' -''- ' ' '"' : "l " BIIX FOR RIGHT OF WAY ' - FOR HILL IN VANCOUVER ... . (HpeHal rHepatth te Tbe earaal. Olympla, - Wash., March . a. Benator And' bill allowing the city of Van couver to a-rant to tbe Northern Pacific ,. a right of way aoross the publlo levee where that - road aeeas rait connection with a proposed dock aTO feet long baa 'V paased the senate. - -; '- - t , . Among the bills passed by th aenat ' is one authorising sessions of tha au preme court to be held at Spokane; an other make mandatory tha Inspection of factories br th labor commissioner, the supreme court having reoantly decided llhat under the IX factory Inspection . law manufacturers ahould not be com pelled to pay tha Inspection fee unless ' they so desired. , , ' Another bill requires that bonding eom 'panies must have a minimum capital of '1250.000, all subscribed, with' on eighth "paid op; that a sum equal to to par cent of the capital . be maintained as a re- aarv fund and that tha companies be 1 subject to Inspection by the state bank examine. , ',, . . J TRANSFER OF HOTEL : ' . v AT NORTH POWDER ' " (Rperlal Olepateb te Tbe Joereal.) : North Powder, Or., March a-Tb largest bofl property in town, the La clede, was sold ror nw- to waiter O'Bryant, which was 'only 1300 more than It sold for a year ago, when bought In by James Dal ton, th president of the Mercantile Milling oompanr, iow op erating on a large scale at this place. I Mr. Ialton rtlro to hta cattle ranch three mil" from t n 1 I'.r. O'Eryant 'la In p""- it'' (Waaalagtoa Bareaa ef The Joaraal.) . v Washington, March 1 Congressman Bleet W. C. Hawley haa Inaugurated his career aa a representative of Oregon's first district by taking up tbe pension case ot Mra .M. C. Wells of Portland, who had been drawing-a pension, but had 'been dropped on repreaentatlona made by an Inspector. Mr. Hawley visit ed ' the -pension ' bureau, made th' ao qualntace of th officials and started pro ceedings which he hopes will result la placing Mrs. Wells again on the rolla. Mr. Hawley. haa been actively engaged sine his arrival her In mastering the details of ' a congressman's work and haa been fully as busy aa though be were already inducted Into offloe. - Dally I be haa been In consultation with Sea-! ator Fulton and Senator-Elect Bourn regarding many matter which - concern the state and has spent every moment, day and evening.' at hla labor.' . - . . The 'new ...congressman finds that, owing to tha circumstances which have somewhat shortened Oregon s quota of active members In the congress, ha will have en hand a vast accumulation of buslnaea when he . actually begins hie duties, and will have to devote his time assiduously to th office If he shall dis pose - at matters satisfactorily. Ha ex pects to keep at it throughout the sum mer time, beginning - so soon . as he reaches Salem on hl return. He will stop shortly In Denver, where the Wood men of the World board of head man agers ar to bold their annual session. It Is understood that Mr. Hawlsy will undertake to push through the project for the purchase by .the federal govern ment of th Oregon City locks, a plan be favors tat preference to their. acquisi tion by the state of Oregon. . TEAR DOWN BUILDINGS FOR BRIDGE TERMINALS (JootmI Haeeial SerVW) ' '"' ' New Tors, March -One of tha most notable changes that has taken .place In lower New Tor in many year will re sult from the removal of the three blocks of buildings which were put up at publlo sale today preparatory to be ing torn down to make room for the new Manhattan terminal of the - Brooklyn bridge. Tbe building to be removed in clude all the structures occupying the three block extending northward from tba present bridge terminal and located between Centre street on th west and Park Row on th east. ' The moat notable structure ot tbe lot la the Staata-Zeitung building, ' which haa been a conspicuous landmark at the Junction of Park Bow and Centre street for many years. Alt the building are to be removed by April t. when work will be commenced Imme diately on the new terminal; tha com pletion of which is expected to go far toward relieving the present congestion of trafflo at the entrance to the bridge. 11 .IL-.l . . mak wealth '. ; ' , fof tje owner. GrapNuts Is special brain '-. ; food. "There's t Reason" COWPS GETTONdp 'KDGGEK-'EVEulY DAY 'I J tSVJ EaJ id I' L-JD) .1 mm mmuz Bigger V-y.'y;r A sale that's the tall lK! of all Portland and for a hundred miles around fljcr grow the crbvvds-IovVer and lower drop the prices , sell, are the orders Only five days more of this ter- sedsational sacrifice and then we must give up almost ohe-third our space to the builders Is it any wonder we are desperate? Pnly five days to sell over! 5100,000 worth of stock and you know what that means bl n ir all . ffTlr 1 14 b-' sTW. ST, -ai KtTTl"- ''Uf. ouV1o;i"VfEe;:?ui 2El3 Values tar ; E In every department,' ian absolute slaughter of all remaining stock regard less of cost or loss. v It's room we want not merchandise goods have no value to us now out they go and at once. V ; .. . :.j . VW Crowding the Stock Together- Dust and Diri Will Soon Be Flying ffrntl ftfrn 1 U L M I I I I 'I 1 aV 'CriTCS CLOCK CI YAh,U,r.w.4 1 9A.U. TO 5S9l I come 1 come i i omorrows tne Dig aay ox tne Diggest saie ever neia in jroruancu ue on nana DOORS OREN AT 9 TOMORROW MORNING Box The crowds best tell the tale of the bargains and when we say tomorrow's price slashing is to be the greatest yet, it means something mmtrtm nil tn, . -tl!.. 'a. a,. U 1 1 1 1 -f. . . .. - " 1000 LARGE REGULAR ' 5c Boxes Toothpicks The large big boxes, 500 in each; ; q tne. aam 7011 pay, c , lor every- . t m , where, now ............ i. ....... ... li SELLING OUT THE Silks MEN'S AND BOVS 25c AND 35c Wool Caps EMPTYING OUT THE CLOAK ROOM 10c BOX Shlnola Polish Ton pgy 10c for It wherever you - 1 to; now hut half ; x .'.:.. . price V.... iBox Golf end yacht style, all wooL dark colors, end ell sUes. Pick out Uc end 33c Caps FULL 10-FOOT ROLLS ! 10c Crepe Papers AH the long 10-foot rolls; moat ell i(j colors; best 10c ; kind, cut to, : iJQj Here's where the reductions sre the grestest snd the most money is to be ssved.- -r-- 7- . 24-inch Black twined Indu'-. JJ Silks; 65o snd 75c valuea. . . . OOw All our best $1.00 Taffetas; all pure silk . and all colors; JQq Odd lots of figured Foulards snd plain Taffetas; wortato.P-?,7-f 75c: yard ..... -.V..... I C 27-Inch new. Polka Dot Silks; all colors; $1.00 snd $1.25 val- f.n ues; yard Ufw $10 Novelty Plaid and Jacquard Silks; 27-inche's wide; QO-, choice, yard ......... "Oly ' AH our best $L75 yard wide' black Taffeta Silks; all pure 1 ?C .silk; yard ....ejIeaVO - AND THOUSANDS OF OTHER BARGAINS wita plalvaa 50c" Fancy Suilino 19cYd Fully mercerised; all fancy patterns and all colors. , . . --V I l . l 1 j 1 r r .... ' -' 'Ba,f7' - t. Our entire new spring stock to go. AH our finest Tailored and Silk Suits, New Jackets, Waists. Skirts. Petticoats, etc au marked down far below wholesale coet to sell them out before the tearing down begins-Come and investigate. DontwsJt, a"alnseminute; Buy f your Easter suit ner now and get it for almost half price. J8 and $11 SCk aeeordioa m taeklaa aU eoioxs Ladles $12 tsd $15 Spring: Suits $6.49 AH tk late. styles elov Uiles' $11 tad $12 SCk Eton Jackets JJl f aaey triaaaaa A vift Btyl Petticoats: b$3.98 lsdlcsV$20 and $22.50 New Sprinn Suits $12.15 95.00 and 96.00 Silk Waists 4f AO Odd lOU ...,... i.....i....;.eJIeyO Ladies' $200 embroidery 70 trimmed Waists, now ............ I 71 $14.50 Ladies Wrappers, worth up to 1Cf $1X0 each ....ii......:;,.yC 'Ladies 50c and 75c Kimonos, f f cut to i.. .................. 1... .;.iyc Ladles' 75e and ; Wc Waists, ' )n go at i. ..;,';;...;:.;;; ;.:.47t Ladies $5.00 and $4.00 new r- AO Spring Skirts ePaVeVO Ladtes $5.00 whits china silk J 69 Ladies' $1.00 and $2.00 fancy if) Wrappers, 6e and ; 47 C Ladles' $25.00 sprinc Shirt waist Suits v. ....... La'djes' $15.00 and $ll50 Rla,c hQ coats, now ..........,...e5yO Ladies' $5X0 and $S.0O whits f 0(1 lawn Waists eDaVeyO Ladies' $12.00 and $15X0 Silk Petticoats, now nd $15X0 Silk J949 NEWEST SPRINQ Dress Goods Every y ardTat wholesale cost "and less and that means almost half ether stores prices. 5 ,000 yard 38 and 40-inch all wool Serges, Henriettas snd Cashmeres, aU colors; grades bought to sell at 75c Pick Jem out; 0q 38-inch double fold black Dress Good, fluxed- lot worth a n r 50c and 65c; yard ........... 1 1 C 36-inch fancy Mohairs, .all colors; regular 50c value, cut to 29c AU our 65c and 75c new Spring Novelty Dress Goods , iO- slashed to. yard ......40U 50-inch Imported Spring Novelties, newest colors and patterns; boug-ht Ia!?:.;;.;.;-..;98C i AND THOUSANDS OF X OTHER BARGAINS Best 60c ; Towels 22cEai All linen, fringed and hemstitched; large else. - Figured Calicoes Good ones, fancy patterns, worth 6c and 7c yard. ' 50c Black and Whits Check Qr Dress Goods, per yard .....7. One lot All-Linen Tow- els, worth to 50c, at....... LLK, 18c Yard-Wide Madraa tjfi and Percales, go at, yd...... VLKt Ladies 75c to $1 JO Solid 1 ' 2Qfi Leather Purses 07l Reg. 75c and SSc Fine i 0 Bleached Damask, yard....10U 'Table Damask i9cm The wide ones, fast colors, . worth , SO cents. , .' . 10c Box : Shinola 5c Bojl Yon know It tells for 10 cents all 5c Laundry Soap 2c Bar- Large full-si xe bars and one of the best made. ' ladies' Wrappers - 29cEa- All weTl mads and every one a $1X0 value. 8c Aprca Ginghams' 3McYd AH color checks, full width and worth t cents. - 104 Gray ; Dlcaicts 29cEa- Well fleeced - snd all - regular 10-4 ik'iPpp fy I ladies' 20c and 25c'IIosicry 9c I 50c to 69c Double fold ; HandkerChiefS ' ' Xn AU fancy styles and an light and spring shades, fun regulsr mad; . DfCSS UOOOS 1 gmbrldery and Ucs trimmed ......... ,..7.V nd Talues at f pair. ;;. t . : r.: ;S . ; Mostly black, heavy weight ....I;.....; Ruffled Curtains 1Qr ladiCS' 35C Blacll GlOVCS 19C .8c Figured Lown V .Worth up to.TSc'pdr. each..:..,;.:.;..1 'febnCl"ee, ,broMerJr bouht to-,n. a S5' 5,000 yards mors at, yard V. 5-Inch Fancy Ribbons ; Cc LadieSa50c Md 34 in. Tambour Net VOlfor Also plains, 15c to 25c grade... VV' thretd Vests and Pants, all new Spring goods, silk finish and For lace curtains. $5c kind, yard.. A W . . best 50c and 75c grades, cut to Se. , ' ., .... 50c and 75c Finest Fancy IUbbons 24c .2c 11 11 Dresdens, Roman stripes and ombre effects; 3, . and. S inches wide; 39c China Silks I Or TT171 v9 in 0c Wash Dosins lr Big line of color, to go, ysrd. . .......... V $J.50 Witle 27"IllCll Ellllir 01(168$ 48 C only, snd one to a customer.. SI to $1.50 Embroid's 4&r JjiwJ $1.50 to 53.00 Shots Aftc iSLiSO Bolls Valenciennes laces 45c' 7"'" O3C-U00I IMlin S YClling Fun 12 yards la eachbolt. best Imported Valenciennes m edging and inser- MCI1 S ZOC llOSO ' 1 An AH one color, pick It out tions to. match? all $M0 bolts, 46. , ; ' s Fine Lists finish, aU sixes.. i lW The genuine pure silk Ramchunda Reversible Four-ln-IIands in navy blue and white; a tie that the wellest dressers wear; tie that exclusive haberdashery stores sell as a bar jam -f We.. Choice ..j.i...,... ii. 1 w all at COME VITH THE CRO--7DG Doors open at 9 o'clock. Portland's shrewdest buyers will be her i The entire stock is to go; there's no reserve. Get in line and t-:- -Doors open at 9 sharp. ' f -.- r t 25c wide 32-inch fancy t Drapery Crepes; ysrd ....... I i.w 3.CC0 yrJt 12' snd 15c r . fancy Ou,:"j 1 iannrl; yr 1. . .