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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1907)
-THE OREGON DAILY : JOURKAi; PORTLAIID. WEDNESDAY EVTIflNQ, IIAItCII 8, KZ7. uELLOOV lOIRILl FOR JOE TIIOHAS Philadelphia Sports Will May an ' Opportunity Tonight to Wit- ' ' ness Good Co. V. HONEY WILL BE A :'. r. ; FAVORITE OVER JOE Contrst I Sc hauled ma Blx-Roond Affair bat the Law Dom Pert AI ; low Decision to - He"". Glren at ' , Close of risht. , ;::iv".V;'---''-r ; (taml tpeetsl pervk-e J , f-v. , the hour, "Honeys Mellodr of Bostoa and . Jo Ttiomu . cf California - are ' waiting- for the gong to esJl then Into the .arena of the National Athletlo club I tonight, whan they will ndeawor eertle their respective clalma to ; tTM welterweight ' championship. - The ar ticles of agreement caU for a sU-ronnd CO at 15 pound. It baa been a lone; tlrae alnoa a debt bera baa aroused aa ' much Interest and from all Indications there will be a record-breaking: crowd at th ring-side, v -' Aa th light will go only U round and will be wlthoot a decision tt la not probable that the result will bare any great bearing oa the championship title. The bout will aerra to anew, lioweTar, the relative tneiita of the two lighters. Mellody elajma the welterweight title by reason qf bla defeat of Joe WsJ cott at Chelsea last November, alnee which time he has been generally re garded as the champion. The claims of Thomas are based on aha fact that he defeated Mellody, 'but aa thU waa before MeJlody won th title from Wal cott It la dtffloult to 8 cure out satis factorily the validity of th California boy's clalma : V ' The majority of '-th ring" critics re gard th two as pretty eTenly matched. Xellody Is slightly favored over Thomas because of his rreaUr experleno la the ring.. Be has been fighting; six years, during which time be has met Walcott, Willi Lewis, Jack Dougherty, Charlie MrKeever, Dick Fitipatrick, 1 Jack CKeefe and many other good lighter. The best Hants Thomas has bad war with Mellody and M Nelly -. H HOW THE PONIES RAN -, '-, ON CALIFORNIA TURF , . ' ' (Jaermat losclel srrlns - Ban Francisco, March. .Result of races at Oakland: Four furlongs, sailing, -. t-year-olda Boas won. Valoskl second, Jockey Xounc third: time, : -. ' ' , Mile and ysrCs, selling Happy Hive won. Fairy Btrect second. Duke of Orleans third; time. 1:46. ' Li... . . f...1 - TIT nill fly , UU WUa , MM. tuiivu,. wV. fftindals won, Sam 'Barber second. Johnny Lyons third; time, 1:01 1-6. Five and one,tHI lurionga, ma uoia .ace hattlap-tJiioi jun . won col lector- Jessup second. Hector 'third; time, 1:07 1-6. T Mile, an sixteenth, - sailing Andrew .Mack won,-Mandator aecond, Tba Bor JflHn third; time, 1:60 -.. r Seven f urlonea Martinmas won. OFtapid Water second, . Corn Blossom fthlrd; time, 1:18 1-6. ' ' . : i - r i . , ..... n Mjom ongeies, ., , ? Los Angeles. March 6 Ascot race results: i ' .. -.. ,,; .i . .i ; oevrn lurionga wnanoenor nuvonn won. Brenus second. Revolt third; time. i .Mile and sixteenth Buttons - won, Tellow Kid second. Capable third; time, il:62.'. ''l' - I i Six ' furlongs, selling Lord rovoat 'won. Piquet ' second, Cocksar . third; "time, l:l14. ' - Mil handicap Von Tromp won, -Dob Domo ; aecond, , Platoon , third; . time, il:41., 5. t -Three and ooe half furlong Satover won, Ed Davis second,' - Keno Babel third; Uat, :Utt. !. ' ' i One mile, selling Klnsma'a - won, .Elisabeth aecond, Susls Christian third; tim, 1:44. - vt ..', , , , ;. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS V C AT NEW ORLEANS New Ot leans. March 6. City Park rtM results i. - Thr aad .an halt-furlpnga Prlac Bowling' won. Bucket Brigade seoond, hit tar air third: tlma 6:41 4-6. - ' v Btaeniachaaa . short - courts Tittle Waily won. Hnrr A. 8chrodr secosd, Mitu third: tlma 2:01 6-6. Five fur Ion as Deoro won, Warner OrlsweU asoond, 8agapaok third; tlma 1:01 2-i. v ,,, Mil and an elxteeath Donna won, Monochord second, . Evl Oreen third; tim. 1:46. V ..." . Mil and4 on4 ' furlong Tanke Girl won. Ttieing second, Anna Day third; time, 1:11. . , . -i"T.., .c ' " ' Mil and ana sixteenth Ivanho won. Heart of Hyacinth second, Kara third; time. 1:48 1-., . , . . .'.- 1 81k furlongs-Bplder "Web won, Colt nss Second, Chase third; tins, 1:16. BOWLERS ARRIVE Ar . DENVER FOR TOURNAMENT (Jeanul IpMtal Serrtee.) ' Denver, March 6. Tenpln players from all th principal cities west of th Missouri - ar gathering la Denver to take" part la th annual champlonahlp tournament of th western - bowling eongress, which begins tomorrow" and will continue on week. : From Omaha and Kansas City, from Spokane, Port Iaa4 and Lae Angelea and from many Intermediate points th alley men are swarming in to compete for th valuable prises offered and enroll themselves as guests of tha Denver Bowling Tourna ment association, host for th cham pionship competition. Th hottest kind of contests a re looked for In all th events, five-men, two-men and Individ-. uaL Tha games will be rolled on six new allays specially constructed for the occasion tn th Coliseum. EKS fl 1 1 C. SE . - DIG LIEr.lBERSHIP Active Work iBelng; Dont by Clubmen jto Secure More Members. FIFTEEN MORE HAVE TAKEN ; OUT LIFE CERTIFICATES All tbe CkMsip of the Bpori World Fashioned Briefly for the Benefit of the Hat7. Iteadera Notoe of .. the' JBowlersV :'r. .- I Billy Rhodee Vs. Bill Papka. Unaraal Spertal Bervwe.1 t Peorhv IU-. March (.At tha Peoria athlqilo club tonight Bill Papke. the Pprtnn Vallcr miner who . has. mads excellent showing tn tha several fights lie has had recently will be given the first rsBt-teatrof -hi strength and gklir. T McCab Ilia opponent will be Blllv Rhodes, the Kansas City fighter who showed up well ; SPIRITED' BOWLING ON V . THE OREGON ALLEYS Tha enthustastlo; crowd that went to th Oregon Bowling alleys last night to witness tha gamea played by the Parks vs. .Webfoots and Nonpareils vs. Chi nook Uama-of tha' city league, were highly entertained, , as th games were close and ther was plenty of rooting. Th Parks took ' their opponents Into camp for two of th three games by good team work In. th last frames of each gama Meleen had the highest alngl game, 114. and high average, 187.. The Nonpareil-Chinook gam waa one aided; th latter team was a man short, which mad a donation of three games for .th Nonpareils. Tonslng was th star f the evening, securing 126 his first gama which waa. the highest, and averaging 187. Thursday night tha Gophers play th Columbia team, Th game between th Monarch and Crescent team Is post poned antil Monday night. Marsh 11. Th scores of last ar as follows:. -' .'. PABKS. . Hagua ,, 177 1 Anspach. ...... ..,,188 Dale .....,..,,.....178 Withers .,..4.,.,.. 161 Ambo ............. .174 180 148 146 17 ri av. 164 167 166176 -166174 177171 114178 878 Total ..608 811 ' WXB FOOTS.' -' :: i) () ; (S AV. Lamond 186 1T8 ; 178178 AraiUf4r,n. . 1 6t- 1 6-- 647 167 Deaver ............ J68, 170 147-814 Stammers .......... 161 -168 Total , ,,"; ; ,.,.808 1 808' ..'' : NONPARGIL& : -.' I ',. .. (1) 2 Ogden. ,......... 166 -161 Hlnnenkamp. ..107 126 . Bwarts .llt 177 Tonetpg uutujMii 82 17 Kaik. ..,161 188 Total i...",.:.',. . ;104 848 CIIINOOKS. ' TTT.rij. - - Moser. ............i8 '171 ' Smith, ........ ...... 184 180. Baruh ....'...,,..,..146 141 Christian. 4...I46 178 Newberger ....... ,. .140 100 148187 -800 187 168 167 x A . (8) Av. 181186 146140 . 166166 164187 178171 848 (8) :AV. 145176 186154 .140148 188161 100100 ToUt aa a .776 71 767 JAMES' BOWLES TOO - STRONG FOR M'CABESl i C :' " '. ';. :.T . r -,'.. Tha James bowlers defeated th Ms Cab bowk re last night, two out of three game, at ta Multnomah club. Keller would hav bowled a better 'gama but on of his knees was very sore, which prevented hlnv from keeping up his end Th scores:- - y .... iJkTCABErSjrjEA 173 144 176 461 Cummlngs ...116 142 150 406 tl.NliiM( . 11 1QK 4C .T. against Joa Walcott, Terry Martin and I r. :. it7 m hi hi other good men. The conditions for to- viight's fight can for a 10-round go tin pound, ' i- . s i i . 'Fashion always has , a mission.MAddison. "f; And hermission this I spring is to modify fads. : Look i at our -new Top T Coats,' just the' sensible length, just the natural . shoulders, just the be-" " coming lapels, just the 7 graceful curve, just the y garment . for - the man who feels young. Here : at Cl2t0 $2Q:r-r y'-V OlOiiiinqCd CnslCalinPicp , ITenVanJ Boyt Outfitters, l'3 r,i 1C3 Third Street. ' oott seeae .138 104 118 862 Totals an 717 723 8180 , , . 'l .JAMES' TEAM. . - Jamea Vuwiww'w-lS 1 1ST. 417 Jones .4. ...... ......131 136 156 422 Keller ....e. 114 128 138 874 Lombard ...... .............. .11 167,134 420 Daly ...144 175 156 475 Totals .... ..634 738 716 1KB RACING SUMMARY AT 'THE 0AKLAWN. V (learaat Bperlal fterrtee.) ' Hot Springs, Ark, - March I. Oak lawn' raca results! ' . Three and on half furlongs Aunt Bala won, Ella Louisa seoond, Waluga third; tlms, 0:48. ' Four furlongs Ida May Won, Hollow second. Lady . Hapsburg , third; tlma, 8:48." - .... ' Six furloaga Oma J. won, Lucullua second, Bandlllo third; time, 1:16, Six ' furlongs Lady Vsshtl - won. Toung Pilgrim second. Calabasn. third; tint, 1:14 8-6. ..,-'..; ' This year promises to be th greatest In th history of th Multnomah Ama teur Athletlo club. Tha new board of trustees, under the leadership of Presi dent jQeorg W. McMillan, hav started an active campaign for Increasing th membership and for th betterment ex the Institution In vry department, Th principal work la this lins that Is now In progress la ths securing of life members for th club at th rat of S100 per -membership. 1 Daring (th last two weeks 16 llf members hav been taken Into Multnomah and from the activity that 1 being taken an all sides by nearly all. of the M. A. A. C, members th ohanoe ar bright for many mora members of this kind betnf secured. .. .- . . -. t , ! ... 'A person to become a llf member ef Multnomah sauat be at leaat 86 years of ag and possess th qualifications that govera tha election of mem bera ! Th debt of Multnomak Is being .re duced considerably each year, last year being th best In Its history. To further reduce this Indebtedness, with th sol view of wlplnsj It out entirely, Is tba slm of th "Winged M" men.. Parsons under 88 years of ag will be charged 8260 for a llf membership. This price, as well as tha 1100 rate, will apply for only two. month. , . ,... - . Th exodus of American jockeys to Europe has begun. "Willie" Shawaailed for Germany, where he will rid for th Weinberg Bros. This stable has been : very successful, and has won nearly all of the big races la Germany In recent years. . Shaw's oontraot Is ona of ths beet aver mad by aa American jockey riding abroad. He is to recelv a re taining fee of 816,000. which, wltb bla fees and outside mounts, will yield In th neighborhood of 810,000. "Danny Maher and Luclen Lynn hav also sailed for England to rids dur ing the approaching- season for Lord Derby and Lord Carnarvon, respectively. This will ranks Matter's sixth season In England, during which time he has wan over 600 raeea Last year he won th .Derby on Spearmint, th Oaks an Key stone IL- and many of th Other big haodlcapa -, . , . ,v - ': v i ; v :. t : X . Th largest- crowd line th tourna ment opened was present Isst night at tha Exposition building at - th fair grounds to witness ths tug-of-war exhi bition. Norway proved ta be better poller than Denmark and war awarded tha honors. - -Austria, was too strong for th German, team. Ths Billy Goose team and th Jimmy Ducks gave an exhibi tion pull, th former eomlng out vic torious, '. Scotland and America bad a hot pull, but when time was celled th vent was declared a oraw, . ..j, . , - - Another giant to fight Jeffries has been discovered;' This makes three in ona week. They have all tha qualifies tloas to wrest th champlonahlp from Jeff except that 'they . know nothing about lighting, r "Ih'NSw "Tork City last night Edward Gardner won th second gam In th amateur . 14.8 balk Una billiard sham plonahlp by defeating Cnarles F. Conk lln of Chicago, 800 to 898.. Gardner won In the forty-sixth Inning. Dr. L 11 Mlal beat Ferdinand Poggenberg tvf to At a recent meeting of th executive Committee of .th Bacln Fly Casting club th following chairman war ap pointed for th various committees to take oar of tha International tourna ment, which Is to be held at Baclne, Wisconsin, during 1807: Dr.' C. F. Browne, program; A- H- Barnes, pub licity:' J. R. Dlshington, tournament; CJ H. Washburn, flnanalal; R. B. Hand, re ception: A. T. Horlick, entertainment; O. w. Botsrora, tropniea -' .(.-. Ryan ha agreed -to-right Jo4 Oans at Tonopah, Nevada, for a purs ef 18,600. v Ryan is willing to meet tha colored boxer on Labor day. r ' e e ' Her ar soms changes that should be made la the baseball rules: Scoring a time at bat against a player every tim h shoold hav been retired but U avd by a muff f a fouL . .'Giving umpire power to call a ball when a batsman "tr lea to evade a wild pitch, which bits his bat. Doing away with giving' stolen bases to runners en whom thtre Is no play. Prohibiting bstamea from stepping frora on sid of th plat to th other whii ta pitcnar 1 . making his pre liminary motions. Ta more strictly define ths foul tip rule; also th blocked ball rule. . ' Umpire t rala bis right arm for vary stroke, ... , .j ,..-.'. ' ' ' . Th Portland Rowing club merebers are busy making preparations for th building af their new clubhoue. As soon as ths floats ar eovered. so as to accommodate th boats, work oa ths new proposition will b started. , ... Frank BL Watklns ' dogs, Edgaoot Pr and Iris, and J. Wesley Ladd's twa oockar spaniels are entered at tha Lo Angeles benoh show, which opened in usat ty tooay. '" e . . In th billiard tournament at tha Multnomah club laat night Mnlford d reatao warnner loo to 71. and Moors beat Warrtner 60 to 64. . - : ' .' V- "' ' This vnlng Moore's and Lonaraan's bowling teams will meet for honors an th Multnomah club alleys. Ther should b om good tenptnnlng la this ma ton. .." rival elalmanta ta th welterweight obamplonship, com together ta settle their differences. -''. President Murphy told his Chicago Cubs to take their wives with them on tha training trip. - What If their wives won't let 'mt ; ,..!.-'. .'.J... : Bert Brlgga, th ex-Brooklyn pitoher, has glgned with Indianapolis, but will hav to b reinstated by the National commission before he san play. ' Brownie Ara Victors. . Th Portland Brownies gava th At klnaon Seconds a sound beating en Mon day, tha scot being 88 to 6. . Th lineup: Lewis ...,.p Nelson Metsger tOeutwaa Burns-R. Jooo.,,v Koveothkil Ctl A lba4faaaatae CwalT T, T01)C aas af4)aelb t Hanson Slator-Shaw Jb uu, Olddlngs Shaw-Slater ...... ..ct.. ........... Murphy Chattartoa ..........If Nlelaoa Blshoa ,. rf....M...,., Rltenberg ) m Om T4tinat Demand for Money. . . Tba president yelled vita gassymonsy cal gl "Ton 11 not get another aoa mark, ' "If yon don't alga thla contract eee 7 "And Vast It around tha clrouit for ma. "For you It's numbers twa and three "And back to tba glue la Chlpopee." CRESCENTS DEFEAT . THE DALLAS PLAYERS (Special tMesetek ta Tke Jearaatt Dallas, Or. March 4. In a flero and exciUng gam In th local gymnasium iasx nignt tn Dallas oollag basket ball team met its first defeat of ths season on th bom floor aa th kauris of tha Creaoente frem rhlMm h, k.! soor of 18 to 18. Th ram waa rouah and many fouls wars called. Dallas had several changes to win, but could not hit th basket. . . . av arr eaaaa " ' f-LI0)BT3rweletdhel6 . -Saay eaMoa." "eiraag e kM " age. mds " ORSSOMDI .'at SPORTINQ GOSSIP , Manager MeClosker of tha St Louis Nationals wants to trade "Bendow" Martoa and Mike Grad. , WU1 th Mexican tour benefit th Whit Sox 7 Seven manager In th American and on In th National league bopa not. . ... . . -,. , '' i Manager Smith of the Atlanta alnb has arranged exhibition games with th Brooklyn Nationals and tha Now Tork. Detroit and Cleveland clubs ef . the American leagaa .:, '.:'', : Chicago wants a stadium. If a hard ta nndarstsnd why anybody should want a stadium when you oaa't win In tha blamed old thing; If you don't believe it, ask Harvard.- ' y' , ,. ..-., iy ' a .. . . . Th schedule of the two major le guea seen ta say to th Boston, teams: When you Jeam ths gams w will fix ypu a Uttl better In th way of da tea." . . . . . e e v It should be a good fight at tha Na tional A. CL of Philadelphia tonight when Jo Thomas and "Honey" Mellody, the Tobacco Hills An Abaolnta "Stopper" for the Brain. .Kill in ir, Nerve-Destroylne; Tobacco-1 Uablt Has Been FonwiV . . -I : le Caa Try ft Abastaialyriee, ' , The tobaeee habit i 4t rer, aad every nsa knowa It. . Some "etnart kids" dne't know It. Maet mea WonM H to quit. If they knew ther enalil ao 1 "eJ" without caaelns them Aim. T LOS ANGELES BENCH SHOW :. OPENS WITH MANY DOGS r M .VS. T .k mm.i. .-ill k s r ewH ( ' - i 4JBraet geerlal aerrles.) ' --ls Angeles, CaL, March 6 Ths an nual benoh show opened today by fh Southwestern Kennel club la th largest and best exhibition of Its kind ever giv en on ths Paoiflo coast. . Ttje entries com frem all- parts of ths west. Sev eral well known eastern kennels ' have else sent exhibits. - Soma of the breeds most largely represented ar Boston terriers, fox terriers, bull dogs, cocker spaniels and collies. Th show will con tinue till the end of th week. TopeM's-first Bench- Show. ) ' (Jearaal gpeelal swr lee. Vv , , Topaka, , Kaa, March 6. Th first bench show of th Topeka Kennel club opened today under moat favorable aus pices. ' Th exhibit number ' several bum) red end Include high bred dogs' of nearly every variety known to the fan cier. Ths show will continue four day and from ail Indications will be largely attended. 4 ftbeewM 7 Te-Jalt" Is a onelttvs, ahsehire "slf pt" tot in. tntame kehtt. It la s veretable rmer, aed sbt lly eas tl.e It saently la find or orlnki It Is harailea: leaTee ae reac tion or sad after afreets, sad it steps to kablt t atay stopped. . Mothers. aa. the ynnng samker'e brain, he cannot do ft btmeelf. Wires, alatere an4 sweet hearts, help sere ths silnd. bndr and future nf some nne whe la aear and Seer le ioe. Wltbeat you !a It nay not be oone. I' v.-, .i .J V'.' .tntSK'. : - and remember th next "t1m-yorj suffer from pain caused by damp weather when your head nearly .hursts from neu ralgiatry Ballard's Snow Liniment It will euro you. A prominent business man of Hempstead, Texas, write: "I hav used your liniment. Previous to using It I was. a great sufferer from Rheumatism, and Neuralgia. 1 am f leased to say that now .1 am fro from hea complaints. I sm sure Z owe this to, your liniment-" Bold by all drug a 111' ssaiiH mi i lima Your Bottom Dollar V:': As well as your top one, win realise th fullest value In hardware quality hare, and the variety of our stock permits the satisfying of your every- want on that plan. ;' Avery o. Co. L.ISe WI.'.SLC'.V'S ; C3Tc:::3 SYnu? hesaasMbTKIHowaof Knthen for tae4r , 1 euilrtma while Teething for ever rifty Teaia. It auotne the ohl Id. eurtMS the gojna, aUarsi , 1 all Beta, euree wind aoue, aa4 IS th beat ' ! tesnetl j for aiarrnoA. t' , TWEHTT-riTa: ctwts A arrtk.' , I . r The Band Iclcntii Every Z? 7iVt cljr Is now banded to guard you against the many unreliable brand of questionable quality, which have been pushed on the market $!nce the re cent increased cost of Porto Rican leaf. -; Be sure you get the juiae,;. v ' ; '-: :' r j. -.v . . '.. , '. .'(.)-. ,1 ' This . s one dgar you can be sure Is Porto Wean, made in Porto Rico, entirely of Porto Rican tobacco. - For years its high quality has been a prime factor In popularizing Porto Rican cigars among iiscriminating smokers. - v V ; . , ? The El Toro cigars now being marketed are particularly recommended because of the unusual excellence of this year's Porto Rican tobacco crop-rom only Uiq choicest selections' of which Q Toros are IX TOKO " BmFinmi IJSsmtttiu W ) AIm Wr a PutuUU Fimmt made. . . . ; ; El Torb Is today the best cigar Porto Rico can produce for 6 cents. ' There's a ; band on tho genuine. : '-ifr i Porto RkwfeAmericaxi Tobtvcco Cotavxj " mnMXmKttt SM fwm, erta Blot' ' : XASOaT, SKSMAJr m OOw Oistrtlratora, arasnS, Ore. : " BEST MGAEIS 1KI HE OTY JUefct iip-to-date Men's and Youths' Suits and Over- !';'. T coats, $80, $10.00, $15.00 and $17.50. Some left V over last year styles to close at $5.00, $7.50 and $10, v. worth double the price. Hats, Pants and Shirts; -- also a general line of Shoes,' good assortment of ! iTninks and Suit Cases. It is to your interest to , : -: Investigate quality. and prices. ;v .'.' JOHN DELLAR 18i-18S FIRST STREET, COR. YAMHILI AND 53-55 'THIRD STREET, COR, DAVI3 : r ; v, 'i. .J.-ixl FltEK PACKAGE COl'PON If yea fill net the blank lines below with yonr sane aa4 addreaa, ent HI eounea an ml It tn oa, we will send joa ahaoluuip free, "bf mlir la efnln wrapiier, s tvls .k in of "Kany-tn-Qnlt." - Yon will he thank ful aa Ions aa rem lire that tm SM It. a-Mrees ftoreri Irn en4 Cliemlral rx, 1005 riftk aso Raes Str Cloclnoall. Obhx LUMDER EXCHANGE BUILDING SOUTHEAST CORNER SECOND AND STARK STREETS U.ID. '-v' . . , . ;. ; AN EXCELLENT BON INVESTMENT J i- -Have you heard how fast ; the prominent citizens and careful investors of Portland are subscribing these 6 per cent bonds? ; ' 7; ."' ' 'V ). Vj:.ia ''XA','V' 'r'( ' - A . -'-i-:.v ; This $400,000, 6 per cent; 4-year First Mortgage Bond issue' of The TermixiaJ Investment Company; ot Portland is secured by $1,000,000 worth of the cream of rortland real estate, consisting of 80 acres of valuable terminal grounds and THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY" Guarantees the Interest' . trackage adjoining the Lewis and Clark Exposition grounds on the west and the very important and valuable Marriman and HU1 hold j ings.', . .-,! ? -v , .-.;r, . -J,; ' ' - r : r: The ; MERCIIAffTS INVESTME'T & TRUST cd; Is the .. Trustee ' The property to be given away in connection with these bonds is situate on Portland's most beautiful and choicest residence promontory, "Blyth Heights, overlooking the Columbia and Wil lamette Rivers, the mountains and the City of Portlands A street railway and a modern 80-foot boulevard will serve the entire property, over 200 lots of 5,000 square feet each. The property will be graded ready for buildings. Each purchaser of blocks of $4,000 each of these bonds' will receive two fine lots worth $3,000, free, i Just stop and think what an excellent investment. You buy a $4,000 block of bonds and get two lots, without cost to you, appraised at $3,000. WE HTVITE YOUR CLOSEST POSSIBLE iNVESTiGiTibN AT ONCE CALL AT THE OF 1 - FICES OF THE NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE tS: TRUST COMPANY, 'r;:"-'1-' A'iyUAA'l':r:r:::A" - THE FISCAL AGENTS. " . . V y V CALL AT OUR OFFICE FOR THE -NAMES OF PROi.lIf.ENT CITIZEr.S; II0 ARE INVESTING IN THESE BONDS