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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1907)
CONFESSED IB! JEOPARDY This On of . Base of Protscu- . tlon In Attacking Stave ' . ' Adams' Defense. : HAWLEY 8AYS MEDDLERS ; INPUCED A RECANTATION ; Bandying- Back Charg ot Ulterior Motive, V Made" Tpr' PefensaSayg Adams Only Pawn tn Minim' Fe. v ,eraUe 0me,-;"','' V'': ' -'. " tSpedal Dtepetm to Tke JesreeLI V Wallace,. Idaho, March -The argu : ,"' ments . to the Jury by both prosecution and defense were closed laat night In - me sieve aaam ..trial, instructions Sf1 would have bee given laat night but ; ror the fact that on of the jurymen, ( Jacob Trance, felt unfit o attend. , ' Concluding th caaa with argument an behalf of the .prosecution, . H. Haw ley told how tha defense had. aa he " charged. Induced Adams ta go back on 5 Ma eonfeaalon and put - hlmaelf In tha j hands of attorneys representing ; not v him. but three men Implicated la tha - murder af former Governor ' Stounen berg, and place himself In a position whera his Influence could not be ased . acalnat thee, men. anil taf laAil him where, for Crimea eommlttad by hlm- ; aelf, ba wee now standing before a jury ; witn tu lire trembling ta tha balance, ' '? Defease Ontatda the Baeead, . ' -.' Hawley took up statements of tha de- ; . f enae made ta - tha Jury sad asserted - that many of these were entirely out- , side tha reoord of the ease. Referring " to the Jumper which tha defenee ai ; leged before tha Jury had been dleoov- esea On the remains of Hawley, Fred Tyler offered to pay fit for every word - , referring to ' a Jumper that could be produced in the record of the testimony of witnesses, and defied coanael for the . derate to contradict him. i-'v Referring to Darrow'a addreaa ha said it' was like a refrain from a street eor- ner . aoclaliet oiaturV- Ooeteloa ' an Adama.' : !' ' He (Adams) explained his awn con nection with the case and that of Gov ernor Gooding and " United . Stares Senator Borah. He said Adams . had maae bis confession without , fear or coercion end. referring to that part of tha confession where Adams atatea It 1 was always understood that ha waa to get 11.900 for any Job ha did for tha "Western, federation, he stated, that .thla would imply that . Adama had been aa- gaged la similar work before, and that a man who was to gat f 1.000 for tb removal of one who had been tha chief executive of a -state would not hesitate to "bump off two alleged claims Jump . era jor uu. , ' - - v AUM Amalysea. , H analysed tha alibi of tha defense . and stated his conclusion that ' beyond . doubt It was possible for Adama, Mason ' and OloTer to have committed the crime and to have - been 1 at Mason's cahln for the birthday dinner.'" . In connection" with the supposed in-1 , feeling existing between settlers and . y claim jgmpers, Hawley pointed out that , only Mason and Jack Slmpktna had been ' ' interested In any way, and while , the - claim of Russell might have been dis puted, tbeaa were tha men most lnter--eated In having Jumpers removed, and It was only reasonable to suppose that ' they would ba willing to come down here and teatlfy on behalf of the man ' wte hsithrljr them ; g rid iff 7TJumpera. .-, -. -'. i STa Oaanga'vaan AgaiaH Adaaaa. ,' Again referring .to tha eonfeaalon, Hawley pointed eat that- It had" been . - made by Adams at. a time when both Adams himself . and McParland ad "fjr i mltted there was no charge whatever' against Adama, and Adams waa aware of It; yet Adama had stated that be had made his eonfeaalon to save bla Ufa" Hawley pointed out tha abeordlty of this statement aad wanted to Know in , what possible manner ' Adama Ufa had .been In dancer. He pointed out that aubeeauently to the eonfeaalon Adams had, voluntarily and apart from McPar- . (and or anybody eiae, made oral con fessions to Thlele,. BulMey, Wells and Warden Whitney. . . . He stated that tha defense, had painted Adams as a virtuous charaoter. ' but had pointed out how his confession Implicated tha Uvea of - many other people, yet waa made to save Adams own Ufa.' : " . . Tv .,y . ,., CHINESE FOR SALE - ' t CHEAP AS VICTUALS v - ' (Jeareal Upecial terrlee.) V Victoria, B. C, March t. Advices i from centra China report famine eondl- tlons becoming worse. Middle-aged ' women are being sold at front ta tie, !and children at from tt to 14. Com plaints are made that officials are de laying shipments of flour seat by the .foreign relief committee.'" oorre ' , spondent who toured the famine dis tricts reports ' It denuded of all pro- Juat trhtt you ne4 for an early Spring Hat. w , . .,..- New Straw Braid Hats In x , ' diatinct ahtpea.' ' . The New Mushroom Shape V '", Over 40 styles to select from f in all tha new ahtdea. Special at 98c Each Pries bats elsewhere, and then coma M0llWS0M"ANir Wonder Millinery Co. 1500 Pattern Hats on Display v Larrwt liminery Houtt In tha Wert THE TE-.E'.GLE. Ml inlctcro of H r: t ;,: i 11 , V ' ' - '. ReHeved by Pe-ftma After Three Years Suffering - 1 . HHh Chronic Cetarrh ' Rev. P. It Swanatrora, Swedish . Baptist Pastor, Box III, Orantaburg, Wis., wrltee: -o "1 feel that It Is my duty as well as pleasure to let ran know that I am perfectly wall, entirely eared of chronic diarrhoea and catarrh, X . thank yon for your directions now to use Parana, and for your kindness to ma ft. .. '.. -, r ; .-. ; y t , "X have ased Xetwaa aoeordlJier to ajsaottkma aad X asm vary glad tha X elae wTalab woald care ma aftea three tag. , . i . ',"., Jacob D. Ramsey I. TX, Bishop Union nectlon. writes from if It Annin at-, rniisaeipma. ra u foilowa:- . - ' ' " ' - '.'-' "Having hoard much of tha great curative power of -out Parana, we' concluded ta try It- . dyspepsia we have THB Ttlonjof'j)raacWngJaa Trr trying one. aspeoUUy to tha throat and lungs. Tha preacher must stand before large audiences, frequently in Illy ' ventilated rooms, sometimes ever- heated, aad other times filled with dan gerous drafts. Tha preacher ta fre quently called upon ta stand In such places and preside at a service an boar or mora la UaogUu-.-s r-, Thla la tha most trying test that can poaalbly ba put to tha vocal organs. The liability to catarrh la vary great Tbie Is so universally true that tha majority ef preachers have catarrh. In more or lesa pronounced form. ..' Many preachers have found Parana of use ta them, to prevent aa well aa ta relieve the catarrhal ailment to which the preacher la constantly subjected. , Follicular pharyngitis has come to ba avoryc6fflmon atpiasslon. It-m-eoma-tlrnes called preacher's aora throat In REFUSES TO WORK FOR Wisconsin Senator Turns Down Princely; Offer From Rail-' . . ; road Magnate. - - ' Oearael tanetat aerrtee.l ' Washington. D. C March t. Senator Spooner last night declared he would not become counsel for B. H. Harrtmaa or tha letter's vast railroad system. It la understood .that Harrtmaa, find' lag -Senator Spooner "at liberty," and being in need of the beet legal talent he could procure, was ready to offer the retiring statesman practically ' any sum hs might name, either aa a retainer or as yearly salary, for bla servloea. There waa feeling of great relief among Senator Spooner's colleagues when they were given assurance that he would not 'yield to any tempting offers from Harrtmaa. - While it waa reeog- nlaed that he could give hla services to any client he might chooee, it was felt that hla acceptance of such a position would reflect against the senate and in a measure sustain the charges and in sinuations - of corporation . predilections In that body. .1..- ; ! . 1 1 ", ' Who la Mttsgert He fits your eyes for 11.00. Ill .Sixth street . . visions and lawleeenses la growing. In some places dogs are. being .caught by starving people by mesne or traps and hooks and are eaten aa soon aa , cap tared.- .'..- ' ' ' - -"' ? ' to at and ua fifty par cent FIRST" STREETS dvaDepsIa we have found tt to be an eseeUeat remedy." OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MARCH . Wlany Dcnorhinatioho Join V t - VV"y ii - - . 1 5 m F Wmm m m mm - . . :, -m m sS IHlrf-i lit - f ! Mh :;:-:,. lAw few - &:aW, yarur f onaa a snaa yeara anffa. '("".' A; M. B. Con,. For colds and . realtly thlg. affectlotl Is. catarrhal pharyngltla. ' Hoarsen es is generally doe to eatarrbal . laryngitla '- Chronlo cough la generally due to' catarrhal bronchltla. All theee condltlona beset the. preacher and are hla constant lla bllity the whole year round.- , Notwithstanding the diffidence of the clergy to give public teetlmony to any remedy, yet a large number ef them. Impelled by' gratitude, have expreesed their high appreciation of Peruna aa a remedy for this class of ailments. '." . Cold Settled os Lungs H. M. Turner, D. D., lit. XX, It Toung St, Atlanta, Oa, wrltee: -X contracted a areadfol bold wbiah settled en my lange. X tried several remedies reoom mended by tb aoetota, bat my eoaditiom grew worse uttl X -finally -resorted -to -Peruna, and.1 find myself well again." - " THE t fi &Y HElZNHOTlORNgJ v Concernlngr Clotbea. - Have you noticed that now-a-daye we wear fust about what we please t There la certainly little excuse for downright ugllnesa, for every . woman possesses some good points, and with- any atten tion to these and the harmony of the whole any woman can look well and at tae aama time b aumciently la style. It is a hopeful sign when such a con dition exleta, for it seems to mean that tha Independent-thinking woman of America is too busy with matters ef great importance to apend many hours each day In a study of clothes. - Certain artlclea of wearing apparel are tha basis of a proper wardrobe, but they need not be unduly elaborate, nor exoesalve la price. A house gown need not be ef dellcate- hued silk and overtrlmmed with perish able lace; such a gown Is attractive. grant but It would be only a burden to tne woman - wna naa out a limited income.-. She can ba quite as well dressed In a simple cashmere drees, made In aa attractive style and of a beoomlna color. If she haa any knack at all this same gown when It ha served Its purpose aa a house gown eaa be washed and ironed, and made Into. .a school dress for the little daughter. This is not stinginess; it is amy oommon sense. ' - - The woman ef leisure If wa have any such may wear frivolous apparel, but ' how uncomfortable , It Is to feel overdressed for the tasks . with whlh one la employed. There Is a eertaln satisfactory sense of fitness in the right kind of elothea which enables one so dreesed to aecom plied better work. To Uie spectators who were prtvil eged to see the annual exhibition at the M. A. A. C last Saturday, whew the members of the ladles annex displayed their skill and grace, the thought waa unavoidable that In their gym Butt, eon elating - of fresh college blouse with natty tie aad full knickerbockers they presented a charming object lesson. In the advantage of greater freedom la woman'a dree . I am not saying that such a-costume would look appropri ate an the streets -today, but I could net but think that we ehould all enjoy bet ter health, should breathe better, move more gracefully and be sble to fill our places In life more satisfactorily If we could all enjoy some such emancipation from the weighty aad cumbersome garb with Which we ere dally eneompaaaed. thought of Bellamy and his -"Looking Backward" and wondered If such a mode of dress would not have appealed to hla mind aa a vast Improvement on our or dinary costume. ' - .' As to Ite becomingnees there oouid be but one opinion. ' They looked like real wemen fresh, ' vigorous, ' graceful women and "We on the seats looked Ilka puppeta If we could enjoy some such emanci pation from elothea we should have more- time for- matters of real Impor tance. . perhaps it will corns some day. Until then, the best we can do. la to drees appropriately end simply. Noth ing Is mors unfit and unpleaaant in dress than to see a shabby best drees degraded to doing duty In the kitchen a boudoir lounging robe utilised es a house drees. It doesn't belong and I cannot believe that the woman thus at tired can do as satisfactory work as ha who .wear a almpla wash Areas la1 raaoaal( .Ik ., i' - . ' I P.-?1! ' 1 mi . an If ; . S?Z7 VrS wV. ?: Ill J eared. ' I I II . ilMil II 11 IS hi! f I -- 1 ' , ., m.,m.mmmmm'wMm.m.0m Blahep Holeey's Strofrg Tribute to I H. Holaey, 'Bishop, C H. B Church. Atlanta, da, writes: 1 have found Peruna to be a great remedy for catarrh. -1 have Buffered with thla terrible disease for more than JO years, until alnoe I - have been using Peruna, which haa re lieved me of my trouble. , ' . . "X have tried, many remedlee aad spent a great deal of bard earned money for them, bat X foand no tiling aa effectual In the eaae af estarrn as the great medicine, Parana.. I feel aura that Peruna la not only a triumph of medical ecienoe, but It is a blessing to suffering hu manity. : . .. "avery Individual ' wha ' suffers with respiratory aleaaeso win find Pernna to be a magnificent and aovaralgB remedy." 4 . ' ' r the kitchen and a knug dress with a big apron whan aha ia sewing. The beauty or aimpiioity cannot be to much em' phaaised. . Bxoept for theatre or ball, a simple coiffure which oeouplee little time in Ita arranging; "simple manners, plain and correct speech, and an abeenoe of frllla will help to make our borne ore restful end will help to fix In the minds of the children In the family the found ation principles of substantial manhood and womanhood. ' " 7 Truth, sincerity, wholeeomenesa and unselfishness are cardinal virtues which wa eannot afford to drift away from, "tow living and high . thinking haa come to be an epigram aa applied to the men and women of a past genera' tlon in New England. It la also a good slogan for our generation and one which we can safely pass on ta the next It tt at ' For tha Cook's Notebook. . -' -.V: , t BREAKFAST. ' ::. --.. Baked Apple ".''. - ' Eggs Scrambled with Tomato, Hashed Brown Potatoes. . Hot Rolla. Coffee. , XA7NCHEON. -- - - Beef Croquettes with Tomato Saaca. -Jlppla Cake,. Cocoa. DINNER. Brown Soup. ' ' Celery. Fried Chicken with Cream Sauce. Baked Sweet Potatoes. Cora Fritters. - Grapefruit Salad. Velvet. Cream. Coffee. ; Ft Jellying Jelly makea a nice deesertxTo make It etew tha figs, boil down the Juice, and pour ever them In a mold; fill it up with lemon Jelly; serve with whipped cream. . Clubhouse Potatoes. wash potatoes. aad cook In boiling aalted water with their Jacket on. Drain and let stand It hour PeeL aad eut ia one-third Inch cubes. Put tn a aaucepaa with one tablespoonful of butter to each eupful of potato cubes. Sprinkle with salt and generously with paprika. Add thin cream Just to cover tne potatoes, ana cook very slowly for 41 minute. Sue- cess depends upon the long, slow cook ing. ' -. t St - . It It Wrll to Remember. That chills are. even more dangerous for babies than for grown people. ' That woolen underwear is a preven tive ef chills, and la the only safe cloth ing for Infanta- ' . That the feet and lege or bebiee ana young children should always oe warmly covered In cold weather. That the chests M teething babies should always be protected by water proof, er double flannel bibs, from the wet caused by dribbling. Bronchitis Is often a trouble of teething, and Is fre quently brought on by the damp and cold , arising , from thla preventable causa. . '.. ' ' - Thet-the-flannel abdominal bandage should not be discontinued till the first 0000000000000000000 COR clmmic catarrh take Scott'a a &muiiton. it ; . . . TL. t.TL icsLuica tu nciuui tats auicicu mrxxrr , 'bfanes and enriches the blood. Its hypo- '1 1 1' pnospniies giyo uio nerres new tone ana . ; $ti ; : : , f ". Then the invigorated system throws off O the catarrh. . s ALL DRUGCISTSt SO. AND SlO. ; A 00000000000000000000000 la Recdm Covlnced of the Merits off Pe-nntn ' Rev. Dr. Joelah Oeta, 47 Park Ave Albany, N. for years a Rabbi ef the Hebrew Synagogue, bat bow re tired, writes: "1 am fully eonvlnoed ef the merits of Peruna In cases of 00 Ids and ca tarrh, and aa a general tonto. "X have taken tt off aad en now for awvecal years aad always find that it l very effective in restoring lost sliangtTa aad appetite, aad very effective in lidding the system on X gladly Indorse It." Rev. J. O. Dukes. Pastor of the Uni tarian Church, of Plnetown, N. C, writes: - 1 " : My - wife bad been In A vary bad state of health for aeveral yeara, and nothing seemed to do her any good un til she began to use Parana one month ago-1 Since then the color haa returned to her face, and aha la gaining In flesh every day,, and I believe aha ia a well woman today." v,:. ,.. .:...v 57 Save Money - Com at once aad have free examina tion. WW nTI 1PT I'U'uyi'ul wwww.' rr VER KILLINGS, I60 UP; GOLD FILL- inuB, 700 ur; bjet or TEETH, 14.00; SPLENDID SET, 11.00: GOLD CROWNS IJ.00 TO 6.t0; WHITE CROWNS, fl.iO aw. ee.vv. All work guaranteed for ten yeara Lady attendant always nresent. All work don absolutely without pain by epvcmiiBis ox irom it ta ze yeara perlenc. - a- Boston Dentists Stl!4 Mentaon St, Op PostoOoe. sat ef teeth are- ant and not then If the child suffers frequently from diarr hoea. In which case its s ehould net ba discontinued at alL Xt should never be left off In cold weather, nor suddenly, but when giving ,lt up It should be torn away gradually, hit by bit ' That peevish temper la often aa indi cation of week nervea, and ahowe that tha child needs more sleep more freeh air, and probably more exercise (or, perhaps, less) and better nourishment That when a child (either baby or older child) loaea weight It la always a algn that . something la wrong. The eafeet'thlag under such circumstances la to consult a doctor. That when a child's appetite falls off tha oauee should be carefully Investi gated. ' ' . ..l.J, . That a child with a persistent eough should not go to school, but should be seen by a doctor, whoa advice should 1 carefully followed. - - That headachee la - children should never be neglected, but the cause of them should : be carefBlly sought for and removed. .i , i.. .- LEASE OF WILSON RIVER ; TOLL ROAD IS INVALID (feertal Dlepatek t Tbe leamatl Tillamook, Or, March., t. Judge George H. Burnett has rendered a de cision which declaree Invalid the lease of Tillamook county ef th road com monly known aa the Wilson river toll road, extending from a point about six miles northeast of Tillamook City to the Washington county' line. This road has been a bone of conten tion for several yeara between the coun ty and certain settlers on one side aad pure coa uyer ou a1 tt - J s 1807. aael all despaired af me. X took tt aealthy, para aae a aaaltay la It Throat Affected Rer. H. W. Tata, tlO XJnooln- A vol. Walnut. Hills. Cincinnati, Ohio, writes: -Tor - several ' yeara: X" have been troubled with a peculiar spasmodic af fection of the. throat Xt would seise ma suddenly, and for a few minutes I would be unable to apeak audibly, and my breath would be greatly Interfered with. - .1 would he obliged to gasp for breath.- --- - r ,,r "X finally eonolaaed that tt waa teat itaarnal aff eetdoa that probably z- aited tha epaam. Xt Interfered with my vocation aa a prisoner. - attacking ma onosslosally In the paJptt. 1 bad heard so much about Peruna as a catarrh remedy that I determined to try It, After Uking two bottles my trouble haa disappeared; I feel aura that Peruna haa greatly benefited ma" For catarrh of the raaptratory organs. na remedy haa ever been found to equal Parana. .., x - . . , .. . by CaAsrrh To Investors Our Company is thoroughly equipped to carry, titles . for. those desiring to avoid dis closure of their identity. in their transao tions. Ay '22 ; :; , ,i , , ' - " Where several persons join in an invest-, tnent they do so at a great risk of complica tions by death or otherwise, if . title; is .not, taken over by a trust company properly) equipped to handle such business. C -Such thorough and efficient equipment will be found in the V : ' r 1 f Merc Investment & Trust 247 WASHINGTON STREET CAPITAL FULLY T. Frank Watson. . R. L. Durham . . . . . . . W: H. Fear ;V.;. V.'. S. C. Catching. .. . . QWX.Mvellhaupt the company and Its lesseea on the oth er. The road waa leased under section ton of the code, but the court decides that the county court doee not appear te have acquired Jurisdiction or au thority tft make the leaae, and alao that It does not appear from the evidence that tae company ever accepted and adopted the alleged leased road. ,, . SPECIAL SPANISH COURT FOR ANARCHISTS' TRIALS .' (Joeraal Spertel servtre.) Parts. March t To stamp out the curse of anarchism, wbloh la spreading rapidly In all parts of the kingdom in spite of the personal popularity of the young king, the Spanish government haa decided to form a new tribunal, before which all cases of anarchy are te be tried. . : ' ' ' It has been found that trial by jury la very uneatlefaotory In eaaes of thla rA. b''!ie Jury members are tntlml ivj by the threata of anarchist c- Rev. H. Stubeavoll ef -Klkhem. Wla., le pastor of tha 8t John's Evangelical Lutheran Church ef that place. Rev. Stubenvoll Is the poaeeasor af two Bible preeented to him by Emperor William af Germany. Upon the fly leaf of one ef the Bibles the emperor has written In hla own handwriting s text . . '. ( x .;.;; ,v,;'.. . .,', ' Thla honored pastor, m a recant letter to The Pa rana Drag M'fg Co. of Columbua, Ohio, aaysr "I had hamnrrhsgea off the laaga fo a leaf ttma, gave aa strength, aad eoaraga, and made blood. Xt bjareaaed my watgbt, gave eoloa. ana S feel wen. . X la tha beat the world. . tf everyom kept Peran ta woald sevs many 1. n : m 1 a - - . rv 1 bj siu twr vwiryns shbw umn X. CottreU, XX XX, Presiding Bishop, of Fifth Xplsoopal DlstrieV C. M. E. Church la America, write from .Holly Springe, Mtae aa followai, ... .T have need Peruna in sever eaaes of neuralgia, colds and eongha, and find It to be one ef tha moat valuable reme dies on the market. . : I unhesitatingly recommend It to alt sufferers from the above troubles." . Pe-nma Contains No Narcotics One reason why Peruna ' haa found permanent us In so many homes la that It eontalna no narootlca of any kind. Peruna ta perfectly harmlesa It eat. be used any length of time without ac quiring a drug habit, ' Peruna la not a mere palliative, but If used according to directions It beneficial effect la fre quently of a permanent character. , The principal Ingredients of. Peruna . are well known and highly praised by medi cal -writer .at all echoola, -1 . 1, ; A - u 4 tf iany PAID $150,000.00 .... . ; .President 1 . ,v. . . Vice-President .-.V.V.'."r.r. Secretary Assistant Secretary ; .V2 1...;. .V. Cashier . J V0:.1M A SPECIALTY MRS. . IC. CHAN TH mtf ntrrtMts wrfjiar msHifni Wtos tn ta.1- my. b- enrsjal mmmf afflicts! n'rra'. 'nre prtrat ar4 tm n, Midi alswf Mthna, tlmmt m-A htnf trvnhiers; MfMnitfh, b'a-'-v ntl k Mrew fVf rl ) n( a , kfntte tkJit th kumajft t tm h'.r t. CJVSMt hf (lllraa t -' ri1 frwrhl. ftemel ! hm-- ... Jo rri!inii, fioeeij fv HAUlHATiV 4 I a 4 (af ttsst. l nrnrf ganlsatlons and Invariably ' prisoners. rVora Aprl 1 the govern n.. dered thst In the provlvi. i and Barcelona, vh". moat plentiful, t' ' bench ot-thrr. by a Jury. The n.w r hut fr..- H - I - L i-. i .' I