The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 06, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Representatives of Both ' Harrlman and Hill . Are Conferring ! on
; New Yenrninal Company to Handle .Business of Five '
-- " -V L - ...?a-l rt.:i....4,. I Ue Pnrlan4 :'.''' "
f.--. t i ransconiinoniuj ruuuvau "
v r'eit'uiauon looawg o m iwiwuu.-
i loi of alt North Portland .reuroaa
4t." terminate. (Mm Hoyt ilwt to Guild
. lake, into on rwt terminal company,
; have reached a stage wher It ia prao-
' tlrallv certain th thin win v done,
. Th capitalisation ;will exceed 15.000.
:000. The UiU and Ilarrtman companies
T . havo decided that they cub operat to
. better advaalage tn a onion terminal.
,- and the general groundwork or toe com
i , - blnatlon la today laid out .
' President & U. Layer and Vice-Presi
- deal U..C. Oilman of tli Portland A
' ' Seattle company, and J. P. O'Brien.
, general managor of the, Ilarrtroaa line,
; with General Attorney- W.' W Cation,
' 1 are holding a srla of conferences In
V thla city. , Th framework of a plan of
' combining In on terminal company, ta
' - been agreed upon and today tbey or
- ; -werklng on too detail... s
iV'': v aeh to Add Xoldingw. '''
fly big transcontinental lines ar
concerned In th deal. . They are the
. " , Southern Pacific, the Union Pacific. th
v, Northern Pacific th Great Northern
" and th Burlington.' Th Hill line are
willing to put In their recently-put-.
, chased North Portland block and all
' terminal property excepting th Weld
ler mill tract which la reserved for
' docks. - Tha Harrlman roada wUl put In
' the large acreage thay bar bought near
' Guild' lake and the mora rereotly pur
. -chased propertiea closer. Th Northern
''''Pacific Terminal company holding.
tha TJnton station and all preaant track
' sg on the west aid of th rlyar, will
go Into the' pot.,' ' " ' "
The valuation of theaa respective
properties will ba determined by a plan
of arbitration which will ba agreed
upon, .and which wtt probably ba th
Sharp and Butler Picked for Ap
; pointnrtent to Tha Dallet
land Office by 'Senator.
rwd,lntna Bweaa ef The Jearaal.)
Waal -gton, March . It la reported,
apparei.-r on good authority, tbs Ful
' ton and Bourne have recommended Ed
' ward F. Sharp of Th Dalles, a sur-
veyor and strong anti-Moody man, and
O. O. Butler of Fossil for register and
' receiver respectively of Tba bailee land
' office. No admission can ba procured,
" but' tha report Is believed to b true.
It la known that both senator veh
' . meny 7 ; resent Moody's attempt to gov
' ern thfeae 'appointments, and will fight
' ta the last ditch for th men they ree-
T omraended and against tha retention of
Mia Lang or tha naming of any an
. Moodv may want, as successor to Nolan.
Both men were selected, aalda from
1 ' tbelr qualification because they are
'unalterably opposed to th Moody ele
ment in Oregon politic.
' Provided tha president makes a re
, cess appointment of any Moody people,
th matter will precipitate a strenuou
struggle between tha Oregon senator
and the president Bext JDeoamberM.-:
- The above verifies the story printed
' In the Journal on Saturday last to th
1 effect that Edward T. Sharp and G. O.
Butter bad been Yeoommeaded for the
' offices, of register and receiver of th
land office at Tha Dallea by a confer
ence committee of 1 na aelected by
Senators Fulton and Bourn. Th men,
making tha recommendation were N. B.
Blnnott of Tba Dallea. Jama Kyle of
Portland. W. W. Stelwer of . Fossil.
Charles T. Barley of Hood Hirer, A. A.
Jayne of Hood River, W. 8. ITRen of
; Oregon City. J. EL Hunt and Jay Bower
man of Condon, State Treasurer Steel
, an fitat Printer Punlway. ' ! '
Harry . Wood, proprietor of one
: enaa rnnrket at St North filxth street
and another at the eormer of First and
Alder, pleaded guilty this morning b
' for Judge Cameron to maintaining a
nuisance at fcia place of business on
, North 6!xU street, aad will b fined
Friday morning.
Tha arrest was mad yesterday on
complaint of Mrs. fJerah Evans, market
Inspector, who alleged that residents of
v lodging-house. ver tba market com-
plained of the odors arising from th
plaoe. - Mr. Wood has rendering vats
and smokehouse in hi atabllhmnt
Over all of thla Is a lodging-house, sad
th amok from the smokehouse, steam
and gases from th rendenng-room
make their way Into the apartments
shove.- . i ' -V
' ' fA'hefi -arraigned In court th! morn-
Ins- Mr. Wood pleaded guuty. out main
tained that he waa not aware that th
oblectlonahla od.ira caused any . Incon-
venlencl to -the lodglng-housa peopla
until he waa served with th complaint.
; Ha evinced a desire to abate th nuls-
. ane and was -tvn nntU Friday to do
so. By that tint, at tha direction of
tha court he Is to hold a conference
with th markat Inspector and tba dty
Toard of health and make. such, changes
In hla - establishment aa may -ba sag-
- gested by tbem. Upon hie ccmpllanc
with thee suggestions will depend th
' sis of his fine. - - . -
Th case against Mr. Wood Is Idea
flee I with tha recent complaint mad
aralnat Frank Hmlth at First and Alder,
and th penalty . wilt -pertap be th
aam. :- " - ' ' ;k-
' ii - ' n i , :
"' fftnartrt nlr e T InerMl : t '
.." Astoria. Or.. March An ordinance
) befor the council for the granting of
a. nvvear franchise to B. . Marariana
and . XX. Adair for an electric oer Una
Starting In this city, tnenos across
Young's Pay to Warrenton. Flsvel,' Fort
Stevens snd then oa to wesrnarc rare.
and Seaside. Tt Is In th hands Of th
committee on ways and means. r-
' -
Civil ekrlc Ftamlnatlon.
-T7i followlnf Tlvll-servlc examlna
tlma bar been snnounced for Portlandt
l.rlna fireman. March t. salary
" a year, -lth rations: electrical engineer
sn.1 drftman. March 17, 21 snd !. sal
ary II "1 a year: trt angulation aid.
liKrrK ID a.lary fl.IOH a year. Appll-
rn run K-ure complete Information
....-'!-- tli rxamtnatlolis frOOt Z.
i. at t: j'-tot:.c '
selection, of a competent man by ach
side, these two to select a third person.
Bedno wttohlmg' Charge. . -'
After, th propertle bar been priced
th result will b footed up and th
sld that has th lowest figure will
even p the deal by a cash payment
whereupon th new terminal company
will ba formed with equal ahares and
joint control and management ' ' "
An Important feature In th ' new
deal will ba a material reduction of
witching charges for Norther Pacific
and Great Northern business - paaalrj
over tha at! bridge. The combina
tion Includes no terminal facilities in
Eaat Portland now held by the Harrl
man lines. Neither does It -embrace
anything relative to use of th Port
land Seattle's Columbia, and Willam
ette river bridge by th Harrlman
companies. Tha combine- la limited to
WaV Portland terminal. .
.. Haw Spot Probabl. '. v. .
t, MMna Mw.nnatruction of tha atel
rtdfe."- th making of , a double-track
structure, and prooaoir construction oi
an apron on th -garth aids at th east
end of tha structure to glv easy access
for Harrlman railroad- trains coming
through the proposed University Park
tunnel. .- - : .. " " ' "
There la also a strong probability of
enlargement of tha. Union passenger
station. Modern and well piannea aa ia
thla splendid structure. It la entirely
u.4MH.tA.. in th demiuufa eJreedv
. . nM. Il k, tp, vl When thla vol-
ume of travel has been Increased aO per
cent, aa it wui oe witnrn me
than win ba rilustroua con
gest lorn at tha Union station If IU ca
ps city la not materially increased.
Tom Jonee - Told - Sheriff - Sap-
pihgton Ha Saw Bergeman
.."and Chambers Leave, v)
Sheriff Sappington of '- Vancouver,
Washington, and Detective Hellyer of
th Portland poUc. department are In
dustriously searching the city for Tom;
Jones, who may be able to furnish sufll-!
elent evidence to warrant tha extradi
tion of A. Chambers and Gua Bergeman,
th two alleged bunko men arrested Moo- i
day night by Inspector Bruin, on the
charge of attempting ta rob tho post
office at Vancouver and rifling th aafa
of a brewery in th Washington city.
Upon thla showing Judge Cameron
continued the caaee against tha two men
thla . morning and also postponed tba
bearing of Andy Brown,, a well-known
bunko, artl8who.wag.Uttrtd wlUj.
them. 1 . ',' v ---..! . a ,i .
According to ' Sheriff '' Bapplngton,
Jonea occupied a room, star th brewery
on th night of th burglary and aaw
two men running from. 'tha seen of th
crlm. whom he declares were Berge
mtn and Chamber. ; He ' made this
statement to th Vancouver peace officer
several daya age and tha authorities
are now extremely anxious . to locate
Jons tn order that be may b given an
opportunity of identifying th men now 1
la custody at the city prison. ,. .. '
v:., 1 ", 1 i 1 i ii n. in
Comer of Fourth and Oak Will
SoOn See Construction "of 'Sr.
". Uhe Board of Trade. '
Tba hnad of trad building sit at the
southeast corner - of - Fourth . and Oak
streets in being cleared of tba old build
ings, preparatory to beginning tha ex-
cavatlon for th foundation (or tha 11
story structure. The, Cook Construc
tion company has tha contract for ras
ing th buUdlhge that cover the quarter
block. . Tba Oak cafe and other estab
lishment on th Oak street sld hay
moved to- other quarters, ' Th leas of
tha Union Printing company, which oc
cupies th Fourth street aide, has about
J days yet' to rwn, la tha meantime
th excavating will, begin on th Oak
atreat front. . 1 s - . 1 -.'
M1 . '- ;.-' . '
apeetal Btopeteb te Tee JtmrsaLl '
- Salem, Or, March . Th friend of
J. M- Olberman, ' who was convicted f
murder In Douglaa county In ltla and
sentenced to b nangea. are making a
desperate fight to obtain hla freedom
Olberman waa reprieved by Governor T.
T. Ueer ,pn 4 he grounds. It Is said, of
temporary Insanity. The victim of the
convict wss J. M. CaateL .. .
Among those who are Interested tn
tha pardon of Olberman are Attorney
William Cake of Portland, Rev. Father
Murphy of Portland end W. I. Cottel.
On tha other hand. District Attorney
George Brown of Roaeburg la aald to
be opposed to th pardon, It is stated
that th prisoner has been exemplary
Jn hla conduct at th penlteqtlary. Th
governor baa th case now under ad
visement ,Y ' i . ,. ' . .'
.' (SDeelal tXaseten te The jaareJl.t ;'
Salem, Or., March ts Ex-Secretary of
State Frank I. Imnbar, through hla at
torney, - Oeorge Q. . Bingham, yesterday
Hied an answer te tha summons served
upon him In th Sears-Dunbar casa.
protesting- agarnst - making a . deposi
tion befor th county olerk. County
Clark. Allen; refaeed to pass n th
matter and th question will be sub
mitted to Judge Oalloway of th cir
cuit oourf. , v ... .. ,.- .." -,
' Woman's Club Meeting.
Th sdscatlonat - department of 'th
Woman's club will meet at tha residence
of Mrs. M. N. McDenlel. ..Ill North
Twenty-second street, tomorrow sfter
noon st 'dock. All person Inter
ested In educational work, are Invited t
b present,.-. v. :-
SubeisnHsl comfort, good teg. and oof-
-lira IS : VAHTED
mm other
Climax of Dramatic ' Interest
Reached When Aged Mother
Defends Her Son. '
(Joenal tpeelel aervtee.)
New Tork, March .A dims of
dramatic Intensity excelled only by that
when Evelyn Neablt Thaw told her awn
story or her- moral doom by .Stanford
White, waa reached la th Thaw trial
thla afternoon wbea th prtapner's aged
mother on tha stand told of bar son's
anguish over th terrible wrong dons
the beautiful girt ha loved and By whom
he waa loved In turn, and thereby led
up to the moment when ba peesed on to
her th terrlbl revelation of cruelty,
beastliness and shame, as th explana
tion of conduct which bad beta inex
plicable te her. . , "i .'' v ;'.!'.?.;. .
VOg Sad 'story.
'" Mrs. Thaw said that when ah finally
learned tha trouble waa because her son's
enemy bad ruined a girl tn whom Harry
waa greatly Interested ah tried to ar
gue that Harry waa not reaponalbla for
tha 'girl and that under tha circum
stances he need net ruin himself for her.
She did not loam bar nam. "I did
not want to know it" ah said. '
Mrs. Thaw detailed Instances when
th aon forgot himself and sobbed la
church. He told her that th girl bad
tha moat beautiful mind of any person
he knew, snd that he was always think
ing that If that terrible thing had aot
occurred ah might b with him. 8h
finally told of tha tlma when her aon
told her the girl's name, . - '
Jerome objected to this conversation,
claiming It had not been shown that
Thaw waa Insane at th tlma. ' -
Delmae Insisted that tha defendant
should be considered Insane at all time
during th thr years previous toMhs
killing. Tha judge finally admitted th
testimony. .
. aTvldeaee Adsaltted. .
Delmae desired that th court should
declare definitely that Thaw was Insane
front the tlma he heard Evelyn's story
to th time th alienists examined him
la th Tombs. Jerome fought this, say
ing such a presumption would place upon
th court th obligation of . declaring
Thaw Insane at . present, because, ha
aid, there. was no. testimony to show
Thaw 1 present sanity, xn courx aaaeu
Jerome If he wanted a lunacy commis
sion appointed. Jerome sidestepped.
Tha court then ruled that tha mother's
conversations with - her son should be
admitted. -" V'y -: '-
Jerome concluded bis cross-examination
of Mrs. Thaw at 4:20. - She volun
teered to offer further testimony, bat
Delma stopped, her and sh left tha
stand. ., ' ' . .
Court then adjourned to Friday on ac
count of tha Illness of a relative of
Judf Fltsgerald. ' ..,;'
' The eighth : annual meeting of th
North Pacific Fair association concluded
Its session jyeaterdny; "At the meeting
racing dates were allotted to tha various
cities In the association ' and ' speed
schedules were arranged. Officers were
also elected for th ensuing year. Rao-
Ins; dates wer allotted aa follow:.
Everett. Washington. September 1-T:
Centralis, Washington. September f-lt;
Balem state fair, September K-tl: North
Takima, September I-Z: Spokane, one
week harness and livestock show and
ona week of running "race, September
tl-Oqtober ; Iwlston. Idaho. October
7-11: Walla Walla. T Wash In rton.
her lt-lt: Bolae; Idaho,- October Il-t.
Tha following offlcers were elected:
K. O. Stemmll. Spokane, president; W.
F. Matlock. Pendleton, vice-president;
M. IX Wisdom, Portland, secretary and
treasurer: members of the board of ap
peals, Robert Cos grave, Spokane; Jame
B. MoCrane, Lewlston; w. M. own
ing, Salem: Dan Currie, Everett; O. A.
Graham, North, Tamhllt '
'-''i :-..-'. ' ,' i-' V'--
Ex-Sheriff W. 'A. Storey, th heavy
walcht among tha local realty dealer.
has -Just completed fitting np and I
now occupying th smallest and consid
ering lte dimensions tha moat expen.
slv -eal estate office In Portland. .'
. Mr. Storey has rented the alcove In
th main corrlder of th Chamber of
Commerce" bwildtnr- that wts-tormwl y '
occupied by tha bootblack eland, and
has enclosed It with a plate-glass front.
with tha result that ha baa on of tha
moat prominent and desirable offices In
the city. Ba la paying a aura near
HOOt v ysr for th tiny office.
t;v. , w- ',...;
A vary smart boy-with m red cap and
a white sweater waa found on tha side
walk near S6 Sixth atreet thla after
noon. H waa Bitting on tha sidewalk
crying bitterly.' H was found by Mrs,
Monroe Goldstein, who reside at SBC
Sixth street, and taken Into her -horns.
Hs said. , betwssa . bis sobs, that his
nam waa 8ammyi and that hi father
had a stable. Th- affair was reported
te th police. ... ,.' :
. ' - "ilaamsl SoeH.I lorlll.l
Madison, Wla, March Governor
Davidson today sent Senator Spooner
resignation to th legislature, recom
mending th election or a successor on
March 11. . - ' - '
It is rumored that laFoIlett seeks
th election of State Senator Sanborn,
although he will favor Stephenson U
the latter develops all th strength bs
Is supposed to possees. -?
, "- .IJeoraal ftseak! servle.) " - J
Sacramento, Cel., March t. Th gov
ernor thl afternoon signed th bill re
moving the stt capital to 'Berkeley.
thjnbajr 'Demurrer Overruled.
. gpeelal DlrfatrS' ta Ts Jonraal.)
Balem, March a Judge Oalloway at t
O'clock thla afternoon overruled tha mo
tion filed by the attorney for ex-Secre-tsry
f State Dunbar In tha casa of
Seara against .Dunbar, which set forth
that -tne-facta - tn th complaint were
act sufficient to maintain aq action.
"Suffered day and night tha torment
of Itching piles.- Nothing helped me un
til I used Dean's-Claimant, It eared me
permanently." Hon JgUa SL, ttarrett,
Aiajror, (yUard, Al '
State . Railway Comrniion to
Hold Hearing Firat on That
' of Falls City. ; .
. ' ' (gpeelal Dlsnsteh to The Joaraal.)
, Balem. Or., March I. Tha railroad
commission will alt In regular session
at Dallaa March 1 for tha purpose of
listening to complaint of -th dtlsens
of Falls City against tbs Balem, Falls
Clty tt Western , Railway company in
regard to the increase of tbs rate on
logs, lumber, shingles .and other com
modities concerning which th people
of Falls Cltyvhav filed complaint
with tha commlaalon. The main griev
ance seems to ba that tha company has
Increased tha rata oa legs slnoa Jan
uary 1 until It la working a decided,
hardship on th shippers,
. Among tha complaints that war re
ceived yesterday by tha commission Is
that of th Ashland Fruit A Produce
company, stating that th Soutbara Pa
cific ba raised its rates on green fruits
between Ashland and Portland since
January 1. - -. -...-.-'.-
Tba California Lumber company of
Brownsville wants a switch Into Its
yards and baa requested tha commis
sion to take action If possible. Th
Sunnysld Fuel company has also mad
a request for - a - switch. Both com
panies war notified t make a formal
application on blanks which wr ssnt
to thm. . - 1 1- . " '
Former Surveyor-General - Was
induced to Promlsa to Alter
; W ' Hit Testimony. ?
- (Wsshisgtes snreaaef Tae JenraaU
Waahlnaton, March . Henry Mel-
drum swore today that after he earn to
Waahlnaton aa a wuneaa, acniiiar a-
Bermanji and H. Preaton OaUy, Blngar
Hermann's aon-In-law. called on nim
at his hotel and invited htm to go to
Oatley house, where Hermann lives, and
that bs went, In company of H. la Pat
terson at 1 o'clock tn th morning, where
they discussed the Hermann trial a long
tlma.. II . said- that he promised Her.
mann that he would tell on th wltneae
tand only that when th conference
was held in Meldrum's' office ia ltOl.
when tha Blue mountain forest reserve
conspiracy was planned, that Hermann
merely cam into Meldrum's office and
went out. leaving V. P. Mays - there.
Hermann not discussing the Bias moun
tain conspiracy. '.
These facta were drawn out by tn
defense, whereupon the government elic
ited the statement from Meldrum that
Oatley plied him with whiskey and got
him so drunk that ha scarcely jroew I ,
ToW to return to bis Hotel. Whn asked
what changed hla mind and Induced him
to relate the details of th conspiracy
ha had 'pledged Hermann not to tell.
Meldram replied that tt was letters bs
had received from bom. Meldrum said
h promised Hermann ba would go to
the penitentiary before he wemld tell
all tha facta-a to that roeetrnsrb
tween Hermann, Mays and Meldrum.
Emmett B. Callahan of Baker City
testified that he had talked with Hr-
oncernlng the. Blue Mountain-re-I
serve before It waa created; thai wnen
they cam to a discussion of ths pro
posal to Include state aohool lands in
th reserve Callahan told - Hermann It
was a rank steal,- but Hermann an
swered, "Better not press such vtewa,'
saying, "Our friends hav invested
money in school lands." and that "H.
Maya bad a lot or acnooi lana. ana aii
their friends would lose much money
unless the school lands war Included
In the reserves." j. , ,
General Charles H. Qrosvenor, ex-
congressman of unio, isstmeo aa to
Hermann's good reputation , here v In
Washlogton. . ; ,. v ' , -, '
Dettrrw-Aad - Real Eatatr MaB
. , Found Guilty Though Neither
' ' Knew Who Paid for Drinks.
Jack Karl and Louts Klug wsr
found guilty of giving llqaor to two
airla under II year of aga oy a jury
In Judg Frasera department of th
nlnmlt court ves'airday afternoon. Tha
girls were Brand Gravea. aged 1
years, and Jeeale I vara, aged 1 years.
Earl is a aetectivs zrom nan tii
Cisco and Klug is a real estate dalr.
Both tha men ar married. - . . -The
rlrls tesUflsd - that each had
drank two classes of beer at a saloon
at 14 Sixth street, but no On knew
who ordered tt or paid tor 1U Earl
snd Klua- admitted that beer had been
served th party of four, but both de
nted hevtne- -ordered It. . -- .
- A new trial will ba asked for by th
attorney - of th two men. Senteno
will not be Imposed on them by Judg
Fraser until after the reoueet tor
new trial haa bees decided. ' ;
. Desertion occurring within ' a fsw
months after th marrlag is charged
In each of three suite for dlvoro that
were filed in th state circuit court thl
morning. Two of th complainants ar
wive. Th third I deserted husband.
. France J. Harris and Georr O,
Harris lived - together front October,
ioK. until February. 110s, when the
fcnahaiul la ft sccordtng to Mrs. Harris
complaint She wants a divorce for thla
reason, snd wants to hav th privilege
of asing her maiden name Johnston.
Margaret C Rowland and William Q
Rowland were married at Great Falls,
Montana, in October, HO, says Mrs.
Raw lend. Hey husband ohoee Easter
day In 1901 to desert her, and now aha
wants to be freed. She chargea also that
Rowland failed Utterly to support her
while they wer living together. She,
too, wants her maiden, name again,
which waa Olbhs. - .
Jobn A. Confer Is tfce only husbsnd
who sought ths dlvoro court today. He
sked to be divorced from Jennie Confer
snd charges that she deserted him tn
January, 10. at Rainier, Tbey were
married at Kalama, Washington, th
previou September. Confer ears hi
wife 1 now -living; at Woodland Waah
10 II US II LED 11,1
Twists hort Sellers Into a Knot
and Then Throws Them
(Joareat Special terviea.)
New Tork, March . JUrrlman showed
th stock market some of th ways of
high flnano today. It waa announced
on th exchange that- ha - had e ecu-red
control of the Reading system. This
spread Ilk wildfire, and th Reading
post bad mora blddera thin all tha rest
of th roada together. It waa reported
that th recent heavy buying in Heaaing
waa far Union Paciflo management.
Trading In Reading waa very spas
modic - Harrlman put several hard
knota into tha tails of th beara and so
badly are tbey twlated that in some
casea It ts quit doubtful if recovery la
at all poaalblt. - , ' . '
Reading opened I1U higher at
llitt and there wag never any lull in
tha bidding. From Uttt It climbed a
half and a full point at a time untu tt
struck 11114. There waa a short pauae
her, du to short selling. Tha advance
was resumed and rushed to 12814. ruling
thereabout for some tlma, Then buying
became ao heavy that th ticker waa
swamped and was about St minutes be
hind the merket
To ill th bears held th price and
then they forced tha Harrlman. orowd
slowly back to 111. . '
This latter seemed a trick of th Har
rlman crowd, for with perfect esse they
forced th price back to lit. Thla sort
of trading continued to tha close, which
was at 11 H. Just 1.M higher than it
closed th previous day. - v' f ;,
' W. & Hurlburt, former general man
ager of th O, W. P. , company, left
Portland yesterday for New Jersey,
where rumor hss It b will take charge
aa first vice-president and general man
ager of th Jersey Central Traction
company, a larg system, of electric
line in th larger cities of that, state
and running along tba Atlaati - sea
board for aoma -160 miles. ' Fred a
4 Morris ef -tha firm of Morrte Brothers,
accompanied Mr. Hijrlburt-.' ;
Tba Jeraey Central Traction company
la a now corporation operating aeveral
Important electrlo roada. . . It haa bean
formed, recently by Morris Brothers,
and la now under th direct manage
ment of O. I. Brown, th engineer who
bad cbarg of th construction of th
Caaadsro power dam sad station re
cently put in operation.
it is -understood' ttiat Mr.Hurltrart
will b given practically tha same poat
tlon In charge of tha new corporation
that h occupied aa general manager of
the Oregon - Water Power at Railway
company when that corporation waa un
der th ownership of Morrl Brothera.
Mr. Morris will remain in tna east ror
several months. , - , , .
; V--"i'''"). '- . ., -':'V-'.'V;; V ;
Scion of Blue Blood of Portugal Be-
11ved to B Artist 'Who Steered "
- ' Girls to ilennaji Resort. ' '
Mentn Cardouso Machado 8oTes lord
of Albargaria, of Portugal, art eon
nolseur and possessor of rare art gems
by Hoaa Bonbeuf"and76lheF-Bod
tiats, wno uvea si in roruiaa now
from November, ltot, until last month,
Is believed by those who attended police
court thla morning to be th artist who
enticed Jessie and Winnie Morse Into
his room to show them his collection of
pictures,: and later- aent them to lira
Regina Herman,, at . 430 Washington
street, where they could find employ
ment, but wher they really found, ac
cording to their testimony, a, deadfall.
Albargaria sold n painting aald o be
by Rosa Bonheur to Johan Poulssn, con
ditional upon tha genulneneaa of ths
work. Mr. Poulsen had hla suspicions
about th picture and deposited it with
his son-in-law, vr. u. x. Trommaia. to
gether with Albergaxia's promlaaon
note for 1100. When th note fall du
last month. Albargaria could not take
it up and hi picture- was declared an
Imitation. Albargaria. left Portland noon
J -Other- storte circnlated abont Alber
garia hav bean numerous.- One by a
traveling man. said that Albargaria and
his brother ran n ator in Ban vran.
claoo. where three little balls of golder
bus could be aeen dangling in front of
a window bearing tha ign, Twn-ahoo."-,
Thl man went on to say that
Alberaarta - and his brother conducted
a cheap clothing ator, wher second
hand articles ef wear , could be round.
' Snaetal rjlanatrh M Tta-JesTest.) '
T Salem, Or., March .Concsrns ' that
filed articles of Incorporation yesterday
with tha secretary pf state were tha
Tha Washington Navigation oompany;
Incorporators, J. O. Oarrow, W. H. Byrd
and F. D- Nlckla, all residents of Port
land; capital stock, 11,000. ' j . :
. Imperial Amuaement company: incnf
porators, S. Morton Cohn. E. fay and
Mike Jacob; capital . stock, 1100,000;
main Office, .Portland. -
Th Ashland Securities company; in
corporators. E. A Bherwln, O. Winter,
C. IL Vanpel snd J. K. Vsn Bant; capi
tal stock, $1,000; main office, Ashland.
' Oliver Wis bey, a reoent arrival from
Jacksonville, was arreated by Patrol
man Ao .Welch at th Union Depot
yesterdayafternoon for. vagrancy but
tha prisoner will be compelled to an
swer to a rnargs or xorgery. ll is al
leged that Wlabey passed a number of
bogus checks In Portland and hla arrest
was th result of aa attempt to secure
a meat ticket from an unsuspecting
reatrautrant man J7 means of n forged
draft. -
Hlllaboro. Or!, March (. An unknown
man. Intoxicated, waa struck by a P.
R. A N. engine tn th yard her at 1:0
o'clock thla afternoon. He waa lying
outalda the (rack with his head and one
arm on the rail. Hla head was struck
by the tender truck. His skull was
fractured. . Ills injuries may prove
Extensive mprov-mnt In the
.Driveway to Be Covered
. . v Palm Room . Will
, That tha Portland - hotel would be
on of th finest institutions Of Its kind
In th would haa been .th wish of its
owners for several years and. tb. dally
dream of Manager IL C Bowers since
his first visit to Portland, and now th
entire scheme Is about t. become '- n
stern yet pleasant reality. ' '
, It wlU be of the greateat Interest
to Portlanders, who hav always taken
especial pride tn th hotel and to th
traveling thousands of visitors each
year to thla olty, to learn that improve
ment of magnltud and magnlnoenc
are planned and will be under . way as
soon as practicable, . . -
The principal improvement and tha
ona that will give th hotel a unique
distinction will ba the extension of th
present offloe floor out to Sixth street.
On tb ground floor, or where th drive
way in the court ia now, ther will be
constructed a restaurant 100 by 10
feet. Tb Seating capacity of tt will
be 1,000. and It will be fitted up In tb
moat attractive .manner, containing a
fountain, palma and appropriate , deco
rations. , i . -. ,,
. Palm Boom With Soma.
' On the office floor extended will be
th grand palm room. 100 by 100 feet,
with a beautiful dome rising tn th
air court about (0 feet. This room will.
In truth, b, th complete lobby. ' The
main parlor windows, a well aa the
window in-th old dining-room, will
An elopement f John Hltchen and
Mabel Cowten, both of whom ar under
4 years of ag.-, was prevented this
morning by Patrolman Malony, , who
arrtd th loving young coupl and
a sorted them to th 7olic , aUUon,
where th boy's father was summoned
and took the little sweethearts borne,
. Th fathr asserted that th children
are In love with each other and that tha
attachment had grown so atrong they
bad decided to run nway and face tb
world for Hotter or worse as only lovers
can. Thla morning th two wr play
c A 'remarkable honor was . conferred
this morning apon Oorg W. Andrews,
newly appointed general . agent of the
Faclflc Coast Steamship . company In
cMi.Mt A committee of three repre-
I rrng wniirtad Row, bearing huge
bouquet ci rortiana hum mo
tlons, and 4 personal cards .of . local
railroad men, called at hla office and
, A l i . hi. lamft. .. i
weiDODieu -luw w " : -
; Mr. Andrews was overcome. H U
regarded aa ona of th most afflctont
and- popular . railroad - ana nteamsuip
. is HEED of;roo;.i
Adkins Heartng Postponed Be-
cause a Trial Was on Be
V v fore Wolverton. ,
Need of more federal courtrooms wars
emphasised this morning when th pre
liminary hearing or- rtugn
was called. Adklns trial was to hav
com no before United State Commis
sioner Edward McKee, but because n
trial waa In progress befor Judg Charles
K. Wolverton In th - courtroom,
there was no plaeo to try Adklns and
bis hearing was held over until t
o'clock thla afternoon. ': ---'.. '
similar InstancM of tha need or more
eourtrooma have com n-raitr orten tn
tha cast and whan th land fraud ens
ar lneesslon In tha United States com-
mmioner have to hoia tneir court
wherever tbey oan find room. Some
times they go Into th marshal's offlc.
other times they go to th third floor
and hold their hearings in th room set
apart for th deliberations or tno grana
Jurv. -. - "k ' '
. With th present amount of buatness
bofnr th federal courts and, by ths
way it has been increasing in ma pesi
few months, th courtroom will be In
us nearly very. day. . ' '..'.' '
Attache ef th fderI building ar
praying that tha now poetofflce build
ing will soon b a thing of reality and
v.a -.raaant . structure will be de-
vntai entirely to oourt purposes. If 1
such arrangement is made, th present
building will be remodeled, and. aeveral
courtrooms will be provided for,
K "' (Jonrnal Special fterrle.) "
London, March 1 Horace O. Rayner,
th murderer of th mllllonalr mer
chant, William Whiteley. haa recovered
from his eelf-lnflloted wound and will
b placed on ' trial next week.' t Except
for th loss 1 of ons ey. his personal
appearance Is little changed. Th trial
will tak place ,at th new Old Bailey
and will b the first cas of Importanc
to b heard there. Tb public la look
ing forward to th trial with much In
teres.t as tt Is believed the evidence will
be of a most extraordinary character.
Part of th defense, it ts rumored, will
be a great surprise to th prosecution
as .well as th publlev-r J '"y
a Nakama, th Japanese Who was ac
cused of assaulting Mrs. S. P. Strang
with a knife becauae h waa told h
would hav to wait a day for hie -wage,
waa declared guilty of almpla assault
by a Jury In Judge Osntenbeln'a depart,
ment of the circuit oourt yesterday af
ternoon. . ' ' ' 1 '
Th cbarg on which Nakama was
tried was assault with dangerous wea
pon, Ths Jury foundhlm guilty of th
lea serious charge, snd recommended
blra t th merry of th court.-' Sen
unc wUl b imposed by Judg dantenp
tela later. .. . , -
: J - ' ' '
SEAT 1,000
Hotel Portland Will Soon .Begin:
Over and a Great Domed
Be Constructed. v
b cut down and used aa doors, so that'
guests may paaa directly through tne
palm room from parlor to dining-room.
vTha entlrw front will be of glass, '
and n magnificent atalrway will form
tha main entrance to the hotel on Sixth ,
street.. The extension to Sixth street
srill be only two stries in height.
From the grand palm room if will b '
possible for th guests to observe th
palm room below and to llaten to the
music. The work n plans will
begin s soon aa th necessary arrange
ments can b mad. ' '
"The Improvment," ays Mr. Bow- ;
ers, "ar In lln with th policy of th
Institution to make tha hotel ideal In ,
lte vry appointment. Tb present
grllL' after theaa changes are maao, i
will be used for banquets, dances vaz
private dlnnr. Work on ths ntlrlgar
house baa Dean nnaer wy
time and the entire renovation haa been
nearly completed. Th main parlor Is
undergoing a complete chang and th
decorations will be ' after tba atyl of
Lou I XVI. - Th men' oaf a on th
ground floorl known as tha rathskeller,
la being reconstructed In appropriate
style. We have changed, reconstructed
and mbnuhd every department of
tha hotel and when finished It will b
isecond to-non." ' : ' "
Mr. Bower last week signed con
tract with th hotel company for a pe
riod covering 10 years, thus insuring his
stay her In Portland., -
ing toge'ther at th Httchw hom.' 0I
East Main street, when they formed .
their compact to elop. Immediately
afterward thay atarted down tha street
and had reached tha corner of Eaat
Morrison . and East 'Water .. streets...
where Policeman Maloney. ncountrd
th tots. - ' '- , -
Maloney questioned them closely, but
not being abl to get vry lntelllglbl :
answers took them to headquarters,
wher th boy,- nam waa finally
learned and his parents notified.- John
ts past 9 years of ago and th little
lady ... -- ' ' '.-, '-,' '--
agenta in the bualneas, and tha PorUnrXJ
contingent took this memoo ox iun
their appreciation of . his talents. He
cam her from Lo wngales, succeeding
Oeneral Agent Lee. who returns to Ta
coma. Mr.;Andrew waa checked In
thla morning, and' fofmall yaisura(nns
dutl-s, shortly sf ter which .the com
mlttee appeareds . It was composed of
At: J. Roche, of tha Ponvr . . RIo :
Grande ; B. H, Trumbull,, of the Illinois
Central: and Bert, Collin,' of the Can
adian Pacific. ; v. ,vV' -w ;
1 j
Judge ' Delivers RnaT Instruc
X ; tions Acquittal 'or Dis- J, ,
' agreement Probable. , '
(Bpedal Dtsealeb t b Josmati; .
Wallace, Idaho. March i. Judge W.
W. Woods' instructions to; the Jury
brought th Bteve Adsms case to ' a
close thl morning and. tha fury ha re
tired. - Tb general impression Is . thet
tha verdict will, either bo acquittal or
dlsagreemeoa, Judg- Woods - advised
the Jury that it could find the defend
ant guilty of murder la the flrsr de
gree. second degree, or manslaughter, or
acquittal. Th Judg said: "In. weigh
ing th evidence, you must tak Into
consideration whether any witness tes
tifying ia Interested In th outcome of
th trlaJj whether such witness is con
nected with the 'defendant by ties of
blood, or ts a relative. . . . ...
"TB defendant haa .been placed upon
tha stand under the privilege .allowed
him under the lawa of the state, and In
weighing hla vldenc, you. should tak
into consideration all th etreurhatance
surrounding th avldeno and th per
sonal interest the defendant haa in th
outcome, . s. '
"Tou are Instructed that th trouble
between settlers in the St. Joe coun
try had nothing whatever to do -with
tha case, sxcept as it relates to th
killing of Fred Tyler. A settlement of
the timber troubles cannot be adjudi
cated her.' snd will not In snv dea-raa
excuse th crlm of which the J-fijjar
ant la charged. , -.- : ; r
' Robert Smith, the plle-drtver -man. is
having trouble with bin union workmen.
Smith is the only pile-driver operator In
these parts who employs Union labor.
Yesterday the to laborers employed on
his two outfits walked off after being
refused an eight-hour day. Today Smith
la looking for nonunion help. He says
he would be glad to grsnt the demands
of the men, but that be cannot do It
and compete with ether pile-driver men
who work their help 10 hours.- ,,';
k (Journal Special service.)
Chicago, March A coroner Jury
was unable to .determine whether Web
ster Guerln, th artist, who was fOunM
dead in hla studio last week, ram to
bis death from a shot fined by blraself
or by Mrs. McDonald, who was in th
atuulo at the time of th shooting snd
la now under srrest charged, with. kill,
lng ouarltt. Th Jury wa out more
than ight hour and finally returned
an open verdict. -
The cas will now go to th grand jurv
and th criminal oourt1 ' , ,
referred eHoek Canned weeds,
AUa LOWlT fast Brand,
a1'" H'WHiiiiisia aai